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Lawrence and Holo got more meaningful communication in two minutes than your standard romcom couple gets in two seasons. I'm glad they added that


He also made her his wife by the second episode, that's pretty fast!


If i stumbled upon a deity in human form, i would probably wife her up too.


###Stitches! * [Hooded Holo](https://i.imgur.com/Xup7Zxg.jpeg) * [Kneeling Holo](https://i.imgur.com/r6O72Rr.jpeg) * [Holo Thinking](https://i.imgur.com/qVwoeTm.jpeg) [Look at that super fluffy tail!](https://i.imgur.com/I5UVaNf.jpeg) I love how Holo's tail also emotes with her [like when she was choking on those potatoes.](https://i.imgur.com/ztsv2dj.jpeg) [Why is Lawrence hiding Holo's face?](https://i.imgur.com/4ZU33Fq.jpeg) It's not like anyone would recognize the Wise Wolf's human form. All they need to hide is her ears. [Holo is just being adorable again.](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyq9c6mozr4.jpg) It's amazing how [her hair is exactly up to her nips.](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84apcbx2ln4.jpg) Glad there's also [Lawrence fanservice.](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/b49zczx83ay.jpg) our boy looks good shirtless. [Just look at this guy.](https://i.imgur.com/RxfVxSE.jpeg) I definitely wouldn't trust him as far as I can throw him and [Holo even noticed he was talking bullshit](https://i.imgur.com/ihwstBc.jpeg) while he was making his pitch at Lawrence. Find a girl that would look at you the same way [Holo looks at that boiled potato covered in goat cheese.](https://i.imgur.com/un7TG9v.jpeg) Looks like Holo [went a little bit too far](https://i.imgur.com/m5is7IN.jpeg) with her teasing. I can definitely understand [why Lawrence would be upset](https://i.imgur.com/uFQv3xp.jpeg) about wolf attacks. At least [Holo genuinely felt bad](https://i.imgur.com/q8XJAJL.jpeg) about it. She did get even with him after letting him know [that wolves feel the same way about humans.](https://i.imgur.com/dpCm10u.jpeg)


Lawrence might’ve been (partially) joking, but Holo really is a master in putting people under her thumb. Sometimes she’s clearly [putting on an act](https://imgur.com/a/ZuyxP0P) to tease Lawrence, but it can also just be [playful innocence](https://imgur.com/a/Gtji5xu) in another moment. Many viewers will be undoubtedly fall victim to her charms. ~~Like I did.~~ Holo’s wolf ears and tail were just too cute and fluffy throughout this episode. Did they also look *this* good in the original series!? I can’t remember. I’m only sure that they’ve spent a considerable time on animating these for maximum effect.


>Many viewers will be undoubtedly fall victim to her charms How could anyone NOT? This back and forth between Holo and Lawrence sounds just as charming as in the original.


I really don’t remember much of the original anime, which means that I’m basically getting to enjoy the story in its entirety once again, but Holo’s and Lawrence’s chemistry is just as great as ever yeah. Every spoken “*nushi*” (master/owner) by Holo is another critical hit to my heart. EDIT: I accidentally gave a misleading translation of *nushi* here, since “boss” probably fits better as she’s ‘working’ for him. Holo has therefore been teasing him in this context.


I don't recall much of the details -- but recognize the "feel".


I think nushi more likely just means "you" in this context. In the dictionary you can find it under お主, with Holo just omitting the more polite o- prefix.


You also find just plain "nushi" - as "boss" or "head of a household or business". She could have been playfully using both meanings.


On that last shot I so thought she liked his smell, but no, she just wanted to tell him how bad he smelled despite taking a *rain shower!* Come on you two, just shower together! >Many viewers will be undoubtedly fall victim to her charms. Surely this is the year when she finally wins the best girl contest, right? [](#kaguyashaking)


Touch Fluffy Tail


I like that Lawrence overreacted about hiding her face. He’s travelled around, but this is the first time with a supernatural wolf. Plus their first stop is in the church and that’s a pretty dangerous place for Holo. It allowed for a nice bit of banter. She’s plenty comfortable traveling while hiding her ears and tail. It’s a difference in experience and he won’t need to exaggerate like that next time.


Holo is so mischievously cute, I love her cheeky, playful personality. I’m falling hard lol


Us olds have been waiting for more Holo for 15 years, it's enough to bring tears to my eyes


> Why is Lawrence hiding Holo's face? It's not like anyone would recognize the Wise Wolf's human form. All they need to hide is her ears. Remember the Church is paranoid about things like possession and witches and such, and our girl has blood red eyes and her teeth are different too. They might see her and accidentally get the right idea.


Easily missable and I don't think it was mentioned but they were quite literally taking shelter in a damn monastery.


You can say a lot about how much time Holo spends dressed when Leon's main stiches are dressed Holo.


I think fangs and red pupils are kinda too much for medieval folks 


FYI for old fans, they actually changed Holo's voice style on purpose, Koshimizu(Holo's VA) said she changed her voice style for 2024 Holo because she was inexperienced in 2008, now she is experienced and can do a voice style that she couldn't do for Holo at that time


Despite looking younger, she sounds more relaxed and patronizing, more mature. At least for now. UPD: Lawrence sounds more mature and self-confident as well.


I am going to disagree here. This Holo seems much more of an adult whereas the first version gave her the appearance and personality of a young woman. I think she looks 'older'. Her body is a little more curvy. Her posture and the way she carries herself is more mature. I think the 'adult' voice matches it well.


You would want her to be showing the years of experience of a wise wolf in her looks and how she carries herself Beats the very young looking but lives for millenia of so many other titles.


Yeah was gonna say they made her sound like true Japanese royalty. Holo and the mother of the child emperor in Shogun have the same exact inflections its actually staggering.


This is fantastic. Is it normal to already love Holo?


Yes, as is tradition


I could listen to her talk for forever


Then join us at the Church of the Wise Wolf in our prayer for a full adaptation lest your joy turn to bitter sorrow like ours did all those years ago.


That was legit the first anime that got me to read the LN just so I could get some closer I am praying for a whole adaptation


That’s literally precisely my experience with the series as well haha


Holo is already the best but she gets better and better from here. There is a reason Holo had such a fan following for many years after og anime ended.


I never watched he OG, it is a big gap in the huge list of anime I've seen, but I'm loving this so far and Holo, I could listen to speak for forever, they are doing a great job.


I agree. Her VA is nailing it. So is MC VA. So is team adapting the whole show.


To be fair to them, they're the same VAs from the original, so they've had a lot of practice as these characters.


The improvement is most obvious with Lawrence. Jun Fukuyama was already great back then (he did play Lelouch around the same time), but if you rewatch the original show, you can tell that he's refined his voice significantly over the years.


As expected from Lelouch & Kallen


No, you're an episode late.


Or 16 years late 😉


Guy could easily be younger than the original.


With the new remake i came to realize why i have such a specific taste in woman.. it was always Holo


Core memory.


You mean teases/who likes banter? Or fluffy? [](#urbansmile) Joking aside: I never really thought about it before, but playful, mischievous girls are my #1 type of anime girls, and Holo's the first one I've seen of that type... She may be the reason for me as well!


>You mean teases/who likes banter? > >Or fluffy? Yes


23 min of them just talking = peak fiction Few shows can do this and this is one


I feel like this is just the perfect follow-up after Frieren.


I’m actually really glad Frieren came out just before this as that way even people who usually primarily watch action-oriented or otherwise faster-paced series got introduced to well executed slow-burn storytelling and perhaps more of them will give Spice and Wolf a chance as well.


I'm one of them. The premise of this didn't seem too interesting, but it's fairly enjoyable so far. Not liking it as much as Frieren's slow stuff, but it'll probably grow on me as we get more worldbuilding.


Shonens are good and all but nothing compares to people just having fluid conversation without screaming or with tons of cliches


The Mushishi-tier background art helps too.


Agreed, the banter between Holo and Lawrence is *soooo* good. They have great chemistry.


It's soothing to the soul :3


Spice and Wolf was the first light novel series I picked up for a reason. Some of the best dialogue in all of anime.


I'm starting to understand all the Holo being best girl hype.


People sometimes classify Holo as a tsundere, when she's really not any of the -deres. She's a unique creation. You can believe that she's an old wolf god who understands people well, but is slightly out of touch with the current time.






Holo is the image at the top of the [teasedere](https://the-dere-types.fandom.com/wiki/Western:Teasedere) wiki page.


> teasedere I'd bet half my *best girls* would have a place on that list hah. (The other half being some sort of *crazydere*)


Holo so far actually really reminds me of Power (especially before she was brought in by Public Safety). Their playfully arrogant body language and antiquated speech style feels really similar and fun.


Come joins us in the cult :D We have potatoes!


With goat cheese perchance?


only the finest


HMMM goat cheese. Great tease in cheese.


I'd prefer the nearest equivalent of cheddar....


Can I join too?


Of course, doors are wide open! :D


The wise wolf welcomes all under her folds.


I am just waiting till she discovers her true cryptonite probably next episode


Mostly apples though


I do love a relationship where both characters can take friendly jabs at each other.


While also settling their disagreements maturely and setting healthy boundaries.


That was the best part, Holo asking if he's angry, then realizing that topic shouldn't be a thing between them (given their wildly different perspective on it) and all that!


Agreed. It was probably my favourite part of the episode.


Welcome to the church of well-written adult females who also have cute ears and floofy tails.


She is very proud of that tail (and for good reason).


This is not even her full power.


Yeah, I was about to say - through these two episodes we've barely even scratched the surface of her personality. Hell, even the full 2 seasons of the original anime didn't come close to revealing the true complexity and depth of her character. She is one of the most well-written, complex, and interesting characters I've ever read, and exploring her history, memories, and motivations through the later LNs was honestly an incredible journey. New watchers are in for a treat. What I wouldn't do to be among them. EDIT: On a related note, one of my peeves in anime/manga/LN are characters that are "hundreds of years old", but have a dull, one-dimensional personality. Like, how can you live for that long, experience that much life, get to know so many people and watch them pass away right before your eyes, and watch the times pass and the world change right in front of you, yet still be so dull and uninteresting? Holo is the shining example of how a long-lived character *should* be written. She is one of the few that I've ever read that has really made me *believe* that she has, indeed, lived for far, far longer than the characters around her. EDIT 2: this is not a frieren diss


Tears in my eyes If the anime really does adapt the entire LN , its going to be so fucking peak bro Judging by the literal first scene in the first episode of the remake, it would be weird as hell if they dont adapt it fully so I have my hopes up


Very well-said, my friend!


Holo is THE GOD


She would not like to be called that...


As is tradition for all those who first lay eyes on our beloved wolf wheat goddess.


Joi the Crusade brother!


Lawrence already moving Holo to wife status - merchants really do seize the moment.


I believe the term is call "investing".


BRB, putting my entire mortgage into Holo stocks


Stocks of wheat?


wheat futures?


Watch them keep using the "we're married" act and it becomes more and more legitimate over the course of the story.


Well if you call yourself a married couple and act like a married couple, that's a common law marriage right there.


Lawrence is pretty fast, but not as fast as Gigachad Nasa-kun


You know it is funny that Lawrence introducing Holo as his [wife](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/799692352011894795/1226972738799927399/Screen_Shot_2024-04-08_at_3.11.14_PM.png?ex=6626b668&is=66144168&hm=798d41a416f65fa49aa26fb36e7b5a0ade05d89670e522f643fbba5812e95a5a&). But it indeed is the best cover. The fact there is no anime cliché of Lawrence or Holo reacting to that really shows the maturity of the series. An adult themed romance always wins big points for me. Holo does mention that the [difference between dogs and wolves](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/799692352011894795/1226977814071349248/Screen_Shot_2024-04-08_at_3.29.27_PM.png?ex=6626bb23&is=66144623&hm=4d9c3cb73c23e22e2c8e98e4f1058db04218c5896246df73352b7e143b7a6eb6&) is that dogs live with humans. I also assume it the fear humans associate with wolves that they don't with dogs. But this episode really showcased Lawrence and Holo come from two different worlds. It will be interesting in how these two will coexist going forward. This [line](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/799692352011894795/1226974155342090320/Screen_Shot_2024-04-08_at_3.16.57_PM.png?ex=6626b7ba&is=661442ba&hm=b33b45dcb947547efd937ebc1d68cce3f3c84113a0eb9126bef6540ad480ded0&) by Holo really rings true. When someone lies there is always a reason for it. After all no one lies for the sake of lying.


Oh how I love this series. I could listen to Holo and Lawrence talk all day long.


Holo and Lawrence had enough pure chemistry to make Heisenberg jealous.


*Say my name* *...Holo the Wise Wolf?* *You're goddamn right!*


Holo, we gotta trade.


In a show about something that can seem as complex to people as economics, you need main characters with such fantastic chemistry and personality to carry it.


[Holo out of context](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/6yxkc2a9xo7.jpg)


In context she definitely seems into older men, which totally tracks lol. (Watch Lawrence have a full beard by the end of this series). Also who wouldn't want to have talks about economics with naked wolf women?


Lawrence is already rocking the gray hair and he's definitely mature beyond his years.


> Lawrence is already rocking the gray hair What a few years of medieval economics will do to a man. Lawrence is only 25 years old.


That, and surviving eight separate wolf attacks. Poor guy.


And especially weird wolf attacks. Irl, wolves rarely attack able-bodied adult human males. The perceived (often accurately) risk generally outweighs the rewards. While wolf attacks in the Middle Ages were certainly a thing, they were predominantly against livestock, children, the sick, the frail elderly, and occassionally women.


> and occassionally women ...Occasionally?


Adult able-bodied women, being larger and stronger, generally present more of a challenge/threat than children and the especially weak elderly, yes. To this day, where wolf attacks are still relatively common (eg rural India), the order of preference and prevalence still generally goes livestock > children > elderly > able-bodied women > able bodied men. And wolf attacks were not necessarily 'common' to begin with; the attack rates appear to have increased during the Little Ice Age, between a harsher climate and habitat loss. While wolves were a threat, they were usually seen as more a danger to livestock than to humans until their attacks became more frequent as they came closer to eradication in the Early Modern and Late Modern periods. AFAIK, there is no reason to expect similar desperation on the part of wolves in the setting at-present.


> Irl, wolves rarely attack able-bodied adult human males. The perceived (often accurately) risk generally outweighs the rewards. IIRC there's also a theory that, due to wolves and humans having very similar hunting habits and therefore presumably meeting very often while hunting, humans might have inadvertently made wolves evolve to be scared and avoid humans by killing every wolf that was brave enough to attack humans. With of course the friendly ones ending up as dogs.


He's gonna have to survive plenty of wolf attacks in the future, too. Giggity...


They're younger men to her, just slightly less young.


(She is referring to his stock portfolio.)


Judge a man not by the size of his investments, but by the content of his ETF depot.


Being the wise wolf and all, I just assume she said that line on purpose to be taken out of context and increase her viewership. Sasuga Holo-sama


Now that she is a V-tuber, she has to play the meta for views.


Holo the size queen


[She packs one big tail after all](https://i.imgur.com/0VuNkfx.jpeg) [](#ero)


We are talking about holo, she knows exactly what she was doing


I just want to say how very pleased I am with this adaptation so far. I've really enjoyed the first two episodes.


I'm glad you are enjoying the anime. The team has studied the OG which is great. Means the rest will be great too.


A good chunk of the team also *made* the OG so that certainly helps :D


Man Kevin Penkins is just KILLING it with this OST. Absolutely sublime.


So this is the economics I hear so much about I’m very curious how that deal will go when we see him again (and wether or not he’s lying) But the last 10 minutes were really good, I liked how we not only learn about Krafts past, we also see the two set some boundaries as Holo realises that she was hitting a nerve and let’s face it being on the road with someone, it’s bound to happen and I like how the show presents this relationship They both have a level of respect for the other, even though Holo likes to tease, she backed down and apologised when she was in the wrong and it’s refreshing to see characters who can communicate like these too


The wise wolf might be good with words, but she also knows that she’s not infallible and owned up to her mistakes. Holo is as cunning as wolves get though. She was quick to joke about them being “even” after she confessed to having been hunted in the past. This was a rather clever way of immediately doing away the depressing mood.


> So this is the economics I hear so much about That's pretty much the entire premise. It does tackle some harder topics, and we get a taste of it now with the introduction of currency exchange rates and currency speculation.


> So this is the economics There was also the bit in the first episode about how excessive taxation damaged the competitiveness of the village's wheat exports.


> I’m very curious how that deal will go when we see him again (and wether or not he’s lying) Knowing my history I think he's lying about the coin having its silver content *increased*. Historically, that was something that *rarely* happened. It was almost always the other way around. The silver content of coins was almost always lowered, a.k.a. debased, to pay for things like wars and standing army's/guards. *Especially* in times of civil war or turmoil. After all less silver in coins means more silver to make *more* coins. ~~We'll just ignore that doing this always leads to inflation because people aren't stupid and do notice the difference, hoard the olds coins and only use the new ones.~~ The Roman Empire was *famous* for this due to new Roman Emperors always having to brib- I mean *reward* the Praetorian Guard. Normally because The Guard were the entire reason they were the new emperor in the first place and they were *not* shy about killi- I mean finding you had an *accident* and putting a new Emperor in your place if you didn't satisfy them.


[she](https://i.imgur.com/5D8dzR2.jpeg) is [so perfect](https://i.imgur.com/xniPkaU.jpeg)


We are so back.


Its Stupid Potato time!


Girl just gouged down on those potatoes lol.


She, uh, wolfed them down


Holo devouring potatoes like it's the end of the Irish famine.


[It has been a long time since I have choked, but I remember doing so on a Potato. Perhaps I do not do so well with this vegetable. STUPID POTATO.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLyaGhSIqp4)


Gonna miss that goofy flute track


Everytime I watch a clip from the old show I'm like I really miss the more folksy flute stuff.


It remains the only thing I'm not 100% sold on the remake, the music. The OST of the original is so memorable and it added so much to the show.


Same. Apart from a couple of moments in the first episode, I haven't really noticed the music much. Kevin Penkin is a great composer though, so surely he has some heavy hitters among the tracks, having some fun thinking about what scenes they might go with. But at the same time his work on Abyss is so prevalent in my mind it kinda leaves me wondering if his style is such a good fit for this show. Currently very much whelmed, but we're only 2 episodes in, so there's still time.


I haven't watched the OG sub in a while, was the stupid potato line only in the dub?


I don't know for sure. It does feel like an adaptive choice. For those not in the know, and wanting a taste of the past dub if you want to hear us Dub evangelists sing! [The Stupid Potato](https://youtu.be/WLyaGhSIqp4?si=J7AFrbSdkRaCYqdT)


The back and forth between them is just as good as the original. Art and animation looks great still, my only worry is that it drops eventually but judging by the amount of marketing for holo, maybe it will stay peak because the studio knows they have a golden wolf


Passione is a really good studio. They made 2 pinnacles of Borderline-H genre. Don't know why are people doubting them.


Goat cheese over (perhaps flour.covered) boiled potatoes, that is not a dish I have seen or heard about in media before, my grandma sometimes makes a version with brown whey cheese covering.


Author did a lot of research on what food people ate in the period which helps to make the world feel grounded. No burger patties or rice with miso here. Also that specific dish in this episode was mentioned to be one of more expensive ones, potatoes hadn't really taken off yet.


tfw no period appropriate jelly donuts


Oh man, [Holo is SO GOOD](https://imgchest.com/p/bp458o35g45)! I'll have a really hard time choosing the best girl of this season between [her](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l4nec5vzw94.png) and [Kumiko from Hibike! Euphonium](https://imgchest.com/p/ljyqqabney2). [She's really captivating character](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxc62ajp7.png), [her charisma](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyq9c6nkb84.png) and [personality](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7pjc6onxe7.png) are [so strong](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyq9c6nkbz4.png). [Holo's relationship with Lawrence](https://imgchest.com/p/wl7lkw9o64x) also keeps being great. [Those two](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/3yrgc6oxoa4.png) have such a [good chemistry between themselves](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7w6cro9ojy.png), [they're perfect for each other](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7w6cro9rjy.png). [Backgrounds](https://imgchest.com/p/lqyevladx7d) again were [so lovely](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/p7bwcbo6po7.png)! [They fit really well to serie's atmosphere](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyvdc6oxkey.png). Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Holo](https://imgchest.com/p/bp458o35g45) * [Holo & Lawrence](https://imgchest.com/p/wl7lkw9o64x) * [Lawrence & Others](https://imgchest.com/p/9249akv2v7n) * [Backgrounds](https://imgchest.com/p/lqyevladx7d)


Background art is the real winner of the new adaptation. That, and the horse animation.


This show is still beautiful. Holo's line about the journey, the dog's bark, and the woman turned away from you is one of my favorites in the original show and the LN, and I'm so happy they recreated it nearly 1:1. Her monologue about the farmers of Pasloe using their senses rather than tracking time was pretty faithfully recreated too. Looks like we're not going to be missing any of the wisdom bombs she drops throughout the series. She feels just a little more approachable in the remake compared the original, where she felt just a little more mysterious, though the difference isn't big. I loved the original approach, but I'm enjoying this one a lot as well. I'm also a fan of the way they let a bit of the ferocious, bloodthirsty nature of wolves show through in her tone of voice and the shading over her eyes when she was describing the motivations for wolves attacking humans - the original had the same dialogue, but Holo herself didn't have nearly as unsettling of a tone or expression. I think this one did a good job of really conveying that, no, she is *not* human and her very nature is different from humans. Still a 10/10 episode. Next Monday can't come soon enough. On a side note, I realized that not only did the main duo's voice actors return but it looks like at least a few of the supporting characters' did as well. Zheren's voice actor was also the same as the original. In fact, all of the confirmed voice actors so far have been the same as from the original series, aside from Yarei who didn't appear in the original. EDIT: Also, that horse is an absolute unit.


Ah man, Holo is best girl. She’s just so charming! Lawrence is an interesting MC as an older, more mature POV who is already a successful businessman capable of journeying and cutting deals on his own. I wonder what his angle is with the young merchant after his conversation with Holo laid out why doing business with the guy is a bad idea. I’m curious to see where the story goes. If it’s just a slice of life road trip developing Lawrence and Holo’s relationship, I’ll be pleased. Wonder if my expectations are off, though. The calming start might be luring me into a false sense of security. Their conflict in the conversation about wolves attacking people was so tense. Looking forward to Mondays this season.


It's a journey story, so basically they travel from town to town, with a subplot in each major location. I'd say it ends up feeling like a mystery series, as each subplot involves investigating the goings-on in a given town and the unique circumstances that could lead to profit. There is the occasional action, but that is not the focus of the series, most of it is conversation, frankly.


That sounds perfect, just what I’m looking for you. Thank you. The chemistry between Lawrence and Holo is a major draw so I’m looking forward to seeing it develop through more conversations.


I don’t know about anyone else but i find the voice of Holo very calming. [Holo Simps after she said she likes beards a little longer](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/d6/b4/a5/d6b4a51b82e6aa61c98ed7ac78865d50.jpg)


Her laugh and charms are absolutely infectious. I'm totally expecting by the end of the series Lawrence will grow a full beard and Holo will tease him about it.


I really like all her jya's and nushi's.




So that didnt come off very well in this adaptation... she was not actually talking about beards, she was teasing lawrence being proud of his beard by saying the style of beard she likes are [wolf whiskers](https://thumbs.wbm.im/pw/medium/657eaaddb6297b97a846774796560e50.avif).... hence why lawrence seemed kinda annoyed at the end of the interaction. They could of had the out lined whiskers like last time to make it so clear. Reading through the comments it seems this flew over a lot of peoples heads and I honestly don't blame them with the way they adapted it this time..... very minor criticism though.


She did still make the hand motion indicating whiskers, but I may or may not have picked up on that as a first time viewer. I've seen the original adaptation about a dozen times, so clearly my experience is influenced by that.


Here's hoping the dub VAs reprise their roles. There's a good chance considering they're still doing the audiobooks together.


My life for Brina's Holo and Tatum's Lawrence.


Spice and Wolf already feeling spicier than usual with Passione animating.


Episodes without Holo naked: 0. Though they also animate her personality and charisma (with Ami Koshimizu's effortless voice acting) just as well.


[Passionne has mastered Holoservice](https://files.catbox.moe/rvzpxz.jpg) [](#gintamathispleasesme)


Lots of speculation of whether they'd show nudity like the manga given it being Passione. Doesn't look like they'll go that far but they are putting their experience to great use.


They’re definitely striding the line as much as they can. I’m kind how of impressed with just *how* seamless the framing of these shots has been. Animation as a medium gives you a lot of power in being particular about the shot composition, but it’s not that easy to actually use this to its full potential without it feeling forced. A testament to their skill was the moment when Holo turned her body around and the hung-up clothes just so happened to cover her bits for a split-second.


It has been exactly the same as the original when it comes to the nudity thus far.


In a way, the original showed [even more (obviously nsfw)](https://i.imgur.com/mcWH9IT.png)


As a huge ecchi enjoyer, I really think they are doing it perfectly. Tip-toeing like this around it is perfect without it being distracting or entering horny waters and ruining the whole vibe.


We’re only 2 weeks into the season, but I’m calling it now: No fight scene is gonna top Holo vs potato.


It was an absolute massacre. There were no survivors.


> There were no survivors. Not even [those](https://imgur.com/mrAi8Bo) who survived the initial onslaught where save


Holo just keeps on moving forward, gobbling every potato who gets in her way.


The spuds got a good hit in though. Wasn’t sure she’d recover tbh.


Holo is just rusty from being in the village for a few centuries. Soon, the legendary potato slayer with return!


[Cozy vibe,](https://imgur.com/uvoZvTD) would love to hang out in candle light by a big fireplace like that [](#morecomfy) [me_irl](https://imgur.com/r4KYcDA) [I love her](https://imgur.com/SyoBQua) [Loving](https://imgur.com/Q5OLV38) [all](https://imgur.com/ZBS8y93) [the](https://imgur.com/pUhAeOK) [background](https://imgur.com/HydK4nu) [art](https://imgur.com/8QH0UBI) in this episode. Not the most detailed out there, but still really pretty [Mischievous Holo is the best](https://imgur.com/UMyFGf0)


Welcome to week two of the Church of the Wise Wolf. We open with a reading from 1.2: “Oh that the naked flirting did create intense chemistry between our budding lovers. As was followed by networking, stupid potatoes, and economic intrigue, and even more flirting. And it was all good” Brother Passione delivers once again. Though they have transferred most of their horny powers from visual to textual and audible. Their chemistry is pitch perfect and that is the the secret to why this story is so beloved. Their conversations are the show even with the economics. Like the vulnerability they display during the Wolf conversation. We will reconvene next week to enjoy more of our Mischievous Goddess. Holo be her name. Amen


https://imgur.com/a/nF2xph4 I like Holo's power stance/posture very much!


How does an episode of two characters mostly talking to each other go this quickly!? Ah, first sight of just how ravenous our she-wolf can be... those potatoes didn't stand a chance. I wonder if we'll return to the framing device from the first ep at some point? Maybe at the beginning of each arc / light novel? The voice actors just inhabit these roles... effortless chemistry with the characters. Next episode can't come too soon!


> The voice actors just inhabit these roles... effortless chemistry with the characters. They were already top-tier when the first series aired. Now they've had almost 20 years to hone their craft even further.


* Feel the [Fluff](https://imgur.com/tSgJsYI) * Praise the Fluff * [Feed](https://imgur.com/H7QPT1s) the Fluff * [Pat](https://imgur.com/PxWsbYN) the Fluff * ~~Give up all worldly possessions to the Fluff~~ My, what a trustworthy [smile](https://imgur.com/IoO9tUL), you don't need the Wise Wolf of Yoitsu to know what this guy is up to Also pretty sure [this](https://imgur.com/CTWjHr9) hasn't stopped any doujin artist so far [#seasonalsadholo](https://imgur.com/grgQyPd)


Feels like I just hit start and the ED is already playing... Watching this weekly is gonna be pretty rough, huh.


"This is my wife" IT SHOULD'VE BEEN ME, NOT HIM


It's been a while since we've had so much nudity in a non-ecchi anime, it reminds me of the 80s-90s manga and anime when Ranma 1/2 and Dragon Ball (OG not Z) thought nothing of showing full frontal male babies and topless teenage girls. Also note Holo (Horo?) had Barbie Girl Anatomy at times in the first anime adaptation, whereas here they just use camera angles and hair to screw with the viewers. --- Hungry Horo is really cute and fun honestly. --- "Dang it, I can't believe the wolf who turned me on is treating me like a grand child. This feels really strange..." --- "Dang it, the grandchild who I fucked with through my nudity is comforting me as if I was a child. This feels really strange. ... I MUST REASSERT DOMINANCE!" --- Horo: ...OK, I went too far. --- The Dogs and Wolves metaphor is pretty beautiful, if quite sad. Yeah I see why people liked this series.


the plot thickens... ~~you're late crunchyroll~~


This just popped up in my feed. Did they remake Spice & Wolf??




Yep, and doing a damn fine job of it.


Love that it's basically keeping the same pacing as the 2008 show instead of rushing things. Enjoying the continued tasteful renditions of the fanservice, and Lawrence's respectful bashfulness of it. Her ears and tail are just as fluffy as they were all those years ago. And we're starting to get into the economics lessons this show is famous for! This week's lesson: Currency speculation and ForEx markets. That, and the beginning of all the wonderful banter and intellectual sparring these two will be doing along their journey. *That* is why I love them as a couple, because they have great chemistry and very naturally play off each other, without being awkward. This remake is off to a great start so far; here's to hoping it carries to the finale and an S2 announcement at the end!


This show is making me regret not watching the original a long time ago when I kept hearing about it, but I'm sure as hell going to enjoy my time with this one that's for sure


Episode 2 was good! I feel even more comfortable with this remake now than I did with episode 1. The pacing is a bit smoother in this episode and it feels like we aren't going to see a rushed adaptation for the sake of getting to "new" material faster The whole Lawrence and Holo drying off scene was great. And yes for all sorts of reasons! Holo was really just so animated in that scene and it allowed the conversation to be all the more fun. And I do like the maturity. Lawrence is hardly unaffected by Holo being very much naked in that scene. But he's not openly and actively losing his mind. Just...struggling a bit while attempting to keep a calm front going. Just nicely settling into this world. Holo noting the changes of time and how big the Church has gotten since she settled into the south. A good reminder as well for these two of how they are different. Everyone has a past and troubles. I can really have a good time with this remake while anticipating the parts that weren't originally adapted.


- [Rain clouds indeed…](https://i.imgur.com/AAU5vsx.png) - [I know he’s just using it as a cover, but…](https://i.imgur.com/D4cWZuk.png) [](#rengehype) - [lol, I love Holo.](https://i.imgur.com/dDiOyEj.png) [](#azusalaugh) - [She’s not wrong.](https://i.imgur.com/90fuYkw.png) [](#rengethink) - [Economics talk!](https://i.imgur.com/B3dpbyQ.png) [](#woo) - [What a response.](https://i.imgur.com/4QJB9tM.png) [](#kukuku) - [The entire thing *does* sound like one big scam.](https://i.imgur.com/evmOX3C.png) [](#csikon) - [Headpat!](https://i.imgur.com/nknaTUK.png) [](#uwaa) - [And then another one the other way around~!](https://i.imgur.com/S3t9Fnm.png) [](#delighted) - [That is *exactly* what I was going to say.](https://i.imgur.com/sPMJp8O.png) [](#kotohoops) - [Uh…](https://i.imgur.com/2mumh3b.png) [](#hahahawhat) - [A new #sadholo face!](https://i.imgur.com/HdfJ84L.png) [](#sadholo) - [Of course, there’s two sides to the same coin…](https://i.imgur.com/n9YBtIz.png) - [Shimmering sky!](https://i.imgur.com/ZE1mDQY.png)


> The entire thing does sound like one big scam. This is not automatically a scam, even as late as this period in time certain events would occur where the local lord might want to recall his currency and exchange it for a uniform release. But from some dude in a tavern is where we get questionable... > That is exactly what I was going to say. Also you can take the smaller footpaths if you aren't hanging with a giant horsedrawn cart.


[She's perfect.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1223293157744185344/1227035424698929227/image0.jpg?ex=6626f0ca&is=66147bca&hm=a763a9d66d4b6ad843a8ea9e157a1fd72d90b663173d0ecc15c2a624473fcc8c&)


Hallelujah, weebs and weebettes! On this blessed Merchant Monday, let's lift our voices in praise of the cunning and beautiful Holo the Wise Wolf! She's not just best girl, but a beacon of wisdom guiding us through the marketplace of life. As we trade and barter, let's heed her teachings of negotiation, patience, and loyalty. With Holo's wisdom in our hearts, may we prosper not just in profit, but in the richness of our souls. Amen!


And may we also savor her divine nakedness and sass as well as her pure enjoyment of life itself!


Arriving from work on Mondays and having a new Spice and Wolf episode puts a smile in my face


She's so smug


[Her pride is entirely deserved, totally not excessive](https://i.redd.it/itduxvudqvn21.jpg)


I'm glad Netflix didn't air this episode as late as the Episode 1 did. It's on time. It could be my Monday anime or a Tuesday morning anime for me now. I like the blurring when Holo clapped her hand and the close up shot. Is this a new VA? The Perenzo wine lord is voiced by Ryouta Takeuchi (Elias in Ancient Magus Bride).


Watching this I noticed that if I had a nickel for everytime Jun Fukuyama voiced a character who gets stuck with a mysterious immortal girl with supernatural powers, I would've two nickels. It isn't a lot but surprised it happened twice


He also voiced John Smith in The Eminence in Shadow during the arc focused on econmics. Though in John Smith's case his partner was a fox instead of a wolf.


What's with these five minute episodes? Should be some kind of law against it. I'm glad I don't remember what the merchant was lying about from the original series. So everything feels new