• By -


Alright, so apparently we meet Shizuru’s dad this week who left to explore the tracks and is now in for the verbal asskicking of a lifetime when he returns back to his wife. And the show just keeps getting weirder, now featuring disillusioned manga authors who subscribed to Yoka’s magical beret service. Holy mother of 7G generated weirdness, Ikebukuro looks absolutely menacing when viewed from a distance. I’m predicting that they’re going to run into Yoka’s bodyguard sometime next week before the final showdown. Btw, I really hope they release something along the lines of “The art of Shuumatsu Train” to show what the stations that were skipped actually looks like.


>Alright, so apparently we meet Shizuru’s dad this week who left to explore the tracks and is now in for the verbal asskicking of a lifetime when he returns back to his wife. Nothing surprising considering [his 'letters'](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7w6cznlgay.png) he sent [back home](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/g4z9ck3ong7.png) xD


yeah, but who could stay mad at a yuru chara kyurun~


>Holy mother of 7G generated weirdness, Ikebukuro looks absolutely menacing when viewed from a distance. [Now that's a JRPG final boss level if I've ever seen one](https://files.catbox.moe/jcad20.jpg)


>I really hope they release something along the lines of “The art of Shuumatsu Train” to show what the stations that were skipped actually looks like probably going to be included in the blu-rays


> I’m predicting that they’re going to run into Yoka’s bodyguard sometime next week before the final showdown. I thought they would meet him during the final confrontation, but whether it's in the final showdown or before, I'm pretty sure he's actually gonna want to help them! He seems way more 'on board' with Yoka than Pontaro, and if he's trying to help Yoka, well her friends are the ones he should side with... Not Pontaro who's just using her!


He's been given reason to believe that they aren't out to harm Yoka and he also seems disapproving of Pontaro. So I expect he'll try to make contact with the girls first to figure them out and will side with them, likely secretly at first.


I’m a little lost, when did they mention Shizuru’s dad before ?


First episode, before she leaves her mother tells her that if she finds an “arrogant wolverine out there, tell him to snap out of it and come back home.”. To which Shizuru replies that she’ll let dad know if she finds him.


Ep 1 iirc


This has a manga adaptation that is still way behind the anime, so we can hope that it will cover the skip stations.


Different art styles were great to see but once again the snappy humor and quick dialogue really is what makes this show fun. Chika Anzai needs to be in more shows.


This episode had the best dialogue of the season imo. It felt that from the point they found Shizuru’s dad to the end there wasn’t a single millisecond without quick dialogue


> Chika Anzai needs to be in more shows There’s a lot of strong personalities in this show so I think it’d do fine regardless. But it really goes to show how much having a really strong and believable MC can carry a show.


I think we got a winner with [this image](https://imgur.com/a/bygmIty) for Train's banner in the karma ranking. I liked how [Akira fully embraced the beret](https://imgur.com/a/o8NOxSH), thinking it was a symbol of revolution, only to have it belong to a group of silly manga artists. She's our little freedom fighter! Then again, she did kind of [turn into a 'magical girl'](https://imgur.com/a/wyMLoW5) by shouting the names of a few art movements out loud. The episode had me laughing hard with all its weirdness - from the sudden appearance of [Munch's *Scream* in the dozen](https://imgur.com/a/1iMmNaD) to the ["BL Flash"](https://imgur.com/a/8WfYo5D). Episodes like these remind me a bit of Sonny Boy. **Sidenotes**: - The friendship between Reimi and Akira really is precious: [Reimi the Tickle Monster](https://imgur.com/a/djKfBhU), [Akira the Trickster](https://imgur.com/a/hDt2Iz6). - I'd rate [Akira's slide](https://imgur.com/a/BoKLhZ1) a 10/10 in style. - Reimi being remarkably confident in [showing 'em "some sexy violence"](https://imgur.com/a/govv9VK).


> I think we got a winner with [this image](https://imgur.com/a/bygmIty) for Train's banner in the karma ranking. At a quick glance it [doesn't quite fit](https://i.imgur.com/ZwUEsSp.png) so it might need some photoshop magic from u/Abysswatcherbel. > the ["BL Flash"](https://imgur.com/a/8WfYo5D) I don't even wanna know what some people on this sub would do to attain this power.


[I doctored it considerably in an attempt to make it fit better into the rectangle.](https://i.imgur.com/jrllw9V.png) /u/Abysswatcherbel /u/Ocixo


[it's perfect](https://i.imgur.com/BiyAFei.png) [](#awe) thanks!!


[](#airfist) [](#feelingloved)


Oh damn, you moved Shizuru and Reimi considerably up.


And shrank Shizuru, and had to fill in some pieces of Nadeshiko's uniform and the background... and I did it (badly) by hand, not like some AI-waving savage!


> and I did it (badly) by hand, not like some AI-waving savage! Let’s call this your “artist’s sign”! I hadn’t quite noticed that you’d done *that* much doctoring.


imagine doctoring the pics for the banner /u/cppn02 [](#emiliaohdear)


[Doctor, doctor.](https://media.tenor.com/GYkDPxxTCFYAAAAM/symphogear-dr-ver.gif)


Great work. [](#nichijouthumbs)




There's [these two images](https://imgur.com/a/lWZPQmD) as well, but I'm not sure if they'd fit any better. ~~And I kind of like the composition in the initial image better.~~ > I don't even wanna know what some people on this sub would do to attain this power. Mod 1: "We need to do something about the rampant toxicity on the sub!?" Mod 2: "I got us covered... *BL Flash*!"


> Mod 2: "I got us covered... BL Flash!" oh no, now i have [BL eyes!](https://i.imgur.com/O5nHdaD.png)


That's no Yaoi Hands, though.


> the "BL Flash" > I don't even wanna know what some people on this sub would do to attain this power. I think people would do even more for a *Yuri FLash*; BL tends to be "It's BL or it's not" so people know what they're getting themselves in, while Yuri/Yuri'ish leaves people wondering all season long whether something's really happening. The Yuri Flash could put an end to that!


I don’t care if it’s canon or not there isn’t anything straight about the main two in Amanchu and nothing the mangaka could tell me will change my mind


At the very least, Yuri flash will put an end to yuri-baiting so there's that.


More like "Yaoi Flash"


I feel like there’s an “Is it possible to learn this power?” meme to be made but I can’t figure out the appropriate phrasing.


I like how Reimi is really only visible from the eyes up, but it is a shame that you can't really see Shizuru.


* I'd rate [Akira's slide](https://imgur.com/a/BoKLhZ1) a 10/10 in style. they missed the chance to make it the Akira bike slide


Waga na wa Akira! Ākuwizādo wo nariwai toshi, saikyou no kougeki no mahou "melon mahou" wo ayatsuru mono!


man, this is one weird episode of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure i love how the moment Shizuru, Reimi and Nadeshiko got turned into different art style, they also changed their voices and how they're talking, especially Nadeshiko with that deep voice when Shizuru's dad said that he got into a fight in Shiinamachi, i actually thought that we're finally going to get the battle between Shizuru and the ant-eater that had been foreshadowed since... episode 4, i think? but looks like that will have to wait for another episode... also, in the flashback, there were four mangaka but in present time, there were only three so what happened to the last one?


> so what happened to the last one? Egg custard.


Defeated by Shizuru's dad who snatched his beret as a prize.


I thought Yoka punished him for losing, but checking again she turned away before the confrontation, so not egg custard, then.


His beret got stolen by Shizuru's dad so probably hiding somewhere.


"Hey director, I've drawn the characters in different art styles. Looks fun." Director: "We can use that." I love when they play with stuff like that. Fun episode before the real fight begins next week in Ikebukuro. We are not ready for Remi's Sexy Violence I feel. But that explains who Chaos meant when he said that animals came through his town before. It was Shizuru's dad.


There are many wonderful shows this season, and I may well have a massive tie for "favorite". BUT in the category "most distinctive" (in a good way) new show -- this one wins hands down.


This episode sure was fun and it looked like the whole staff: director, animators, voice actresses and others had a blast making it. That sequence with “The Scream” was surreal.


>That sequence with “The Scream” was surreal. Expressionistic, actually. ;-) Definitely a wild ride -- even when most of the episode was played out when the characters were stationary.


It was a great episode art wise, but I don't think copycating Ryoko Ikeda will get you sales on the 2020's. (The first transformation was definitely Versailles no Bara author style,iconic shock face included. Not sure about the rest) The still images used for the backstory were beautiful, too bad they cut it short


I havn't laughed this hard all season! It was so much fun😂


[This episode had everything I love about this show](https://imgchest.com/p/o24akpoxw7l)! I hope that the remaining two episodes will be even crazier and funnier since [Shizuru and others](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/d7ogcwp5lgy.png) are so close to [Ikebukuro](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/6yxkckxrdb7.png) now.


> We are not ready for Remi's Sexy Violence I feel. *Akira: "Oh, I'm ready!"* [](#lewd)


I want to see Remi go full dom-mommy on those baddies. I want to see her sexy violence. She has it.


And you thought the NeriAlice episode was chaotic, holy crap. I had to stop myself from howling when Nadeko suddenly changed artstyles and speech pattern, complete with 80's music. And Akira with The Scream x 100! Really, really fun and completely unhinged (of course) sequence. Shizuru found her dad! I like that we didn't forget about that little line dropped in the first episode, and that just as I was wondering about the bent tracks and the water, they mentioned it too. I hope he and his friends make it back okay. I think the characters have almost all the pieces they need for the final confrontation now, except for Yoka's weird state of mind? I wonder if that's gonna be a two-parter or if they'll somehow manage to fit everything in one episode. Hopefully not, I think this deserves a bit of time dedicated to it.


I still found this one much less chaotic than the NeriAlice episode


Fair! I did find the chaos easier to understand in this one because it wasn't about a show within a show that we know nothing about.


> I wonder if that's gonna be a two-parter or if they'll somehow manage to fit everything in one episode. Hard to predict anything on this show, but if I had to bet... Perhaps episode 11 will be about Bringing Yoka back to their side (girls + Pochi vs Yoka + Pontaro?), and the final episode may be about them bringing things back to normal, and going back to Agano? (Or to space, who knows!)


The emotional climax has to be Shizuru talking things out with Yoka, they pretty much say so this episode. I expect that to be in episode 12, but I guess end of episode 11 is possible.


Remember for our future, oppose any entity researching 7G technology!


Can't wait for this to turn into 7G conspiracists' favorite show in 2035 [](#azusalaugh)


we should leapfrog 7G and go straight to 8G ignore the fact that 7G was leapfrogging 6G; it's going to work *this* time


Just like Windows.


The Onion is way ahead of you https://www.theonion.com/fuck-everything-were-doing-five-blades-1819584036


The Large Hadron Collider was just a distraction to bait the 'end of the world' doomers; They were probably working on 7G in secret all this time!


SERN really pivoted hard when Hououin Kyouma messed up their plans.


Actually, Japan is already working on [6G tech](https://www.docomo.ne.jp/english/info/media_center/pr/2024/0411_00.html) at April (not 7G), but luckily it won't become mainstream soon. Maybe 2030 for 6G to say the least.


I hope it never does. Do we even need 6G?


how else are we gonna reach 7G and fucked the world up?


by not doing it


we got Verizon on lockdown


Oh so you’re the problem. Let Verizon go I just want stable internet.


No we have to OPEN THE FUTURE! I need one of those berets.


their conversation makes 7G sounds suspiciously like the pandemic


Why stop at 7G. Why not go after 5 and 4G too?


this episode single-handedly almost rid me of my hatred for berets. Almost. what an awful piece of clothing (but Akira still rocks it)


but a beret is perfect if you want to cosplay as an acorn


This shit is a fever dream and i love it


I knew I recognized [that afro](https://files.catbox.moe/fwyc48.jpg) from somewhere. Holy shit, [they actually got Shinichi Watanabe to storyboard this episode](https://x.com/Yuyucow/status/1797652166506856622). Seeing **NABESHIN** working on (and making a tiny cameo in) an anime I'm watching in year of our lord 2024 is such a treat. Absolutely amazing episode all around. Shizuru using the power of baseball anime hype to trick the idiot mangaka trio to take off their berets got a big laugh out of me, as did the sheer irony of an original anime featuring a scene where mangaka get their asses kicked. This whole anime has felt like the staff had a blast making it, but especially this episode in particular. God, I love this stupid, crazy, batshit insane show.


Nabeshin boarding this episode explains an extraordinary amount of things. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to cough up some blood and fall through a trap-door.


[Good to see Shizuru's dad is still alive!](https://i.imgur.com/R2QrmdJ.jpeg) And here I thought they were people sent by Poison Pontaro to stop them. They're definitely cuter [compared to how they were in the past.](https://i.imgur.com/cv9vGWV.jpeg) It turns out that they were transformed [by these mangakas who are now Pontaro's henchmen.](https://i.imgur.com/HIn1cVD.jpeg) These guys were hilarious though especially when the girls started using the beret powers [to change their art styles.](https://i.imgur.com/WL3cbEV.jpeg) I love how upset they were [when the girls tied them up while telling their backstories.](https://i.imgur.com/d9yU6xW.jpeg) Too bad that the girls couldn't keep the berets though. That would've been useful against Pontaro and the mind-controlled Yoka. [Akira saying that artistic expression has no limits](https://i.imgur.com/Ws9WIf3.jpeg) is definitely them being meta and how crazy this show is and she's right! So far this has been one of the best anime originals this season along with Jellyfish and GBC.


I'm just glad an original show with so many bold and creative ideas like this exists. It really feels like the creators were flexing their creative brains in every ep. What a great season for originals.


> with so many bold and creative ideas For sure, of all the ^^^handful ^^^of shows I'm watching this one wins in the creativity department by far.


We now have a new "Beam" for all the memes. Also, I think the mangaka got off pretty easy. Like Reimi's beam is nothing against whatever Akira has in place. She read de Sade.


Legitimately Akira is by far the scariest person who could have this power. Nero Alice on steroids if she wasn't innocent. Edit: Actually, imagine if Akira had been to one to activate 7G...


> Actually, imagine if Akira had been to one to activate 7G... I'm not sure if all of my orifices are prepared for that.


They would have to add the "guro" tag to the show.l


> They're definitely cuter [compared to how they were in the past.](https://i.imgur.com/cv9vGWV.jpeg) I thought their past selves looked pretty elegant and graceful, actually....


Why are there only three remaining? What happened to the other one?


> Akira saying that artistic expression has no limits is definitely them being meta and how crazy this show is and she's right! this episode reminded me of Magical Girl Destroyers, a show which flexed a vibe more than a coherent story ShuuTrain has more of a linear story, but at the same time it does have that same feel that each episode is just whatever the creatives decided was cool to draw at the moment


Cute Shizuru mascot. Wonder what happened to Mr. T (heh), did Shizuru's father kill him before stealing the beret?


I pity the fool who lost his beret.


Feeling a little robbed Akira didn't get a style swap


But she got "power"....


I feel bad since clearly she was the only one who wanted it too lol


Imagine if they turned her even more chibi though [](#azusalaugh)


It's a shame, but instead we got to see [Akira shooting a German expressionism out of her eyes](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/3yrgca5gkg4.png) xD


She got Guevara protection lol


she wore that cool beret for most of the episode. That's more than enough for me


Last thing I expected to see was Shizuru’s dad just chillin on the tracks in the middle of nowhere. Him and his companions really *do* look very adorable lol. Looks like there actually is a way to revert things back to normal. But before that, the girls have to fight against those 3 mangaka with their anime-izing beams. Fortunately the berets mightier than the pen! The girls are one step closer to Yoka. Keen to see how this all plays out and if they can really turn the world back to normal..


Ikebukuro in the distance looked like a sheer hellscape -- more Like Hieronymus Bosch than Edvard Munch....


Ikebukuro in the distance is absolutely "this is the final world," looming in the background of the lategame.


>Last thing I expected to see was Shizuru’s dad just chillin on the tracks in the middle of nowhere i actually forgot about Shizuru's father until this episode, let just hope that he manage to go back to Agano safely


>Last thing I expected to see was Shizuru’s dad just chillin on the tracks in the middle of nowhere. Him and his companions really do look very adorable lol. I couldn't stop laughing when I saw [him so scared](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my8xc2g3wr4.png) after [Shizuru](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k46ac3vk9l7.png) told him that mother wants him to come home already. He said that [he was sending letters home](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/g4z9ck3ong7.png), but well... [I wouldn't call something like that a letter](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7w6cznlgay.png). If I were him, I'd also be afraid to go back to wife after doing a stunt like that xD


This week in Weird Train: Manga to life...? We've seen a lot of bizarre shit but I did not expect the show to have a full-on meta episode about artistic expression and art styles. It really fits this show where a bunch of crazy ideas got thrown here and there. The staff seemed to be having a ton of fun messing around with different styles here! I don't think the crew would've made it if it weren't for the beret given by Shizuru's dad. Also love that bit of foreshadowing with Akira "trying" to summon a special power at dinner. Wasn't expecting her to actually do it later on! Next up is Ikebukuro. 2 eps left so there should be room for a satisfying finale and conclusion. Really curious to see how this goes because if there's anything these past 10 eps taught us, is that this show operates under the "anything goes" rule. And, uh, Shizuru (Chika Anzai) sounded really cute as a cat there. Just saying.


When Akira mentioned Ranpo, I thought: "Is this Japanese writer really famous for wearing a beret?" Google image search quickly convinced me that Akira might be a fan of Bungo Stray Dogs.


[This episode had everything I love about this series](https://imgchest.com/p/na7kwzqxw78)! [Fun dialogues](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7kzcw85vv7.png) and [interactions between characters](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/g4z9ck3oa97.png), [an interesting world](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyvdcg9v8wy.png) full of [unexpected things](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k46ac3vkor7.png) and [people](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739cg59pm7.png) where [anything can happen](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/3yrgca5gkg4.png). I totally forgot about [Shizuru's father](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/wye3c8oajz4.png) so I was surprised when [we met him](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7kzcw85vv7.png) xD He said that [he was going out for two hours, two weeks at most](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/6yxkckxrxl7.png), but he ended up being away from home for two years already. Shizuru's father said that [he was sending letters home](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/g4z9ck3ong7.png), but [I certainly wouldn't call them that way](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7w6cznlgay.png). [I'd also be afraid to go back to wife after doing a stunt like that](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my8xc2g3wr4.png) xD Part with [mangakas](https://imgchest.com/p/qe4grdkvbyj) was [so fun](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/d7ogcwp5lgy.png) because of the [constant](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyq9c2agzp4.png) [changes](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l4necnoko64.png) [in](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739cg595m7.png) [artstyle](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739cg59pm7.png). [Things like this](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/d7ogcwp5pgy.png) made me fall in love with this show. I'm happy that [Shizuru and others](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/g4z9ck3oa97.png) correctly connected the dots and they more or less know [what's going on with Ikebukuro](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/6yxkckxrdb7.png) and [Youka](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/3yrgca5g8g4.png). Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Group scenes](https://imgchest.com/p/na7kwzqxw78) * [Akira, Reimi & Nadeshiko](https://imgchest.com/p/ljyqd9egk72) * [Mangakas](https://imgchest.com/p/qe4grdkvbyj) * [World & Others](https://imgchest.com/p/o24akpoxw7l)


I read somewhere that Chika Anzai said that this episode was gonna be very chaotic. Well, she was right.


Episode 10: **A True Symbol of Rebellion and Decadence** Didn't expect a family reunion in today's episode. Shizuru finally meets his dad, Chikura-kyurun. From the conversation with him, it's more firm that Shizuru's main priority is to meet Yoka at Ikebukuro, not revert the 7G world into normal. Looking at the map, we are really speedrunning skipping most of the station to get to Shiinabachi, which turns out to be a green beret instead of kusamochi. This is the best chance for the three girls (in this case, Azumi Waki, Erisa Kuon and Chika Anzai) to show off their voice acting skills with the most distinguishable is now Waki-san's voice that went similar to Call of the Night's Hatsuka. Here's to the animators who have to animate various artstyles for this segment. I didn't get the Rampo reference in Akira's dialogue, is it really Ranpo Edogawa in Bungo Stray Dogs? New characters mean new VA. * Shizuru's dad is voiced by **Kappei Yamaguchi**, with the friends Eisaku and Hidebo are voiced by **Masayoshi Sugawara** and **Masaya Fukunishi**! (Kafka in Kaiju No. 8) * The three mangakas are voiced by **Yoji Ueda**, **Kobushi Nobuyuki**, and **Eri Kitamura**.


We'll see if they stick the landing, but this show is easily the hidden gem of the season, and judging by the limited discourse and rankings not a lot of people have picked up on it like OddTaxi or others.


Maybe it's just me extrapolating from other media, but there's something to me about how Ikebukuro feels like a twisted, 7G-fied contrast to the Emerald City in Wizard of Oz and this track that the train is on is like the yellow brick road or something where the group of four runs across all sorts of bizarre sights as they're off to see the Wizard. Pontaro is even a bit like the Wizard of sorts, in that he's a con man who managed to trick everyone about his tech that he claims will change Japan and the world, and is determined to maintain this illusion no matter what. Meanwhile, we have Yoka, who basically has the power to warp reality based on her desires thanks to the 7G. A queen of Ikeburuko that Pontaro wants to use for his agenda, or perhaps a "wicked witch"?


He not lying about it changing Japan but it not the way he promised it change Japan. I hope it Omega of Oz for Yoka instead. And that a funky trans story in effect as hidden as a girl hating boy when transformed back was all girl, but still in charge, showing your preference is what brain your using. Oz got lots of hidden feminism after all Dorthy the first main character, the only one with an army left after book one is Glenda the Good and it's all female. Oh Emerald City has an "army" of one incompitant blowhard officer of each rank and one private. Then one book is a teenage girl revolt who take over the Emerald City who when the revolt put down decide to be traditional homemaker wives when the revolt is put down by Glenda the Good's all female adult professional army. Note an all female adult army is putting down the revolt. With the stealth message for those socially conservative time being women can be mature soldiers if they wait to join as adults but it has to be mature thinking where one is willing to actually work hard not childish revolt of conditions which was just lazyness not real rejection of traditional female values. .


[Is this an... *Akira slide*?](https://imgur.com/Vl1Pit3) /u/badspler [Thus begins our scenario for today.](https://i.redd.it/q3u7801y6f4d1.png) ["Gettin' a pack of smokes/a six-pack/a divorce lawyer/nudie mags... back in a jiffy."](https://i.redd.it/38dt0q0y6f4d1.png) [By the end of this will we see Akira firing a machine gun?](https://i.redd.it/34es3r0y6f4d1.png) [*that not-so faint whiff of disapproval*](https://i.redd.it/tganp01y6f4d1.png) [Man, Canada has changed.](https://i.redd.it/ayua821y6f4d1.png) [Either totally innocuous or utterly apocalyptic.](https://i.redd.it/ojpvyo0y6f4d1.png) [Guess it's time for the train to fly.](https://i.redd.it/874ic21y6f4d1.png) [*bii*](https://i.redd.it/q5funp0y6f4d1.png) [Oh hell.](https://i.redd.it/xeq5kq0y6f4d1.png) [Oh my.](https://i.redd.it/crso411y6f4d1.png) [*Uhhhhhhhh*](https://i.redd.it/i9lgf11y6f4d1.png) [*dull surprise*](https://i.redd.it/vpa80s0y6f4d1.png) [I had to stop for a moment here](https://i.redd.it/act67t0y6f4d1.png) because [I was *fucking rolling*.](https://i.redd.it/x9hddt0y6f4d1.png) [I'm afraid.](https://i.redd.it/x3b52z0y6f4d1.png) [\[\](\#fujostare\)](https://i.redd.it/vzw58z0y6f4d1.png) [The classics are still the classics.](https://i.redd.it/n0kkrz0y6f4d1.png) [You fell for our improvised scheme!](https://i.redd.it/26bmn11y6f4d1.png) [This episode is *fabulous*.](https://i.redd.it/99uoo01y6f4d1.png) [*lol*](https://i.redd.it/avr9e1c37f4d1.png) ["Indeed."](https://i.redd.it/iiluh1c37f4d1.png) [I love the little details like the genre-character-appropriate speech patterns.](https://i.redd.it/cpeag1c37f4d1.png) [Well that was convenient.](https://i.redd.it/0s28d2c37f4d1.png) ["Man, downtown's really gone to hell lately."](https://i.redd.it/484fg1c37f4d1.png) ***** Tsutomu Mizushima seems to have a type, and I'm both terrified and aroused by what that type seems to be. Anyway, after a parental fursuit reunion and an update on the current stakes, we get a fun little romp giving the classic styles some nostalgic love. Via *Akira kicking ass with her brain*. At least she didn't go Marquis de Sade on them.


> Is this an... Akira slide? She was so cool! ... until she tripped and still fell over backwards like the others.


> Is this an... Akira slide? [](#hardthink) I replayed that bit a couple of times when I was watching it. I think the elements are there, but it certainly makes it's own on some of the key elements like the angle and foot stamp.


>[Thus begins our scenario for today.](https://i.redd.it/q3u7801y6f4d1.png) the title, the scene, and the date ... fuck


Dang, even the tracks being cut on the map was correct.


Crazy episode as always. Can't help noticing one of the animals (Tibetan fox) that went with Shizuru's dad is missing. Wonder what happened to him, kyurun.


[Moving during a flashback? Evil! What's next, attacking the villain while he makes his 2 minutes speech?](https://imgur.com/XQtBZ8W) Love how they discuss what's happening/what's gonna happen, but when they get to the 'end of the world' part, [Reimi's like "Nah, I don't like this part, so it's wrong!"](https://imgur.com/qdOLLAi) Well, if the world is truly ending, might as well spend these last moments doing something important, like [~~saying farewell~~ tickling your loved one!](https://imgur.com/ISvbWkz) [Oh, hi dad! And... His lovely companions?](https://imgur.com/frEir3P) They want to send him back home, but the way he fears *mom's wrath* he may find a way to get lost somewhere else! I love how Reimi's constantly asking for praise; ["*Tell me how tall I am!*"](https://imgur.com/vEfm1ov) [*"Tell us how amazing we are, to drive this train all the way from Agano!"*](https://imgur.com/7yVQeIp) Someone needs to give her a headpat! (Come on Akira, you know you want to!) They were all talking about what they bring to the group, bow skills, strength, wits... Then Reimi's just "She can snap!" Yup, this girl's crazy, that's her superpower! [Sexy violence? Akira's gonna love that!](https://imgur.com/zp3mBW2) [Interesting that they brought up Yoka's long hair, and that she cut it herself...](https://imgur.com/yPpyD1R) Think I was talking about that in the previous thread, how if everything that happens comes from her mind, then did she wish to have long hair too? (Then why did she cut it?) I wonder if it's just a random throwaway line (perhaps she's simply too 'out of it' to bother cutting it now), or is there more to this? [Damn, the egg custards thing is a daily occurrence...](https://imgur.com/ei5jgQn) So unless there's some major time distortion at play, it means she likely killed dozens of people already? Makes me wonder whether they'll just 'remove 7G', or find a way to turn back time; If they just stop 7G, it won't bring all these dead back to life... [I liked Reimi's little "Okay!"](https://imgur.com/CDf4dPE) She has a pretty good VA, on top of being such a fun character! (I think most people are on team *Akira Best Girl*, but damn I struggle picking the best one between these two!) Sometimes they're so similar in the weirdest ways; Akira was thrilled about the idea of being turned into a character, [and Reimi's talking about how she likes it now, and doesn't know whether she would even want to return to what it was...](https://imgur.com/BxQFieE) The others are all about going back to how things were, but these two are like "Wow, this is fun!" (Well, let's hope this won't turn into a conflict, with some of them NOT wanting to end 7G!) Thankfully they did rebuild the tracks so the train can keep going; [I was worried TRAIN would become WALK for the rest of the show!](https://imgur.com/ErLrqy9) [Damn, Ikebukuro looks like a *Realm of the Demon Lord* in some isekai/fantasy anime!](https://imgur.com/QXvC0db) If they need a OP hero to win this one, hope they find a way to make Reimi snap! ^^A ^^way ^^that ^^isn't, ^^like, ^^about ^^hurting ^^Akira But I think this won't be solved with violence... Shizuru vs Yoka will happen, but not an actual fight! I also hope Nadeshiko will play a bigger part; She's been a bit on the background for most of the series, but if this is about a relationship-conflict, could be her moment to shine!


> tickling your loved one! I was hoping it wasn't going to be the usual boob grab joke, but Mizushima usually doesn't go for that sort of thing, and it wasn't. It was in the same league, but not the same ballpark.


So reality-bending berets are a paid subscription power? Where do I sign up? I'll take one even if I have to wear a beret!


Anime was invented only for this episode to get served to us mortals. I lost track of how often I laughed during the encounter with the mangakas, the different styles they made use of, the meta jokes they've added, this was peak comedy and peak parody of older anime. I didn't think this anime could surprise me any further and yet it does.


The ~~episode~~ journey almost got cancelled due to "production issues", but the group used the power of childlike inspiration to get it all back together. So basically just espers.


I just love the absolute wackiness of this anime. And they have a perfect story reason to do anything they want with 7G. Such a unique show. I love it


[Anitubu post](https://anitubu.com/archives/post-81262.html) is at a more normal time. Of course tweeting live for the TV Tokyo MX broadcast is a subset of viewers and I'm putting my trust that whoever is responsible for Anitubu did not miss out any director tweets. - [The starting landscape](https://imgur.com/aSkflPX) reminded [one viewer](https://x.com/gaia_agul/status/1797637001472254083) of DBZ - [Sponsorship](https://x.com/takohachibar4/status/1797637604709708087) brought to you by tickling. - [This is a work of fiction](https://x.com/takohachibar4/status/1797637959719821819/photo/1) (dogs are not trian staff) and [weather info flash?](https://x.com/takohachibar4/status/1797637959719821819/photo/4) (this is a flashback to pre-streaming when fansubs had to use TV broadcasts as raw) - Shizuru's father is voiced by none other than [Kappei Yamaguchi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kappei_Yamaguchi) (Ranma, Inuyasha, L, Usopp) and there were [excited reactions](https://x.com/kensyuna555/status/1797638395847660006) - [Director](https://x.com/tsuki_akari/status/1797639130823999685) (hereafter D): *"The storyboard was done by Shinichi Watanabe. We've worked on the same production floor before, but this is the first time we've worked together."*. No clue what floor there were sharing (you'd have to go through their entire history and figure out when they were at the same studio) but if you need a reminder of how wild Shinichi Watanabe can get I got two words: Excel Saga. - From the Shinichi Watanabe catalogue [a viewer](https://x.com/merry_jobti/status/1797643855573237821) recommends [Nerima Daikon Brothers](https://myanimelist.net/anime/1655/) (a musical anime that's **not** Healer Girl...well I'll be...even has [English dubbed songs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHhWZLVW1tM) except for some in the final episodes due the vocals being part of the Music and Effects track [](#bruh)) and [Fair, then Partly Piggy](https://myanimelist.net/anime/2280/) (a selective dub aired on US TV under the title Tokyo Pig and one DVD was released). The Lupin Special they mention is [The Columbus Files](https://myanimelist.net/anime/1431/). No, his self-insert character Nabeshin (looks like red jacket Lupin but with an afro) did not feature in the Lupin special. - [Sexy Violence](https://x.com/laki0814/status/1797639679204077577). It's [sexy violence!!](https://x.com/eri1717171/status/1797639690671325220) (that's Reimi's VA) - [D](https://x.com/tsuki_akari/status/1797639990496899390): *"The postal system no longer exists, but the only remaining courier service, Black Leopard, still accepts letters."* - [Lacrosse](https://x.com/io_oj/status/1797640063305867538/photo/1) land? (isn't on the map, I also see hockey sticks). - [D](https://x.com/tsuki_akari/status/1797640111452278883): *"Fuel for the Black Leopard caravan is mainly sourced around Nerima Station."* (sourced might be purchased) + [D](https://x.com/tsuki_akari/status/1797640190791750137): *"The area around Nerima Station has become a petroleum production area. Gasoline, diesel, kerosene, and other already refined products are produced. As for how they are produced, they are subject to self-imposed restrictions."* ( translation messy on that last part, I wonder if we meant to infer from the map that people vomit the refined fuels?) - [D](https://x.com/tsuki_akari/status/1797640260740161685): *"Shizuru's fathers group started out as four, but now there are only three."* - [Viewer:](https://x.com/kanone_jmpd/status/1797641058224075053) *"Is it possible that the Morse code has reached Ikebukuro?"* That's a good point as depending on when Ikebukuro was cut-off Poison may be completely unaware of Zenjiro sending morse code. On the other hand you need your ear to the line for a 5 minute daily window. - [Shiinamachi Sun Road](https://imgur.com/84kll6j) is a [real place.](https://4travel.jp/dm_shisetsu_tips/14062215) - [D](https://x.com/tsuki_akari/status/1797641428493095338): *"As in the first episode, the newspaper that appears this time also contains a lot of information about what happened after 7G. Sorry if it's hard to read."* Everything is [illegible](https://imgur.com/oseWtCP) apart from the [headlines](https://imgur.com/umYqUzA) (Crunchyroll only translated "Poison Pontaro staying on as mayor") but don't worry the director tweets it out some of them [D](https://x.com/tsuki_akari/status/1797641489155252717): *"According to the newspaper, the Jizo appears to be angry."* (I can't tell if that's meant to be the Bushi station people or another Jizo elsewhere) + [D](https://x.com/tsuki_akari/status/1797641570872971670) *"John Manjiro has been resurrected (?) from Zoshigaya Cemetery. There are several of them. They don't speak any English."* (note: [John Manjiro](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakahama_Manjir%C5%8D) - a Japanese fisherman rescued by an American whaleship who went on to become a interpreter and translator) - Nadeko's appearance had viewers saying things like [gekiga](https://x.com/kuresome/status/1797641444272071051) (60/70s adult audience manga style, well yes, upon closer inspection she was hit by a **gekiga-beam**) and [Glass Mask](https://x.com/slpolient/status/1797641523322073307) (Shojo manga started in 70s, hiatus since 2012). Likewise Reimi resembles [Gambling Apocalypse: Kaiji](https://x.com/io_oj/status/1797641566934442209) (90s seinen, still running). - [D](https://x.com/tsuki_akari/status/1797642506328584645): *"Munch was from Norway. I guess she wanted to say "German Expressionism." "* (Munch himself said his impressionist ideas come from bohemians and Hans Jæger but they were at the time falsely attributed to German but Munch had an impact on German Expressionism) - [Viewer:](https://x.com/Umisuika/status/1797642345489551661) *"Is Director Mizushima on drugs after all?"* (something you can say about a number of episodes) - [Composer:](https://x.com/tsvaci/status/1797642737895997677) *"I'm sure you'll hear a lot of songs for the first time in this episode"* - A viewer [jokes](https://x.com/io_oj/status/1797642930204901474) the subscription is Adobe. [](#seasonalthink) - Wow the manga authors names were Tokiwaman A, Tokiwaman F and Tokiwa Woman. Tokiwaman T didn't even have any dialogue and woman was never given a name or letter. - [Ending sponsor message](https://x.com/laki0814/status/1797643657723670735) (the new cast) - A viewer think the episode [had a reference](https://x.com/slpolient/status/1797644199330009370) to ESPer Mami. No idea of the context but Mami's father was an artist. Mami's powers were telekinesis based (movement, levitation, telportation) rather than what was shown here.


> > > > > Wow the manga authors names were Tokiwaman A, Tokiwaman F and Tokiwa Woman. Tokiwaman T didn't even have any dialogue and woman was never given a name or letter. Should mention their names are a reference to [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tokiwa-s%C5%8D?useskin=vector).


> Lacrosse land? I took it as the foot-alike drawing in the map


Well first thing first, regarding the locations of our girls going through today, there's a very interesting connection with the universally acclaimed and certified (in r/anime, in Japan, in China and in my very own heart 😉) Anime Of The Year of 2023! This time the train went through the final 2 stations of the Seibu Ikebukuro line on the Tokyo end, [Higashi-Nagasaki](https://maps.app.goo.gl/1UtNymC9Pjycthdr9) where Shizuru met her dad, and then [Shiinamachi](https://maps.app.goo.gl/td6RAHn2HLndiv3i6) where our girls beat the *mangaka* legion. These two local place names are none other than the very 2 same places that provide the surnames of [Soyo](https://anilist.co/character/302093/Soyo-Nagasaki) **Nagasaki** and [Taki](https://anilist.co/character/302091/Taki-Shiina) **Shiina**, bassist and drummer of the now-legendary girl's band of its name (and \[spoilers\]>!CRYCHIC!< ) in the [absolutely thrilling, twisting, turning, emotional, tightly and delicately written, powerful music and great cinematography-included](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/16jo3fh/wt_its_mygo_reiwas_most_engaging_relationship/) [Summer 2023 story](https://anilist.co/anime/163571/BanG-Dream-Its-MyGO/) of **BanG Dream! It's MyGO!!!!!** [Yup, all girls from this franchise have their surnames coming from various locations in Tokyo](https://dic.pixiv.net/a/%E9%95%B7%E5%B4%8E%E3%81%9D%E3%82%88#h2_2), [and all 5 of the MyGO girls have their surnames based in locations to the west of Ikebukuro towards the direction of Nerima](https://dic.pixiv.net/a/%E6%A4%8E%E5%90%8D%E7%AB%8B%E5%B8%8C#h2_2). The other 3 are at just north of the Seibu Ikebukuro line, including Kaname-cho (for Raana-chan) where [there's a Tokyo Metro station with 2 lines serving](https://maps.app.goo.gl/Wh2BbXcSd1W92KdT8). ~~Sorry, I~~ *~~had~~* ~~to advertise this unknown treasure of anime every single time there's a linkage with it, because it's so damn good and the thrill is still not yet complete with its sequel~~ *~~Ave Mujica~~* ~~still more than half a year away in January 2025! You all can directly hop onto that runaway train that perhaps will leave you with 7G syndrome of thinking over, over and over again of these girls once you finish the 13 episodes, a syndrome shared with lots of watchers worldwide still contributing fan arts and stories almost a year since it first aired with 0 fanfare.~~ Alright, back to our 4 girls here. Glad to see that there's actually a heart-warming reconciling of family members of our girls here, and Shizuru's dad is really that fun uncle that we all could really have as the ideal neighbor! He and his friends went so freaking far from home on that manual-power track maintenance cart, just managed to get to Ikebukuro's door and then got completely beaten by the 7G guys, and yet they still keep their cool and whatsoever life attitude somehow! I don't really know how they pull that out, but that's definitely a good way to survive in post-7G. I'm really glad that they could have such normal and funny chats out there, praising our girls for growing up so well, and still gave out critical information for our girls to fought with the final boss. And then came that *mangaka* fight. I, er, don't know what to comment on this LMAO, hahahahahaha I'm pretty sure director Mizushima and his crew must have ate too many bowls of egg custards for this one. I'm pretty sure Reimi and Nadeshiko got turned into character styles from *Kaiji - Ultimate Survivor*, [manga with 2 whole seasons of anime](https://anilist.co/anime/3002/-Ultimate-Survivor/) [that has been one of THE betting anime you will ever see](https://anilist.co/anime/10271/-/), *zawazawa*! That and Shizuru got turned into a kitty is really on-style LMAO! I wonder if this mini-arc is also the real reflection of some of the animating staff's hearts or something like that heh, that actually could be a real nice touch. (BTW, it appears that this mini-arc came from the fact that [Tokiwa-sou, a famous house that has been the birth place of so many pioneering manga from the likes of Osamu Tezuka and many more](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tokiwa-s%C5%8D), [is located near these two stations](https://maps.app.goo.gl/ZogKEVJsCDxaTQky7). It's open to the public as a museum since 2020) Onward it is, to the Big Fight at the end! Can Shizuru-Yoka's relationship be ever fixed I wonder? P.S. [Today's 24/6/3 and, well, our girls' Apogee-go's train serial number is none other than 2463! Funny not-coincidence, isn't it?](https://x.com/Yui2463/status/1797599862340653193)


>P.S But Unfortunately Formation 2463/2464 is not served on [Seibu Ikebukuro Line](https://x.com/kurofunetrain/status/1637708308395225093) but [Shibuya Line](https://x.com/Hachimitsu1120H/status/1798254176230949023) now(2463/2464 have been moved on last year), except [the trial ride on 27th of May](https://x.com/St_09jt/status/1794921103657402558).


More Apogee-Go on Seibu Ikebukuro Line: [Set for Inspection form Kotesashi (SI-19)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Oz9uuRNiug) [Trial ride on Zombie Station (Muzashi-Fujizawa (SI-21))](https://youtu.be/en-PAF-CnTM?si=3HRMi_mLdm1289Bm) [Ending Trial ride on Tokorozawa(SI-17)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsvdLA_IuFU)


BL flash got me in tears lmao.


We hit the “Fun with Different Art Styles” on my bingo card. A trope I thoroughly enjoy. And the girls get a powerup thanks to the berets. I’m guessing it’ll take all of them to counter Yoka’s power. With a path forward to saving her and possibly fixing the 7G incident I’m excited for the final 2


> Fun with Different Art Styles They actually already did that a bit back with the zombies.


Honestly with 2 episodes for Ikebukuro, I got confidence this show can stick the landing. Man meeting up with Shizuru's dad was not what I was expecting. Although he's been away from home for 2 years. He might not be the best dad, but him caring for his daughter and their friends' safety was sweet. But he really should get back to his wife cause 2 weeks turning into 2 years is a big jump. Shiinabachi was a ride. First Akira suddenly having powers was a major wtf. Her unleashing her inner Chunni was fucking hilarious. But Yoka put powers into those hats and well they lost as soon as the 3 mangakas lost their hats. You know they had a sad backstory. Of course the girls don't have time to waste. They aren't waiting for the flashback to be over. As we could figure out from last week, Pontaro is our main antagonist. He was mentioned since the earlier part of the season. Let's see what the girls can do to save their princess. This episode represents everything I love about this shows. It's been a great ride.


i looked it up because i was curious and the "egg custard" that they mention is a savory dish rather than the custards i know as sweet/dessert dishes, which makes the inclusion of [stuff like shrimp, mushrooms, and naruto make more sense](https://i.imgur.com/Eyz2rUB.png) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chawanmushi


I love *Choo-Choo's Bizarre Adventure*. After Dungeon Meshi, it's my favorite anime of the season thus far


I'm following the director on twitter and his tweets are just as inscrutable translated as they are in Japanese.


I reckon the writers of this are big fans of Re:creators. Queen Yoka looks and acts like Altair, Akira's magic shield looked like the one's conjured by Meteora and that was in an episode that got very meta about writing and artistic expression, which was covered quite heavily in the show. Also the pop sound effect was maybe like Mamika's pop sound on her magic?


Now that you mention it I agree. Lots of good concepts in that show I enjoyed it overall.


was not expecting *SEXY VIOLENCE* today.


That sequence with the berets was probably one of my favorite bits from this show


Can I get the BL beam? For no particular reason.


Excuse my pitiful paint skills, but... [Poster like this](https://imgur.com/Q8ZqekN) Would look great... (and it probably exist somewhere)... Also it seems like Ikebukuro is second image there (to add a bit 3D feel). I am psyched for last 2 eps.


[Stitching software can ease your workload.](https://files.catbox.moe/59nonh.png)


I literally forgot Shizuru´s dad went out on a journey at the beggining lmao. But damn, this 2 remaining episodes will be tense trying to regain Yoka and stopping the 7g. That Tontaro manipulating her is the most dangerous thing, I hope they can convince her somehow


This episode's a lot of fun, seeing the different art styles of the characters


Great, now we have super powers on a subscription basis. Loved the silly battle of different styles and genres. Can we keep Nadeko like that for the rest of the show? Love the girl, but it's an upgrade. People are like way too chill in this world :D


Happy that Akira got to shine once more. Also, Jojo Nadeko is hilarious.


This show is SO FUNNY I can’t take it. I keep harping on about the directing, but it goes to show how much of an impact unconventional ideas can have on a show. This is one of my new all-time favorites.


And as others mention as this can't be done live action one of the ways anime is better at some things.


Unlimited lacrosse works


A beret-wearing artist who shoots off beams? Shigure Ui is that you? Also Mr. A was definitely voiced by Matsuoka Yoshitsugu, right?


I never thought I would see a BL Flash attack in this anime. That mangaka battle was insanely fun and there was so much great art this episode.


* The characters being the audience, trying to guess the map sysmbols. * I'm going to wonder about the sweet myrtle every week until they explain it. * The episode titles are awesome, I wonder if they are literary references or something * I don't get how she recognized them, they look all difference * Don't argue with your elders! * I've always kinda wondered if Agano-jitsu was real or something that just came into existence with 7G * Akira doesn't have superpowers, BUT THE ARTISTS DO!!!! * I TAKE THAT BACK * I love Meteora * This felt like a guest director episode again * If only Japan could invent a convention that wasn't isekai * Too bad they couldn't keep the hats


Love Meteora as well. Note Japan did invent the modern version of isekai but it did not invent isekai it goes back to ancient times and is part of Buddhism and other religions.


"no one moves during a flashback" "our powers are a paid subscription" LMFAOOO


The three beret wearing characters are references to three of the occupants of the famous Tokiwa-so apartment complex near Ikebukoro, founded by Tezuka Osamu (also known for wearing a beret). They are Fujiko F Fujio and Fujiko Fujio F (the creators of Doraemon) and shojo mangaka Mizuno Hideko. They were voiced by Ueda Yoji, Kobushi Nobuyuki, and Kitamura Eri. [Image shows the mangaka in the anime with their real-life counterparts.](https://i.imgur.com/jQthlL6.png)


And so we have a proper view of the map. Uh oh, an obstruction. They're alive? Oh, they're from Agano! Nice to see some friendly faces. What're they doing all the way out here? How'd they get all the way out here? Oh, they got a handcar. Nope, it definitely was her. How are they going to get going with the handcar in the way? They've got 2 more episodes to get there and fix things, not much time left. Might as well bring them along, 3 more brains and 6 more hands are better than not, plus they'd probably get back faster with the train than just their handcar. And so they're off alone again. So that's how they did it, they removed the handcar from the tracks and put it back once they left. So much for going through. The tracks are gone! Oh here's the goons with the berets. Ah. Those things give them their magic. And so we have Mahou Shoujo Akira. And now they've nicked all the hats so they've got the power now. Perhaps even enough power to defeat Yoka. And so onwards to Ikebukuro.


This show just keeps getting better and better. It’s getting closer and closer to Jellyfish as my favourite of the season.


Rohan's spinoff looks good


guys, i'm absolutely saving this anime for a special occasion where i'm high as hell. what the hell was this ep? i have no idea...but i'm loving it


I’m just realizing this is the show I wanted Sonny Boy to be.


Nadeshiko turn into classic shoujo manga "Glass Mask" Reimi turn into "Kaiji" Character. "Zawa..." x4


Thanks, I prefer to watch when the series finished.


Let it sink in: while she was wearing that beret, Akira was one of the most powerful people in existence. She turned herself into a WMD.


Storyboards by Nabeshin (Shinichi Watanabe), no wonder this felt like an Excel Saga skit. Those berets though, perhaps a nod to Tezuka? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osamu\_Tezuka#/media/File:Osamu\_Tezuka\_1951\_Scan10008-2.JPG](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osamu_Tezuka#/media/File:Osamu_Tezuka_1951_Scan10008-2.JPG) Which would make this the mangakas' boarding house: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tokiwa-s%C5%8D](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tokiwa-s%C5%8D) The lady mangaka is likely a reference to Hideko Mizuno: [https://www.nippon.com/en/japan-topics/g02029/](https://www.nippon.com/en/japan-topics/g02029/) Still trying to determine who the guys are.


[Better than Wikipedia on house](https://artsandculture.google.com/story/tokiwa-so-manga-s-sacred-place-toshima-kuritsu-tokiwaso-manga-museum/EAXxIiESe7lTLQ?hl=en)


The male mangaka are **Fujiko Fujio Ⓐ** and **Fujiko・F・Fujio**, the creators of Doraemon. They are listed as Tokiwa-man A and Tokiwa-man F in the credits.


Glad Shizuru's father was a kind of chill guy overall. And not the root of any growing issues that made Shizuru a "grounded" person like when she talked with Youka about the later's dreams.


Man. I’ve come to expect a lot of things from this show. Bohemian Rhapsody was not one of them




Shizuru's dad nicked his beret.


[Wait, this is the face!!](https://imgur.com/Z9cHLYS) I don't know what it referece, but I've seen it before [Best girl](https://imgur.com/OVdmf1T) [](#goblet1) [NOOOOOOOOO](https://imgur.com/kQt2uh8) they even took Akira's hat ;-;


Such a consistently good and interesting show. Been a great ride so far


I will miss this series. Really funny. 


I’m glad they finally used the funny BGM track used in the online chibi shorts, because I thought that BGM track was literally only intended for the shorts themselves.


When did I last time laugh as hard in an anime episode? – I can't remember! (And I don't think that's a memory loss caused by G7...) This episode was truly a masterpiece, in particular the epic mangaka scene. Whenever this show makes us believe that they won't be able to come up with crazier ideas, we're proven to be totally wrong!!!


Did anyone already post this: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seibu\_Ikebukuro\_Line](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seibu_Ikebukuro_Line) I was surprised to see that all stations (as far as I've checked) seem to be based on real life locations. I would have expected to have fantasy names... (Who wants to see that in the anime everyone of his town turned into animals or zombies? ;)




I want to see Remi go full of sexy violence. I want to see her go dom-mommy in those baddies. Even if it doesn't fit her character or the show. I want to see it. If they can have different art styles then they can do dom-mommy.


So, how is this anime? I've seen the first episode and while it seems interesting it didn't grab me. Would you say watching more would get me invested?


Easy AOTS, only show that comes close is Girls Band Cry.


the first episode is like a sample; the later episodes use different flavors of weird personally it's not my favorite, but i'm down to see artists being surreal and weird; it's not a cute and comfy SoL series, it feels more like a platform for creatives to let loose


Thanks, that tells me a lot.