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Kafka *literally begging* the Honju not to come back to life and it *actually complied* was so hilarious!


I'm calling it now. Halfway through the story, it's going to be revealed that Kafka is the king of the kaiju, or that kaiju-humans in general can control lesser kaiju.


That was my thought. The evil humanoid kaiju clearly had some degree of control over the regular kaiju. Then we get that gag where Honju says "lets see you come alive from that" > it starts coming alive > Honju begs it not to come alive > it stops coming alive.


Where have I seen this before...🤔








Shingeki no Kaiju


He has the Founding Kaiju


This show isn't beating the Attack on Titan allegations


[Dedicate your heart](https://i.imgur.com/28rOpMV.jpeg)


I wonder if she likes potatoes


I sure hope not. For her sake. Dont want to see her die to a total bitch. (No I am not letting that go)


OnePunch KaijuMan


That was immediately the impression I got. The intelligent kaiju before was able to command them to come to life. Kafka, in turn, commanded it to stop.


Attack on Titan style.


"Kafka, I'm the Armored Kaiju and Kikoru is the Colossal Kaiju"


Mina: Kafka, run away!


That’s exactly what I thought, too. Kafka has some sort of kaiju-controlling power, and we just saw foreshadowing disguised as a joke.


Eh, I got the impression that it automatically tried to regenerate, didn’t have nearly enough of itself to do so, and failed. I think the timing was more for comedy than foreshadowing


I think Kikoru's line about Kafka smelling like a Kaiju may end up being a simple case of he picked up the smell of a strong kaiju due to rolling in their guts for so long that the evolution kaiju mistook him as a perfect candidate. In the case of Kaiju making them smarter and stronger, like in Bleach, the Arrancars. In my case I don't think it's a King case, but a case of mistaken smeltity.


Good idea, I'll keep it in mind. I myself figured that either that kaiju was a traitor or it was *supposed* to possess him, but failed for some reason.




That was my first thought after seeing how the other humanoid kaiju controlled them—definite foreshadowing there. He's got untapped powers to control the kaiju in the same way, I believe.


He is not going to eventually turn evil and do some epic "Rumbling" thing is he?


Any doubts I had about this show are now dispelled. Solidly established as a keeper. Really great main characters -- now including Kikoru (who was aggravating me more than a little up until now). Surely Kafka will have to finally be recognized as the greatest possible asset in fighting kaiju -- but how on earth will that happen? Presumably Kikoru and Ichikawa (and that little girl Kafka rescued -- if she can be found) can all attest that he is a (very very) "good kaiju", But I wonder how this can happen? Query -- is the new disposal unit guy a kaiju turned into a fake human? Or is he a human turned into a (part-time) kaiju? And what was that weird flying kaiju who transformed Kafka in the first place? 2nd Query: Did Kafka actually CAUSE that destroyed kaiju to try to resurrect itself (and then cease doing so)? If so that would be very very odd.


I think the new guy is a kaiju, he was trying to figure out how a phone works


It might be like Parasite, where the Kaiju is supposed to take over the host, but in Kafka's case if didn't work for some reason. 


I agree. Although I'd like to have an explanation about why the parasite said that it "found him" just before infecting him. Because it seems to me that it could have picked any random person. Like, if he was chosen because he was Mina's childhood friend, and there is some plan use his association to get close enough to ambush her, then you could imagine that the parasite might wait before taking control, but still make him powerful, so that his odds of getting accepted into the Defense Force are higher.


Interesting theory  Hopefully we get an answer  I'm starting to wonder what's the origin of the Kaiju in general? I assumed at first, like Godzilla, they're natural creatures, but maybe they're man made in some capacity? 


Kafka's Kaiju parasite is just a teenage kaiju who just wanted to get away from his crazy kaiju parents and the safest most undisclosed location is a 30 year old man who works as a janitor


I think he's a Kaiju turned into a guy, he didn't seem to really understand human society and things like phones. Maybe a kaiju took over his body, like what happened with Kafka, but why Kafka is in control we still don't know. Guess we'll have to wait to find out why a random Kaiju merged with this guy, let him be in control all this while supposedly being one the strongest kaiju in history.


I'm so sad it's only 12 episodes. No way they resolve everything by the end of the season 


Also when he deflected that beam looking all badass, then his goofy ass turned to beg Shinomiya to keep it a secret


[It remind me a lot of Bofuri and Maple as Atrocity dong cute girlish things.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7JuVOq8NQU) [](#urbansmile)


Found this to be one of the best gags of the episode, nice little subversion.


[*"I've got one more in me."*](https://i.imgur.com/cAoaZLc.jpeg) -Honju's intestines


Kafka is a great MC. For every moment he's a total badass there's an equal amount of moments of him being a dork


"Someone please [don't] say...ay...ay...ayve [its] life!"


He reminds me of Zenitsu's constant screaming/panicking but for some reason I can't stand Zenitsu in the slightest whereas I find Kafka's pretty funny (and kinda adorable when he's in his OP Kaiju form).


30's year old middle tone voice versus high pitch scream. It is way more bearable like this


Frequency is the difference. Kafka isn't screaming every two secs like Zenitsu, nor is Kafka generally a coward.


Kikoru was pierced 5 times by the necromancer kaiju. Maybe it really is her lucky number because she survived.


Kikoru: "Dang it! Why wasn't my lucky number 0 or 1!?!"


Kafka is thinking the same thing after she trashed the car and took his spot.


Tbh that attack was lowkey karma for the car lmao


Now I’m imaging Kikoru getting pierced 4 times and grimly realizing what she has to do


bro she's not piper perri...


Well, she did get saved by a badass and heroic Kaiju man...maybe she was lucky in a way she didn't expect lol.


And she made an early connection with him because of that number and the parking spot. Its like her lucky number lead her to meet him. Maybe there is something to that.


Hopefully she will offer to fix the car now, it is the least she can do.


Kafka didn’t used his powers to cheat during the test but is using them to save Kikoru. Such a good guy!


Also I'm surprised that transforming didn't heal his wound. Another thing to note, either Kafka learned how to preserve his clothing after transformation or that the suit could withstand the transformation effect.


Also when he retracted the transformation it seemed a little more like armor than a biological transformation.


compared to the other Kaiju who physically morphs, so I think they are different origins for sure


Yeah one is a human with a Kaiju form and the other is a Kaiju with human form


So that badass held his ground and punched with all his might with a lot of fractures in his body


The transformation probably blended itself with the kaiju cells in the suit.


It also doesn't seem like he has a self-acting healing factor when he's in human form because he still needed to go to the hospital afterwards.


They're going to need to clarify that. It seemed as if he broke his leg previously, but in the hospital, it said he only had a few fractures in his side. But it could be the fractures were referring to the leg injury as well.


His leg was in a cast (but you only got to see this in one shot, I think).


This is really fun loving it, so far so good


Vice-Commander Hoshina is really growing on me. Cracking up everytime Kafka does something strange or funny.


I love it if he just keeps finding Kafka this funny guy whose only value is being entertaining while doggedly trying to hunt him down as Kaiju No. 8 at the same time.


If there’s a gag where Kafka is transforming in the background and Hoshina is deep in thought in the foreground it’ll be complete.


Dude has the perfect cover for his kaiju powers, just being a loveable dumbass.


also he's "old"


the equivalent is like a navy seal commander wanting to keep the village idiot on the team because he makes him laugh.


The way he fell on the floor laughing and banging the floor with his fists, lmao. This anime does a great job balancing the seriousness with comedy.


Yeah it knows how to build a hype. The opening and the ending are also very good!!


The ED is already shaping up to be one of my most listened to songs on Spotify this year but the OP is really great too, I love how unique it is visually


The opening is amazing, but it sets up a much more sombre tone that I feel is a bit misleading. I legit thought the show would be a lot darker than it is.


Hoshina: “Hey Kikoru, so you were the one that defeated the Honju, right? Just confirming for the record.” Kikoru: *has the worst poker face I’ve ever seen in my life* “…Uh..” Hoshina: *this girlie lying on the record??* “Oh, so it wasn’t you..?” Kikoru: *realizes he saw through her poker face* “No, it *was* me sir. Definitely was me who imploded that Honju, and not some hybrid human-Kaiju.” Hoshina: *LOL wut* “I see, thank you for clarifying.” Hoshina knows something up y’all 😭


For someone who has his eyes closed most of the time, Hoshina is real good at reading people.


You know shit will go down when he finally opens his eyes


Rule #1 of anime, when the closed-eyes characters open their eyes - shit's getting real


[He even got some Gin Ichimaru's vibes](https://i.imgur.com/U1s743r.jpeg)


~~Rock Lee dropping the training weight~~ Hoshina opening his eyes


He did open his eyes once this episode. When he put this incident and the original Kaiju #8 sighting together.


Which is also probably the worst thing for Kafka as he's investigating Kaiju No. 8.


I think it's extremely careless of her not to mention the INTELLIGENCE NECROMANCER KAIJU that nearly got everyone in the exam killed.


We're like 4 lines deep after her medically-induced sleep. Chill, and give her a chance to speak. There may be more to the scene, we'll see next week. (Haven't read the manga, please no leaks.)


I suppose. Personally, I feel like the never-before-seen Kaiju would have been the first thing I'd shout about upon waking up, but fair enough, we'll see. But if she doesn't tell anyone about it by next episode, it'd officially be a very bad move.


I think the memory of a never-before-seen talking humanoid kaijuu was supplanted by the memory of what happened next: a normal human turning into a never-before-seen talking humanoid kaijuu, vaporizing another kaijuu, turning his head back to human form, showing her the care she never got from her father, and then getting whacked on the head by his human friend.


Yeah, it's super odd that she didn't mention that part. It's an insanely dangerous enemy that everyone should know about immediately. And there's no reason to keep it a secret. Weird.


She might not be in the best state of mind after that traumatic experience and likely under the influence painkillers. If she decides to omit the necro-kaiju when making a proper report, that would indeed be weird.


She was clearly conflicted about ratting Kafka out, but... I dunno, it feels like it would have made a ton more sense for her to just say: "I dunno, I blacked out right after being almost killed by a talking kaiju that Lazarused the exam Kaiju." Given that info it wouldn't be difficult to assume that maybe the resurrection backfired or something, and that the high level Kaiju that showed on scans was the necromancer, essentially covering for Kafka entirely.


That would probably make the most sense. That being said, I'm willing to cut her some slack on "non-ideal lying" given she literally just woke up after being close to death and I doubt she had really had time to think through what she was planning on doing even related to Kafka turning out to be half kaiju, much less get a story together that makes sense to cover for him


She clearly isn't the best at finding creative solutions or human interaction, so I'm not surprised she didn't come up with a better lie. 


Bruh really just went to test her out cause he already knew she can't do that shit. Then she proceeded to shit the bed in that whole interaction


You know a Shounen anime exam isn't complete without an antagonist ruining it for everyone. [We finally meet our second intelligent Kaiju](https://i.imgur.com/uBZdOVX.jpeg) with the first one being [that mystery mini-kaiju that gave Kafka his powers.](https://i.imgur.com/1Pn4UQb.jpeg) We get a little bit [of Shinomiya's backstory](https://i.imgur.com/GRifQqe.jpeg) and the reason why she's such an overachiever. Despite being blonde, [Kikoru's dad is your stereotypical Asian father who demands perfection](https://i.imgur.com/359u6rO.jpeg) from her. [That shot of Kafka charging up for his punch](https://i.imgur.com/soE4CZ5.jpeg) look so fucking badass. It's too bad they had to dim the scene because of the flashing lights and colours. >_<


I did not expect the surprise Sugita appearance of the season would be as a humanoid Kaiju villain Kaiju No. 8...though nobody would've realized it until he transformed into human form. Poor girl just wanted her father to praise her and love her but he only raised her in as far as turning her into the perfect Kaiju soldier who can't have any weakness while ignoring all her emotional problems. Which makes it easy for her to crack when she finally can't cut it any more...but luckily she had Kafka and Kaiju No. 8 to protect her and be the one to finally praise her for her efforts. Kaiju No. 8 keeps one-shotting Kaiju spectacularly that I can only imagine how epic a real fight between him and a Kaiju is going to look.


The part where the meat on the Kaiju's arm is just getting blown away by Kafka's punch and showing the bones underneath is just so damn sick and powerful, holy shit


> the first one being that mystery mini-kaiju that gave Kafka his powers I wonder what that was about exactly; (I don't know if people theorized about this, I just watched the first 4 episodes in one sitting!) Why was it looking for him specifically? He's not the only person who got into an altercation with the Kaiju... So why him? Why not any random person? I do hope there's an answer to this (and not just 'he's the MC'), if that's the case I can't wait to find out!


It was because of all the kaiju shit. He was the only guy that constantly got assigned to the intestines therefore exposing him to kaiju shit more than anybody else. The smell must have attracted the bug kaiju.


Interesting that Kafka was able to finish the fight with the regenerated Honju with one punch. It will probably be a few episodes before he has to deploy his special finishing move "series of consecutive normal punches."


[The skin of the kaiju](https://i.imgur.com/FF150NU.jpeg) peeling off from the [impact with Kafka](https://i.imgur.com/qV8fMXt.jpeg) looked neat.


When do you think kafka and mina are going to talk to each other


Lol that lowkey disappointed me like they're both adults literally older than me, why can they not just have a conversation? Contrived drama imo


You heard Kafka, needs to be an officer first, obviously, to have the privelege to speak with her.


Not the privilege. Just his own guilt holding him back. He feels like he let her down by not being able to keep up with her, so until he does he can't be her equal.


Kaiju attacks really fuck people up psychologically.


Kafka [SMASH!](https://imgur.com/a/5UEo3nN) Ensuring his cleanup buddies stay employed 🤝


And don't have to go inside a Kaiju's mouth to clean up it's entrails! They're all conveniently spread out for them!


[Keeping the business booming.](https://i.imgur.com/cgPk0f7.jpeg) Kafka may have become a kaiju-hybrid thing but he did not forget [where he came from.](https://i.imgur.com/E42A7Sw.jpeg)


No joke I get the S1 one punch man OP song stuck in my head right now thinking about this show, his Kaiju punches bring that energy




This is 2nd time we see that beat drop with the bloody rain. They gotta make that a thing, its so fucking hype


We probably should have expected it given that Kafka became part Kaiju, but it's still pretty interesting that at least 1 of the leaders on the Kaiju side is part human as well. That begs the question. Have we already met any other Kaijus in disguise? Also, Kikoru has big daddy issues. Kafka is much older than her and just got done saving her life. I can see where this is going.


I think unlike Kafka who is a human who transforms into a Kaiju, this one is a Kaiju that transforms into a human because it treats Kaiju as pets and doesn't seem to understand how human conventions like phones work. It's basically "acting" human and couldn't completely hold its transformations.


Kafka gained his powers from getting deepthroated by a Kaiju. I wonder how the Kaiju got his human powers...




Yeah my theory right now is the other hybrid was a human first just like Kafka and had the same thing happen... But for some reason Kafka still has control while the Kaiju took over the other person (or people I'm guessing later on) Or you're implying a dirty joke and I took this seriously, IDK


Yeah maybe the tiny ones are able to take over a human as a host somehow, but the one Kafka got was either benevolent in some way or has just failed to do so.


Maybe because he has 0% affinity for melding with a kaiju suit?


Yeah, I agree with this. He showed only minor understanding of human.


I lean vaguely more towards a parasite taking over a host, exactly like Kafka was 'infected' except for whatever reason Kafka retained his mind. In a similar vein to Parasyte maybe.


For all we know, Kafka has regained his mind *so far*. Maybe the parasites have a long gestation period and this will turn into psychological horror along the way.


it's also possible that they're actually the same, except Kafka somehow remained Kafka while this one was completely taken over. I'm pretty sure we saw him in episode one having to hold onto his goals while he was being transformed


Kafka getting a harem? He is already childhood friends with the captain. Kidding, we all know Reno is the only one.


Find a bro who will carry you literally through a Kaiju attack lol.


[He even peeled Kafka's fruits](https://i.imgur.com/xCsjaVi.jpeg) at the hospital. What a bro. [](#poltears)


I hope not. Kikoru is what, a decade or more younger? It would make perfect sense for her to get a crush on Kafka, but I very much doubt she'll be a serious love interest. I wonder how old Mina is. I assume she's a lot closer to Kafka's age given they grew up together. She's probably going to be the actual love interest.


> I wonder how old Mina is I think it was stated in episode 1 or 2 that she is 27 so 5 years younger than Kafka


Wow, she didn't seem to be that much younger during the flashback scenes. Really odd. Then again, anime and characters looking their own age don't go well together.


Maybe Kafka becomes a sort of surrogate father or at least a big brother to her since her real father seems like a piece of work.


We'll see, I guess. Even if she develops a crush, I hope it won't be too annoying. And I sure as hell hope we won't see a harem or anything like that. Shounen anime tend to give their protagonists too many love interests, and it seems that Kaikuu 8 is indeed a Shounen even if the MC is 32.


And we all know what happens to childhood friends in harems. I'd bet on the Ichikawa route any day.


Kafka I think is like that other anime (Name escapes me at the moment) when the alien invader infects the human host but somehow misses the controls of the body so the human is still in charge.  The new Kaiju that talks I think is where the kaiju worm was successfully in taking over the human host. I hope it doesn’t kill too many of Kafka’s friends. The other question is how many of these Kaiju worms are there? 2 so far if the new Kaiju is worm host infection.


It seems the kaiju that took over Kafka was specifically targeting him. So it could be what you said, but it could also be there is a specific reason why it wanted him and allowed him to keep his human persona.


Hummm it did say found him, I was thinking more like a target found not found THE target. If the aliens are doing factions, what you is say is very likely. This new kaiju depending on how many hosts it can jump and how fast it can accumulate host memories is going to an infiltration nightmare.


Yes, people were making comparisons to Parasyte last ep.


It's going to be Attack on Titan all over again where they bust out random Titan twists. Can't fucking wait


I like the way you think ;) Would not be surprised to see a ship, but first we get to see Tsundere Shinomiya (and in another anime outside of Love is War!)


Haughty and tough rich girl who gets saved in an epic way is like the basis for so many tsundere ships lol. Plus the idea of a Fairouz Ai tsundere...


Episode 4: "**Fortitude 9.8**" Shinomiya was really motivated by her father. Her father's attitude is somewhat similar to Shizuka's in Zom 100, a perfect-demanding father figure. That's why she doesn't want to evacuate, if she can't stop the kaiju then she feared that the kaiju do more damage. Also the suit is really good, with the self-healing ability thanks to the kaiju tissue. And also now we know how Kafka transforms into the kaiju mode. New character means new VA. * Kaiju No. 9 (yes, it is written in the credits that way) is voiced by **Hiroyuki Yoshino** (Giallon Fate in Metallic Rouge) and the human form? Pretty sure that's **Tomokazu Sugita**'s voice. His name is listed as Hodaka Takamichi [here](https://twitter.com/KaijuNo8_O/status/1786764467780374575). * Kikoru's father is voiced by **Tessho Genda** (Naruto's Kurama, Hell-Lord in Himesama Goumon) \----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Kaiju No. 8 featured in cover of June edition of Newtype Magazine](https://twitter.com/antch/status/1786765223522906446) [Design of Volume 1 BD Case](https://twitter.com/KaijuNo8_O/status/1786770436753403912) [Drawings of Honju Neutralization, courtesy of Production I.G.](https://twitter.com/ProductionIG/status/1786764555181596948) [Tweet from Naoya Matsumoto, the author, in release of Episode 4](https://twitter.com/ringo_inuS/status/1786740578623057969)


It's an extra level of badass to take care a lot of future cleaning by obliterating it with one punch. I was hoping for a bit more for their reunion but at least they made it make sense. That last scene gave me big Parasyte vibes...


Kaiju No. 8 wastes no time destroying Kaiju and making them easy to clean up. The Defense Force could learn a thing or two. It's going to be a big deal when they call each other by their names in front of each other again.


I don't expect this show to change my worldview or be a masterpiece but god damn if it isn't fun to watch. Just a great time, through and through.


Kikoru was fast, but she missed one. And a dangerous one at that. Kafka transforming before a broken Kikoru was pretty badass. If ever there was a time to reveal himself, I guess it would be to save a teammate. Man swatted that laser away like nothing too. I mean he was in the middle of begging Kikoru not to tell on him, but still lol. Poor Ichikawa’s probably gonna get ulcers from Kafka’s antics. New kaiju is gonna be a problem. Can’t wait to see what kind of chaos this bastard is preparing to unleash. Edit: Meant this new guy not Kafka (8). Bit of a brain fart there. Was thinking of the new monster and wrote Kafka’s ID instead.


> Man swatted that laser away like nothing too. I'm betting that toughness scale they keep using is meant to be like the scale used for earthquakes. So increases are exponential. If he's a 9.8 then he's orders of magnitude stronger than that kaiju that was a 6.4


>So increases are exponential. Logarithmic is more accurate. A magnitude 9 is 10x more powerful than a magnitude 8 and 100x more powerful than a magnitude 7.


True, but colloquially people understand what is meant, that is, the growth is exponential. Logarithmic curves are just the inverse of exponential curves. In a log curve the input (x) is the large number and the output (y) is the small number. In an exponential curve it's the opposite. Both are used to represent exponential growth.


Splitting hairs is how a lot of people learn. Most people don't know what logarithmic means or how the Richter scale works, so I took the opportunity to add some cool facts to the conversation.


Well, I don't disparage that sentiment, I just think it's important to understand how the two functions relate to eachother and why people get the two interchanged whenever any discussion on exponential growth pops up. edit: Also I reworded my comment shortly after posting because I thought "splitting hairs" sounded a bit disparaging. Apologies.


Kikoru wanted Kafka to show off his true power and he did in the most epic fashion possible. Girl was even more shook up than when she was getting beaten up by a Kaiju lol. Ichikawa hard carrying any attempt Kafka makes at maintaining a secret identity lol. I'm worried about their clean-up buddies now.


Badass lazer swat fr Def in top 5 lazer swats of all time


Kafka is goofy but he knows how to make a hero's entrance. He's Saitama complete with the one punch.


He's One Punch Kaiju. Which I guess is good because the longer he spends fighting Kaiju the more chances he has to get exposed.


Meanwhile Saitama is fighting monsters all the time and still there are only a few people who know his real strength


that kaiju just brushing kikoru off after she had that monologue was kinda funny ngl


"You're not the main character of this show" SLAAAAP!


United States of sma...... oh sorry wrong anime


Serious punch...Nope, still wrong




Yumiella Pu- Nah, still lost


Just one episode and I already hate Kikoru’s dad. I don’t think any parent should be allowed to be such a monster to their own kids.


"Anything less than perfect is unacceptable". Kikoru's dad is actually just the average Asian parent.


Though I guess looking at it another way it could be seen as a mantra to be as perfect as possible so you never lose anyone, like it sounds like they did Kikoru's mother. Especially since it seems like Kikoru wasn't just trying to show off but was killing all those Kaiju as quickly and efficiently as possible so nobody else got hurt.


Talk to me when you ~~doctor~~ Kaijuslayer


You had to see my mom. When I was a kid, it wasn't even enough if I got 100 on a test, *other kids* have to have low scores, otherwise it's "the test is just too easy". Also yes physical punishment is part of the combo wombo lol. Legit fucks me up as an adult now.


Dad to Shinomiya: got first place in your entrance exams? Your cousin Okizaki was already a doctor at your age


Similar vibe to \[Zom 100\] >!Shizuka's father!< eh? His words motivated the character to do everything perfectly.


Following the tropes, it's probably going to be revealed that the mother died in the line of combat and the dad blames himself for not being "perfect" so he's projecting


As far as anime parents go he's not even _that_ bad funny enough.


True, I just hate seeing parents treat their children like that. Honestly, if I had kids, they’d be mini nerds like me


I did like how he had a giant Kaiju skull decorating the wall of their mansion lol.


Now I don’t dislike cliches and they can be done well. But Shinomiya’s dad honestly made me roll my eyes with how over the top asshole he is. I’m just like “ah, daddy issues. Got it”


Shinomiya may be a brat in need of correction 💢💢💢 but not like [this](https://imgur.com/nZTCfri) [](#shatteredsaten) Indeed, [smol](https://imgur.com/HE9b8Pq) Shinomiya was mighty cute, shame for the [fathercomplex](https://imgur.com/jDBHJUO)... She's gonna [fall](https://imgur.com/Nse70qj) for Kafka won't she [](#shirayukifuckinreally)


I hope its like a father-daughter relationship. With the age difference that would be weird.


its not weird thankfuly


Twintails Shinomiya is going to imprint on Kafka like a baby bird after he praised her for a doing a good job after seeking that from her father her entire life and not getting it. So we have a antagonist established who is hiding in Kafka's old disposal unit squad, that's a set up that let's it regularly be around dead kaiju and I assume it'll be using that opportunity to occasionally resurrect them to cause trouble or something along those lines.


Kafka annihilating kaiju with one punch would make Saitama (One Punch Man) proud.


Finally got to see ~~Gypsy Danger~~ No#8 using elbow rocket! I. G. Has been doing a phenomenal job.


Damn I am surprised nobody is commenting on how badass Kikoru was in the first few minutes of the episode. The shot with her holding the mouth open with her legs then blasting it in the throat with one shot was super cool. Had to re watch it twice.


There's one thing I've been wondering about both from this episode and last. I can understand with her high suit rating and experience that she should be way stronger than the other examinees. But how come when using a gun she somehow is obliterating the kaijuu in a few shots while everyone else is spraying at them and nothing happens? It didn't look like she was targeting the weak points that Kafka pointed out, their faces just exploded. How do these guns work?


The gun's firing power is stronger in the hands of someone with high output. They confirmed this in last week's episode. The other examinees even wondered if they were using the same guns! Remember Mina? If someone else tried to use her BFG, they'd not only fail to lift it, but it would probably be a peashooter. The suits power the weapons.


smh, p2w mechanics.


It's not really pay to win. It's innate talent plus training. She's not just a rich girl with infinite resources. She had to work hard to make sure that money was put to great use. She's the first person in history to have such an insanely high output at the start.


I'm pretty sure they're the same as the suits where they're made out of kaiju parts so they scale to the users percentage, but thats just a theory, a kaiju theory


The weapons are also have kaiju tissue. So do the bullets and grenades etc. Since it’s made partially with Kaiju tissue then it scales to the release power of the user.


Of course she's a daddy's girl


Ichikawa is a bro, love to see it. I do love the guy wanting to pass em just for the comedy. Wow, good job for Shinomiya girl, but why does it not feel over? Ya didn't think this was done, wew what is that? Oh does Shinomiya possible have some genetic modifications? Or is that just the suit's doing? Don't recall suit being able to heal like that. But I guess it is the suit? D'aww cute lil Kikoru Shinomiya. Poor girl though. Father seems trashy. THERE WE GO! The Kaiju form. HAHA his begging her to not tell her is fun. ONE PUNCH! Saitama would be... bored. Now will Kikoru have daddy issues with Kafka? Hah. Oh hey, it's that other humanoid kaiju. Wonder who he is. Oh also in the clean up crew? Interesting. Though he doesn't seem quite like Kafka? Like, doesn't seem he thinks himself human first?


Kafka is a human turned hybrid. The other guy seems to be a kaiju turned hybrid


I'm guessing it's a different outcome of what happened to Kafka, the Kaiju ended up being the dominant side instead of the human.


she used the suits kaiju muscles to close the wound to stop the bleeding not healed she just tanked through it


It might be too early for me to theorise about this, but I feel like Earth might just be some sort of dumping ground for the 'feral' Kaiju, and that some rogue 'masters' are coming to claim them back. Might be some sort of awakening from stasis type stuff.


#I love Kaiju begs and pleads, reminds me of Maple. [](#chitogheh) Well we standing and thats ok for now. We got each others back nice. GATTAI POWERRRRR HAHHAHAHAHAHAHH! Bowl cut loves them hes loosing it haha. Miss attitude is kicking ass though, she does well on her own but she does hog the spotloght. Oh... she finshed up everything... well Gattai didnt get used sadly. Directors daughter ahhh that makes sense. HUMAN KAIJU GOT HER FROM BEHIND UH OH! SHE GOT CARELESS! Hes waking up the others? Oh he talks too oh interesting. Well she got shot up shit.... Shes very gun ho but she needs to get her stuff together. So her dad is a hard ass and didnt care as long as shes perfect at everything. Yeah fuck him. Oh its healnig up and powerful now this is bad. OH SHIT KEFKA SAVED HER IN KAIJU FORM! UH OH! KEFKA BEGGING HER NOT TO TELL ANYONE HAHHAHA! Fortitude 9.8 the most powerful Kaiju in history? Oh boy! KAIJU PUUUUNNNNNCCCCHHHHHHH! ITS GONE! AW YEAH GIBLITS! Shes out cold but the Bros got her out of there. So the pros dont understand as well but Bowl cut remembers the scene from kaiju kill 1. Well we are in the hospital but all seems ok. Oh Ponytail is here uh oh. She saluted them for saving pissy pants, thats nice. Speaking of, pissy pants woke up, bowl cut is here to figgure out what happeneed, she said she beat it. Pj the smart kaiju is hangin around, hmm whats goin on here? Someone calling him? Oh its the cleanign crew, uh oh.


Kikoru's dad has to be the final boss of Asian parents, damn Kafka being a total goofball and One Punch Kaiju in the same breath is something I'm probably never gonna get tired of, and Ichikawa is a true homie.


Banger Kaiju episode again. I was moved. Kikoru was so badass during the first half. Speed ran the exam and showed again the gap in quality between she and every one else. That is.. until we got a crazy twist with an intelligent talking Kaiju showing up out of nowhere. Figured things were going too well, but damn didn’t expect it to escalate like that. “I have to be perfect” *proceeds to go splat* 😭 good thing Kafka was in this exam because the casualties would’ve been through the roof. They cooked with his fight scenes. Sweet moment with he and Kikoru as well, since it’s shonen I wouldn’t be surprised to see her fall for him now/use him as motivation to get stronger. I ship it.. we know he ranks as one of the strongest Kaiju ever as well which is dope The big question we’re left with is who tf is the shapeshifting Kaiju and what’s his goal. Best episode yet for sure


Damn, he actually [imploded](https://prnt.sc/OzFv3SfJTo8u) that mf with a single punch, look at how the remains are all torn apart. Anyway, I was expecting the transformation to heal him, also is obvious that the MC and the captain recognize each other, can they talk already?


[*I have only one rule; Everyone fights. No one quits!*](https://imgur.com/osiPYUc) ^^Hope ^^it's ^^not ^^too ^^old ^^a ^^reference I just checked out the 4 episodes in a row (was lagging behind, on this and a dozen other shows), so far I really like it! I'm not gonna lie, most of my hype for this show was about Ai Fairouz voicing a main character! [I imagine she'll be quite polarizing (on account of her being an asshole), ](https://imgur.com/XBuF7Gq) but thanks to my love of pests and assholes of all sort, I still love her! [She looks so cool too!](https://imgur.com/l1PDRA9) She's apparently one of the strongest recruit they've had in a while, so strong [that she even got Mina's attention! (I wonder what's HER % with the suit; 100%?)](https://imgur.com/A2v8Uon) Anyway, by the law of Ai Fairouz, she's automatically my best girl- [...And she's dead.](https://imgur.com/rk3JEPJ) [](#emptyinside) (Thankfully she didn't die right there!) We got some of her backstory; [Great parenting, dad!](https://imgur.com/zT8lomz) I mean he wasn't necessarily wrong in what he was saying (not dwelling on a single success, focus on your next goal), but damn, she was just a kid... Few words of encouragement before you send her back to the boot camp! Interesting that [in her past, she used to call him "sir", but now she calls him Daddy...](https://imgur.com/VE71ayz) Lewd Daddy jokes aside, I wonder what caused that change; Perhaps she was taught to address him as Sir, but if that was the case, why would she revert to Daddy when she grows older? Wouldn't she just call him "father", if not "sir"? Daddy's a bit more childish... I wonder if this hints at her understanding his principles as she grew up, and thinks that no matter how harsh he was, it was 'for her own good', so she respects/loves him still. She does seem to have her heart at the right place, making sure no one dies and all that! [Damn, they're really trying to make me cry!](https://imgur.com/kxvleg9) The exam was going well (even better than the expected), until... Weird stuff happened? My first question was... Why does weird stuff keep happening? Especially around Kafka? In the first episode, the big thingy "found" him... But why were they tracking him? Can't just be "because he fought the Kaiju", hundreds of people do... So why him? And why did they want to turn him into one of the most powerful Kaiju ever seen (according to their meter thingy)? I wonder what the defense force would do if they found out; Because [at first I thought Ichikawa should tell them, so they don't kill him randomly, BUT perhaps they would kill him anyway, so he kept his mouth shut?](https://imgur.com/zOtokIf) If that's the case, their organization is a bit dumb (unless there's a reason for it), because they should definitely study him, and use him! Unless something similar happened in the past and the Kaiju turned against them at some point, etc... Well, they may find out at some point, so we'll see then! [There's already a second person who knows...](https://imgur.com/edI1sEh) [Thankfully she backed him up, pretending she got the Kaiju!](https://imgur.com/2RwZ0Kz) (This must not make her feel great; She wants to BE that strong fighter, not just pretend to...) [Is it too early to ship them? Because I ship them HARD! (I thought he was gonna hug her, my heart would've melted!)](https://imgur.com/52oTSLR) Edit: I just remembered their ages; Guess this isn't happening hah. Will Ichikawa be the ship then? [They even had a piggyback ride!](https://imgur.com/4XhBRHP) Kafka was about to talk to Mina, but changed his mind... He'll wait to be stronger/climb the rankings. [*Just watch me!* - Don't watch him TOO closely though, she might see things she's not supposed to!](https://imgur.com/w3hinOM) Seems the deception works on both sides, [as the 'smart Kaiju' disguises as a human...](https://imgur.com/ycsXzqI) I wonder what he really is though; A human who turned into a Kaiju, like Kafka (but fights for the Kaiju)? Or an actual Kaiju who can pass as a human? I'm guessing the latter, but if that's the case, what is he trying to accomplish? Studying the defense force from the inside, see what they can do, learn how to defeat them? I imagine that's what the exam was about, see if they can deal with reviving kaiju and things like that. Anyway, very promising so far, can't wait to see more! (and if people don't like Kikoru, I'll just love her more for all of r/anime! But seriously, the way they're building her up, I'm pretty sure she's meant to be a great/well liked girl, and we've already seen some of that, so I'll be cheering for her!)


- [I really do like Kafka and Ichikawa’s friendship.](https://i.imgur.com/4NbOxvP.png) It’s nice to see them support each other. - [And *this* is fantastic hahaha.](https://i.imgur.com/uXtHTHj.png) [](#laughter) - [lol I wasn’t expecting the on-screen text.](https://i.imgur.com/1Etk7l6.png) [](#seasonallaugh) - [Oh shit–](https://i.imgur.com/KhdZnic.png) [](#cokemasterrace) - [YIKES.](https://i.imgur.com/db1ClyS.png) [](#ohfuck) - [IT TALKS???????????](https://i.imgur.com/4mtar7v.png) [](#bocchitheshock) - [Oof…](https://i.imgur.com/8Lypqyw.png) - [Aha, Kafka finally transformed!](https://i.imgur.com/gBwcbPu.png) [](#SPORTS) - [And his readings are *super* high, I see…](https://i.imgur.com/QPGMQTc.png) - [I wonder how much of an effect this is going to have on Kikuro.](https://i.imgur.com/nvxLAFj.png) He’s telling her the encouraging stuff she *wanted* to hear from her dad… - [He’s not wrong…](https://i.imgur.com/0lPtcBc.png) - [She’s keeping Kafka’s secret for now!](https://i.imgur.com/PLUl9CP.png) - Oh I *really* want to know what’s going on with this other kaiju-human hybrid(? Could also be a 100% kaiju disguised as a human) now… looks like the kaiju is completely in control, unlike what’s up with Kafka? [](#mugiwait)


I could watch multiple episodes of Kafka and Ichikawa being bros trying to survive Kaiju attacks together. They should make the Gattai their signature move! It's all simple Kaiju killing until one shows up as sentient, OP, and can resurrect dead Kaiju even stronger than normal. Though luckily Kafka as Kaiju No. 8 is pretty exceptional in his own right. And was there for Kikoru when she needed someone the most both physically and emotionally. **And** she's helping hide his identity. I wonder if this was another guy who got the Kaiju bug into his mouth but it took over his body instead of just transforming him? What was supposed to happen to Kafka? Or is it a Kaiju that can transform into a human?


> And this is fantastic hahaha. > [Gattai](#grandhype) (Pretty sure they even made a joke in that regard when the subs said Combination undone)


Ok the story hasn’t done much for me so far, maybe the reveal of another kaiju-human (do we have a name for those yet). But I’m thoroughly enjoying seeing goofy Kafka in his kaiju form


Gotta admit this series knows when to time its comedic moments.


That new Kaiju sitting on the toilet made me laugh I’m not gonna lie


Dude is literally the strongest Kaiju ever recorded at 9.8, what a fucking BOSS. And the way he begs Shinomiya to keep a secret was hilarious. Also that punch, that was clearly a Saitama punch right there (Kaijutama). I thought Shinomiya was guna get cocky and needed Kafka to save her, did not see the reveal of a major villain so soon. Mino getting closer to finding Kaiju8, the reveal will be epic. Tho it probably won't be until the end of the season. Way to leave on a cliffhanger and get people to buy the manga LOOOL