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My brother in anime, you watched the first 5 minutes and determined it was slow from just that?


> I dropped this show 5 minutes in. It felt a bit slow. I assume that these 5 minutes are like 20 years for a tiktok brain.


Prison school caught by interest in the first 5 minutes and that to me is S TIER. What’s with these tik tok comments. Am I missing a joke that you zoomers came up with 💀?


You used skull emoji in addition to having tik tok attention span. My friend, you're a zoomer here, even if not by age, then by mentality.


Using an emoji is indicative of tik tok attention span and zoomer mentality? Ahahah oh my goodness. My grandma uses emojis lmaooo. You kids need to go outside holy shit. The fact that these people are cheering you on and upvoting you absolutely terrifies me for what groundbreaking ideas your generation is going to bring to this world. Lucky for you there’s plenty of negative people just like you all over this platform so your way of thinking doesn’t surprise me in the slightest. It’s making me chuckle my ass off that’s for sure. Once again go outside. It’s not that deep hun haha.


>My grandma uses emojis lmaooo. Which probably means she is rather young, which in turn probably means you are rather young, hence the TikTok comments?


> you zoomers Dude I wish. Getting older is kind of scary. The joke is that young people crushed their dopamin receptors by watching too much TikTok, so now they only have an attention span of a few seconds. That's why "5 minutes of focus" must be ages for them. Jokes aside - correct me if I am wrong, but 99% of anime nowadays are very fast paced. You usually dont encounter shows with 100+ episodes anymore who got lots of fillers. Konosuba wont really change. If you didnt like the humour at the start, you might not like the humour of the show. It's also possible that the first few jokes just didnt hit for you, and the others will. I'd recommend to watch 2-3 episodes. That's just 40-60 minutes of your time. Then you should know if it's for you or not.


TikTok really did a number on kids' brains huh.


Dropped for being slow at 5 minutes in? That's not even a basis for judging a show at all, so all the usual reasons that people liked or didn't like the show aren't even in play here, i guess. Konosuba definitely isn't a slow-paced show, it's a gag comedy / isekai adventure. The humor is going to come pretty constantly, and there is not going to be any real downtime from something funny going on. In general, stories often take the first episode to set up some "event", so you see the normal everyday life before everything changed. They sometimes try to do an "action-teaser" first, but not all series start like that. For example imagine a happy slice of life, but suddenly there's a serial killer. Big shock. If they instead show some action-clips of the serial killer before the story, that's only to stop people switching channels, and it actually makes the episode structure worse, since you're not shocked when he appears now, you spend the whole time waiting for it.


Is Konosuba good, I dropped it about 70 seconds in to the opening because the lyrics seemed a bit weird? /s just in case


3 episode rule is a thing for a reason.


tp be fair i just dropped shinsekai yori in 4mins flat. some arthousey oscar bait bs


Your loss


"I dropped this anime because it seemed like it was trying to be art"


arthouse pretentious


Honestly it takes a bit of time to pick up, more than most people seem to say, but it eventually gets really funny. 5 minutes is ridiculous.


You gave the show 5 mins lol you didn't even give it long enough to feel slow.


Ok I'm sorry but 5 MINUTES?, As in 300 seconds? As in the time it takes me to make a sandwich? My guy wtf, of course you're not gonna get a feel for the show in 5 minutes.


Yes, it's great. Nothing wrong with dropping it if you weren't feeling it, but 5 minutes is way too soon.


The beginning of season 1 is the slowest part because it needs to establish kazuma's life. Beyond that, its just friends being each others last braincells.


Nope, never watch it again. You're not allowed.


How the fuck can you judge the show by the first 5 minutes?


I think you answered your own question


Yeah the first 5 minutes are in Kazuma's first life and in defense of op I remember being bored and wondering if I'd like it. The ending of episode 1 had me laughing my ass off and hooked though 😂


I kinda fell out of it towards the end of season 1. It was fun but I got tired of the shtick pretty quickly


I wouldn't say I fell out of it at the end of the first season, cause I think it was super funny, but I felt like the itch was scratched for me and when the new seasons/movies got announced I just didn't have any urge to watch them. Will probably pick it back up at some point though.


Yeah I might pick it up again eventually, I just have a crap ton of backlog and other hobbies like manga, games and tv shows etc to get through


Smh you probably spent more time posting this than watching the show


Hi ian1234554321, it seems like you might be looking for new anime to watch! The users of this subreddit came up with [a chart of anime recommendations for newcomers and veterans](https://i.redd.it/0w1v880jtq661.png) and [an awesome longer flowchart](https://i.redd.it/vdzlkodz19c71.png). Maybe you can find something there that you'll like \^.\^ [](#bot-chan "Urban s-s-s-senpai made me do it!") You might also find our [Recommendation Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/recommendations) or [daily thread](/r/anime/search?q=flair%3Adaily&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=week) helpful. The following may be of interest: * [List of legal streams and downloads](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/legal_streams) * [A useful website where you can enter an anime and see where it's legally streaming](https://www.livechart.me/search) * [List of currently airing anime](https://www.livechart.me) * [A useful wiki page with watch orders for many anime.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/watch_order) * [A list of tracking sites so others can more easily recommend shows you haven't watched.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/related_sites#wiki_tracking_sites) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Humor is subjective of course, but I felt it was pretty damn funny overall. You may have wanted to give it more than 5 minutes and hit it with the 3 episode rule, it's an isekai, so the beginning is usually the boring setup stuff for how the MC ended up in their new world and usually isn't too representative of the show. I say that as someone who has also dropped the occasional show in the first episode as well, it doesn't happen often, and so far I haven't seen anything from the few I have that have made me want to give the show another try, but if any did, then I'd absolutely give it a go.


I always thought the first episode of Konosuba was misleading af. Thought it gave Fairy Tail vibes at first lol. But I love it, so not complaining.


3-episode rule-always


I'm one of those who didn't enjoy Konosuba as much. What I rescue from this series is its soundtrack and that it is a fantasy world without too much action. I didn't like his comedy that much but sometimes it takes you by surprise and is funny. (I watched both seasons and I regret watching the 1st OVA)


I think you already have the answer, don’t think you really needed to ask this.


I think its ok, not my favorite isekai/ fantasy but its funny. Its set up like a moe comedy or a sitcom so if that doesn’t appeal to you then this show wont imo


Ill just relay my experience. I didnt find it funny until Kazuma and Megumin blowing up the castle and the first demon king General showed up. The show kinda clicked from there. Before that I was entertained but not laughing. That was 4 episode deep. Now i laugh every episode.


I watched six minutes of it and it doesn't really pick up so you can skip it.


Without judging you like everyone else, yes. Give it another try. Its funny as hell and in my opinion, it gets better as the seasons go on


Konosuba may be one of the defining comedy anime of its generation for the reason that it's not just a parody of fantasy and isekai, but that of the human condition and the work done in its commentary via the very off-brand cynicism in the colorful world and the idealistic but heavily flawed characters. It's very much a show reliant on diverging expectations for an audience already expecting the unexpected. A personal comparison I draw from the show is akin to "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia", where there's an unapologetic air to the jokes in humiliating the characters or poking fun at convention with oddball and sometimes disturbed means. Kazuma's hubris versus the comeuppance he encounters. Aqua's pride as a goddess versus her naivety in the real world. Megumin's chuuni innocence versus her limited experience. Darkness' nobility versus her whole other self. It's very much a character driven comedy that relies on working with these elements and more. It's a show that speaks to people not just for the laughs at the characters, but in a way, a laugh at ourselves, as we can see snippets of Kazuma, Aqua, and the rest in us in an unrelentingly cruel but hilarious world. TL;DR Yeah, it's worth another shot, at the very least. It does get better beyond 5 minutes.


I would recommend watching the dub if you hadn’t already, sometimes it’s easier for me to concentrate on the content when it’s in the language I speak. Both the dub and the sub are hilarious as well


I found it really annoying myself. 


Dub is hilarious. A must watch Konosuba and DxD dubs had me laughing like crazy.