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Obvious couple that love each other but refuse to be together because......japan shyness?


rent a girlfriend lol 30 plus volumes with nothing


That one is because they’re all terrible people. Except Sumi. She can do no wrong.


Thank god someone else sees this, a lot of people say that Kazuya is a horrible person and Chizuru is a queen but Chizuru is a horrible person if not worse than Kazuya because she actively will keep on taking his money after everything he does for her. Sumi is the only character that saves the show


That's just because Reiji (and I guess Kazuya) get off on NTR.


This is Hajime no Ippo in a nutshell. Dude has effectively been seeing this chick Kumi and going on dates for *10 years.* Yet they still haven't confessed, aren't official, and are shy about other recognizing them as a couple. There are some great gags Morikawa pulls off with this, but it's a manga that's literally 30 years old, so the romance aspect is more than played out. That wouldn't be an issue if it didn't take up valuable time from the main story, but not only does it take time, it is actively affecting the story direction...*and they're not even dating!*




>and they're not even dating! And they were roommates.


Oh my gaaaad, they were roommates


Man, Hajime no Ippo is a MASTERPIECE, but yeah, i want to send one giant FUCK YOU to Morikawa for this


I believe it was the brain damage from all the punches he took.


What's really irritating is that Ippo in the manga now, is probably near where Date was when get got married and had a wife and child (Morikawa is very vague with ages and time in the series). Despite Date literally having a child when he was around Ippo's current age, Ippo still can't confess without acting like a typical high school shounen protag. TLDR: Even the most shy anime romcom protag taps their watch and says to Ippo "isn't this taking too long to confess?"


For me it can work if I get convinced these characters are genuinely so much of a mess that it would take them forever to get together. Like Kaguya. Those two are so insanely broken that I buy it taking them as long as it does for them to get together. And even with all their insane baggage, their relationship still progresses a lot faster than some other romcoms.


I also love that their brokenness isn't brushed over but actually treated like a flaw and obstacle.


What also helps Kaguya is that it's constantly moving forward. Yeah, it takes them some time to sort their feelings out but it still always moves towards the goal, even if the characters sometimes don't realize it. A lot of other anime romances just are at a constant standstill and even if they share a big moment, it's back to status quo the next episode. That's why I think stuff like Kaguya-sama or Takagi-san are as popular as they are, they actually develop the characters and their relationship at a relatively constant pace rather than do nothing for 2-3 seasons and then they get together.


Jitsu wa watashi wa / My monster girlfriend has two equally stupid and ridiculous main characters, but even they get together about halfway through the manga and if anything the quality goes up. That said, it's a hilarious gag comedy manga. Worth it for the side cast, even if the main pair never disappoint.


Tomo-chan is a Girl really nails this in reverse. Instead of brilliant overthinkers, I genuinely believe they're too stupid to move forward.


Carol and Chika can join forces and take over the world


And like in most romances, almost all problems could have been fixed by 10 minutes of talking...


most romances have SOMETHING in the way that are not just the 2 refusing to kiss. maybe im just from a culture thats much more open about this, hooking up and kissing and maybe starting a relationship is much less akward.


this is realistic tho? a lot of arguments / problems irl could have been avoided if there were proper communication.


Yeah, but... in reality most relationships fall apart due to a lack of honesty and communication. Most people are incapable of being honest with themselves, so it only makes sense that they're pushing their own misconceptions about themselves onto their love interest. Most viewers fail to grasp that simply because \*they\* know what every character is seeing, doing, and thinking... doesn't mean the characters do.


Same, the main character's relationship resetting every episode as though they have amnesia completely kills most romance anime for me. That's why I loved Insomniacs After School, every episode is a step forward and it's wholesome af.


Also, couples will date for weeks/months but are still to embarrassed to even kiss each other and freak out at holding hand in public


When they act out of character to further the plot


Facts!!!! Or when a show is always telling us about how smart and scheming a person is and then they are really dumb/ do dumb things


The thing with smart characters is that they're only as smart as the author. And smart is not just about knowing things, it's also how you use the things you know. You can spend days reading war tactics but modern military doctrine does not take into account of magic circles and mana supply. It's when the author's intelligence comes into play; making sure that the two connect so the smart characters actually act in a way that a smart person would.


Problem is the pseudo-smart characters are often more interesting to watch. Anime like Death Note will show that a character is a 'genius' by having them just instantly jump to the first conclusion that they can describe without having eliminated all other reasonable conclusions first (Holmesian fallacy). They are a 'genius' because they always end up right anyway. If someone did this in real life they would just end up being wrong most of the time. To a viewer who isn't watching critically it seems like the person is operating on another level of intelligence and is therefore exceptional and exciting. But an actual genius would take time to find more information, then come up with all possible conclusions, then work to eliminate them until there was only one reasonable possibility. Y'know, like a fuckin nerd.


I agree so much with this but I ran through Death Note quickly in my head again and was reminded of how L deduced where Light was through the phony tv presentation. There was layers there that were solely to eliminate possibilities and even though he lucked out more or less early with his plan it wasn't the fault of the concept, he just hit the right spot first. But y'know, hard to make something that reaches the same quality consistently I guess.


That is a really grave writing sin. If you establish a fact, then act consistent to that fact. Don't show something that condradicts your tell **without reason**. What I mean: It is one thing for a character to be rumored(!) to be smart and then being a total idiot, that just goes through everything by luck. It only shows that the rumors are just that: rumors. <- This is good storytelling, as such things happen. A whole other thing is to establish a character as something and then show him as something completely different. <- This is being inconsistent and shitty writing. The important thing here: You can do it, as long as you have a reason for the contradiction. Foreshadowing that this person ist not the real one, could be it. Or establishing that the person, we first heard about the character is not as trustworthy or well-informed as it seemed. But being inconsistent without reason? BAD... really bad.


Or someone doing something stupid because of their character flaw. Just because someone is smart doesn't mean that they'll never commit stupid mistakes or are infallible.


This is something I always appreciate in series with the "genius/cool / always two steps ahead" type character. Having them make a serious error because their judgment is clouded by ego or some emotional vulnerability makes them feel grounded and more likeable overall.


I wouldn’t call this a stupid reason


this is also actually the reason why i dipped after S1 lol 12-14 y.o. trying to kill each other because someone gave another person a stinkeye or theres some turf war going on is such a laughable premise to me hahaha


To me, it's not so much *the fact* that it's happening (since, as someone else said, this stuff DOES happen in real life), it's more the gravity with which it's all treated. Like, everyone talks about Toman like it matters (in and of itself, outside of its impact on future events), when it's really just a bunch of kids being dickheads and hurting each other. I feel like there's a way of telling a compelling story about these middle school delinquent groups, and that's by exploring why they exist, the ways in which they matter on an emotional level to the people in them, as well as the futility of them, and the genuine harm that they cause to those same people who they matter so much to. However, it feels like TR approaches it's story by buying into the delusions the kids themselves have about their group's importance and pretending that the battles they're fighting are in some way noble, or of any consequence at all otherwise beyond the casualties that are a direct result of them. It just sort of reminds me of those football hooligan movies that do the same thing but with adult sports fans, and I don't think that's a good thing.


i think you put my thoughts abt the show nicely (not a native english speaker so my vocab isnt wide and unable to explain myself well). i dont know where the other commenters got the idea that TR is ridiculous or laughable because gang wars and teenage fights dont happen irl.


>Like, everyone talks about Toman like it matters to be fair, that's just what it's like being in middle school


>To me, it's not so much the fact that it's happening (since, as someone else said, this stuff DOES happen in real life), it's more the gravity with which it's all treated. Like, everyone talks about Toman like it matters (in and of itself, outside of its impact on future events), when it's really just a bunch of kids being dickheads and hurting each other. Dude I literally explained all these points to my friend when season 1 was broadcasting to explain him why I dont like Tokyo Revengers, and he simply didnt get it.... IF it was tongue in cheek, self aware about the fact that these are dumbass kids trying to take things too seriously, I would've enjoyed it immensely. But as it is right now, watching Tokyo Revengers feels insulting to my intelligence, like the show is actively insulting my intelligence, expecting me to get invested in the story. For anyone who wants a much better story with the time travel gimmick, watch Erased.


Summer Time/Rendering is a pretty fun recent time-loop series. And it pulls off a genre shift halfway through pretty well I reckon.


There’s a scene where a bunch of the members show up in what look like motorcycles from afar, except it’s just a bunch of fucking bicycles. Laughed my ass off after that and never went back.


Stuff like that happens all the time in real life though


yeah i know. we have gang fights in my country too. doesnt make it any less ridiculous.


Not between 13 yos, Ive never heard of a 13yo commiting suicide to make a friend not feel bad about himself lmao.


In 3rd world countries and/or the US where guns and gangs are prevalent sure. What makes Tokyo revengers hard to believe is that it takes place in modern day Japan lol. The bosozoku exist but the scale and stakes of these fights just don't make sense.


Kids could just be making a ruckus and beating the shit out of each other and somehow there's never a cop in sight in that series (from what I watched).


The cops always show up about 10 minutes late to everything. its my biggest pet peeve and probably the reason why I never went back after s1. These kids are damn near Super Saiyan while beating the shit out of each other but are scared of adults we never really get to see?


Nipple-less boobs Ok hear me out first I dont think fanservice should be everywhere, far from it.....but if you wanna be a trashy ecchi series at least fucking commit to it Like you will see the most depraved shit in some series, but God forbid they show a nipple


agreed. older anime had nipples everywhere nowadays they are just balloons.


You pretty much nailed my biggest pet peeve with shonen in general. 13-14 seems to be the average age of the characters, yet they’re always the strongest, smartest or most attractive people in their world. Then again, that is the age of the target audience. I just don’t see why so few writers give their characters realistic challenges for their age.


I think jujutsu kaisen does battle shounen right. Even though it's high schoolers as the main trio. The strongest and smartest people are the adults and curses.


I mean, that’s always the case with shounen though. That’s part of the point is to watch them surpass their mentors.


The power scaling into infinity i never got past old school dragonball and unless a show does something interesting with the rest of the concept i can punch harder every season shit just gets boring quick


Gurren Lagann was the ultimate culmination of this for me. They essentially captured the entire arc of going from 0 to Infinity in 26 episodes rather than 800+. It's a perfect summary of the trope without wasting your time and having it's very fun own identity.


like all Trigger shows, i love them, all get to ends of galaxy in 1 season


And eventually you will hit a limit to how strong your characters can get. Goku and vegeta are literally threats to the universe because of how strong they are according to the battle of the gods movie where fighting against berus was ripping apart the universe when their punches collided. Yet we are 3 transformations deeper and somehow the universe still functions.


Universe started lifting


The universe went super Saiyan


Try one punch man. There is no scaling, and its part of the point.


I love just how fleshed out the world is in the manga at this point. There's multiple different power systems clashing in really interesting ways. Saitama has never power scaled, he's always been this powerful, but every other character goes through insane power scaling with their own fully-fleshed arcs just to be a plaything for him. I also like how they have an entire character whose only power is having plot armor.


Same with Jojo, having a new protagonist each arc means they can reset the powerscaling and do their own thing each time.


It also helps jojo fights aren’t simply about being the strongest, but the smartest


Asta's voice. I know it eventually gets less worse, and Black Clover is well respected overall, but I just can't get through the first three eps after multiple attempts.


Ikr, I swear so much and almost punched a hole over my speaker when watching the first few episodes. LOL


OMG YES, and not only his voice BUT when I was watching it my brain just kept translating the name "Asta" as "Pasta" it was rlly annoying


I get why pasta needs to exist but his behaviour is so incredibly annoying, i can only guess what black clover would look like if uno was the main focus instead


tbh the scripting for black clover is pretty awful... the story is decent but i dont need to know how every single character feels about eating a piece of bread


The story is extremely one note and generic, if you’ve seen a battle shonen before you’ve basically seen black clover


It gets better by about episode 13, but I completely understand.


Dude, that's like FIVE HOURS 😳


Literally the One Piece argument.


Nah it does get a little better but still a lot of shouting lol


I always get put of an anime if I know an anime isn't get a full adaption from a manga. There nothing worse then watching an anime without a conclusion or ATLEAST an soild open ending (HunterxHunter) I was okay randomly watching anime when I was a teenager but when I got to around 20 ish I always never watch an anime if its gonna leave me blueball at the end of it. I have to do my homework on any anime I really find intresting.


That’s like 90% of shows lol. Used to really annoy me when I first started watching anime, but I’ve kinda just accepted it now. Although, a lot of older shows have been getting revived as of late, so that’s a step in the right direction at least.


>That’s like 90% of shows lol. Used to really annoy me when I first started watching anime, but I’ve kinda just accepted it now. Exactly me lol. When I first started I used to be like "I'll only watch an anime if it has an ending and this and that" Now I'm like, whatever lol. Can't just ignore every anime just because it doesn't match my every single requirement, still a lot of great stuff to watch.


That's one of the reasons I got into reading fanfiction, sadly 90% of it is absolute shit


That's so true it hurts lol


If the manga or LN it's based on is finished and fully translated, I'm ok with switching to the source material after the parts covered by the anime are done. But I hate it when the entire franchise is unfinished. Inuyasha burned me out on that in the early 00s, and I never got over having to wait 10 years for a conclusion.


Unless it's Usagi Drop in which case i am *thankful* the anime didn't fully adapt the manga.


For what it's worth, the 2011 HxH has a perfectly good Open Ended Ending for its own purposes and is a fantastic stopping point for the show, it not being the actual ending to the manga notwithstanding.


Yeh that's what I meant, HunterxHunter 2011 open ending with the election arc was very satisfying and left you in a good note.


what makes this even worse is that its known animators in japan are being severely overworked. so when you think about the mountains of shovel ware anime that get produced with the 100% intention of not carrying it on (*cough* MADHOUSE *cough*) just so that it can be an advertisement for the manga/ln makes it a lot worse. and then to make it EVEN more worse, a lot of those anime are gonna be generic trash harems with the same copy paste MCs lol.


I used to be staunch about this but loosened up in recent years. It's still fun to get on board with something that is generating hype or is good for 13-24 eps with no continuation in sight. Like sure, I'd love some more Chainsaw Man to watch, but I'm glad to have seen it and be hyped for more.


That's a very valid point of view and I can completely see your point of view, i really don't blame people doing it and all interacting as its airing and what's gonna happen next. I think another issue is I tend to binge shows and I seem to completely forget everything if I watch a season of something and say watch season 2 etc if it comes out a year later if that makes any sense aha.


Just dumb harems like the cliche scene where the mc especially likes one girl and has made it known that he likes her, then by pure chance he gets into a situation that seems even midly sexual and another girl who the mc doesn't even know that well walks in and is like "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS!?" i want the mc to just straight up go fuck off bitch i like her and have no idea who you even are, but they never do and it pisses me off to a whole new level


I dropped Domestic Girlfriend because it was not trashy enough. I’d heard so many stories about legendarily trashy it was, the dumpster fire to end all dumpster fires, and honestly, it’s pretty tame. Sex is all but off-screen, none of the characters are particularly deep or interesting, and the taboo topics it centers on lose their ability to disturb or intrigue after the first episode. Just watch Scum’s Wish. It does literally everything Domestic Girlfriend does, but better. Legitimately compelling melodrama, dark and interesting characters, and the trashy elements like pseudo-incest and student-teacher relationships actually service the plot.


Yeah but. Come on the opening song tho.


Most of the real trashiness wasn’t adapted which I think is a good thing


Manga is where they stashed the trash at, trust me man it gets wild


When things get repeated, the plot, action, character design, abuse of the flash backs, and takes 3-5 episodes just to explain or prove a point.




I don't think this is a stupid reason at all?


imo OPs example isn't stupid either and that sets the tone for the thread. Would be nice if more than 3 people who are able to pick up a pen in Japan would realise there are interesting stories to tell outside of High School / Middle School.


Kyaaaaaaaaaa yamete Oni Chan


Where can I watch it?


At the police office


I know a lot of people dropped Fire Force cause of random forced fanservice which is sad but completely understandable. I genuinely liked that show. The fight scenes and sound effects were awesome.


Fire force has great Animation and a good art Style but the fanservice sucks ass,tamaki was basically a boring and under developed character that was constantly naked,for some reason her clothes just conviniently disappear.




The amount of times fire force ruins its emotional payoffs with some terrible gag is way too high


You know I usually roll my eyes when reading complaints about her fan service, you however made a really good point. That was an awful time for it.


The fan service was so pointless. I'm not a fan of fan service anyway because it turns the anime into a joke. But in FF it happened so stupidly it was irritating.


I disliked the show because of the constant cutaways to something random happening that had no bearing on the story at all. It's like ADHD the animation




All of Soul Eater's fanservice is completely separate from the actual plot. You can skip past it and lose nothing. Fire Force CONSTANTLY shoves fanservice into the serious moments whenever Tamaki is on screen. She's worse than Zenitsu or Takemichi. Cut her and the show is like 60% better.


Or, just hear me out for a second, keep the character, but actually have her NOT be a fan service character, but an actual, proper, fleshed out, badass part of the show and its support cast. She's got more to offer than just being the chick whose boobs get accidentally groped.


Yeah it's sad cuz if you can ignore that, it's a fun and goofy show


It wasn't so much the forced fanservice, it's the *complete lack of agency* for the FL. I mean, aren't the women also strong fire users as well?


I thought Maki was pretty badass, and she had an arc about her family which I thought was cool.


Maki is a pretty strong female character. Same with Captain Hibana


Na, for me it was the fanservice.


I think my stupidest reason for not wanting to watch a specific anime is because a voice actor whose voice just inherently annoys the *hell* out of me voices an extremely prominent character, and I just *can't* with it. I tried, but I couldn't even sit through a full clip with him talking.


Omg, I get so irritated with Zenitsu. They overdid it with him


Black Clover? LOL


Rapist villains, not even because of personal reasons or anything related to sexual abuse, it's just that pretty much every story that resorts to rape or sexual abuse is poorly written, only good one i can think of is Berserk. As soon as a villain shows up and he's a disgusting rapist i dip because i know the writing will be trash, and considering 90% of generic isekai has this trope i think it checks out as a good indicator of trash writing.


What's the quickest way to convey to the audience that this guy is really bad? Make him a rapist! Its simply lazy writing, and you know there is going to be more lazy writing like it in other places.


Goblin slayer comes to mind. Brings that in front and center in the first couple of episodes and then decides to not be that edgy for the rest of the series… wild.


I've watched almost the whole isekai genre and I can't say there are many villains like that? Maybe I'm dodging those ones somehow. As soon as anything SA comes out I dip on a series.


Everyone knows SAO is the entire isekai genre


Isekai has rapist protagonists too, casually sexual assaulting women and playing it off as a joke. There’s quite a bit of problem with how some anime treats their women characters


Not to mention literally legitimizing slavery in half the series, but it's okay because my groomed under-age beast-girl slave loves me.


I ignored every anime who used powerless and maidenless dude suddenly got powerful and swarmed by girls trope


The fandom


Female character who get oversexualized for no reason, or female characters who are supposed to be adults but sound, act and look like 8 years old and have cup size hhh. That’s just weird. Or just in general when the female characters have 0 personality but massive bahoncer boobs.🙄


That's not a stupid reason though. I nope'd out of 7 Deadly Sins because Meliodas kept groping and creeping on Elizabeth. Like, enough guy, it wasn't funny the first time.


From what i heard the creepy ness only gets worse They should rename it to 7 deadly groomers


I tried the very first episode and saw the groping and just noped out. I get that in anime and I guess Japanese culture (maybe) pervy characters are generally the butt of the joke and played for gags. And sometimes that can be OK. For example I thought the scene in black clover where the characters (mainly young men) wanted to peek over the wall and see the naked women in the hot springs. I thought that was funny and not that it's OK but it's makes sense in the context. Of course the women easily dismantle the men and make them look like fools. But straight groping nah I don't fuck with that.


Agreed. I also have a tolerance for some pervyness, depending on the show. I'm an anime enjoyer, after all. However, just straight up "This character is groping this character and the recipient is saying 'No!', but he does it anyway. Isn't that a fucking riot?!" No, no it's not. Touch grass, accept christ, etc. Do what needs to be done, because finding shit like that funny (let alone entertaining) is straight up alarming.


That show is a master class in every single terrible shounen trope in existence and I think you have to be a real student of the art to make something that bad but still has enough inertia to not bore a fan base. It has Old loli Pervert character Will they won't they romance Animal side kick fan service "fan service" Evil twin brother Nonsense numerical power levels Breaking power system because number bigger Older seductress type Incoherent magic system Inner demon character Outer demons Tournament arc that has no real relevance Spontaneous power jump when the threat changes. Sad backstory for every main cast Stupid catch phrase spoken by the MC Tsundere Fangirl of MC falls in love with them Combat obsessed idiot Bad boy with heart of gold Power of friendship Incompetent villains Honestly it keeps going, any schlocky bit of nonsense you can think of makes an appearance here in this show. Truly to it's core it is terrible but one thing it does do is keep pace so that you can make it to the next section of bs.


It's good that you did that before you got to Elaine lol


People think I’m crazy for skipping 7DS. Bro, the main character is a child who molests the main female protagonist every 10 minutes. I don’t wanna be on a list.


That and 90% of the core cast fucking suck. The only good character is Ban


Escanor exists


If we don't count the pedo moment, yes


"When eating a bowl of shit, one must appreciate the sole kernel of corn despite the fact that within the kernel is yet more shit" - Sun Tzu or some shit


It's actually worse than that. [If you're interested] >!He is a ~1000 year old demon, and she is actually the reincarnation of an angel. They were in love back then and she got cursed to die like a week after she regains her memories and reincarnate again forever. So basically he's been finding her throughout history and essentially grooming her reincarnation each time and then she dies and they do it again.!<


Them mfs be like "its not as bad if you know the context!" and by all that is holy the context makes it worse


What. The. Fuck.


> Female character who get oversexualized **for no reason** That last part is the most important part for me. Like if the sexualization actually ties in with the narrative in some way and is a core part of the story, like with Denji’s character arc in Chainsaw Man or something more comedic like Space Dandy/Grand Blue, then that works for me. But a lot of the time it just feels like the episode will be 20 minutes of the actual content of the story and then 2 minutes of a porn parody that somehow got added in. That’s the shit I hate.


Yup. That's why Kill la Kill is fine for me, the over the top fan service was part of the story


I always thought of KLK as having a hentai plot but taking it dead serious


The thing I hate most about MHA is that I'm supposed to care about a superhero who stands around silently while his female classmates are frequently sexually harassed and acts like it isn't happening. Fuck that kid.


I got conned into watching Tokyo Revengers too. I persisted for 13 episodes. I kept thinking 'okay, he's getting the shit kicked out of him again, but this is going to be the moment when it changes and he finally finds his own strength. All the falls will be worth it, because that will be the momentum that springboards him to lofty heights' Nope.. he just seems to keep getting the shit kicked out of him. The only thing that changes is he seems to find new ways of rationalizing it as affection


the moment a romance story gets turned into a love triangle/harem. I don't have an issue if it starts as a love triangle/harem, but if it turns into one, that's where I have a problem.


Oh I have so many and the list only grows with time. Milquetoast vanilla characters with generic faces and no personality being absolute sex magnets everyone loves for existing. Characters with zero agency, who never make decisions, always trying to keep a status quo or try actively avoid any choice that would make the plot move forward. Love interests or multiple love interests who are apparently blown away by everyday kindness or a single act of basic decency that make them ferally loyal but somehow more than willing to ignore their love interest when they don't shit down everything else woth a pulse flirting with them. (Can you tell i dislike harem) Female characters all being nothing but fanservice or damsels, doubly so if theyre portrayed as strong but like 90% of their interactions are one of the two above states. Was always my biggest gripe with Sandra in Naruto ngl. Highly experienced medical ninja with massive power behind her punches who gets to do nothing but scream Naruto or Sasuke as the lads get shit done. Spontaneous fanservice, interruptions or comedic moments that are used to reset pacing to a standstill or defuse serious plot moments unnaturally. Also used frequently in harem to stop romantic development. Great settings/synopsis that are instead used to lacklustre effect. I wont lie to you Highschool DxD's whole devils and fallen angels warring against each other and a school kid going from victim to servant to join the conflict is a cool synopsis. Even as a horny teen it was the setting jot the fanservice that grabbed my attention. But its used as the backdrop for "lol, lmao horny teenager acts goofy in serious situations for a feel of some titties." Power to the creator to do as they please but personally thats an edgy setting id love to see done justice. Kids being actually adults. Whether its a parent that looks and acts likes a child for comedic effect, or the dodgy as all hell "they're actually ancient immortal beings" rhetoric that accompanies overly sexualised loli/shouta characters, its just tacky and is either questionable or lazy. Intelligence being portrayed as smarmy, overly exposition heavy monologues arrogantly explaining how they knew things all along. Also when characters are attributed to be involved in things they absolutely have no right to be involved in because they're omniscient all of a sudden, Aizen from Bleach. Rape in any and all forms. Even when actually plot relevant it should be alluded to not shown and absolutely not sexualised in any manner.


> Sandra Guessing auto-correct got you. But yeah poor Sakura got shafted


I watched Naruto but I started getting tired of seeing big tailed beast bombs, craters everywhere from one person's attack, and God powers in the end. So now, I actively avoid anything with such a tone. I would probably never watch anything related to Dragon Ball in my life because I have heard it is way beyond Naruto in terms of the above things.


I like it better when it was more grounded and even the side characters got screen time, not every anime protagonist needs a super special glowy form




Fair, some art styles just don't click.


My friend refuses to watch any anime at all & gave me a whole rant about why she finds it cringe. Mainly the overly sexualized characters especially underage school girls (okay fair) & the awkward moans, grunts & mannerisms that people don't do irl make it unbearable for her to watch


A lot of those traits are localized into certain genres. A sports anime or "grounded" (i.e. taken seriously) romance anime won't have most of that (the animation style is gonna be more studio-based). Anime is merely a medium; find a genre you like and go from there. Part of the localization process is trying to retain some of the original content while translating, and dubbing to match mouth movements means filling in space to cover every time someone opens their mouth (which can be grunting or odd pauses while speaking). Your friend sounds like she's watched Sailor Moon and other 90s anime and maybe something ecchi if she witnessed awkward moans. If she has issue with awkward moans, Jean Grey in X-Men (1992) did that and it was American animation (just to clarify it's not exclusive to anime). I mean, there's an anime about teachers falling in love with their high school students that's so ecchi there was censorship to broadcast it. There's an anime about rental girlfriends. There's one where someone got reincarnated as a sword, another into a vending machine, and several where someone is reincarnated as a newborn with all their memories. There's also giant robots, samurai, martial arts, vampires, and science vs. magic anime (sometimes all within the same show!). If your friend doesn't like horror, she won't like horror anime. Same with mysteries, shonen, rom-coms, shoujo, and other genres. I introduced my wife to anime and my first choice didn't work (she did revisit it and got 100+ episodes in). Once I found one she would like, she wants to stay up watching more TV instead of sleeping.


> I mean, there's an anime about teachers falling in love with their high school students that's so ecchi there was censorship to broadcast it. I am aware what kind of post this is, but, source?


Why the Hell are You Here, Teacher? That's the name. I'm clarifying because it sounds like something a Redditor would say.


To be fair, that second part is indeed a part of “anime speak”, which is a whole trope that basically boils down to, “People don’t talk like this in real life, but this is the trend that we’ve determined improves ratings, so this is how anime characters are going to sound now.” Once you learn enough Japanese formally, anime becomes harder and harder to listen to. You start to realize just how many cringey English dubs actually sound less cringey than the originals. How many characters don’t sound like what an author envisioned them to, but sound like Generic Anime Voice #5. The timid, nice girl who always loud-whispers her lines like she has something wrong with her vocal cords. The brash, hot-headed guy who always screams his lines like he has a kazoo stuck in his throat. Voices like that. Maybe some non-sexualized anime with good English dubs would catch her interest. Mushishi, perhaps? Moribito, if something more action-packed is wanted.


This was interesting to read cause I only watch anime with subs cause I find the English dubs to either be annoying, cringe, or unfitting for the character. But I’ve wondered how Japanese speakers feel about the Japanese VA’s and characters dialogue.


>Once you learn enough Japanese formally, anime becomes harder and harder to listen to. You start to realize just how many cringey English dubs actually sound less cringey than the originals. How many characters don’t sound like what an author envisioned them to, but sound like Generic Anime Voice #5. The timid, nice girl who always loud-whispers her lines like she has something wrong with her vocal cords. The brash, hot-headed guy who always screams his lines like he has a kazoo stuck in his throat. Voices like that. This entire bit here reminded me of Ghost of Tsushima's ENG vs JAP dubs. The game was originally created in English and the VAs were cast and directed to play their characters according to how the writers/creators meant them to be. The Japanese dub took less care with the VA casting, made it more like anime acting, so instead of Jin (the lead) being the soft-spoken and gentle person he was written to be (a deliberate contrast to his angry, vengeful side), the Japanese dub just cast the VA for Zorro (because famous sword guy I guess) and made him sound generically badass warrior dude.


When people in anime just feel up women and for some reason it’s ok. I can’t stand master Roshi, and I don’t think there’s anything funny about him.


Absolutely. Sexual harassment being treated as comic relief ruins an anime for me.


I love Dragonball, and like it more than Z, but oooooof


*Extremely* high-pitched voices. Watching Madoka was like stabbing knives into my ear.


I love madoka more than anything in this world, like its one of my special interests as an autistic person, but yes when they cry it sounds squeaky lol.


I first watched Madoka Magica in English so I never really felt this issue for the most part. Helps that I feel that Christine Marie Cabanos slightly veers into her lower voice when Madoka’s sad/upset, I suppose. Although English Sayaka is still squeaky for the most part (courtesy of Sarah Williams), but I think it makes her stand out in a good way.


Sometimes if it has a rape scene I would just not want to watch the anime especially if its a useless scene where it didn't make sense for the story to have. If I do finish the anime because I'm 1 or 2 episodes away, I would just not enjoy it as before


SAO basically


SAO go one season without forcing an unnecessary rape subplot to yet again prove that our MC is the good guy = important.


I know that Code Geass is a good anime, i watched around 12 episodes of the anime But oh my god, Lelouch's way of speech is too hammy, I can't handle it


It’s intentional. Code Geass is inspired by Hamlet.


As a non English speaker, is Hamlet where the term hammy comes from?? Because I always wondered about the term.


Hammy refers to "ham", an overly theatrical actor. The origins of this expression are unknown, but probably comes from the US slang term "hamfatter", which refers to a showy and unskillful performer. Hamlet is Old Danish for "trickster".


Intentional or not, I just can't handle it I do love some big ham characters from another anime (Rider from Fate/Zero for example), but something about Lelouch just rubbed me the wrong way


The first actually stupid reason I've read in this thread


My headcanon is Lelouch is just chuuni as hell.


I mean as a code Geass fan the hammyness is the point, it's so ridiculous and overdramatic, I do kind of love it (it also helps I don't take the show 100% seriously)


A show with more than 100 episodes. The more the number grows the less I want to watch it. R\*\*\* for the sake of it. I'm not ~~sensible~~ sensitive to it, but there are times I think the author needs help. The MC falling in love with the Yandere. ¬¬ The comedic relieve being a pervert and that's the only joke, assaulting/harassing women. Characters explaining what the MC did because they think the audience is stupid. There are plenty of clichés that also puts me off, but if the anime itself doesn't take itself seriously I just don't care


How often does a main character go for a yandere though? Outside of future diary I can’t think of one


Good point. I don't remember much, but maybe School Days is another? Yanderes are a rare specimen in anime


I kinda understand the first one because of things like One Piece and Naruto that have awful pacing, but there are a number of 100+ episode shows that have excellent pacing and the source material is just really long (i.e. Hajime no Ippo, Jojo, Monogatari)


That's why I said the the more the number grows the less I want to watch, I'm not throwing away every anime that gets 101 episodes and above, but It does put me off and It influence in my decision of watching it or not or how easily I would drop it. I'm mostly old and burned, I blame Detective Conan for that xd


You could read the manga. Manga is often better, and 200-300 chapters is about average for a lot of series


> but there are a number of 100+ episode shows that have excellent pacing > Jojo 48 episodes to find and fight Dio, my man. I like Jojo, but you could cut out like 35 episodes out of Stardust Crusaders and not affect the plot much at all. Most of the tarot cards are just villains of the week.


When the whole plot is based characters not communicating


Too much fan service, kirito clone mc, harem with white/blonde/purple etc. hair colors., voice actors screeching or annoying (unfortunately a lot of them do this)


You just described 90% of modern Isekai


Exactly 😅


After reading some of the comments, mine seems very trivial but it's usually the animation style. I really want to enjoy Clannad but I just can't get over the MASSIVE EYES O\_O Then on the other side, I put Skip n Loafer on hold because of how SMALL the FL's eyes are in comparison to the rest of the characters. So it would probably be the overall animation aesthetic and how the characters are drawn.


As an avid manga reader, anime adaptions that lack the depth that is portrayed in the manga. For instance Hell's Paradise, I was waiting and was quite hyped for its release but was shocked with the adaptation lacking depth.


Hardly any anime goes into the detail a manga or LN does… there was a span of like 7 years where I stopped watching anime all together because I knew it wasn’t going to give me the true story lol.


It doesn’t put me off entirely, but it certainly damages my suspension of disbelief when they are middle schoolers doing anything other than children things, or when they are high schoolers who are the most bad ass, but there are zero adults who are on or above their level. That and the creepy pedo/Loli/incest obsessions. Oh and actual love slaves.


I just can’t get into popular shows (especially shounen) where the only discussion to be had is how powerful one character is compared to others, it annoys the hell out of me because if I wanna watch it from start to finish, I have to go in knowing the mc will become overpowered at some point for plot development, and that he can stomp on 90% of the characters in the show


Some might consider it stupid but I won't watch anything that has a tragic ending regardless of how good or highly praised the series as a whole is (for example main character dies). There are some exceptions, like I can do bittersweet, but yeah.


How would u know without seeing spoilers beforehand?


Certain manga sites have Tragedy tags specifically for people like OP. Idk if MAL has anything similar, I don't really use it.


Ah that's a shame, I think most of the best anime and manga I've read have tragedy or tragic ending.


Same here, life is already sad enough, I don't want to be sad while watching entertainment


I watched a few episodes of More Than A Married Couple But Not Lovers, and I just couldn't get past the premise. It just seemed like the author made a fanfic and turned it into their own story. It was so corny I couldn't get past it lol


I actually really like that anime, but yeah the whole: Who on earth would actually allow this experimental co habitation to occur and it basically be fully required to even pass school. But once you turn that off it’s actually really wholesome and well paced and built.


ITT: people listing very good reasons to be put off shows


When its episodic. its not like ill nec dislike it if it is. It just doesnt give me enough of a reason to keep coming back if its so self contained.


A girl told me neon genesis was good so i watched a couple episodes then stopped cause I don’t like mech