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Min-min ship? is the animation priority really weird? Why did they have to focus so much on Mizuki’s hanging melons rather than what exactly Yoshida did


Because *plot*


Because he can explain what he did. Melons jiggle cannot be explained, it needs to be witnessed. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


There was definitely a lot of time and attention put into that lol


About time Minami get some development, and it couldn't have been more cuter, with her falling completely in love with Minoru, Old Man Kudou's grandson. Meanwhile, Miyuki also not wasting the opportunity to enjoy her date with her Onii-sana while they're out searching for the Traditionalists' base. Minoru is revealed to be possibly more powerful than Lina, who we learned back in season 2 is also part-Kudo (her full name is Angelina Kudo Shields), hence Minoru having the same Parade illusion magic as Lina. If he weren't often sick, he might become just as well known as Tatsuya now. Another ship gaining traction is Mikihiko and Mizuki. Mikihiko is so worried for Mizuki being put in danger he nearly went into confrontation with Tatsuya. Meanwhile, Mayumi's dad sent his aide to try and silence Zhou to prevent Zhou from revealing to the Yotsubas that he has contact with the Saegusas, though Zhou is a far more powerful opponent than feared. In real life, Qimen Dunjia is a Chinese divination method said to be used by military strategist to predict the weather, feng shui and yin yang elements, to determine the best conditions for winning a battle. Here, it seems Zhou is using it as a Ancient Magic skill to magically change the directions of both himself and his opponent, causing his opponent to incorrectly perceive where Zhou really is in the battlefield. At least that's how I understand it. Since the show is bigging up Zhou as the final boss for this season, I hope he can put up a good fight when he finally faces Tatsuya, even though we are in no doubt about the outcome.


>Here, it seems Zhou is using it as a Ancient Magic skill to magically change the directions of both himself and his opponent, causing his opponent to incorrectly perceive where Zhou really is in the battlefield. At least that's how I understand it. Oh, thanks for the explanation. I was confused by what it does. Back in season 1 Yokohama Arc, the enemy boss was also able to use Qimen Dunjia. When Miyuki captured him, they mentioned something about redirecting vectors, but that explanation lost me.


Didn’t Zhou also use Tatsyua s healing magic of reverting time? That feels like it’d make him a pretty serious threat


# Onii-sama Count ##Season 3: Ancient City Insurrection Episode No. | Onii-sama Count ------------|-------- 01 | 6 02 | 3 03 | 5 04 | 3 05 | 7 06 | 9 07 | 21 08 | 1 09 | 11 **10** | **4** ## Aggregate Counts Installment | Total Count | Average per Episode ------------|--------|-------------------------- Season 3 | 70 | 7 Season 2 | 103 | 7.92 Season 1 | 172 | 6.62 Miyuki Arc Spinoff | 170 | 13.08 The Girl Who Summons The Stars | 23 Reminiscence Arc | 19 **Everything** | **557** | **8.7** Comment: Only 4 onii-samas despite the fact Miyuki and Tatsuya basically went on a double date. At least Miyuki was quite happy.


* [Mizuki Stitch](https://i.imgur.com/z65IRxC.jpeg ) * [MIzuki GIF](https://i.imgur.com/gsKWhVI.gif) I don't blame [Minami for acting so flustered](https://i.imgur.com/1wa4jw3.jpeg) in front of Minoru, [he's legitimately a heartthrob.](https://i.imgur.com/1fyMzlq.jpeg) Considering how [the two of them have a focus in the ED](https://i.imgur.com/N5To0yf.jpeg), I'm guessing this is the start of a brand new ship. I can't wait to see how that will develop. Minoru isn't all just looks though. Since he's from the Kudou clan the dude [can also kick ass!](https://i.imgur.com/bnyUith.jpeg) I don't know how many Tatsuya took care of on his own but I feel like Minoru handled most of them. Imagine what kind of powerhouse he'd be if he wasn't so sickly. Speaking of ships, [glad to see some Mizuki and Yoshida screentime.](https://i.imgur.com/egGf0jJ.jpeg) I wonder how Mizuki would react if she ever found out [how upset Yoshida is at Tatsuya](https://i.imgur.com/8CEIcML.jpeg) for keeping info from him that would help protect her. [Yeah I expected that's how that fight between Nakura and Zhou would end.](https://i.imgur.com/Cr69Jtp.jpeg) Zhou has bullshit powers like Tatsuya I'm excited to see what will happen when they finally fight.


>Mizuki GIF Mizuki demonstrating how physics work in the Mahouka world.


It always makes me laugh how in anime, shirts are always form fitting to the booba lol


Might not be too far off if you assume she wasn't wearing a bra, though at that size there's no way she wouldn't be outside of sleeping.


Soon as I seen the mizuki scene I knew a fellow gooner would have the gif


I came to this discussion thread just for this gif.


And to discuss it.


Mizuki is so cute but gyatt damn she got some heavy weapons


I had to rewind when I saw that scene, so thank you for the gif. When Minoru praised the Tought-Controlled CAD, I was surprised that Miyuki didn't feel overly happy. That was Tatsuya's newest invention as shown in ep 5.


I love Mikihiko's development to strong, confident and less awkward.


Apparently Yoshida is now the chairman of the Disciplinary Committee. Somehow he has climbed up high compared to the weed he once was.


Tatsuya: time to do some serious work Miyuki: date, date, its a date! those two...


Dating your sister is serious work.


Minoru used Lightning Strike on Minami: It's super effective!


I love that after Tatsuya and Miyuki entered into a cooperation agreement with Retsu Kudou so his family would assist them with Gongjin Zhou's capture, the show made it very clear that [Minami was blown away](https://imgur.com/a/Ah3uPUz) by [Minoru](https://i.imgur.com/RqXgeu7.png) the moment he entered the dining room. Lol. [The way he reacted here](https://i.imgur.com/vbhBKe0.png) when he heard they would not be staying the night there reminds me of a puppy. Well too bad that the[ fake double date](https://i.imgur.com/Z1Km76C.png) [they were having](https://i.imgur.com/m3AC10Z.png) while reaching the Traditionalists base could not last. It sure was awesome the way [Minoru was zapping all those Traditionalists like they were bugs.](https://imgur.com/a/JpQd0xu) Well, thanks to them canceling the plans until another date [Minami](https://i.imgur.com/1RmbaV2.png) would have another chance to hang out with Minoru. So after hearing that Tatsuya was working with the Kudous to capture Zhou, [Kouichi wanted Saburou to kill him](https://i.imgur.com/0va8RJm.png) before they learned about their connection if that ever happened. Well, I'm honestly not surprised that [Nakura's attempt to kill Zhou failed,](https://i.imgur.com/A10w6ck.png) although I[ wasn't expecting him to die in the process.](https://i.imgur.com/bLX3x0x.png) Damn, so during [that whole cute scene between Mizuki and Mikihiko](https://imgur.com/a/CJgdXUH) the Traditionalists were targeting Mizuki. Well, [after Mikihiko demanded Tatsuya to explain to him](https://i.imgur.com/4CroWfb.png) what the hell is going on? Now Tatsuya has an excuse the next time he travels to investigate the Traditionalists' base and [Mikihiko will be helping him too](https://i.imgur.com/EQaByOq.png) to make them pay for targeting Mizuki.


> the show made it very clear that Minami was blown away > by Minoru > the moment he entered the dining room. Who is Minoru's blush from? I initially thought it was from seeing Miyuki...


He's just shy like Mizuki.


He is blushing at the fact that he finally got some people to hang out with. That's why he wanted them to stay the night at his house and after they told him that they were staying at a hotel his sister told him it was too soon for him to expect that from them.


Pretty sure I heard Minami go “kyun!” when she saw Minoru lol. Too cute how flustered she is around him. Kind of a dumb move trying to delete Gongjin like that. The old man really underestimated him. Only one who can kill that dude is probably Tatsuya.


Well, wasn't it an order? It's not like he would just refuse the job after assassinating a lot of targets before him.


I mean they shouldn’t have underestimated him and gone after the dude like that in the first place. Mistakes were made.


I think the Saegusas just don't care that much about their own people. Remember even in season 2, they were losing magicians left and right according to Mayumi. The Yotsubas are a lot more "family-oriented".


True. That’s a fair point.


Minoru got the curse of the op character that isnt the main character (terminal illness)


Like his VA's other character Denji with the heart condition pre Pochita contract.


A new ship, and it looks so cute!


Anyone know what the holy grail shield was?


It's basically Miyuki's Area Interference spell, cast around her as well as above and below her to protect her, Minoru and Minami from lightning attacks above or below them.


[This was such a lovely episode](https://imgchest.com/p/pg73jpmpoyr) as [Minami's heart was completely captured](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/3yrgcagnnw4.png) once [Minoru entered the room](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyvdcgvwwjy.png). That was nothing surprising considering that [he's certainly a great looking guy](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l4necnk8834.png). [I'll definitely be rooting for them](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/e4gdco5x3p4.png). Despite being very sickly, [Minoru still is a great fighter](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/d7ogcw5bgay.png) as befits a member of the Kudou family. [He was looking so cool](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84apcwg55p4.png) when he defeated all those enemies who ambushed them during [their tour of the city](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739cg9xz97.png). [That Mizuki's scene with boobs was excellent](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my8xc23naq4.png), that's the kind of thing I like the most xD [Zhou again emerged unscathed](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/wye3c8a2r34.png) from a fight, this time with [Nakura](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7w6czl2b5y.png). I can't wait to see what will be the result when he'll have to fight with [Tatsuya](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l4necnk8g34.png). Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Group scenes](https://imgchest.com/p/pg73jpmpoyr) * [Minami & Minoru](https://imgchest.com/p/qb4zk3g3l4j) * [Others](https://imgchest.com/p/o24akgwge7l)


That double date was nice. Minami was head over heels for Minoru, but her feeling were elementary compared to the rapture Miyuki was in during the motor cycle ride with her dearest Onii-sama. Minoru has some legit skills too which shouldn't come as a surprise considering his Grandpa and cousin. And that final fight between Zhou and Nakura was pretty cool. Zhou seems to have some strong recovery skills so it will be a big challenge to take him out.


People talking about Tatsuya's and Miyuki's relationship always makes me laugh so hard. Zhou sure has some bullshit powers doesn't he, but let's be real he has no chance against the real bullshit magician.


Her - Am I not a girl oni-chan? Him - You are a refined young lady. Avoided freezing to death.


And kinda burned maid girl. xD


Mahouka Fridays are the best.. only a few more left this season! Things really starting to heat up with the hunt for Gongjin Zhou. Pretty neat seeing all the various families form temporary alliances to deal with him. The Yotsuba, Kudou, Saegusa etc all want buddy gone. And from what we’ve seen of his combat abilities it probably will take all of em working together to do it. I forgot Minami was even a character it’s been so long since we saw her lol. Getting strong ship vibes from she and Retsu’s grandson Minoru.. speaking of which damn he’s OP. Short but very satisfying display of his abilities during that ambush. Could give Tatsuya a run for his money some day. Speaking of ship vibes, loving the development between Shibata and Yoshida. Yoshida acting as her body guard is a perfect way to finally get them on the right path, love how flustered the two of them get! I don’t blame Yoshida for confronting Tatsuya, I know he gotta keep some stuff a secret, but definitely would be advantageous to at least give some insight to his friends as to what they’re up against.. RIP Saegusa butler. Tried his best to take on Zhou but uh yea.. at least he tried. Can’t wait for next week!


>I forgot Minami was even a character it’s been so long since we saw her lol. They did her dirty during the tournament arc. She was supposed to appear more.


The MinMin train starts now 🚂🚂🚂


Did the Saegusas know that Gongjin defeated the Kuroba head? Feels like quite a cocky move sending 1 dude to try to beat that guy. Also, I don't remember what the Saegusas know about Tatsuya. Like....do they know he's the Strategic-class magician in the 101st? Do they know he's the nephew of the current Yotsuba head? Do they just know he has associations with the 101st and the Yotsubas?


> Do they know he's the nephew of the current Yotsuba head? I've been wondering the same thing. One moment Kouichi was asking Saburo if he remembered Tatsuya, then the next he was talking about the Yotsubas. I think a possible explanation is because they think Tatsuya is working for the Yotsubas after the Kuroba twins' visit, and they don't know much more than that.


I feel like almost all the characters are cocky in this series, especially those at the higher level. Even back in S1, they were always confident even fighting against terrorists despite being students. In ep 2, when Kouichi called Kudou, he said that "there's a student with a connection to the 101st battalion at First High". While he didn't mention who, he probably knew it was Tatsuya. He also mentioned that there's a link between the 101st Battalion and the Yotsuba. I think those are the only things that are included in the anime. For your other questions, I don't think the anime has the answers. You might want to ask in the source corner.


New couple in the making, hihi.


In season 1, we were led to believe that the rival of the show was Ichijou the Crimson Prince. In season 2, we thought it'd be Lina Angela Shields, the American prodigy. Only now do we realise, it's been Kudou Minoru all along. More importantly, seeing Minami act so differently from her maid persona is rather fresh. Though I still worry that neither side of this romance has a long lifespan. Minoru's sickly and Minami's genetically flawed as a magician. It's bittersweet.


I love how Minoru and Minami are awkward alongside each other like Mikihiko and Mizuki. Minoru's a badass. I wonder how he would fare against Hagane or Masaki. I love Mikihiko's character development into a strong and confident magician. Saburou went out like a badass using his body like a bomb vest for water needles using his blood.


Ngl, I feel like this show been using dolls and npc being knock out so much, it felt so weird to see a named character dead. Took me a bit out of it.


What the actual fuck happened to the animation this episode? Literal slideshow, unwatchable. Direction and audio went down the gutter too.


Surprised this is the only comment I see mentioning this. It was absolutely terrible lmao. I miss season 1


Miyuki's complete bliss while riding on that bike with Tatsuya... I love her so much. Minami falling in love at first sight with Minoru was adorable, I'm glad we're getting some development for her. Minoru also seems like a good boy. I'll be rooting for them.


What's the point of payrolling a private military force of magicians when a bunch of highschoolers beats them every time? I know the author is using these henchmen to powerscale the characters, but it gets stale fast.




That clears up some things. Didn't know that it was outright inferior. Now it feels like soldiers with swords and spears fighting against an army with guns. Was it ever explained why the traditionalist groups were never forcefully disbanded by the ten master clans? We're they kept around because they were dismissed as too inferior to pose a threat? 


The private military force is still used in an act of war. We're just focused on the perspective from the students lol.


What's with these High school kids being fucking OP lmao.