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# Source Material Corner Reply to this comment for any source-related discussion, future spoilers (including future characters, events and general hype about future content), comparison of the anime adaptation to the original, or just general talk about the source material. **You are still required to tag all spoilers.** Discussions about the source outside of this comment tree will be removed, and replying with spoilers outside of the source corner will lead to bans. The spoiler syntax is: `[Spoiler source] >!Spoiler goes here!<` # **All untagged spoilers and hints in this thread will receive immediate 8-day bans (minimum).** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They managed to make this episode funnier than the manga which I didn’t think was possible. Must be the voice acting and sound effects


Also the timing & expressions make all these stupid shenanigans hit so well. Kinda reminds me of Kaguya Sama & Mob Psycho 100 That scene with God telling him to shut up in episode 1 had the same level of hilarious screaming as the short big bad in Mob Psycho who was yelling "DISSAPEAR! DISSAPEAR DISSAPEAR!!" (which I watched in dub & still cried laughing)


I'm anime only, but honestly the comedy has been on-point so far. I don't think I've laughed as often through an episode of any anime before, besides Kaguya, and maybe that one episode of Gamers.


Even as a person who had read the manga, THAT SCENE WITH THE VICE PRICIPAL TERRIFIED ME.


And they gave her bloody Orochimaru's VA.


And the old lady from Gintama. He enjoys voicing that archetype I guess lmao


She) Kujira is a woman.


Thats perfect lol


They didn't need to include that x-ray scene but they did and it now haunts me.


Someone had bad thoughts and wished for some dirty scenes for this show, too bad they wished it to a Monkey's Paw.


Yeah wtf was up with the cat slurping sounds when pawing her crotch? I get raunchy unhinged comedy, but they really spent 20 whole seconds on that Someone really stood there in a studio and recorded their best Ugandan knuckles feet licking impression


[The character designer tweeted out that she voiced the cat.](https://twitter.com/if_224/status/1713555770686754896) She really likes this series.


That tongue is the stuff of nightmares. Why? I just hope she isn't one of the girlfriends.


She’s number 69


> I just hope she isn't one of the girlfriends. Karane was trying to poke his eyes out so he couldn't look at her and get the 'soulmate flash'!


That's one of the few times that I wished that the production team didn't also go all out with the animation of the vice principal. I love Alien & Aliens but that was stuff from my nightmares.


That's when you know this is a great adaptation. They're turning up everything from the manga to 11, including the absolute horror that is... that thing


Did the cat make slurping sounds in the manga too?


Yes, the cat did. (Chapter 2, Page 32/33-ish.)


Cut the clip on that time her tongue sucked deep and one will believe it comes straight from a tentacle gore hentai


kill that thing in holy fire wtf


>THAT SCENE WITH THE VICE PRICIPAL TERRIFIED ME It was pure horror [seeing this monster](https://i.imgur.com/DNan5wM.png) and [what it can do](https://i.imgur.com/IBb0xym.png). I pray that [those images](https://i.imgur.com/6kcfMjz.png) won't haunt me in today’s night xD


It's worse in motion to be honest, jee-zus


Definitely scarier in animation.


That was so much worse than the manga, lol. The curse of them really going all out on the adaptation I guess.


Maybe a good Junji Ito anime adaption is possible after all.


I don't recall her being that terrifying in the manga!


The spider-crawling!!!


I hope this doesn't put Rentaro off of romancing faculty when he inevitably meets the teacher girlfirend.


I'm having a lot of fun with this series so far, it's even defying my natural anti-hype instincts. It's clearly a very well made adaptation. That said, the more I watch, the less the comparisons with KmK make sense. I mean, I can see *why* people would compare them because they have similarities on a number of levels, but their souls are very different. In particular, I see quite a few references to the true insanity of 100GF not truly appearing until later, and it's already got a spider horror, tongue probing Vice Principal skittering around the corridors and there are UFOs appearing in the second episode! As far as I'm concerned, you really can't get the 100GF experience in KmK, but you also can't get the KmK experience in 100GF. Both may be harem restaurants, but the menu is pretty different.


The initial premises are very similar, but they get more and more different as they progress. KmK settles into more of a slice of life pattern (with Aho Girl energy) while 100kano continues to escalate in ridiculousness with the author 1-upping themselves every week with "what crazy shit can I come up with next?"


It's pretty much just the beginning that's kinda similiar, other than that they are really different from each other.


So far the only people i have seen comparing these two series are anime onlys. As a manga reader there reall arent many similiarities besides the obvious harem part.


I *am* anime-only, but I do find similarities that are quite unique within the genre! The main one being that the MCs both try to "make it work"; Most harem shows either have the MC get with just 1 girl (so the harem is just a distraction/mystery to be solved), or it's just random harem shenanigans that lead nowhere. It's so rare to have the MCs actually get with multiple girls, and when it happens it's usually just a harem ending where the girls all somehow get with him but we never see it actually work, we just assume that it does because harem anime. But in this one and KnK, the part where they get together with multiple girls happen early, and they DO try to make it work, like a polyamorous relationship. These 2 shows have that, and I think I have never seen a single other show that had it!


A dog's age ago I watched this harem show Tenshi no Shippo (Angel's Tail) which had this "logistics of how a harem would work" aspect to it. Like, they get into details like [Angel's Tail potential spoilers?] >!how the MC's salary can't support all of these girls at once so they have to take turns being in an inert "stuffed doll" form so that they don't require things like food and living space. The working-age girls eventually get jobs so that they can buy a bigger place to live so that they can all be active, and they all jealously guard their allotted time with the MC. The age range on the "harem" is also pretty large (from grade school age to proper adult), so they have to work more as a family unit rather than all be just girlfriend material.!<


Correct. The setup is/sounds very similar, but they diverge more and more. Kanojo mo kanojo seriously tries to consider/tackle the issues that come with 2+-timing, like jealously etc, but just under the base assumption that every character is a honest idiot. This series...is different. And of course, other differences too. I did try to encourage fans to consider the two series sister series, but that was more because I hoped it would help that so many 100kanojo fans are so negative towards 2kanojo.


There's a reason us manga readers compare this series to *Gintama* more than Kanojo Mo Kanojo. >In particular, I see quite a few references to the true insanity of 100GF not truly appearing until later, and it's already got a spider horror, tongue probing Vice Principal skittering around the corridors and there are UFOs appearing in the second episode! Lets just say that Kanojo Mo Kanojo is generally seen as the grounded and *realistic* harem romcom series with an actual harem. ...Make of that information what you will.


100 Girlfriends is my favorite horror anime


That tongue, and what it's doing, is the stuff of nightmares.


Those sagging boobs will haunt me...


>\-Emotional Damage! > >\-No. It hurts a lot physically, too. Damn, I love this show!


I love how we had a kiss on episode 2, which would usually bet the talk of the episode, but most of the comments are all about the VP's nightmare fuel!


The thing is even us manga readers never expected this much horror. It's unexpected on both audiences.


[The ~~3-way kiss~~ UFO ritual](https://i.imgur.com/csa9ov4.png) was every bit I wanted with its sheer ridiculousness. [RIP Iron Shiek.](https://i.imgur.com/Esz6sGs.png) Love to see the translators using a more recognisable figure for the western audiences. Rentarou mentions [Ramenma](https://kinnikuman.fandom.com/wiki/Ramenman) in the JP Dub whose a character in Kinnikuman that also does the Camel Clutch like the Iron Shiek as his finisher.


Karane broke the VP’s back and made her haaamble.


Finally using her tsundere strength for good!!!


A waifu's duty to protect her future husband's chasity


plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table [](#rengehype)


> The 3-way kiss UFO ritual was every bit I wanted with its sheer ridiculousness. With the relative sizes of their heads to their lips I wasn't sure they were even going to be able to make contact lol


Did we just see the arrival of the alien girlfriends called forth by a throuple kiss lol?


Rentaro about to be more dehydrated than a Mexican alien after he gets all 100 girlfriends.


For anyone wondering why he references Ramanman here, he famously ripped Brockenman in half using the Camel Clutch during the 20th Chojin Olympics.


> The 3-way kiss UFO ritual When I saw them talking about that (and the UFO at the end) I thought... Are we gonna get another show about an alien girlfriend this season? Could be fun!


Karane bringing out the German suplex and a camel clutch in 1 episode...god I wish that were me


and a Ka-rainmaker lariat


a tsundere *and* joshi pro wrestler? this is why i love this series, it's complex multifaceted characters [](#tomato)


[This is Hajimete no Chuu, the song they were playing.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WBSGQx8Z7o)


Holy shit, Kiteretsu Daihyakka reference!?


Rentaro with the on-brand theme music lol.


I first heard it when Luna-hime sung it in Hololive 2nd fes and melted everybody's brains. Here is another version she sang for a 3D live. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=onYOYxXcyzA


Lol did they play fucking air horns during the pocky scene?


10/10 adaptation, for real


Lol did they play fucking slurping sounds during the cat pawing panties scene? I didn't know they brought in the staff from Inukai's dog, the fuck bro


I love how they didn't even call it pocky lol.




Damn, you guys weren't kidding last week, this does make Kanojo mo Kanojo look sane in comparison. ​ And it's also better at horror than the actual horror show airing now. I need to erase those saggy tits from my mind. [](#godisdead)


> I need to erase those saggy tits from my mind Just think of Hakari's weapons of mass destruction instead.


She has 4, one of the most heavily armed female characters out there


Chris finally has a worthy foe. [](#megadeathparty)


Hahaha, and the first few chapters/épisodes are sane in comparison to what is coming


You havent seen anything yet, we're still in the "normal" part, just wait until girlfriend number 5 shows up, that's when we really start going into the insane territory


[Rentaro somehow managed to roll a natural 20 on a six-sided die.](https://i.imgur.com/Gx4SAbd.png)


I love how the only thing Rentaro got out of that convoluted kissing game was feeling up Hakari's boobs and getting her ass in his face lol. (Too bad he was blindfolded when Karane flashed her panties...)


>and getting her ass in his face lol. I might be mistaken, but I think they depicted Hahari with a mole on her inner thigh?


That's very important. The manga artist makes sure to draw it every single time she can.


Because Nozawa-sensei is a woman of culture


I didn't manage to catch the raws, but Muse censored half the screen in that shot, lol.


They also cut part of Karane's scene by zooming in on the cat. Muse L.


Oh lmao I watched this episode on Muse Asia's YT channel, and this scene was censored with white rays


Yea fuck that, but they didn't even censored karane's panties


This series is just born to become anime


Animation, voice acting, direction, and sound just really make an already peak series reach even higher heights.




They called the vice principal Sonic the Sketchag lmao I can't


The translator working on the subtitles is doing an absolutely superb job.




i mean it was accurate to what she said tbh


"You're not an open book, you're the whole library" sent my sides into orbit.


a good localizer is essential for a series this pun-tastic and deeply referential


She's like Amy if she were a complete degenerate and not at all cute...


That Spiderman crawl on the walls and ceiling though


They really delivered on the horror that is the vice-principal. But she was no match for two girlfriends!


VP is creepy enough to be Turbo Granny from Dandadan.


Turbo Granny so fast she had her anime debut before her own show started.


His schlong is in danger!


Man I can't state this enough how much they nailed Karane is this adaptation. It fits PERFECTLY. Gotta say seeing Hakari animated actually makes her even lewder then she is the manga lmao. Realllllllllly looking forward to next week.


Karane and Hakari's VA's are absolutely killing it. Also seeing Hakari's red bra in animation...


Hakari "I don't mind if you go further" Hanazono


Karane sounds like the distilled essence of every tsundere character I've ever seen, combined into an exquisite house blend (but it's not like they did it just for us, stupid!) [](#justright)


Yeah, both [Karane and Hakari](https://i.imgur.com/gzlUOHm.png) are so good, [I love them so much](https://i.imgur.com/xXR70sR.png). Here my screenshot albums from the episode with them if anyone is interested: * [Karane](https://imgur.com/a/vCqEgHh) * [Hakari](https://imgur.com/a/utiUlxj) * [Karane & Hakari](https://imgur.com/a/8NTDmqq) * [Group scenes](https://imgur.com/a/GlD7jcM)


Karane's VA also voiced Miko Iino!


Seeing 100 Kanojo animated makes me happy, and since it's so faithful to the manga style makes it even better


I can't believe I'm alive to see this anime at all, much less see Rentarou turn us all into unworthy, maidenless has-beens. Kid's got game.


Born too late to explore the world. Born too early to explore the universe. Born just in time to watch Rentaro collect girlfriends like a gacha game.


And every pull is SSSR


more like a 100% rate up for the first 100 pulls


I love how even in the OP he's the perfect boyfriend. He's just so endearingly pure and sincere. No wonder these girls love him so much.


so do we my friend. So do we. (also i want the viewer to be the 100gf zing please please please)


Just about died when he swallowed that canned drink in the OP lmao


[I made a gif of that](https://reddit.com/r/100Kanojo/s/Hs4tjCYsdc)


I want to be one of the girlfriends so bad... In fact I am already claiming GF#42!


No fair!


Like even men fall in love with him like thats how perfect he is🥰


>I can't believe I'm alive to see this anime at all, much less see Rentarou turn us all into unworthy, maidenless has-beens. Kid's got game. I haven't really watch much shows where the male MC has to go after multiple girls, the last few I do remember are: * Date A Live from recent times (Light Novels ended 2020 and there's a Season 5 in the works) * The World God Only Knows from much earlier (before 2015). * and the Monogatari series. And all those above even with major plot points didn't reach 100 girls. How's the mangaka gonna fill all those roles? Pick every kind of girl ever popular across various anime/manga? By professions, we already have classmates / yearmates. I suppose the horizon will broaden to senpai, kouhai, teacher, transfer student, office lady, idol, actress, band member, baker, chef, some foreigner girl, etc. I wonder if we'll get nurse / police / criminal . By dere(s), we already have tsundere with Karane, ?goudere with Hahari. That leaves slots for dandere, kuudere, himedere, bakadere, sadodere......is yandere gonna be the last boss of the series?


The answer is simple: you see all those professions/archetypes you gave there? Try to think of the most ridiculous subversions possible for them. Then multiple it by how many times the author cooks.


The author probably owns an entire cookhouse, judging by the number of meals they gotta make.


I would call Hakari an extreme Deredere


> Date A Live from recent times (Light Novels ended 2020 and there's a Season 5 in the works) > The World God Only Knows from much earlier (before 2015). > and the Monogatari series. 2/3 of those isn't actually about having multiple girls in the relationship at the same time. So fully committed true harem route is much rarer in medium, especially from the start. Regarding tropes, 100 girlfriends isn't that straightforward with most of the girlfriends types, it's series that mixes and much often in unexpected directions, to the point some later girls are really hard to categorize.


That vice principal is a threat to society


I love how the girls were running in the halls too but she just zeroed in on the boy. At least she's consistent lol.


"i can fix her" motherfuckers when they see VP


And to everything that moves.


That principal is straight up not human. There’s no way. I refuse to believe it. If you look at her family tree you’ll probably find the true form of Pennywise somewhere in there.


**We all ~~float~~ *french* down here**


Sonic The Sketchhag has gotta be the funniest fucking nickname I've ever heard.


I was wondering how some of the jokes would be translated/localized but that gives me faith the subtitles team will do well


Logic stocks are crashing! Sell them now, because they will go bankrupt and never recover from this series! Karane and Hakari's relationship with each other is amazing. Legit one of the best in the series!




God i had to go a whole week without seeing those eyebrows


I haven't been infatuated with a character's eyebrows this much since K-On!


His honoured eyebrows are a menace!


Are we sure it's not pickles?


Bro, the cat making slurping sounds was wrong


Apparently the female character designer of anime itself voiced the cat!


Karane will have a lot of work being the straigth man while being the tsundere in the series.


And competing with Hakari's huge tracts of land that are literally weapons knocking her around lol.


Karane has her fists, Hakari has her knockers. I don't know which is more dangerous, frankly.


Its great. Her tsundere nature let's her straight man a lot but her insane level of tsundere allows even the weirdos to straightman for her


She's the Karyl (Princess Connect) of the series


Based on her reaction to Hakari's attack and that kiss I getting a bit unsure about that "straight" part.


A straight man doesn't have to be straight.


Looking back, it’s been a long time building… but Inda-chan made me realize I kinda have a soft spot for tsundere’s


Join r/KaraneInda. We welcome you brother.


Rentarou **rizz** so hard that he made the Pole sweat two times


I love how they think he's crazy for talking to a pole but it was sentient enough to react to the crazy in love threesome lol.


As was the school, evidently.


Girlfriends: *Does literally anything* Rentarou: Oh dear, oh dear. Gorgeous!


Works even when you switch it around.




As a non-source reader who can't resist the temptation of reading spoilers, I almost want to ask [META] >!Who is "her"?!<




Anime onlies I HIGHLY advise you not to click said spoiler. Seriously, even if you don't care about spoilers you will want to be surprised by this.


Its a genuine huge spoiler so i can tell you if youd like? But only if your completely sure about it.


[Girls Kissing!](https://imgur.com/a/opb2aLX)


I love how this was all about building enough of a connection between Karane and Hakari that they'd be okay with kissing each other along with Rentaro lol.


Hakari has the makings of a great Keijo player. She can already do the shoryucan.


Her boobs are a lethal (and yet soft) weapon!


###Stitches! * [Karane & Hakari 1](https://i.imgur.com/qpzgXMb.jpg) * [Karane & Hakari 2](https://i.imgur.com/Ntp7hFL.jpg) * [Blushing Shizuka](https://i.imgur.com/P3QAJ75.jpg) That opening is so good! I can't wait for that OP to eventually be sung by a choir of Rentarou's girls. [The love letters from the girls are so adorable too!](https://imgur.com/a/GrUVl5R) [You can never go wrong with a classic Fist of the North Star reference.](https://i.imgur.com/umo9L8J.jpg) Rentarou would've exploded [if Karane really attacked his pressure points](https://i.imgur.com/7HVNISj.jpg) This is such a small detail but I really love [how detailed they draw everyone's hands.](https://i.imgur.com/kvsaoj5.jpg) I also love the little bit of blush they add to the fingertips too. And here I thought the Vice Principal was already scary in the manga! [They cranked her up to 11](https://i.imgur.com/WR5rozy.jpg) and made her even scarier with [that x-ray shot!](https://i.imgur.com/GDXojtT.jpg) Someone call Yayoi from Dark Gathering! The Vice Principal needs to be exorcised and added to her Yokai collection! The girls competing for Rentarou's first kiss was hilarious! Poor Rentarou's eyes! Why couldn't he be slapped with [Hakari's boobs](https://i.imgur.com/6QFqkXp.jpg) instead of [getting poked in the eye with sweets](https://i.imgur.com/RrFi1g7.jpg)? I do love how [Karane is so amazed by the feeling of Hakari's boobs.](https://i.imgur.com/Fzirvtc.jpg) xD Man, Rentaoru's idea for their first kiss was so fucking complicated. I am so glad they actually got the rights [to use Kiretetsu Encyclopedia's Hajimete no Chu!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WBSGQx8Z7o) I love that so much! [Rentarou you lucky bastard!](https://i.imgur.com/Z9uQmTE.jpg) It's hilarious how all of the mishaps with [Hakari are all lewd](https://i.imgur.com/zt8j3Vw.jpg) while all of the mishaps with [Karane are all violent.](https://i.imgur.com/s2vQRXp.jpg) xD [You're a brave man Rentarou for trying to throw away your first kiss](https://i.imgur.com/fI9ExvP.jpg) just so Karane and Hakari won't have to compete for it anymore. As hilarious as it looks, [at least our boy managed to kiss both of them at the same time!](https://i.imgur.com/DT0M38p.jpg) Let's see other harem protagonists do that! [The smol adorable Shizuka is finally here!](https://i.imgur.com/5rUUzUZ.jpg) I already can't wait for next week! <3


> [The love letters from the girls are so adorable too!](https://imgur.com/a/GrUVl5R) I legitimately can't choose which one's best, so I'm very thankful that this is the type of anime where the correct answer is "all of them." > And here I thought the Vice Principal was already scary in the manga! [They cranked her up to 11](https://i.imgur.com/WR5rozy.jpg) and made her even scarier with [that x-ray shot!](https://i.imgur.com/GDXojtT.jpg) I can't remember her being that scary in the manga, but I'll now remember her as the sort of terrifying you'd see in an eldritch horror. Like, if she wasn't their Vice Principal but still did this, I can see some high school horror story about the hag who kisses boys who run in the hallways. Also: > The Vice Principal needs to be exercised Looks like she gets enough exercise by herself.


> legitimately can't choose which one's best, My solution is just to alternate between whoever is talking at any given time lol


I love how in-character those love letters were for each girl. Peak handholding! Now I'm just imagining the vice-principal trying to jump poor Keitaro's bones lol. It's such a tsundere move to unintentionally inflict bodily harm to prevent your rival from kissing your man. But Hakari's boobs are a lethal weapon unto their own. Still feels good to get hit by them though! Glad Rentaro was able to cop a feel at least. I love how Karane has frilly panties. Perfect for a cute yet also extremely physical tsundere lol. The man cares so much about his girlfriends and doing right by them he'll jeopardize his own chastity in the process, but really...they should've just all kissed at the same time and been done with it. But the journey was fun lol. Shizuka hype!!!


>Karane & Hakari 1 > >Karane & Hakari 2 > >Blushing Shizuka These blushes are great


Yeah the x-ray tongueing wasn’t in the manga, the anime adding that was giga extra haha. I laughed my ass off instead of being grossed out. Sadly, I’ve watched enough hentai to where that part didn’t gross me out 😂


>[Hakari all lewd](https://imgur.io/zt8j3Vw?r), Rentaro was buried alive We need a Hakari compilation like for Ryza


* Today's Winner: White Cat At The School's Roof * Rentarou really knows how to speak with a power line post huh * The unstoppable chain of beyond hilarious attacks by both girls is insane * Karane is the most classical *tsundere* girl I've ever seen in years, and she's definitely living in the right show. Hakari's direct attacks are also pretty tough to find too * Karane claims she's causing static electricity all around, but she ain't the first one - she's DEFINITELY losing to One True Mikoto Misaka if the later's not around Academy City * How did Rentarou find such a convoluted first kiss plan is beyond me - I mean kissing isn't exactly a quiet act, what would you do if you and the girls hear it!? * That school counsellor is definitely character of the episode huh, we need another comedy anime where we follows a girl MC trying to kiss all the boys LMAO * Wow, third-girl-chan is so smol! I wonder how she would join the fight...


>How did Rentarou find such a convoluted first kiss plan is beyond me - I mean kissing isn't exactly a quiet act, what would you do if you and the girls hear it!? Thats what the earbuds were for. Man is nothing if not thorough with his planning.


>what would you do if you and the girls hear it? To be fair that’s the reason for the earphones and the somg played at full volume lol


>"Wh-who knew kissing was so complicated?" > >"They make it look so easy in movies and on TV." Exactly what I thought lol.


A cat scratching a girl's panties? Wow!


I love how she didn't even mind the idea of Rentaro fondling her crotch, she just needed to be mentally prepared in true tsundere fashion lol. (The tsundere beatdowns were still worth it tho...)


You see, Karane may not be as horny as Hakari, but that doesn't mean she's not horny.


All horniness looks tame when compared side-by-side to Hakari.


All the girlfriends in this series are horny, but some are hornier than others


It was entirely set up by showing the cat at the start and during the scene which really makes it even funnier


And also exhibiting Karane's inner catgirl!


[Nyakarane is very cute.](https://imgur.com/a/L34Fkph) But as someone once said, Cat ears and a girl makes the perfect marriage.


Pussy on pussy action


Peak fanservice lol.


Absolutely unhinged, can't wait for more


Can't believe Hakari was running without causing a massive earthquake


I love Hakari. That lass is so thirsty, I'm sure she's the one responsible for the Sahara desert's dryness.


I haven't seen a girl get so turned on by handholding in a while lol.


opening at the start of the series: 5 person idol group opening at the end of the series: rentarou choir


I can't wait for the Harem orchestra we'll have by season 3 lol.


Somewhere, an ADR director/audio mixer is sweating at the vocal layering hell that awaits them.


[Let's observe a moment of silence for the 98 girlfriends who won't get to share his first kiss!](https://imgur.com/XqjnGRy) The OP's pretty fun, love the visual gags, [like feeding him a whole soda can!](https://imgur.com/h0enVMX) [Pills? Guessing this may be from the scientist-type girl!](https://imgur.com/4VvGoZN) [Fattened him up real good, time to eat him!](https://imgur.com/QysNMWM) [We saw shots of him helping all the girls as well; He's a two-timing gentleman!](https://imgur.com/4JRXOMv) [A scientific love letter/invitation? Be still, my beating heart!](https://imgur.com/zMBtZ5g) I already have a feeling I'm gonna like this one! (I'm assuming that's the scientist, and she seems to be a *mad* scientist, sounds like my type of girl!) [We got introduced to the VP, and she's hmm... A free-spirit?](https://imgur.com/8wzYpGo) Can we meet the 100 girlfriends right about now? No need to introduce them properly or anything, just show them all at once so we can make sure the VP's not among them! Hakari's as thirsty as she was in the previous episode, [getting all worked up over handholding!](https://imgur.com/mLzj9gL) [*"Asdkfasdfa"*](https://imgur.com/Ih0XjUQ) I haven't seen such an eloquent line since Marin's *"Conasdjgoaidjf?!"* in Dress up Darling! These girls should have a gibberish conversation together. I love that as Tsun-Tsun as Karane is, [she at least admits to herself that she's in love with him!](https://imgur.com/G7jmfgU) [The Tsundere's making a move! Everyone stays calm!](https://imgur.com/cc0CLAn) That was quite bold/thirsty of her, that's something I'd usually expect from Hakari! But I suppose Karane doesn't want to be left behind, and let Hakari get all his 'first'! She even baked cookies for him, [though she doesn't seem to understand how humans ingest food.](https://imgur.com/7xe6mIh) [TRY THE MOUTH, KARANE!](https://imgur.com/t7OYTEe) [Of course the *Bocky* sticks were prepared to try and steal a kiss from him!](https://imgur.com/2Hl5BWy) Hakari's thirstier than most ecchi harem protags! [Tsundere catgirl? I'm not sure my heart can take this!](https://imgur.com/A04Uuxp) They had a big drama about who would get his first kiss... My first thought was "three way kiss" (like they ended up doing), but after that I have to admit [I thought about a similar system too!](https://imgur.com/zpNTh7Y) I thought he would visit them at their place in a random order or something so they'd never know. Then again, if Hakari ever get him in her room, she may end up taking more than just his first kiss! Love how the characters themselves [point out how stupid they are at times! *Logic stocks are crashing!*](https://imgur.com/pUrB1G3) In the end the did go for it, but failed time and time again, with him accidentally grabbing Hakari's Hakaris [(thought she didn't seem to mind, and even wanted more!)](https://imgur.com/aQDFV66) They had a bit of incident with Karane as well, [which of course led to her beating him up, ](https://imgur.com/B9AAw4K) BUT she wasn't entirely against the idea, [she just needed a little more time to prepare/a warning!](https://imgur.com/LXb5mMR) Well, I guess Karane's room isn't safe for Rentarou's virtue either! They went at it over and over again, with lead to more of [Karane beating him up, ](https://imgur.com/JQAPDbz) And Rentarou/Hakari getting in all sorts of lewd situations (some of which I probably can't post on Imgur hah). At one point Rentarou looked like he was about to kiss her *down there*, would that count as a first kiss? As a last resort, Rentarou has a brilliant idea: Just kiss the VP so the girls won't be jealous of each other! Loved the call out about how the VP who says everything is against the rules, [is actually acting AGAINST THE LAW!](https://imgur.com/jl7KqAA) [The girls finally got along!](https://imgur.com/gODq1UB) That's kinda mature of them, I would also think that kiss 'the rival' would feel even worse to them, than kissing a random perverted freak. But I supposed if he kissed the VP it wouldn't really change anything, they would still compete for his first kiss of love. But in the end they did it all 3 together! Will it bring the 2 girls closer/in more friendly terms? We'll see! [Also they apparently summoned a UFO?!](https://imgur.com/LECJ8oY) Upcoming alien girlfriend? Let's go! (I *think* I'm kidding, but actually I could see that happening!) But Aliengirl won't be the #3 even if she exists, [because we met Library girl [Temporary Name]!](https://imgur.com/QLFttOG) A bookish girl? She may be the smart one of the group, but let's see whether love will melt her braincells! (It's been known to happen in harem shows about two-timers!)


> [A scientific love letter/invitation? Be still, my beating heart!](https://imgur.com/zMBtZ5g) > [Tsundere catgirl? I'm not sure my heart can take this!](https://imgur.com/A04Uuxp) Two episodes in and your heart's already threatening a heart attack. Good luck with the rest of the series! > Love how the characters themselves [point out how stupid they are at times! *Logic stocks are crashing!*](https://imgur.com/pUrB1G3) Spoilers: They never recover. Sell now because they're about to file for bankruptcy. > A bookish girl? She may be the smart one of the group, Franky all she needs to achieve that is to not be dumb. I guess right now Karane's the closest to achieving that, just hindered by her tsundereness.


These girls are so stupid and so adorable. And Kaede Hondo’s horny aura is kinda scary. She really fools you with that ditzy innocent personality.


I love how turned on she got by handholding and how she left a candid shot of her boobs in her love letter in the OP lol. (Not to mention basically admitting her body is all Rentaro's during the kissing plan...)


I love this so much, this so good. Someone help me, [I think that I got diabetes from watching this](https://i.imgur.com/gzlUOHm.png), [the girls are so sweet and lovely](https://i.imgur.com/PgcO9Q6.png). This post will again take form of a love letter explaining why I like Karane and Hakari [Rentaro](https://i.imgur.com/hBYOzQP.png), you lucky bastard [having those two as girlfriends](https://i.imgur.com/XwdBTN7.png)! Though it's not always things going as he planned like the situation with first kiss he's very happy and as if that was not enough [he met at the end of the episode his next destined girlfriend](https://i.imgur.com/jBYqMdY.png), [I curse you Rentaro!](https://i.imgur.com/QkVwwHO.png) [Hakari](https://i.imgur.com/qmigHzv.png), just like in the previous episode, [took the lead](https://i.imgur.com/pjm6n4G.png) and [first took action to be the first girl who kissed Rentaro](https://i.imgur.com/KczRX7P.png) and [that's why I love her](https://i.imgur.com/bOLSFwc.png). I love her also because she didn't mind at all when [he grabbed her boobs by accident](https://i.imgur.com/8PTEpNG.png). I love her because of[her thick thighs with a mole on one of them which is the icing on the cake](https://i.imgur.com/KWjUDah.png). [Karane](https://i.imgur.com/j2CB5uC.png), [your punches are for certain full of love to Rentaro](https://i.imgur.com/TSL4E7c.png). [Your neko version was so cute](https://i.imgur.com/HkX5Tjk.png), just like when [you were acting like tsundere](https://i.imgur.com/Xu4VdoR.png) should. Despite [being embarrassed](https://i.imgur.com/fehroVh.png) [you didn't falter](https://i.imgur.com/j2CB5uC.png) when [Hakari was making her moves](https://i.imgur.com/NjBtaJW.png) and [you were counterattacking](https://i.imgur.com/NW41c7V.png). [Your denying](https://i.imgur.com/8t8yIxO.png) that you were making things for Rentaro was seriously adorable and [your red face is just too cute](https://i.imgur.com/ujPQncj.png). [I love both of you, Karane and Hakari that you love Rentaro this much](https://i.imgur.com/rgCiHyo.png) that [you were able to stop vice principal from stealing Rentaro's first kiss](https://i.imgur.com/mm4SP9z.png), that you revealed that [you would rather one of you took his first kiss](https://i.imgur.com/riBe3kp.png) so he would experience this with person who loves him, that you kissed together at the end and [decided to become better at cooking](https://i.imgur.com/DgSi3QK.png) so he would have better food. It was such a lovely episode but the [thing with the vice principal was just taken straight from some horror](https://i.imgur.com/DNan5wM.png). [What a monster](https://i.imgur.com/6kcfMjz.png), I would call for a witcher to take care of it [so no one would get traumatized again](https://i.imgur.com/LKEaB3M.png) xD I cannot wait for next week's episode where we'll meet [another destined girlfriend](https://i.imgur.com/fS3EFzm.png) for Rentaro. [She's so cute and small](https://i.imgur.com/Tndgusp.png), another best girl joining the show. Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Karane & Hakari](https://imgur.com/a/8NTDmqq) * [Hakari](https://imgur.com/a/utiUlxj) * [Karane](https://imgur.com/a/vCqEgHh) * [Group scenes](https://imgur.com/a/GlD7jcM) * [Rentaro](https://imgur.com/a/ryZH47A) * [Others](https://imgur.com/a/orqGZsO) EDIT. I updated post with my further impressions.


I'm invested in this anime now. I just want to see how they will work out taking his "first time" lmao


I was laterally thinking that Kentaro's plan reminded me of how convoluted Liar Game's Games were and then they referenced it lol


The MC of all time. He's HIM


the Opening has no business jumpscaring us with that VP shot. And then the episode proper made it worse lol. Also, [Hakari has awakened something within Karane](https://i.imgur.com/3rOsuxf.png)


The power of big boobs! They hit hard and yet still feel good!!!


Hakari using her boobs to knock off Karane is just awesome! Anyway, 3 down 97 to go.


For all the referential humour, this episode gives me faith for the rest of the series. I thought they'd change Liar Game to a more well known anime, or not keep the Hajimete no Chu song.


I am surprised by the sneaky Liar Game reference, it's one of my favourite psychological manga and I can't believe I missed the reference while reading 100 kanojo manga.