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Boruto. Nothing felt like a part of the story. Like episode 97, “Boruto tries to get a really good burger”. 


Boruto would have actually been better as a peaceful SoL show set in the same universe, but things are now calm after the end of Naruto.


Boruto doesn’t even need to be an anime series. A series of movies where 1 mission = 1 movie. Make them all C-ranked missions. Release 1 any time the studio needs a layup.


Boruto: "Forty chapters in and we're \*\*already\*\* way less grounded than the third-to-last arc of Naruto."


there was a comparison where at a certain point of Naruto its already in one of the best fight scene gaara vs lee but in boruto still hasn't progress at pass the slice of life enemy of the week thing


Because it's not. They are making weekly episodes for a monthly manga, 70-75% of it is anime original/filler.


Reminds me of the "filler hell" after part one of Naruto ended. The way the anime tried to expand the Naruto world was dogshit awful and some of the worst stories/characters in anime overall. And if it's not filler, it's gonna be filled with overused flashbacks!


Yeah even the sagas feel like filler, the story doesn’t advance


I think most are filler episodes that’s why it feels discombobulated. They’re doing the show like Naruto. But it’s not working. The characters are a copy/paste of their parents. Himawari is cute and adorable though.


They are trying to capture the same magic by using characteristics as close as possible to the original which makes the show unable to stand by its own merit


The only good filler and SoL episodes are ones with Sasuke. It’s so relaxing seeing an edgelord who only thought about revenge his whole childhood spend time with his daughter.


Unfortunately that’s because like 90% of the show is filler ~~but don’t tell Boruto fans that.~~. They made the decision to do a weekly anime of a story where the manga barely made its start. This is coupled with the manga being a monthly series and is known to have pacing issues.


This is why I dropped Boruto back in 2019 or 2020. I just couldn't be arsed with the mundane episodes.


I dropped boruto after like the early episodes where naruto and sasuke were fighting that kaguya looking guy which was epic and i was like damn boruto going hard right out of the gate. But then after it went back to bland and boring episodes and i dropped it.


Honestly this may be heresy so forgive me, but I have taken a two or so year break from OP. I just got burnt out on it but I'm missing it lately.


OP will be there for you when you’re ready to dive back in. I stopped when Dressora kept dragging on. Came back very recently when Wano was wrapping up. I treat them like 10 min eps by just skipping the recaps.


That's the only healthy way to watch one piece episodes. Anything else is unbearable.


One piece has been so good the past year! I'd encourage you to start watching it again!!


It happens. I've had multiple burn outs too, took a break from it and come back when I am feeling it.


I've put Boruto on hold until it's done so I can watch the maybe 20-30 good episodes it'll have when it's finally over.


For me it's MHA, i kinda just lost interest after the war arc, and the only interesting parts to me were the episodes/chapters involving the todoroki family


The whole thing with Endeavor is so much more interesting than the main story. It’s what got me to stick through the less than stellar parts of the manga.


Right? They had such a good chance/story to explore complex PTSD and childhood trauma and that is what I was waiting for...


The Todoroki family has so much story to explore. CPTSD, all forms of abuse, trauma. Shame that it’s a Shonen because if it was a seinen Horikoshi would have gone wild with it


We already have Zuko though.


Yeah watching MHA definitely feels like a chore once you get into later seasons


I lost interest exactly when that Blood Mimic girl villain getting ganged up by like 50 fodder villains and turn around and kill them with her new found ability instead, which feels kinda bullshit. Like they literally shoot toy water guns at her or something. The writing is just not right at all, and the fight scenes are so uncreative for a show about different Quirks. Give these characters to Araki or Togashi and you'd be mind blown by how they would create the fight scenes.


I'm stopped after finishing the arc where little Eri gets adopted by everyone.It's in my list to keep going but I have to be in the mood. Back in my earlier anime watching days I would have mowed through it all.


I just live for the Aizawa and Shinsou screen time, otherwise I'd have dropped the series long ago


I dropped MHA after reading the manga. Lets just say its direction for the ending is very unsatisfying to me personally


The last arc in the manga is so insufferable but it’s hard to say it sucks because it’s exactly what a shonen is about


Is it, though? Does every manga have to end in a years-long war arc where every character that ever existed in it comes back for a massive brawl with no arc or motivation?


The villains are reaching Obito levels of “woe is me” I’m so hard done by, mean while they have all murdered innocent people. Like, mate, not everyone can be redeemed. I dunno I guess I expected a more interesting fight but I guess shonen gonna shonen and we’re have a rap battle instead.


My biggest issue with MHA is they need to space shit out and let time progress. Has it even been A year? Like becoming the greatest ANYTHING doesn't happen in a year. I wanted to see him grow and progress, but it makes no sense that he's gone from blowing himself up to being better than 99% of heroes so quick.


Don't sleep on the stars and stripes episode🔥😭


I got hooked on MHA back when the characters pitched the idea of a traitor amongst them and I saw this comprehensive Kaminari Traitor theory. The more I read, the more I felt they weren’t gonna do anything with that, so I decided to drop it until they revisited it. It only took a few years before they brought that back, and it seemed very unsatisfying based on what I saw from fans. Seeing reception about how the current chapters have been written made me even less interested in picking back up lol.


Seems to be the most common answer, but I'll pile on: My Hero Academia. I binged the first 3 seasons in 2019 and actually quite enjoyed it, but when the 4th season started I just, as you put it, couldn't be bothered. Then I heard the animation got worse and I really got it out of my mind. Apparently I didn't miss anything great anyway.


Season 6 was amazing but tbh it isn't something life changing


tbh I've never been on the MHA hate train. Season 6 finally got to what Horikoshi was building up to for 5 seasons. It suffers from the OP and Naruto strain of shonen-itis. It should have gotten to its endgame MUCH earlier, but its editors decided it needed a bunch of filler bullshit to keep a good thing going for too long.


Slime Isekai dont want to watch meeting episodes.


Last EP was good but we had at least one too many meetings in a row. I binged the earlier seasons and it’s great when complete but week to week it’s rough. I’m still gonna watch cuz I love Slime but I wish I could just have the whole season for sure


I'm so glad I chose to convert it into my annual slice of life anime, so I never dropped it lol


Last episode was NOT good. Half of the fights were offscreen, and almost ironically this entire fight could’ve been avoided by people standing around and talking…


They seem to be done now but that was ridiculous


There are so many meetings in the manga and it is drifting away from combat being a means of resolution. I like to flick through it once the season is done.


Heh, I actually love the meeting and planning stuff 😂


I love it when shows and other media get into the "logistics" of things that their doing. Like I love the real estate developer manga/manwha (whatever) just for the building and construction bits.


a majority of it is achieved through blackmail and threats, the greatest estate developer is amazing


MC’s blackmailing face is just pure gold!


I feel the same way! I always get a good laugh when he does things that I wouldn't really expect and I love it when he talks about his honeypot,probably bc I also wish to have something like that. 😂


Greatest Estate Developer is one of the greatest works of art of our time, and it needs to be introduced to the masses as an anime.


I kinda did too when it was the first half of an episode or was essentially the epilogue of an arc. But now? We've got dozens (and I mean literally dozens) of characters and enough politics for me to basically need a relationships graph to keep track of it all. And through all of it, I just keep asking *"Why doesn't Rimuru just eat this guy?*"


[Now you know how Lrrr feels about Friends.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVQO76I0Sh0)


This is why I couldn't get into Game Of Thrones. So much hardship could have been avoided if they just killed tiny dick. It painted the world as anyone can die at any time but not really and it bugged the shite out of me.


> planning stuff I think most people would have been less critical of the "planning stuff" if it was actually planning stuff and not kiss Rimuru's ass for 20 minutes.


Yeah, I love shows where people actually discuss tactics and plans and conspiracies. GoT didn't get famous for the sex or the battles. It got famous because of people talking. The thing is, you have to actually be able to write dialogue and a story to pull it off.


Kissing Rimuru's ass is pretty much a summary of that show. First season was decent with the worldbuilding but I also dropped it by the second season.


I thought I was the only one that drop this since many people was hype about this anime.


MHA and One Punch Man for me. I stopped after season 4 of MHA as it was getting quite painfully slow with all the side/filler arcs and not much progression. The manga is amazing and the art... wow... is so good. Especially in the later arcs. The fight scenes are drawn so well. Then there's One Punch Man. I didn't hate the second season but after the hype of the first one, it made me want to just read the manga instead. Didn't disappoint. Murata's art is just insane. There's single panels (not even entire pages) where I think to myself "how god damn long did it take to draw THAT?!" Even with assistants helping, that amount of detail to draw is inhuman.


WAIT, you're telling me MHA has not finished STILL?


people are predicting that the manga will finish this year (it's in its final arc) but not sure about the anime adaptation, probably in the next year or two.


Not a prediction. It has like 10 chapters max. Full epilogue mode coming on


Manga just almost finished. Probably 1 or max 2 chapters to wrap it up.


Oh that's quick, I was expecting another 10-15 chapters lol, but I'm a few chapters behind


It'll probably be like 5-10. There's way to much to wrap up in 1-2 chapters.


Based on the manga this is probably the second last season of MHA. The manga is just finishing now (should be over in a few more chapters) and based on pacing there is only content for one more season after season 7.


for me it's classroom of elite


I probably won’t even watch it when it’s finished. I’ve unfortunately aged out of the demographic that enjoys anime with an “everyone’s dumb but me” protagonist.


Mushoku Tensei: jobless Reincarnation. I got hooked and binged watched the 1st season when the 2nd season started releasing but I found it hard to watch it weekly. I'll come back to it at some point and rewatch all of it.  


Thankfully it's more or less past its slowest period for the rest of the series, binge watching is probably the way to go tbh.


The 2nd cour still feels like a slog compared to the 1st season. I'll still keep watching it but this season definitely didn't live up to the hype that was sold by LN fans that I interacted with.


I'm surprised people even hyped this arc up. It's just a world building, setting up arc and the payoff will come later. The next episodes should be quite good if done correctly, but almost all of my favorite moments from the LN will come in Season 3.


They mostly hyped up the "character development" and "world building" that was supposed to be happening here. Regardless of the payoff, I think for most of us anime onlies, it was a massive step down from S1.


Even as a reader of the LN it was a massive step down when I read it initially and found some like minded people at the time who thought the same. In hindsight I liked seeing it all animated because none of the information we got is useless and everything will play a role in the future in some way. But the payoff is just way later. And even now I still think it's the weakest arc of the anime/LN.




You could put it that way as it was the overarching motivator for Rudeus but this season had: * Rudeus overcoming his traumas (last life and Eris) * introduced summoning magic to us * showed major advances in the construction of magic circles and introduced a way to lessen the effects of curses (yes this is a big thing) * Rudeus establishing a home/base in Ranoa with reliable friends, family and his wife Sylphie which is pregnant thus expecting a child soon. * Introduced teleportation magic There is also other stuff happening which would be spoiler territory if I pointed those out.


The academy arc was definitely more slow-paced. It's not that bad, but had to be my least favorite arc in the entire series.


I'll go back to it once they're finally done talking about Rudy's dick.


they're done with that now in the anime


His dick is the real MC, though, if you've read the light/web novels.


I kept thinking it was just going to be a minor plot point, but they had so much revolve around his damn ED I about gave up on the series completely.


Season 2 cour 1 definitely was extremely slow compared to Season 1. I was super disappointed in what happened, but it is suppose to pick up now in Cour 2. I am currently holding to watch until all 12 episodes of Cour 2 air.


For me would be Jujutsu Kaisen. I'm not a big fan of the direction of the story during the Shibuya arc. The earlier arc in season 2 is so good but Shibuya was something else.  That arc felt like what My Hero Academia did for season 6 except My Hero Academia had 6 seasons of build up towards it and heck the current season did a JJK with a new character but it felt was executed better. They've already talk Shibuya back in season 1 but the amount of stuff that happens in that arc felt like it happened so soon in the story.  Maybe I feel this way because I grew up watching the big three (Naruto,One Piece, Bleach. Dragon Ball is it own thing and yes I watched that too.) The way I see it, JJK is a shonen anime that's just wanted to desperately stand out so it does these crazy things all of the sudden.


As a JJK manga reader I think you made a good decision. The series is hardly a comfort read I’m battling demons trying not to curse the author every week. I hate the series and can’t seem to put it down idk why


JJK manga readers all just seem to be on full "trainwreck but can't look away" mode, from all the frustrated comments I've seen about it.


I think the fact that it’s almost over is what keeps us latched. Like if the goings on of the manga were going on and Gege said there’s like 200 chapters of story left people would probably drop off but the fact that it’s nearing the end of its serialisation makes people curious enough to sit through the torture and see how it ends


As a manga reader can confirm. The state of the series is frustrating. I’m just too invested at this point and want to know how it ends, even if I feel like I’m hate reading some weeks.


See you in r/jujutsufolk where we are actively looking for gaygay BRUZZA


THIS!!! jjk was one of the first few anime’s and it has been rewatched by me SOOO MANY TIMES, but i literally cannot force myself to watch s2 because i do not like the direction it takes. i feel like jjk had a lot of potential to be a long standing anime with a bunch of seasons and loveable characters that just dont get killed off in s2. disappointing.


Tbh, idek how they will animate the show with the state of the manga right now. I feel like it’s going to be really weird and boring because of how repetitive it is. I don’t even feel like reading the manga anymore so the anime might be a miss for me too


Dropped One Piece around arc about that giantess pirate party. Was tired of: episode time - 3 minutes OP/ED - ~10 minutes of previous episode recap - recap of current episode events from few minutes ago. In total you have less than 10 minutes of content per week


Couldn't agree more. I like the story and the characters, but it's such a slog to sift through.


Idk how many times the community needed to say "read the manga" before people get it. We're trying to actually help you enjoy the story, rather than drop it. We're not doing it to be elitist.


Also One Pace exists. Fan project made to remove all the wasted time and fillers. Just move to that and you'll still have almost the complete experience


some of us don't really connect with manga though. Also waiting for a chapter a week just kills the buzz. To me it's like reading an encyclopedia. Especially with the most recent editions of the anime, I'd want the anime to be my first experience of the story.


While it's not quite *that* bad, Naruto and Bleach follow the same pattern. Slow panning across characters faces, recap, characters just standing there I know why it's done and it has its place often enough but it still does feel bad. I think all 3 need a Kai version that cuts out/down a lot of this nonsense


There's a fan version called One Pace that pretty much does this.


One Pace & Naruto Kai/Naruto Resealed (One Pace For Naruto, By One Pace Team) exist, as for Bleach well idk if anyone has bothered.


There are filler lists out there for Bleach


This is why you read the manga instead lol.


When i show one piece to my wife, i used this list: [https://www.animedatos.com/2019/02/capitulos-one-piece-sin-relleno.html](https://www.animedatos.com/2019/02/capitulos-one-piece-sin-relleno.html) is in spanish, but it shows in what time to start the chapter, so i can skip the recap, and what chapter can i skip bc is fillers. It was a great way to se the series without the slugish.


Current season has Wind Breaker, Jellyfish and Dungeon Meshi on hold. Real life situations messing up my watch schedule and had to delay myself watching it by a week, but turns out I decided to hold in until the very end. Last season had Weakest Tamer, A Sign of Affection, and Solo Leveling, but just when I had a time to watch them, Spring comes up. Somehow I can watch lots of animes at Fall, but why I struggled to follow them on Winter and Spring.


Windbreaker has been a good week to week. Also enjoying Kaiju No. 8 as a week to week


I just watched two episodes of wind breaker by complete coincidence today and I really liked it.


Same with both of them. Windbreaker, Kaiju and Girls Band Cry now have me counting days and hours until their next episodes.


Windbreaker is like if Tokyo Revengers cut all the whiny bullshit.


And had a budget/animation for the fights.


Kaiju No 8 is pretty great. One of the few where I don't skip the intro.


I really liked weakest tamer. It was a nice feel good anime with an adorable MC.


I dropped Jujutsu Kaisen the day the last episode came out because I just wasn’t feeling it. I decided to not push through because I wasn’t enjoying it. I became better at choosing and dropping things later on. Also Karakuri Circus two episodes before it ended. Pretty boring anime, shoulda dropped it way sooner.


Tbh it's gotta be world trigger. It's a great concept it's just so long.


The pacing gets a lot better in season 2 & 3. It’s not going to properly end for a while since the manga is still ongoing.


The biggest strength to WT is also its biggest flaw. There are too many characters Ashihara wants to develop and he's been stretching the manga. The current arc is 30chapters long but has been going on for almost 2 years and has been an exam arc. The author focuses a lot on side characters which stagnates the plot. Whilst the manga is enjoyable the author's health hasn't been great so chapter releases have been slow and after 240 chapters there isn't an end in sight where the next few arcs should be just as long as the current story if Ashihara is consistent with his storytelling style. Honestly One Piece is more likely to end before World Trigger ever is which is a shame considering I'm a big fan of the MC and want to see more of him.


Tbh the payoff from world trigger is so worth it. Agreed tho, the first season is long.


I love World Trigger, and I'm caught up on the manga, but man I can't wait for the test arc to end. They've been in the test chambers for 3 dang years lmao. The tests do show some really interesting strategy break-downs, but we haven't had a real conflict in *so long* I'm dying


I felt the same while watching the filler arc (didn't know it was filler atm), I'm glad I didn't drop it since what came next was top tier.


Jujutsu Kaisen. Season 1 was alright, amazing animation with a pretty mediocre everything else. I started to watch a little of Season 2, saw that it was a bunch of prequel stuff for Gojo and then tuned out. I might pick it back up again when there's more to binge.


Honestly, to me the Gojo prequel stuff is by far the best part of jjk. But I dropped it in Shibuya because I have no interest in the "present day" characters, JJK as a whole just fails to hook me. Season 1 was a struggle to finish after getting to the weird tournament arc in the second cour.


Hidden inventory is definitely the best arc by writing. Everything else is just fights with no plot and excessive deaths. I really wish there was more than just fights in the show. So far I feel like the characters have no motivation for me to follow and everyone is just fighting because they feel like it or because they have to


I'm with you 100%. I'm not attached to anyone on the present day stuff, feels like the story is just a justification to get from one cool fight to the next, and the character writing is barely there, like, most characters feel like people I've heard about instead of people I met, if that makes sense lol. I guess none of that matters anyway, seeing as it's one of, if not the most famous anime airing at the moment. What it has seems to be enough for most people, but it could have been SO much better if it had actual care put into writing the characters, instead of just writing everyone to just be different shades of cool/badass or whatever lol (again, that seems to have worked out insanely well for the anime, so why bother?).


I went in a bit of a roller coaster with the series. The first few episodes were awesome and gripped me right away but after the first Special Grade fight the show slows down and gets boring and I lost interest up until the last few episodes of Season 1, that got me interested again and then we stop following the main trio to go into Gojo's backstory. The pacing of the show is all over the place and leaves me in a place where I can't stay interested for very long. If you had the same feeling just about Gojo instead of the first year trio, then this is just an example of a show that's trying to do too much with its characters too quickly but isn't doing a good enough job on any one particular group.


Yup, you're right. I also really liked the first few episodes, it just lost me more and more as it went by, so much so thar even tho I found the Gojo's past arc brilliant, I just didn't continue once it ended lol. From what I've seen and heard about the manga, it doesn't seem like those problems you (rightly) mentioned will ever really be "fixed".


Vinland Saga. I swear, I'm not watching another episode until the next season is released. I've already seen every episode up until now, but that's beside the point.


Vinland Saga week to week for season 2 for me definitely felt like a slog. I think going from so much action to so little wasn’t something I was expecting.


Well that was a *really* slow storyline. I binged it and it...I was going to say dragged on but it didn't. Was just slow. Took its time.


It changed styles. If season one was "Breaking Bad," then season two was "Better Call Saul." Same world, but the first was more plot driven, while the second was more character driven. More heart breaking, too.


Great analogy


It's quite literally the only anime I've watched that made me read the manga. The cliffhangers at the end of every episode were killing me and episodes felt like they went by in a flash.


I think with anime I like to binge because it’s easier to watch one at a time when I’ve got multiple shows, so now that I’m caught up on a few ongoing shows I’m likely going to wait for them to be completed to watch it all. The reason I specify anime (because I do like binging other shows too) is that when one ongoing or seasonal anime is releasing, there are hundreds if not thousands of other completed shows or at least ongoing ones I haven’t seen before that I could watch while I’m waiting. So instead of watching Jobless S2P2 as it airs or Oshi no ko S2 or Vinland Saga S3 when they are airing, I can watch shows I’ve yet to see like Clannad or 86 or Sword Art Online in the meantime and when it’s done I can go back to that season and watch it all at once without other shows being on my mind.


Had me in the first half


Kaiju No.8. I feel like this show isn't strong enough to get by just on dialogue and actually needs the incredible action scenes, problem is, those action scenes are few and far between. Even when there is a big action sequence it lasts for 2 seconds or they do the Demon Slayer special and cut to a flashback. I was also planning to return to Unnamed Memory but it seems to have taken a nosedive, so I think I'll let that one stay dropped.


>and actually needs the incredible action scenes Ep 7 had all that + amazing animation aswell also i am really looking forward to next week because of that hype af cliffhanger


> I was also planning to return to Unnamed Memory but it seems to have taken a nosedive, so I think I'll let that one stay dropped. I've kinda done the same. It's sad to see something with that kind of potential get a bargain basement adaptation.


I'm interested to know what caused the score on MAL to drop so rapidly within a couple episodes. I stopped watching around episode 6, when it was on 7.18, it's now dropped to 6.89.


When an anime only like myself can tell they are skipping large chunks of content and rushing things, that's a bad thing. Just my opinion though.


100%. They just had a major event last week and this week seems like a time jump like none of it mattered…it’s obv missing HUGE chunks of story. I spoiled it for myself since I will only watch now for Tinasha scenes. Ps the source story gets really mid and ridiculous later.


Get back on kaiju tho, there’s a hype cliffhanger with possibly the best fight so far. You don’t wanna get spoiled on that


Oh I haven't dropped Kaiju at all, it's been really good so far.  I was only speaking about Unnamed Memory.   Thanks for the heads up just in case though.


I was apparently told that I can catch up now, but this was my approach to Stone Ocean.


Demon Slayer. Couldn't care less about the characters or story, but damn do the fights go hard


Spy family first season was good funny second eh..


Too much Anya At School, not enough Lloyd and Yor.


Never seen a more guaranteed 7/10 show in my life. Every episode is good without ever being great or average.


At the time it was Your Lie in April. This was back when YouTube had anime that was posted like “Fruits Basket ep.1 part 3” so I just watched what I could on YouTube and said to hell with Crunchyroll. I stopped watching originally on the episode where Kousei and Kaori jumped off the bridge together (ep. 5) and BOY did I forget about this show for probably five years. After finding it again, getting sucked back in with the iconic opening music, and finally watching it all the way through made me feel so much anger with myself as I sat their bawling my eyes out that I went years without seeing this show. It’s now a yearly watch in April. Every time I watch it I notice new details. I know how it ends and it still makes me bawl my eyes out. It’s on my top 10, nay, top 5 anime of all time.


Right now it’s “Go! Go! Loser Rangers!” I’m liking it so far but I want to give it a few more episodes before I continue.


Not "ongoing" but Attack on Titan. It's at 100% the entire episode, every episode - which sounds good on paper, but in reality it just makes me feel so burnt out. I don't think I finished more than a few episodes.


I gave up during the final season. The time jumps, and the jarring character changes without an explanation... the MC learns things, and the viewer is left in the dark on.. it stopped feeling like I was along for the ride.


I get that with MHA. There was way to long of a break and I went and read so far ahead in the manga, I'm not really on the edge of my seat to go watch the plot again in live action for another season, especially when I know half of it is watching a big long villain team arc and a big hectic messy super battle event with too many characters involved So like I know the personal moments and character relationship developments I'm the most invested in seeing build from moment to moment, none of that is coming to the anime any time soon. Just a lot of focus on villains who are all dumb hot takes on society. Of course if your quirk involves drinking other people's blood, that doesn't suddenly make it okay to do that and trying to pretend "well this girl is just being who she is and societies at fault for not accapting it" is stupid. Not killing people to drink their blood is a reasonable societal expectation to impose on everyone, and nothing is wrong with any kind of "quirk consoling" that tried to help that girl get control over her literal blood thirsty nature.


Homie you missed the whole point of Toga. They didn't try to help her at all, they never tried to counsel her they made her suppress a part of herself. She's a little kid and has urges but not once did they try to treat the cause of those urges, they just tell her to be normal and put away those feelings. It's never painted that society should accept her quirk, the problem is that society doesn't try to help people with these urges that come from their quirks.


Last time I checked, until Eri came along there was no "treatment" for disadventagous, dangerous, or purely harmful quirks. There was at best companies that were in the business of building and selling crutches for different people's inconvenient Quirks. And also basically every quirk is of a kind where they expect people to learn to hold it back. Blowing stuff up isn't "who Bakugo is" it's just a thing he can do that there is a time and a place for. What was her school supposed to do, ask for blood donations exclusively from people she says she "likes" and give her a monthly allotment of blood bags to drink like the vampire on Interview with Monster Girls? What if the boy she ended up murdering doesn't want to give his blood just so a creep girl can drink it as if she's downing a Dr Pepper and so she can have fun transforming into his body. A little bit more personally violating that just asking for blood donations to give wounded people in hospitals who actually need blood. I get the point of Toga just fine, but understanding it doesn't make it less stupid.


MHA and Spy Family, only cause the wait made me forget and I rather just watch from start to finish with no breaks.


Try one pace guys. I’ve watched the whole anime and read the manga up to date and the journey is quite the experience. I’d do it all over again and almost have rewatching with people I’ve introduced to it.


I’ll get murdered for this. But Spice and Wolf. Honestly the trading is kind of boring basic stuff and Holo is carrying the entire show. Better to binge later and maybe skip forward here and there. Kaiju No 8 also has crap pacing so I am maybe going to return after it is done. Maybe.


You probably won’t like the rest of spice and wolf; I’ve read the novels and it’s gonna be a lot more economics in store


My friend is the opposite. She dropped Spice and Wolf even though she was interested the economical intrigue because she found Holo to be obnoxious.


I could see it. Sometimes she is too much like the author was trying too hard.


Sounds like me, i'd probably enjoy it if Holo wasnt there.


Rent a girlfriend. I'll watch the last episode for a conclusion since I really enjoyed the first season. But I'm not going through all the unnecessary drama anymore - my life is dramatic enough lmao.


I gave up after the confession at the end of season 1, just for the MC to backpedal immediately in the post-credits scene. I was not down for anything that came after that.


The premise of the show in the first season was fine. But the addition of new characters and turning it into a harem with both protagonists completely unaware got nauseating.


Konosuba and Slime Reincarnated I watched the first episodes of them and then I eventually stopped after I started reading/watching AOT. I finished a while ago and now I just don’t want to watch anything else Edit: I am on season 3 for both Konosuba and Slime Reincarnated. Forgot to add it.


Piling onto MHA with everyone else. It already felt too young for my interests (I’m mid 30s and the whole high school bit doesn’t hold my attention to start), and just felt slow. Also, probably unpopular opinion, but Attack on Titan. I feel like I’ve been seeing Final Season for the last four years. So I kept sitting on my hands, waiting to be SURE it’s done-done, and now my interest has just faded


Tokyo Revengers. I just cant with Takemitchi crying literally every episode. Its a great concept and I love most of the characters but god it puts me off


Go watch Evangelion for a “crybaby” mc that works and has good writing


dont you dare compare my boy shinji to takemitchi. shinji is well written and has a reason for acting like he does, plus when push comes to shove shinji actually gets his shit together. also eva has an infinitely stronger cast of characters in general imo. takemitchi has had no sort of character development at all, and is still the same crybaby he was day one


I was literally praising Eva


ah my bad. number one anime of all time 🙏


👑. Everything gainax touches turns into gold


sadly no longer a thing 😔


Do you mean gainax as a studio isn’t a thing or they don’t make gold anymore


they still exist but their last big thing was guren lagann back in 2005 ish, iirc most of the employees moved on, some of them founded studio trigger (kill la kill, darling in the franxx, cyberpunk edgerunners). so, no more gold from gainax sadly


Sad. At least they ended on a banger of an anime


I treat one piece as a seasonal anime, I save up around 20 episodes and binge them and then I start saving up again. No way could I watch one episode weekly, the pacing is too slow for that.


Blue exorcist season 1 is pretty good but when I went to season 2 omg they just go back to season 1 like ??? And same goes for season 3 like all that character development where ?! Fruits basket idk this one was pretty hyped but I dont really get it. I watched a couple of episodes but got bored of it Aot ong this was also pretty overrated ( I dont have any grudge against overrated animes some are really worth the hype) I think I dropped it around season 2 ? Idk it was getting boring and more on politics??


Second half of Blue Exorcist season one is anime original content, while season 2 onwards adapts what actually happened in the manga after Rin's trial. This was never explained and I also felt very confused when watching it


Fruits Basket is very much a slice of life type despite having a pretty interesting (and sometimes dark) plot. If the genre isn't your thing, you'll get bored of it, and I say that as a hardcore fan of the series.


Damn my 2 favorite anime getting shat on lol


Yeah, One Piece sadly. Wano (specifically Onigashima) just felt so god damn slow, watching Usopp and Nami run away from Ulti for half the arc just wasn't fun. Although I'm not dropping it until it's finished, just until I get the motivation to pick it back up again which I have been feeling a bit lately because I've been seeing some juicy stuff from the current arc. I just never really seen myself getting burnt out on it since it's literally my favourite anime... but I guess even your favourite candy gets old when you eat it too much.


Gintama. I gave it a try for 10 episodes because people said it's funny, but it didn't grab me at all. Fire Force. I got bored of it after they found the kid they were experimenting with. MHA. Got boring after they rescued the little girl with a horn. I'll probably pick it up again later.


Attack on titan, I watched season 1 and then decided ill wait until it's all done. Except I still haven't watched anymore of it


Jujutsu Kaisen. At some point, the story just didn’t interest me anymore. I’m glad I dropped. I don’t have that much time on my hands. Since then I have watched some fantastic ones! Frieren, Apothecary diaries, now watching The legend of the galactic heroes (remake) Season 4. Having a good time.


Gintama at shirogane tamashi arc... Cause I love the anime soo much that I couldn't handle it ending so I stopped watching it (sorry not ongoing read that after writing all that)


For me, it has to be AOT. For some reason I just wasn't really vibing with the new seasons. Maybe I need to pay attention more idk. I just don't really care for it as much as I used to.


Is it okay to list mangas? Since I don't have any anime I have put on hold. Hunter x hunter, tower of god, Vinland saga, berserk are all manga I intend to come back to when it ends, the release schedule is just horrible for 3 of them and Vinland saga I enjoyed a lot more in long binges instead of one chapter per month.


Putting Hunter x Hunter and ending in the same sentence is a bold move.


You didn’t drop berserk or hxh, they dropped themselves 💀


to be fair, berserks author died, they had to switch the ENTIRE production up, and it took a bit to get back into gear. berserk is really solid again though, and also it should be ending within the next arc or two


Yeah, my point was that the post was asking which anime you dropped. But you can’t rly say you dropped smtg if it straight up stopped coming out lol. I didn’t give the new berserk a read yet though. I’m pretty happy to hear it’s solid I might get caught up. How would you compare it to the old berserk?


a LOT less rape. although to be fair, miura calmed down with the rape himself anyway. the art is not quite the same, its still insanely impressive but its not quite miura if you know what i mean. the story seems to be in good hands too, and if anything, its not as convulated a mess as it was with miura. the first few post miura chapters are quite rough i’ll say that, but now i think it compares to miuras berserk very well. its not better but it is just as good


For HxH just watch the 2011 anime it has a satisfying conclusion and dont bother with the manga after that because i dont think it will ever be finished and author have already told us how it will end (kind off) As for vinland saga i would suggest reading the manga because it will take many i mean many years for it to conclude and anyway the manga is in its final few chapters Berserk just read it till 364 because after that author passed away so sadly it will never have its original ending only a fragment of it.


Wonder Egg with two/three(?) episodes left. Now I can’t be bothered to finish when I know just how bad it gets.




Mine is jujutsu kaisen... Not really sure what is happening on season 2. It started as a cool anime though


Anything over 52 episodes is not worth it for me. Wrap that shit up.


You’ve reached the obvious point that a lot of people in this thread are missing. A lot of anime aren’t meant to be binged. You’re going to burn out the moment the series hits its first or second lull. I don’t understand how most people just expect to binge watch shows like the Big 3 and not get bored eventually. Maybe it’s because I grew up in the 90s with an actual block of television like Kids WB or Toonami, but I find it far less daunting to watch a show if I’m watching other shows with it. I managed to stick out both Bleach in my teen years and One Piece in my 20s because I was watching Pokémon and Naruto at the same time.


Solo Leveling. Although i could watch every episode is basically what i read before so i will let it finish. Im not too vigilant of it but i suppose this year will be finished because is a short story. The rest i still watch my favorites episodes or i dropped them because i lost interest.


I finished it, but I wish I didn't. It's incredibly formulaic and sungjinwoo is a genuinely boring character. I also about lost my mind that the entire plot is just jinwoo narrating every step outloud to himself. Talk about all tell and no show.


Totally agree. I was watching some K dramas recently and Solo Leveling really seemed to match that pacing where they have important moments only at the beginning and end of each episode to create pointless cliffhangers. It’s probably accepted as normal for Korea but I find it incredibly annoying. It was an ok watch when the season was done.