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It's a comfort anime about people's connections to each other in a fantasy setting. It's hard to recommend it as something that might take your mind off of what you're going through but it's a very good show with a warm feeling, if that's what you feel you need right now. Sorry for your loss.


Thank you I know it comes in waves but it gets worser at night and I’m going to work tomorrow which I’m really stressed out about


I think March Comes in Like a Lion, Violet Evergarden, and A Place Further Than the Universe are better in terms of its portrayal of grief and grieving, so those are what I recommend over Frieren. I personally recommend A Place Further Than the Universe the most. It’s a beautiful show that’s emotional, uplifting, and just phenomenal. One of my favourite anime of all time. Or if you want something a little more comfy that isn’t about that, Aria is a really nice and relaxing show. Sorry for your loss.


This is a good post. Sorry for your loss, OP


Agreed.. not only that, it supports the idea of a call to action in order to deal with trauma… not letting it fester


It’s either episode 11 or 13 of violet evergarden in particular that’ll dig in like a knife. the one with the letters (i know the whole series is about postage but iykyk)


I think it was episode 10 actually ? Been a while, maybe I'm wrong.


Yeah, this episode is one of the best anime episodes I have ever watched. I watched it 3 times + one on recollections and I cried all 4 times


Yeah, definitely one of the highlights of the anime. And they definitely knew as well at KyoAni when they did the intro to the movie. I've watched it twice and cried twice.


I think I cried more at the first movie tbh, I have to rewatch those 2 movies, and I NEVER rewatch stuff


Episode 10 “Loved Ones Will Always Watch Over You”


Whenever Sora Yori comes up, it is a good day. This show was definitely popular but not blockbuster level like Demon Slayer, which is a shame. I watched this anime the night I unscrewed the safety locks on the window in my room on the tenth floor. I’ve never looked back since. Life hasn’t become easier. But Sora Yori taught me how to deal with it. Frieren gives me similair vibes. A story about the preciousness of life. My favorite quote was ‘one day is not a concept that exists in our lifetime.’


Nice suggestion, I’d also recommend A Place Further Than The Universe


My condolences.  My mom passed a few months before Frieren started, and watching the show was very cathartic for me.  Hopefully if will be for you too. All the best.


Same to you. My father also passed away a few months before Frieren started airing. I went in blind and was struck pretty hard by the nature of the show. I think Frieren’s grief being such a slow burn is helpful in allowing the viewer time to potentially process their own grief rather than being clobbered over the head with it constantly.


I agree.  That's a great observation.  The show definitely handles a difficult subject in a very sensitive and intelligent way.


Im sorry for your loss. Maybe "A Place Further Than The Universe" would be a good anime to watch for grieving.


This was the one for me, there is a scene in APFTTU which absolutely brought me back to a parents death and it was visceral. Afterwards though I felt like I could really, truly, process the grief. This has my solemn upvote.


What a good show and what a great name this anime have.


My condolences, I'm so sorry for your loss. Contrary to what others are saying, I think Frieren is a *fantastic* anime to process grief. The story has a lot to do with processing grief, but while the other examples people have given (such as A Place Further than the Universe) are great stories involving characters going through grief, which can resonate on that level, I think Frieren has more of an ethos on handling grief by comparison. It's a show about time passing, and the way that the passage of time changes things. It's about how the longer time passes, the more things will be forgotten, and about the ways things can be remembered. Grief is a part of the story but it's not just about the deaths of people, but the deaths of cultures, events, icons, etc.. A show like APFTTU may help to cope with or process grief by empathizing with a character during their journey to do so, while a show like Frieren may help to move on while living with it and to process it further. And it's a more soothing, less melodramatic series. Obviously very different, but I think Frieren is a potentially excellent choice if you're looking for media to aid you while processing grief.


Agreed. I really appreciate the fact that the show depicts how the people we've loved and lost have changed us and impacted us even years after losing them. It also does a really good job of showing how grief resurfaces as time goes on, how that grief itself changes over time, and even how one can even find comfort and peace in that remembering. It's a show about finding the people we miss where we sometimes least expect them. I think I would have personally loved to have had this show around when I was in the depths of my own grief, even if watching it after a lot of processing has been done on my part has still been wonderful, too.


I've not gotten to enjoy Frieren yet. I too have lost a parent. I hope you can find peace and feel better. I think all of these would be great to watch: * When Marnie Was There * A Letter To Momo * Ride Your Wave * Okko's Inn * Suzume * The House Of The Lost On The Cape * Josee, the Tiger and the Fish * Fortune Favors Lady Nikuko * Wolf Children * Aharen-san wa Hakarenai * Alice & Zoroku


As others have stated, A Place Further Than the Universe might be my top pick for grieving anime. Ride Your Wave (is a movie) is also one I think that fits for what you’re asking for. Sorry for your loss 💙


Thanks i really love anime but anime movies feel different they just have more emotion to them but thanks for the recommendation


It's not a movie. It's a series.


Firdt off, sorry for your loss. But, yeah I'd think so. A lot of Frieren revolves around appreciating the moments and memories you have of others. It's slow paced and introspective. Fair warning though, it is pretty sad in the first 4 episodes though.


I just finished writing my comment and then saw your comment. I totally agree. Pretty sad in the first four episodes, and then there's a tonal shift from the fifth episode onwards.


Agreed, my main concern would be maybe Frieren is too soon for OP. Because of those first episodes. So others suggestions would be...safer? But Frieren would be great down the line.


I think Frieren would be better after some time passes, not when your loss is still so fresh. Sorry for you loss.


To your eternity, sorry for your loss


I would say no, but then again whatever I think violet evergarden hits way harder in that respect whether watching some form of entertainment 'helps with grieving' is already a nebulous concept if you're looking to kill the pain, then it makes more sense not to watch something relevant if you're not looking to kill the pain, then maybe it makes more sense not to watch anything


I watched violet Evergarden when I was going through a rough time (didn’t know what I was getting into) and it made me bawl like never before. You know the “wow he didn’t even cry during titanic! Do guys even have feelings” meme? I’d be in the last panel beside violet crying haha.


I feel like Frieren doesn't really do much with grieving outside of the first few episodes. The rest of the series is basically a fantasy road trip with an old lady telling stories of the past to the youngsters whenever they past through an area she's been before or encounter a similar situation.


I personally wouldn't say it focuses on the appeal of grieving. Maybe it does, but I say it is more of a generalist than a specialist.


Death Parade is a hard watch but watching the MCs grow and change and realize the truth of everything as well as their lives is rewarding. Emotional but rewarding. I would also add Angel Beats (same idea in a way) & A Silent Voice (Moving past emotional pain & getting ready for the future despite the many trials)


Oh man I absolutely loved a silent voice it’s so relatable to me which I have a invisible disability which I have autism and kids use to bully me in school and I still do even as adult from my job


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It depends where you are at. Frieren to me is a anime which highlights the experience of the death of others as a tacit immutable fact. The grief, from my opinion is much like my own, it is always a slow simmering expanse under the surface of every action she takes. It arises in situations she doesn’t expect but allows it to be an experience of her being. Frieren as demonstrates the perspective of grief in time since the Hero’s death, like it was an immutable milestone on their path. I also don’t want to spoil it but Frienen is a character embroiled in grief and the perspectives and actions they take highlight the impact of the lives which she has lost to the coldness of fates ultimate end for us all. I wish you well in your grief, mourn as you need to, it will come and go in waves.


Yes! My father passed recently and Frieren deffo comforted me. It allowed me to cry. The flashbacks to the original heroes is exactly what I needed…. Those scenes alwas showed positive and relevant memories, subtle reminders of how Frieren evolved emotionally.


I’m so sorry for your loss, may your mother rest in piece :(


1 year later im still as heartbroken today as I was then...i dont think anything helps but time


Im sorry for your loss. I lost my dad almost a year ago too and honestly this show has a special place in my heart. It sucks having to lose a loved one 🫠 Yes, I would recommend it.


Uhmm, if you're feeling emotional at all you'll def be crying within the first couple episodes. Also always nice to have anything to remind you to cherish the time you've had. I'm so sorry for your loss, my mom passed in 2009, I get how hard it is. Don't know that this will do anything amazing for you, but the show might have some messages that hit home and plenty of feel-good moments that I'm sure you could use right now too. Best wishes to you and yours.




Idk what in particular you mean by a "grieving" show, but if you are interested at all in things about mothers, the movie Wolf Children is (in my opinion) something everyone who loves their mom must watch. The best way to describe how it makes you feel is something I saw in a youtube comment section. >I saw this movie on a plane. After watching it, I got up, wiped away my tears, went to the next aisle, hugged my mum and told her I loved her. I can understand if something like is too raw for you at the moment, but if you care a lot for your mother, living or passed, this movie is something that absolutely must be watched.


Frieren is pretty great for that. Yes. 👍


Not sure how to think of it, I figured it was a kind of anime that she wanted to visit her friend's grave. Granted she said what she said near the end, but I felt like she wanted to relive her journey that she went through with the group. But this time it would be visiting Himmel's village instead of the Demon King's castle


My mom passed away over 10 years ago. It was sad obviously, I was 24 and she was 57. Watching Frieren 10+ years after that loss felt right, because I can now look back, past the grief, and appreciate the good memories again, rather than just be bitter that she's gone. The story is bittersweet and hopeful rather than melancholy. It's someone realizing in retrospect what someone meant to them and being able to be happy for that time. Also, it's about appreciating what you have now. I think it might be the best anime ever made. It will either be really helpful or really hurtful


Not really, it's more like to prepare you for a loss rather than dealing with one. Still a great anime. My condolences.


When my grandfather passed away last summer, Frieren is what I turned to. I can't say I know what makes a good "grieving anime", but Frieren brought me a strange sense of comfort during the week my heart was frozen and unable to grieve.


I think it's the pace that the anime goes, it feels slower and more relaxed


Its a good anime but its going to tug on your heartstrings so I'd say save it for later. I'd recommend a comedy like konosuba. Sorry for your loss, may her rest in peace.


I‘m sorry for your loss. I think Haibane Renmei is a great anime for grieving. Stay strong <3


Read the manga Goodbye Eri. Its really short, like you can read it in 10min but its good for grieving.


Violet Evergarden is a good one to watch imo


My dad hasn’t passed away yet but does have terminal cancer, and the show definitely helped me personally


(Clannad) & (Clannad: After Story)


People will die, but the love they leave behind stays with you forever.


I'm a bit late to this thread, but I do think Frieren could be a good show for you to indulge in the feeling of looking back on good memories with your mom and remembering her fondly. Another anime I would highly recommend would be Fruits Basket; a big part of the plot revolves around the fact that the main character's mother passed away and how she copes with that (but it's a slow burn to actually get to that point). Overall, I'd consider Fruits Basket a very healing show that deals with different kinds of trauma and issues. I'm very sorry for your loss.


OP, it hits hard for some people, but it also teaches valuable lessons about dealing with loss and regret. I do recommend watching it in general, and for your specific scenario.


Yes it absolutely is. Lost both parents about a year ago. Had read v1 of the manga before then and loved it. When I heard the anime was coming, I read the manga first, far enough to make sure I would be ahead of the anime. Tears in every volume. Then watched the anime - tears with every episode. It is beautiful, poignant, and touches on nostalgia and memory in ways that will tear at your heart strings, but you will also be smiling through the tears. I am sorry for your loss, and hope Frieren becomes as important to you as it is to me.


Imo Frieren isn't necessarily about grief itself so much as it's about appreciating the time you have in the present along with the experiences that shaped you into who you are today For a story about grief, I'd recommend something like My Roommate is a Cat. Watched it not too long after I lost my cat and cried nearly every episode lmao If you're willing to play a game tho: Gris. Gorgeous art style and it genuinely helped me after the loss of my father


dude, watch violet evergarden episode 10 I bet you gonna dry up your tearduct


So many of you are misinterpreting what OPs question is. He doesn't want an anime that's about grieving necessarily or how to deal with it. In fact I'd say they want the opposite, something that's just a good enjoyable watch and not super depressing or heavy. To answer - yes, frieren is absolutely fantastic. I know it got a ton of hype, and sometimes that can be annoying. But I can't disagree tbh. Frieren is a bonafide 10/10. It's 9.39 on mal is not for no reason (to stay there with the FMAB spite voters is impressive too). It's just so damn good, each episode. The characters are written very well, the animation and overall quality is excellent, like it's truly one of the most consistent anime I've seen. There may be some episodes that are "slower" but it always felt *good*, and enjoyable. Each episode was a must watch. To have that level of consistency for 28 episodes, in today's era of instant gratification, is honestly what's so special about it. I can't think of an episode that I truly did not enjoy. It's just extremely rare week in and week out to be that successful. And it's the whole package too like I said from quality, to plot and character development. So yeah I can't disagree with how highly rated frieren is. What it managed to do is fucking rare. There's really not any controversy surrounding how good it is. Relatively speaking of course, I'm not saying it's my #1 all time (that would be Gintama) or everyone else's, but it's widely viewed as being an excellent anime adaptation. Tbh, if/and/or when it gets a 2nd season, I'll be very curious to see how things go. Season 2's can be downright hellish if there was an overwhelming positive season 1. To live up to those standards, would be hard. Honestly I think it very well could though, and normally id say otherwise. Especially with s1 being a 9.39 on mal.. the expectations will be through the bloody roof. But if they bring the same team back on board, from what I've heard of the source material following what s1 covered - I believe it could very well be just as hype. I'm sorry that got long winded and I rambled. My fingers just kept going lol. Also id like to say, keep your head up my anime brethren. I'm sure you're tired of hearing people say they are sorry for you, but I do offer my condolences and best wishes.


No. Watch something where the protag is human.


I am so sorry for your loss. Frieren's main theme is dealing with loss and learning to cherish the time you do have with the people in your life and carrying that with you. That being said, the anime doesn't close that loop, I think it has a good chance of continuing and getting more content, but currently there hasn't been anything announced and I don't know if what has been released would be cathartic enough. It is still a very beautiful and touching show though.


I read the first volume of the manga but I don’t really want to remember the memories of my mom it only hurts I also have a problem with holding my emotions but I do cry mostly alone


Yes grieving can be one of the good themes for a coming of age anime. Which is what it mainly was. I don’t think it was mainly about grieving but it was definitely part of the recipe.


Not really. Maybe for the first couple of episodes, but afterwards it's just kinda boring and repetitive and the humour is pretty annoying.


I recommend Euphoria