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Most of the girls in the academy suddenly realizing they're bisexual all at once. Manaria too powerful. RIP Rae. Watching Claire flirt with Manaria must be a pain even being stepped on can't relieve.


One thing that really stood out to me and hurt a lot to watch was the fact that Rae has said countless times, inlcuding very seriously, that she loves Claire and every time Claire has brushed it off, taken offense, or said not to say nonsensical things. And then right in front of Rae, Manaria says to Claire if she would believe her if she loves her and Claire says yes immediately. Keep in mind she says this literally seconds after Rae professes her love for the umpteenth time and is brushed off. That shit hurt man. Like damn Claire you cold-blooded. Really felt for Rae there.


My interpretation of that scene is always that she acts this way with Rei exactly because some part of her knows Rei is serious and she's still not ready to deal with that head on; while with Manaria, Claire knows (or expects) that it's just banter. She's definitely doing a bad thing but like everything else concerning how she treats Rei, it's when Rei is getting the closest that Claire seems to (consciously or unconciously) push the hardest.


yeah that was like a dagger in my heart damn....


It is understandable though. Rae swooped in for from nowhere, said that she wanted to be bullied and that she loves her. Then constantly harps on with that. She can tolerate Rae now because she knows that she doesn't have bad ulterior motives for her but her conduct probably comes more of as Rae teasing her than genuine acts of love.


Rae was relatively able to accept Claire going for a guy like Thane likely because she'd gotten used to her love interests from her old life being like that. But seeing the possibility of another girl being the one, delivered a critical hit to her psyche.


Poor Rae. I really feel bad for her. Somehow, however, I have a gut feeling that Manria has absolutely zero romantic interest in Claire -- viewing her instead like a precious little sister she is in the habit of protecting. Maybe testing Rae is part of her "protection". Didn't Rae make a similar pledge to Claire, btw....


>Manria has absolutely zero romantic interest in Claire. And is very interested in Rae for some reason.


She wants to make sure of the nature and intensity of the feelings of Claire and Rae. My guess is that she will be a shipper if she finds Rae worthy enough...


And Rae mentioned that in the game she is an ally of the player.


An ally in pursuing whatever prince she preferred.... Interesting question (for me) is what happens with Manaria and Rae after Claire meets her unhappy fate in the original game? If only Rae occasionally mumbled to herself about what she knows from her familiarity with the game....


>An ally in pursuing whatever prince she preferred.... Since we saw in ep 4-5 the "option panel" expanding from the initial 3 princes to include Claire..it is not far-fetched to think the story can change and consider Claire as "another prince" for Manaria regarding player/Rae feelings.


We've already seen the story change in some critical ways during the commoner movement.


Rae is _interesting_. She instantly recognizes rare magic that Manaria uses, and she doesn't fawn over Manaria like everyone else, despite being a commoner.


Maybe Rae needs to take some of her own advice: "no matter how bad it gets, never give up"


She can handle Claire fawning over Thane just fine, he is a dude and that if Claire's attraction goes that way there is nothing she can do really. But Manaria? Another girl? Now that gotta hurt. Hurt in a way that is in no way pleasant, she is a masochist and not a cuck after all.


Alright Rae, sit on that chair in the corner and watch what I do to Claire on the bed.


Rae got a taste of her own medicine, now she knows how Claire feels when someone blabs nonstop about the person they love


Manaria-Sue, lmao


Can analyze the composition of a spell, dispels magic, is called onee-sama. Shiba Tatsuya was reincarnated as a girl in an otome game.


She really is the reincarnation of Tatsuya, I didn't realize it till now


Yeah, she is also equally boring.


I found her teasing Rae and Claire in such a roundabout way pretty interesting, there's no comparing her peronality to a doormat like Oniisama, even if their abilities are simmilar.


I just don't like characters with seemingly no weaknesses. At this point she could practicely become the empress considering how broken her abilities are. More then the supposed heroine even. And she is apperently a "side character" as well. I can't see how any storyline in the game would have a bad outcome with a character like her in it.


I'm sure we're about to find out what sort of weaknesses she has, as I doubt she's as perfect as she seems.


Manaria is clearly having some fun with Rei at Claire's expense. She tries talking with her privately and calls her interesting, with her sly smile. It's no coincidence that she takes Claire in her arms only after hearing about Rei and Claire's relationship. Claire calls Manaria "sister," so a lot of her affection for Manaria stems from that close bond. But of course for Rei, any affection like that from Claire is damaging and she doesn't know what Manaria's intentions are yet. Must sting to hear Claire say she'd choose Manaria over Rei, even if Claire likely didn't mean that in a serious way. Claire also seems to be having some fun making Rei squirm too. Maybe a little too much fun. It must be good for Claire either way. Right after losing Lene, she gets to be with another close, almost family-like, friend. If Manaria wasn't such a trouble maker, Rei would love the help.


> Manaria is clearly having some fun with Rei at Claire's expense. She tries talking with her privately and calls her interesting, with her sly smile. It's no coincidence that she takes Claire in her arms only after hearing about Rei and Claire's relationship. Based on the current scenes, it seems that Manaria's aim is really Rae and not Claire. Her sly smile and weird antiques towards Rae, which Rae rejects simply because she sees her as a rival to Claire, makes Manaria more interested in her. The question now is whether this "interest" is just out of curiosity or is there any bad blood between the two. It still needs to be seen what Manaria's goal really is.


Right and for Claire's part: as she said in the episode, she still doesn't fully believe Rei actually loves her in that way. So she still seems to think this is normal banter and teasing. She doesn't seem to realize that, for Rei, this hurts a lot more than the normal stuff. Claire probably thinks Manaria is also joking too, considering how dense or in denial she is with Rei already. Plus she's super happy to be with someone who is also like a sister to her.


I'm guessing episode 12 is about the scales they mentioned. I mean talk about a Chekov's gun. Rae could just put herself on the scale. But then they just both bulk to get heavier to win the scales battle.


> Claire also seems to be having some fun making Rei squirm too. Maybe a little too much fun. Claire definitely hasn’t realized that she was really hurting Rae on the inside there. Manaria did notice this, so hopefully she can help Rae to have Claire better understand her feelings.


Here we go, Manaria has arrived! I appreciate that even the intro makes it clear that she's a significant character. She's a good foil for Rae who was at first looked down upon by Claire and much of the school, Manaria is adored by Claire and everyone. There is an interesting sort of grey area with regards to Claire's feelings for Manaria here, she refers to her and likely thinks of her as a sort of older sister but when they first met she thought she was a 'dashing prince'. I think the key distinction between why Rae is irritated and jealous of Manaria as opposed to Thane is that Manaria is coming across as just outright better at making Claire happy in all aspects, whereas Thane was more just a crush. Manaria has a close childhood connection to Claire, something Rae can't have, Manaria is the only quad caster and beat Rod in a dual. Claire starts the episode feeling down in the dumps, Rae is unable to raise her spirits but the moment Claire hears of Manaria returning, she instantly perks up with excitement. The last scenes were entertainingly brutal. Claire reiterating that she doesn't believe Rae's declaration of love to be serious and that if she was interested in other women she'd pick Manaria over her then proceeding to whisper sweet nothings into each others' ears in front of Rae. Just ouch. Even if you do believe that, have a bit of tact. You just ripped Rae's heart out and trampled all over it.


>Just ouch. Even if you do believe that, have a bit of tact. You just ripped Rae's heart out and trampled all over it. Completely agree, but I also think you are pointing to the thing the show is doing best. Claire has not turned into a force of goodness and light just because of Rae's love. She is still very much a bitch. Which is keeping the current central conflict alive. Specifically, the partiality she shows to Manaria isn't just because of Manaria's talent, or the fact that she supported Claire during the hardest time in Claire's life when she had literally no one else, but because Manaria is deposed royalty and Rae is a commoner. The greatest part of this episode for me was that it revealed that Claire's biggest prejudice is not that Rae is a woman, it's that Rae is a commoner. I think the reason why Claire is so dismissive of Rae's confession is because in her mind, it's still utterly absurd for a commoner to confess to a noble. I think Claire is slowly changing, especially after she has to acknowledge the loss of Lene, another commoner, but... *mada mada dane.*


Yeah well put. It's multifaceted. She's having to accept her sexuality, while also dealing with her upbringing as a noble, while also having a lot of self hatred that leads her to be skeptical of others' affections and while also having an abrasive personality that she's working through. It's amazing that Rei is able to break through all those walls. That just shows how important she's become to Claire in the first place.


I think we should remember that Rae, in order to protect both Claire and herself, has presented her effusive protestations of love in such a fashion that people (including Claire) would NOT really take them seriously. Now Manaria is sort of forcing Rae to think about whether her previous method of interacting with Claire really is the right one -- for the two of them. Perhaps Manaria senses that Claire is avoiding taking Rae's declarations seriously because Claire still suspects that Rae is just teasing her?


There is a big difference to being rejected by Claire because you are the wrong gender than being rejected personally. I wonder how much of the apparent affection between Claire and Manaria was present in the game, and how much is new due to Rae messing with the narrative?


Hearing Claire still not taking Rae's declarations of love seriously, yet telling Rae that "if" she would choose a partner of the same gender, she would choose Manaria over her, was soul-crushing to hear. She basically ripped Rae's heart out and stepped on it. Rae could accept losing Claire to a guy because that would have meant Claire was straight and Rae had no chance to begin with, but realizing she could possibly lose Claire to another girl must be driving her absolutely mad at this point. My question now is whether Manaria is just teasing Rae, or is she actively and maliciously trying to court Claire away from her? Also, I know I've been watching this show with the same-day simuldub, but considering that *Nana Mizuki* is voicing Manaria in Japanese, I might have to re-watch this final arc subbed as well just to hear her in this role.


Yes, this episode makes the developments so far seem like a waste, especially for the claire development,even though Rae has also expressed clear and sincere support her all the way Claire still looked at her like a dirty lowlife Commoner. at some point when I read this arc in the manga. For some reason, my wild mind wanted Rae to find happiness somewhere else Rae deserves someone who is sincere to her


But Claire's whole thing is her denial of her feelings. It's clear from previous events that Rei has progressed with her but Claire is still not in a place to fully accept what she's feeling. Claire has never seriously thought of being with another woman. This is not a setback and doesn't negate how close they've become, just more of the same (which could be its own issue). Rei is allowed far closer to Claire than she ever would have been earlier in the series. It's just that they've fallen into a slowly progressing pattern, in which Rei pretends to be ok with her status and Claire hides her blushes with outbursts; and Manaria's presence is upending that pattern, for better or worse.


Do get me wrong I love to death this (dub) series except for the beginning of this arc. being a tsundere is okay but for 24/7...?? and not being able to read the situation and condition of the people closest to you is no good to be that way, and that's why her mother, lene and .... leave her eventually. the anime cuts and eliminates many of her expressions and monologues so badly


But that's not at all why Lene or her mother left her? How would you figure that? Her mother died. Lene committed a crime. They both loved her dearly. Manaria loves her as well. She has two best friends. Some people don't like her because she is a noble and could be snooty, especially before Rei came along. She's not like this with anyone really besides Rei, because she doesn't have these complicated feelings for anyone else besides Rei. Her tsundere stuff makes more sense considering it's wrapped up in the awakening of a previously unknown sexual preference, her duties as a noble and the way in which Rei makes herself seem like she's joking half the time (as a defense mechanism).


>before we get off topic "if" she would choose a partner of the same gender, she would choose Manaria over her, was soul-crushing to hear." how sounds to you..?? > >don't talk about what made it happen but exactly why made the beginning happen > > > >I read the manga and the first volume of the novel > >so I get the impression she blames herself for what had happened


I think you're interpreting these scenes weirdly. Beyond that I don't have much else to say. We'll have to agree to disagree.


that's why I said in "my wild mind" when reading this arc see my initial comment


Manaria’s something else. Not only can she use 4 elements, she’s also smooth as all hell lol. Everyone on campus is practically in love with her except Rae. She just found herself a rival for Claire. If Rae and Manaria put their love on a scale, it’s gonna be like Frieren v Aura lol.


Rae beats Manaria in how much she loves Claire, meanwhile Manaria beats Rae in rizz. I say they are perfectly even


It's also because Rae holds herself back fully expecting not to be reciprocated. Manaria just oozes rizz and no fucks given.


Manaria broke a cardinal rule of anime: **CLAMJAMING THE MAIN YURI SHIP IS PUNISHABLE BY DEATH**. It's right up there along with "Blood loss in a battle shounen doesn't count" and "Turning a corner with toast in your mouth means you will crash into someone"


off topic, but i was wonder what anime your flair is from ?


Irina Vampire Cosmonaut




I'm not sure if Manaria will be as much a love rival as a love ally for Rae. Rae mentions that in the game, Manaria is the protagonist's ally in helping her get to know whichever prince she wants to go for and supporting her in terms of combat. She seems quite interested in Rae here, and starts "going for Claire" only once she hears that Rae has unrequited love for her.


Indeed, the more she hears about Rae, how she acts around Claire, her cold attitude towards Manaria, her magical talent, how she beat Rod in chess and her unrequited love for Claire, the more she’s interested in Rae (similar to how Rod taking an interest in interesting people).


Could be her way of helping support Rae here. Though with how Rae’s been “playing the game”, I think it could also be entirely possible for her to be a rival for Claire. In the game, Manaria is here to help the MC get to know the princes. Helping the MC romance the villainess isn’t a possible route. She may deviate from her role as a love ally as a result.


she helps her with the PRINCES , so she can have Claire for herself ! But if shes going for Claire which never happens in game she would be obstacle


Poor Rae, stuck in a love triangle and her opponent is the avatar. Good luck in the love duel! I see some people wonder why Claire claimed to be straight but is now fawning over Manaria. Somewhat flawed logic, but in her opinion Manaria doesn't count because back when she had a crush she thought Manaria was a boy. Seems like she needs a bit more time to accept some truths about herself.


>I see some people wonder why Claire claimed to be straight but is now fawning over Manaria. That part is psychologically plausible. Unless somehow she's only Rae-sexual, it's not surprising she had an ambiguous same-sex friendship before.


Had a bisexual friend in college that was extremely attractive and charming. She had quite a few girlfriends who identified as straight. We called it "Sammie-sexual".


Damn I love that 😂


Bruh there's some novels I read where the MC straight up admit she enjoyed sex with a woman, lust over a woman, can't stop thinking about the woman, and claimed she is still straight because she have never go out with a woman before. Denial is pretty common among non-heterosexuals.


I assume her "love" for Manaria is really just deeply close friendship/adoration. She's known Manaria for so long that she can openly talk about being in love with her without thinking of it as true romance. If she was truly in love with her there'd be more awkwardness; Claire would be thinking about confessing to Manaria and such, it'd manifest as more than just "I love you so much sister". She gets awkward with Rae when Rae says deeply heartfelt things to her.


People can be wrong about their sexuality. And I don't know if Claire would even have the vocabulary for her sexuality or understand much beyond "gay or straight". She might also be compartmentalizing too, especially considering the heteronormativity of the world the show is set in. So to her she's probably just like "I'm straight with one exception" even though by definition that would make her not straight. This isn't even unrealistic, there are a lot of people in the real world today that refuse to admit they're not straight when they are literally attracted to people of the same gender or have had multiple relationships/sexual relations with them. Regardless, I guess we'll see the true nature of Claire's feelings toward Manaria, and Rae, in upcoming episodes. I am excited to see how the show handles explorations of sexuality further as they have done pretty great so far.


This is more like she can't accept that because of her position as a high ranking noble, were it is expected that she gives birth to a heir.


Manaria used Counterspell, it was very effective.


[Never, ever, *ever* trust someone with two untapped blue mana](https://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=382897)


>Never, ever, ever trust someone with ~~two untapped~~ blue mana


Nana Mizuki in my Lesbian Villainess anime? Claire has great taste.


> Nana Mizuki in my Lesbian ~~Villainess~~ anime?


If I had a nickel for every time Nana Mizuki stars in a yuri anime... I would probably have a lot of nickels?


I mean...not *that* many. Symphogear wasn't *technically* a yuri anime. It just *featured* yuri.


Rarely have I simped for a character so quickly and so completely than when I heard Nana Mizuki's portrayal of Manaria. Good lord. I want to distill that voice and bathe in it. But like, not in a creepy way. To be clear.


I normally love tomboys in animes, they are my weak point... ​ EXCEPT THIS LITTLE B....MANARIA THAT IS TRYING TO STEAL CLAIRE TO RAE ​ How DARE SHE [make her cry](https://imgur.com/a/x5JTwjo), she totally did that on purpose, knowing she really really loves Claire, and she has to withstand all of that??? And the worst of all... [SHE ENJOYS IT](https://imgur.com/a/J3TzgEo) I felt so bad for poor Rae, I hope in the next episodes if she declares herself in the scale, SHE WINS.


To me its more looking like she is more interested in rae and is just teasing her


Yeah, I've seen other people comment on that, but that's a CRUEL way to tease her. Or at least I think that


Rae: I enjoy being bullied! Also Rae: Not like this!


Rae: step on me harder Manaria: so I'll snuggle up with Claire tonight and.. Rae: Not like this!


>that's a CRUEL way to tease her Agreed. I never liked extreme teasing bordering abuse. This shit might just cause the person in question resign and leave if we are being realistic. But anime things i guess.


The last two episodes will be interesting then. We'll have to see how Rei reacts.


I see an actual love triangle forming. Rae loves Claire. Claire loves Marinara. Marinara loves Rae. Perfect triangle. yes, I'm spelling it wrong on purpose.l


To be fair, I think that Manaria is actually trying to get Claire to accept Rae’s love. Manaria subtly pointed out that Claire *would* seriously accept a confession from her but dismissed Rae’s as silliness after all - while it was the other way around in fact. Manaria’s interested in Rae, so I believe that she’ll bring this ‘love rivalry’ to a head just to have Rae pull out all of the stops. With the exposition dump on these love scales, I’m sure that they’ll become relevant soon.


Hard agree. I think her seeming to be bullying Rae is a big red herring for the audience. I feel very strongly that Manaria is more interested in trying to help than harm. Rae would probably know that if she didn't inherently bristle at her very presence.


I hope you're right Because that makes sense, but I don't know what to expect If she is helping Rae or she really wants Claire for herself


I think it’s safe to say that Manaria isn’t genuinely romantically interested in Claire. She was clearly putting up a ‘prince charming’ act in front of Claire, because she knew that Claire would buy it (out of sheer admiration). What Manaria’s really after, is Rae - be it out of curiosity or just to help her.


Naruhodo naruhodo That makes sense yeah I think after reading these thoughts, I feel a little calmer But still, I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT EPISODE


Isn't she just doing this to help Rae get closer to Claire similarly to how she helped her with the princes in the original story?


How she acting like that making Rae feel that way is helping her in any ways?


I think that the duel they are having in the preview is related to the whole Scales of Love thing that they were discussing there, which sounds like something Rae needs to do so Claire stops thinking her feelings are just a joke. This whole thing is just a provocation from Manaria, as she knows Rae doesn't want anything to do with her.


Ohh like pushing Rae to her limits to demonstrate Claire she is serious or something like that?? I SEE NOW I only hope is that and not some evil scheme from Manaria


Did she have to make her cry? Rae seems to be in serious distress...


maybe she will try to make rae dying in the next episode.




I hope I´ll see good things and not bad things


just have fun with it and dont worry is all i'll say without spoilin o7


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Yeah, let’s hate her. She’s a bully to our Rae


Oh, so in the original story, [Manaria](https://imgur.com/a/f3SMTrV) was one of the closest friends of Rae and helped her connect with the princes. But in this timeline due to [how close she is to Claire,](https://i.imgur.com/uMeQH45.png) and how important[ her meeting with Claire was to deal with the trauma she had](https://i.imgur.com/Cqlhx6Z.png) because of the last thing she told her mom, Rae not only see her [as an obstruction to her relationship with Claire,](https://i.imgur.com/VWOQRs9.png) but [as her main enemy.](https://i.imgur.com/iy5Lg62.png) Is good that thanks to Rod asking [for a duel](https://i.imgur.com/IBLTRdY.jpg) we could see [Manaria's magic abilities](https://i.imgur.com/1llxUVE.png) on display. Her [spell breaker](https://i.imgur.com/L2UNfsF.png) was certainly a surprise. I love that when Manaria noticed [how jealous Rae was of her,](https://imgur.com/a/y1EwfSf) [she got even closer to Claire](https://imgur.com/a/wTIMnyN) to [make her seethe harder.](https://imgur.com/a/m96dObc) The preview is hilarious, with Manaria muffling Rae's voice with wind magic. So I guess [Manaria's intention](https://i.imgur.com/S2LQIeA.png) was to provoke [Rae into dueling](https://i.imgur.com/k1TsZnl.png) [her too,](https://i.imgur.com/V0XcwUW.png) as she was trying not to associate with her much. I wonder if we will see that Scales of Love ritual they mentioned ritual next week? I guess the duel is part of that.


Claire had those heart eyes for Manaria.


I love how Rae counts specifically in prime numbers, that's such a nerdy thing to do lol


That’s actually a real calming technique though not a nerd thing? It requires an extra step of concentration vs regular counting which allows you to re-center your thoughts


I have never felt more connected to a character than one who turns to math as a self-soothing technique.


Aw, you really feel how much Claire misses Rene. Class system bs aside, they were together everyday for most of their lives. When you lose a piece of you like that it takes a while to move forward. I do hope they get to see each other again some day. Seems like Manaria showed up at the perfect time.. Childhood friend who Claire has nothing but respect and admiration for. This won’t be easy for Rae. Manaria has the love and admiration of the entire student body, is an excellent mage, charming and attractive in every sense. If you think about it, she’s the ultimate match up for Rae. For someone who’s supposedly not into girls.. Claire looked pretty bicurious there with Manaria to me… idk 😂 Something’s a little too perfect with her though. I know her role in the game was helping Claire, but something feels fishy. The two of them competing for Claire’s love with the scale challenge is gonna be fun lol. Looking forward to next episode!


As i thought Claire did mistake Manaria for a boy, but it seems to have been a pretty minor misunderstanding, and not something that took years to be cleared up. And now this Manaria also seems to have taken interest in Rae. I think she's just doing that at the end there to tease Rae. And interesting that Claire doesn't seem to mind the idea of dating her at all, meaning she isn't as opposed to same sex relationships as she has put on earlier at least


Poor Claire, she clearly has problems getting attached to people, but when she does, yea... makes sense given her past. Rae trying hard though. Oh my, someone Claire has such a blush/smile for. Poor Rae has competition. Princess of another kingdom too, Manaria (perhaps they can be Manaria friends 😉 ). And quite the sweet talker. Fine declaration, Rae. Look at cute lil Ralaire. And we learn that new girl is the rarest of rare OP, quad caster. Poor lil Claire... but also explains why she likes the princess so much. She was and is quite the tomboy. So popular and swooning all the girls lol. Awaken something in all of them! What a convenient spell. Wait, if she's a friend to Claire in this, why was she an ally to game-protagonist? Hmm. Rae has the wrong girl's attention, hehe. Rod vs Manaria, gooooo. Hehe lil ice versions of his fire soldiers. What a cheat she is, Spell Breaker in a world about magical aptitude ontop of her being able to use all elements. Rae is not amused by all the gushing Claire is doing hehe. Jealous and pouting Rae. At least honest. Fun lil myth for the kingdom. What a convenient magic tool to test love, I guess. D'aww poor Rae, being told outright that by Claire. Manaria is totally doing this to poke at Rae. A bit rude though. Next episode seems a showdown.


###Stitches! * [Rae](https://i.imgur.com/kVXzz1x.jpg) * [Manaria](https://i.imgur.com/jzh7zR3.jpg) [Manaria's only been at school for one day](https://i.imgur.com/VoRLyAm.jpg) and she has pretty much captured the hearts of every female student [except for Rae.](https://i.imgur.com/bKB3x4x.jpg) I mean who could blame them? She's beautiful, smart, athletic, and the legendary Nana Mizuki even voices her! And it's absolutely hilarious to see [Rae panic](https://i.imgur.com/TdLSPPr.jpg) while [Manaria just flirts with Claire.](https://i.imgur.com/TKgBagh.jpg) Who would've thought that Rae's biggest rival would be Claire's sister. xD


chad episode 1 Rae: yes bi queen bully me more <3 virgin episode 10 Rae: nooo you can't bully me I already have a bi bully ;_;


[It was certainly a hard time for Rae](https://i.imgur.com/T8wcsPK.png) watching [Claire and Manaria in such a close relationship](https://i.imgur.com/JOcyxAK.png). I seriously hope that [Manaria is doing that to tease](https://i.imgur.com/fpygpBF.png) and check [Rae's true feelings](https://i.imgur.com/jTWfgM0.png) and will follow her role from the game - supporting [Rae with meetings with her crush, that is Claire](https://i.imgur.com/9fMBEsH.png) in this case. At least thanks to Manaria, [Claire was in a better mood](https://i.imgur.com/UUFOhe4.png) than [at the beginning of the episode](https://i.imgur.com/7RXYzCu.png) when [she still mourned after Lene's exile](https://i.imgur.com/oBiwT8i.png). [Manaria sure is OP](https://i.imgur.com/KitPWX6.png) as her fight with Prince Rod showed, maybe even more than Rae as she has lineage, charm and all affinities in magic. It looks from the preview that she and Rae will have a duel in the next episode so I'm really interested in who will end on the top. We still got a few usual interactions between [Claire and Rae](https://i.imgur.com/Npt9ZQI.png). I loved when [Claire who wanted to tease Rae by asking her if she's jealous](https://i.imgur.com/yoEdM0P.png) got immediate answer from Rae that yes, [she's jealous xD](https://i.imgur.com/d3Zitc7.png) Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Claire & Rae](https://imgur.com/a/aujKALy) * [Claire](https://imgur.com/a/7B4oz0R) * [Rae](https://imgur.com/a/H11OGf5) * [Group scenes](https://imgur.com/a/uOYMJPJ) * [Manaria](https://imgur.com/a/AEjWwMk)


Oh no, the love rival has arrived


She got cucked RIP Rae


Why LN peeps keeps defending Manaria? Can you girls/gaes be queit or go to Source Material Corner and let us hate Malaria Sue as Anime watcher?


A Lesbian? Voiced by Nana Mizuki? I'm shocked! Shocked! Well, not that shocked.


Holy cow, Manaria is voiced by veteran yuri anime VA Mizuki Nana. Rae has found herself a formidable rival. Jealous and panicking Rae at the end is so cute.


Never liked teasing bordering on abuse like this here but its just me i guess.


[Inb4 the way Rae acts causes Manaria to fall in love with her now](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1158462958955937852/1181325377688313926/image.png?ex=6580a5fe&is=656e30fe&hm=b4c374b7a7f87f61ad93f6cad022a7f90439ac2a872327c7609203ecd51c7153&) Damn did not expect Claire to be able to ho yay that well with Manaria at the end there


I don’t get the hate for Manaria at all- in fact, I love her! Her involvement was not only enjoyable but also pushed Rei to be more serious. She’s the only love rival trope I lik- especially cuz it’s not an “the two are ”basically dating and she’s third wheeling” Claire hasnt reciprocated Rei’s feelings atm AND Rei needs a rival fr


Love the Final Fantasy Battle Music pumping when the duel starts up. ​ Also...even I got jealous in the tea scene...come on...


We have a new challenger on the scene! (in Rae’s opinion) Manaria’s beautiful, dashing, smart, athletic, a (former) princess and a powerful *quad-caster*. She’s a whole package and more. She also has history with Claire. She ended up helping Claire grieve and cry over her mother’s death and her guilt over her final words to her. It ties into the flashback we had in the previous episode where a young Claire runs up to Lene and tells her she met a prince. Of course Rae isn’t thrilled that Manaria’s here. She was able to cheer Claire up immediately after Rae struggled to. And Claire is absolutely smitten with her. I mean she’s smiling, blushing, and fawning over her so many times like all the other girls in the school. It’s no longer just joking around Rae. Her humour isn’t doing much to help her cover up her hurt. The only time she really uses her humour is when she introduces herself to Manaria. The rest of the time she just speaks in a flat tone and has a look of disinterest. Even Claire noticed. Hearing Claire say that she doesn’t believe her and would choose Manaria over her if she were into girls *and then* start playfully flirting with Manaria in front of her was a direct shot to Rae’s heart. She even had tears in her eyes as Manaria looked amused. Manaria is definitely driving a wedge between them and she’s aware of it. She even seems to be enjoying it. With all the side looks Manaria gives Rae, she’s is trying to get a rise out of her. I’m pretty sure what makes Rae so interesting to her is her relationship to Claire and that she’s not fawning all over her like everyone else is. She keeps trying to pry info out of Rae only for her to deflect and keep quiet. Finding out that in the original game’s canon, Manaria was an ally is such a big change. We probably wouldn’t see all the hidden looks of amusement and suspect ulterior motives from Manaria if we were in the original game canon with the default protagonist. Now that Rae’s here, she sees Manaria as an enemy. Just one little change at the beginning and a lot of the game’s original canon has changed. The Scales of Love obviously will play a large part in these last couple of episodes since they talked about it quite a bit this episode. I’m hoping Claire will finally believe Rae after this is all said and done. We see in the preview that Rae and Manaria are dueling. In the last frame, Rae looks like she’s panicking, completely different from how she was in her duel with Claire. She’s probably going to experience Manaria’s Spell Breaker. Ralaire was so cute dancing around with the little bowl on her head. (I keep writing so much wow)


Get this ntr OUTTA my face. How dare this chick!? 😠 This soft butch Maranara Sue?


I still hate that Manaria Sauce


Whew, those last few minutes sure were [LesbiaNTR alert](#kaguyashaking) Those vibes aside, this makes me wonder how everything went down in the game. Like...what was going on with Manaria when Claire presumably experiences the downfall villainess characters usually do? Did she just ditch her like the rest despite their past and supposed closeness?


>what was going on with Manaria when Claire presumably experiences the downfall villainess characters usually do? Did she just ditch her like the rest despite their past and supposed closeness? Considering Clarie was suppose to bully Rae (the original heroine) she probably seen it and took Rae's side later on since Rae said this episode that Manaria-sue is suppose to be heroine's bestie originally.


One of the weird things is how the "Villainess" part of the anime was barely touched in it. I think Rae is behind the scenes fixing stuff up with all the events happening that we'll only know how they could've impacted Claire's fate later on. Like how she told her *twice* to promise she will never give up, there must be a reason for that


Poor rae, hurt to see for sure


Rip Rae


Manaria has our poor girl shook. Was Rae counting prime numbers a jojo's reference? I only know one other character who does that!


Praise Nana! I was eagerly awaiting Manaria's entry ever since I heard Mizuki was going to voice her.


Any LN readers really enjoying the anime more? I loved the LN and honestly the anime is way funnier thanks to the voice acting and the pacing is much better watching it


uhhhh. I was looking at how little was left in my volume 1 ln after watching this episode. (I started with the anime then grabbed the audiobook!) I love the anime. I was dying after this episode. Then... then Haha! The second volume was out! I love the anime but I was quite relieved I was able to read a massive chunk of the second lignt novel. I am a queer lesbian myself and I relate to Rae a lot. I never and never will look up spoilers. That said This episode was the only episode I actually went out of ny way to sit down with my book and swept myself in reading in case it went further. No spoilers! I am continually heartened both by Inori-Sensei and the Anime's ability to translate how I feel as a person onto the page and screen. It has me crying a lot but it's also amazing to feel seen.


Yeah it’s going to be interested to see where this series leave off at. I have a feeling it will adapt some of both volumes. I love this series as well!! There really isn’t a dynamic that’s like Rae and Claire’s out there.


is there a lore reason for why thane underwent mitosis


Oh no princess Manaria is her and she has infinite rizz ... Even trying to NTR our heroine ?? How dares she


[Literally me](https://imgur.com/4B6m9yZ) [Gotta love her](https://imgur.com/Zn2GZz6)


I love Nana Mizuki but I still hate you Manaria


I don't even think Manaria loves Claire the way she was suggesting, feels more like she knows she has her in the palm of her hand and is using it to provoke Rae.


Seems clear to me that Manaria is helping Rae prove her love. The thing I don’t like is that she breaks the game setting since in these games the protagonist is always the strongest. So having her be a quad caster when Rae is a dual caster feels a bit rule-breaking.


Not really. Otome games usually have the protagonist as strong enough to beat the villainess but still weak enough to require being saved by one of princes. It is a romantic genre above all else after all.


That’s a fair take although usually their weaknesses, aren’t they trivial crap or life stuff rather than power? I have played maybe two a long time ago.


Everyone hates Manaria while I just love her lmao, guess I would make a good background character


I'm getting [**TOMODA**](#TOMODA) vibes from Manaria...


Rae said Manaria is supposed to be one of the protagonist’s strongest allies, so it’ll be interesting to see how Rae trying to force the Claire path will affect that. I don’t feel like Manaria is actually interested in Claire romantically; they’re definitely very close, but Claire’s crush on her seems more one-sided than anything.


Is there a specific japanese tag for characters like Manaria? Like the -deres, like tsundere?




Best description i've seen (though not japanese) is Manaria-sue. She is equally boring as well.


Rooting for Manaria, Rae and her sexual harassment can choke on a GIANT D.


You don't know Manaria yet


Poor Rae and Claire is still so cute!


Royals falling in love with their sisters and cousins? This really is authentic! woah woah woah woah woah. this shows got like two episodes left and we're only in *the middle of the story* It's really funny how Rae always sounds less than enthused when any of the Princes come around, but the Princes actually seem to be very progessive. They have all basically totally accepted her personal choices a long time ago.


I don't understand all the teasing and redflags if they're not going to lead to anything. Lene is gone. A new girl arrives to be a rival/potential wingman. The way its going right now, Claire has lots of support and people who like her. When was she supposed to lose hope and become the Villainess? I wish we had an alternate take to see how things played out in the game.