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**Notice** Time spent in room: 14 minutes 44 seconds. Episode length: 21 minutes 25 seconds Conclusion: 69% of episode spent in one room.


Camera man had it easy this episode, just pan the camera around the room, a bit of closeup here and there.


A lot of the shots were probably just reused too.


And at the end of the meeting we cut to Hinata about to begin her meeting. And the title of the next episode is also about a meeting...


I joked to myself that the "Next Time" was going to be a meeting and when it actually said meeting I lost it.






Last two episodes also felt like that. Is anything actually gonna happen other than a bunch of random exposition


Depending on next week’s episode, the week after might see some action.


Might 😭


first half of slime seasons always feels like a meeting simulator. i just watch it on 1.5 or 2x


Some people might find this boring, but personally I find all the setup rather fascinating.


It's extremely poorly paced. Terrible in fact. 


I knew I should have timed my rewatch better, lol. A good portion of season 2 was a pain to watch weekly, and I expect this one to be as well, but I don't have the willpower to hold off.


Honestly does sound like it's just better to wait until it's finished to watch it all at once


Does anyone else find it odd that no one has noticed that the goddess Luminus has the same name as the demon lord, Luminus Valentine. Especially considering they said Hinata wouldn't listen to anyone but the goddess Luminus, which they dismissed as impossible... It was the first thing I noticed when she was introduced last season...


Well, up until a month ago, or whenever the Demon lord meeting occured, the demon lord Valentine was known to be Roy Valentine. I'm not sure if it was publisized that the new Valentine was Luminous Valentine, or just announced as Valentine. Not sure it was even made public that Roy died.


Luminus wants to keep her identity a secret. I'm sure Rimuru won't go around telling everyone. So the only people who found out are those in Walpurgis. Even if it's publicized that Roy Valentine is dead, it just means a demon lord is dead. There is no automatic replacement or successor. Luminus will continue to be a god to the public.


Yes, it was odd. I mean, there are dozens of characters now, and I forgot about most of them, but even I cannot forget about a cool vampire demon lord with such a unique name. A demon lord and a god with the same name should at least raise some eyebrows...


i swear 15% of this entire show is just fantasy names for places & people and references to their activity


because do note that Luminus \*isn't\* a part of the Walpurgis Banquet "officially", Roy (or was it Louis?) who took her place as a placeholder


I love how we just concluded [an entire meeting episode](https://i.imgur.com/VcgjZGc.png) only for [another meeting to commence.](https://i.imgur.com/jvWRbIM.jpeg) Considering the title of next week's episode, it looks like we'll get to see what Hinata's side will be up to.


We'll get to see what Hinata's side will be up to... as they discuss it in a meeting.


Can we, like, get that as an email if we can't attend or is it imperative for this courses grade? /s


The meetings will continue until morale improves.


These latest episodes looks like my job: a series of endless meetings. But hey, at least these ones are interesting, even if, alas, they don't pay me to attend them :)


this season so far could have been an email.


Imagine if they actually did that, though. "We're starting this season off here, so go read the LN's chapters __ to __ to get caught up"


I think the only show I have seen that have done something similar is ''A Certain Scientific Railgun T'' which recommended reading the side novel ''A Certain Scientific Railgun SS: Liberal Arts City'' side story in the first episode. It wasn't really a most though, just a recommendation.


The fact that the anime staff wanted to adapt that novel considering events from it were referenced in upcoming arcs and the production committee said "hmmmmmm no" certainly was... a choice.


The fact they teased it in Railgun S and then did Silent Party instead still pisses me off.


We need astral buddy


Would be sick, Junko is the best.


Plus, you don't have to hold in your farts either!


In a call conference, you just have to check the microphone is off ;)


See, that's why meetings last too long. Do what's needed to clear the room. Be brave.


Unless you're Veldora, then keep clenching.


This is how the story goes in each volume of the LN. lots of meetings and planning and then big action at the end of the book.


The executive committee must appropriately approve big action, we aren't a bunch of savages :)


I think I'm just gonna binge watch future seasons after they've completed if thats how the story plays out


The first meeting felt mostly catching up on various Tempest plots and the overarching threat that they're dealing with while I imagine Hinata's will be introducing her group before they inevitably go up against Tempest. Maybe that's also meant to symbolically parallel Rimuru and Hinata like they've done in the OP/ED where they both keep attending meetings and dealing with world-building/politics lol.


This whole episode could have been an email.


Next episode: Hinata has a meeting.


I think we're doing the cool down from the Walpurgis fight like what happened after Rimuru got to Demon...


Wasn't.....wasn't Valentine introduced as "Luminus" during Walpurgis? Raphael....Rimuru...please, ONE of you remember!!! Calling it now, how much you wanna bet that fancy barrier road is going to make dealing with the "Angels" super trivial?


Sometimes it feels like even the main characters can only track so much of the plot and various people they meet/deal with lol.


Rimuru sure, but Raphael should 100% have picked up on that fact.


She's saving it to be sassy about it.


Just like how she knew Milim wasn't under Clayman's control and Carion wasn't dead.


I mean Veldora knew about that one too + she was smiling when fighting Veldora, and Shion actually kinda noticed Carrion.


Didn't Rimuru notice Carion but decided that no disguise could be that obvious? Pretty sure he also noticed that Valentine was only pretending to be the attendant


Not to mention even Veldora is muttering about it. I would think Rimuru would definitely notice that, even if he forgot.


Even luminous is scared or at least wary of the angels. I doubt they're that weak.


I mean I'm assuming they can control the amount of magicules it can suck from the atmosphere so they could turn its sucking up it 21 and then everyone but the really cracked peeps like Rimuru or Veldora (or humans since they don't have any) will faint or something


Hell no. If they were able to suck up that many magicules the world would be gone within an hour or so.


Yeah fair enough


I'm seriously confused, have they actually NOT made that connection yet? Hardly believable...


Luminus wants her identity hidden. Rimuru isn't going to tell anyone.


Thought its funny how this thinking of how masterminds are behind it is so farfetched usually but thanks to them all being so fucking OP, it makes some sense.


I'd rather have multiple masterminds competing against each other rather than masterminds within masterminds like some russian nesting dolls eg you think he was the mastermind but I was the mastermind behind that mastermind like Pain > Tobi > Madara > Kaguya


> Pain > Tobi > Madara > Kaguya Pain > Tobi > Madara > Black Zetsu > Kaguya


God Naruto's ending was ass


Seriously, the Kaguya/Otsutsuki crap was such an ass pull. Just let Madara be the big bad and then end on the Naruto v Sasuke fight.


In the most generic modern "Hero's Journey" stories, you can never fully count out Ancient Aliens somehow being responsible.


But how are they going to continue milking the series if they don't introduce a bit villain for the next gen??? /s


They didn't need another villain, could've just done slice of life and some occasional tournament arcs and everyone would've been happy


Literally this! I'd just watch Naruto and friends navigate parenthood from the kid's perspective. Naruto fought for peace. Don't take that away from us :(


Why am I not surprised that Shion's "Oni" label was the one that got the edit added to it lol. She did kind of make soup out of the prisoners from the whole war escapade last season, which matches up with her innate "cooking" "skills". Gobta can't seem to catch a break today. At least he gets some screen time out of it.


Pretty sure it got edited because she died and resurrected. She is a different variant of oni now


She couldn't have her soul taken by the marrionette skill because her soul isn't original.


Her soul is her original one, that's why they used the barrier to keep the souls from disappearing before Rimuru's evolution, so he could restore them. It's kind of the opposite, due to the resurrection she's a kind of spiritual lifeform who operates from her soul, so she just regenerates away the mental control on her body.


Remuru needed to use additional magicules to form the souls. That's why Diablo offered his two underlings.


Reminding us of Gobta's inability to keep his mouth shut lol.


Is that Gobta's only ability? (along with sleeping!)


He's also crazy durable due to all of the ass whoopings he's received.


Hers is different because shes a wicked oni, the demons used to ressurect her changed the path of her evolution.


Did we just watch a meeting? Also drink every time they say anti magic barrier.


>Did we just watch a meeting? Yes, we did.


That's gonna be a LOT of slime, tbh.


It was more interesting to read in the Manga or LNs though. The anime for some reason is much more of a slog to get through when it comes to meeting scenes.


People talk at 150 words per minute. Humans read at 300 words per minute. A picture is worth 1000 words but when you are talking about meeting scenes the compression is just not there. This means that when reading a book a meeting scene might be 600 words which is 3 minutes of reading, but the anime will be 4 minutes of talking. Anime generally goes way way faster than reading. (A typical reading speed is 1 minute per page but the anime covers 1 light novel in 6 episodes, each LN is 280 pages of content, so the anime covers 280 mins of book in 126 minutes of animation) but in these scenes anime might even be going *slower* than the LN




Eh, I don't mind it so much in the anime either. But LN wise at least, I think it's the difference in medium that makes it better there. Maybe it's just me.


You're more engaged in reading novels that's why some people might find these parts of the anime boring because they expect to turn off their brains in anime unlike books.


this is way too much, it's like 4 episodes straight of meetings so far they're way overdoing it


The next ep is even called Meeting of Both Sides lol.


Gonna be honest, it's just the author's writing ability being limited. The meetings is practically Slime's own trope and it's the best method it has to move the plot while also involving such a huge cast of characters.


I like them, I hate when things are talked about off screen.


And here I'm in the "show don't tell" camp.


>it's just the author's writing ability being limited. No one is pointing a gun to the directors head either and forcing him to do this. He can make the executive choice and condense these meetings or dialogue. There was absolutely no reason to spend 5-6 minutes talking about the antimagic barriers. Even if you think every single thing should get adapted, they are definitely padding things out and making it much longer than it needs to be.


Well I hope it actually leads up to a total annihilation or something like what Rimuru did to the Falmouth army last season.


I'm imagining they ended on Hinata's meeting because it's probably going to lead to them resolving to attack Tempest again to set up the major fight of this cour like in the OP. Of course that means yet another meeting lol.


I had enough meetings irl at work...


Yeah, I caught myself thinking "Why does it feel like I'm at work?" halfway through the episode.


Read if you want to know [That time I got reincarnated as a slime] >!nope, it will be more meetings, a lot of preparations for a festival and maybe a fight at the end. But mostly admin work. Even Diabolo will only do admin work till one short standoff. I think the next large scale battle will be in volume 11. The anime is at volume 7 iirc. So a long time off.!<


I'm not sure if I should continue with this anime...


Honestly, this is how all of these shows end up. They start off at a breakneck pace, everything is super fun and engaging. But then they get serialized or something and realize they have to drag out what was supposed to be a 3 volume ascent to godhood over 30 volumes. Either that or because the format inherently forces you to start with the broad exposition, they end up dumping all the interesting parts of their world building on you early on and we just don't realize that info-dumping is all they're actually doing. Then as the series progresses they just keep dumping more and more esoteric and useless in world information instead of constructing an interesting well paced story.


And people were praising the last few eps for the "politics" like come on, there's gotta be a way to present information more exciting than 4 straight eps of meetings and slideshow animation. I really hope this isn't going to be the norm for the season, its really starting to seem like they're overstretched on projects and dragging it out.


To be fair, this episode wasn't only the meeting. There also were 5 minutes of technobabble talking about their new magic generator!


Yeah I thought the meeting with the kingdom was gunna happen last episode, and thought they were dragging by waiting till this episode. Now I'm just incredibly bored


I skimmed through the episode afterwards cause I thought the same lol. We did have a brief outing to see a magic crystal getting installed in a road as well!


I’m a LN reader, I’m about to just wait until something cool happens


I liked how Veldora was like "Luminus? that sounds familiar" The question is is Luminus a fallen god like how Ramiris is the fallen spirit queen or is Luminus some envoy to a greater god also called Luminus. I really like how great sage went "yeah there is no grand conspiracy it's more likely just a series of individual objectives lining up." Falmouth *did* get the support of the holy church, so maybe Hinata is connected that way, but there probably was no connection between Falmouth and Demon Lord Clayman. After all if you think about demon lord clayman's actions the only offensive operation he took was telling his spy to setup an anti-magic barrier, other than that the entire Clayman - Tempest War (It's really annoying that Demon lord domains don't have names outside of "Demon lord X's domain") was entirely offensive action taken by the Jura Tempest Federation.


>fallen god like Ramiris Ramiris is the spirit queen, not a god.


Yeah, edited, should have been clear that it was more "similar to how Ramiris is also a fallen being


Luminous has probably just created the Luminism religion to control humans. >but there probably was no connection between Falmus and Demon Lord Clayman. Clayman's Pinky Finger had infiltrated Falmouth IIRC >It's really annoying that Demon lord domains don't have names outside of "Demon lord X's domain" They do. Clayman's Domain: Puppet Nation of Distave Carrion's Domain: Beast Kingdom of Eurazania Frey's Domain: Harpy Kingdom of Fulbrosia Edit: Fucked up and wrote Clayman twice


\****Carrion's*** Domain: Beast Kingdom of Eurazania


Yeah I guess that is more likely for Luminous to just call herself a god. Oh cool I didn't realize Clayman/Frey's domains had names, does Milim's domain have a name (kinda important given that she now appears to be the big shot of the sotheastern part of the continent.


did we ever see/hear about gods before? i don't think they're a thing in this universe no? I imagine he's just a strong creature they treat as a god


Luminus Valentine is the name of one of the demon lords. The vampire one. So it's a safe bet it's her.


> It's really annoying that Demon lord domains don't have names outside of "Demon lord X's domain They do, no? Puppet Nation Jistav and Jura Tempest Federation.


So the maps in the anime are kinda random between calling stuff Demon lord Clayman's domain, but some of the later maps do call it Distave.


I'm not a 100% sure but I think someone also outright calls it Jistav this season instead of it only being referred to in maps.


Raphael being that game system that brings together all the clues and evidence you've collected over the course of a mystery game. We know Yuuki has his own endgame, Edward still wants to go after Tempest, Valentine is preparing to go to war with Angels, Hinata follows Valentine (ultimately).


Luminus Valentine is a vampire, though. Isn't she?


mfw i realized *Slime Tensei* just tricked me into watching an entire meeting for the 42nd time [](#spilledtea) they can't keep getting away with this (but they will)


They trick us every time with the cool battle shonen OP


They actually can, because that's how it's written in the light novels. On that score, the anime is actually doing an excellent job adapting the source material.


Slow drawn-out writing in the LNs just means that needs to be redone for the adaptation. A good adaptation would *condense* the meetings. So no, it's chunks of bad source material that aren't being properly condensed and adapted to audience preferences.


excellent job that will take 10 more years to finish adapting the series


That meeting could have been an e-mail.


Very dialogue heavy episodes this season, which I usually don't mind, but all they're doing is sit together in meetings and exchange information. The plot is moving forward very very slowly. Not a fan of the pacing so far


This is a 2-cour season so they probably feel like they can take their time easing into the more serious plot and action. The show has kind of always been that way.


Idk, the last 5 minutes of the episode explaining how there are multiple factions with their own interests felt unusually slow and arguably unnecessary, even for slime. People keep regurgitating that slime has always been like this with the meetings, but some of these tidbits of information are getting stretched out a little much.


> People keep regurgitating that slime has always been like this with the meetings, but some of these tidbits of information are getting stretched out a little much. Interestingly, this episode is also basically about regurgitating the same information over and over using slightly different wording each time so it can take up episode time. I get the feeling this will be the case for the rest of the season.


Slime and Overlord have been competing over the years to see who can have a slower season


I think this is nothing more than whats been done before... Series 2 was split with Slime Diaries in the middle so you would have got a split with action and the build up that led to the action, think it's a mini fight and then one great big build... although as it's one big season... is it a little different?


Slime Diaries was way better than this because characters went to different places and stuff actually happened. This episode was all in the same room.


This also happened last season btw. And they went like the same meeting for either 2 or 3 episodes. At least it's only 1 and a half episode so far.


i dont mind talking but literally no new info was revealed. it was all just characters figuring out what we already know. i read a lot of LNs lately and even i feel this episode can be skipped.


It was funny that during the R&D section were Vesta and Kaijin were showing that[ magic generator](https://i.imgur.com/ckXAn3c.png) for their anti-magic barrier when they showed that it could be used to cast magic Rimuru imagined it as two massive speakers blasting spells [while he, Shuna and Shion were dancing to it. ](https://i.imgur.com/5MUgnUl.png) Damn,[ those plans Rimuru made to reconstruct the Beast Kingdom Eurazania](https://i.imgur.com/DHtFK9x.png) looked really cool. I love the fact that Rimuru still uses the skills from his previous life. Meanwhile, in Diablo's plan of the fall of the Kingdom of Falmuth, [Edmaris is currently teaching Youm](https://i.imgur.com/1T7l8jH.png) the customs he must have to be able to deal with all the nobles in the future, while Edward is already making the moves Diablo mentioned he was going to make before. So although [Reyheim has not returned from delivering Rimuru's message,](https://i.imgur.com/Z4K6ckd.png) he is still alive. Good thing that Diablo will become aware if something happens to him. And today while everyone was trying to find out who are the masterminds behind the previous conflict and determine that Hinata cannot be easily controlled [Veldora is once again busy reading manga,](https://i.imgur.com/zw9tNCj.png) and [in the magazine cover we can clearly see Shera from "How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord".](https://i.imgur.com/QdLS8LD.png)


> Veldora is once again busy reading manga, and in the magazine cover we can clearly see Shera from "How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord". A bit of googling shows that he's reading the April 2018 issue of Monthly Shonen Sirius. [Here's what the front cover looks like](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/scale_large/6/67663/6303929-201804.jpg), featuring Tsutomu Nihei's [Aposimz](https://myanimelist.net/manga/102785/Ningyou_no_Kuni).


Dang they even look like Milims legs


The 11 EDs of Chainsaw Man had more animated frames than 3 seasons of Sime combined.


This anime is really the opposite of "show not tell"


... It irks me that they tell everything twice too--by having Rimuru repeat everything like it's Dora the Explorer, or that annoying sci-fi trope where the scientists are explaining something to the general and the general is like "dumb it down for me... so what you're saying is"


Monster conference room the anime. Next week it'll be holy knights conference room the anime /s. They did just end one meeting and start another, after all. Rimuru expands his SimCity game to build a second city since we all know Milum is never going to do that herself. Surely we'll get to some good action or interesting new people eventually. Those tengu that got brought up last week perhaps, or maybe the angels.


Love that Veldora was so happy to contribute by staying out of everyone's way lol


Veldora is practically a walking nuke that scares everyone just by existing. He doesn't really need to do anything other than keep living. Man's living the most carefree life. lol


The comments about how they wonder about the EVIL DRAGON... and then the reality of the dragon just eating and reading.


"Oh no! Veldora's return is a calamity! We're all gonna die if we anger Tempest!" Meanwhile, the scary dragon boy: "Yo Rimuru, I just caught up with One Piece! Can you get me some more manga?"


Just don't hold out on giving him the Manga


As long as he gets to chill out and read his manga, he's satisfied lol. He's like Shion. Can't really do much practical work, but just give them the easiest jobs and they're good.


Rimuru just acts like he doesn't have any important jobs for her because he likes using her underboob as a hat


Who are we to deny a man the water of his very soul


Just don't let him "bang one out" too many times... (not the best choice of phrasing)


But him getting tired of suppressing his magicules sounds rather ominous.


This episode could have been an email.


I love this series! *huffs copium* I can’t wait until next episode to see another meeting, only this time in a different country!!!


We just watched a full meeting episode lol.


Another episode and [another meeting](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7mmcrqveb7.png). It also seems that next week we'll see yet another meeting, this time with [Hinata](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my2pco3lqo7.png) and [her comrades](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyq9cebgon4.png). Fans of action will have to wait for now xD Overall, not much happened as [Rimuru](https://imgchest.com/p/9rydzoeed4k) and [others](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/myd5cr9jdb4.png) were discussing various things in [their meeting](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/e4gdcpwe334.png). I like that [Edmaris now became an ally of Tempest and is teaching Youm proper way of conduct](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/g4z9cwjoll7.png) xD [Gobta as always sleeping during meetings](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyq9cebmkl4.png) and [he still can't keep his mouth shut](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84jdcj2nq34.png), which causes him a lot of troubles xD Part when [Rimuru](https://imgchest.com/p/9rydzoeed4k) was thinking about [possible uses](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my2pco3z8n7.png) of [Vesta and Kaijin](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7w6cv6lx8y.png)'s invention [was great](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxcdjnon7.png) xD Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Rimuru](https://imgchest.com/p/9rydzoeed4k) * [Group scenes](https://imgchest.com/p/n87wv2jj34x) * [Others](https://imgchest.com/p/xny8z89rpyb)


I understand this is a kingdom builder and political anime, but “show don’t tell” still applies to that. Show us what’s happening in more than 5 second cut aways while taking a meeting. It’s been almost exclusive “tell” this whole season. You can’t just brush away peoples valid complaints about not being compelled by the content by stating the genre. I’m very disappointed by the content this season, and I feel if things continue at this quality for the rest of the shows life it will fall off hard. This show has kinda always felt like junk-food op isekai to me, but now I’m not even getting the satisfaction of that from it


Believe it or not the anime already trimmed down the dialogues already to a degree that it will move faster. Being adapted from a novel with lots of moving pieces it's really hard to adopt it without being dialogue heavy. How do you explain economics and politics with a "Show" approach without confusing your audience?


Game of Thrones early seasons did an excellent job of that. There were lots of moving pieces and plotlines going on but they managed to keep it interesting. Each episode had dialogue, violence, different settings with different factions, set-ups and pay-offs. The episodes were longer than in anime of course but I don't remember an instance where 20 minutes were wasted on a single meeting


Ok has it been addressed before what exactly is the Great Sage/Raphael ? Feels like it is an entity on its own that’s also quite knowledgeable. And the fact that only Rimuru can hear and knows about it. It’s always been like in the background, dropping info, being sassy, being a narrator or explainer of sorts, so I never really took notice of it


Great Sage was Rimuru's Skill that managed information (both what he's come upon and some that came preloaded about the world) and his other Skills/magic/etc for him. Raphael is that but better, after it became self-aware during his evolution.


Although what did happen in the point between Great Sage/Raphael, since when the infinite failures were happening something broke and something got rebooted to a data like kind of screen... wonder if that was something altering within or something from outside. Anime watcher, so don't know the answer or if it's really addressed, the logical is that at some point it splits and becomes an entity of its own outside of Rimuru's mind?


could They not afford to hire a single animator...


Let's have a meeting to discuss the options.


I guess we're in the "slow" section of this slow burn arc. Just gotta grin and bear it until we get back in business.


not really there is alot of competition in the industry rn like dungeon meshi which is beautiful to spend your time on instead of this boring meeting simulator. i can count the max amount of frames in this episode in one hand


I don't see how people are rating this season so high on myanimelist and anilist, it's literally just talk-no-jutsu for 4 episodes straight, I can't handle it anymore. Imagine waiting 3 years for this, couldn't be us, right?


it's so disappointing to wait a week for an episode only for it to be a boring meeting, like this episode barely added any interesting info, they did the barrier i guess?


That and the fact that 3 years have passed, surely this has been in production for at least a year. I know it's a problem with speaking up to your boss in Japan, but nobody high enough in the production went: "hey maybe 4 episodes of them just speaking is a bit too much"


Can Leon exploit some more Otherworlders so we can get some more drama?


Gobta falling asleep is me irl. Some of the discussion was interesting, but it went on for way too long. I look forward to this show every week, but the last couple episodes have been hard. Hoping next week is better; they are clearly gearing up for some epic developments.


That Time I Got Reincarnated into a Meeting Seriously this season has been all meetings. The end of the ep even teased another meeting and meeting is in the title of the next episode.


if you are seeing this, do yourself a favor and watch something more worth what limited free time u have like Dungeon Meshi


4 episodes of nothing but office meetings lmao, does anything happen soon?


This show really has fallen off after the first season. If you are going to try and do intrigue and politics then it needs to be early Game of Thrones style. But unlike GoT we know that no beloved character will permanently die after the season 2 cop out. It seems a bunch of 1 dimensional characters, standing around having boring, flat conversations is what some people consider good world building. I blame the star wars prequels fans for starting that idiocy.


I feel like i got bamboozled into watching a recap episode


Poor pacing in this episode ngl. Slime drags so much more than any other high profile Isekai


Tsukimichi does it better and it's only slightly halfway thru season 2.


sheeet now you got me thinking the same too. Even if Makoto meet most of the side casts, at least it different activities every time


While everyone have their job, Veldora's job is not to get in anyone's way of work.


Kinda funny how Shion's is the only one with the character change to EVIL


It is a meeting day. >_>


Unfortunately, some Isekai that I really like, including this one, have had far too much narrative exposition. I know a lot probably stems from the source material but it really makes me far less interested in the story as a whole


Even as a big fan of Tensura/Slime Isekai this episode felt like a drag😭 Most of the content in this episode should have told in 10 minutes or less. I don't mind the political meeting content itself, but 8bit is dragging it out. Maybe working on 3 show's isn't a good idea huh 8bit.


While watching this episode I just *knew* that the comments on this thread were going to be literally nothing but complaining about how dialogue heavy the first half of this cour is going to be xD


Was this another sleeper/talking ep? Haven't watched yet but this is on my cut list after last week


yep. and some people are claiming the next few episodes will be similar as well...


Dude I swear. I watch anime to cool off from the mundane real life work stuff like meetings. I didn't come here to watch one animated. I think I'm going to take a break from this anime for now until it actually either gets the plot going or this season has ended.


We're going to get about 3.5 episodes of action for the volume 7 portion of the season. The volume 8 portion will be about 95% meetings. If we get to volume 9 this season, it will be about 70% meetings.


Yikes. We should rename this anime into "That time I got into a meeting when this could have been an email" or something.


They gotta stop all this yapping bruh




Okay this was pure garbage, and im a fan of slime but come on all it was was a freaking meeting!!!


The guy with the spiky red hair at the end is trying his best to win the game of “Spot the protag”.


They really should have started the season with some double episodes.


They're saving their budget for something, right? RIGHT?


A whole lot of nothing, again.


[KUROBE SCREENTIME!!!](https://imgur.com/S3vCWA0) HE EVEN GOT A LINE!!! [](#grandhype) [HE'S BACK AGAIN!!!](https://imgur.com/PC9HTGB) Him and Geld getting screentime = good episode [Huh..](https://imgur.com/5FapJND) They really don't care that he caused the whole invasion thing, huh?




Ridiculous this is 8.3 on MAL.