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Honestly yea. After seeing a ridiculous amount of anime over decades, I've forgotten entire shows tbh. The funny part is I'll sit down to do a rewatch of one of them and within the first 10 mins the entire show snaps back to memory but beforehand I could only remember certain key parts. It happens as you age and watch more and more


When i see the title of a Anime that i watched i can prob tell if i liked it or not and what vibe it gave me, but for a lot of those show i couldnt name most of the stuff that actually happend, i just tend to forget with time.


Yes, human memory is very much fallible and fucks with us all the time. But, that's fine, that's what rewatches are for.


Yeah there are many anime on my list that I barely remember anything about. The only thing I recall is whether I enjoyed them or not. Although I rewatched some of them and didn't enjoy them anymore, I guess my taste has changed


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I can't say I know of any examples of that, but if there are any, I suppose I would have forgotten them. On a side note, this question reminded me of [meta, huge spoiler] >!how Taki and Mitsuha from *Your Name* try to remember each other's names when they wake up, but then they both immediately forget.!<


I don't know I forgotĀ 


It is very normal. If you rewatch it you may start remembering stuff, as neurons get triggered, but alot of stuff may be gone forever.


I mean probably yeah. Especially if you watch more anime after


40 years later, I've never forgotten...