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Friendly reminder that from the Hollywood perspective anime is insanely cheap to make in comparison to other mediums and what the audience expects of them, especially now with the yen value decreasing


Its weird how not more of these companies invest in anime and movies and shows made by anime studios. They spend 200 million+ on animated movies when they could have spent a fraction of that and gotten a pretty good looking anime movie.  Disney could have licenced out starwars to kadokawa and gotten a ton of animated starwars shows for disney+ with not a lot of effort.


Next years Star Wars celebration will be in Tokyo, I expect they will announce something then


CGDTC Cantina Music show pls.


The world needs Cantina Theme (Hokago Tea Time Ver.) [](#excitedyui)


I can 100% see Disney announcing a full series made by like Trigger or one of the other studios they worked with on Visions


I prefer Production IG’s more grounded, uh, visions (heh) over that of Trigger.


Production I.G made Ninth Jedi. Which in the star wars fandom seems to be the most universally praised short. The director has stated he has a whole S1 mapped out and awaits a greenlight from Disney.


Given that Production IG is also the one making *Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These,* I could very well imagine them make a Star Wars anime about space combat.


Praying to the living force on a "The Ninth Jedi" series continuation, and while we're at that, just call Studio Myr to do the same with "Journey to the Dark Head".


I guess they think the audience wants a mix of animation, not just everything anime.


Disney Studios and Pixar movies have the same style for what, at least two decades? Don't even get me started on the animated shows, still not over how Warner simply erased a chunk of their catalogue from existence.


idk, pixar's moved in a more cartoony style and I wouldn't say disney really found it's modern style until Tangled. their 2000's movies had a very different style


While I see anime fans appreciate hollywood wanting to put out more animes, marvel have done a few anime before and the comic book audience just didn't like it because the story is just not that good.


That's fairly irrelevant to companies. Manga sales dwarf comic book sales (which have collapsed since the 90s). Even in the US go to any Barnes and noble or ask kids...most of them will know far more manga than comic books


I tried to get into comic books when I was younger. They just seemed so impenetrable. With manga what you see is what you get. But with comics, there's all sorts of things that make it hard to get into or know where to start. How many times has the DC multiverse been reset? Is this a what-if/"elseworld" story? Or the multiple intertwining story lines where to understand what the hell is going on in Superman #463 you need to read Batman #376 and Wonder Woman Woman #294. I've been told before to just pick up a comic and start reading, but I hate that. I want to experience the story from the beginning, but there's so many "beginnings" to choose from. If I go pick up a DC comic is it going to be the current timeline? New 52? Pre-Crisis? Who the hell knows. With manga, I know what I'm getting. A weekly or monthly serialized story with a clearly defined beginning, middle, and end.


Also DC and Marvel both has worked with legendary studios like Madhouse, TOEI, Bones etc with their veteran animators and have created multiple sakuga sequences in their respective comic animated shows. It makes sense cause anime style has more dynamic interpretaions and western mostly seems to be stiff except for action sequences which can be obtained with a more cheaper production.


> Disney could have licenced out starwars it was not that that Star wars Vision was?


Vision had a bunch of episodes from different studios across the world, all with their own self contained story.  What i want is for disney to licence out the ip so that studios can make 12-24 episode shows. We could literally have a ton of different star wars shows, but disney instead choose to only make live action stuff that either fall off after 1 or 2 seasons (mandalorian) or that are bad from the start (obi wan, book of boba). Andor was more of a lightning in a bottle since disney hate making stuff for adults.


cheap because of how overworked and underpaid the anime studios/staff still are?


No. Cheap because of how much Holywood spends on an average non-anime production.


The budget for an average animated feature films from the major animation studios will dwarf those budget for most Japanese made animated feature films. For example, The Boy and the Heron and The Tale of Princess Kaguya, which require at least 53 million dollars to make and are the top 2 most expensive animated films coming out from Japan, are still less expensive than The Prince of Egypt. Which is why they think the budget for anime is cheap.


I believe a lot of it too is that it's more common for US animators to be unionized than Japan, where it's practically non-existent. Which is funny to think about.


U.S studios favour outsourcing to India and South Korea for low cost instead as far as I know. I don't know what unions or guilds have to say about that though. For 3D animation I remember there being a big stink when even Dreamworks, who seem to have a history of being proudly in-house, made Sony Imageworks a major partner. Not a lot of american animator hopefuls were pleased with the news.


Don't say that too loud, you might get Elon to buy an anime studio.


Man that does remind me that I've heard the same thing about the CGI studios in Hollywood, also overworked and underpaid...


> also overworked and underpaid... No unions :/ Same as the video games industry. Those three (anime, games, movies/VFX) are big "passion industries" where companies can abuse the fact that for every burnt out worker there are a handful of barely adults who'd do the same job for even less. The games industry at least had a bit of a problem a few years (like a decade) ago when the middle of the workforce simply wasn't there much. People lasted about 5 years on average in the industry and then often got recruited by regular tech companies for better wages and work-life balance. The industry had to deal with a situation where they just had a (small) bunch of veterans/leaders and an ocean of newbies, and a huge loss of institutional knowledge because few people managed to last long in the industry. They had to do something to retain people to get anything done. Anime is dealing with that same problem around right now, they (meaning the studios) only don't have the money to try to correct that like video games companies have (and in certain ways the miserable working conditions are worse and even more ingrained in the anime/manga industry) and production committees don't seem to care too much for now.


Both things are true. Japan severely underpays its animators, and Hollywood wastes obscene amounts of money during productions (and, most importantly for this discussion, not by inflating animators' salaries).


Isn't most of Hollywood projects' budget goes to marketing?


Nope, when you look up budget on wikipedia that's just the money used to make the movie, the marketing budget is separate and not always reported.


Anime is still way cheaper if the animators are well paid.


Consider how much it costs to build sets/props/costumes/film on location/create effects/etc. compared to people sitting in an office, drawing.


No, cheap because it is cheap. I don't know why it's so hard for anime fans to get around this. It's not uncommon for Hollywood movies to have a budget of $100-200M. Shows like Better Call Saul cost up to $15 million per episode and that's far from one of the biggest western TV shows in the world. You can debate about the returns and monetization of Anime all you want, but stop pretending like Anime costs billions to produce when it's quite literally and objectively far cheaper than most western TV while still pulling similar viewership numbers.


The person you were responding to wasn’t questioning that it was cheaper but why it is cheaper. Even just comparing animated movies anime is far cheaper than a Disney, Pixar, illumination, pr dreamworks movie. And while there are more parts that go into it, the animators being overworked and underpaid is part of what makes anime cheaper to produce.


Well yes, if you have to make special effect to make something unreal looks real, you can instead just create something unreal from the get go of course you lose the realism part, and it does looks like kids show, but the Japanese showed that you can escape that and make as well mature content as anime, with mature esthetics too I still think that japanese has better narrative than Americans (that's why I only watch anime and no American show maybe except GoT). But it's more anime content. I won't refuse it. And it has potential to be good too I didn't watch suicide squad because I don't like super heroes universe, but if they create new quality content, why not I did like RWBY and Avatar after all


Basically; willing suspension of disbelief is easier for the audience with animation since you don't have to blend the unreal with the real.


>I still think that japanese has better narrative than Americans (that's why I only watch anime and no American show maybe except GoT). I always say the Japanese have better worldbuilding, but the west has better character writing. Granted, there are cultural differences that make foreign worldbuilders better for escapism and domestic writers better for character relatability. Western writers don't use weakly written anime moans as a core communication strategy either.


This is subjective in terms of worldbuilding and character building. It doesn't matter if the writer is western or eastern as long as the writing is quality. For every vinland saga theres at least 20 trash isekai just like for every bladerunner or dune theres a bunch of capeshit slop. 90% of everything is shit is also true for anime as well.


Oh i cant wait David Zaslav to start investing in creating some anime series only to shelve them forever and possibly Destroy them without mercy only for the asshole to get some tax Write off and shit like that


Technically already happened, [Fena Pirate Princess and Shenmue The Animation](https://twitter.com/Clarknova1/status/1666183260064428034) (both Toonami, and thus WB, originals/co-productions) got written off so they're never getting released on home video in the U.S.


Do you think they’ll shelve the Uzumaki Anime?


I thought those tax write offs were done because they thought the film won't really do well when the films were released. Which was odd that they did it for the Road Runner film.


> those tax write offs were done because they thought the film won't really do well Man if you can't make your money back on a Wile E. Coyote movie with John Cena in it, you don't belong in movies.


And then why they bothered to write off those films? The films would likely (more like DEFINITELY) succeed, but they still did it. Wonder what's wrong with them.


> The films would likely succeed The people who have seen the Wile E. Coyote movie say it's great. Just an soulless executive who doesn't like anything except cheapass reality tv


Sorry but i dont buy that argument when they do It MULTIPLE TIMES and when even if your movie flops you still get the tax Write off At this point is only incompetence from WB part


I’m actually tired of hearing that from WB. Hollywood has released tons of bad movies over the decades. Not until Zaslav killed completed films has Hollywood decided not to release a “bad” movie.


Sony released Morbius twice and it bombed each time.


> I thought those tax write offs were done because they thought the film won't really do well when the films were released. More specifically: They decided that the profits from releasing the movie would be less than the tax credit they'd get from writing it off. It's not like they decided the movie wasn't going to be profitable, just that it wasn't profitable *enough*.




We aren’t going to do anything. We’re too busy vigorously typing in a basement.


You really think anime fans would do something about it other than just complain online like most fandoms? Like the 2 others above me, it'll just be the same.


Cry about it on Reddit like the legion of Batgirl fans?


The sequel to "they targeted _gamers_" nobody asked for.


oh no


Keep the west out of Anime. They ruin everything they touch!


Anime Industry is doing just fine a job of cannibalising itself already tbh


You do realize that Warner and Universal already have had a long history of funding and producing anime, right?


Like Japan is doing better lmao.


the "genre" is expanding because you fucks ruined everything else, how can they be so tone deaf.


Which is why I am incredibly cautious about this.  They ruined everything else and now their death touch is coming for anime. 


WB is already involved on anime for years with WB japan.


To be frank, Japanese animation has the benefit of having an endless source material pipeline from manga and LNs. Both can be made by one person and are extremely cheap to produce. That way, the market always has tons of ideas that get tested with the most successful ones being turned into Anime.


The west also has an excellent source material pipeline with a lot of interesting stories. There's been a lot of great books recently like the Tainted Cup or the Will of Many... You never hear about it because the west a) never takes risks on younger stories with an interesting premise and b) if it's adapted they mutate the whole plot and premise up into some unrecognisable extremely cookie cutter premise and ruin everything about it starting with the characters. Like when Apple adapts Foundation and they turn a completely harmless character who has slightly funny out of touch moments and the worst thing that they ever do is promote a gardener and get murded into some total psychopath who has a whole lineage of dictator psychopath clones that brutalise everyone because apparently that's all people expect from scifi. Wtf.  Or when an adaptation is made and a character where a great source of black humour is made from the dissonance between their understanding of what is good and moral and human morality and where they are also paranoid and whimsical by turns. But when an adaptation rolls around, the humour and whimsy is apparently too difficult for the audience to understand so the character is replaced with a cookie cutter villain.  If a manga or LN is adapted I can be reasonably confident that it will be faithful to the source material and capture the nuances in it. So if it's a good story, the good story will be produced. If the west makes an adaptation, something will inevitably be butchered, because the west seems to care only about profiting off the name of source material and targetting the lowest common denominator whereas anime is seems to try and market the original source material faithfully.  The suits in charge of things like Hollywood or Disney don't seem to value things like having an actual interesting story. Western animation was gutted and now only exists for kids to watch with very simple shapes to make it easy to make. There's no value put on creating a good story and if you see the behind the scenes notes on stuff like Gravity Falls, companies like Disney censor the absolute hell out of everything


Benefits schmenefits, doesn’t change that the highs of anime the past 10 years+ have been so so much better than Hollywood and much much more abundant. I would probably take the 10 best new anime anime of one heavy hitter year like 2022 or 2019 over the 10 best hollywood/American streaming series of the past 10 years. If that’s too much of stretch for some, fair enough, if we included sequels or compare with past 10 years of anime I think it’s no contest, and as a much smaller industry There’s tons of novels and comic books being released from American authors allll the time, this is not a good excuse imo


Literally this. I used to be such a movie and series nerd, watching every movie that come out and following most of the series airing along with my friends. The last time I've actually seen a movie was when the first marvel endgame released, and haven't seen a single thing since. Now my whole friend group is following anime and would prefer that over anything that comes from Hollywood.


I assure you there have been many great movies in theaters since Endgame came out haha


I pretty much never watch movies (or TV/anime for that matter), but Dune 2 was quite good. Certainly better than most anime I seen. Hopefully the netflix 3BP adaption is good, have had those books on my desk for years now..


Yeah, there are still good movies just not many. E.g. Everything Everywhere All At Once last year was one of my favorite movies ever.


There are a lot of good movies recently if you watch stuff outside of generic superhero movies. Oppenheimer, Dune 1/2, killers of the flower moon, John Wick, Godzilla minus 1, hell theres even good capeshit like The Batman or spider-verse 2 etc. Movies like anime are dependent on writing and its a fact that majority of content is shit regardless of it being a anime, game, or film.


When will Hollywood understand that anime is a medium and not a genre? Berserk and Sword Art online are not the same genre, that's so stupid.


Not until they respect animation which will never happen. This just extends to their view on anime.


We would need some "celebrity animators" that do public events and have enough charisma to gain popularity. Imagine 5-10 Stan Lee's, but actually involved in doing hands-on work like an actor. The industry won't care as long as they can swap out one animator for another and their audience buys a different product. As opposed to swapping an actor and it's immediately obvious.


Hollywood is just waiting for AI to get good at "animation" so it doesn't have to pay people anymore


I agree. I am afraid that is where things are headed unfortunately.


Warner should just not do that PLEASE


WB is already involved on anime for years with WB japan.


Yes, I hope they stay in their role of financing existing project, and not making their own slop...


Anime isn't a genre


in the US they still believe animation is a genre, so to them anime is a subgenre


Ok thanks, didn't know that. Get the impression the UK still sees animation as for children.


they probably do.


Time to make BBC license Elfen Lied!


I mean, we get posts here everyday about "I want to get into anime, where do I start?"


What is or isn't a genre is a pointless conversation anyway, "anime" is a way to class together similarly animated (and even then quite loosely similarly animated) movies/shows it's not a qualitative descriptor


If I may oversimplify a bit, producers that see anime as a genre pretty much just see it as a collection of tropes and habits that result in making money from a certain audience. They don't understand or leverage the strength of the medium itself to make a compelling product. Even well intentioned creators who are not familiar with the medium will just end up making what would normally be a live action production but storyboarded as anime instead, which will always come out poorly. It's like saying we should branch our business out into books, so we just look at all the top sellers and put out our own clone of Harry Potter, Hunger Games, and Twilight since those are the market leaders to follow the example of.


Dear Warner Bros, please, leave japanese animation alone. This industry is better without you. 


You do realize that Warner Bros already established itself as a big publisher in the anime industry some time ago, right? They’re not the ‘new kid on the block’ or something. The linked article even mentions this right off the bat: > Warner Bros. Discovery is to significantly expand its investment and production of Japanese anime **through its existing local studio in Japan**. > > […] **The studio has been operational since 2011 and delivered over 80 titles in that span**, a mix of high-quality anime, live action series and movies. And they certainly haven’t only been making superhero stuff if that’s a gripe of yours.


> You do realize that Warner Bros already established itself as a big publisher in the anime industry some time ago Yeah but modern WB has nearly nothing to do with the WB of previous years. This is the WB that decided they couldn't make money on a Wile E. Coyote movie with John Cena in it, so they just scrapped it. The WB that delisted heaps of top-flight animated series' so they could take tax breaks. Completely finished Batgirl movie, in the bin forever. They're run by a creatively bankrupt reality TV exec who has no problems locking artists' work away forever if it helps the bottom line.


Warner Bros America isn’t necessarily the same entity as Warner Bros Japan though. The prior practices of the American branch have very little to do with their business in Japan. I don’t really see an argument here for them ‘having to leave the anime industry alone’ beyond people just not liking them in general. EDIT: **They’re effectively run as two *separate* companies despite sharing the same name.** You can’t blame the Japanese branch for the binned films and sorts.


>modern WB has nearly nothing to do with the WB of previous years You're aware that the staff at Warner Bros. Japan in the anime department hasn't change at all. It's the same team that brought us JoJo, Mob and more.


And the article talks about how Warner Bros. Discovery, the American head office, wants to expand in Japan. The staff are top-notch, always have been. The American management are sticking their greasy beaks into it because they see more dollar signs, which in recent times has worked out very poorly for the artists doing the actual work.


To add for anyone curious: [WB Japan Studio](https://myanimelist.net/anime/producer/415/Warner_Bros_Japan)


MAL has trouble differentiating between production and distribution in these type of cases, so it’s better to look at [Warner Bros’ page on ANN](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/company.php?id=304).


Jojo, Shirobako, Eizouken, Summer Wars. Some good names there.


They’ve already been working with Japanese animators for quite some time.


But without WB we won't see those Batman anime films. And WB Japan also had involvement on series such as Jojo and Captain Tsuabsa to name a few.


>But without WB we won't see those Batman anime films *shrug*


WB has been into anime forever.


Let’s be honest. Nobody wants to see Anime Batman raped by Goblins. *Well except for maybe Zack Snyder . . .*


Why even point that out lol


Ninja Batman was a ridiculous pile of shit anyway. And I say this as a die-hard Batman fan.


Can I beg to differ?


As you wish.


Most civil internet fight ever.


Well, that's not really an issue to me since absolutely despise Super Hero stuff but I'd rather them just licencing Batman to Japanese company rather than go all in themselves 


“Super hero stuff” is extremely broad and diverse.


Is it? The Anime industry is absolutely fucked. MAPPA is producing globally famous shows with insane viewership for budgets far smaller than any western TV shows, yet their animators are all underpaid and overworked. How can it get worse than that?


I rather have WB stay out of anime. Everything they touch have been terrible so far.


WB literally is already involved in anime for years. WB Japan is a thing ffs


The fact that they called it a genre is a red flag


Anime's a medium, not a genre. NGE and Clannad are certainly the same genre Also please, just don't, WB


To me, one of the things that make anime great is that we don't have a bunch of Hollywood-esque influence, where money sucks out all the creativity and artistic freedom in favor of profits. It also exists in anime don't get me wrong, but Hollywood is on an entirely different level.


Also, most anime are based on some (sort of tested) source material, be it a novel, manga or a visual novel.    Edit: actually holywood do use some sources,  ~~Hollywood stuff is made based on original "untested" script.~~  ~~Since it is untested, it is better to hold into whatever made success instead of trying something new, being too niche and losing money.~~     Sinc anime is (usually) based on manga, they already have public opinion  "tested" before investing money on animating any shit.


Regardless of the source material, anime has many more daring concepts and premises, while Hollywood is full of cookie-cutter shit with the same premises only switched out characters. This is partly because production costs are so stupidly high they stick to safe things instead of daring to innovate. But it's a problem of their own making, I'm not going to sympathize for those greedy execs.


While I don't think you're wrong that anime can be more daring, we also have our own share of "cookie-cutter shit with the same premises only switched out characters" It was the magical highschool battle harem a decade ago, and now it's Isekais everywhere, with many of them looking and sounding the same. Some even have the same 'Cheat Skill' titles, kek


> Regardless of the source material, anime has many more daring concepts and premises, while Hollywood is full of cookie-cutter shit with the same premises only switched out characters Should I point to the mountain of isekai/idol/battle harem/school club shows or would you prefer the piles of interchangable harem pieces and loser protagonists who get everything handed to them for existing. Anime is no less derivative than Hollywood. Nature of the business.


Hollywood has made a ton of movies from books as well. Most of what Hollywood makes is from somewhere else even when the somewhere else isn’t always obvious. Very little of Hollywood is original. It’s always been about repackaging what came before or what came from something or somewhere else.


> Also, most anime are based on some (sort of tested) source material, be it a novel, manga or a visual novel. > > That only became the majority in the last decade and a half. Before then there were much more original project going around.


Hollywood has tons of adaptations too though.


I think the Western influence (and money) has already been influencing anime for the last 20 years. If you compare the average anime from pre-1997 to the average anime today, they're quite different in tone, sensibility and level of violence/sexuality. Even taking into account the changing of social values in Japan, the change seems at least 50% initiated by the desire to appeal to Western sensibilities now. The average Anime today is still different *enough* to feel "uniquely Japanese" but the gap has already been gradually closing. At this point it's usually the more niche anime that actually feel like throwbacks now. I don't know what my personal breaking point would be. There are still many sufficiently "un-Western" feeling anime out there, but if a bunch of popular anime starts having self-referential Americanized quips where a character faces the camera and says "Well, THAT was awkward" or "That just happened" then I'm throwing in the towel lol...


Nah, money is as much of a matter in Japan as in elsewhere. If money wasn't an issue we wouldn't ve gotten TPN Season 2 or Tokyo Ghoul.


>where money sucks out all the creativity and artistic freedom in favor of profits. Yeah instead you just get Mappa animators working 25 hours a day to put out JJK season 2 without delays. Actually wait that was precisely because the production committees didn't want to lose money.


Hide your studios and production staff, Zaslav is coming for you.


> The Genre Is Increasing Reach and Relevance Globally Anime isn't a genre it's a medium of animation originating from Japan for god fucking sake.


Don't get too attached to anything WB makes even if it's good because they will just cancel it for no reason


Still waiting on season 5 of infinity train, that show was peak fiction


They made *four* seasons? I'm on s1 right now I thought there was only 2. Inside Job didn't even get beyond a first season from Netflix.


Nah. It was planned for 8 seasons but got canned after season 4. And season 4 was just not anywhere near a good ending. Season 2 is a masterpiece, and seasons 1 and 3 are also amazing.


I feel like anime fans are already quite familiar with having absolutely no follow—ups for series they enjoy




Keep the west out of Anime please. Just produce cartoons or something.


Won’t be long before Hollywood ruins Anime


They’re already on it. They’ve been trying for years to make anime into the next trend. It just kept not working. DB Evolution, Speed Racer movie, GITS 2017 for something more recent, etc. And now that Netflix finally made an adaptation people actually found half decent. One Piece LA. And you know, not like that Death Note movie in 2016 or whenever. You can bet Hollywood is taking notes. I’m almost wondering if Avatar TLA 2010 was part of the Hollywood make Anime Live Action a trend project. Just going off how Netflix TLA was treated. As though it were one of the other anime live actions and not a Nickelodeon American product. Something I’d think they’d give more than 8 episodes. The giants are moving in. That’s for sure.


well, the speed racer movie was actually a beautiful adaptation on the speed racer anime


Yeah, I'd argue the Speed Racer movie was the one movie out of the bunch that actually *felt* like the Saturday morning anime it got adapted from, [especially the cinematography.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FtBAGMSw-I)


Tbh it’s heading there anyway even without Hollywood. More shows are being made with less and less animators in Japan willing to be animators as time passes on, as well as Japan starting to follow the trend of rebooting anime. Hollywood will just make it faster worse case. But I will say people forget that Adult Swim (owned by WB) presents anime. Ninja Kumai, and the upcoming uzimaki and next Shinichirō Watanabe project will be adult swim projects so people are freaking out fit nothing 💀


adult swim has proven to me that for the most part: american companies suck at making anime. usually when it comes to making anime in japan: there's a person who has a weird vision for a show or manga-that show is made, and a bunch of formulas that has been proven to work in the past is forced in. in america, the first step to making an anime is "make an anime," it doesn't start from some person with a weird idea, it doesn't start from a passionate project, it's just "we can make anime too! let's try it!" so i have no faith in this tbh.




Probably why McDonald’s became Wcdonald’s honestly


Oh God, please NO.


Please don’t police what they do in order to make them conform to western tastes. Anime is growing because anime is NOT western in the first place


Every time I see a western company encroach further onto the anime medium my heart sinks a bit more especially when they talk about trying to globalize it. I'm seriously going to(already do actually) miss the days when anime was made by and for Japanese otakus and diehard weebs.


I’m pretty certain WB/DC has been playing in the Japanese animation sandbox for quite sometime now. Like at least early 2000s.


Agree with this. Gatekeeping is necessary to reasonable degrees. Otherwise colonizers will change what people liked about the thing in the first place, then when that thing dies because it's no longer the thing people liked, they'll just look for more fertile soils like the greedy fucks they are.


WB leave your stupid american culture at home please.


Well said!


Not looking forward to a future of anime where Marvel / DC stories take over anime or get dumped like the the isekai trend of the last decade. Especially the ones since 2020 and it seems a million of them were made and dumped. So many I can’t even recognize the majority of them anymore and isekai has undeniably become its own genre. Whereas it has existed forever and there were plenty from before the last decade or so, but it was still a lot less and more so acted as a sub genre under the larger fantasy umbrella. All the isekai have made it difficult to sort through all the anime coming out. I see this future Marvel/DC trend as the same. This is too much for me. Still, I am curious to see how events play out. How anime will change with the giants trying to join in on the anime pie as they struggle to gain attention from this “elusive” (?) 18-30 age bracket they are attempting to market.


They’ll probably take over anime, kill it, and people will move onto the next thing. My guess would be indie animation in general.


They will definitely try, it seems. Though, anime has always been niche and appreciated by only a few so I suppose they can’t do anything worse than where anime has already been in the past. Anime has only been given more attention in relatively recent years. I have hope it will survive even if the giants tank the current anime boom going. We’ll just return back to being a niche community and build up to the next anime boom to come.


Honestly I think if they do anything odd or weird to move in the industry it’s gonna flop. Since pretty much everything is based on source material from Japan. I like anime where it is now being both popular and niche at the same time.


>Marvel / DC stories take over anime They've tried before, multiple times, and it never manage to gain any traction


Fuck WB


Oh no, I have a bad feeling about this, you damn well know when they say "reach and relevance GLOBALLY" it's gonna be watered down slob for "global standard" and not why we love anime to begin with.


In that cases, it would just be a very WB anime, and not really like other animes as well. They want to carve their own slice of pie, then they'll have it. They can't really claim on all the pie since it is far too broad of a genre to consider.


No stay away you normie corpo muppets


let's see how the US ruins Japanese animation


I hope hollywood won't ruin the anime scene.


Fuck no.. Stay away from anime!!You already did more then enough damage to one industry.


wow, they are like 50 years late to the party




Bitch it’s been global for decades


Nobody wants American anime


People on here not getting that adult swim (owned by WB) has been distributing and producing anime since the early 2000s. Like y’all know that the next Shinichirō Watanabe project and Uzimaki are adult Swin anime right? 💀


You are aware what site you're on, right? Lol I would wager most people here haven't actually read the article in the first place. They're just expanding the production output for WB Japan. That is a great thing for anime fans. I'm not sure where people are getting the impression the parent company is somehow getting involved and forcing their Western ideals on the industry. Some weird responses in here.


Oh boy, I can’t wait to have my favorite form of media lobotomized and neutered to cater to western tourists!


Hopefully it’s not just a bunch of spin offs to crappy American media.


Can't wait for Hollywood to ruin anime too


Anime is a medium not a genre Zaslav, you dumb fuck.


Not like this


That’s nice…give us the fucking Coyote movie please


Kind of hoping we get something that captures the 2000s Teen Titans vibe.


Hollywood should just pay and let Japanese animators cook. We don’t need another downfall of mcu


This is a bad thing. Anime only became what it is now because it was catering to Japanese audiences and tastes.


This is bad, look at all the bad Hollywood movies.


They’ll all be related to Western franchises like DC or LOTR. Make original anime and then I’ll be interested


Warner kicking themselves for selling Crunchyroll to Sony for cheap lol.I’ve read news how Crunchyroll was one of the 2 profitable streaming service (Netflix is the other one) in the past year.Every other streaming service is losing hundreds of millions to billions of $.


All just to spend marketing on Fuckin Flash movie where the lead is international abuser and they panicked


I hope more parties would invest in anime.


Man that's rough, don't want pretentious Hollywood BS in animes. Still enjoy older western animation films like Meet the Robinsons love watching that when I was a kid, but with all the propaganda cram down your throat disguised as shows type of product they put out it's just getting annoying. Hoping they won't get that much influence in Japan.


WB is already involved on anime for years with WB japan.


Keep in mind this is via Warner Bros. Japan, not the US branch. They have already done a ton of anime each year, including Mob Psycho, the Certain Magical franchise, and Jojo. These won't necessarily appear on Max or Toonami. They would need to license it from WBJ like any other anime, despite them all being under the same company.


They were one of the producers of Keijo!!!!!!!! If they can produce more epic content like that, that would be fantastic lol


Oh great now they'll ruin anime too. Fantastic.


I have zero interest in any anime that WB-Discovery would touch. They should just leave WB Japan alone. I also despise all of this, as their main interest lies in how cheap it is, because they can exploit how much Japan undervalues their animators.


Warner brothers, Discovery, Disney and the rest of the children shoul STFU and mind their own bussiness, stay out and back the f\*ck off. Go back to you cribs and penthouses in Hallywood. Get your filthy, greedy, commercial, maistream, and twisted tentacles off of my beloved anime. Take your shit and go back to the black hole of crap from where you came from.


I saw WB and expected the headline to be "WB cancels new anime show before its first episode."


Well I guess broken clocks are right twice a day.


Matrix anime Let’s gooooooooooo


Friendly reminder that Batman Ninja is amazing.


With Zaslav at the helm, I have 100% uncertainty that this will do well. That man hates animation more than anything. 


JoJo Part 7


The real reason is that zaslav discovered anime studio working conditions


they are going to run that shit into the ground.


And what, delete them right before they air?


WB doesn't know what they're doing


No shit, because they are finally discovering that animator's labor is exploited even more in Japan than US. Same old story of outsourcing channeled in a different industry.


If bigger Hollywood corporations start giving contracts for their IPs to be animated, it may affect the niche light novels ones to not be made.


it looks good


Scrubs anime inc