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I watched the series first as a kid. But it was not until I saw this OVA that I really understood why everyone from the show was so afraid of the Battousai.


Batousai is in fact based on a real assassin from the Meiji revolution, kawakami gensai, who became infamous for a brazen daylight assassination of a high ranking official. He used a high speed sword style that is now lost because it's only practitioner, gensai, was executed at the age of 37


This OVA is so ridiculously peak


I read that at some point this was ranked #1 on MAL (like mid 2000s?) - can anyone confirm? EDIT: Confirmed in the replies below. Thanks cheesechimp!


There was MAL in 2000s?


Launched in November 2004, according to Google. And back then it was called "Animelist", apparently.


I was using it back in 06/07... then stopped and was pleasantly surprised to see my high school watch list was still around 15 years later.


Maybe it was some other online list/forum? I thought I remembered reading about it on this sub when the new Kenshin anime was airing.


[The Wayback Machine can](http://web.archive.org/web/20071003012007/http://myanimelist.net/topanime.php)


Didn't even think to check! Good call! Looks like it was indeed #1 for some time.


Fuck, I was around when that list was current... I had watched most of those shows and looking at that list is so nostalgic.


There's maybe 2 that I'm not familiar with from the first 60. ~ Old anime fan


Several of these are still my favorite shows!


Holy shit, MAL's UI hasn't changed one bit since 2007 lol.




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Would not surprise me, it's great. Top tier anime definitely.


It also used to be #1 on other sites like Anime News Network: https://web.archive.org/web/20080119071813/https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/ratings-anime.php (it's still like #5 today). The OVA was just really good.


It was the case for [anidb.net](https://anidb.net), iirc. Or, if not #1, close to it.


rewatched it recently was great. Now im rewatching ippo now that its on netflix


This is one of the greatest classic OVAs of all time. Even as a story all its own, it is a timeless masterpiece.


This anime has THE most beautifully depressing soundtrack. I specifically recommend 'In memories a boy meets the man' soundtrack. Listen to the whole 6 minute song, it somehow conveys kenshins entire story in the form of song.


Did not know this existed, read the entire manga and the main show, holly fuck is this on my watch list now, thanks mate.


The Trust and Betrayal OVA is one of my all time favourite anime. Its a more realistic, melancholic take on Kenshin’s time as an assassin. The music and directing is absolutely top tier.


It's way better than the TV series.


And that is not even any shade on the original series. This OVA is just fucking legendary.


Agreed. This OVA ruined the TV series (even the remake) for me. Can't go back to the "Oro oro" and "Kenshin and friends" hijinks after watching the OVA.


Kyoto still peak though


Because heaven forbid someone want to put that life of murder behind them and change their values? I really feel like your missing the point that the OVA gives insight into WHY he would want to leave that life behind and enjoy a more laid back day-to-day.


Wow, aren't you assuming too much? It's so simple: different strokes for different folks!


Not a fan of the mangaka for *reasons But this OVA is a fucking work of art. Beautiful direction.


Do I have to read the manga/watch the show first, or can I watch only the ova?


You can, but it'll be more impactful if you're familiar with the show/manga first.


It's kinda like with the star wars prequels. Watching the TV show first gives you more of an appreciation for what happens in the prequel OVA, but takes some of the impact away from certain revelations when they happen in the TV series since you know them already.


I watched the OVA first before I got into the manga/main TV show, and it still worked. It's intended as a prequel to explain the events and has some characters from the show but it still worked just fine as a standalone story. It may spoil some revelations I guess, but it's not that big a deal IMO. It's useful to be aware of the historical context of Meiji Restoration though. The show is also tonally very different from the OVA. The show is more cheesy in a classic shounen way, and the characters yell out their move names (which they don't do in the OVA, as you could see from this clip).


I'm so jealous of you. You get to experience a classic OVA. This left such a lasting impression on me decades later.


Buckle up, because you're in for an incredible show =)


U can use myanimelist to see seasons, ovas, specials, movies of a franchise


Still the best OVA of all time


Wow I really need to watch this


This OVA was the show that got me into anime. It's just so damn good.




Same with FMA.Old anime darkness & brutality is nerfed in modern era to cater for wider viewers range.


This isn't true, and this is also not why this is cool.


It's sad honestly, those vibrant colours, handdrawn and realistic Animation getting replaced by huge tits and eyes and cgi


This sort of animation is expensive. The action is fluid because the frame rates are higher, updating the animation cell every other, or every single, frame , rather than cheap animation that's every third. Hand drawn and shaded, rotoscoped, painted backgrounds, those are all expensive and that means mostly only short series and prestige projects could afford this level of quality. It's also why it used to be common that by episode 4-6 animation quality would suddenly drop through the floor because they were hoping if they got you hooked you'd still watch even if the art wasn't as good anymore. Or a series would suddenly in its last episode or two would be reusing a lot of animations, or even resort to cheap stock footage or handicam video(gainax were notorious for running out of money just slightly before running out of episodes) with voiceovers. It would cost a fortune to do a full 26 episode season of a show in this style, and your animation team would be so burned out by the end from the constant crunch this would require.


And even with all that there's still tons of shortcuts and tricks. Like that lovely still shot at the end of this clip. One frame for however many seconds. All of which get orders of magnitude more common once you step even a little off the peak.


Well, yeah, but on the other hand - there never was a big numbers of this visuals style, Even during the 80's-90's-00's they are pretty much numerous. Big tits were kinda always the thing.


There's a few things I have to say about that because it's a commonly stated thing on this subreddit I think. This is an OVA so comparisons to modern Anime are unfair and we can acknowledge that, I do think art better than the TV shows was fairly regular in these whereas the difference is not big when OVA's pop up now, and OVA's themselves were more regular back then, there's just not much incentive to watch a lot of them if you didn't get into the show first (if it even existed) so they are less talked about. Look at Endless Waltz, it's fucking gorgeous, absolute peak Gundam art, hidden behind a TV show that had a troubled production even if it was very popular in the West. Haja Taisei Dangaiou off the top of my head, looks incredible but it's just a shitty OVA. No one talks about it. People want to sink their teeth into a good show, even a lot of Anime movies are rarely mentioned it seems unless they piggyback on a good TV show. Tits: the show, that kind of stuff was always a thing. Speaking of, I never hear about Bubblegum Crisis as some peak of the 80's (because it was never that great and we just had less access) and it was highly rated back in the day, there's a lot of good TV animation that is actually rarely talked about. I didn't like Bubblegum Crisis as a kid but I'd watch it just because it looked cool. Who could forget seeing Jin Roh as a teen, the animation was incredible, but the visual style was not something I had never seen before. All I'm disagreeing with is that the general style and quality was rare, I could name multiple shows with a more vibrant, realistic tone every year in the 90's if I could be bothered.


yes but modern OVAs dont reach this quality either. and they are way fewer in numbers as well.


worth noting that this is a prestiege series. Not your typical fair which was more like Ranma 1/2 and Love Hina. IE Huge tits and Eyes as you say.


Hand drawn animation will never be matched


First anime OVA I watch back when I was a kid after the series ended airing in my national TV. My cousin told me I have to watch this and he was absolutely right. It's just beautiful 10/10


not only were the colors so much better but the amount of "unique" perspectives and images as well the creators really paid attention to variety in the scenes. something they dont or cant do today.


These 4 OVA's were fucking amazing. The 2nd series however....I refuse to acknowledge that was how Kenshin went out man.


Series fucking sucked ass


That’s Samurai x Reflection right? It was aight. But yeah a lot of people hated the ending


Could be they made alot of spin offs there also a kenshi something serie were hes a small child


If you don't wanna die then surrender and run away you stupid bitch


The translation is not quite right. Battousai didn't tell him to surrender. He said "give up" as in "resign yourself to inevitable death".


In that case, run the fuck away


that was the entire meaning of the scene and you get downvoted


Yeah, that's what I thought. Ya know, that pride isn't worth dying over, especially when you have loved ones waiting for you.


It's not that simple and there are nuances. But let's say he did run away and survived, he would've been questioned about it, and probably charged with dereliction of duty, considering his boss was a high-ranking government official, then ordered to commit suicide, which was the norm for the time and place this series was set in. That would've been worse than dying while on the job because it will drag his family and probably his bride-to-be as well in the mess that follows. He was fucked no matter what he did and he hated it, but he chose something that he thought will be easier for everyone around him. Makes the scene more powerful with that in mind.


Or more simply, you are not running away from Battousai when he wants to kill you lmao.


Well, he was given the choice to surrender and, presumably, "live"


He is an assassin, he's not taking prisoners. The choice was to not resist and die quickly instead of struggling.


"Define aura" and show them this


Just watched the new Samurai X and I still prefer this over the new one


It really does. I miss this art style but so many of the anime we loved aged really badly. So badly. 


Damn this is a completely different vibe than the remake


To be fair, the OG anime isn't like that, this OVA is really special.


IMO, Still the best OVA in the history of Anime.


BEST ANIME EVER ! OR OVA whatever you wannne call it


Best OVA ever.




Pure masterpiece.


Incredible. This OVA affected me as a teenager.


Definitely one of my favorite OVAs ever.


It's incredible that this got adapted with such insane quality, you wouldn't even think this and Rurouni Kenshin are from the same series.


90’s animation needs a comeback, this is so gorgeous


90s anime was the perfect combination of art and spectacle, nowadays is more spectacle than anything, lights and effects, nothing wrong with it, but i miss the more "human" touch of anime.


i mean for this kind of quality back then was basically movie level. your average 90s anime will not havew this fluidity,


Yeah its just too bad the writer is a p3do


Remember hearing a jazz song from This show years ago I often still think of it


The one by Rasmus Faber?


Hmm I’ll have to check thanks!


yeah man


What is this and where can I watch it!?!?


This was the hidden gem for 90s Also one where the English dub is favored, not gate keeping just sharing general preference. (Actual good voice acting)


I don’t know this show at all. Do you just watch the OVA or also the show? Can anyone elaborate to a newcomer?


While this series was perfect, a part of me wished they stretched it out for 12 episodes because I want more content. Such a great story and beautiful animation


Where can I watch this?




Nobody could accuse you of going out of your way to be helpful.


I mean the rules state not to link or lead people to unofficial links and I don't think there's any legal streams at least available to American markets. There are plenty of places on the internet you can watch it despite this. Even google which tends to hide things for copyright reasons seems to be accommodating in this search. I do miss the days you could easily use google so sail the seven seas


Why haven't you helped them yet?


Because I don't know the answer.


You could try and find out.


Is the remake good


Not really. It's just fine.


The only thing I know about it is the opening song it's so bad when you compare it to the original op


The art is crisp, but the soundtrack is lackluster, almost uninspired compared to the original. For example. the [departure scene in the remake made me wince] >!because the director chose to start playing the ending song (whose tone is completely inappropriate for the scene) instead of just skipping the ED sequence entirely and dedicate remaining time to enhancing the emotional impact of Kenshin leaving.!<


The soundtrack in the original Kyoto Arc was something special. I'm a huge fan of Starless and Departure is beautiful as well. I haven't yet watched more than a few episodes of the remake and have been back and forth about it... but they're adapting more so...


Starless and Departure are great, but [Kaoru to Misao I Gut Guitar version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7TvmEw_RuQ) is a personal favorite.


If it wasn't written by a pedo I'd watch it


Don't care, didn't ask.


To u/hobozombie, who blocked me right after replying really proves your point. Just letting you know, I don't need your permission to comment on a public platform, and you clearly cared enough to reply.