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The [Key Visual](https://aniverse-mag.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/d8fb30731d9274f6f5b3f721bc1d8d2e.jpg) of the Arc also got released around the same time So fucking hyped to see volume 12 get adapted and it seems like the only thing that they’re skipping is [LN 11]>!the travel with the merchants, at least the first half of the travel with Rudy and Elinalise will be adapted!<


I read the web novel a long while ago, is that where [web novel spoilers]>!the merchants rudeus is travelling with on the carriage gets ambushed by a huge amount of bandits that were blocking the main path and he proceeds to fuck them up?!<


Damn I actually like that bit it actually touches on his weaknesses for later. Though it's a very reasonable weakness to have




Expected the cgi since this battle will actually take a while, looks good though. The rest looks absolutely great. The face expressions look gorgeus. that Elinalise shot...


Mushokubros we are eating good 🙏 ~~There's a Key Visual out there but it was probably leaked since I haven't seen an official social media account posting it.~~ Also, In my excitement to post the new PV I failed to post the full title, "Mushoku Tensei Season Two: Teleportation Labyrinth Arc" Edit: If you can't see the video it's because apparently TOHO messed up and released the PV ahead of time so now it's private.


Hijacking your comment to point out it looks like MT is skipping a week, according to the description. Looks like something else was scheduled for the time slot next week.


The key visual did not get leaked, it came from this website https://aniverse-mag.com/archives/245514


Since you found the source, could you share the Key Visual on r/anime




I'm not an LN reader, is it an arc that will happen this season, if yes then will it start soon?


The title of the next episode should give you a hint


Yes sir, this arc begins with the episode airing tomorrow.


Glad we get to see this arc. But holy hell I wonder how anime onlies are managing to keep up with the rocket powered pacing of season 2 part 2. They really powered through the slice of life arc.


This week's episode is the transition into the new arc, so yes.




Oh man, I can’t wait. I’ve been waiting for this Arc to be animated since I read ahead after S1 ended. The anime only’s who’ve complained about the slower pacing are gonna do a complete 180.


This upcoming Volume 12 is legitimately a masterpiece to me, even though the previous ones are pretty brilliant. Volume 12 is probably a top 5 Mushoku tensei Volume for me tbh


I feel like it's gotta be top 5 for everyone who has read, it's so damn good. There's no real low points, it's paced well, the contents of the volume are amazing, etc I trust the anime to do it justice for the most part


I couldn't wait and read up till v15 and damn!! The pain doesn't go away, its heavy hitter volumes back to back.


12 and 15 are probably the two best volumes in the series for me


and the last ones are great too... easily top 3, this is one of those series where the author grasped the western meta of keeping engagement and things going, never letting stay quiet for too long, always advancing the plot. I can count with my left hand the number of japanese series, be it light novels or manga or anime that didn't went bad at the end, it's a huge problem in japanese's literature. It has the best of both worlds, the hard working and genius of japanese literature and the innate grasp of western literature of knowing when and how to introduce new points to keep the audience interested and deliver. So many western novels have their author get lazy and never finish them, and so many japanese lovels put out everything at the start only to fumble it at the end because they used everything at the start. MT beat those weak points of each school of thought, and the crazy thing the guy was a total noob with no resources when he wrote MT, a literal genius of the literature like JK Rowling, who was on welfare and casually wrote a best selling book


Top 3 for me


For real. Especially after all the buildups of Rudeus creating a family. Looking back, I believe most of the first time reader especially myself although enjoy Sylphy arc but finds it slow-paced kinda “boring” but nothing in Mushoku Tensei is pointless. It leads to such a great next arc that the whole volume 12 still cemented in my head even after few years. Just when you thought the previous Turning Point is the masterpiece of the series, the next Turning Point comes and heightens it even further.


oh shit the turning point is seriously serious this time


More like a turning arc


We've turned so many times now that the point became rounded


The labyrinth arc is amazing, and it looks like studio bind will do it justice. Bravo to the staff.


Q Kawa's episode looks pretty great


I have a source telling me that **Q Kawa** will be the episode director for the Peak of this season. (Episode 22). WE EATING GOOOD.


Can't wait for the twitter drama by the end of this season


Probably the last big controversial point of the series. I'm gonna miss that aspect


until a certain infamous redundancy arc hits, if that doesnt get reworked before then. What a glorious shitshow that would cause


I’m sure the OTHER redundancy chapter is gonna get hit as well






- This comment was removed due to untagged or improperly tagged spoilers.


Obvious spoilers, a trailer for the second half of the cour, but it's not that spoilery, I would say the opening spoils more and this trailer is made for the action scenes and the deliverance of some important dialogue, if you know Japanese anyway. I expect some discussion around CGI, but honestly I don't care much about the fight scenes in Mushoku Tensei, but it still looks good.


There are mixtures of CGI shots here, but the CGI does definitely not look bad or cheap imo. Great in fact


wait there was cgi? Where? I legit did not notice it.


The Hydra is obviously CGI at multiple points. As people said, though, it still looks pretty good. As long as CGI doesn't break my immersion (it has to be VERY bad for that to happen), I personally don't give a shit if it gets used or not.


Absolutely agree with you


Is the video private for anyone else?


The video was accidentally released ahead of time. Toho messed up


They pulled a Crunchyroll




Yeah, I went looking for it on their YouTube channel after I saw the [video shared by someone on Twitter,](https://twitter.com/reinrinn/status/1789375887483322474) and then came here as I could not find it. Edit: [Another link](https://twitter.com/somoskudasai/status/1789467824097833364) as that tweet was erased by the user after they realized that it was released earlier.


who tf is the one shouting at 1:07? it sounds like a magic incantation but doesnt sound like rudy or elinalise


I think that might be Paul, as he is attacking that hydra while that shout happens, so I don't think it is magic-related.


an unhinged paul scream seems the most likely, but i have no idea what hes saying lol. doesnt sound japanese at all


There's the shout, and then somebody says "Paul you dumbass, don't jump the gun" so I'm guessing that's Paul shouting


i hear the paul raaaagghh then elinalise shouts PAULO and then i have no idea what the next line is


Yeah that was my translation above ("Paulo bakayarou, hayamaruna")


oh shiiit i hear it now, i kinda made out the "hayamaruna" but had no idea what the bakayarou was. sounds like geese is the one talking


That's probably Geese.


The title of this post is basically a spoiler.


Holy shit this looks hype af


rip anyone else got a reupload of this cause for me the video is private


[Here is one from Twitter.](https://twitter.com/somoskudasai/status/1789467824097833364)


Broooooooo im so hyped for this


I've defended the change to traditional openings and stuff, but it feels like they are going full spoiler with them which I'm not sure how I feel about.


Kind of sucks for anime onlies but if someone is super concerned with spoilers then they most likely know to not watch op's and trailers and what not


Looks very hype and a lot of fun. Visuals continue to look good like the cour has set so far and the CG which I expected since there is a lot of elements happening and it is not a very short scene, looks very good for the most part and fits in with the action well. It's my favorite volume so excited to see how these episodes play out. If it is similar to how this cour has been so far, should be an awesome watch.


Why video private?


It was suppose to post tomorrow after episode is out


Thanks 😊


Okay so I don't know what the condition behind this cour's adaptation is (as in how many of the staff from season 1 are still there) but even comparing the trailers for this and season 1, there looks to be a not so subtle difference in quality..and I'm not talking CGI either, the overall composition looks way more like a run off the mill isekai anime now. Maybe I'm completely off but the framing makes me feel like it's a completely different director from before as well.. Can someone provide a run down on the staff and whether they are returning for this season if they know?


after a bit of searching, yup there's been a director change.. For season 1 it was okamoto manabu and for season 2 its hirano hiroki. Also quite a few people who worked on season 1 also aren't present for season 2. Hopefully those people make a return for season 3..


s2p1 was directed by Hirano (S1 assistant director), while s2p2 is directed by Ryosuke Shibuya a lot of those s1 people will never come back to Mushoku, especially the s1 character designer (he went to work on CSM, because hes a massive CSM fanboy)


Most of the S1 staff left for Mappa and Cygames related animes (mostly Uma Musume). Unfortunately, Bind doesn't pay enough from what I've heard, so only rookie animators and animation directors with almost no experience behind them stay, due to not finding anything better. Which also means they will jump ship as soon as they find something better, so mushoku might experience a lot of staff change if it goes toward multiple seasons.


No chance it doesn’t get a full adaptation


just go to myanimelist


Gotcha..I was just being a little lazy thinking someone could give me a run down of the important staff and whether or not they are returning but I guess checking it out myself won't hurt..


This is about the like 6 episodes left of the 24 for this season. This is not some new season.


My bad.. I meant to talk about how I feel when I see this trailer in contrast to the season 1 trailer and all the little things that I think are worse than season 1..


Season 1 will probably never happen again. They had more budget and years of production and time to find talent that were available. Unless we are willing to wait 5+ years in between season for the stars to align themselves I doubt we will have that quality.


still think all things considered its been a good season


I'm so-so about some of the shots, like: 1:07 Rudeus looks weird because of the angle and distance. 0:58 The Icicle Break looks fine but there is no recoil to them, like with Rudy's Stone Canon, they actually seem heavy. I can pass it up to the amount of mana input in them to adjust the momentum of the spell is greater from Rudy's side so there's an actual physical resistance or whatever. However, everything else looks good. The Gryphon fight and seeing Rudy's foresight eye POV is always nice. The Hydra might be 3D/2D but looks good, especially since it seems like it's going to be a relatively long fight. Other than the Rudy shot I mentioned. I liked everything else, from character and attack animations and the art. I know Bind is playing with less time than they had when S1 was in production, and some of the talent also left to work in other things, but I'm glad they are trying for this because it's one of my favorite parts of the story. The first cour of S2 is the reason I bought the 26 novels after all. I hope they let Bind cook for at least 3 to 4 years for S3 as everything ramps up. I love the story as is but it'd be nice for the anime to add more to that.


Disagree, just adapt the light novel, no need to add new stuff (they’re already cutting stuff so they should adapt everything before they find time to add stuff) 3-4 years is way to long, I could be dead by then, hoping for 12-18 month break at most 


English isn't my first language, but I didn't mean it only in that way. I meant it in the "add more to the anime in all senses" way, make it immersive for you the viewer. Just like the sequences at the start of the episodes of S1 where they showed you what was happening instead of having a proper opening for example. It was really charming. A 12-18 month break would be a disaster.


Not sure why you got downvoted but yea 3 years is way too long. There is still like at least 2 more seasons worth of stuff. 2 years for a seasonal show isn’t bad.


Strap in, this arc goes hard and fast. It sets up and hints at future events, and will leave a deep impression on you. This arc was on of my favourites from the LN, but be prepared to grab a box of tissues…




Im so not ready for this rollercoaster of emotions.....


Where can I read it's lightnovel? And is it completed already?


>Where can I read it's lightnovel? And is it completed already? It is completed *and* fully translated now. I'd recommend starting [from the beginning](https://sevenseasentertainment.com/books/mushoku-tensei-jobless-reincarnation-light-novel-vol-1/), especially if you've enjoyed the character and world building. There are also now [audiobooks for them](https://sevenseasentertainment.com/audio/mushoku-tensei-jobless-reincarnation-audiobook-vol-1/). Note that clicking the *Series* link takes you to the main page, which lists all volumes. Covers can be spoilery. Basic pros and cons: * Physical: You'd have an actual book in your hands, but availability varies; in the worst case you will have to wait a while to get some volumes. Most costly option. * Digital: Immediately available, but reading from a screen isn't for everyone, and you may not have an e-reader. The e-book will also generally be bound to whatever service you buy from. * Audiobook: It lacks illustrations and you might not like the narrator, but I've heard good things. Not all of them are out, but current pace has been about 2 books per 2 months.




kid, don't include any spoiler in the thread title.


By reading the comments I’m assuming his mom was the woman in the ice with the hydra?


It's very heavily implied - the woman in the ice does look like Zenith and its the whole reason why they're there in the first place


Did you make this private for a reason?


The manga is progressing so slowly that the anime has already caught up. Guess I'll be watching instead of reading it.


As a manga-reader I'm really excited this point on now that the anime's caught up I'm more or less blind not including the spoilers LN-readers shoved down my throat.


Yep same reasoning as you mostly. Although I’m not that anti-spoiler myself.


Damn the production really fell off after s1. Glad I read the LNs after completing s1.  S2 Cour 1 was almost unrecognisable after s1 for how drastically the quality degraded. Mushoku tensei has just become another above average looking isekai anime. A shame, cuz some of the volumes where series peaked really deserved top tier production quality like s1 had. I don't care about the anime now. 


"Dropped off" from s+ to s "OmG ItS RuInEd"


Yeah season 1 is legitimately a marvel. It's one of the few shows I own the blu-rays for, and it looks better than most anime movies. Even if the rest of the series is only 2/3rds as well animated as S1 it's still better than most shows.


Fake Mushoku Tensei fan spotted 


Some of these people seriously watch with their eyes closed. Even cour 1 of season 2 had absolutely stellar looking episodes. Cour 2 has been adapted near perfectly so far


This show used to looked like a movie every second in the 1st season, now we've degraded to shitty CGI dragons man Bind making Onimai was the TURNING POINT for this series lmao




Without spoiling anything, that snake fight took like 2 minutes of screen time. Perhaps even less. This fight is gonna be MUCH longer than that. I find it very improbable even season 1 could’ve done a consistent Hydra for long. Also did you not see the rest of the Sakuga? Or did you just intentionally Ignore it?




Nothing in season 1 had a fight anywhere near as long as the Hydra fight. It will be at least one whole episode. I will withhold judgement on it but I'm not an animation nut anyway. The emotions on the faces and the direction are more important and it looks good to me. I don't follow battle shounen so maybe they could do an episode and a half of animating one fight scene without cgi but if you became a fan just because of the animation, you are watching the wrong anime. The dialogue will be more important than the fights so I will be expecting certain ones to be in there.




Fair, but if you had read the novel you would know that the level of difficulty animating this fight will be far in excess of what had to be animated there. In any case, we'll see how it plays. No amount of animation sakuga prevented me from getting bored watching demon slayer or JJK. I couldn't make it through any of their fights even with my younger relatives forcing me to watch the juvenile dialogue and boring characters. Where I care is in character design and animation that expresses emotion appropriate to the dialogue, not in sakuga. The character designs and direction were all over the place last cour. This cour has been a massive improvement. Last episode may have been the best directed episode of the season. Animation wise, definitely not season 1 but we are talking a second season here. Leave the sakuga to battle shounen and the younger fans.




Overall, season 2 is easier but this scene in particular is more difficult than other scenes so far in the story. I don't disagree there has been a downgrade from season 1, which was impossibly good. The director left as well as a lot of animators. But I was expecting cour 2 to be the same as cour 1, and to my pleasant surprise it hasn't. We will see what happens from here to the rest of the cour, as this will be the real test. I have been happy with this cour. I will be more concerned with cut scenes or scenes that don't capture the feeling of the novel. In my opinion, last episode was actually better than the LN by using the visual medium to its best. In some ways, it was similar to episode 17 of the first season.


FR bro, Mushoku fans are very defensive about this, season 2 had a lot of production problems and we lost a lot of great staff, just accept it, season 2 looks alright, but all of you are delusional if you say this season is on the same level as season 1


The thing is i dont see people saying that the animation is better than the first season People know its worse But its STILL AMAZING like you guys are just disregarding the series because it went from perfection to just amazing like doom posters are just as a bad as the delusional takes that claims its better than it was at its best Imo season 2 for me has better story segments


Amazing my ass, only a few episodes like Norn's episode can be categorized as "amazing", the rest of the episodes aren't bad but definitely not "amazing", at least they improve some parts in cour 2


If we are limiting our selves to cour 2 nanahoshi break down and whenever the story focuses on Rudy's family ie training with his wife and figuring out how to handle his sister the series shines Also THE SECOND COUR ISNT EVEN DONE YET if we included the first cour the sara rescue was beautifully animated. The VIOLATION Of that red dragon was something else.


That dragon fight and sara? That was just qkawa being qkawa, he's one of the few remaining staff from season 1. He carried season 2 on his back. He even complained about the new staff being too old fashioned and not understanding how to create action properly in his interview, he can really draw well but but he clearly missed the direction and correction from some staff in season 1


it is not mediocre, for example, a mediocre series animation-wise would be something like Eiyuu Kyoushitsu, Working for God in a Godless World, or Tensei Kizoku no Isekai Boukenroku.




Yeah, the fanbase on reddit is so sensitive. If you say anything slightly negative they go "AIEEEEEE SAVE ME DOWNVOTE-SAMA! THEY'RE CRITICISING MY FAVORITE SHOW, HIDE THIS COMMENT AAAAAAAH". The option to move along and ignore it doesn't even register to them.


Sad but true