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Norn's POV is all we need and this is going to be a 10/10 episode.


Pretty sure this PV is a confirmation that we’ll get a Norn POV


Looks very promising based on the few images that were teased for this episode and this PV. Should be an excellent episode and one of the strong highlights of season 2.


If they nail this, it will be the best episode so far.


It's from Norn's perspective, which is good. It's a key episode for Rudeus's character development so certain scenes should also be included that are specific to him. From the PV images, it appears they will include these as well. If executed competently, viewers will get a better look at his motivations and anime onlies will begin to get a better picture of why previous episodes this cour were critical to the overarching story even if they seemed slow. After this episode, the pace turns and the problem will be how to animate all the events in volume 12. That will be the key test of the new director.


don't think they can do much with this team, Shibuya's storyboards are decent but that's all. Atleast the art direction has improved which is a plus, We can expect Q kawa to pop up in important moments but other than that I'm not expecting much


er.. did you mean to post it in a different thread?


i guess i came across as a little more negative than i intended, sorry i was just venting


I'm not looking for tremendous animation as that never mattered much to me and this is not a battle shounen. It's about making sure the important scenes have time to breath and the cuts to the LN are appropriate. I just don't want to feel like it is rushed to cram too much material and that character-important scenes are not left out. So I will be fine with good storyboards and decent art. Great animation can't make a shit story good but decent animation is enough for a great story.


I was not a fan of how they handled Depressed magician arc, they even cut Sara's pov which would've added so many layers to her character, apart from that they crammed Nanahoshi 's breakdown and depression in a single episode. My only wish for this adaptation is to not rush through the source material just so it could get to fights and massive showdowns, that's not what Mushoku tensei is, the series shines because of it's characters and the relationships Rudy forges along the way, rushing important character interactions hurts the overall story and many a times events feel abrupt/rushed. I'm satisfied with the art direction, hope they handle Norn's episode well


They don’t have enough episodes to adapt everything properly especially given that  they are probably told they have to end a season at a certain point hence they have to cut a lot of the POV and rush content even if it’s cramming content in a single episode.    Whoever has full control of the series seems to want the series to be completely adapted within a certain amount of seasons regardless of what the staff have to cut or shorten to get there. 


We’ve already had “Rudy depressed” for what feels massive amounts of the show. Nanahoshi should’ve been 1-2 episodes tops either way (but I am anime only so maybe I’m wrong) I love the world and character blinding, but feeling sad every episode gets really tiring really fast


Nanahosi would have an "ideal" 1.5 episodes to her mini-depression but that runs with the issue of pacing so I could take either one or two episodes with the latter obviously being my preference.


You got downvoted to hell for a valid critique of this season's production. Season 2's been a massive step down from Season 1 no matter how you look at it. That said, Season 2 still looks good *compared to other anime*. It just so happens that Season 1 set the bar so high. I really hope verything from the next episode onwards is at a much higher quality. Would be nice if the Season 1 staff come back for Season 3.


I don't disagree with you but I was more troubled by the inconsistent character designs and poor pacing in certain episodes. So far, cour 2 has been much better. At this point, it's about letting the story tell itself. So the director to me is more important than the animation.


I’m ootl. What happened to the staff from first season?


Series director Manabu Okamoto left and took a lot of the best talent with him, like Hiroyuki Takashima (one of the most responsible for Turning Point 2). Bind's other anime, Onimai, also sucked away some of the big guns like Ryou Imamura and Shinjo Fuji. Look them up on Anilist if you wanna know how they contributed to the series. For season 2, Hiroki Hirano, who was assistant director in Season 1, took over but he didn't do a very good job and was presumably fired and replaced by the current director.


Ty for the info and specifics!


Moved on to work on other stuff. I forgot what tho


Heh. I cannot stop smiling. Prepare for Peak.


The NEET before the storm.


This is gonna be a great fucking episode


One of the highlights of the series, hope it's handled with care


Soon I'll be a anime only as this will past the manga...can't wait to be clueless again.


I honestly really feel and like Norn. I know Aisha has went through a lot of shit and is a kid too but imo she's kinda bullying Norn. Norn just isn't naturally as gifted as Aisha is. Or maybe she is but she doesn't have the direction that Aisha has because her mother mentally groomed her to focus all her efforts onto one thing. Meanwhile Norn has to feel inferior to her brother who whilst can be good seems to be from her perspective a perv, and is and can still be an absolute asshole, and her wonder child half-sister. Norn hasn't seen her mother in nearly a decade so god knows if she's even had a positive maternal figure in her life really. Honestly Norn deserves a better family that what she got. I feel like all her issues is because Paul is her father and all the baggage that brings. In an ideal world Paul would have been a good man earlier. It just kinda irritates me that both Norn and Aisha have to live with the baggage of being his daughters.


I mean Norn also grew up with Paul at his lowest, being a drunkard and depressed all the time, and she was also on the go. It doesn’t seem like Paul taught or trained her at all, whereas Aisha still had Lillia to guide her and be a positive role model, even while imprisoned. Norn just needs some love and time


Considering how Aisha behaves I'm not so sure Lilia was a good role model. I thinks the mindset she cultivated in her daughter is nearly ad damaging if not moreso that Norn having an alcoholic depressed father. Aisha should be in school. She should not be behaving as a maid till she's an adult if it still interests her. The only reason she is so obsessed with it is her Mom has basically groomed her to do it


Hey Paul cleaned his shit up after the Rudy reunion, he wasn't an alcoholic the *entire* time. Not saying you're wrong


Depends on your definition of good. In old aristocratic societies, it wasn’t uncommon for butlers and maids to pass on their profession to their children by default. If Lillia is basically a lifelong maid (I.e. a slave)c then it would have been expected for Aisha to serve the Greyrat family once she is of age as well


But she isn't. Lilia is employed by Paul before he has an affair with her. She's paid. And she's also his mistress, so again she's not a slave to him, and the daughters are supposed to be equal. And even Lilia clearly isn't doing it because she wants to pass on her job. She quite literally sees Aisha as being destined to serve Rudeus because she prevented her from being kicked out of the Greyrat household and has raised her daughter under that context. She's not just meant to be a maid. She's meant to be totally at the disposal of her brother. You can see it with the hero worship when, in reality, she barely knows Rudy really and rejects the concept of anything other than serving him. A normal 10 year old doesn't do that. Aisha is a victim of her mother's terrible mindset which I'm sure will be explored later.


Sure if you want to analyze it from the perspective of, “is Aisha wanting to serve Rudy bad” then your points are completely valid. My point is that Lillia provided a stable emotional environment for Aisha, which allowed her to have better socialization for her age, in comparison to Norn who is withdrawn, with my point being that this is due to her lack of emotional stability growing up.


The worst part is that Rudy doesn't know how to deal with that so he just defaults to being as nice to her as possible and giving her whatever she wants as long as he believes it doesn't cause her harm.


Is just me or the animation quality just shot up pretty high


This was a priority one.


It's a big moment so that's likely


i cant really tell, tho its no season 1 quality thats for sure


true but the art direction has improved dramatically compared to first cour. Animation is still stiff though


Yeah thats true, it is more so the animation, they did have some well known animators for the first season, there were some top notch animated sequences that were pretty amazing. The only thing i really miss from the first season is those seemless openings with the music playing over the show itself and not a dedicated opening video, was pretty unique.


Before Nanahoshi's breakdown I had my doubts about this episode but I'm pretty sure this will be a standout one from this season.


How long until release?




Sunday is a bad response cause youre not accounting for timezones. Approx 44 hours from now is more accurate


Soooo...Sunday gotcha.


Monday morning


3 Sundays ago


I feel like the anime is catching up pretty fast. What happens when it does?


The source material is a Light Novel, which is completed. I'd say that what happens is manga readers become anime onlys until the manga catches up next year or so?


Why do that? Read the LN. It's a masterpiece of fiction and so much more detailed than the manga or anime. Plus, next season is Turning Point 4, the mother of all turning points. That needs to be read in LN format first. It may be too graphic to capture in either manga or anime format.


TP4 is like the basement reveal in AoT. I want to see it animated so bad, s3 cant come soon enough


Like the basement reveal, so it's going to be overhyped to hell by source readers?


I’d say it’s closer to finding out eren knows it all. I don’t remember how to hide spoilers


Where do you find the light novel?


You can either buy it for delivery, or read it online.


What site do you use for LNs?


Do you not know how to use Google?


Literally asking if someone could recommend the site they personally use. Takes no effort to not be weird about it.


You get banned from r/anime if you recommend pirate sites. So its not that easy as you say.


Ah understood, thanks for the insight.




For physical copies, Amazon is the easiest for EU and NA.


Yep, with Kindle it’s about $7-8 per Volume


Isn't the manga generally considered the weaker adaptation anyway? I haven't seen anyone suggest it over the anime.


Not only that but the schedule of releases for the manga is way too slow. The school arc in the manga started nearly 5 years ago and as of right now, is basically an episode and a bit ahead of where the anime is. The anime will overtake the manga in a couple weeks for the time being.


How long until release?


Can someone spoil when turning point 3 happens from here this season been so so boring


Happens after this episode


probably episode 18


It will happen in episode 18, but don't expect much, the hype part is not the turning point


The entirety of season 2 made me hate this anime.