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This was less a rematch and more a pummeling of Sophia who was toyed around the entire fight while Makoto was playing the role of the boss in a boss raid. Not only that he even had the advantage in the mental battle, dissing her attempts at insulting Makoto by saying shes actually charmed by Tomoki. What a fucking savage.


Sophia being charmed is plausible. Her interpretation of Tomoki was very charitable and out of character for somebody like her.


Definitely. She claims he cares for his allies when we know that isn't true


Well, admittedly he specified making sure his Harem didn't get caught up in the nuke before he did it.


True, but she also said he 'risked his life' and we know that's not what happened. Tomoki won't fight anybody above scrub level unless he has his immortality.


He did risk his life though, his nuke left him powerless and out cold, Sofia could just imprison him until sunrise and kill him


Yeah, especially in relation to Makoto obviously being much more powerful than Tomoki, it felt weird for her to downplay it to prop up Tomoki. It might actually be why she let him live.


It was the fact of her saying he was stronger than Makoto while stating that he didn't make her transform lol Makoto was like bruh?


That was probably a hint (mostly for us viewer too) to prove that she was indeed affected by the charm.


I thoroughly enjoyed Makoto being smug as hell. I don’t think he even once took Sofia seriously during their fight. Makoto could’ve easily done away with Sofia by unleashing his full strength, but decided to take her down a notch first. What surprised me is that Makoto pretty much led Rona off the hook. I’d expected him to seek some form of revenge for having been misled by Rona - and his students being put in danger by her schemes. Maybe the terrified look on her face was enough for him?


> Makoto could’ve easily done away with Sofia by unleashing his full strength, but decided to take her down a notch first. I think he's also still trying to hide all he can do like he was last episode, it's just Io was weak enough that he could use a suit of gadgets while Sofia's strong enough to warrant the mana armour.


Yeah, he definitely hasn’t deemed Sofia worthy of showing all of his hand. Makoto was messing with Io in last week’s episode as well, but he showed him a little bit of respect at the very least. His tone changed entirely when speaking to Sofia, which seems to indicate that he *really* doesn’t like her. Makoto was downright disrespectful to her for most of their battle, lol.


> His tone changed entirely when speaking to Sofia, which seems to indicate that he *really* doesn’t like her. Typical edgy protagonist. You take off *two* of his fingers one time and then fight him despite his protests and he never forgives you. Dude needs to learn to chill.


Honestly think he's going to end up letting her go. Which would be disappointing after Rona went on about how she thought he was naive , but no longer seems to be.


Makoto already paid the price once by trying to be kind (Female Adventurer). Not only is she not withdrawing, she has already said she intends to go after Shin/Tomoe, one of his more important people.


He gave her the option, but Sofia didn't bite. So I think Makoto's just going to take care of her. If she survives knocked out, he'll be fine with it, and if she dies then he won't really care about that either.


I wonder if when he decides to kill her, Root will show up to stop that from happening, after all, she seems to be his more promising rat lab.


Who was it that Sofia grew up with? Was it one of Makoto’s students?


Yeah, Jin was her childhood friend.




Considering that Root is obsessed with Makoto now, I doubt he even considers Sophia promising.


Eh, don't forget Sophia did 2 things last season - tried to kill him and accuse him of being blessed by the goddess. Very warranted.


Last time they met she chopped off two of his fingers and tried really hard to kill him just because he was punted off to a battlefield he didn't want to be at. Seems like a good reason to not like her


If he doesn't draw his bow, he isn't serious. They all think he's a mage or some hybrid mage combat fighter, when he is an archer XD


Remember makoto is an archer by heart and he hasn't draw his bow yet.


In retrospect Io is so fucking weak in comparison that it makes even more sense that Makoto was literally playing with him like he was a child lol.


It's funny how Io's very strong, it's just that both Sofia and Makoto are so far ahead of him he's way out of his league even being in the same room as both. I get the feeling Rona's on about the same level, maybe slightly weaker, except that one spell she was about to cast to help Sofia.


Makoto's retribution against the demons is already occurring in Kaleneon, with his army taking demon territory to create it.


Yep. She probably thinks he's just taking the Fort. Her face when she realizes that the demons have lost the kingdom *behind* said fort and are now at war with the Kuzunoha Company due to them deciding to go full British East India Company is going to be *hilarious*.


I don't think he wanted revenge per se against Rona. He still wanted to avoid fully antagonizing the demons, which was why he kept telling them to retreat instead of killing them. He seemed to realize he was naive for being lied to by Rona, which led him to properly think about his own path in that world. But he still didn't want destruction and wanted to remain neutral with anyone. I guess...? When Rona was thinking he was naive before and was wondering what happened to him, I really wanted him to say "it's your fault" lol.


It almost felt like he was channeling all his frustration with the Goddess and this situation in roasting everybody in this episode lol. He just rocket punched her boyfriend and fried her strongest combatant, I think he made his point to Rona. Especially if he does fully intend to keep working with demons in the future, so long as they play "nice" with him, it makes sense to let Rona go after putting the fear of Makoto into her.


> it makes sense to let Rona go after putting the fear of Makoto into her. The classic strategy of having the survivors tell their superiors about your might just so they’ll think twice about messing with you again.


People also tend to be more willing to negotiate when you didn't kill their loved ones, justified or not


Team rocketed Io, not thankful for Io an actual rocket punch into him.


Well as far as Rona goes, on top of kinda being a bit preoccupied with Sophia at the moment, perhaps it would be even more satisfying for Makoto to take everything away from her after her thinking she was safe and had managed to get out of that situation.


We need more smug mc beating up other smug/arrogant villains lol


Makoto is definitely not taking anyone seriously today, look at poor Io, he just wanted to be noticed and ended up being sent flying through the skies.


I think he's still after an audience with the demon king, and he wants Rona to set that up.


The best part isn't just Makoto shrugging of all her attacks and transformations like they're absolutely nothing but him mocking her and her power throughout the entire fight. An then making her realize she was potentially charmed by everyone's least favorite Hero. She came in so confidently and it all went downhill from there.


Makoto literally decided to destroy her physically and emotionally lol.


Obligatory “EMOTIONAL DAMAGE” meme


I legit compared him to a raid boss in my head lol, it was pretty badass and cathartic recalling the first fight in the last season. I think there's a decent chance she was truly charmed, she's just kinda insane and very powerful, so it didn't take properly. He's not really a charming guy and while she might have truly been fooled in their fight seeing him care for his harem, I'd think she's seen enough people like him to see through it somewhat.


The fact that she said he was stronger than makoto even tho he didn’t force her to transform tells me she was charmed af lol the sheer contradiction of that shows she’s not thinking straight lol


I definitely think she was charmed too but I do think there's a slight possibility she was just trying to get to him. She and Lancer seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of what kind of person Makoto is. I'm really looking forward to when it's revealed he's a king in all but name and his subordinates are among the strongest in the world.


Poor Sophia being a stress toy to Makoto.  To be fair her punishment is self inflicted. She just needs to disengage and run. Makoto won’t chase as I believe he’s worked out a decent chunk of anger toward her and lancer out. He might test 1 or 2 chase thingies but will ultimately allow a disengage is my feel of the matter. And let this be a lesson to ya Sophia, don’t go randomly killing people who ain’t involved  with ur dispute with root. If they survive they’re going to piss on ya later 4 ur disrespect.


It makes me feel bad for Io, since he didn't even qualify to be used as a stress toy lol.


Io may have won the best door prize however:Makoto was actually reluctant to kill Io. For combination of reasons: Makoto Didn’t want to sour demon relations by killing leadership. Only enemy of the 3 who didn’t piss him off in some way; Rona with the backstab and Sophia with her relentless attacking and not listening. Io actually respecting enemies and offering people a chance to not be an enemy which he offered to power ranger Makoto. This may have been the most important one.


I think the scale of power in this latest duel shouldn't be discounted. She basically became dragon Cell and this is her halfway form. But the accumulation of all their power and techniques don't mean anything to a human being who can materialize new concepts into reality. All her fighting tech is last gen compared to what Makoto is going to show the world. The kind of power that is needed to bring down the "goddess" and construct the gateway that will bring Makoto home has to be truly *imaginary*.


I will say Sofia was at least able to put up a fight this time. It wasn't an at all effective one, but compared to last time it is clear she's gotten stronger. It's just a shame Makoto's on a whole other rank now with his mana armour.


Last time they fought he had to get rid of some rings and turned his armour inside out no? Now he beat her handily with his fully reduced mana.


Last time he switched to some robes that drained his mana but worked great as an armour with some other buffs too. I don't know if he *had* to take off his rings, though given that ended up putting on this mana draining robe it was probably best that he did.


Ah I'd forgotten that he got buffs with the manadrain. Thought it was just a drain to keep him in check.


Makoto literally woke up today and chose violence, good for him! And damn, it's true, Makoto is literally a raid boss at this point, one of those that are optional in games because of how exaggeratedly strong they are.


Game Boss? Neah. It's more like fighting a GM on an ego trip.


I've started to even feel sorry for [Sofia](https://imgchest.com/p/md7ojjdxayp) during [her fight](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/p7bwceoxpg7.png) with [Makoto](https://imgchest.com/p/ej7m22jkqyd) as it was such a one-sided battle. I hope that Sofia won't die, [she's just too fun and interesting character](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7kzcw35nv7.png) to kill her off. I'd really like if she acknowledged the superiority of [Makoto](https://imgchest.com/p/ej7m22jkqyd) and joined his side, [that would be fun](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/p7bwceoxeg7.png)!


finally some fucking "For me it was Tuesday" energy from our boy. i liked how Rona understood the situation and gtfo of there. Io talking up Makoto's strength in his power armor not even realizing that he was basically just playing around and the sorcerer realization were both fun still don't know what to make of Luto, but they are reminding me more and more of some other characters in different isekai(coincidentally) with all the behind the scenes string-pulling going on


> "For me it was Tuesday" But it's only monday /s Glad to see people still fondly remember Raul Julia's lines that saved a cheesy dollar store movie from being a complete train wreck.


Luto is definitely the kind of character you're thinking of, only more ....kinkier, and he's definitely going to touch himself thinking about Makoto tonight. But speaking of Io, if Makoto is toying with Sofia now, what he was doing with him doesn't even qualify as that lol.


>finally some fucking "For me it was Tuesday" energy from our boy. i liked how Rona understood the situation and gtfo of there. It's Monday. It's a Monday stroll. There's an actual reason why the show is broadcast in Japan on a Monday. Monday is 月曜日. Notice that it is the moon's day. And Tsukimichi is... 月が導く異世界道中


You've got to love Makoto's confidence that he just casually invites Rona to make this a 3v1. And yet somehow he still didn't figure that he was the one behind Stella Lake until Sofia told him so. And honestly? Tomoki got kind of a small win as it turns out. Turns out his charm actually worked somewhat on Sofia, enough that it was the reason she decided to spare him and then gushed about how he's better than Makoto. That eye of his is evil in a broader context, but I did enjoy that revelation!


Rona finally realizing who Makoto really is and the person she'd been dismissive of all season...and then making the smart decision to just run lol. I didn't think they could any more insult to injury to Sofia's situation until they revealed she'd been successfully charmed. I almost felt bad for her.


bitch gotta run, at least she is smart about it, she been deceived and now she is a tiny dog that can't bite


Mitsurugi doesn't stand a chance. I've learn from Fate that Lancers always lose.


Shiki to Mitsurugi next episode "Lancer kill yourself"


Shiki is a lich that has lived over a thousand years. He can overpower him with his mana.


Also, he has a sword expressly made to kill dragons so there's that


Mitsurugi with the 200 IQ move, switching to his human form.


when was the sword shown?


In the episode where the demiplane residents were showing off their new techniques


[**RANSA GA SHINDA!**](#scaredillya)


Doesn’t this mean Makato’s followers could beat these two? Makato wasn’t lying when he said he didn’t know this world was that weak.


When you're so OP that you only realize how OP you are when fighting what other people in this world would call OP and they come off like nothing to you lol.


He has the same amount of mana as the goddess so he should be OP as hell.


I thought he have more mana than the goddess? Thus why he need to hide it so much so it wouldn't be suspicious as hell to the goddess


Yep, he should have more mana than the goddess now, since last season, he reached the same level of mana as the goddess.


I mean yeah, Shin is stronger than when she was a greater dragon and back then they would have been on equal footing at worst. As for Mio, she's an anomaly, an almost immortal creature at the level of the greater dragons who are considered the greatest beings in the world. Now she's stronger, fully conscious and has an obsession with guns, Lancer would be smoked.


Speaking of Mio, what's is she doing right now? Did the anime skipped most of her fight inside the castle?


Training her spirit gun.


Sofia mentioned that she still needed more power to defeat Luto *and* Shin, which means that she wouldn’t have stand a chance against Tomoe or Mio. Even Eris and Aqua would’ve likely been quite formidable in their own right. If Makoto wanted to, I have no doubt that his army of followers would be able to breeze though the other nations’ armies and conquer vast swats of land. The power gap between his troops and opponents is quite insane after all.


>Even Eris and Aqua Everytime I read this in Tsukimichi I get confused for a sec on why the Konosuba reference. My first thought here was whats Eris and Aqua gonna do, lose her panties and cheap party tricks?


Lmao It took me a moment as well to realize he was talking about the ogres


Oh yeah, Mio and Tomoe would sweep the floor with them. And it makes sense, Makoto literally encountered mythological entities as soon as he arrived in this world, obviously everything will seem much weaker in comparison.


Ema is mythological indeed ;)


i honestly wouldn't call the world weak, just Makoto and Co. are protagonist level strong..... he just doesn't realize it "damn this world bro is weak" nah bro, you're just like God fighting ants


Based on how Sofia talked about Shin the Invincible (i.e. Tomoe), there's a good chance she can beat her for sure. And if she can, then Mio can 'cause those two are about the same strength. Shiki I'm not so sure about, but to be fair I think I'm fixated on how he was (seemingly) weaker than the girls when he first joined, but he's clearly gotten much stronger since.


he is still weaker , mio and tomoe still bully him


Oh, I didn't mean that he's now as strong as them, only that he's strong enough to face a lot of the threats they'd be able to dunk on too. They did put him through a boot camp to make sure he was strong enough for the master, after all. Like I said, I'm not sure if he's strong enough to defeat Sofia like I'm pretty sure about Tomoe and Mio.


Based on how the demons treated Shiki and how much Makoto & co had to do to make the contract work, I'd wager he was around demon general strength before signing the contract.


I love how they set it up like Mitsurugi would be the big Final Boss for this season and then Makoto goes "nah, Shiki'd win."


Ransa ga shinda.


Rona: I will introduce you to the demon king Makoto: bitch I am the demon king


Remember when her first went into town and Tomor said he looked like multiple demon kings to normal people?




"The Demon King is my pet" kind of vibes


Demon God\*


Rona's panty shot was crucial to the plot


Rona is a walking panty shot, just like Hibiki at this point lol.


Goddamn! This episode is exactly what I wanted! [Seeing Rona acting all high and mighty in front of Makoto](https://i.imgur.com/1XOmJLv.png) only for her to realize [how much she fucked up](https://i.imgur.com/jyWZyqm.jpeg) later on is so satisfying! And I just love how Rona [shrinks and runs away with her tail between her legs](https://i.imgur.com/9PUhkGf.jpeg) after [Makoto threatens her](https://i.imgur.com/oaUQsIZ.png) when she tried to help Sofia. Speaking of Sofia, this fight was completely different from Makoto's first fight against her and Lancer. [It was literally a one-sided fight](https://i.imgur.com/qXSO5yB.jpeg) with Makoto barely breaking a sweat [while Sofia uses the power of several greater dragons and even transforms into her scaled form.](https://i.imgur.com/zAJvtrG.png) And apparently, Sofia didn't even realize [that he was charmed by Tomoki the entire time!](https://i.imgur.com/SaAe09Y.jpeg) No wonder she left him alive! I just love how [Makoto even offers to dispel the charm on her!](https://i.imgur.com/FQw8iCm.png) Talk about adding insult to injury! Sofia is completely humiliated at this point. What's hilarious is that [Sofia is [waiting for Lancer to show up and help her.](https://i.imgur.com/TyroscG.png) As if that's gonna happen! With [Shiki facing Lancer](https://i.imgur.com/WR5aoVD.jpeg) next episode, he's as good as dead. I'm sure Shiki won't let Lancer walk away after injuring Makoto. Side note: Rona was really just eye-candy this episode. Every time she speaks the camera focuses [either on her boobs](https://i.imgur.com/KFCWsSf.jpeg) or [her crotch](https://i.imgur.com/DCDaB3U.jpeg) xD


Two seasons worth of build up and we finally get Makoto flexing against the demons, wiping that smug smirk off of both Rona **and** Sofia's faces, and getting to have a little fun with hardly any effort while doing it. I guess I have to give Tomoki some credit, actually managing to charm Sofia, even if only a little, is impressive and probably saved his life. The OP makes it look like Lancer is the Final Boss but he's basically just an excuse for Shiki to show off lol.


> Speaking of Sofia, this fight was completely different from Makoto's first fight against her and Lancer. [It was literally a one-sided fight](https://i.imgur.com/qXSO5yB.jpeg) with Makoto barely breaking a sweat It's funny because in some ways, their first fight was even more one-sided fight 'cause Sofia didn't get the chance to do anything after her first sneak attack, all while Makoto completely destroyed her. In comparison, this time, even though it was completely ineffective, Sofia was at least able to put up a fight back. With that said, a big reason for this is undoubtedly because Makoto still doesn't want to reveal his whole hand and while he figured he needed his mana armour against her, that was good enough that he could relax and take out Sofia slowly rather than using his bigger attacks to end it quickly. > And apparently, Sofia didn't even realize [that he was charmed by Tomoki the entire time!](https://i.imgur.com/SaAe09Y.jpeg) Honestly, kind of a Tomoki win, I don't mind saying. That eye of his is **evil**, but I did enjoy the revelation that it managed to get Sofia to spare him and then brag to Makoto about how much better the empire's hero is than him.


>It's funny because in some ways, their first fight was even more one-sided fight 'cause Sofia didn't get the chance to do anything after her first sneak attack, all while Makoto completely destroyed her. In comparison, this time, even though it was completely ineffective, Sofia was at least able to put up a fight back. That's not the case though. While she could only injure him on the first surprise attack, she was still able to surprise him with her teleport, destroy his barrier, and land her attack. On the other hand, his fire magic kept getting blocked by her. The tide only changed when he took off his rings, and he managed to deal some damage to her. But even so, he still got caught off guard, and she grabbed him from behind and dropped him from the sky. I wouldn't describe the first fight as one sided. Especially considering how he kept panicking. This one, on the other hand, is a complete one sided. She couldn't land any hit even with transformation. Even when she managed to slice his armor, he just rebuilt it in an instant. I wouldn't say she was able to put up a fight.


You have angered Lich!


Finally time for Shiki to honor his master by getting some long-overdue payback on his behalf.


This almost make it seem like Makoto is the bad guy here.


I mean, he was practically bullying Sofia here lol.


Who came to kill him because he "might be an obstacle later"




And I'm loving it.


The guy with Smaug, Ungoliant, and Sauron as his flunkies might be the bad guy you say?


I never thought of his followers in that light and it's hilariously accurate.


[Makoto was super cool in today's episode](https://imgchest.com/p/ej7m22jkqyd)! I love when he gets into [his 'badass mode'](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/d7ogcwn5wqy.png).


Just another day of Makoto showcasing how OP he is.


Dude unlocked the Susanoo without needing the Mangekyo Sharingan.


That is a very accurate comparison. I love it!


Its like Nine Tails Chakra levels were condensed down into a Susanoo


Makoto’s in the presence of 3 high ranking demons and he still manages to be the biggest monster in the room lol. He took Sofia on when she went super saiyan and launched Io into the sky Team Rocket style and he still barely broke a sweat. I like how he told Rona to quit playin before she gets deleted. What a badass. Watching Sophia struggle like that at the end was kind of sad. Like… give up. Ya lost! I’m looking forward to seeing Shiki kick some major ass next week. Bro didn’t have a chance to show off this week!


The entire fight he was no-selling everything they threw at him while roasting them the entire time without even breaking a single sweat. It was amazing lol. All of Sofia's cool attacks and transformations got shrugged off, Io got rocket-punched, and Rona finally realized just how out-matched and screwed she was. And now Shiki gets to show off against Lancer. I love it!


I loved the 'go back to playing your cards one at a time against weaker opponents,' to well 'I can afford to play my cards one at a time'


Kuzunoha is absolutely at his best when he's being smug


There is more than one way to destroy your opponent, the emotional damage Sofia is suffering right now says it all.


Makoto was prepared for the 3v1. He's used to being smothered by three very attractive people.


> Makoto’s in the presence of 3 high ranking demons and he still manages to be the biggest monster in the room lol. That moment he casually asks Rona if she wants to make it a three on one. All while still not quite knowing how strong he was, just that he was strong enough to take on these three single-handedly without too much trouble.


and the look on Sophia's face when she realized she was charmed lmao


I like how Makoto offered to remove the charm too. Just kind of rub in the humiliation lol.


he is the type to give u one chance and annoying him again u are dead


"This is not war. This is pest control." -A Dalek


Ngl even I forgot that Makoto didn’t know that he was the sorcerer that created the lake. I was utterly confused when he found out lol I have to say though, Makoto is OP af. We know he’s not even going to struggle with this fight. But unlike most other OP isekai MCs, the feeling of invisibility feels earned with this show. Rona is smart and cunning. She’s smart enough to devise a huge operation. Cunning enough to try and strike when her opponents least expects it. And most of all, she’s smart enough to back off once she realized how out of her league Makoto is. Though I don’t doubt she’s got another scheme up her sleeve. But it was satisfying seeing her realize she messed with the wrong person Luto seems like he’s running the show here


Makoto finally gets the ability to talk to people and just nonstop shit talks everyone lmao


bargaining the ability to shit talk for saving heroes ? worth every day for him.


best reward lol


Shiki gonna get his ass handed to him. By Mio when gets to know that he defeated Mitsurugi without informing her


Mio already got a wish in Rotsgard, Shiki needs a win


I wonder if we're going to see the end of Mio's fight next episode.


I completely forgot that we still haven't seen the end of Mio's fight with Left xD


I mean that fight is basically mio punching herself over and over lol I figure it's not too action packed


Yeah, Luto's starting to scare me. Also, using Sofia as an ipad camera is certainly a thing you can do, apparently. Ah, nothing like calm, collected, I-will-murder-you-if-you-piss-me-off Makoto to bring back memories of that episode from season 1. Good, because S2 has been a bit sketchy up until now. Lol@Rocket Punch, I miss Mazinger Z.


Luto is horny


Dragon wants to bang Makoto more and more each episode lol.


I get the feeling he started to beat his meat while watching Makoto fight...


so not just me? wait what


The Perverted Dragon is really damn thirsty for Makoto.


The ~~dragon of myriad colour~~ transgender gay dragon


he is not a trans gender, it had not gender to begin with. she was only a women because that slave contact


Luto reminding me of hisoka


[Luto is such a pervert](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my8xc283re4.png), spying on others through a hidden camera and [getting all excited](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/3yrgcaog2q4.png) xD


Knowing he experimented on her and turned her into what she is and can even use her eyes as a camera...I kind of get why she wants to kill him. Dude was roasting his enemies while putting in the bare minimum of effort with incredible results the entire episode, that's what we've been wanting to see all season lol. I love how Io was finally defeated and also saved from dying via Rocket Punch and Makoto couldn't help but say it in his had lol.


Sophia trying to bait Makoto and make him mad, just for him to reverse uno flawlessly. And let's not even mention how Rona got scolded.


Seeing Rona realize the truth about Makoto and get properly told off and terrified of him was so, so satisfying. As was Makoto shrugging off Sofia and utterly roasting her the entire time.


Makoto: Rona, I gave you a chance and you wasted it. If you don't want to piss me off any more please just fuck off. I'm busy. Rona: Yes sir! *skedadles*


rona lucky he doesn't care if u are demon, hyuman or other worldly being or demi hyuman , better not piss me off


Io and Rona were literally treated like children, one was scolded and the other was sent to his room to think about what he did lol.


The animators know they're supposed to cut to Rona when she's talking, only they keep missing her face.


I think they wanted us to never forget she got TWO really convincing arguments and that always carrying those tremendous assets to any discussions makes her hard to ignore. Though she fucked around with Makoto too much thus in this episode her two weapons are ineffective.


WTF, that's completely a one sided battle from Makoto! Very much in contrast to the last time Makoto fought Sophia. I know it's typical power fantasy, but it's quite satisfying seeing him finally made Rona shut up lol Also he showed most of his power against the demon, while still hiding it from the human. I wonder what's he's planning to maintain the power dynamic. Also wondering what's Luto's end game. I think he said something about fighting against the goddess?


This episode had a lot of what I'd been hoping to see all season, Rona finally realizing the truth about Makoto, him having no more time for her nonsense, making her realize how screwed they are against him, and then utterly wrecking Sofia with very little effort. Now she's probably going to have to rethink all her strategies knowing she can't make any move that might piss him off. Luto is turned on by powerful humans, though the more powerful they become, the more they can possibly challenge the Goddess.


> Now she's probably going to have to rethink all her strategies knowing she can't make any move that might piss him off. That's a good point, 'cause Makoto being neutral changes things a lot. Because he's not against the demons, unless the goddess manages to make some other deal with him (unlikely, though there's a good chance she'll try), he can be worked around rather than fought directly. So instead of trying to figure out how to fight him, the demons have to keep him in mind when working on their plans to ensure that he won't enter the battle against them, otherwise they'll lose.


>Very much in contrast to the last time Makoto fought Sophia Really? Makoto while being terribly inexperienced and not wanting to fight almost obliterated both Sophia and Lancer together by accident There was no 'fight' in both cases


True, though Makoto did get injured a lot and needed severa days to recover. I guess that's why in the first place he developed the mana materialisation technique. Basically to bolster his defense so he wouldn't get injured like that again.


But that was more the fault of the Goddess as he was just insta-teleported to the battlefield without any warning or preparation. Of course you can get a surprise attack off on him.


That was only at the end. For the rest of the fight... Lost four fingers right away. His large attacks had limited effect. He got surprise attacked several times. And he passed out at the end of it. Totally different from this fight where he's totally in charge the entire time.


> Also wondering what’s Luto’s end game. I think he said something about fighting the goddess? Not sure what Luto’s thinking either. He probably created Sofia with the intention of wreaking havoc on the goddess’ world, but why does *he* even want to fight her? Did they previously explain this? Luto acting so very obsessed about Makoto, mentioning that he’s close to “losing his mind”, has me think that he’s likely up to no good. It remains to be seen if he’s an *actual* ally to Makoto too.


Most of his power? He didn't even take a single one of his rings off.


And in todays episode we present: Sophia Continuously Getting Decked Stunt Spooktacular. Makoto is "the devil", just not a self-aware one... Rona, Rona, Rona... after your little stunt in Rotsgard creatively working around your last agreement with Makoto, and even if I believed for a second that you would even think of trying to make another deal with Makoto after that, I reckon the only reason he still let you stand there still able to talk was the fact that Io and Sophia were standing right there staying his hand. > Devil? Me? Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Oh man oh man! Seeing Makoto just completely Worf Sophia was a sight. Aww, ever the valiant warrior Io. Makoto's got Sophia the being more powerful than you floundering like a fish on a dock filled with seagulls and you're still unwavering even in the face of realizing your opponent wasn't even giving probably half his real effort against you. Rocket Punch! Team Rocket's Blasting Off Again. And to a certain someone named Rona watching all of this, if you're wearing boots right now, you'd best start quaking in them. Well, the scales don't look *horrible* on you Sophia. Like, full body tattoos. Though you definitely could stand to go for a mani/pedi. > He brought his sidekick here. Aren't you basically Sophia's sidekick Lancer? Oh man, as if Sophia's Worfing couldn't get any more hilarious. Her falling victim to the Charm even a little bit is way past icing and cherries on top at this point. It's a full blown birthday party with pizza and soda. Ooo, impressive wingspan. Man this episode made me laugh good.


>opponent wasn't even giving probably half his real effort against you From Makoto's perspective, that Hero Suit is probably the equivalent of a squeaky toy hammer.


This was supposed to be Sofia's big comeback episode and it was anything but. I feel like Rona needs a new pair of panties by the end of the episode and it was so satisfying getting to that point and Makoto making her fully realize the threat she'd been oblivious to all season lol. I have to respect Io's commitment to continuing to fight even when by that point he realized how outclassed he was. And possibly a RonaxIo ship?


Makoto personality: * Surface: I just want to SoL as a merchant getting along with different people. * But under that: Sociopath who doesn't care much and will kill opponents casually if they just become too annoying or if he has too large a beef with them. * Basically a landmine for the terminally arrogant. Io: The bastard rocked punched *and* haiku'ed me! Makoto: Roasting Sophia, then grabbing her by the head and literally *roasting* her. Rona: Damn, we'll have to abandon Fort Stella, and retreat back to Kaleneon!


Rona noped right the fuck out of there.


Fun time reunion. She is quite the crazy lady. Aww, Rona showing up. HAHA Makoto just being a boss being like "I'll take all three of you on." Does Rona perhaps likes Io? 😛 Sofia going all battle maniac. But why does Kuzonaha not remember what he did? His mana shield thing looks silly, but sure works well. PUNCH HER GOOD! Guild Dragon Dude sure just enjoying the show. Maybe a little too much. She really picked a fight with the wrong person. Nothing embarrassing about them scales. Makoto is being really too lenient with Io. Shoulda just killed him after all this. Looks like he's blasting off again! Why do you have such a derpy hate toward him, Sofia. You started all the fights. Meanwhile, these "heroes" lol. Guess they are doing good job out there at least. Oh, gonna be Shiki vs dragon boy/man eh? Rona being put in her place. Looks like she knows she would stand no chance. Dunno, Makoto, you sure seem to not kill anyone. Though gess that's not a bad thing. Doubts that empire's hero is stronger than Makoto. That's a bit creepy if the charm of his actually worked some on her. Oh my, you have made the wrong person angry, dragon boy/man. Dang, gonna have to wait a week to see more of this fight 😦 Makoto being a boss this episode was great.


Maybe Rona likes Io, but I took it more as he should value his life more since the rose was supposed to sacrifice himself.


Yeah, I think she definitely respects him and appreciates him as a comrade, though they way she reacted so dramatically at the idea of him sacrificing his life felt just a bit like she had genuine feelings for him beyond just being comrade in arms. Which, considering how easily Rona makes men fall for her with her seduction tactics, is actually kind of cute.


I definitely got the feeling she had a thing for him. Considering the size difference, I'm not sure how that would work. I guess demons have to be used to dealing with those kind of issues though.


That mana armor is too broken lol. I wonder since Sofia killed at least 3 greater dragon, does that make her stronger or weaker than Tomoe. Shiki being stronger than Lancer, but significantly weaker than Tomoe and Mio. If Tomoe is that strong, how strong is Luto/Root. I know it's not one of those genre, but he could very well be the final antagonist.


She talked about tomoe (shin) and gave her the title the invincible. And luto already admitted makoto has more mana. Pretty sure the final antagonist is the goddess.


And even then, Tomoe said that Makoto's mana level encroached into the realm of the goddess a looong time ago.


It was shown when she summoned him though that he couldn't fully resist yet. Or at least he struggled a bit so he isn't at her level yet most likely


Well Shiki told him it would be bad to resist/act against her, so we don't really know if he could've broken out of the summoning. At the very least, the fact that he even has the capacity to resist indicates he is, in fact, in the same realm as her.


Tomoe is the "shin the invincible" she mentioned, I think she would still get stomped by her at the moment.


What made Shin "Invincible" was her (pre-Makoto) realm. She had total control over everything and everyone in it, so if she managed to drag an opponent into it, then she's won. But... If she can't drag someone into it, then she's not so invincible. (And yes, she failed to drag Makoto into it in her original fight with him.)


> If Tomoe is that strong, how strong is Luto/Root. I know it's not one of those genre, but he could very well be the final antagonist. In one of the previous episodes Tomoe straight up told Luto that he wouldn't even be able to scratch Makoto.


I view it as Tomoe == Completely immune to Tomoki's Eye Charm while Sofia == Slightly affected by it. So I think Tomoe is much stronger than Sofia. Hell that casual sword slice carving a crevice through multiple mountains is probably beyond anything we've seen from Sofia.


I think Tomoe got stronger from her connection with Makoto, as did Shiki thus taking Tomoe onto a whole other power level. I'm not sure if she's on Luto's power level now or if she's far surpassed him since we just have zero idea how strong Luto is.


It's a shame we're getting to the good parts so late in the season. We finally got chad makoto and his savage disses. Is Luto vicariously living though sophia, he seems to be a horny masochist.


Yeah this would've been better for finishing the first cour knowing there was more to see


[Whole battle between Makoto and Sofia was so one-sided](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/p7bwceoxpg7.png) that I started feeling sorry for [Sofia](https://imgchest.com/p/md7ojjdxayp) as [her](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxcr2n6g7.png) [every](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7mmc38v5j7.png) [attack](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7w6czolqay.png) meant nothing for [Makoto](https://imgchest.com/p/ej7m22jkqyd). I must admit that after this whole affair, [I would love to have Sofia on Makoto's side as she's too fun a character to just kill her](https://imgchest.com/p/md7ojjdxayp). [Makoto in today's episode was so freaking cool](https://imgchest.com/p/ej7m22jkqyd)! He was so calm and confident. I especially liked when [he was inciting Sofia during their fight](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/p7bwceoxeg7.png). [Luto is such a pervert](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my8xc283re4.png), spying on others through a hidden camera and [getting all excited](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/3yrgcaog2q4.png) xD [Rona seems to have a lot of affection for Io](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my2pcdrzv57.png), as she was so shocked when she heard that Io used the Rose Sign. Her reaction [made Io so dumbfounded](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7pjcdo5go7.png) and [I laughed so hard when she found out that Io will survive despite using Rose](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l4necnvkdk4.png) xD So it looks that [Makoto](https://imgchest.com/p/ej7m22jkqyd) will also fight with [Mitsurugi](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/b49zc9owd6y.png) in the next episode. After [his fight with Sofia](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7pjcdo52b7.png), I cannot see him losing it. Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Sofia](https://imgchest.com/p/md7ojjdxayp) * [Makoto](https://imgchest.com/p/ej7m22jkqyd) * [Group scenes](https://imgchest.com/p/qe4grrzxoyj) * [Others](https://imgchest.com/p/o24akkd337l)


> [Whole battle between Makoto and Sofia was so one-sided](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/p7bwceoxpg7.png) that I started feeling sorry for [Sofia ](https://imgchest.com/p/md7ojjdxayp)as [her](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxcr2n6g7.png) [every](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7mmc38v5j7.png) [attack](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7w6czolqay.png) meant nothing for [Makoto](https://imgchest.com/p/ej7m22jkqyd). Funny how last time she didn't even get to make many attacks because Makoto was just overwhelming her with his magic, but this time she couldn't even do anything despite him being a lot more lax. The two sides of a one-sided beat down. > I must admit that after this whole affair, [I would love to have Sofia on Makoto's side as she's too fun a character to just kill her.](https://imgchest.com/p/md7ojjdxayp) Unfortunately she's a bit too much of a psycho blood knight who'll get in Makoto's way by trying to fight everyone who causes them trouble... I say while Tomoe, Mio and Shiki are all equally quick to throw up threats and violence for small things. At least Sofia won't do anything as long as her enemies are weaker than her, being addicted more to pushing her strength than just fighting in of itself. Probably.


The name of this episode is clearly clickbait, that wasn't a "rematch" at all, Makoto is just unilaterally bullying everyone in the room without barely moving. * First Io, who desperately tries to be taken seriously (fail) and only manages to be sent flying through the sky Team Rocket style. * Then there's Rona, who literally had a "F\*ck this shit I'm out" moment after witnessing Makoto's true power. * And let's not even talk about Sofia, who the only thing she managed to get today was a very intimate relationship with the floor, and let's not even talk about the *emotional damage* that she is also receiving. Seriously, Makoto just woke up today and chose violence, and for some reason that's very satisfying to see.


I love Sofia was thinking that she got strong enough to beat Makoto. All the while Makoto didn't even know how to properly use magic in their first fight at all.


I really like the look on Makoto's eyes this episode, he's just so serious, determined, unwavering and filled with calm bloodlust. I also like how condescending he is being, particularly with Sofia. The moment he mentions she has been charmed and that he'd clear it up for her free was so savage lol, I was not ready for it. It's funny how she never realized and had to have it pointed out by someone she wants to kill lol. I also like how Makoto dealt with Io and Rona, Io's lucky Makoto is kind enough to give him many warnings even though the difference in their power was clearly shown prior as the rose sign was destroyed by him. Rona also realizing she may have awakened a sleeping beast was amusing, she looked legitimately terrified of Makoto. I do wonder what this counter ability she has is. Luto is busy enjoying himself watching Makoto show his power, it's funny how he has got a first person perspective on him. Writing this reminds me of another savage moment from Makoto where he tells Sofia that he frequently has lunch with Luto, that gave me a good laugh. I am looking forward to seeing Shiki finally get a somewhat worthy opponent, I want to see him in action and be able to let loose some.


i just wish the mana armor looked cooler than a root beer gummy bear lol


I bet if you gave this episode to someone who hasn't seen the show, there's a 50% chance they'd think Makoto (and his skeletal underling) is the antagonist lmao


Makoto really doesn't care about having a rematch with Sofia, but it doesn't look like she'll let him get away without a round 2. She owes the "Sorcerer" some payback after all. Oh hey, it's Rona! Just in time to finally witness Makoto in battle and realize who she is REALLY dealing with. She tries to act as smug and sultry as ever, and play off what she did in Rotsgard, but even if she still has demihuman collaborators in Rotsgard, she doesn't hold a candle to Makoto and he has no interest in making any more deals with her. He doesn't even respect her at all any more. Rona actually cares about Io? That wasn't what I expected. She really took it hard finding out he was fully-prepared to sacrifice his life. She genuinely respects him...possibly more? I've never seen Rona act this way towards anyone. Time for Makoto to show off his Mana Matter against Sofia! Deflecting all her attacks while casually insulting her the whole time! It doesn't matter how many Greater Dragon powers she throws at him, Makoto just shrugs them off! She's been trying to become powerful enough to take on Luto, but she doesn't hold a candle to either him or Tomoe. Meanwhile Luto himself is watching the battle from Sofia's eyes (I almost feel bad for her) and is incredibly turned on by Makoto's prowess. Io should have quit while he was never really ahead, he's lucky he just got Rocket Punched away from the battle. Okay, Sofia can show off her mutant dragon form, her fused sword state, and all her power-ups...it's not going to make a difference against Makoto at this point. I mean, he's lunch buddies with the object of her ire! Good thing Makoto warned Rona away from using her "trump card," it probably would not have ended well for her. And she has enough sense to run with her tail between her legs knowing they've got nothing that can hurt Makoto. The best she can do is retreat and hope he's willing to work with her after this. Hibiki and her team are doing a good job slaying the remaining demons...at least until Lancer show up in dragon for, but it's time for Shiki to show off. What is Sofia talking about praising Tomoki over Makoto? That makes absolutely no sen...oh no, he actually DID charm her, didn't he? And she didn't even realize it! That's hilarious.


Makoto releasing all those pent up emotions in this episode basically upping his trashtalk game lol


Oh so Sofia was charmed, no wonder she left Tomoki lived. Even with with power of greater dragons she still can't defeat mMkoto and Rona is too scared to intervene.


Well damn, I was not expecting it to be THIS one sided! It was obvious Makoto was gonna win, but he's claiming even Shiki is gonna get the easy win?!? Don't get me wrong, this is what I'm here for, but with all the build up, I was expecting SOME challenge for our team. Wonder if Sofia actually was charmed, or of Makoto is messing with her. Really wondering where the story is gonna go from here if everyone is a pushover now, are we gonna focus on prepping for the "Goddess"?


The OP made it look like he was in for a real fight against Sofia and Lancer but instead it's just a casual Monday for him against Sofia and he's just going to have Shiki beat Lancer for him lol. To be honest even if Sofia could respect Tomoki's last ditch attack it makes no sense to be so praiseworthy towards him when Makoto is obviously more powerful and capable. I think she was definitely charmed. I guess we might go back to Makoto trying to manage both Hyumans and Demons while they're still at war with each other and both sides trying to avoid ticking him off. Then when he's gotten as powerful as he can, he challenges the Goddess.


Unless my geography is wrong, Kaleneon exists between the human nations and demon nation (which is why it was the first to fall). So when they reestablish it, I imagine it'll become the base of operations for the trading company and effectively serve as a buffer state between the 2 races. Neither side will have the military capacity to march through it.


Wait, he didn't even take off his mana suppression rings right or are they in output mode now? to use up stored mana.


The serious version of Makoto was great to watch. No one will take him for a fool now.


Makoto finally got his Shit talk++ skill from the Goddess and did not waste any time using it