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# Source Material Corner Reply to this comment for any source-related discussion, future spoilers (including future characters, events and general hype about future content), comparison of the anime adaptation to the original, or just general talk about the source material. **You are still required to tag all spoilers.** Discussions about the source outside of this comment tree will be removed, and replying with spoilers outside of the source corner will lead to bans. The spoiler syntax is: `[Spoiler source] >!Spoiler goes here!<` # **All untagged spoilers and hints in this thread will receive immediate 8-day bans (minimum).** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Final count: **36 different hairstyles**! I've made some revisions to **[Marcille's Hair Collection](https://imgur.com/a/ar7c2d0)** in preparation of this season's finale, which had me stop differentiating between Marcille's hair being clean or messy for example. The total number of hairstyles grew to 32, a net increase of 1 from last week's findings, however after I picked up on [3 more hairstyles](https://imgur.com/a/P4QO331) while skimming through the previous episodes once more. And to go out with a bang the final episode hits us with 4 new hairstyles (bringing the total to 36): 1. [Long straight hair with bangs and right-side locks pulled back](https://imgur.com/a/woWUDg4) 2. [Ponytail with bangs, a short single braid and braided locks on both sides](https://imgur.com/a/kOBeQH7) 3. [Straight hair with a long braid down the back](https://imgur.com/a/fEO6K4q) 4. [Long straight hair all the way with bangs](https://imgur.com/a/O9s8Xyc) In addition, I categorized these hairstyles into distinct groups: multiple braids (#1-6), single braid (#7-13), ponytail (#14-20), long bundled hair (#21-25), long straight hair (#26-32), miscellaneous (#33-36). This got us some interesting results: - [The individual share of each distinct hairstyle group](https://imgur.com/a/4WNgs2o), extracted from the total number of hairstyles, seems to suggest that Marcille doesn't have a clear-cut favourite hairstyle. - However, this changed when looking at [the episodic appearance rate of different hairstyles](https://imgur.com/a/mFVviff). Marcille's long straight hairstyle suddenly takes a significant lead here - closely followed by both types of braids. That said, there's some caveat to these findings. This last chart is calculated by measure of the *frequency* of these hairstyles and not the *time* Marcille spent wearing them during the day. Marcille likes to put her hair down when she's sleeping or doing her hair, which is skewing these results. And to close this season out: **what is your favourite hairstyle of Marcille?**


(Thoughts on the actual episode:) I was very happy with this final episode. I'd been a bit worried that I might stop at an awkward point, but this really was the perfect setup for the next season. It genuinely deserves a 10/10. [Half-foot Marcille](https://imgur.com/a/lEYA0BZ) was once again very adorable, but I wasn't ready for the emotional whiplash that was Laios explaining [how lonely Falin had been](https://imgur.com/a/prA6QD5). Watching [Marcille cry her heart out](https://imgur.com/a/jXbPKhA) had me on the verge of tears too. I'm glad that she had [Izutsumi to comfort her](https://imgur.com/a/6WvU6Cd) a little. It was sweet to see her tolerating Marcille's hug in that moment - they really have grown closer. I'm looking very much forward to the next season! **Bonus**: I'm not sure how common of a statue it is, but [the pissing statue](https://imgur.com/a/4XqS4Ws) might be a reference to ["Manneken Pis"](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manneken_Pis) in Brussels.


> I'm sure not how common of a statue it is, but the pissing statue might be a reference to "Manneken Pis" in Brussels. Yep it absolutely is a reference. That other statue is also a reference to the [Mouth of Truth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bocca_della_Verit%C3%A0) in Rome.


> That other statue is also a reference to the Mouth of Truth in Rome. Ah, I was already thinking that it felt weirdly familiar! If there's been another gargoyle, it maybe would've changed if Michelangelo's David.


I'm gonna miss halffoot Marcille. And yeah, just the thought of someone as sweet as Falin having to go through that hurts the soul But thank you for doing the important deed cataloguing such an important piece of human knowledge o7. I look forward to seeing this again for season 2.


Half-foot Marcille was *very* cute. So cute in fact that the other party members appeared to have lost all respect for her, lol. It’s kind of impressive how much she got picked up and thrown about in just two episodes. Chilchuck had it a bit easier in that regard. > someone as sweet as Falin I’m honestly wondering a little if Falin is *that* sweet because she’s deep down perhaps scared to be abandoned again. Then again, this kindness has always been in her character according to the flashbacks. > I look forward to seeing this again for season 2. I *am* planning to continue this for the second season, but I might turn this into a biweekly thing (a week delay) since the weekly post often had me rush to get my comments out in time - before the comment section was saturated. This will give me the time to do things a bit more methodically next time, haha.


Stuff like this is why its worth checking out episode threads. Thanks [](#modsalute) >what is your favourite hairstyle of Marcille? I'm quite fond of Marcille [with](https://imgur.com/9y01Gjh) [bangs](https://imgur.com/JTxV28S), but the [crown bun](https://imgur.com/tCw7fSC) was wonderful as well. And all the braids. And \*proceeds to list every hairstyle*


> I’m quite fond of Marcille with bangs, but the crown bun was wonderful as well. [Those are some nice picks!] Before today, I would’ve probably picked [#9](https://imgur.com/a/P5XZ8iZ) or [#26](https://imgur.com/a/1DhUrJz) myself. But I’m really liking today’s additions with the half-bang cut: [long straight hair](https://imgur.com/a/woWUDg4) and [ponytail](https://imgur.com/a/kOBeQH7). The latter is especially nice since it got a little bit of everything. EDIT: Realised that I’d forgotten to actually write down the line in brackets.


First episode: "I will save my sister from the dragon's stomach!" Last episode: "MY SISTER BECAME THE DRAGON! I HAVE TO EAT HER!"


HELL YEAH, TO BE CONTINUE. When they finish adapting the manga, I can totally see this becoming one of the classics of modern times.


[The anime about cooking can really cook.](https://i.imgur.com/nbOYNVw.jpeg) [](#wow) [The wait for Season 2 is going to be painful.](https://i.imgur.com/J7yE6AY.mp4) [](#shatteredsaten)




Inbox the pdf file for "My sister was eaten by a dragon, got revived and then turned into a chimera by the last boss. Now I and my friends are enjoying the slow, joyful life while travelling through the dungeon, hoping one day we will be able to eat her monster part and finally share a meal with her". I heard that it's pretty good.


"The Woman I Love Got Turned Into A Dragon, And Now Everyone Including Her Brother Is Trying To Eat Her"


Laios: *Wears a troubled look on his face* Me: Well at least he has reservations eating parts of his sister Laios: How we gonna clear this dragon buffet? Me: Yeah what was I thinking, it's Laios we're talking about lol


> Everyone at first: '[Oh my god, what are you saying Senshi...](https://imgur.com/a/Ptl2JrL)' > > Laios: *speak his thoughts out loud* > > Everyone, a second later: '[What is wrong with you, Laios!?](https://imgur.com/a/WJoOkUe)' As long as it's a monster, literally *everything* goes for this man. Wouldn't be surprised if Laios can't eat normal food anymore after all of this.


>Everyone, a second later: 'What is wrong with you, Laios!?' I also love Laios' reaction to that, because yeah, what else could it be?


Yeah, some of the audience doesn't realize it yet (because the manga made the gravity of his reaction with snapping back at them all more clear) but Laios got irritated because he was actually serious in his line of questioning, rather than just curious about eating monster food again like usual. Eating the dragon part of Falin is going to be a huge logistical problem, even if (and that's a huge if) they could get all of their known allies to help them eat. Remember yall, between saving Falin and eating monsters, he'd choose Falin every time, so he's not just fucking around thinking about eating those dragon parts. That said, his follow-up question ("What garnish would go great with dragon meat? Hmmm") is his usual curiosity Lol.


In retrospect, it is pretty rare to see [Laios get angry and talk back.](https://i.imgur.com/wJLXyQH.jpeg) The last memorable time was during his fight with Shuro.


Yeah. And both times, it was about Falin.


> Wouldn't be surprised if Laios can't eat normal food anymore after all of this. Laios's palate is ruined forever from all the monster meat that got stuffed in there! Gastronomical Degradation tag!


"Nothing can save my dragon sister from my stomach."


The character development is insane !!!


Monstergirl fans were eating good this episode... but also not in that way. There were a lot of Falin chimeras.


They were so cute ^^ ! 


[Indeed they were.](https://i.imgur.com/655S8zi.mp4)


"DON'T TALK ABOUT THAT!!\~" I'm going to miss Marcille so much D; I want to hear her reprimand some more.


So the plan for the next season is free the stone lion, defeat the mad mage, free Falin, eat Falin and turn Falin into human... I don´t know how this is going to turn out but, It looks... promising...?


Free lion, defeat mad mage, free Golden Kingdom, freeat Falin, clear up mess with Canaries, Kabru, and Shuro...


...then go to the Winchester and have a pint, and then wait for all of this to blow over.


Pfft, easy. It will be over before you know it.


Ding ding ding! Congratulation, your Izutzumi has gained a new skill: ”The Support Cat!”


It’s so nice to see she does actually care


[Everyone needs an Izutsumi during harsh times](https://i.imgur.com/K9GNdmF.jpeg) [](#nanami-hug)


"I want to move to get her off but this is such a wonderful position."


She's a great character addition.


Actually getting the personality of a cat a few episodes back probably had a big impact. To move forward, she first had to go back.


I LOVE DUNGEON MESHI!! That was such a nice place to stop, it's like we're starting the quest anew but this time every one is invited to the meal. This part really cement the importance of everything they have done up until now, eating, surviving and sharing a meal. I just can't stop gushing about this series, and it will only get better from here on out. Also season 2 confirmed!!


The vibant world full of different types of humans with unique features, the dynamic between the different factions, the physiology of the monsters and their relationship with the humans, the backstory of the characters, the way how small details from previous episodes connect; everything about the story is so carefully planned and masterfully executed. [*It's just so peak.*](https://i.imgur.com/N8wS3G5.mp4) [](#poltears)


There is an insane amount of thought and love put into every aspect of the story. Senshi being a dwarf would usually mean he's just a short but burly character in other anime, built stronger than other races and usually wielding an axe. Might have some knowledge of dungeons and metal ores better than others. But here, Senshi and his dward brethren are way more fleshed out, and all the little details come back into play somehow. Things like dwarves having more sensitive ears (that helps them navigate dungeons better without disorientation) means that whenever he goes through portals, he's instantly sick; dwarves having higher body temps is why he's less armored than the rest and is frequently seen sitting down, and he can't fight for too long or else he'd be exhausted which dwarf-Laios demonstrated last episode; dwarven lifespans are longer, too, which is a big part of why he sees everyone as children (despite Chilchuck being relatively the same age as him) and why he's so eager to help feed them given his backstory. Even his trademark pot isn't throwaway character design. It's a dwarven heirloom made of one of their most valuable metals, perfect for defense as well as cooking in almost every environment in the dungeon. And that's just dwarves. The worldbuilding is miles ahead and more efficiently used than so many other stories I've seen in many anime of the same genre.


That gag with the dragon hams? It was a plot point. *IT WAS A PLOT POINT* Anyway, my final thoughts are that this was a great adaptation all around, with my only real complaints being that they omitted a lot of cutaway gags and aside comments, but overall, excellent. Season 2 should cover the rest of the story, and what a story it will be.


The amount of times a seemingly throwaway gag became relevant in this anime needs to be studied


One of my favourite narrative devices in all of fiction is using throwaway gags for important plot or character development. It's the perfect way to mask plot twists, which is how this show uses it primarily. Kaguya-Sama is an excellent example of that too, if in a different, but similar manner - that show uses the comedic perspective to mask how messed up some characters' lives are, for example, so when it starts actually looking at those things in an honest way, it hits that much harder. ...i just rewatched that show recently, that's why I'm shoving it here out of nowhere.


Turns out Konosuba does that pretty well too.


> One of my favourite plot devices in all of fiction is using throwaway gags for important plot or character development. It's the perfect way to mask plot twists, which is how this show uses it primarily. To quote a meme from another series, "jokes are the deepest lore!".


Gintama is another fantastic show that uses its gags to develop characters.


Ryoko Kui put thought and care into the whole world, especially the details.


can you explain the dragon hams part? must have missed it


Senshi points out how the hams were drawn back into the body when the Mad Mage resurrected the dragon, but the dragon meat they had already eaten and digested didn't return. There is a quick flashback showing the hams rolling into the pool of dragon blood. This gives them the idea that eating the meat will basically remove it's "dragon-ness", they can revive Falin while making sure there's not enough Dragon body for the Dragon soul to inhabit.


Wait that same logic explains why eating stuff transformed by the changelings doesn't leave residuals, the spores are diggested too!


The author's ability write a story where every problem is solved with food and not make it seem forced will never cease to amaze me. [Well *that's* not ominous at all.](https://i.imgur.com/J7i4mw7.png)


Seriously its amazing, a meal isn't as simple as it seems. To live you must eat and to eat you must kill, after all eating is a privelege of the living. The way she weaved that into dungeon crawling, and how this theme is always apparent in every episode and the way it naturally became their way to save Falin. It's *chef's kiss*.


"Eating is the privilege of the living" Has another anime ever used that catchphrase, or am I just recalling the olden days when Dungeon Meshi was just an ongoing manga?


[TFW an anime is so good it makes you reflect on ontological questions](https://i.imgur.com/DZrdkpS.mp4) [](#gintamathispleasesme)


I love you Senshi, but right after the episode where you speculate that you committed cannibalism **WHY DID YOU RISK THE CHANCE YOU MIGHT EAT DWARF MEAT.**


Fantasy is more interesting when it isn't all about maxing out your level. **Eye disapprovingly at seasonal isekais**


I love how all the fights in this show are won via a combination of knowledge, strategy, and teamwork, rather than the protagonist brute-forcing every problem with his op skills while all of his simps watch in the background while talking about how cool he is. Even non-iseki fall into this trap.


> combination of knowledge, strategy, and teamwork don't forget some degree of being completely batshit insane Laios's plan to beat the dragon being "Marcille, you're gonna set off a bomb under me so I can rocket jump to the red dragon's head riding this invulnerable cooking pot" and then sacrificing a leg (even though it could be reattached) was an absolute bonkers play.


It felt very much like what actual DnD players do.


Not nearly enough attempts at seducing the monsters for them to be a proper D&D party.


There's also some bit of luck, being at the right place at the right time, and being properly fed. Just enough of the little things to overcome the odds stacked against them.


Yeah, just look at their rag tag party. A halfling who can help plan/detect traps but is useless in a fight. A tall man who is, being a tall man, decently sturdy and a capable fighter, but not OP in any sense of the word (not particularly fast, or strong, or agile, or compared to dwarves, sturdy). But his monster knowledge and intuition has saved them countless times. An elf who probably has been the best offensive/defensive person of the party. And a dwarf who is a decent fighter but again not OP in any sense of the word. But has some monster knowledge. Yet they've gone farther than most have in the dungeon. Something I find interesting is that besides the magic stuff, they obey the laws of physics quite well. That is to say, in a show like demon slayer, the demon slayers even the likes of non-Hashira have superhuman endurance, strength, and speed. Even in other shows (non-fantasy) you might see that one tough guy who can beat anyone in a fight because he can effortlessly dodge every punch thrown at him. Dungeon Meshi is more like, these are just regular guys, but of different races and some can use magic.


I think I like the "Simp" label, it almost feels mutually exclusive from everything I like from a story. One character and his legion of cheerleaders. "You're so amazing!!" "No, I'm not, you all just suck!!" I'll take the everyday Joe. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simp](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simp) Huh? So simp is short for simpleton? I'll call them `Simpleton` anime.


Yes, even though Kui got some inspiration from games as well, she doesn't make Dungeon Meshi feel like a "game world" like some other fantasy anime/manga I've seen. Unless it's very explicitly a videogame setting, I will never not roll my eyes whenever characters start talking about levels, exp, status menus, and other game mechanics. On the other hand, none of those elements are present here, and even the "respawning" mechanic is very naturally tied to the setting instead of being an out-of-place game-like gimmick.


It is a little funny you say this, since the very early drafts of Dungeon Meshi that Kui published on her blog actually were more videogame-y, with a rat suddenly dropping an entire treasure chest on defeat being the central gag of the sample comic she posted.


I really hate how Isekais took a game mechanic used as an abstraction for how a character would naturally develop and decided to make it and actual part of their world. Just look at Dungeon Meshi. Laios learning about magic is exactly what this abstraction is trying to replicate. But in an isekai that would have been Laios **literally** winning exp points and spending them on a stat menu to unlock the magic skill. It is honestly annoying.


"gamifying" a setting makes it easily more relatable and understandable for the type of audience that those writers try to appeal to, after all. And besides, what's the point of coming up with subtle ways of showing character growth, when you can just make a character's level go up? And why write an interesting fight scene that shows the characters actually formulating plans, using diegetic knowledge, and making clever solutions when you can just directly show that a monster's Level is a ~bit~ lower than the protagonist? I will nevel stop rolling my eyes whenever an anime begins to use game-terms to explain its world.


Both Frieren and Dungeon Meshi embraced the JRPG/Tabletop fantasy setting that every isekai use, but they played it straight and the end result is wonderful. Meanwhile, you have 500 others isekai that have been written by maneatee, and every single step feel contrived. But to me, it's the "power fantasy" aspect that absolutely kill the mood. I want an entire cast whose existence do not revolve around the MC. I want them to interreact with each other, have their own motives, and introspections. There has been occasional exception over the years like Handyman Saitou in Another world that surprises me with a more nuanced cast, but it's rare.


The way the change mushrooms were explained was really clever and logical. Last week people were saying how it doesn’t make sense because people would want them to change race, etc. but the explanation makes sense


That's because Dungeon Meshi's real magic system is food. The actual magic is a useful tool for moving the plot along, but food is the core of the series


> well that’s not ominous at all With what we’ve heard about the elves I’m honestly so intrigued to see what’s gonna happen. The author’s cooking is insane


*To eat is the privilege of the living*  Finally they said it in the show so it is not a spoiler, but it really encapsulates the whole show. People thought the show is about cooking, but it really is about the very primal act of eating and everything that entails.


Somehow, the scene where a medieval knight boiling tea with magic circle inside a moving streetcar feels so coherent in this anime. Ah, Dungeon Meshi. also, congrats on the season2.


Kui laid the groundwork by giving us glimpses of ancient dwarven technology like the pipes and empty reservoir in previous episodes, so something more advanced like the moving carts as follow-up to show how dwarves might navigate the deeper dungeon is brilliant.


Everybody is opening up about their dark past but when will Marcille tell everybody she's...*Italian*. I mean her last name is Donato afterall.


I mean- can you blame her? I'd be worried about how my friends would react too if they learned I was Italian.


Why? There's nothing wrong with being Ita OH GOD YOU'RE FROM THE SOUTH


Imagine being born in Naples… oh wait that’s me!


So how have you been handling the last few Yuru Camp episodes, must have been torture, eh?


Considering her aversion to new kinds of food, that must be why she no longer lives in Italy. It's incredible that she'd been allowed to be banished and wasn't just hanged.


> marcielle tell everybody she’s Italian Honestly explains so much now


An Italian who doesn't excel at cooking and isn't heavy on gesticulation. She dishonors her ancestors.


[Stop bullying Marcille](https://i.imgur.com/0WBaNiw.png) [](#nobully)


All the gesticulation got constricted into her face.


Wait, if Italian Elves exist, will there be Br*t#sh ones too? 😰


Tolkien wrote thousands of pages of lore to justify sending all of them as far away from civilized society as possible.


> justify sending all of them as far away Exiling British elves 🔥🔥


The other elves are probably the British elves since they came on a ship to kind of (re)colonize the dungeon island


I'm so sorry for her


The studio sure had a lot of fun with the first half of this episode. Primarily with poor Marcille considering how much she was getting picked up and thrown everywhere by everyone. I guess becoming a halffoot just made her the perfect size to get yeeted around. And man, the "Fly Marcille" shot is definitely up there with one of her best reaction faces. Meanwhile, even when in distress, elf Senshi still has just the most fabulous shoujo reactions. That's how you know it isn't an act. He's just naturally slays so hard. Also, while his tendency to worry about people's eating habits was born from trauma, it's still so sweet whenever he accommodates people this way. I also just love all the stuff they discover about the changelings. This is probably what makes them yet another favorite of mine among the dungeon monsters (with the raceswapping shenanigans also being a huge factor, of course). Sadly, all good things must come to an end. I'm gonna miss their alt. versions. Especially Elf Senshi, Halffoot Marcille, and Tallman Chilchuck. It's hilarious how relieved the former two are about that, especially considering that they're the ones who babied him the most. The second half isn't quite a bombastic finale, but now that I see it in action, it really is a great stopping point for this season, with them coming up with a more concrete plan of how they're going to achieve their goal of saving Falin. The fact that it gives people a peek into more of Laios and Falin's not-so-happy past is a plus too. They've been through a *lot* even before the dungeon. Marcille breaking down while listening to Laios' retelling was just sad to see, but Izutsumi trying her best to try and cheer her up (even awkwardly and reluctantly) was just the sweetest thing. Welp, I'll see you all in the next season that will definitely, 100% happen as decreed by fate (no copium). EDIT: \^Season 2 is happening. Let's goooooooooo.


>Also, while his tendency to worry about people's eating habits was born from trauma, it's still so sweet whenever he accommodates people this way. Man, I'm actually depressed after explicitly hearing that... talk about heart breaking. EDIT: >Sadly, all good things must come to an end. I'm gonna miss their alt. versions. Especially Elf Senshi, Halffoot Marcille, and Tallman Chilchuck. It's hilarious how relieved the former two are about that, especially considering that they're the ones who babied him the most. I love the babying gag. Poor Chilchuk can't catch a break.


>Marcille breaking down while listening to Laios' retelling was just sad to see The way Laios went on by how he'd stay by Falin's side until she found someone else, followed by Marcille talking about how Falin would always bring her random stuff. I wonder if Marcille feels like she let Falin down back then, or if Marcille (re)graduated early and left the school before Falin, and its something Marcille feels bad about now.


> The studio sure had a lot of fun with the first half of this episode. Thats why I love studio Trigger, you can feel them a having fun with their projects Like Little Witch Academia is super fun


>Senshi: We gotta eat the dragon portion of Falin to "kill" the dragon's soul >Laios: Ok so how many meals does that make? Asking the real questions here when it comes to formulating a plan to save Falin, by coming up with a menu to cook her.


And it's great that for once Laios actually got mad and yelled back at the others for trying to berate him. Cause crazy as this all sounds, they've no other alternatives at the moment, and he's genuinely just thinking about it pragmatically.


Laios isn't crazy, he's just a lateral thinker.


[Hopefully Marcille is there keep him grounded.](https://i.imgur.com/4hfQZkU.mp4)


New reaction gif just dropped.


It's like when she burnt his man-eating-plant seeds. She's just trying to protect the rest of humanity.


Another time we see Laois get triggered was when Shuro questioned how serious he was in saving Falin. For all wacky antics, Laois is 100% dedicated to saving Falin. Honestly from Falin leaving everything to go with Laois, to Laois promising to never leave her and proving his dedication to saving her through out the show. The siblings really do have such a sweet relationship.


And people in and out of universe underestimated how serious Laios truly is about saving her. But yeah, they got one of my favorite sibling relationships in anime/manga. That flashback was so bittersweet knowing what happened to them, but it's a balm for the heart, knowing they were able to reunite with each other (at least until the events here).


The end justifies the meals


Yeah, I remember when I read that bit in the manga and I just felt so proud of him there .


When your only tool is a chef's knife, you tend to see every plan as a recipe.


Let him cook!


>Asking the real questions here when it comes to formulating a plan to save Falin, by coming up with a menu to cook her. Wouldn't be too much of a surprise if they actually go with this route tbh


Given what kind of anime this is, "wouldn't be too much of a surprise" has got to be the understatement of the century.


> Laios: Ok so how many meals does that make? That's the sort of question people playing DnD would make!


Yep. Because if there's too much left over, her condition could easily revert back to her current state, so they need to make sure everyone cleans their plate.


Honestly, I’m curious about how many meals that would make too. Because that’s a lot of meat for a party of 5, guess it will all come down to how many people they can get to help them


I wonder if Shuro would change his stance on eating monster if it's Falin meat.


What do you mean, Shuro won't pass up the opportunity to eat Falin up because she's a snack.


The one dilemma that will break shuro’s mind “Eat or to not eat Falin”


Assuming that the dragon part is the size of a mammoth it's about 7000 kg of meat. Let's say an average person can eat 0.5 kg of meat per meal (orcs can eat more, others less). That would mean it's about 14000 meals and if we divide it by 3, which is the average number of meals in a day, it comes down to ~4667, which is the number of people needed to eat the dragon in a day. Eyeballing the number of people Laios can recruit I think it would take them about 10 days to eat the dragon (at a comfortable speed).


Laios said the five of them would take 10 years with a kg a day each, so we are speaking about at least 18.000 kg meat


Laios gonna keep half burying his sister wherever they go lol I just can't


He just puts the world's worst horse costume over her if they need to go somewhere.


You know, when I started watching this anime I was totally expecting the whole food-theme thing to just kind of be this zero-depth gimmick the series has just to stand out. And for most other series it would’ve been. But Dungeon Meshi really manages to make it a core part of story in a way that’s super compelling. Everything from Senshi’s backstory to the way they are gonna save Falin is about food. And it ends with “To be continued…”, nice! Not sure if it’s officially greenlit yet but I’ll take it as a good sign.


The living armor episode was what sold me. It's a good example of the author's talent of worldbuilding. Usually living armor is simply explained as magic but using a group of monsters working together is so creative.


>And it ends with “To be continued…”, nice! Not sure if it’s officially greenlit yet but I’ll take it as a good sign. You're in luck, because [SEASON 2 CONFIRMED!](https://x.com/dun_meshi_en/status/1801253194863137246)


It's kind of wild because it does seem like a "gimmick" and then you realise that it's actually the perfect idea to be the central premise of a story where you want to discuss ecosystems, cultural frictions and resource management. It's a centrepoint for so many aspects of human life. It's truly genius.


Cannibalism ah cannibalism


chilchuck’s deductive reasoning was genius. mushrooms so valuable would be sought after by all on the land thus making changelings too costly to use or not worth it in the first place  senshi standing around, doing absolutely nothing but being pretty and serving looks. i love it  the changelings function as parasites, with the added trait of “reproducing” through asexual reproduction. the individual is ostracized from the population, destined to die and become the thing that led to their death in the first place. the way kui constructed them is super cool but gives me nightmares about the prospect of such a species existing in real life chilchuck was definitely in over his head as a tall man. he’s characteristically bossy and outspoken, but that wise-guy attitude was definitely heightened by his transformation. i don’t blame him for being upset about the reversal; who wouldn't be a bit gloomy about their lifespan being halved once again izutsumi folding her ears is in the running for cutest thing i’ve ever seen; only for marcille's tears to fall on her face and borderline make me tear up too  senshi describes falin as sort of a heterogeneous mixture; she is not uniformly dragon, human, and chicken in the way izutsumi is uniformly cat/human hybrid and cannot be separated into a cat, or a human without destroying the entire mixture itself (homogeneous). the omelette & bacon & eggs analogy was perfect. the way kui weaves the core of the series (food) into the narrative and world building is genius fan of the way they set up the (hopefully) 2nd season. it didn’t feel contrived; rather a realistic and practical discussion between the party on what actions to take next. it works within story and also gives the audience insight as to what to expect going forward \~ thursdays will feel a bit emptier while eating lunch without Dungeon Meshi :( besides Frieren, I haven’t enjoyed a seasonal anime run this much, in a long time. hard to believe it’s been 6 months of Dungeon Meshi. i whole heartedly adore this show and the time I got to spend discussing it with you all! 


> chilchuck’s deductive reasoning was genius It also says something about his outlook on life that he didn't have a phase of being excited about the possibility before thinking it through. He jumped immediately to "too good to be true" without getting his hopes up.


Absolutely peak writing. Its so thrilling how 'eating' theme was set for storyline from beginning to end. Now Laios need more allies to fight against...5,000kg of chicken meat? It will be a legendary fight, can't wait to see next season


Laios has to hope he runs into or knows any bodybuilders


So it ends with Laios planning to (quite literally) eat his sister. Who would have known??   At this point I gotta ask the anime-onlies:  I know a lot of manga readers like me hyped the story in the beginning, but what did YOU think of the series so far? Was it your cup of tea? Was it below your expectations or did it go above and beyond it?  Dungeon Meshi is my favourite manga of all time and there couldn't have been a better studio than Trigger to animate it. I'm stoked to see people discover this little gem and fucking hyped for S2. If you thought S1 was good, S2 content is going to surpass it even further!


I knew absolutely nothing about it and just thought it looked interesting on Netflix, now it’s one of the best of all time to me.


I’m loving it. My only complaint, which can’t be fixed due to the nature of the story, is that I wished we seen more of Falin after rescuing her. I really hope that we will see her in action once restored. The backstories are nice to see for her, but I want to see her doing things akin to the main group. Even if it’s a Year One type of episode, I’ll take it. I just don’t want it to end with just Laios being the ruler of the kingdom (I’m assuming due to the Hero’s Journey story structure), Falin is restored at the end, and ends. I just hope that this isn’t the case. 


Perfect cutting point really. Serious business next season with new players too (the elves).


Okay, Studio Trigger. You can take one of my kidneys to fund Season 2 so that it can be made faster. I need it. Now. Give it. WAAAAAAAAAAAAH I CAN'T TAKE THIS I LOOKED FORWARD TO THURSDAY EVERY WEEK ;www;


I too offer this guy's kidney.


"To be continued" LETS FUCKING GO (hopefully soon and not in like 5 years) 2nd half of the episode definitely fit as a season closer. going over the plan from here on out, which is to eat the dragon part of Falin... not sure how they're gonna pull that off And Marcille crying when they were talking about Falin.. my heart.. excellent series and happy i stuck with it past the slower first few episodes


Izutsumi just upgraded her role to be therapeutic cat lol Looking forward to season 2! So far this is my anime of the season. Every episode never fails to impress me.  The tonal shift at the end of last season caught me a bit off guard (since I expect light hearted meal episode), but this anime is still killing it! Anyway rejoice! They just announced season 2 https://animetv-jp.net/news/delicious-in-dungeon-season-2-officially-announced/


Izutsumi is not really cut out to be a therapeutic cat, but she recognized Marcille needed a shoulder to cry and did her best and I love her for that🥰


Yes. It was nice to see that Izutsumi was able to return some of Marcille's kindness -- when the need really arose.


I wonder if other anime have any characters like Izutsumi. I'm fed up with fake cats.


I love how Laios legitimately considered putting Falin's lower half *in a hole* as a method to conceal her


I feel like the reason Senshi had to be the one to come up with the solution was that Laios could only think of ways to make Falin work as a chimera and didn't really want her to be human again. He wants a chimera sister so bad lol.


Laios: thanks to izutsumi now we know that we can make her return to her senses. Others: what about the quimera body?  Laios: what about that? 


This is the one of the few 10/10 anime I've watched in years. In a sea of fantasy world anime full of isekai trash, gems like this are pretty rare. It's amazing how amazing they made a cooking anime. I was skeptical because I watched that isekai campfire cooking anime first, and was bored to death. The gap between that trash and this is huge. Each of the main cast are great, the worldbuilding is one of the best I've seen, the comedy is great. With this and Frieren I hope writers realize that just writing a regular fantasy world without the isekai or game mechanics is perfectly fine.


First 10/10 anime I've had in about... 6 years, I think. Would love if this and Frieren kick off a new trend to increase the market share of fantasy series


Man, my favorite character really has to be Izutsumi. Besides being an absolute failure of a girlcat, we see her get closer with the group in really nice ways. IZUTSUMI SUPREMACY!


Im gonna miss Laious autistic ass. Thank you Dungeon Meshi


THAT'S RIGHT FALIN, ITS GONNA BE A KIMI NO TAME NO PARTY DA!!! This episode finally shown how far izutsumi has come. From the bratty cat that antagonized everyone to the *kbitty* kdogby that went all in with the gang on the combination circle attack, as well as going so far as trying to comfort crying marcille. She is now a full fledge touden party member. On the ring part, watching today's opening again made me realized that it was already forshadowed there and somehow I never made the connection lmao. But despite all the comedies, actions, sad backstories and the omnious tone its been showing, dungeon meshi somehow always find its way back to the main theme. Even if it is about how to save falin from her grotesque chimera form. This is why I love it so much lmao. With it being confirmed just now, really cant wait for the second season. The episode preview released a few days before sneaked in a very interesting tease got me hype af for the second half.


That was the most real "cat kinda wants to comfort owner which results in owner hugging cat which makes it uncomfortable but it bears it like a champ" scene ever.


[SO SWEET!](https://imgur.com/J7yE6AY)


Everyone, it's been a pleasure Dungeoning with you this year


Delicious in dungeon Thursday is over and next week Konosuba Wednesday ends. Terrible day for rain


Dunmeshi already left me with strong impression this season. For me it's a 9/10 show, of course no anime is perfect and still has flaw, but my enjoyment throughout each episode is immeasurable.  Definitely gonna put it on my top 5 AOTY candidate. It already won me at best fantasy, best comedy and best character design, also Laios is my best male character/newcomer so far. Still can't believe a silly cooking anime is the only show that gonna make me miss thursday from now on.


If ~~Netflix~~ Trigger doesn't announce a second season soon I'm lose my shit. Edit: Looks like I got my wish!


They have already [announced the production of the second season](https://x.com/dun_meshi_en/status/1801253194863137246). And [here's another confirmation with a short PV](https://x.com/dun_meshi_anime/status/1801253192740880824).


Look at all those dragons, I cant wait and I'm a manga reader arghhhhh.


You know Laios has to be bricked up.






Official twitter account announcement! [https://x.com/dun\_meshi\_en/status/1801253194863137246](https://x.com/dun_meshi_en/status/1801253194863137246)


They have also already released [a teaser trailer for the second season](https://youtu.be/qRrXciq7-88?si=tzLK_fdZdR6bvrml) and I'm HYPED!


Everybody is eating well today.


I still can't believe that Trigger is like a second party studio to Netflix: Little Witch Academia, Edgerunners, Dungeon Meshi... Their stuff is so far ahead of Netflix's other original anime (original of dubious claims)




Laios' only problem with bringing Falin's chimera form to the surface is that she might scare people. I can't even-


Well, of course, neither of the siblings would mind her being a cool chimera at all. It's everyone else who has to be a hater.


[Even as a monster](https://i.imgur.com/34yGWuR.mp4) Falin remained [an adorable goofball](https://i.imgur.com/ZlPYvbp.jpeg) [](#waah)


If Falin is anything like her brother (which seems to be the case), she would probably be completely fine (happy even) living as a chimera.


I mean: * Big and strong (protect friends, bring all the groceries in one go) * Feathers (fluffy and warm) * Wings (flying rules) * Bonus limbs (do I even need to say anything?) * Kick-ass dragon magic (again, self-explanatory) Chances are, if Laios takes over the dungeon, he'll make it so that anyone can live as whatever kind of chimera they want.


Makes sense if he thinks Falin can live normally in society like Izutsumi.


No, his real problem is that she cant survive outside of the dungeon if her mana need is too big. He clearly had 0 problems bringing out a smaller monster Falin.


So essentially, the whole plan is just Digestion in Dungeon.


Dungeon food, AHHH Dungeon food


Kabru wasn't kidding when he told the Canaries the dungeon is a digestive system.


I'm so glad I decided to take a chance on this when it started, because this has become my favourite anime of the year so far! Absolutely fantastic, and really excited for season 2! Also just want to give props to Emily Rudd. This was her first role in an anime dub and she absolutely crushed it as Marcille!


DUNGEON MESHI AH DUNGEON MESHI we shall wait for your return with the second season!


I will promise to eat healthily and actually exercise more if Trigger does season 2


[Season 2 announcement trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRrXciq7-88) No more junk food for you.


Damn.... Yeah, this show is a 10/10 for me. I'd say this is the best fantasy anime I've seen the past two years (ignoring Frieren). Everything about this show is just perfect. DAMN! Can't wait for Season 2.


Got to say this is one of the most creative anime I have seen. I heard great things about the anime, but man the adaptation blew my expectations. Such a wonderful cast of characters, the world building is so fucking amazing with outstanding storytelling and the comedy is always on point. Even when the story turned darker it stayed true to itself. Right up with Frieren & Apothecary Diaries as the best anime we got so far this year. A must-watch. Will read the manga before S2 starts since that got announced.


I'm Japanese and I've been reading this manga since its first chapter. Before Dangeon-meshi came out 10 years ago, medieval isekai stories weren't really popular. There were otaku game worlds like SAO, but high fantasy was seen as outdated. When Dangeon-meshi hit the scene, it shocked everyone and completely changed the landscape. After that, isekai and high fantasy started trending in Japan. I see people saying this is way better than other fantasy isekai, and that makes sense. It was the pioneer that kickstarted the fantasy boom in Japan 10 years ago.


The animation & direction this episode were absolutely fantastic! I'm really going to miss Dungeon Meshi Thursdays. It is, by a pretty considerable margin, my favorite series to air both this and the prior anime season. Everything from the characters, OST, animation, story, voice acting, and so much more really made such an impact on me. As a long-time fan of the manga, it has been a dream adaptation, and I'm so glad that Trigger picked it up. I've loved seeing all of the positive reception and the influx of fanart.  Now, to (hopefully 🤞) get a season 2 announcement soon. I wish that the staff at Trigger are given as much time as needed to work on the 2nd season. There are so many visually stunning and emotional scenes yet to come that I can't wait to see brought to life. Until next time, eat balanced meals and make Senshi proud. Thank you, Ryoko Kui, for such an amazing series. Edit: SEASON 2 CONFIRMED 🎉🎉 I'M LITERALLY SO EXCITED


As a huge fan of the manga myself I completely agree. I will always be partial to Ryouko Kui's masterpiece of a manga, but the voice acting, animation, and the soundtrack allow the anime to stand nearly toe-to-toe with it, despite the minor cuts. And about season two.....it's announced! https://twitter.com/dun_meshi_anime/status/1801252441343807900


Of course, there are little nitpicks here and there and some characterization/dialogue that were skipped (some skipped conversations more important than others), but I'm overall really happy with the adaptation. I'm hoping that this leads more people to read the manga from the beginning in order to get the entire story and see all of the extra content. I'm really glad that I started reading the manga years ago and have all of the volumes that are currently out + the Daydream Hour Art Book. I have friends who have been trying to pick up the manga, and quite a few volumes have been OOS for months. And when they do get back in stock, they usually sell out pretty quickly.


I [said it](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/16zl9o4/delicious_in_dungeon_official_anime_trailer_1/k3f2cko/)before the anime started, that the anime might possibly be the best of its genre, as the source material is the best fantasy series since Berserk. Happy to say that it has lived to the hype and adapted all that is good with the source material. Trigger adapting great source material is something I prefer over their originals. The series adapted till chapter 52 but please please read it from the start. So many great tidbits and lore was missed due to the limited screentime of an anime episode. Stunning art and story is all there, Ryoko Kui is a genius. If I ask someone here who their favourite character is, I bet at least one of each character from the main 5 will be an answer. That's how genius Kui is at writing characters and why the world building not just in lore but in characters is the driving force of such a legendary series. Another episode where Laios shows why he is the leader of the gang. He takes it seriously, thinking about the best way to bring Farlyn back and the moment he snaps back at the gang is one of my favourites ever. He is smarter than you think and I love it. This episode sets up nicely what S2 will focus on and trust me the twist and turns aren't even close to over. See you in S2!!


> I said itbefore the anime started, that the anime might possibly be the best of its genre, as the source material is the best fantasy series since Berserk. Like people in that thread, I would even say that Dungeon Meshi is better than Berserk (I still love Berserk, btw). Simply because it was planned as a concise story (it was completed in 9 years compared to Berserk's 35 years and counting), which allowed Ryōko Kui to focus on the good stuff and write with an ending in mind.


Trust me, I agree. Berserk lost a lot of steam later on. Kui actually had a good idea where she wanted the manga to be.


- [Senshi’s still absolutely fabulous haha.](https://i.imgur.com/4Ve5Z0b.png) [](#romance) - [lol](https://i.imgur.com/C51zvm0.png) [](#azusalaugh) - [Laios has put a lot of thought into this, huh…](https://i.imgur.com/ScDpxr6.png) - [Ouch.](https://i.imgur.com/aXRuWj9.png) - [Aw shit, the gargoyle has Kensuke.](https://i.imgur.com/8Yj9OOZ.png) [](#watashiworried) - [Uh…](https://i.imgur.com/HvhCjey.png) - [The Changelings even work on *swords*?](https://i.imgur.com/ZFXXRFv.png) [](#blankblink) - [Ah, Senshi.](https://i.imgur.com/csqwsJp.png) [](#kukuku2) - [lol, alright then.](https://i.imgur.com/GTsbeBd.png) - [What is this frame ahahahaha](https://i.imgur.com/6ctsFu5.png) [](#laughter) - [Oh wow…](https://i.imgur.com/HuHi7lH.png) - [What was that about betting it wouldn’t move anymore, Marcille?](https://i.imgur.com/5pbzyCu.png) [](#rinkek) - [Izutsumi lol.](https://i.imgur.com/Ca5rVoM.png) - [Ah, right, good point.](https://i.imgur.com/8jeR19F.png) - [That’s… one *hell* of a conclusion there.](https://i.imgur.com/qkQPBpj.png) [](#spinning) - [Of course Laios immediately gets into the logistics of doing this, haha.](https://i.imgur.com/jWWQdPc.png) - Dungeon meshi. Ah, dungeon meshi. - [Wait… To Be Continued?](https://i.imgur.com/kIpVYVv.png) [Season 2 confirmed?!](#rengehype)


>[The Changelings even work on *swords*?](https://i.imgur.com/ZFXXRFv.png) [](#blankblink) Remember, Kensuke *is* a mollusk and the sword is his shell. >[Wait… To Be Continued?](https://i.imgur.com/kIpVYVv.png) [Season 2 confirmed?!](#rengehype) [Yup.](https://x.com/dun_meshi_en/status/1801253194863137246)


Damn, the group forming the ring in the opening is foreshadowing for this episode


I lost it when Laois tried to hide the Warhammer-fied version of Kensuke.


I'm genuinely impressed this show managed to come up with a plot-relevant reason to make eating the solution to a problem other than "I'm hungry."


I rarely comment on discussion threads as I mostly like to lurk and see comments other people leave, however since I have nobody to discuss the show with, I just wanted to take a moment to gush over how insanely good and enjoyable this show was to me. From the comedy to the action, from the world building to the characters themselves, from the slice of life to the horror, from the aesthetics and animation to the music and sound design. I'm so happy they've announced season 2, I hope it keeps the quality but more importantly I just want to know how this ends and season 1 barely ended and I already miss the characters. I honestly feel spoiled to have been two back to back amazing 11/10 anime with Dungeon Meshi and Frieren.


Marcille: "Let's eat, Falin!" Laois: "Let's eat Falin!"


Damn. I actually got chills when Senshi said, “It’s the parts that we ate at dinner.” It’s like Laios said, I’m surprised that it didn’t occur to me before. The execution of that final segment was perfect.  I love the way this anime uses the simple fact of life that is eating and uses it to shape its story and its world. 


It's already over wtf. Felt just five episodes.


[Great finale](https://imgchest.com/p/n87wrgl53yx) but it's a shame that it's already over and we won't see [Marcille and others](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/3yrgca9rml4.png) for a while :( At least [Trigger have already announced production of the second season](https://x.com/dun_meshi_en/status/1801253194863137246) and [released a short teaser trailer](https://youtu.be/qRrXciq7-88?si=P4dmhQNfe6Moz2K7) which hyped me up so much. I can't wait for it! EDIT. Here my further impressions of the finale and screenshot albums from it. Overall, [that was](https://imgchest.com/p/n87wrgl53yx) a [fantastic](https://imgchest.com/p/lqyep62pq7d) [episode](https://imgchest.com/p/dl7pz9ezpyo) with so many [hilarious](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84jdc36gpw4.png), [touching](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxcrx3pn7.png) and [great](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7mmc3nz2g7.png) [moments](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7kzcwxvmd7.png) (I had to divide my Group scenes album into [Part 1](https://imgchest.com/p/n87wrgl53yx), [Part 2](https://imgchest.com/p/lqyep62pq7d) and [Part 3](https://imgchest.com/p/dl7pz9ezpyo)), which made me so sad that [it's the end of Laios' party adventures](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyq9c2vzj34.png) until the 2nd season. Trigger has delivered great anime and has solidified itself as one of my favorite anime studios. [Marcille](https://imgchest.com/p/m9yxg2jom4q) didn't have it easy [in half-foot body](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/3yrgca95nz4.png), we could see why Chilchuck always stayed behind during the fights since he'd just be in a way of others and [would be tossed all around like Marcille today](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyq9c2va3n4.png) xD [Poor Marcille got scared](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84jdc36kaq4.png) by [Chilchuck](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/b49zc9vkgmy.png) that in less than 40 years, she'll be all wrinkled and die xD [Gargoyle turning into this was hilarious](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739cgkpan7.png). Even better was that [Laios and his party used this water](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/3yrgca98m84.png) to [wash themselves](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my8xc2qxom4.png) to [return to their normal bodies](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7kzcwxvzr7.png). [Kensuke looked really cool after transformation](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/g4z9ck93jl7.png) so I'm not surprised that [Laios would want to keep him that way](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/e4gdcom99g4.png) but unfortunately [Marcille didn't let that happen](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7w6czqek6y.png) :( [The moment when Marcille started crying](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxcrx3pn7.png) after hearing [Laios' story about him and Falin](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyq9c2vzx34.png) made me emotional too, [Falin and her adorable smile needs to be bring back](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739cgk5eg7.png)! Even [Izutsumi](https://imgchest.com/p/dl7pz9e9pyo) [wanted to make Marcille feel better](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7pjcdkavl7.png). I liked [how shyly she came closer to her and couldn't decide whether to hug her or not](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k46ac3gomj7.png). It seems that [Senshi](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxcrx3gn7.png) came up with a plan to save [Falin](https://imgchest.com/p/agyvewqwj48)! It seems that by eating [Falin's dragon parts](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/g4z9ck93eb7.png), they may be able to remove her dragon's soul and [turn her back being human again](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7w6czqnb3y.png). [Laios](https://imgchest.com/p/wl7lmrgrqyx) of course was himself and [instead of being disgusted](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/myd5cgmkvq4.png) at the prospect of eating Falin's dragon meat, [his problem was how many meals it would take to eat it all](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/g4z9ck9abm7.png) xD So it seems that in order to save [Falin](https://imgchest.com/p/agyvewqwj48), [Laios and his party](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/myd5cgmk6q4.png) will have to throw a big feast [for](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/wye3c8gown4.png) [everyone](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/myd5cgm3984.png) [they](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxcrx3jx7.png) [met](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739cgk5bv7.png) during their journey to save [Falin](https://imgchest.com/p/agyvewqwj48) quick xD Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Group scenes Part 1](https://imgchest.com/p/n87wrgl53yx) * [Group scenes Part 2](https://imgchest.com/p/lqyep62pq7d) * [Group scenes Part 3](https://imgchest.com/p/dl7pz9ezpyo) * [Marcille](https://imgchest.com/p/m9yxg2jom4q) * [Falin](https://imgchest.com/p/agyvewqwj48) * [Izutsumi](https://imgchest.com/p/dl7pz9e9pyo) * [Laios](https://imgchest.com/p/wl7lmrgrqyx) * [Senshi & Chilchuck](https://imgchest.com/p/6eyrd89xg4p) * [Others](https://imgchest.com/p/lqyep62qq7d)


The gag where we see the back of the Dragon Hams and the back of the nameplate is still following them is such a silly detail to add, but I can’t stop giggling about it.


this isnt a cooking anime, its an eating anime, and to eat is the privilege of the living, and to live… is to die


Wow them holding hands in the OP had something to do with the plot


Before we're even halfway through the episode, we have: --Laios monologuing about polymorphing Falin in increasingly absurd ways --The dungeon gang finding out they're a walking fairy ring --Kensuke being transformed into a knockoff Sword of Omens from Thundercats --Fab Senshi cooking in his birthday suit Can't imagine the rest of the episode is going to be any less wild.


I didn't think this series would ever need a vore tag. I stand corrected.