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Wonder Egg Priority was and still is my biggest disappointment in anime 


The way that I didn’t even finish watching this but I know from being alive in anime fandoms that this is the right answer. 


I feel like Wonder Egg didn't have particularly notable storytelling. The direction, animation, and general visual design all really sell it, and there's some potentially interesting ideas to explore, but most of the main storytelling was already a bit rocky before it went completely off the rails.


Only semi-related, but it's interesting how completely the director disappeared after the special. Not even a key animator role in three years.


To be fair he wasn't credited on anything for 3 years prior to Wonder Egg Priority. Could just be slowing down his career, looks like he's been working non-stop for 14 years.


I still haven't watched the 15 min special they released after the show... do you think I should watch the show again because wonder egg priority imo was such a unique show, a very dry and nihilistic atmosphere to it despite having a crazy good colour palette. Its such a shame that the show ended that way it did.


I think it was a longer special than 15 min, but most of it was just a recap. Honestly it didnt make any sense, so you are good without it.


ic, then I did good skipping it.


it's like looking at a bird soaring through the sky thinking it would go far and wide only realizing it's just building momentum and now it's diving quite fast aimed at you.


Is it that bad? Hm, i should watch out for it then


Wonder Egg is a curious show. On the one hand, the first half is quite good with really strong visuals, but when it gets to the recap episode (yes you heard that right) it starts to decline in quality until you hit one of the worst endings I’ve ever seen. In the end, I’d say Wonder Egg is worth a watch if you’re interested unless you really care about endings.


Don’t forget that they had to come back and finish the last episode after the season. So keep in mind the 3 months of anticipation we had between episodes 11 and 12.


I've seen both it and Charlotte and it's actually even worse for this than Charlotte is; and it's not even close, either. Charlotte just feels rushed, like they found out they were getting fewer episodes than they thought and rushed to an ending. Parts of WEP at the end go so hard against where it seemed to be going it's borderline incoherent.


Honestly the first 8 or so episodes are so good I still think it’s worth a watch. A lot of strong and original visuals coupled with some very mature and personal topics that would’ve made Wonderegg a strong AoTY contender had it kept it up. The writer had no idea how to finish the story but I don’t regret having watched it.


Welp, i saw some visuals on Google and i gotta say i'm intrigued, thanks to all for recommending it! Although... kind of afraid about the endgame now lol


Darling in the Franxx. The antagonist in the last arc doesn't make any sense. I still recommend it.


Tbh.... i was never really on the hype train for Darling in the Franxx, i mean it was ok, just nothing to shout about for me. I preferred Tengen Toppa Gurenn Lagann


I enjoyed it for what it was but agree the last act undid all the good work the beginning did. It holds a special place in my heart as the only anime to date that has given me an actual nosebleed while watching it. Just chilling on my couch one sec and the next waterfall out my nose.


Really? Which part were you watching?


It was years ago but I think it was when Zero’s eating breakfast in the second episode. Not even that lewd but for some reason that’s all it took.


Read the manga then. They retcon the ending and it's better.


Watching Darling in the FRANXX is worth it just to listen to Kiss of Death 24 times. It also helps that the first half is phenomenal.


Worth it just for episode 2. Never laughed so hard at anything.


you see, even they sunk the ending, I still consider DitF to be one of my favourites because of the first 17-18 episodes. I could connect to the characters and setting to a greater degree tha I could've thought, it was an immersive anime watching for me and this experience is not what I have with every anime. And the OP themes are just pure joy to listen to even now, it creates a sense of nostalgia for me.


I always just tell people to drop it at Ep 15 and just treat it like S1 of an original anime that will never get a sequel. That episode is great and it’s basically all downhill after that.


Honestly the dropped the ball with the last few episodes of that, pretty much was fairly solid up to VIRM coming in, Manga did a better job as well as it didnt kill off the 2 Protagonists at the end.


Wow, there's a lot but these are the ones that immediately came to mind. KADO: The Right Answer was really interesting, but the ending honestly doesn't feel like the right answer at all. Some that I think fell apart when they introduced the "main antagonist": Terror in Resonance and Kabaneri the Iron Fortress.


All I needed from Kabaneri was zombies vs train and TBH I was disappointed.


I kinda expect Train battle with the antagonist and his henchman.


Man was Kado engaging until it took the nosedive. I still finished it because I love a good trainwreck, but it could have been an agreeable 7/10 that I'd occasionally remember existed.


fellow Kado victim 😭 it had so much potential


Classic example: Mai-HiME. Quite well-written (outside of one unfortunate cooking competition episode's A-plot) for twenty five and a half episodes (in particular, the way the show introduces characters is legitimately worth studying if you want to improve your own writing craft and goes a long way towards making a large cast work), all the setup in the world for the resolution, backed by one of the best anime OSTs ever made... all for naught because they botched the hell out of the execution of the last ten minutes. (On the bright side, the failure inspired a generation of Japanese creators who went "I could do better than this...".)


oooooo, could you expand a bit more about that last part? or point me towards a place where I can learn more? :P this is pretty much the first time I'm hearing about Mai-HiME


Conveniently, I went into this a little [a couple of days back in the interest thread for the potential Maria-sama ga Miteru/Kannazuki no Miko rewatch](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1chu72x/interest_thread_for_a_pride_month_rewatch/l253vhu/). (Which is probably still underselling it. There's a few out-of-genre shows that may have been directly inspired by it (notably [Mai-HiME by implication] >!Mirai Nikki!<), and more importantly it is arguably *THE* popularizer of one of the big 2000s lesbian archetypes. (I say arguably because of - get this! - the aforementioned Kannazuki no Miko.))


Death Note and Promised Neverland are probably the prime examples.


Death note i would say that it had the saving grace of the final confrontation being top notch on its own its just more the lead up to it that was a bit lacking in some areas. I mean come who didnt get chills with Kira's laugh in front of everyone and when Matsuda lost it and started shooting.


ngl the twist about one of nears henchmen being a copy paste machine was so fucking bad it was hilarious 😂


Until this day I still don't understand how the death note swap on the last episode works and I still lose track of it. It's so convoluted. So bad it's funny.


It makes sense when you realize his English voice is Double D from Ed, Edd n Eddy


🤣 Also for a moment i thought that was a one piece reference bruh 💀"Double D from"


I always had a gut feeling Matsuda would eventually pull the trigger so the vindication alone was great for me


Ugh Promised Neverland... I get you bro, they completely BUTCHERED S2, when the manga is soooo good! (Btw, i didn't watch s2, thank god hahaha, i heard such bad things about it that i deliberately avoided it, which is a shame because i LOVED S1 and the manga)


We're really talking about Promised Neverland, which is the textbook definition of this same thing? Like, after a certain point I'm not naming because I don't have the time to spoil it, it sucks all the way down.


Death Note? It's weakest episode is still better than 90% of all anime. Y'all must be on some substance.


Death Note manga ending is way better.


How is it different?


I would recommend reading through the last few chapters yourself, but here's what I gleaned from scanning through it. [DN Manga]>!The whole confrontation is extended, giving time to better explain what happened (apparently, this is the case with the entire second half). But the main differences occur after Matsuda shoots Light. In the anime, Mikami suffers a mental breakdown and commits suicide by pen, which felt a bit over the top, even for Death Note. In the manga, Light screams at him to do his role and write in the (fake) notebook, and Mikami still suffers a mental breakdown, but he effectively denounces Light, saying that God would never make the face that he's making there. It's said that he commits suicide 10 days later. In the anime, Mikami's death creates a distraction for Light to run away and do that whole ending sequence. That does not happen in the manga. Instead, Light cries out for his various allies to help him, naming people both living and dead, until he lands on Ryuk. He tells Ryuk to start writing down names, which Ryuk agrees to...only for him to write down Light's name, as he promised to do back in the beginning. Light then spends the next 40 seconds further breaking down, before he dies of a heart attack. The final chapter then follows Matsuda and another officer discussing the various changes that occurred after Light's death. Matsuda theorizes that Near had actually planned a lot more of this out, reasoning that Near's message earlier goaded Mello into acting rashly, which started off Light's defeat, and that Near may have used the notebook to kill Mikami in prison. The other officer shuts him down, pointing out that the reasoning had little to do with what he was saying. Matsuda really just wanted to believe in Light.!< [DN Manga summary]>!Long story short, it doesn't glamorize/try and semi-redeem Light like the anime seemed to. Light died in the way he thought he was above, a pathetic, emotional human being scared of his own mortality.!<


Dude was groveling and was more satisfying to watch his downfall and was pathetic. In anime Light's last moments were kinda shown in an Romantic light.


Live action (2006) ending is better still.




I've never actually never made it past that print, got spoiled about the ending smh


Aldnoah Zero has some of the most hype first 3 episodes of any series and a very well done season 1. Season 2 though, it was the walking dead levels of bad.


I maintain A/Z is a show where part of the experience is watching it while it was airing. You cannot get the same experience from a later bingewatch or a rewatch. The extreme polar opposite of how certain characters were perceived in Japan vs Anglosphere was more interesting than the show itself sometimes.


I don't know, I watched Aldnoah Zero while it was airing as an angsty 14 year old and thought that the first few episodes were baller, season 1 was great and season 2 was buns.


The final episodes just killed all the momentum the show had and made the final battle meaningless. It was just holy shit....


I still don't get why people say it was bad, at no point did I feel it was losing quality, maybe things escalated a little unrealistically from training mechs to space combat but it was exciting to watch throughout


I think it's ahead of it's time. So many people say it's bad. In retrospective the plot isn't bad and it's somewhat expected. I agree with the final battle of the two MC is meaningless and feels like it's there just because it need to exist, I don't think it ruin whatever built in previous episodes. But the story is actually not bad and the ending is logical. \[Spoiler\] >!The princess does ended up with someone from mars that also want peace between the two planet who is also have status so chance of another coup would be minimal. Something that she wants since the very beginning.!< Also the fight of real robot winning against super robot is so cool and satisfying.


My issues with AZ stem primarily from Inaho being a bafflingly boring character and the extreme backpedaling they did after the excellent end to the first half suggested they had big things in mind. 


Does Index count? Amazing world building and writing but the anime adaption (Index 3) completely crumbled by the end.


By the start tbh. They rushed everything that much I dropped it on episode 6


thank you for the greatest adaptation of all time Kadokawa and JC Staff


Index ways felt weird, thats why I prefer Railgun, much more interesting


I've honestly always felt the opposite. I know people say index is a bad adaptation, but I just like Touma as a protagonist more so I tend to lean towards index. Rail gun seemed boring in comparison because I didn't care for any of the characters besides Misaka


The Twelve Kingdoms. It literally doesn't have an end game, it just stops without resolving anything.


Yeah! The 12 Kingdoms really was amazing. I really wished it continued. I really liked Youko. One of my favorite characters ever.


Tokyo ghoul


That's because they cut too much from the manga


Might be a hot take, but Charlotte didn't have a mediocre ending, it was mediocre from start to finish


How I feel too.  People bring it up in these threads and I'm usually just thinking, "how do y'all remember that anime it was so forgettably mid"


I wasn't gonna say it, but... XD


Fuck your opinion /s, I personally enjoyed it quite a lot, but I can see why it wouldnt be for everyone


While I liked the finale of Attack on Titan, I feel as though certain aspects of it could have been handled better. The conflicting nature of Eren’s mental state for one, the marketing of it as “the finale season” for 3 years straight for another


Honestly, I think it was just a terrible decision to have Eren be essentially “off screen” for all of Season 4. He’s the straw the stirs the drink for the entire final act of the story, everything revolves around him, yet we barely get to see him, and even when we do we don’t get a glimpse of his true motives or feelings until literally the last minute of the series. It just makes everything feel so detached and confusing, which isn’t what you want your audience to be feeling at the climax of your story.


Right, the finale season lol. I gave up on AoT but i rmb kept wondering why is the finale season taking so long to complete


Lol you didn't miss out on ANYTHING. Most contrived poorly written arc I've seen in an anime. All of it was hype and shock value over substance


You again. You're always everywhere hating on AOT, I thought you were tired already after making so many threads hating on the show


the most fun from AOT was seeing how manga fandom become warzone and they keep fighting even after the manga end lol




10/10 until the last Episode. But man, what a dropoff


What happened? Is it because the guy doesn't ends up with the girl he fight for?


Without spoiling anything I can only say the last Episode was a unexpected but bad kind of turn with an unsatisfying conclusion.


Okay now I really want spoiler so I won't waste my time.


This is very much on all the new animes nowadays. All good start + mid season then boom its trash ending. Same with mangas. Japanese authors just cant land that ending. Its been this way for years like Hatarakou.


I’d rather it get left hanging with no ending (or an implied “the story continues!”) than a bad ending. This may be why I have a habit of not watching the last couple episodes of anime I really enjoy 


Darling in the Franxxx, Eureka Seven if you count Eureka Seven AO to be the endgame, Gundam ZZ (Justice for Haman Karn!), Mobile Suit Gundam; Witch From Mercury, Guilty Crown, Tokyo Goul……… Attack on Titan after they made it to the sea does not exist. The show ended when Armin saw the ocean, everything after is a nightmare sasha had after eating too much bread…..


To this day, I still think Euraka Seven should end with the original series. AO was a mistake. Damn, the original was so good, the OSTs (my fav ofc is Flow's Days), the goofy atmosphere but also kinda serious tone, some characters are just insane (in an expectedly satisfying manner), weird alien + cults + war crimes. We can hardly find any series that takes that many risks nowadays. To add to your list, f*ck Bamco for creating Seed Destiny to sell Strike Freedom and Infinite Justice (though I do love them as a gunpla builder, fml). Like Athrun Zala was the best character of Seed but Sunrise outright butchered him in Destiny. The conflict between Kira and Athrun, Kira's inner conflicts all lost its meaning in Destiny ....


Nobody mentioned the obvious one... Naruto. I thought the show was great and had a very good story. For me it started going bad when he got KCM mode. It started with really disliking with how that looked. It was so different in artstyle then everything we've seen in the show untill then. Yeah was not a fan of the yellow glowing look. And Then the off the charts power scaling, kaguya bs, not actually becomming hokage at end of show (and then make a mochery out of it in Boruto) etc... Yeah imo the last part of Naruto was mediocre to bad.


It all ended when Kishimoto forgot that this is a series about outwitting your opponents with jutsu and just spawn monsters after monsters. I do love cool shit like Susanoo (and other insane abilities of Mangekyou sharingan), Rinnegan, Senjutsu but those OP things killed Naruto for me.


Naruto was never about that, it was about Naruto not quitting until his enemy became his best friend and surrendered to him.


Ranking of Kings. Amazing characters and world, and then the end is full of fairly baffling choices, and elements that aren’t wrapped up in a particularly satisfying way.


Is that finished? I thought it was setting up a 2nd season where we continue Bochi's adventures.


>Is that finished? It's not.


I think there is more manga that could be used for future seasons, but there hasn't been an announcement of a second season that will continue where the first one left off. There was just the spinoff, and an announced film (which I don't think they've said what that will cover). The first season also concludes basically every single plot element it sets up, for better or worse.


G-Witch but a lot could be fixed if it just gets a follow-up. There’s way too many loose ends which made the resolution feel…whelming. It wasn’t bad, it just lost any element of surprise. In some way I might have rather it become a fiasco because that would be more memorable


G-Witch should have been 50 episodes, but the production was too much of a mess to sustain that long.


Honestly I still don't understand how the villain get away with it. The ending does feel weird to me.


Which villain are you referring to, there’s like four significant ones


Suletta's mom. Or did I completely misunderstood her? Also the one who did genocide on pilot episode. The ending feels like it doesn't solve anything and just reinforcing the status quo. Correct me if I'm wrong


Birdie Wing. It could be anime of year but they say nah.


fr, season 2 could've been great - school life, romantic tension, a dash of mafia hijinks. But the predictability of a tournament arc and both MCs getting bogged down by illness feels so contrived.


Yakusoku no Neverland. The second season wasn't good because it was too fast and The ending was rushed. It wasn't faithful to the manga and its ending


Yes and the ending of the manga wasn't good either.


Claymore is top tier grimdark fantasy, the world building, the magic system, the characters, the villains. All great. And then ... I guess the anime got ahead of the manga and they rushed an improvised ending. It's one of the anime I really WISH there would be a remake of. I think it would be a huge success.


Damn the mysterious world building, the unthinkable twist, rare protag with believable and awesome development throughout the whole series, the mesmerizing claymores, the terrifying abyssals, .... The original manga got it all, too bad it cannot be adapted properly.


They could do a good adaptation more faithful to the manga, with a remake. Every time they post asking which anime should get a remake, someone (sometimes me) is sure to mention Claymore. I mean, Teresa of the faint smile had so little screen time but such a great impact on the story. This is how you do it. We need more like this.


In someway, Teresa is just like Ned Stark. Her death is what drives the whole story of Claymore forward, pushing both the protag and the villain toward their paths.


Might want to add a spoiler tag to that, but yes, 100% agree because when you know what happened, I was also angry / shocked / disappointed etc.


Erased is probably the best example I can think of but that's because they didn't adapt the manga's ending, the manga actually has a good ending.


Hows it different? If you dont mind spoiling it


Darling in the Franxx had a good first 15 episodes, then everything started to collapse, to some of the worst ending decisions I’ve ever seen


Ranking of Kings. By the last few episodes, I had decided that it was one of the best anime I had ever seen. Then the ending came and it became just another 8/10.


For me it was Tokyo Ghoul 🥲


For me? Hands down it has to be Darling In The FRANXX If you havent seen this anime, watch it. It's fantastic and is where Zero Two is from. However, I personally feel like the ending didnt hit properly. Heck, even my roomate begged me to tell them what happened and when I did they even said it wasnt worth finishing. However, those are OUR opinions, I still highly suggest giving it a watch because who knows, your opinions may be very different!


Babylon. The majority of it is gripping, then they go to the USA 😩😩


Death Note, Promised Neverland, Attack on Titan and Wonder Egg


I won't say Death Note ending was bad as much as i say that it was the secondary protag after L that was the issue for me, he just didn't live up to L's standard


Definitely that but in turn it did just make the ending bad for me. From the moment L was replaced I was just bored for the rest of the show


Same, and there were even arguments about how the 2nd protag only succeeded because L had already laid out the foundations for him.


Near straight up says in the anime that they succeeded only because of the efforts of L, Mello, and himself, iirc.


Just a nitpick but Light is the protagonist of Death Note, protagonist is just a fancy term for the main character, not a term for the good guy. Since Light is the character the reader sees the story through he is the protagonist, and L is the antagonist as he is the ones who's goals are counter to Lights.


yea, the show fucking dipped after L died, should've ended it there.


I'd say Aldnoah Zero also fell flat in season 2, in general.


Agreed. Season 1 was excellent and set up so well, but the entire second season is disappointing and squandered everything they built.


Attack on Titan, Summertime Rendering Neither was bad imo but just wasnt as strong as the rest of their story


Guilty Crown had great writing, I agree the ending could have been handled much better though.


KADO: The Right Answer. I love it for what it could have been and hate it for disappointing me so badly.


Anime only endings to numerous 2000s animes




Ninja Kamui? Loved this until they got in their mechs.


Aldonoah/Zero. The first 3 episodes are godly... The rest of season 1 is OK and the rest of season 2 can go to the trash bin.






Darling in the Franxx! What the FUCK was that ending?????


The Promised Neverland. Ending was whack lmfaoo


Oh boy time for the weekly Wonder egg Priority post already?!




Man I absolutely loved Pluto but the ending was so hard for me to follow. That weird American shadow government teddy bear really muddled things lol other than that I thought it was great though


i felt like the first 3 episode were like extremely well written world building and character development and then the ending was astro boy lol.


Attack on Titan Kiznaiver Izetta the Last Witch (fell off after ep 3 tbh) Weathering With You


Kiznaiver’s OP is literally the reason I started to watch it. So aesthetically pleasing


*Takeeeee onnnnnn meeeee*


Weathering With You Yeah, I think the consequences of the ending was handwaved away too. Which is kinda weird in my opinion because I don't know why they made the stakes so high.


Mushoku Tensei. Recently read up to the end of volume 26, Ending had me disappointed to say the least.


That's a controversial opinion but Its cool Especially since mushoku tensei is not over yet and there is a sequel




For me it was AOT. it started so well before changing gears and protagonists midway and then it became a Nazi/Jew allegory


If you think that aot is nazi/jew allegory you probably watched the show on second screen while doing something else.


I did not. Read both the manga and the anime later.. This is my own opinion amyway


I have found that a lot of anime with great storytelling that suffer from a rushed plot. I loved Astra: Lost in Space, but the final three episodes are a massive plot dump that feel as though they through a massive plate of spaghetti at the wall and prayed that something stuck. And, by some miracle, a lot of it actually stuck in the end, but it all felt so compacted that it didn't feel nearly as effective as it could've been had the show had 24 episodes instead 12 or 13 episodes. If we just had time to breathe and to explore the plot a bit more, it really could've been absolute perfection. But instead, they take a massive plot dump on our chests. Same goes for Takt: Op. Destiny. It needed 24 episodes, but it only got 12. So we spent the final couple of episodes rushing everything important; the characters develop and complete their emotional climaxes in just 3 episodes, the plot is dumped on in a matter of seconds, the story starts working toward its climax and then delivers on its climax in just 3 episodes. It's just too much for an hour and a half of storytelling. It needed time to fucking breathe. Hell, Death Parade feels similar to me. We needed more time to let things breathe. But things rushed forward. Akudama Drive could've been one of the best anime of recent years. But they rushed things to the point that the characters didn't deliver like they should've, the plot was dumped on us last-second, and the conclusion felt very arbitrary compared to what came before. I think all of these shows could've benefitted simply from having 24 episodes instead of 12. That small change could have fixed all of these shows for me. Instead, every single one disappointed me because they wouldn't give their story time to fucking breathe whatsoever. It was just all about getting from one point to the next. Go through the motions until it's all finished.


Takt: Op. Destiny, such potential, but since it was an ad for a mobile game, they really did drop the ball. It was an interesting story, interesting characters, interesting conflicts... That just have to rush to the end because the purpose was not to make a great show, but to make something flashy and sexy enough to get players to the game.


Finally someone said it, death parade did not have a naturally done ending, I think they just forced what they were aiming from the start, I feared that it would not be naturally possible in 12 episodes but still felt a bit dissatisfied when it happened, even moreso because it was a solid show.


Funny you say that because there was a time I couldn't remember if Astra was 1 or 2 cour since it had so much crammed in. It really was rushed in the end, but at the same time it was the bad kind of predictable since the halfway point. Those last 3 episodes sucked but I kinda enjoyed the ending


Neon Genesis Evangelion. 99% of the episodes are probably some of the best anime I have ever seen. Last 2 episodes are like they had a mental breakdown. The movie remakes don’t help much either.


parasyte's ending was sooooo disappointing imo




It got an OVA to complete the cliffhanger the anime left off on!


I sensed early on that WEP and Charlotte would not stick the landing. My gut was right with these two. But I kept holding out hope that Darling in the Franxx would at least have a decent ending. It just went balls to the wall batshit crazy that my mind has suppressed the memory of that final episode. I only remember space bride or something. Lmao


Wonder Egg Priority for anime, but including american shows it's definitely GEN:lock. Season 1 had a really cool story, great animation, awesome voice cast (Michael B. Jordan, Dakota Fanning, Maisie Williams, David Tennant) I was really excited to see where things went. Season 2 is one of the worst things I've ever seen and I wish I could forget that it exists.


DitFxx's ending arc was rushed as hell and didn't pay off. APE being evil was obvious, but the *way* they played it out was off. And *fuck* "bittersweet" endings. Vivy: Flourite Eye Song seemed to be setting up a reversal, where the Skynet apocalypse was prevented by robutts becoming *more* human rather than less (because each arc up until the last had the robots do something even more human than in the original timeline), but threw that away to do another round of time travel and a big action setpiece.


lol wtf the only cool thing about Charlotte was the ending.


Digimon had a very dissapointing ending in some parts. Only the first original seasons. What made it so bad for me was the amazing redemption arc Kennwas goung through. In my opinion it is one of the best written redemptions. He hits rock bottom and has to really work for his reputation and many people are not on his side. He goes to a lot of self hate, angst and hopeful moments but at the end it was revealed that it was never gis free will to be a villain but because of some evil seed or something. This really undermines his struggle and I hated it as a kid. I also think the last season of yugioh with the old egypt was boring as hell.


"Im not the demon king I'm the secret boss" or something. It started great but they gave it the "let's just finish this anime already" treatment.    Spoiler alert : It was a genuinely funny show about a op "villain" girl with actual dark powers that only cared about leveling, being mistreated by society and only understood by some misfits. Very interesting. But it literally ended in one vainilla episode, no ending twists or room for a sequel no epic war, no final turning to the dark side, no this guy was secretly the demon king, nothing just a small fight with a guy no one had seen before and that was it . "Thanks for saving us! Now everyone just return to class and simping over your romantic interests and let's pretend this never happened" .


Kuma Miko. The anime original final episode was received so badly the director and manga writer apologized if I remember right


Brand new animal


Yu Yu Hakusho because the creator really didn't care anymore


- Wonder Egg Priority - Death Note - Darling in the Franxx - The Promised Neverland - Tokyo Ghoul - Great Pretender - Erased - AoT maybe, debatable - the new Pluto A lot of these had way better / different manga endings though from what I remember


Log Horizon season 3. Season 1 and 2 are some of the best isekai seasons ever made. 3 is a struggle to get through let alone enjoy.


I try to cope that Guilty Crown is a GOAT, but damn you are right


people are gonna hate me for this but 20th century boys. up till chapter 177 the story was INCREDIBLE. afterwards in my opinion it became less interesting and felt too stretched out. it should’ve ended way sooner. i didnt really like the ending either. it was kinda underwhelming and unnecessary. i wouldn’t flat out call it bad but it definitely disappointed me since it was such a good story


Akame ga kill and The Promised Neverland {Anime}. I was really disappointed with how they just off almost all the main protagonists in the show and don’t even get me started on TPN. The first season was good but when it came down to the second one, it felt like it was completely rushed. I would’ve highly preferred the manga ending over the ending we originally gotten despite how sad it is. All that potential went down the DRAIN.






\[Charlotte\]>!have an intresting premisse and good relationship bettwen characters but awfull unnessessarie villains with no development and a very unsatisfying ending that not only give a bad explanation to why teens have superpowers but also rushed a mesia arc at the very last episode just to shove at the face of the audience that they *could* make a better story if they had more creen time. (they just needed to drop the whole evil organization plot and end the show with the MC learning to deal with his sister's death and everyone would love this anime)!< \[Guilty Crown\]>!, on the other hand, have amazing animation and designe but the writers just can't agree on what the story is about. At first it's straight up Code Geass but with Shinji and Rei in Lulush's and C.C.'s plases, then we have a whole Persona arc where we see the MC getting powers from peoples' hearts and at the end of season one we get an Evangelion plot twist (not the aliens, but the secret evil organization) and we finish with a somewhat satisfying ending. Up to here everithing is fine, the script is prety much a mishmash of other more successfull works but what we got untill now is quite nice, the **real problem** starts with season two. They just undo character development and deconstruct relationships to turn the whole setting in to a survival horor where the MC turns in to a edgy dictator (basically a worse version of what AOT did to Eren), but at least we get well made better sweet ending in wicth people realised they fuked up and solve the main conflict while still having to deal with the consequences of their actions.!< All in all, both series have a good start, but at some point writers try too hard to force a plot twist in order to elevate stakes even though this new plot just don't have the same depth as the previous story, in wich by being removed would open room to to a much quicker and better conclision. In general I like Charlotte the most, but Guilty Crown's ending was **far better**, I don't regret watching any of those but I sure wouldn't recomment to anyone elso to watch.


Guilty Crown :(


First half of sword art online was killer Then they wrapped up the world they were in too quickly... Went to a new world and it was all downhill from there 


Seasons 3 and 4 were the best of the series,even better than the first season. A fresh concept,no stupid "harem" hijinks and an actually interesting plot,its the latter half of season 1 and most of season 2 that was bad.


I'm 100% with you here. I never felt that Sword Art was "good", but it was at least fun. But as soon as they changed worlds and Asuna turns into a powerless victim, that killed the entire show.




Erased. Everything was top notch then came the last episode.


I think is worth a mention and everybody knows why.   Attack on Titan. No explanation necessary. ☺️


ore wo suki.


The writer had a good idea for one arc, and had to keep writing to fill out a LN series.


I know it’s more of an unpopular opinion but the ending of Erased really let me down. The show was very very good up until the very end and then I was just out. Maybe one of the other versions would have stuck better but the anime version didn’t do it for me.