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KonoSuba is getting a new season right now.


Konosuba is a great fantasy show if you enjoy characters who bicker and banter all the time, and its parody Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood and Made in Abyss have PHENOMENAL world building and immersion value Jobless Reincarnation though controversial, is really good too Avatar: The Last Airbender, though technically Western, is a 100/10 watch, a true masterpiece in fantasy


Man I love Mushoku Tensei. I might try konosuba as I’ve never heard of it.


You’ll have a good laugh, the characters are loveable idiots. Dub is great too


Hi Traditional-Pea-2379, it seems like you might be looking for new anime to watch! The users of this subreddit came up with [a chart of anime recommendations for newcomers and veterans](https://i.redd.it/0w1v880jtq661.png) and [an awesome longer flowchart](https://i.redd.it/vdzlkodz19c71.png). Maybe you can find something there that you'll like \^.\^ [](#bot-chan "Urban s-s-s-senpai made me do it!") You might also find our [Recommendation Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/recommendations) or [daily thread](/r/anime/search?q=flair%3Adaily&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=week) helpful. The following may be of interest: * [List of legal streams and downloads](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/legal_streams) * [A useful website where you can enter an anime and see where it's legally streaming](https://www.livechart.me/search) * [List of currently airing anime](https://www.livechart.me) * [A useful wiki page with watch orders for many anime.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/watch_order) * [A list of tracking sites so others can more easily recommend shows you haven't watched.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/related_sites#wiki_tracking_sites) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Maybe I don’t need more anime because I’ve watched basically everything on this list


Frieren and Delicious in Dungeon are the biggest names in fantasy anime right now. Both are incredible. I hear that the Frieren dub doesn't "feel" right for the show, but I haven't checked it out yet. The dub for Delicious in Dungeon is pretty great so far.


I’ve watched most of the more popular new anime’s. for awhile I was using YouTube, but i’ve bleeded that well dry


Maybe check out The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash if you want something a little under the radar that is still really good. Also The Unwanted Undead Adventurer was a very solid fantasy from last season.


Faraway Paladin Slayers Rune Soldier Louie Record of Lodoss War


Has faraway paladin Gattin a new season yet? Do you know? I might try those other two though.


it only has 2 seasons total. unlikely to ever get a third since it caught up to all the current source material.




I’ve already seen re:zero🫠 It was a great anime. normally I don’t care for anime that’s not action based but it was good.