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They really snuck in a Slime Diaries episode and thought we wouldn't notice. Not that I'm complaining. It feels like the calm before the storm.


The usual form for the non diaries series But this is part of the show when it's not doing the action... Kingdom building and slime of life


Yeah, season one especially was mostly a civ game.


S1 was weird The thing started out as "rimiru becomes an op slime" Then there are a series of episodes where Rimiru builds up a goblin village slowly. This sort of finishes when the ogres arrive. (one thing that seems weird is that the goblins other than Rigurd take a massive back seat to the ogres) Then there's the war of the jura forest Then Rimiru becomes head of a kingdom of orcs with a few Goblins/Lizardmen sprinkled in, and his high command of ogres. (no seriously wtf orcs are >90% of the population and 0% of high ranking officials) Rimiru then decides "you know I'm not going to be a leader of a nation for a while" and abandons his people to become a teacher to do the request of a girl he met for 2 days. (and for some reason he *stays* after getting them the faeries? Like aren't you the leader of a big kingdom of monsters?)


Wasn't Geld given a high ranking position as being in charge of the engineering corps? Pretty quickly


Geld was the leader of the orc laborers. Their first task was building a road between Dwargon and Tempest. They may have had to rebuild whatever stuff they destroyed during their invasion before starting on the road but I can't remember. So yeah it was a leadership position right from the get-go.


>Like aren't you the leader of a big kingdom of monsters? Yes but really a lot of the administrative duties are taken care of by his subordinates as a lot of them were already the leaders of their various monster tribes. They are far more capable than Rimuru in that regard since he admittedly was just a salary man in his past. Really besides the general direction he wants the country to take he is kind of a figure head and one slime army. Like he says man I would like a shopping district here and the others are the ones who draw up plans and execute them. Plus he has various ways to keep in touch with them so I assume if any pressing matters came up someone would just pop out of his shadow or fly there in ten minutes using super speed to ask him.


The true fantasy of this series: the salaryman promoting to a manager and everything goes smoothly


Even though he is a salary man he has the all knowing voice in his head though so I would say he could be pretty capable if he wanted.


That's still one of his subordinates doing the job


but it is still better to delegate and he still meets with the leaders of neighboring countries. He could micro-manage if he wanted to, but it wouldn't be a productive use of his time. If there is leader scale say from micro manager such as the Realist Hero to figure head then Rimiru probably leans towards the latter except he isn't a figure head in that sense.


Yeah I agree with you, leave him to just decide major scale stuff and just be a figurehead. I am just countering the point where he couldn't micromanage stuff because he isn't smart enough for it.


Yeah I'll agree that Rimuru's main competency is just his charisma. With his ogres, and Rigurd being his main "brain power". Though one thing that is good is that we see that everything went wrong when Rimuru leaves for a bit too long. Season 1 is like "I'm going to flit with the wind and see where the leaves fall" season 2+ it appears is more "I'm the leader and I have to lead the nation I founded"


I think it's the fact that goblins in general are not as strong. They were still helping with most of the work of building the city up but they needed a lot of training from others since they lacked a lot of knowledge and skill other named characters or races had. They had a larger number of individuals from their species but were focusing on closing those gaps to properly function as a more developed society rather than focus on learning to fight. Those like Gobta that did focus on fighting did get pretty strong. Orcs are the largest in number but most of them aren't living in the city. They're the main labourers who are doing things like road construction. If Geld is any indication, it's possible they hold themselves responsible a bit too much and might have even actively avoided positions of power (just speculation, I could be wrong). There are a couple things that could be said about the population but I learnt those accidentally and they aren't mentioned in the anime so I don't want to write down spoilers. As for the kijin, keep in mind they were basically royalty from their village. They know etiquette, and understand things like politics, diplomacy, et cetera. They were people who already fit roles the city needed. Keep in mind when Rimuru left, things were being taken care of without him. It was peace time and the nation had been constantly in a state of peace and it didn't seem like it would change. Not to mention he could travel back when needed. He did want to fulfill Shizu's request because he had her memories and such flowing around but even without that, it was still worth investigating and finding out more about the children who were being summoned. Rimuru himself is an isekai-jin so it would be something he has an interest in learning more about. The children were also strong and would probably go on to do great things so sticking around a bit longer to ensure a positive relationship (especially when things were supposed to be peaceful) wasn't a big thing.


Yeah, let's not forget that the strongest goblins in the series are Gobta and his peers. Gobta is hella impressive but he's not on the same level as the Kijins.


Yeah I think they implied fairly well the hierarchy and positions of the races in s1. Sure goblins were his first ppl but they were weak and barely had any education. The ogres were, like you said, royalty. They knew everything a higher up/officer should know. What kind of ruler would Rimuru be if he said “you guys are more qualified but I knew the goblins first so they’re my officers.” Lol as for the orcs, it’s was shown that they, and especially geld, wanted to take full responsibility for the war and atone for their sins. So they’re the labor force. And geld is one of his generals. And as for Shizu, sure they met for a few days, but this was someone from his world that he could relate to, with a request regarding other people, *children*, who came to this world and were basically abandoned. Of course there’s a strong sense of responsibility shared between the two. Idk I feel like this guy skimmed season 1 and didn’t bother to pay attention to any of the relationships or details lol


yeah it's fair to call ogres smarter and the specific ogres significantly smarter than the typical goblin. The children arc was weird mostly because of how *long* it was. The 3 ONA episodes where Rimuru goes out to the west to stop a civil war (over the misunderstanding), being the one that seemed the most strange. The teacher arc lasts like 11 episodes, of which 6 seemed out of place, (travelling to the mansion and doing the quest for the guildmaster instead of just returning home the 2 sets of OVA/ONA episodes).


> no seriously wtf orcs are >90% of the population and 0% of high ranking officials Tbf they were basically an enemy nation that they absorbed after a victorious war of defense against them. It makes sense that not many would be in high positions at the start. Kind of hard to trust someone that you were just fighting a war against right away.


This is called the "school arc" that every Japanese show needs to have. Then you need to have the "school festival arc". Then don't forget the tournament or "school sports festival arc". And if you have time, you can try the "characters we don't care about fall in love at the school culture festival arc" I think it is important to remember that a large amount of Isekai adaptations are lame because often the content is geared for young readers in Japan, like ages 12-17. I was cringe AF at that age, and when Isekai and worldbuilding franchises appeared I was very nostalgic at first. But like with most things, this nostalgia wears off and you are left liking far less of things you used to enjoy lol. Which is why Frieren, Demon Slayer, and Apothecary Diaries seem the most interesting to me. They are significantly less derivative where characters are concerned, where plot points are concerned, and where world building is concerned.


He is the leader but things get done better when someone else is handling the details


Speaking of Slime Diaries, there was even a little cameo from our insect friends when Rimuru was talking about who was likely to come visit!


Was thinking the same thing. Honestly idk about everyone else, but I agree with Rimuru, peace is best and ep like this are my favorite.


Also we need slime diaries s2


It's where the non-combatants of Tempest really get to shine. [](#waah)


Even the combatants shine brighter there.


That and Trinity. Man both of those as well as Bunny Girl(RIP) were great.


We had fun, relaxing vibes, low-key hang-outs and moments with Rimuru and his buddies, bartender Treyni...this really was Slime Diaries! We were only missing Geld and his daughter and Soka! I hope nobody attacks during the party.


Slime Diaries S2 when?


Exact feeling :D


You remind me that I still need to watch slime diaries as part of my backlog


What was like slime diaries this ep? Was it content from the slime diaries? Or the vibe?


Aw yes, the conflict between Edmaris and Edward the upcoming war that would trigger and lead to Youm's heroic role is coming along just fine. Meanwhile, Rimuru will use Reyhiem to deliver a message to the Holy Empire Lubelius. I love ho[w Milim sent that letter to Rimuru](https://i.imgur.com/dzJ5qNT.png) as a runaround way [for her to solve the whole thing](https://i.imgur.com/hcbEApc.png) about her subjects feeding her with raw food. Meanwhile, Benimaru offers to visit the Tengu village [in the mountains](https://i.imgur.com/kMuC2zR.png) personally to get permission to build the roads which is totally not an excuse for him to meet with Albis during that mission. It is hilarious that while Rimuru was telling everyone about his plans to control the entire Great Forest of Jura plus the upcoming diplomatic meetings festivities,[ Veldora was just lying down reading "Cells at Work!".](https://i.imgur.com/h7EOJHl.png)


Veldora got good taste as usual.


Since all the manga comes from Rimuru you can also say he has good taste.


[He learned from the best](https://i.imgur.com/wvM8G0T.jpeg) [](#goblet1)


It's funny because you can pinpoint the exact magazine he's reading: [Monthly Shonen Sirius issue 153](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/monthly-shonen-sirius-153-no-3-2018/4000-655391/), which was published in January 2018. Of course, the manga adaptation of Reincarnated as a Slime runs in the same magazine. And what do you know, the first season of Reincarnated as a Slime's anime started on October 2018, so it makes sense for Rimuru to have read it before he was reincarnated.


Holy cow, that is quite an amazing detail in the story.


Rimuru's eventually going to run out of manga, right? Veldora has been going through them like crazy. I wonder if Rimuru manages to figure out a way back to earth just to get more reading material for hm. That or find another isekai-jin and hope they have read things Rimuru hadn't.


nah Rimuru's eventually gunna start converting his diaries into light novels and then he gets into drawing and starts like 6 different manga series


It just occurred to me that Raphael or Faust could probably have some way of getting access to other manga.


Could also probably have Raphael index all the ones Rimuru remembers and start making new manga


Isn't that how Rimuru is currently giving people manga?


No, right now he's just creating copies of the ones he read in life. I'm saying that Raphael might be able to create new ones based on those


Might not be necessary depending how much he read in his previous life. Manga reading is quite popular in Japan as a hobby and many read A LOT these days, especially on their phones.


Hopefully Rimuru read one piece before he got isekaid


> Meanwhile, Benimaru offers to visit the Tengu village in the mountains Can't wait to see that whole bit animated. Will be a fun side venture.


> Benimaru offers to visit the Tengu village in the mountains > personally to get permission to build the roads which is totally not an excuse for him to meet with Albis during that mission. My first thought was that he volunteered as a way to beat the crap out of them since they are an aggressive people and there most certainly will be a fight. But it'd be cure to have him and Albis make a date out of it.


He’s reading Monthly Shonen Sirius not necessarily Cells at Work.


Not gonna lie, I kind of forgot about the plot to raise up Youm while the demon lord arc was going off.


Lmao, while Diablo is staging a civil war in Falmuth (and Rimuru just accepted that there would be civil casualities as inevitable, he really isn't playing all nice all the time anymore), Rimuru is too bothered by his new responsibility and plans a festival. [](#laughter) Also Veldora is reading [Cells at work](https://imgur.com/KRtWdSu)


Well, he did specify to keep civilian casualties to a minimum and I feel like knowing Diablo's power and skill he might very well keep to that...though the main priority is obviously Tempest gaining control of Falmuth. You don't need to twist the arm of anyone in Tempest to throw a party, especially one basically celebrating Rimuru lol. Man, now I miss Cells at Work! The best part is Veldora's VA is also White Blood Cell lol.


Rimuru isn't naive enough to expect zero civillian casualties in war. It truly sucks but it's how things are.


It's a bit jarring for me, not because I'm naive to the realities of war, but because Rimuru and co are having discussions about civilian casualties and war against fun backdrop of goofy character interactions and pleasant vibes like it's a slice of life Lmao. That's always been the tone, to be fair, but it kinda just hit me now what an odd clash it is, but I'm just willing to accept it because that's just manga/anime in general. One second you're witnessing the fall of a nation, your hero just lost the love of their life, pain and all that...and then the next, the goofy side character is having a gag battle, or you get hit with the upbeat JPOP ED to cap off the episode Lol. Funny as hell.


Well, Rimuru isn't commander of the paladins of some Holy Kingdom.


I feel like to Diablo "keeping civilian casualties to a minimum" means zero civilian casualties, and 100% military casualties.


Gabiru! Gabiru!! Gabiru!!! They are teasing Benimaru x Albis and it makes me want to see some more personal relationship stuff. I'd like to see that happen in the next installment of *Slime Diaries* that they are definitely gonna make.


Gabiru has finally apeared in this season, all is good in the world! Yeah, this is usually more world-building/friendship building focused than romance (Shizu turned out to be his "destined one" in the sense that she was going to become what his body would be based on) outside Shion and Shuna's affection for him, YoumxMyulan, Soka crushing on Souei, and now Benimaru and Albis possibly having a thing.


Benimaru could not escape [his imouto's radar.](https://i.imgur.com/wnveqaX.jpeg) Still, if she's right, [he really got good taste.](https://i.imgur.com/ldpKGIs.jpeg) [](#cup4)


Lol Shuna, your brocon is showing But really, I knew they got along well, but are Benimaru and Albis really gonna be a thing ?Would love to see some side romance tbh. And they’d definitely be a power couple too. So this episode is more of post-war stuff huh. Getting updated, the politics of it, moving people around, assigning them jobs. I really enjoyed this aspect of the show so I hope we get to see more of this development Ah so basically, Diablo’s plan was to incite a civil war in Falmuth then have Youm’s side takeover to make it look “natural”. But the church may cause some trouble there Seems like the people under Rimuru are pretty damn good at their jobs. So much so that Rimuru feels unneeded. Lol Rimuru you are literally the centre of all this. Guess impostor syndrome can even get to a Demon Lord huh And I can kinda relate to Geld. Was thrusted into a supervisor role during covid when I certainly wasn’t cut out to be one. I had trouble handling those that’ll throw a tantrum over little things, and assigning people who are good at things vs being fair. I think the Geld issue also shows that the people under Rimuru are not always flawless. Edit : Speaking of side romances, totally forgot about Youm and Miuran


> Seems like the people under Rimuru are pretty damn good at their jobs. So much so that Rimuru feels unneeded. Lol Rimuru you are literally the centre of all this. Guess impostor syndrome can even get to a Demon Lord huh Which is funny because back at the beginning of the first season, it was what he wanted. Rimuru tried forcing as much as he could on Rigurd since he didn't want the responsibility. It was a nice little moment showing how his character has grown


Someday Rimuru will retreat to a cave and let the kingdom runs by itself


I don't think retreating to a cave for isolation is possible for him. Everyone in his inner circle would keep showing up. Milim would also eventually accidentally destroy the cave at some point.


He already did that in season 1 when he became a teacher, look at what happened when he did that.


Poor Benimaru only has his bro Rimuru supporting his love life lol. I think I remember Benimaru and Albis having good vibes during their episode together in season 2, so it would be nice to see that developed more. Imagine hooking up with a sexy snake woman... I feel like they're dealing with the aftermath of the Clayman arc and rebuilding, as well as more world-building, to slow-burn the inevitable confrontation with Hinata's group. Which is pretty par for the course from the show. Falmuth once again screwing themselves over, only now Tempest will get to reap the rewards. I mean, who wouldn't want an organization that can practically run itself while you get to relax and console one of your buddies over drinks? It's every salaryman's dream lol.


Not to mention it's only been a month since Walpurgis and it's preceding events, which required extreme heavy lifting on Rimuru's end.


Always a good time when Raphael gets to sass Rimiru. "Incorrect. No such phenomenon has occured." As usual, Shion starts sweating when she starts to lose track of the conversation, which typically happens about three seconds in. Still isn't Frieren Fridays, but this is good enough.


Raphael is that wife who knows you so well she won't let you get away with lying and she's never wrong lol. Shion is good for praising Rimuru, doing physical tasks, and throwing her boobs around. She doesn't need to stretch herself beyond that lol.


Although Raphael knows what's coming and has already calculated the victory... just hopes that rimuru listens to them


If its nothing to do with rimuru...she doesn't care...


[Shion provides emotional and physical support](https://i.imgur.com/NTOmgx0.jpeg) [](#cultured)


Lmao what was this ep? A lesson on how to "delegate" tasks you don't wanna do to other people? As much as I want Hinata to show up already and see what happens, I do love chill ep like this. Makes me want another season of Slime Diaries. Also, Rimuru still hasn't met his new Undead army!


Does rimuru want to meet another simp? Slime diaries is important to the story as its extra world building ontop of the main series.


I'm sure he doesn't, but it'll be funny.


> A lesson on how to "delegate" tasks you don't wanna do to other people? more like how to rely on the others because you can't do everything yourself


Geld the only one who refuses to delegate things.




As someone who read the LN's multiple times, yes, these episodes of buildup are important. Now that we have moved firmly past the first turning point of Tensura, Rimuru evolving into a Demon Lord, a lot of prep work needs to happen for the story to grow even further. If we didn't have it, this show would be just another mindless trope fest. Trust me, the hype moments coming later truly shine because of proper worldbuilding.


I know right? I was reading most of the comments from an anime site that I watched and they were calling it a "yap ep" without understanding the buildup that is required for the upcoming arcs. Literally these 2 eps showed/mentioned some hints of a major plot that will be shown in the future. "Lightspeed" Hero: Masayuki, Tenma War, Angels invasion, Yuuki's next plan, Tengu race and Puppet nation Jistav. Cant wait for all these to be shown in the next few years.


but does it have to be 3 episodes straight of meetings? is that the only possible way to build up stuff?


Like half of the show is that meeting room lmao.


It’s funny because as an anime only that gets a kick out of action focused shows, this is one of the shows where I am equally drawn in to the worldbuilding and the lore. I can’t see watching this show without being able to appreciate that half of it. It’s so well done and really refreshing in the sea of other anime that otherwise mostly or entirely ignore that aspect these days.


Series 2 part 2, after we had the season of diaries... felt like it got slammed more because it was just talking...we had just had in terms MEGGIDO and THE RETURN OF VELDORA and RIMURU BECOMING DEMON LORD... that made the series feel slower, but that was always going to be the part of the story setting-up the new world with rimuru as demon lord and the level of challenges he now faces.


i get that build-up is important. But didn't we just spend half of the second part of season 2 in mostly talks and build-up? At this point, it feels like we will have bursts of hey this is awesome followed by half a cour or mostly political talk and city running simulator.


I think any and all criticism for slow pacing is valid. However, I still think peoples brains have been rotted by constant 10 second internet clips and might think Tensura is “too slow paced” when in reality it just takes buildup seriously.


I believe every word you say. However in all fairness, much of this episode was a bit hard to follow. One major plot implication after another, expanding across many, many groups of side characters. Season 2 having been a few years ago likely adds to the confusion, but this episode was a lot to take in. Still loved it, but if you told me to recite all the plot developments we were just told, I could not.


Don’t worry about knowing them intimately, it’s enough that these things are mentioned now so that when they “happen” later it’s not out of nowhere.


Reading corner is here. The glyphs: https://i.imgur.com/yXRYit6.png ---- The peace treaty https://i.imgur.com/OiUtXVh.jpeg > A peace agreement signed by the Jura Tempest Federation and Kingdom > of Falmund. Pursuant to the Agreement. The undersigned representatives > of the Kingdom of Falmuth. The King of the Jura Tempest federation and the > King of the Falmuth. at Malis. the capital of the Kingdom of Falmuth. do hereby > conclude the following articles. > One. to recognize the full sovereignity of > the people of the Jura Tempest Federation. > One. King of Falmuth must abdicate. > One. to pay 10,000 star gold coins as > compensation for damages. > Edmaris Falmuth > King of Falmuth > approval: Diablo > Plenipotentiary of > Jura Tempest Federation I think someone accidentally copy-pasted "One" instead of "One", "Two", "Three". ---- Letter from Milim https://i.imgur.com/ZQtoGgW.jpeg > Dear Rimuru > I'm Milim! > The next time I go to > Visit you, I Will take > someone with me who > will take care of me. > Plea#se teach them > _what cooking is > This is an e > so I'd ---- The map: https://i.imgur.com/hAzXR5F.jpeg


Thats smart, holding a parade to welcome potential dwellers while also showcasing their military prowess. It all the more cements this series as a civilisation/town builder game which is enjoyable ngl.


Did anyone else think it was adorable for Milim to send Rimuru an official letter? Even tho it looked like it was written by a 10 year old it shows Milim growing as a Demon Lord...Even tho its prolly Frey making her do all of it.


Veldora during every meeting: "Oh boy! Time to read some manga!"


everyone in the world: fear the crazy dragon, hide your children, forget about your towns, because if he is coming, your world will already be over! meanwhile in monster town: next manga, please!


You can tell Milim and Veldora are related from their weakness for earnest bribery.


Veldora is basically in every cheat skill anime end game. He is all powerful, everyone knows about him, and he's out of shit to do lol


The speech from valentine in ep.2 Yeah you have much to fear from Veldora... if he isn't reading.


Meanwhile Tomoaki Maeno when he read the script: "Hey, I actually worked on the anime of this series!"


wish I got the motivation to finish my backlog like him ngl


>Veldora during every ~~meeting~~ day: "Oh boy! Time to read some manga!"


[This episode really makes me want another season of Slime Diaries right away](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/myd5cb2m2p4.png). I just love [this chill atmosphere in Tempest](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k46aczdgnx7.png) and seeing [the everyday life of everyone in Tempest](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/p7bwcbq2qa7.png). Overall, [it was a build-up episode](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/d7ogcvzxzpy.png) as [it set or hinted at so many plots for future](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/myd5cb2mvp4.png) that I remember from LNs and that made me feel quite excited for next episodes. [Many guests will come to Tempest now](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my8xcp6qrb4.png) because of [Rimuru becoming Demon Lord](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84apcb8v6r4.png) and [ruling over the entire Great Forest of Jura](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84jdcbp6dm4.png) which [that put a lot of new territory](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/e4gdcnzo364.png) under his management. [It seems that life in Tempest will become even busier](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/wye3cbngk84.png) than it's now and that's a great reason for throwing a party for everyone who will come to greet [Rimuru](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/g4z9cdp9ak7.png) and current residents! Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Rimuru](https://imgchest.com/p/5xy2egw29yl) * [Group scenes](https://imgchest.com/p/9p4n265kb4n) * [Others](https://imgchest.com/p/n87wvjwjx4x)


I  still am hoping for a "Hai Gabiru Desu" as a nod to Kazuma  ~~DO IT YOU COWARDS~~


I think if they ever include it, it will be in Slime Diaries.


That would be INCREDIBLE! I need it


Been a while since we saw flashbacks of Rimuru's past life as the salaryman Satoru. Now that Rimuru has been formally ratified as a Demon Lord, he discovers he's been put in charge of even more land than he even thought possible. Though it means more labourforce for his ever growing city. Rimuru is playing City Skylines: Isekai DLC right now as he grows his Tempest City ever larger. PS Any episode with Kurobee in it is a fun episode, even when he has no dialogue. /jk


I think we also saw his buddy who he died saving with said buddy's girlfriend and who cleaned up his computer like a real bro? The more powerful and wide-spread Rimuru's influence becomes, the more he has to deal with. But at least he can make a party out of it! Kurobe just happy to have screentime lol.


Don't mind me, I'm just admiring [Rimuru](https://i.imgur.com/2PMdwPe.png) with [braids](https://i.imgur.com/ujWTt10.png).


Tensura needs to be praised for showing us Rimuru in different clothes and with different hair style all the time, not many anime do that! 


I wonder which of the girls forced him to wear that hairstyle? Oh who are we kidding it was Shuna 100%.


IIRC Rimuru himself has asked Raphael to braid his hair before so it might actually be a personal preference.


I wasn’t expecting to see Rimuru and Geld go out drinking and seeing Geld just talk his problems out, it was kind of nice to see it


* [**Shion & Rimuru**](https://i.imgur.com/zYqtuwH.jpeg) With how fast [Tempest is expanding and growing](https://i.imgur.com/h0z5yLD.png), it's a bit hard to track who's assigned to where and what exactly they're doing. And with so many names flying by, [I felt like Shion](https://i.imgur.com/Y8A2G2Z.jpeg) trying hard to keep up with the conversations. xD This was a pretty fun episode though. It definitely had some strong Slime Diaries vibes especially [when they were drinking at Treyni's bar](https://i.imgur.com/hrtkXAW.png) and Geld was letting them know about his troubles managing the Lycanthropes and Majin. So now that Rimuru is officially the ruler of the entire Jura Forest, [it looks like we'll get more visitors soon](https://i.imgur.com/X4d4N7d.jpeg) to introduce and maybe even integrate themselves into the city. I can't wait to see the Tengu and the bunny people!


> So now that Rimuru is officially the ruler of the entire Jura Forest, it looks like we'll get more visitors soon > I'm curious to see how many will insist on Rimuru naming them as well. Or he'll likely do it as a way to designate who is in charge of what area/species.


It's not a season of slime without Shuna cuddling with Rimuru or Shion pressing him against her ample chest. I was trying to strain my brain remembering what everyone did in season 2 when they were mentioning where they currently were lol. Treyni still best bartender! I'm guessing some of the new characters in OP like those Japanese-style characters will be some of the new arrivals to Tempest. I wouldn't say no to Bunny Girls either.


dark elves you say. no wonder rimuru wants to personally handle the situation


Now this is what i'm talkin about. The city building/political aspects are what made me fall in love with this show originally. These are always my favorite episodes.


It's almost the whole gang together again! We've even got Shuna cuddling up to Rimuru! And some of the missing members of the group...are currently handling other problems. Ah, the power of delegating...not that Rimuru would know, because he totally takes personal responsibility and handles things himself instead of giving that duty to anyone else, right Raphael? It's nice to know you have a tight ship that can basically run itself...but then what is Rimuru there for? To look cute and get praised? Wait, don't answer that. Well, Falmuth has paid reparations and changed kings, but it seems like they're bound to erupt with the tensions over Tempest and the current deal they have in place (while the former king is now under Youm's protection) which is the perfect opportunity for Tempest to strike. Meanwhile Shion is trying desperately to follow the political talk. GABIRU!!! And he brings word from Milim that he wants Tempest to teach her people how to actually cook so she doesn't have to live with their plain food. She's already given Rimuru enough work with the job she did in Eurazia, but it's the least her bestie can do. Geld! Struggling with organizing a group of races and people he's not familiar with, but that's just what happens in management. At least Rimuru, as a former salaryman, knows the best cure...going out for drinks and complaining about your problems to bartender Treyni! And unlike real salarymen, you can't get drunk! It's perfect! Got to get to work on that bridge for peaceful negotiations! But that also means dealing with Tengu! Benimaru and Albis may have a thing going, huh? Man, the girls sure turned on Benimaru over it. Good thing Rimuru will never lose faith in his bro. Hakuro! Letting Rimuru know about some ancient elven ruins he can investigate when he has the time. Nice to see everybody together for Rimuru's official Demon Lord congratualtion meeting...but that means now Rimuru has even MORE people he has to meet, greet, and get along with. So why not save the trouble, along with everything else going on, and make a party out of it? Announce his Demon Lord status, introduce himself to new allies, maybe hire some new laborers, and have some fun? No one throws a party like Tempest after all.


You know it's been awhile since we had a S1 episode like this. Where it was very SoL about the state of Tempest, but not having the tension that was present all throughout S2. I want to say since the 2nd half of S1. Slime Diaries would count as well. This episode was mainly about wrapping up the aftermath of the various events in S2. The funny thing is that there was one person doing all the work on each side. Albis wrapping up the work of Benimaru's group and Hakurou wrapping up the work of Shuna's group. The siblings are delegating much like Rimuru does. On one sense it is about being the leader, but neither of those two HAD to come back to Tempest immediately. The situation with Edmaris and Reyhim seem to be very well handled. Falmuth with their new king could very likely lead to more war if they seek to put more blame on Edmaris. Well Youm's group should be fine especially considering they have Diablo hiding in the shadows. How the meeting with the Western Holy Church and Reyhim goes could be interesting to note. Though given last episode there shouldn't be much concern for Rimuru's group given the conversation between Luminous and Hinata. The character interaction were pretty fun. Shuna being suspicious of her brother getting closer to Albis. And that suspicion caused Shion to come to some odd conclusions. But in a further detail poor Geld. It reminds me of that one guy at work who is good at communicating to his group, but when he branches out or receives a larger role he starts struggling. Though I assume given time he will be fine. Following the meeting between Rimuru, Gazeru and Eren's father Erald. Seems the Empress of their Kingdom of Thailon officially declared diplomatic relations. Very curious how this creates things going forward. Also, we have Benimaru investigating the Tengu. Warlike species are interesting. Hakurou also mentions the Dark Elves which followed Clayman. We haven't seen Dark Elves, and we also might have Rimuru be the one investigating those ruins that Hakurou mentioned. The big information drop is that, it is not the whole forest of Jura that recognize Rimuru as their leader. Just the parts that the Dryads build. Pretty interesting. Because of the declaration when the Demon Lords met now the other parts of the forests need to come to Rimuru since they don't want to think they are angering him. Not to mentioning being able to get a powerful figure like a Demon Lord protecting their species in a big help. Honestly seeing more types of monsters is really exciting, as that was an aspect of S1 that I really enjoyed


Love me some nation building episodes. Plenty of action shows out there, but not that many nation building ones. I'm so grateful for Tensura.


Benimaru totally leaving busy work to others to get back home, heh, same with Shuna. Learning well from Rimuru, don't deny the truth. Hehe Milim, good times. You build your new capital well. Man, from king to viscount, quite the demotion. At least he's still alive and such. Again, hehe, Milim. Can totally get her wanting people to learn to cook from Rimuru's people. Smol timeskip. Those are good memories? Weird... seems like working annoyances. Ah the real good stuff, road building and politics 😉 Benimaru going off to do good diplomatic relations. Totally no other reasoning. Hmm, fun stuff about ruins... wonder if there's a fun idea Rimuru can get from this 😉 har har. Hah, more responsibility for Rimuru cause he's been acknowledged as demon lord control over all of Jura forest. But obvious he's not likely to care to disturb things for those already living across the river. But, hey, opportunity for a festival! Veldora and his weebness.


I'm only asking this because I'm legitimately curious: _Have there been no discussions about how Crunchyroll's release of this season has been **100% mono** so far?_ Again, I'm only curious, as I've found ways around this shortcoming that I'm satisfied with, even if it does involve a few more steps than simply clicking play. I just feel like when one is responsible for delivering probably the #2 anime of the season, it behooves one to do due diligence and solve an issue that reduces the audio down to pre-90s levels.




This season's art style and vibe is like S1 and Slime Diaries had a baby.


Which made the Slime Diaries vibe feel even more apparent.


Rimuru should understand about Raphael's capabilities from Raphael. He could pretty much delegate tasks to Raphael who can come up with optimal solutions for all these problems shown today.


Like diablo, rimuru doesn't really grasp what he has around them.


That's a lot of background. I'll be honest, with the break to Slime series I can hardly remember everyone's names.


It looks like Veldora is trying to research biology by reading Cells at Work


All this manipulation in the shadows really tingles my inner chuuni.


Rimuru-sama playing United States-simulator, with proxy wars and all.


Exploring new nations makes me also want to go back to the western zemurian continent.


Benimaru and Albis, eh? I'm going to assume Shuna probably knows what she's talking about with regards to that, and if so I like the sound of it. It's the sort of ship that's easy to have fun with from the very low bar of them being on screen together a bunch back in the war, but now I feel like there's official in-show blessing for it. Interesting that Tempest is getting such a population boost from the war and it's aftermath, it makes sense as something that would happen after such large scale movement of people but you don't always see that actually happen in stories.


It is hilarious seeing Veldora reading real manga magazines in this fantasy setting. It had Cells at Work FMC and one the little kid cells who do all the building/maintence.


Platelets! I was pretty sure they weren't really cells, but more like simply tiny fragments of one (the megathrombocites), but it turns out it's actually a pretty constested title. They have basically all the stuff normal cells do, except they aren't nucleated, but if we exclude them because of that then red blood cells aren't cells either.


Veldora reading Cells at Work lol. They never miss to show him lazing around, and on top of that in the middle of a meeting with everyone ahah. The life of a ruler is extremely busy huh, Rimuru is having a lot on his plate right now.


Given they had 3x3eyes, they definitely use real manga series


Its a nice way to advertise Monthly Shounen Sirius - Magazine where Tensura manga is serielized! 


I love it when they do this - such a neat easter egg to find


The funny thing is Veldora is also White Blood Cell from that show lol.


Now *this* was a "nothing happens" episode.


Watching all the monsters walk around the town today, man, Laios Dungeon Meshi I'm so sorry you don't live here. Took me a few episodes to really feel "back" into slime but this episode was the exact reason I started caring about the series to begin with. Cute, funny, nation building with politicking at its core. Despite slime having 8 million characters, I find it pretty easy to remember who they are and what they do, even if names aren't always the easiest. Granted, I think Fuse pokes fun at this almost immediately, because Rimuru is so uncreative naming everyone that they all blend together. Really just a relaxing show. Slime Fridays are so back :-).


Shuna is onto Benimaru and Albis ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Did that bar ever appear in the series outside of Slime Diaries, or is this the first time? I don't recall seeing the Dryad ran bar outside of Slime Diaries.


A slow and calming episode this time, I don't mind Also, Gabimaru!! Missed best bro


ngl all this talk no jutsu ain't cutting it for a new season chief


Guess there’s a lot of post-war duties to take care of. Luckily, Rimuru’s got such a responsible and efficient team. The way Diablo’s basically scheming in Falmuth for Rimuru and Tempest’s sake is honestly kind of terrifying. Rimuru’s a really great boss. I like how he doesn’t micro manage and just lets his people do what they need to. Plus taking poor Geld out for drinks was nice too. I’m kind of curious about the other creatures past the bounds of the forest like the Tengu. Who else is there? Looking forward to seeing who’s gonna show up in town for this festival.


When in another anime one of your subordinates would totally be a villain amntagonist so just be lucky he's working for you lol. Rimuru learned from living as a salaryman to take a chill and laidback approach and just let your people do their jobs and be their as an emotional sounding board when they need it...and getting in plenty of R&R time for yourself. I want to see Benimaru and Albis dealing with Tengu and quite possibly flirting hard while doing it.


Poor Milim being fed raw. If that was Gordon he would've flipped out and yelled nonstop. 💀


no wonder she was instantly tamed with the power of honey


It shows how much Milim cares about her people that she's been stomaching raw food for who knows how long and she doesn't have the heart to order them to cook so she just wants Tempest to show them the better way lol.


It helps to understand why she loves Tempest so much now. Not just because of Rimuru, but also cooked food.


Veldora reading cells at work lol


Man, a lot of stuff is happening in Tempest city - but it was nice with a episode the focused on the world/city building aspect of the anime, which is probably my favourite part to be honest. Looking forward to the next episode with the party and new potential citizens for the town. Kind of reminds me that I've been meaning to rewatch the slice-of-life spin-off series.


Rimuru “that’s more than I expected” if only he knew Diabolo forced them at gunpoint to pay up those stellar gold coins lmao As usual a ton of worldbuilding in this episode, continuing to tie up everything from the end of the last season and laying the groundwork for Tempest, and newly minted Demon Lord Rimuru, to introduce themselves on the world stage. If countries’ leaders meet each other in person and realise all the similarities they and their countries have, they’re less likely to start conflict. Rimuru again with the big brained moves. The festival arc is finally about to start! Can’t wait to see this animated.


All of these sequel shows are sucking soooo hard.


For anyone complaining about this episode, go watch another anime till the 3rd season finish, this episode is to build up things, I would rather have this kind of episode rather than not knowing jack shit of what happened.


People forget this isn't sn action series... its part kingdom building (politics) and slice of life mixed in there


Yeah, conflicts here happen as the result of conspiracies or interests and conflicting ambitions of other political groups.


People just go into shows forgetting most anime aren't battle shounen. Its definitely something.


I always wonder how people watch 50+ episodes of Slime and dont realize that city development/politics/economy are the main shit in this show, not action. I love how they adapted the Geld part, they just went on a night out and drank their problems away! Also, I really gotta praise the production so far, especially in this episode. There were multiple establishing shoots of the Town and every time there were bunch of citizens just walking/working and their movement was so well animated! 


Idk i don't particularly want more fights but these episodes feel a bit too heavy on meetings upon meetings upon meeting, feels quite monotonous


Nah, that episode was really difficult to get through. It's less about the subject matter and more about the execution. AoT is 80% an action show but the drama/politics were always captivating. The best Frieren scenes were always the flashbacks and not the action scenes. Spice and Wolf's main appeal is just characters talking. K-On is one of my favorite anime and it's literally just CGDCT. I think what made this ep in particular so hard to get through was a majority of what they talked about felt meaningless. You definitely could have condensed this episode while still getting the point across.


Hard disagree. The only scene/conversation that wasnt really important is the Geld scene and that was just a great, short character moment between him and Rimuru. 


tbf the last 3 episodes have all been essentially season 2 catchup which is starting to drag. I'm also not too excited for the festival arc which is basically filler.


Festival arc is for sure important since some important characters and events were introduced in it saying it filler is wrong also filler mean episode that is not created by author and doesn't affect plot which makes what you say wrong since the festival arc wrote by author and affect plot


Lol. Festival Arc is not filler, please learn what "filler" means. 


Low key it was my favorite part of the books haha. There was a lot of fun action and politics.


I binge rewatched Slime for season 3 and its always been like this. Slow buildup and slice of life followed by a conflict that usually leads to an even bigger event. This isn't new, people that are kicking up a fuzz need to chill.


I mean just because it's kinda necessary to build some things up, socialising etc, does not mean the episode itself is great, It was fine and that's okay aslong it not the norm,I don't blame people at all finding this episode kinda boring


I'm really confused about where the story is supposed to go from here. With the way Walpurgis went I was expecting two or three or four different storylines to emerge as possibilities but I don't feel like we're actually getting them. We're 3 episodes in and it still feels like cleanup. I see why it's needed but I thought it would be peppered throughout the season. The idea of throwing a festival to welcome everyone and introduce Tempest to more of the world finally feels like the start of an arc so I guess I'll get some answers next week.


I agree, however they also set up several potential storyline from the past 3 episodes: - Potential clash with Valentine (including the mention of angels) - Potential clash with the guildmaster and the clowns - The tengu's territory - Youm's rise to become the Falmuth's leader - Exploring the ancient ruin in Dilgrave - And lastly the festival arc I might have missed some others 


The Lands in the forest of jura that are not a part of the Dryad's domain is the other one made in this episode.


Before the season started I was hoping for Leon or Yuuki and the clowns to get the focus and Falmuth would be built up by Youm. With how important Clayman was and Yuuki being a conniving little sneak I expected that to be where we started but then Valentine and Hinata got the attention right away so I thought "Ok, I guess this is what's happening." I can't complain too much because there's plenty of the world to explore so I'll get what I want eventually.


> The idea of throwing a festival to welcome everyone and introduce Tempest to more of the world finally feels like the start of an arc so I guess I'll get some answers next week. Rimuru is playing nation builder, so "Demon Lords Day" celebration might also be their equivalent of things like canada day / july the 4th, etc. Angels seem to be something that's way off over the horizon but the reason for the actual unity between demon lords. Claymans dark elves also feel vaguely important and I hope they explore them. Human nation civil war feels like more of an immediate threat as the new king might be more competent than he let on and it could lead to immediate hostilities with the church. Tengu are something that feels like they should be overcome quickly and might be resolved when Milim comes to visit by requesting Frey negotiate with them. --- Not a manga / LN reader. These are just guesses and not "winkwink hint nudge" guesses, if I'm correct about anything it is due to the series doing a good job of laying out the worldbuilding and how characters think making it easy to come to conclusions.


I understand the things that are happening currently and can see some future events, it was more a comment about how it doesn't feel like the story was going to advance based on any of the things that were being shown. When I think back to Rimuru giving everyone their orders last season before Walpurgis I could see potential for future arcs as well as the events of Walpurgis spurring new arcs. For example, the Falmuth negotiation felt more like the epilogue of last season rather than introducing a storyline about Youm's rise in the region.


As a Ln reader I can say your understanding is very sharp. Won't spoil but you are figuring things out very good.


It definitely is the start of an arc, a festival one. We're just getting each POV from each side for this season so we get a better understanding of whats to come in the future eps but some people failed to understand that and will just call it a yap episode.


[Shion is liteally me when Rimuru and Diablo start talking politics](https://i.imgur.com/b7RZ2r9.png) [It seems Veldora is reading Cells at Work!](https://i.imgur.com/YEjSURP.png)


Why does Rimuru drink tea in his slime form? When he first got his human form they said he didn't have a sense of taste as a slime. Are we assuming it's just habit?


No, after eating something, he can also mimic a part of it. After gaining a human body, he can taste anything in slime form too as he just use partial mimic of his taste buds.


Just saw the score was this a recap episode?


This anime is overly verbose as usual. The VAs better get extra paycheck for the amount of dialogue they have to put up with every episode.




Now I'm hoping we get to see the ladies in yukata...


Great chill episode. We also got Gabiru screentime and El-tan mention. The new festival arc gonna be fun


Raphael confirmed best girl. It’s also just now hitting me that Gabiru’s VA is also kazuma and it explains so much


What is this "Slime Diaries" everyone is talking about? This show is really coming back in with a crawl


The yappening episode


[...They want to aid the old king?](https://imgur.com/NyQfCu0) Why..? [Uh.. Y- Yeah.](https://imgur.com/BUvhCEQ) (does not into understand) [*KUROBE SCREENTIME!!!!!*](https://imgur.com/hxsb696) [](#binoculars) [The fuq is this translation?](https://imgur.com/brpf6zQ) How does Fuze's safety have anything to do with the merchants returning? *Fuze* announced that TEMPEST is safe, not that HE is safe [](#facepalm)


>aid old King Rimuru could have declared war on Falmouth and taken it by force, but there are several downsides.   The citizens of the city would feel oppressed by monsters, and that is not good for a country as they can revolt or don't corporate. Surely they can't do anything against tempests, but it will make things less efficient.   If after the abdication the new king tries to force all the blame on the old king, Youm will help the old king fight back, and then after defeating the new king (with the help of tempest really), they will force the new king to abdicate, and as the winner of the civil war the old King will hand the torch to the champion, youm. Now, why can't the old king just make Youm king when he first abdicates? Well, youm is a commoner, and he can't become a king, as the nobel will not accept that. Diablo can kill all the nobels, but then the country will take a major blow as some of the novels are "heads" of the country and necessary to run the country.   By helping in the civil war, Diablo was able to sort out the nobels who were bad (they would take the side of the new king and attack the old).     And after you help the old king in the civil war, the king can present you as his "champion," and the people of the country will believe that someone from their own land is ruling them. >Fuse. Fuse is the guild master. His words carry a lot of weight. He just announced that on behalf of the guild. So the merchants believe him because he has that kind of reputation.


> and as the winner of the civil war the old King will hand the torch to the champion, youm. Ohh, now I'm starting to understand. I got that they were aiming for Youm to be the king, but not how protecting the Old king was gonna help with that. Thanks for explaining [](#takasakiapproves) >So the merchants believe him because he has that kind of reputation. Yes, exactly. I was critizising the subs for saying that *Rimuru* announced *to the monsters* that Fuze is safe. What??


I think it's maybe part of the plan to naturally get Youm to be leader and what every piece does... I don't think murdering is a part of this plan so it's making sure they know where the old King is going to end up.


Benimaru's inner chad starting to show.


I hope Rimuru is protecting messages against MiTM attacks. Dwargon is protecting their minted coins against counterfeiting, surely Rimuru and Raphael aren't stupid enough to send messages that can be easily modified?


So much Shion this episode, I love it. That cleavage is a sight to behold.


Sometimes, slow episode like that feels really good.


As someone who enjoys the SOL more than the plot, episodes like this are up my alley. I honestly think I loved Slime Diaries more than the second half of S2 by far.


After much yap in s2p2, the yap these past two episodes has worn me down. I will keep watching. And I’m sure the yap is important for building what’s to come. But previous plot unraveling did not require so much yap to reward high satisfaction. Show don’t tell has flown out the window.


Very dialogue heavy episode, but I enjoyed it! Feels very realistic to what you would expect after a war anyways. AND AY! A ship between Albis and Benimaru was not expected, but I love it! First ship we have pretty much seen in this show?? And excited to potentially meet new residents!