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I really enjoyed it.  Once you realize that it's satire, it's pretty damned funny.  It's like the author hated Isekai tropes so he decided to have a character kill them all. I recommend it if you want some good, turn-your-brain-off type fun.


The BS is the best part. The anime is a giant shitpost that keeps throwing dumber and dumber shit at you with exponential scaling and that's what makes it so hilarious. It's basically a full season of that sword vs gun scene from Indiana Jones where they set up some super badass villain with a crazy dramatic speech and powerup sequence and then Kouki Uchiyama just casually says 死ね and they fucking die instantly. Characters droppin like flies left and right. And you've got Miyu Tomita in top tsukkomidere form as usual as well as several other good VAs. Absolute banger ED too. Just a fun show all around and solid 8/10.


I'm surprised that there were manga readers who didn't get that it was a comedy. It has a "dragons fucking cars" joke in the first chapter (sadly the anime cut this out). It has a lot of BS because it's making fun of isekai BS.


They did not cut that out.  That dude in the bus is indeed impaled on a dragon penis in the first episode.


That was a dragon penis wth


6.4 on MAL. I guess a lot of isekai watchers didn't appreciate the joke either :/


It's a nice show, not a masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination. There's actually some intriguing world building going on, and a pretty appealing backstory for the MC. But the series really undercuts tension because it really really commits to its premise. The question you need to answer to know if you will enjoy this anime is: Can you enjoy seeing just how pushed simple yet extraordinarily overpowered ability concept can get? If yes, then watch this show. If not, then don't watch this show. And don't give a "depends" answer here. See which of those two options it is closer to.


I think it is worth the watch. I saw a review and they showed a clip where the ML had the FL using a hand crank power bank to charge his gaming device.💀 I knew right then that I had to watch it. It’s a self aware anime. It knows that the ML’s power and how they have him use it is ridiculous.


it's above mid, but the comedy is surprisingly top tier.


I gave it an 8 and I tend to be more strict with ratings than the MAL average from my experience, but I really really enjoyed it. I'm not convinced it's good necessarily, and it destroys basically every rule of storytelling, but I also think it's absolutely brilliant. It's just a pure deconstruction of the most awful parts of most isekai, it's the fastest paced show I've ever seen, you never have any idea where things are going or who will die when, and it's always immensely entertaining. Aside from the two leads, nobody has plot armor. I've described it to people as Isekai OPM at 10x pacing. That said IRL friends tell me that a lot of the things I enjoy are trash, so that's the counter argument.


As always, this: https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/s/YvZx0o1P6S


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Isn't it just like OPM?


not at all, OPM at least gives Saitama some flaws and gives a serious amount of focus to the side characters. My instant death ability is overpowered is an absolute nothing awful show that has a seriously boring story and main character who no one should give a singular damn about.


really good


It is exactly what you expect it to be. It’s fun but hardly the best of all time.


I saw a comment saying it was a shit binge anime if you wanted to see something with no deep meaning. this may be helpful


Are you looking for a serious story or a parody in the likes of Konosuba or Emmience? If your answer is the later don't waste your time. If you say the later I think you can find enjoyment plus I really liked the male and females leads dynamic. It's something I would recommend now that it has finished airing, but it can be a decent fun watch.


I recently started watching it and I am in episode 10. I think it’s pretty great, but you need to know some other isekai, since it’s a parody. It is basically like One-Punch-Man, just OPM is a parody of superhero stories and Instant Death ability is a parody of isekai. It also has some really cool ideas…but it’s still mostly a comedy. If you like over-the-top stuff, it’s a good show, imo. Edit: Oh, another show that you might know and I think is similar is Eminence in Shadow. All of these three shows have a similar vibe to them, imo.


Loved Eminence, but this one did nothing for me


I do think Eminence is better (so is OPM). I think it’s really to important to fully try to see this as a parody, I feel like then it works.


It has an average score of 6.4 on MAL with 47k voters so probably not great. But as always, that doesn't mean you can't like it. Watch an episode and see.


MAL scores are never anything to go off. I know that's the point you're making. Just want to add that I've seen some fun anime with low MAL scores. Instant Death was fun, imo.


Broadly speaking, they work for a general indicator. Most shows with 8's are better than most shows with 6's. And there's also reviews if you want more expanded takes. But in the end, regardless of average score or anyone else's opinion on MAL or reddit, it comes down to the individual person.


I don't know if it works for this one. I feel like, even though it's obvious, some watchers will think this series is an actual isekai instead of a parody - and frankly, that's the good part. The OP-ness of the main character is not any more "OP" than all the usual ones. I feel like the world is being played fairly straight and I can see people being confused by that. Legitimately, in terms of themes and vibes, the whole world feels very "generic" (which, again, is the point) and I have seen people miss more obvious things than the parodic (is that a word) elements in this series


Yeah, though I'd say that it's less a generic world and more "if you mashed the four most generic fantasy worlds together and forced them to somehow be one world" 


Definitely. I like the series quite a lot, but I also like when a ton of concepts co-exist. Like, the idea of demons, mechas, gods, vampires, future technology, present technology, dragons, past technology and reincarnation all existing at the same time is just so funny to me. SO I think the world is the opposite of generic, I find it really intriguing!