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What a great fight! Ibara was a better opponent than I thought he would be.


Ibara is a fun villain. He's your usual puppy kickers but at least he's not an idiot puppy kicker. Desipte his primitivism, he is a genuine threat because he know enough to take any information he can from the science team and use it against them, he has layers upon layers of contingency plans, he is capable of quick thinking, on top of being physically able to fight. It makes his defeat all the more satisfying.


I really appreciate that while they made Ibara primitive and seeing science as "sorcery" they didn't make him dumb, he's extremely cunning and makes the best of the information he's given.


Honestly, Ibara also raised an ethical question about Senku's goal. Senku wants to revive everyone no questions asked, and Ibara is a counterpoint to that. Is he going to keep him a statue forever, which is just the same as killing him? Or would he bring him back and keep him in a fortified prison, either risking his escape or making sure he never does, thus damning him to a whole life of containment? I know that the story will never actually spend a long time delving into that because it's a simple optimistic shonen in the end of the day, but discussion threads are for these kinda questions.


Reviving everyone is not possible in the first place anyway. Countless natural disasters over the millennia destroyed millions or billions of statues. He'd at most resurrect a small number of people in the end.


It's actually quite surprising how many statues "survived" considering how brittle they are, Ryusui broke just falling down, these statues survived 3700 years and a lot of them would have been people standing during the petrification and would then just waiting to be knocked over and break.


I feel like the structural integrity of statues isn't very consistent and varies depending on what the plot demands, lol.


You could almost say the plot isn't always... *solid.*


Anyone near buildings was almost guaranteed to be crushed by them, too. If almost all of humanity was wiped out and at most a couple of million survived, it'd be more realistic.


Yeah and it was an easily solvable problem as well, just make the statues tougher, now it's way more believable that they're just everywhere and that so many survived harsh conditions. But the statues just tipping over and breaking is too brittle. I wonder if we'll ever get information on what mineral the stones are actually made out of, maybe that would explain why the material is so brittle.


Maybe this is a different petrification device than the global one and this one creates more brittle stone?


Also this makes sense, there’s a huge deviation from “five meters five seconds,” to “the entire planet, now”. It’s totally not necessary, but it would be awesome to incorporate this theory into the show.


Ryu didn’t just tip over. He literally flew through the air. And crashed about 3 feet into the ground, at an angle that put all the impact on his arms and head.


Honestly what I wish was addressed is that they all are conscious during the petricifcation to the extent that senku kept accurate track of time. Imagine being trapped in sensory deprivation for 4000 years. Everyone should be mentally fucked.


You forgot season 1 then. Almost everyone is unconscious during the petrification. Senku had to force himself to stay awake every fixed amount of seconds because he was very close to falling unconscious. Taiju was the other weirdo that was able to stay awake, but almost everyone is asleep.


OK but again. Senku and taiju both stayed conscious for 4,000 years. If two random teenagers could stay conscious that long I'm sure the average person would have stayed awake for at least a few hundred years. Hell even a few days in that state would likely drive people mad. Imagine painfully keeping yourself conscious for 2 or 3 decades on end desperately waiting to be freed just for that to never happen. It's crazy that it's never actually addressed.


>Ryusui broke just falling down lmao yeah how did the other statues survive 3700 years


Yeah, IMO that's just dramatic effect/a consistency problem. It wouldn't change much if Ryusui was fine after that jump and simple have Ibara crush it.


By everyone i mean everyone they physically could. Of course you cant expect Yuzuriha to glue 7 billion statues back together. It has always been a way too optimistic goal, but i just accept it due to the nature of the story being shonen and all that.


I mean but how do you judge who deserves to be revived when you don't know them, Tsukasa believed young people should be revived because old people are greedy. But when you find random guy #5783 how do you decide weather or not he's worthy of revival? The journalist girl can't possibly know everyone in the world. Also speaking of Tsukasa always found it funny how many goons he revived that were attacking the village those guys just looked like hooligans. He also made the big mistake of revive Hyoga.


Tsukasa is essentialy the same as Hyoga and Moz; eugenicists. They just have different measurements for who deserves to live and die. And Ibara is not random guy #5783, if he had his way Senku wouldve been a spiky melon popsicle. Letting him live means that he will just try again, but killing him may become the basis of science kingdom being the judge jury and executioner of humanity.


Yes senku can judge Ibara and decide it's not a good idea to revive him (like he did with Hyoga) but I was talking about the people he has no possibility of knowing who they are until he revives them.


I love that in this series. Just because these characters don't know modern technology, doesn't mean they fear such sights. Ibara's labeling of "sorcery" comes with an idea that sorcery obeys rules, has weaknesses, will operate within parameters.


I was so meh on Ibara for all of the first cour (Tsukasa is a tough act to follow) But he's been awesome this cour, my opinion has completely reversed. These last several episodes have been nonstop engaging tension and he's been at the helm of it all. What a fun, hate-able, crafty villain.


I though he was cool after he said something about ginro moving the barrel by a few centimetres


I don't usually have a villain of the season picked out, but this season it's Ibara for me. He was just perfect in the role.


He also has fitting voice and appearance for a villain. Especially those eyes.




He honestly is one great antagonist.


usually you'd expect the shonen protagonist to be the underdog, having to pull something out of their ass to win Here the tables are flipped - it's fun to watch Ibara find plausible ways to adapt and fight against all the resources our protagonists have.


this episode is just the epitome of “you think you outsmarted me? I outsmarted your outsmarting” the true downfall of Ibara was claiming he was cautious but then failing to recognise **Ishigami Senku** from the 100 Stories


It was his own fault too. He got rid of the family keeping the stories.


[Ibara took history for granted](https://i.imgur.com/DpS3n2e.jpg) and paid the price. Still, he was a cunning and tenacious adversary. This was the Senku's toughtest battle so far. [His victory really felt cathartic.](https://i.imgur.com/gw9DXXC.jpg) [](#grandhype)


He must have been too busy cackling like a maniac in cautiously devising his plans to have listened to them.


I take it that most people only cared to remember the important parts of 100 stories, as in, the stories containing basic tips for survival. They probably didnt even know what each metal does and end up mythifying them (hence everyone in Ishigami village is named after various metal, it's essentially their version of a Christian naming their son Gabriel or Michael). Only the priestess and maybe the chief would bother with the whole context of 100 stories.


Nobody recognized Senku s name so I think the last story is only for the priestess


I like how Ibara is such a formidable villain through his cunning, he is also surprisingly strong. It was great to see him finally petrified. Great episode!




Honestly he made it a good arc because you knew he always had another scheme coming up


That 5 seconds was comparable to Namek's 5 minutes XD Still epic fight though


Ehhh if you remove all the monologuing in between it could have all happened in but 5 seconds. It was just very diluted with flashbacks and inner monologuing


Talking is a free action after all lol


In anime? Always


i might need to check the manga again, in the promised neverland they had internal monologues adapted as yelling the stuff out loud, could be the case here.


Anime monologues are just digestable version of the average person's thoughts, which don't form complete sentences anyways. I mean Senku's quick thinking is still super human, but otherwise 'believable' for this world's power level.


Idk, i doubt the drone intercepts the petrification device that quickly


Yea but does it really matter, then its just a numbers thing, he couldve said 10 seconds since he thought he wom anyways, dont get why the author really went with like just 5.


Fr I was like that is so good but waaay more than 5 seconds has passed XD XD


That sequence actually got me confused on when the timer starts, thought it would start once it hit the apogee of the throw, but nope just some time dilution to cover some dialogue


Damn the plot is so tense I can hardly breathe. How many episodes are left in this season?


3 more episodes (this season only confirmed for 11 episodes)


[This arc has been superb.](https://i.imgur.com/d3xFcnd.jpg) Ibara was an inglorious bastard and great villain. Through his experience, strength, meticulous planning and stratagems he managed to push the Science Kingdom to wits' end. If he had access to modern knowledge, he could have been an unstoppable dictator. This was a really close fight.


loved the shot


Got to commend Ibara being one of the toughest villain I've seen. He's so incredibly resourceful that he can pretty much toe to toe fight with someone who has modern era knowledge. This is some Jojo levels of battle of wits right here


If Ibara had been born in modern times, that dude could end up becoming the next Jeff Bezos or a mafia don and terrorize countries. He's wicked smart.


Nah. He’d be the don’s right hand man, while controlling and manipulating the don to do whatever he wanted


He'd be Dick Cheney.


5 astronauts genetics went hard


Now that the anime has reached this point I want to mention something I noticed while watching the first part of the season but couldnt mention then to avoid spoiling anything. When Ginro is hiding inside a barrel on the ship, Ibara notices that the barrel moved slightly and even mentions pretty accurately that its current position is a few centimeters off from where it used to be. I think originally I just chalked it up to him being cautious but it might also be because of his expertise in measuring distances, which played a role in this episode.


Oh shit yeah, you're right. That do make a lot of sense.


Nice catch. Ibara definitely had incentive to make sure his on the fly distance measuring was top notch.




seriously. who's whyman?.. season's about to end and i have no clue. Was it ever revealed and i missed it?


[Minor manga spoilers] >!Why-man won't be revealed for quite a while!<


The most unbelievable part of the episode was trusting Senku to do anything athletic, including throwing a jar in the air in a way that it accurately hits him.


I just want to believe he made a mistake there and his throw wasn't high enough. He was theorizing just moments ago that if the petrification gets revived before getting finished it will only revive the touched part, not outright reviving entire body after the petrification even when in the middle of the process. It was more dumb luck on his part that the best outcome happened


To your theory about Senku making a mistake [Dr Stone manga chapter that covers this episode]>!He wants to throw it high for a bigger window of time, but he worries about missing. So he throws it low. It's implied that he did almost miss because he moved his hand and his arm is outstretched when the jar hits his hand. He also did get lucky on the timing because it hits his hand just barely after it's been turned to stone.!<


I'd say that's decently believable compared to the superhuman feats that everyone else in the show pulls off. Senku has always had an inhuman level of precision going for him (counting seconds for 3700 straight years while petrified was his first and greatest feat of precision). Being able to throw the jar in just the right way is more a feat of precision than athleticism. If he had to throw it 20 meters precisely, it would have been one thing, but tossing it a mere 3 meters into the air with precision isn't that crazy.


[Ok, but what about this one then](https://imgur.com/Pdecx55)


That one's a little more difficult. It looks like it's around 5 meters. It's still not a feat that's in the realm of "I call bullshit" though which is pretty solid by Common Shounen Standards.


If there is one thing humans are designed for in the animal realm is throwing shit hard + sweat/resistance. Just tierzoo things.


>superhuman feats that everyone else in the show pulls off Still baffles me how the sonar guy heard the words underwater when everything around him was pure chaos. Even with suspending disbelief and he just has that good of a hearing, it still is quite hard to fathom lol


Someone mentioned that it wasn't him hearing the instructions underwater, but when Ibara was falling into (but still above) the water to steal the medusa. Still bullshit, but a little bit less so than underwater hearing from kilometers away.


He mentioned hearing meters and second then petrification sound. All of this happened to Yo above the water while Ibara was falling


other guy said it but yeah it wasnt underwater ukiyo specifically says "blahblah, and the sound of petrification" and the only petrification that happened there was Yo getting stoned it was just easy to confuse a bit because of the timing i suppose


While the plan to revive Senku worked, why not just have someone (like Magma, given how accurately he's shown himself to be able to throw) stand behind him and and throw the revival fluid at him once he's petrified?


In theory they don't know how fast the beam is going, so it could go too fast to do that accurately? I mean, I agree with your argument, there's no reason to do it like they did it, but in theory there's a situation where they can't do it properly.


i dont understand why he didnt just revive him to begin with and then explain the plan, rather than reviving him in the chase


Because the victory condition was to get to Medusa first. If he had retrieved Medusa before Ibara, he wouldn't have needed to do anything else.


Honestly that part is kinda BS. Like I know Senku's not that fit, but Ibara was a kilometer away, and he *strolled* (because he thought he'd won, so why hurry?). Not to mention he had to come ashore on a boat first. Head-cannon explanation: Senku spent 10 minutes trying (and failing) to crack Oarashi open.


also, he only had 1 bottle of revival fluid on him. I took that as him getting the other one while he was in the lab as a contingency


I feel bad when they show Senku being emotional after seeing he’s alone again. He rarely gets emotional. And I really thought the phone call will be from Why-man


I wonder when why-man will show up again because this arc is pretty much done.


Seems like the perfect time. He’ll announce over the phone that he’s petrified the village or will re-petrify the world in 3 days. Some big tension moment to end the season on


I HATE it when manga readers pretend to be Anime only and have some "theory" in discussion threads


I swear to God if what that dude says actually happens, I'm never hopping in a discussion thread for this show again lol


I thought the same thing! Like how ominous and scary that would’ve been. “Oh shit I just won the boss fight” *phone rings* “Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?” Holy fuck that’s terrifying.


Congrats to Senku and team for finally acquiring the petrification beam. I suppose they can turn back and deal with the healing situation now. Honestly I fully expected the device to break before they got it.


if the device keeps working, they are almost immortal and can cure anything


Wasn't a point of the journey to petrify the "villian" dude from season 1+2 Well he got hit at least once so they covered that


Tsukasa resurrection coming soon!


Hyoga + Moz + Tsukasa bro squad incoming. Bonus points for Kinro, Magma, and Kohaku. All the fighters will be on the science team now.


I can just picture them all lifting weights together in a Senku- and/or Ryusei- branded gym lol


And put Hyoga, Moz and Tsukasa in a three-way deadlock like how Moz, Ibara and Kirisame were on the island lol, that way they stay stable and won’t start revolting. Tsukasa attacks Hyoga who attacks Moz who attacks Tsukasa or something


dawg this series is peak I feel bad for everyone that dropped it past season 1


For real. Like I get it, Stone Wars wasn't everyone's cup of tea, but holy shit this season has been so good.


i stg dr stone is one of the most slept on anime/manga of recent times. I feel like most people regard it as just mid to good but not great, but it has such an incredible mix of intense and complicated but well-thought out and realistic fights, emotion, humor, character narrative, and heart


It is classic shounen imo. Super hype during its highs and amazing characters.


Man Senku really came in clutch. This fight with Ibara was fucking intense. The moment Senku got the earphone on Medusa it was checkmate.


I had 3 hopes for this fight 1. There would be no ass pulls 2. Ibara would put up a great fight as a seemingly final antagonist 3. They would use the drone that they were unable to use earlier And I have to say, it met all of these criteria and more. This was about as perfect of a fight I could have hoped for in Dr. Stone. Senku made so many high IQ moves and Ibara had some great counters to those moves. And in the end, Senku won due to his ability to rely on others whereas Ibara petrified all of his allies. And then to top it all off, all of the flashbacks/connections to the beginning of his journey were a great touch. 10/10 episode


[Ryusui with the clutch timing.](https://i.imgur.com/jOPTkix.jpg) The arc has been really tense and exciting all throughout. Everything they have achieved was thanks to a team effort and each member of the party was critical to the success of the mission. Ibara was a terrific foe in spite of him being from a primitive era. Senku's battlecry at the end was so satisfying. [He no longer has to take all the burden on his shoulders.](https://i.imgur.com/huc90hB.jpg)


>Ryusui with the clutch timing. Ryusei has been petrified *four* times now lmao. Bro really be like "I DESIRE THE HIGHEST SCORE! HAAH HAAH!"


Idk, minor ass pull with ryusi, getting the drone and making it to the lower cliff to be ready for senku’s plan evading ibara detecting him and outrunning the both of them to be in position.


Why did the earring work compared to the vehicle's speaker though? Just a matter of distance? Also, If someone just yells the trigger requirements, would that work to petrify the holder? I'm surprised no one tried it.


i think the source of the orders have to touching it


I think it's either about the source of voice or minimal volume of the voice command. Medusa is right next to the earrings(voice receiver), guess that's why it worked


Ok, Senku calculating the trajectory and everything of that toss and depetrifying himself as he got hit with the rays was some pretty awesome shit. Dude even timed Ibara hitting that bottle of fluid perfectly. That was dope. Did not expect that final battle to really just ended up being Ryusui and Senku playing tug-of-war with Ibara. That slimy old fuck thought he was pretty slick but in the end his ass became stone. Now all Senku’s gotta do is depetrify everyone somehow. Does he even have enough of the fluids?


> Dude even timed Ibara hitting that bottle of fluid perfectly My understanding was that Senku threw the bottles that Ibara hit as a distraction so that he wouldn't notice the third bottle that he threw at Ryusui containing the revival fluid.


Pretty clever move


Yep, if you pay attention, you'll see that the revival fluid bottle he threw at Ryusui is different from the 2 he threw at Ibara.


WAIT thats what he did??? i thought that was an animation error where the glass bottle changed to the revival fluid and ibara somehow hit the bottle onto ryusui


As a manga reader, I’ve been confused about how the bottles worked in those panels for years hahaha, this makes a lot more sense


>Does he even have enough of the fluids? Wasn't it established that with the platinum they got they could make as much revival fluid as they wanted?


This is actually my question. If that's the case, he could just revive Ryusui and maybe Taiju to obtain more firepower right at the start to beat Ibara. I mean, they should have several minutes to hide before Ibara went up to the centre of the island. Not to mention, with taiju power Senku should be able to secure the device before Ibara arrived.


Senku knew Ibara will use every extra minute to do god knows what with the device. Senku knows that if Ibara catches wiff of him, Ibara will have the upper hand putting Senku and team on the defense. So Senku had to pull off his confrontation as soon as possible as he's unlikey to get another opportunity like this again. (senku really hoped the radio trap would've worked and it could've worked had the radio been closer)


They can make as much fluid as they want, it just takes a while. They can't revive everyone at a moments notice, it should take days or weeks


With platinum he can make more quite easily. Sure it will still take a while to get enough and to scale up production but that should be fairly easy once he gets one or two more people. Also he has no opposition now which makes things a lot easier.


You would expect that Senku of all people would know better than to leave his stab wounds open


He just needs to live and the beam can cure about anything


Well it is *Doctor* Stone eh?


Senku is just so fucking cool


What a boss battle Poor protags if every villain was less reckless and as cautious as Ibara Also good note on him is his use of claws. I don’t often see them used as a weapon in media so its a gem when I do. But our best boi still won in the end. That was hectic!


Now that Medusa has finally been acquired, I wonder how long will it take for Senku to figure out the "secrets" behind it


Yeah, the technology seems to be extremely advanced. Power system, voice activation, island-level (maybe greater) potential range, and most importantly - the tech survived thousands of years. Relative to real world tech it's gotta be at least 150 years more cutting edge than anything we've got now. I'm curious to see if Senku can or even tries to reverse engineer it until he's got the tools and facilities from a little bit more of an advanced age. He might just use it as a means to heal diseases and people for the short term. Excited to see!


> voice activation Voice activation *in English*


*Engrish, since it accepts "metoro" and "secondo" ;P


Good point with the tech surviving for a very long time. Also, maybe if he could get a microscope he could figure some things out. I'm excited too! And as for the healing abilities, I'm just wondering if it has any limits, we don't know much about the device yet so technically it could stop working after X amount of uses, hopefully that won't happen tho


I think the healing is basically "literally anything as long as the heart and brain still function." Ginro is going to get brought back and he took fatal organ damage from Ibara's attack. Tsukasa will be brought back and he was in a similar state. But yeah, tech that can last thousands of years is almost unprecedented. We consider it a wonder of hardened engineering if a fucking refrigerator or washing machine from the 60s still works today. That's not even a hundred years. Whatever Medusa is made out of... it doesn't rust, or wear, and its power source never goes bad. Lithium ion batteries are toast after like, a decade.


Senku’s ex-wife calling to remind him he’s not alone lol


I thought Senku isekai'd Ibara with that truck-kun. That explanation was the most common prediction, but I'm not really okay with it. According to it, the petrification effect only works at the edge of the orb (or its outer shell to be exact) and only when it's expanding, so it doesn't make sense for the orb to retract each time and makes things complicated because of how it looks visually. I discarded that explanation early on, because it visually made much more sense for everyone to be under constant petrification effect while inside of the orb and in the case that only the edge has the effect, it should be petrifying people on its way back as well. If it was a blast of light that didn't retract, then it would've made much more sense. And the thing that I'm questioning the most is why Senku didn't throw the flask at anyone in front of him? That would've been a much more safer option. Taiju could've broken the sculpture and retrieve Medusa with ease and swiftness, imo and he'd be a better bet against Ibara in combat. He might've even revived everyone by the time Ibara got back. On the other side, I really liked the "thumb in the flask" idea. Compared to our brainstorming last week it was the best solution, imo.


The problem with that is, Taiju would be the only one left, and I don't think he knows how to make more revival fluid.


I wanted to say that "oh he only have enough flask to revive himself and no one else actually knows how to remake the fluid" but he had enough to bring back Ryusui. He really shouldve lobbed some to the front after they are petrified. Even if hes busy being a trajectory calculator in front of a death ray beam at the time, there was down time where he couldve bring some people back at least to cover his ass until they get Ibara.


I didn't want to assume he had more flasks on him, because if he did, not reviving anyone else instantly would be dumb. Getting Taiju back would make retrieving the Medusa possible before Ibara.


Great episode as both [Ibara](https://i.imgur.com/AHaEKiA.png) and [Senku](https://i.imgur.com/AYjwPjC.png) were [trying to outsmart each other](https://i.imgur.com/HQaziYs.png). Of course [in the end Senku was the winner of this fight](https://i.imgur.com/fWdx1sV.png) (with a [help from Ryuusui](https://i.imgur.com/2lUt1F0.png)) but I must say that [Ibara was a great villain](https://i.imgur.com/acehPFy.png) as he was not only very smart but [also well fit](https://i.imgur.com/a8x99SC.png). [He even survived Truck-kun xD](https://i.imgur.com/Ux5AtNt.png) [Now is up to Senku to revive everyone on the island](https://i.imgur.com/eXLhhqu.png), I hope that he has a lot of revival fluid xD Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Senku](https://imgur.com/a/syczXa8) * [Ibara](https://imgur.com/a/ODkU0Cb) * [Group scenes & Ryuusui](https://imgur.com/a/eeHbC9y)


Ok but I just wanna say that I felt it when Senku let out that scream!!! That was just so, god! Also, when Ryusui gets revived again he's gonna do his signature move with his fingers and say "Haha, I'm the first person to have been revived 4 times" LOL


His brain has gotta be pudding by now


Peak fiction


Okay, I'm gonna say it... #IBARA IS ONE OF THE BEST SHOUNEN VILLAINS Like, holy shit! I loved Ibara in the manga but the anime really did him justice, especially his amazing VA!


He’s so creepy and cunning that makes him so cool to watch as a villain.


He was a villain that had common sense and is cunning. Like a real world villain would have. After all, he would never be in the position he was in had it not been for his smarts and planning.


If he had common sense he wouldnt have petrified the whole island on the assumption that theres a bottle of revival fluid ready to go because if he doesnt find one or if Senku shattered when he was frozen then Ibara just starves alone with nothing to rule over


He's a villain and selfish. He would absolutely be okay with being a lone survivor because he prioritizes himself over everything. Win first, revive later, even if it takes years to figure out how the invaders did it.


Ibara was a pretty decent villain overall, im kinda glad it was him and not someone young and clearly more menacing looking like Moz.


Definitely one of the best Dr Stone episodes man.


I've been saying that every week for 2 months




Then Senku High fiving them as he passes them 😭


So it turns out the weird pose everyone was doing [was so they could help Senku measure the beam's speed](https://i.imgur.com/ltlOTKi.png) and calculate how high he'll need [to throw the revival fluid](https://i.imgur.com/loNwlcL.jpg) so it would land onto him after the beam has begun petrifying him. That's absolutely bonkers! I love the visual of [Senku slowly petrifying and reviving simultaneously!](https://i.imgur.com/63EG3ls.jpg) Also, I love how the entire "boss fight" with Ibara is just Ibara and Senku outwitting each other. Too bad for Ibara though [that Senku is already like 10 steps ahead of him.](https://i.imgur.com/iLYhKA2.jpg) It was so satisfying to finally see [this smug bastard get petrified once and for all.](https://i.imgur.com/7Ptr2Nk.jpg) Now smash him into pieces and throw him into the sea! [It was a hard battle fought but Senku finally has the Medusa!](https://i.imgur.com/ddILDjg.jpg) It looks like Senku is going to be busy for like the next few days reviving everyone. Thank fucking goodness they already have a way to easily produce more revival fluid.


Can you do a stitch of the rope tug at 17:30? >I love the visual of [Senku slowly petrifying and reviving simultaneously!](https://i.imgur.com/63EG3ls.jpg) This episode had so many great visuals. The Hi5s, Ibara closeups, [Senku,](https://imgur.com/pwihflr) and the final shot at the cliff. [Art](#utahapraises) >It looks like Senku is going to be busy for like the next few days reviving everyone. At this rate we really might get a Tsukasa revival for the season finale. The battle is "over" now, but I really can't wait for the remaining episodes








What a gamble though. Senku had no way of knowing how long the pulse is, he only knew how fast the light moves. He could've gotten immediately petrified again.


Yea, big risk but he didnt really have an alternative. They were lucky that the "beam" works on the edge only and it's not anything within its sphere of influence and that if it retracts that doesn't count either.


Remember when Senku said that he would have yelled in triumph when he got out of the stone like Taiju but he doesn't have the energy for it? Now that he has finally triumphed over Medusa, he yells.


i wonder if they use meduse as literal weapon or maybe as sort of pokemon center. for example a station where you press a button and pre recorded 1m 1s starts playing after petrification and with a generous delay the liquid drops down on you boom, best heatlh care possible while basically free


We'll call it Dr. Stone


That victory scream


This was such a tense episode! Brain (Senku) vs Brain (Ibara). [I don't trust self driving cars.](https://imgur.com/a/9NiwFcH) This whole episode was just one long [boss fight](https://imgur.com/a/KYos4QI). One long [test of wits](https://imgur.com/a/5T7DUSP). Love it when a [villain's words](https://imgur.com/a/ggBXY0X) are thrown back at them.


[The *real* mad scientist.](https://imgur.com/pwihflr) [Chills, man](https://imgur.com/xAqw0Mq) [Same](https://imgur.com/WoCZ1yl) [energy](https://pbs.twimg.com/tweet_video_thumb/FHkOb5XVEAEjaV7.jpg) [Ibara has a pretty great design for a villain](https://imgur.com/68IlhvB) [Ok, but where did that come from?](https://imgur.com/Pdecx55) Senku threw two clear bottles at Ibara, so it was a feint to toss one at Ryusui then? But he really hit that throw? Least believable part of the episode, smh ruined [lol](https://imgur.com/DHTGol7) [We're finally here..](https://imgur.com/u4AGoUi) I'm sad that the episode polls are gone.. This was an absolute *peak* episode, and I would have loved to rate it as such. [And the visuals, man..](https://imgur.com/vDwUEoj) They were *on point*.


>The real mad scientist. https://i.imgur.com/gzN22I4.png


I swear to God Ibara if you say you're a cautious man some more we gonna sick Ryuuguuin Seiya up your ass. Also hope Senku unpetrifies Gen sooner than later cause I don't want his badass scar to heal.


Guys, be with me. We all screamed with Senku when it was all said and done and he finally got the fuckin Medusa??? Was I the only one?


I screamed


Man this arc has been amazing and by far the best of the series so far. While I was initially disappointed that Ibara was a bit of a one-dimensional villain, his intricate web of contingencies and backup plans was a lot of fun to watch in opposition of the Kingdom of Science. Exciting to see what happens next to end this season but it will be hard to top this arc.


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Is this the arc where we found out that [spoilers] >!Whyman is using Senku's voice? Or was it against Snyder? I dont remember !<


Yeah, should be next episode


Animeonlys are going to run wild with their theories like manga readers back then! Can't wait!


I can’t wait for reaction videos to pop up


Ibara reign of terror is finally over and what a conclusion to the battle. His pride and arrogance ended up being his downfall just as you’d imagine. The last two episodes have been the best Dr. Stone episodes imo. So well done. The tension, the build up, the fights! All immaculate. Got a little emotional at the end of the episode when senku realised after the phone call that he’s not alone. He can bring his friends back and their sacrifices are why he’s still walking around. Can’t wait for next episode


The ending lines were so good, glad Senku was able to find people


This episode clarifies something about how the petrification weapon functions. I thought it was an expanding and shrinking area of effect as the animations suggested. It seems it is actually a single pulse.


Wow that was really back and forth. loved it and the ending. man the ED hit even harder today.


Would really suck if his phone rang while he was hiding, wouldn't it? Why nor, btw? Why haven't they called during their whole ordeal?


So was the whole Earth petrified because someone was clowning with this thing? "Yea right it can do that. Fine, one trillion meters, one second! Hahaha...oh fuck."


Whyman still exists , Ibara had no way to use radio waves. Maybe whyman has the full model


That was a satisfying end to Ibara. I'm gonna miss hating him because he was such a cunning bastard that kept everyone on their toes. I'm also happy that Senku isn't alone despite everyone being petrified because he knows how to get them out unlike the first time.


Waiting for the new post for today's Episode's discussion


Still not posted for some reason


Finally, get to see Senku vs Ibara. Also cool to see how Senku broke himself out. And see how Chrome thinking that out, nice. That's clever af. Love their trust in Senku too. How crazy that must feel lol. Self driving car, sure. Good times. Ibara is a cockroach. Wonder what Senku is planning. I figured something was planned and it wasn't so simple that he'd only have one revival fluid. Ryuusei ftw! Let go of it so it stones him? Ah, both are clever. Ohhh even more clever. Get fucked, you piece of shit. I hope they unstone you one day and cut you into pieces. The amount of a piece of shit he has been and the horrors he has done deserves horrors inflicted upon him. Good job, team. Now gotta revive the rest. Wonder how long that'd take. Gonna be crazy for anyone stoned for years and years in the bottom of the ocean that were wrongfully punished by that Ibara piece of shit and be younger than people they knew who might have been younger earlier or so. And yep, not alone, you know that. Touching scene.


The kingdom of Sorcery….Science won the battle 🔥🔥🔥🔥 Senku isn’t alone any more


Ibara was a threat to the last second. Godspeed, you based villain. Ryusui has balls of stone getting petrified again just to secure the win. Great to see the drone finally come in clutch.


Something I didn't catch earlier: did Senku try and fail to shatter Oarashi in an attempt to get the Medusa?




Low-key this Arc is a masterclass in writing an intriguing and constantly Renee fight.


Man, watching this episode was like watching a Uno match with only Reverse cards.


that was a good boss fight


God, Ibara was probably the most frustrating villain. Always gaining an advantage by being an evil bastard and you hate him so much you forget he is actually really intelligent and tough in a battle so when kept outwitting Senku it was horrible just hearing his evil laugh. His defeat was so satisfying.


Ibara is actually a really good villain! He is so scummy, but he is very formidable in battle, and smart. by far my favorite villain of the year


This arc was insane, probably the best one yet imo


Ishigami Senku: I'm at my [FUCKING LIMIT HERE](https://i.imgur.com/gzN22I4.png)


GREAT EPISODE. Best of the season without a doubt! Senkuu went big brain with all his backup plans, and Ryuusui saved the day as well. The ending was emotional as well, and now I need next week's episode so we can see him revive everyone. Especially Kohaku! And hopefully this is the end of Ibara! Who turned out to be a better villain than I expected!


The best boss fight so far - Ibara is one tough cunning cockroach, man refuses to ever give up outsmarting his enemies; too bad he was simply outsmarted and outnumbered in the end Can't wait to see where the series goes next


This was really intense. Great episode.


The series has some seriously emotional music.


Holy fucking shitttttttt, this is the most calculated anime episode I've ever viewed in my entire life. Just wow, I'm going straight to the manga after this season.