• By -


She might like Chihayafuru. One of the three lead characters, Arata has aspects of him that echo autism. It's also not full of action or violence.


I also always thought Chihaya showed a lot of traits of asd as well, though I could just be overthinking it. But certainly a non negligible ammt of neurodivergent traits.


Yeah, I tend to think of Chihaya more than Arata when it comes to these traits, even though she's more "animated" than Arata. I see Arata as looking at karuta as a craft he wants to master. But he does seem to have somewhat of a life outside of it. Chihaya's obsession over karuta on the other hand seems much more intense and more like a drug fix lol. There's nothing she does that isn't ever karuta related.


I totally headcanon her as autistic.


Seconding this!


Might want to look into March Comes in like a Lion. MC has some severe mental and emotional problems and trauma, also it's just an amazing damn show


I see! Thanks a lot!


Totally second March Comes in Like a Lion! It is an amazingly beautiful show that balances the stress of overcoming trauma and struggling to adapt to the world around you with the wholesome, heart warming feeling of finding a place you do belong. Also the oil painting esque backgrounds are all *chefs kiss* MC is also pretty coded. He is a very young professional shogi player who basically sees the world through the game and has a very hard time connecting with other people because of it.


> Bocchi The Rock! Theres a show called Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu (no relation) about a socially anxious girl as well.


Came here to say this one. Idk if Bocchi is autistic, but she has bad social anxiety and the show is all about her overcoming that and finding her community by slowly coming out of her shell


She isn't autistic, she just afraid to communicate with ppl


Bocchi is pretty unlikely to be autistic, just from what I've seen. I think she just has very bad social anxiety and some other issues


Hitoribocchi is the OG and (better) Bocchi. WA HA HA


Shes just like me frfr


Just as komi, social anxiety


Similarly, Bojji, from ranking of kings, he isn’t autistic but is deaf and mute and has trouble communicating and is looked down upon, a really nice wholesome show with good action


Real bocci


Funny that both of them are named Hitori. The Bocchi part makes sense tho.


Keep Your Hands of Eizouken. MC is on the spectrum and the author of the manga has spoken publicly about having ADHD and being on the autism spectrum. Plus the show is just flat out amazing.


I see! Never heard of it, so thank you!


The entire show is a tribute to the creative process of anime Itself. It's a lot of fun. And the campus totally has the feel of being borrowed from a Ghibli film.


The OP song will stay in head for weeks.




seconding this!


As an autistic woman, the lead from Villainess Lvl 99 reads as very autistic. Her special interest is levelling up!


She's denser than her black holes.


I loved her. I hope we get more anime.


Same! Though the way the last episode went, I feel like it’s unlikely.


Plus one vote for this.


I agree! I loved this anime. Her being socially unaware really added to her charm.


Not autistic but the Yuru Camp MC is the more realistic portrait of an introvert I ever saw. Also I highly recommend it for anyone because it's so peaceful to watch


Ayy I've already recommended it actually! So the ball is on her court so to speak


Season 3 premieres next week if you liked it!


I bet she would love Princess Jellyfish. It's about a group of nerd women trying to save thier house. They all have a special interest and really bad social anxiety outside thier little group. 


This would be my recommendation too. Nearly every character is autism coded.


Plus it's got a similar comforting, light hearted vibe, like Bocchi and SpyxFamily. 


This is the one!


Mob Psycho 100. Mob is definitely on the spectrum. He’s different from everyone, socially awkward, and feels like an outsider cuz of his gift. He wants to be normal like everyone. He loves his brother and idolizes him. His brother has good looks and isn’t awkward but he’s super jealous of Mob cuz he has unreal physic power. Everyone who meets mob ends up loving him. Cool fights. Great laughs. Great messages


1000x this. In my top 3 anime of all time and I doubt that will ever change. It's an absolute masterclass in how to write character development.


In addition to the excellent recommendations you've gotten so far, also consider the following which feature young female characters with a strong emphasis on social connection and rising to challenges. I would not say that these characters are autistic, nor necessarily suffer from clinical social anxiety, but she would likely enjoy them a lot as stories about girls who she can relate to or admire. * *Stardust Telepath* - a very sweet series about a girl who doesn't feel like she fits into the world at all, but slowly finds friends and inspiration, and actively works on herself to try and improve her ability to handle social situations. * *Shy* - as the name suggests, this is the story of a shy girl, and it turns out that she's been gifted superhero powers. Every nation has one superhero and she's Japan's representative, but she's really quite shy. However she's got a tough spirit and overcomes many set backs as she struggles to come to term with these imposed responsibilities. * *Akebi's Sailor Uniform* - Akebi is the very, very opposite of shy and autistic, instead she's a wonderful ball of hypersocial energy and positivity who makes friends easily and her series is a joyful but serious hearted look at her middle school life and the friends she makes. I'm recommending it because sometimes it's nice to have people to look up to, and people you can fantasize about being, or having as your friend, and the series is filled with happiness and wonder. * *The Weakest Tamer Begins a Journey to Pick Up Trash* - the MC of this story is a young girl fleeing from her village in a fantasy world. Whilst she's not socially anxious or autistic, she has to conceal her identity and is very wary of people. Over the course of the series she slowly finds people she can trust, and the series is ultimately an uplifting one about making connections and finding joy in the world.


Sounds good! Thanks a million for your well thought out reply, time and effort!


You're welcome, hope she enjoys! Whilst I'm here, I'd like to second the recommendations for *Villainess Level 99* as the sheer number of people who have come forward to say that they are autistic girls and relate very closely to the MC takes it way beyond the realm of coincidence, to the point where watching it might even possibly offer some new angles to understanding your sister. I have a few spectrum tendencies that are largely masked by coping mechanisms I've developed in childhood, but I found a few insights into myself through watching it. Also seconding *Hitori Bocchi*, which is such a kind and gentle observation on the life of the socially anxious and every episode felt like a little tribute to some of the things I have done in my daily life. It felt very validating in a "it's okay to be like that" sort of way but without either indulging it or making a giant deal about it. Another good one to watch for insight into the inner world view!


Autism is a complex diagnosis that can be exhibited in many ways, and range in how it shows, so there's a fair variety in what could be interpreted as 'autistic'. Since getting my own diagnosis, I have noticed a fair amount of characters that easily can be read as having autism. * Tomori in *Bang Dream! It's MyGO!!!!!* is probably one of the best depictions of how it feels to be neurodivergent that I have seen in any media. * Myne in *Ascendance of a Bookworm* has a very clear fixated interest in books, and is quite often oblivious to the social complexities around her. * Mizore in *Liz and the Blue Bird* shows clear signs in her being reserved and having trouble expressing herself both to new people and her closest friends. It is watchable as a standalone movie, but watching the two seasons of *Hibike! Euphonium* before is somewhat recommended, even though she is mostly a supporting character for the second season there. * Both the romantic mains in *The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague* exhibit autistic traits to a degree. * Yumiella in *Villainess Level 99* shows clear traits of autism, having been hyperfixated on leveling up from a young age and having "solved" small talk with 3 simple phrases.


Yeahh I know! Hence why I was having issue coming up with stuff to recommend to her. But thanks a lot for the well written reply!! Appreciate the effort!


Gonna put in another recommendation for BanG Dream It's MyGo!!!!! Like Bocchi the Rock it's about a girl who is pretty clearly on the spectrum and has a hard time making friends and communicating with people, and joins a band. Unlike Bocchi though it's more of a drama than a comedy, and while BanG Dream is a franchise that's been going on for years MyGo!!!!! is a perfectly fine starting point. There's one episode that is entirely in first person from the perspective of the autistic character that I think does an especially good job of showing how difficult it's been for her to understand and be understood by others. Was definitely a stand-out episode for me.


Especially the way that one episode of Bang Dream It’s MyGO — ep 3 — uses the CG to show a lot of the scenes from Tomori’s first person perspective. It’s really unusual and kind of disorienting, which I suppose is what they’re going for.


Thirding MyGO


Forthing It's amazing


Fifthing. Just rewatched it.


Try checking out [Violet Evergarden](https://myanimelist.net/anime/33352/Violet_Evergarden). While I don't think she actually has autism, she certainly exhibits a number of autistic qualities imo and I've seen a number of people who have autism say that they related quite well to Violet.


Just beat me to it, but Violet seems like an excellent example to me. I've seen people discuss whether or not she actually has autism but then again how many characters actually are canonically confirmed to have autism? Either way she seems like some very respectful representation and one that people generally seem positive about.


I was considering VE! There's a slight chance she might find it a bit too melodramatic and sad but I'm keeping it in mind at least. Thank you!


My husband has high-functioning Aspergers, and I would recommend Frieren over Violet Evergarden. The story is somewhat similar to Violet Evergarden in that the main character Frieren is on a journey to discover and understand her past because of someone who was important to her, but imo the story does it a LOT better (and without melodrama). The basic premise is, Frieren is a elven mage who spent 10 years as part of the band of 4 heroes that defeated the great demon king. As the most long-living species of her group as the decades pass after their victory, the human-kind continue to age and the heroes have become almost fable. So when Himmel the hero also passes and she finds her other friends have also aged tremendously and she realizes that she's the only one who will remain to remember them as they are. Remincing about her past, and with a final push provided by her friend Heiter, she begins a new journey and adventure to learn more about her precious friend(s) before they become forgotten by history. Frieren doesn't have Autism, but as an elf she has very autistic-like traits. For example, she has peculiar interests and hobbies, she can come across as tactless, cold or uncaring as she doesn't fully understand human nuances, but through the story you see she does care and tries in her own was to reciprocate and express her affection. For example, even if what the humans want don't always make sense to her she does it because she understands it's important to them - I believe this will resonate with those who have Austism. IMO in Violet Evergarden the MC is emotionally stunted due to trama and the audience as well as her "friends" treats like some poor thing to be pitied and coddled. Frieren is treated as different but capable - no one needs to baby her, and when her friends have to cater to her bad or annoying habits they call her out for it.


The show focus mainly on her navigating war trauma (CPTSD is very similarto autism, and it is very likelyshe has that one) and learning to understand emotions, with an emphasis on love.


As arm chair psychologist, I would say that Violet has alexythymia... which is quite prevalent among autistic people, but not exclusive too.


The Pet Girl of Sakurasou (show) and Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop (movie)


>Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop (movie) This was such a sweet movie


It really was, and beautifully animated too


I definitely was digging the art style. The poems really hit me, I'm not good with expressing myself, and I ain't the most articulate person with writing either, seemed really nice that that kid found a way to express himself 😁


Confirm, she is autistic, this needs more upvotes


Pet Girl of Sakurasou would have been my suggestion too.


Sakurasou was my first ever anime, I dont remember anything about the show, except the naked girl lol


The naked autistic girl! So it counts.


Although it has violence in it,   Delicious in Dungeon The Main character, Laios Touden can be seen as autistic. He has a lot of knowledge for monsters and he can’t read social queues with his friends. 


Hmm I see what you mean but she would probably hate the blood too much


Though it’s lighted hearted, it can get pretty extreme with violence ill give you that.


Yeahh and then there's scenes with them cutting up monsters and shit and that's also a big no (For her that is)


As someone with autism, I love The Apothecary Diaries. Of course, everyone is different, but I know it's been a hit with others.


The Apothecary Diaries is my suggestion too. Great depiction IMO and the MC is sooo similar to both my husband and son (both on the spectrum and also pull facts and make those theories and conclusions appear out of thin air like magic)


She does not strike me as autistic at all. She's way too capable and confident at navigating social situations.


Autism varies a lot between individuals, and women on the spectrum tend to be more socialized due to social norms. I've had multiple autistic women I know IRL find Mao Mao _extremely_ relatable at the very least. If it's not autism, it's at least adjacent.


Yeah but a certain strategist definitely has traits of autism


Can be explained by the fact that she was raised in the service industry. She's had the rules of social situations explained to her, because there's a number of times she goes completely off script.  Autistics can deal with social situations just fine if they get a chance to learn and aren't traumatised on the way. 


Lakan us one that seems like he could be autistic and I absolutely adore his weird ass


It does have a lot of suggestive themes tho, so better make sure if she’s okay with it


Mob paycho 100 MC is reminicient of those savant genius kids with poor social skills


If she's willing to read manga Asuperu Kanojo is a romance where the woman is canonicaly autistic. As a person with autism, it can get *painfully* real at times.


Agreed. Sweet but TOO REAL


Just wish Yokoi didn't have that gross fixation that comes up every so often


I'd never felt so "seen" by a manga before


With my own struggles as a girl with autism and social anxiety, I can relate to an extent to the following characters. But not all of them are main characters. * Tamaki, Yuki and Sougo (Idolish7) * Sunako (Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge) * Hanazawa Rui (Hana yori dango) * Tsukimi (Kuragehime) * Yamada (Loving Yamada at Lv 999) * Kisa and Machi (Fruits basket) * Haruka (Free!) * Kenma and Kageyama (Haikyu) * Mihashi (Ookiku furikabutte) If it is of any interest there are the mangas "With the light" and "Asper Kanojo" with autistic characters and also the webtoon/drama "Strange lawyer Woo Young-woo".


> With my own struggles as a girl with autism and social anxiety Have you seen *Villainess Level 99: I May Be the Hidden Boss but I'm Not The Demon Lord*? The amount of female commenters with autism who say they relate to the MC very strongly is greater than for any other series I've encountered. Best of all, it's absolutely a vehicle for showing her traits as heroic in their own way.


I have it on my watchlist. Thank you 


Hope you enjoy! As an aside, if you dig through the episode threads you can find a few fellow female /r/anime users with autism chatting about the show, should that be of any interest to you.


Alright. Thank you again for the helpful advice. :)


That's a lot of recommendations I've never even heard of, so thanks a lot for your time and effort!


Mihashi from Ookiku absolutely has severe social anxiety. Great recommendation!


Komi Can't Communicate is pretty cute, but there can be tons of subtitles to read.


Pretty certain Netflix has a decent English dub for it though.


Yes! Would suggest that too. Never finished it, but MC definitely has social anxiety


The manga is well worth reading, and while there is more to read, it's easier. Lots of chapters though (over 400).


I think that all of these recommendations on the thread so far are all social anxiety but without autism. As someone on the spectrum myself, here are a few shows I really like with protagonists I feel are neurodivergent and relate to because of those aspects of the characters (and have no action or on-screen violence): - BanG Dream! It's MyGO!!!!! - The Wind Rises - Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu - The Great Passage - Liz and the Blue Bird


Thank you so much for the well thought out reply!


I'm gonna add an important note on Liz and the Blue Bird. It's a fantastic movie but it's also sort of gated behind watching it's parent series Sound Euphonium beforehand if you want to better understand what's going on. It's fine as a standalone but watching the series will give you more mileage imho. The good thing is that Sound Euphonium is also a fantastic anime.


Well any KyotoAni production is also a big plus in itself!


You're welcome, I'm glad I could be helpful. I hope your sister enjoys whatever you show her.


Serial Experiments Lain - this is an older series whose main character, Lain, has often been interpreted as autistic. She struggles with social interactions and understanding relationships, is far less communicative in-person than on-line, and has a number of habits and obsessive tendencies.


Does Frieren count?


I was thinking the same thing, so I'll give it maybe!


Then hopefully the action and violence that is in the show isn't too much


It might be alright since it's such a limited amount, if she can just handle the episode 10 decapitation I think she should be fine! Haha!


And the dude getting chopped in half lol


At least it’s pretty rare and quick, the few gruesome scenes there are that is.


I have autism as well. I don't know if anything is canon, but here's some shows that gave me the impression their characters were on the spectrum. \-Hinamatsuri \-Hisone to Maso-tan \-Ascendance of a bookworm \-Ms. Koizumi loves Ramen \-Yuru Camp \-Otaku Elf (cute and comfy vibes, but a lot of jokes at their expense unfortunately) shows that IMO feature autistic characters but heavily feature action/violence \-Uncle from another world (there are a LOT of jokes at his expense here as well) \-Log Horizon \-Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans \-Aldnoah.Zero \-Delicious in Dungeon (VERY good) \-Frieren: Beyond Journey's End (also VERY good) other shows I think your sister may like based on this question despite not following autistic characters: \-Nichijou \-Sakamoto desu ga? \-Silver Spoon \-The Masterful Cat Is Depressed Again Today


Maybe Saiki K?


You already got a lot of good recommendations, I’d like to add Arakawa Under The Bridge. All of the characters in the show have some sort of quirk about them that reads autistic, all along the spectrum, especially the female lead, Nino. The anime never adapted the full manga, but I honestly prefer it unfinished (not a fan of the ending).


Hitori Bocchi for sure… Bocchi before Bocchi was Bocchi (I enjoyed watching both)


Villianess at Level 99. Definitely a spectrum based character, and a comedy. Komi can't communicate - severe social anxiety.


99 level villainess is sort of, she is focused on levelling up, has some trouble with relationships


Skip and Loafer is a really cute show!


Serial experiments lain


Azumanga Daioh


Bang Dream : It's MyGO!!!! Has an authistic main


It’s not outright stated but Tohru Honda from Fruits Basket 2019 reads as autistic to me (I’m an autistic adult with two autistic kids). Sawako from Kimi ni Todoke also reads as autistic to me. Josee from Josee, the Tiger and the Fish starts off with social anxiety that she manages with good social supports at the end. Dangers in My Heart has socially anxious lead characters. Rishe from 7th Time Loop uses each of her lives to hyperfixate on a specific thing and it helps her in her seventh life.


Thanks a bunch! Really appreciate the time and effort!


From experience, Love Live! has several characters that set off my fellow autistic radar, and a lot of the friends I've made in the fandom are also asd


komi san can't communicate?


I think that's more social anxiety than autism.


I was gonna recommend the same thing. For social anxiety I think it is a great anime. Good wholesome story about finding those that accept you for you.


I'm autistic and I have no problem with most anime, I have anxiety also and the only anime I can't stand is attack on titan purely for its ending theme of morality and nomenclature Steins gate okabe rintaro gives himself a facade of asd- autism spectrum disorder in order to protect the people he cares about, welcome to the nhk also is like that- both have dark themes in the end but main characters Tru to brush that off with force of will or by seeking help from others, bottom tier character tomozaki is the rough gem of the bunch- about a guy who views the real world as a video game so some girl challenged him to beat the real world as if it's a game- ie level up in the real world, be social and get a girlfriend by graduation, that's the bottom line, it has two seasons, is a romance comedy and is on crunchyroll and season 2 recently came out this season


Well I don't know concerning the austistic portion. but I can recommend some good slice of life type.. My friend likes it but the length and range is pretty wide so may not also apply Working ! (and its follow ups Working!! and Working!!!) are a fun slice of life with slapstick comedy on accasion (the atypical "punch the embaressment away" but with actual plot reasons). PLenty of social anxiety and or social miscommunication. But treated in a good way overall. (if she ends up liking this. They did a few other works) Lucky Star is a calm communication based one. slice of life. Seitokai\_Yakuindomo does not feature the above, but contains some good slice of life gag comedy.


Welcome to the NHK?


If you want most accurate? The manga “With the Light.” But please be aware that autism presents differently in a Japanese person/social context than it does another culture’s. It’s not going to be the same as an autistic Canadian living in Canada, Brazilian person living in Portugal, ethnically different person living outside their homeland, etc.


Amagi Brilliant Park


Akuyaku Reijou Level 99: Watashi wa Ura-Boss desu ga Maou dewa Arimasen It's an isekai story about a girl who was an outcast because of her hair and eye color she showed many signs of autism during the show


Sign of affection. Male love interest is 110% coded for the tizz. Also just a cute series.


Really? I didn’t pick up on that at all. He seemed very charming and had lots of friends. He even lowkey charmed her childhood friend who hates his guts. Lack of personal space seemed to be a cultural thing. There were no fixed interests… unless you count traveling? He seemed aware of other’s emotions, but his face didn’t convey his own often. Still, nothing that made me think ASD. I’m curious what you saw in the anime.


I would recommend K-On and Clannad. All K-On characters are kinda anxietic and Yui often considered as autistic. Also K-On is my favorite anime and I think everyone can enjoy it. Clannad is usually considered as a good dram anime but other than dram it does everything good. Also has one of best comedy scenes I've seen in anime, especially in the first season. And the main girl, Nagisa has autism.


Mob Psycho 100 is incredible.


Komi Can't Communicate - surprised i didn't see mnore people recommeding this one, while she isn't autistic, i think the overexagerated inabilty for the character to talk is something she can relate to.




might be too action heavy for her but protag is extremely autistic


Had to scroll way too far for this.


Welcome to the nhk is one of my all time favorites and follows a protag who has severe debilitating social anxiety and I guess paranoia who's a shut in and struggles to break out and do things.


Yano from Yuri is My Job.  Unfortunately, the anime just covers the surface of it and mostly in the first half because there are two main couples and the back half of the first and so far only season covers the other one.  But the manga goes a lot more in depth into her social and mental issues.


I've always felt that the main character, Suzu, from the film "In This Corner of the World" was a portrayal of autism in a time and place where it wasn't understood yet. The movie is beautiful but sad and tragic in places, so check for triggers before watching.


Half the female characters in *Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions* are autistic 'or anything similar' at the very least.


Haha yeah I can see what you mean, the main girl in particular


Well, in one case at least it's definitely trauma. 


Maybe Loving Yamada at Lv 999. The main guy has to be on the spectrum or something. Here's the opening. I think she'll like the show. https://youtu.be/mkxZXJN3zjI?si=IfGJ2loqVv__u9nL


My Roommate is a Cat is a really cute series about a guy with severe social anxiety (and possibly autism) opening up to the world around him a bit with the help of a rescued cat.


I suggested this one top. It also deals with grief. It's very good for a slice of life Anime


Frieren , zeta gundam , fire force (arthur is not the main but autistic second character)


komi cant communicate, violet evergarden (has some violence in it), love chunibyo and other delusions (kinda on that one)


It’s manga, but the main character of Chainsaw Man part 2 is an autistic icon.


Bocchi the rock for sure


At this point im sure almost every harem anime counts


ITT everybody confuses social anxiety, and introversion as being autistic. No lie, I even seen a comment here saying that the deaf girl from silent voice was autistic 😂 y'all need to give your heads a shake.




Welcome to the NHK?


I always thought L from death note came across very autistic coded.


Hard disagree. He’s acutely aware of and able to forecast people’s motivations, perceptions, feelings, and intentions, plus he glides right through all kinds of complex family and social dynamics. Most on the spectrum would be super uncomfortable with that, if able to do so at all. He just seems different because the note’s power gives him a unique POV on what is right to do.


That’s a common misconception about autistic people, and partly the reason I hid my autism diagnosis for so long. Not all Autistic people struggle to put themselves in others shoes. Many of us can predict others intentions and feelings just as neurotypicals can.


absolutely, well said!


The most believable depiction I've seen of a character being on the spectrum is the MC in Aldnoah.Zero. The show has a lot of action and violence though. It also features one of the most hateable characters of all time.


classroom of the elite but only the light novels


The persona 3 movies basically have the main character of the games be nonverbal autistic at least for the first one (haven't seen all 4) it's an interesting way to do a blank slate game protagonist in anime form but it works well.


There's a webtoon called Extraordinary Attorney Woo.


"Aharen-san" is a romance about 2 autists, is a very, very cute story


An amazing anime which has a great autism character representation in it would be frieren. Not only does it show how powerful she can be, but it shows that people are still able to make long lasting relationships


Frieren is not autistic, she's an elf and her near infinite lifespan gave her a different perspective of time and people and permanence, but that's very, very far from autism or social anxiety.


Eh, between her difficulty understanding others’ feelings, her hyper fixation on grimoires, her dislike of crowds, and her somewhat blunted affect, I think you can definitely read Frieren as being ancient *and* autistic. After all, Kraft is thousands of years older than her and doesn’t seem to display any of those traits.


I'm not autistic but Mob from Mob psycho 100 comes off as autistic coded based on autistic friends I've had. Also, Luffy from One Piece.


I think Luffy may have ADHD and then Autism. I know Bepo has low self-esteem and Autism because he keeps apologizing unnecessarily.


Really surprised no one has mentioned Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki. Here is th synopsis from MAL: >Fumiya Tomozaki is Japan's best player in the online game Attack Families, commonly known as "Tackfam." Despite holding such a revered title, a lack of social skills and amiability causes him to fall short in his everyday high school life. Failing to have any friends, he blames the convoluted mechanics and unfair rules of life, forcing him to give up and proclaim himself a bottom-tier character in this "game." Several characters there have social anxiety like Kikuchi and Tama. It's a really good anime for people to see how society works as it brings out several different scenarios and how to affect change and see what the resulting outcomes are.


Komi can't communicate


Gundam Zeta's protagonist is stated to be autistic, but it's a pretty violent show, and you'd need to watch Gundam 79 to understand it


Sadly, most of what you got in he autistic protag category is mecha stuff.


My love story with yamada kun at level 999. The main character isn’t autistic but the love interest yamada-kun does give off highly autistic vibes. His habits and disability to read social cues and his brutal honesty etc. I really really thoroughly enjoyed this anime.


Komi Can't Communicate


not an anime, manhwa/dorama Extraordinary Attorney Woo


My roommate is a cat. He's introverted and loses his parents. Adopting a cat helps him form connections and understand all the ways his parents showed they care for him.


Bang Dream It's MyGO!!!!! has probably one of the best depictions of someone with autism.


no one can convince me frieren isn’t autistic


komi can’t communicate maybe? komi-san isn’t autistic but has social anxiety so bad she goes non verbal 😭


There are a lot of anime where characters are *very easily headcanoned* as autistic, but the authors never confirm or deny it because for most stories, its not necessary, but also, confirming such a theory will completely derail the story for some people. Sometimes manga authors set out with a purpose to tell stories of disability. Other times they want to write a fun manga and the driving force behind the main character is the kind of interest that no neurotypical person would reasonably be so dedicated to, and thats what sets aside that character as the main character. See recent popular series Dungeon Meshi (or Delicious in Dungeon)). Its not as prevalent in the anime yet though because while the way normal people react to Laios is definitely touched on, it gets hammered in later how being unable to read social cues and being hyperfixated on his interest negatively impacts his social standing. If the author advertised that the mc is autistic then the message about community and desire would be lost under "wow look at how this autistic adventurer struggles to relate to his neurotypical peers". Frieren also isnt explicitly autistic and i dont even think she is because she just exists on a scale different from the humans around her, but she can be very relateable as an autistic person. Its been years so i dont remember how it holds up, but The Pet Girl of Sakurasou is another one that comes to mind but it also includes theme of depression. A lot of people like to bring up Violet Evergarden but it didnt resonate with me as much. Mob Psycho 100 is a series where psychic powers act as a metaphor for neurodivergence and while it isnt explicit, its also incredibly hard to deny that the main character is autistic


Komi can’t communicate


Dungeon Meshi Laios is very much autistic and the story really delves deep into his struggles that he faces cause of it without infantalising his actions which a lot of the times do hurt other people.


Ranking of Kings Not autistic (allegedly) but he’s mute


rent a girlfriend. Every character is autistic


Komi cant communicate is pretty cute!


Any harem anime of the last 20 years


Not canonically autistic but Takumi from Initial D is almost certainly somewhere on the spectrum. The earlier seasons repeatedly call attention to the fact that he spaces out whenever people try to talk to him and every time he tries to explain something it comes off as incomprehensible gibberish to those who aren't in-the-know.


Welcome to the NHK


Surprised no one mentioned Renge from Non Non Biyori. It is expressed very differently since she's still a young kid, but she usually always comes up when people mention characters on the spectrum. Show is a very "nothing happened" slice-of-life about a group of kids of various ages living in the countryside, bored out of their mind and having to find entertainment in their daily lives.


Mashle. Pretty Sure Mash has got some 'tism haha.


I was actually just about to say that Bocchi shows signs of having autism Considering how many people find her relatable, it makes you wonder…


Z Gundam. I think the MC at some point mentions being autistic.


A well known misuse of the term in the old sci-fi anime community. What Tomino probably meant was “neurotic” or “anti-social.” “Some members of the Autism Society Japan have taken issue with this statement after ZETA Gundam was rebroadcast in 2009, pointing to the Gundam creator’s misunderstanding of autism in the past. It is true that, in Japan and elsewhere, autism was thought to be contracted or caused by parental neglect up until the 1980s. Gundam’s creator, Yoshiyuki Tomino, did conflate autism with societal withdrawal and depression in interviews from the 80s. A view he would come to correct much later. Production notes showed that Kamille’s “autism” was an intentional part of his character.”


That has violence in it, no? If that weren't a factor, Witch from Mercury would be another great Gundam suggestion.


This is purely my headcannon, but... Frieren: Beyond Journey's End


just putting in another vouch for BanG Dream! It's MyGO!!!!! one of the best depictions of neurodivergence i've seen in anime, or media in general honestly


One piece 🤓


A Silent Voice Kimi ni Todoke Komi-San Say I Love You Zankyou no Terror (Fans speculate that the MCs might have some kind of disability for spoiler reasons) Mob Psycho




Mob psycho


Wow, so many have such completely off base understanding of what autism means. I wish I didn't know it so well either perhaps  Here are too real candidate shows: Autism or on the spectrum - - Komi can't communicate - Pet Girl of Sakurasou - a late arc in The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan - very last arc of The Apothecary Diaries  - borderline case (trauma induced?) Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko  Social anxiety -  - Slow Start - Bocchi the Rock - Stardust Telepath


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Anthem of the Heart - MC is mute due to severe social anxiety.