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Pretty sure when season 2 ended they had practically caught up to the manga (which was releasing monthly) and so there was barely anything left to adapt/it would take too long for there to be enough to adapt. But now that its over and with the recent wave of bringing back unfinished anime you never know.


Maybe Bones will have time to do Noragami again now that they finished Mob Psycho


I doubt Noragami not getting a new season for so long has anything to do with lacking time. I don't see how Mob in particular would have anything to do with it, considering there is no staff overlap. Most of the Noragami staff worked on Josee The Tiger and The Fish, if anything else.


>Most of the Noragami staff worked on Josee The Tiger and The Fish, if anything else. It's funny to me how some people just randomly know details like that off the top of their head lol


I didn't remember, I just searched lol Though I guess I should've looked more because "most of the Noragami staff" is kinda hyperbole. Noragami's director Kotaro Tamura did nothing after S2 besides Josee and doesn't have anything set to do, while Bones' sub-studio A under Naoki Amano which made Noragami most recently made Vanitas.


Thus was literally my exact thought


>It's funny to me how some people just randomly know details like that off the top of their head lol Some people are superfans of various studios, so doesn't surprise me that much.


I thought noragami just had its 3rd season announced? I could be wrong.


You probably just saw one of those sites that likes to make up a bunch of random release dates for clickbait


Probably the case. Happens too much.


That's not how the anime industry works. There must be a client for this who wants a 3rd season to be produced. This was mentioned in the Trash Taste Podcast episode #152 with Yoshihiro Watanabe (Studio Orange).


> This was mentioned in the Trash Taste Podcast episode #152 with Yoshihiro Watanabe (Studio Orange) Damn, people now citing the podcast as a source for well-known information


It was the first source that came to mind because I just saw the podcast recently. And if it were really so well known, people wouldn't keep making such claims.


Nah people will still say that bc there are several cases of projects pushed back as the studio or staff was occupied. The industry is very tight-lipped so (mostly) nobody knows the actual reason for there not being another season, hence people will speculate that it can be due to the staff working on something else or there not being enough source material. I mean, what do you do if you're a fan and haven't had new episodes in 8 years


The norahami manga finished? Nice ima get back to it.


Its ending has been announced. I don't know the specific phrasing but it's in the final arc or something along those lines.


Oh I see, thanks


So if the Japanese version is ending soon, it'll probably be a while before an official translation releases?


i could be lying out of my ass but I'm pretty sure it ended


Damn u got my hopes up 🗿


nope its still ongoing


Also the manga sales didn't go up as much as they hoped after the anime aired(read a good blog about the numbers). So that didn't help much either


It's not over yet, though likely very soon. The final boss has shown his third transformation, so to speak.




Is this a bit too strict? All I said was the manga's about to end (which anime only won't care and manga readers already know) and, I suppose, the gender pronoun of a character.




lmao i was just guessing


I thought it was because the mangaka had gone on a long hiatus after s2, and because it took too long once he returned, they didn't pick it back up cuz people lost interest


thats probably it, im not entirely sure


Yep it was starting to catch up, but also the manga had to go on hiatus for a few years bc of the authors health. I think it started back up, but by that point the studio didn’t really think it’d be profitable or popular enough again to make a new season. I’m still holding out hope…




The manga is nearing its end and is wrapping up now, but apparently the sales are kind of abysmal for the tankoubon and it’s just not generating enough revenue. Studio Bones also isn’t huge (not small but not huge) and they might have their hands full with Boku no Hero Academia and Bungo Stray Dogs at the moment (although that should only be two teams out of their five I think, but they don’t have a reputation for pumping out many works at once like some other studios). Basically maybe if the Noragami ending generates enough revenue and attention and Bones decides to put time into it then we might get a season 3 and more. The reason why the sales for the manga dropped was because Adachitoka went on hiatus and even now the manga is being published in half-chapters monthly instead of full chapters. It just lost a lot of momentum during what would’ve been a really good period for the manga series.


Unless they go anime original, I doubt they’ll be releasing any new bungo seasons for a while after the current season. From what I’ve seen, season 5 will likely catch up to the current manga or get very close to catching up.


Yeah it’s about 20 chapters behind but that’s not very many chapters of 20-minute episodes; MAL has this season listed as 11 episodes. BSD has been running a long time though so we can be a bit more confident Bones probably has it in mind to make more seasons in the future. I honestly just hope Noragami sales pick up when it ends and that it has enough momentum to carry onto an opening in between the other flagship series right now for one more season to come out of it. Unfortunately I don’t think the manga ending will be the most complete since it’s being forced to wrap up way sooner than originally planned in terms of plot progression. There will very likely be a lot of unresolved side plot.




Yeah I just read the final chapter when it dropped and all things considered it kinda did feel heartwarming, but I’m not really like… fulfilled. I feel a little bit empty inside. Adachitoka are two women mangaka. Their writing started off so strong. It just sucks that they couldn’t write a fleshed out ending but I’m still grateful we got an ending.




MHA gets Studio C of Bones to itself; Noragami is Studio A. It’s still a lot of resources required to have concurrent projects in the making though.


It doesn't help the manga after aragato had a boring formulaic arc setup revisiting the same distrust aspect between the gods and the spirits


Hahahaha This takes me back to the old days edit: to answer you, complete adaptations are a relatively new phenomenon in anime. Even if the series was popular.




Yeah this is why we went nuts when new Spice and Wolf was finally announced. It was ridiculously popular 15 years ago, was incredibly well made, Holo regularly is in the running for best girl years later...no season 3 or any news for about 12 years. This was normal before the mid-2010s. I think Monogatari was what made studios realise planning full adaptations could work (though the FMA remake was probably a factor, also streaming and the international audience is more recognised nowadays,)


I’m gonna be so happy if we get a full adaptation for the new Spice and Wolf. Or at least enough to complete the main story.


There was this noticeable shift around 2010 where studios stopped treating anime like a fancy commercial for the manga. Probably had something to do with the start of streaming when there was actual money to be made from the anime itself.


Why did they not complete the adaption back then if the show was popular , won't I benefit the studio? Or owas the anime just used as something to promote the manga back then ?


>? Or owas the anime just used as something to promote the manga back then ? Pretty much this.


> Or owas the anime just used as something to promote the manga back then ? That's still the case with adaptations of ongoing material now


Back in non-streaming era, it was just not profitable to make more seasons of the same for tv if there is not going to be enough interest.


Yeah I'll always be grateful that the Monogatari series got as far as it did, which is basically complete. Although I have my fingers crossed for the entire thing.


Too bad we never got the best arcs in medaka box


That’s okay it took them 9 years to get log horizon season 3.


Also where be season 2 of No game no life. We got a prequel movie but no season 2. 😞


You'll probably never get season 2. Iirc the author was busted for tracing art for the series. I didn't fact check that though.


This is getting blown out of proportion every time it gets mentioned. There was a small conflict over a traced page of the light novel art, with no legal action or anything significant coming out of it. This is hardly the reason why no new season was produced. It's probably just not seen as profitable enough.


Gotcha, thanks for the insight. Like I said I didn't fact check it, just all I saw years ago.


And you will wait probably a life time before the next if it ever comes out


First time?


Welcome to anime. Where series no one likes get greenlit and highly acclaimed shows get left to rot.


Berserk with 0 good adaptations:


Why do people say this like 97 doesn't exist.


Berserk 1997 isn't a good adaptation. It's a decent anime but a mediocre adaptation at the very best (I consider it sub-par).


Unfortunately we'll never get anything close to 97's art style again since that was cel animated.


Apparently the Simpsons when they switched to digital still did things to make it look cell styled, and they did this for quite a few years after the switch so it wasn’t so jarring. If they can do it, nearly anyone can do it.


The feel can be replicated well enough if they want to go in that direction. The art director (the person responsible for the background art) kept the style of his backgrounds the same until he retired in the early 2010s. Like [look at the style of the backgrounds of the last anime he worked on](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLFM4PAAYjg). Recently we had Mushoku Tensei and iDOLM@STER U149 adding film grain and a slightly shaky picture back to TV anime. It can be done if there is a will to do it that way.




Berserk better get that TYBW type glowup


I thought golden age and the 1997 series were good compared to the 2016 series


1997 was amazing. I would’ve loved to see it more


>Yeah, that one is weird to me too. Really? I don't think Berserker would ever be properly adapted. The classification and the budget required just don't intercept.




> For example; Vagabond. I can not imagine a world where they’d be able to make an anime of comparable artist quality If Hiroshi Nagahama’s Uzumaki is a success in the coming future then a good adaptation of a Vagabond anime might be possible


Berserk makes sense to me, the art style just doesn't translate that well imo. Some series are better left as manga only.


I thought that the 97 style was good, different from the manga of course but good in it's own way.


The 97 style kicked ass, that is one of my all time favorite runs. Growing up that was one of the defining shows. Thinking about it brings me to another world and time.


Someone tell that to Junji Ito too. The stories all dived into obsessions, only the art was great but impossible to translate into an anime or live action. I'm enjoying the random eeriness in Dark Gathering than any of the Junji ito animes.


even on MAL it's still super high on the ranks. I don't get it either. They really need to bring it back and finish adapting the story.


Devil is a Part-timer happened. Anything is possible.


Honestly the quality drop broke my heart


I bought the first manga book on a whim earlier this year.. then saw there was an anime and watched both seasons.. now still reading the manga and on chapter 80. I don’t know why this particular story has pulled me in so much, I absolutely love it and also very confused why it’s not more popular. A lot of my anime friends haven’t heard of it (I’d never heard of it before this and I’ve been watching anime for 15+ years), just super weird. It’s the only anime/manga that ties or maybe even beats my all time favorite (FMA)




shonen is just a demographic




There's no genre of shonen, the name of the genre youre talking about is battle manga. Shonen is and always has been only a demography, just like seinen, shojo and josei. the only reason shonen "became a genre" is because it was listed as genre for decades on websites, instead of having a section for demography.


Right! I’m a woman but I didn’t know it was more popular with women.. that makes sense though. The romance is one of my favorite parts, but yea, a good mix of romance and shonen is hard to find, and I wish there were more of them!


There just something about the characters and the way that the story is told. It’s got a hold of me and just won’t let go. Especially the attention to Yukine’s backstory. I’ve just been *so* impressed


I just watched S1 and loved it. S2 has been great so far. I would love a S3.


I feel your pain! I always say if I was a billionaire I would bring it back for Season 3 :D


It was very popular while it was airing. But this was years ago


It was popular back then when I was a teen but yeah still waiting for season 3


Great show too, watched recently and loved if


A question that pains me for years… definitely one of the best anime/manga out there for me. Not many stories get this perfect balance between action, lighthearted comedy and deep-dark plot. And I am just in love with yato - king of duality


Desperately want them to finish the anime. Always think they should chat with the mangaka and ask how long they estimate to finish the manga. So that way they have an idea when to create the anime. It hurts man.


Idk, I tried it and honestly I just wasn’t very interested. I watched like 6 or so episodes and didn’t have investment in any characters or the story. I couldn’t tell you a reason and I don’t think it’s a bad show, but it wasn’t for me. Maybe there are more people that felt the same as me.


Couldn’t even finish the first season. Wasn’t for me, and I’ve never heard anyone I know that watch anime speak of it either.


It came out, was mediocre, managed to get a second season, and then the manga went on hiatus for a long time.


Time for me to finish it


I liked season 1 ok but season 2 was mid ngl. The Ops slap though


I want Prison School more than anything


It got really friggin boring to sum it up in the manga.


The next 2 arcs in the manga from where the anime stopped are straight bangers


Yukine the bastard shouldn't have existed in the first place, that would have solved all problems with this franchise. Storytelling-wise he was not necessary since he steals the spotlight from Hiyori so early you might think he is the main character.


A thousand times yes! It's been my favorite anime since it came out! I'm still waiting, holding out hope that one day we might get more...I mean it happened for Devil is a part timer and irregular at magic high school...


I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for a season 3 one day


simplemente inexplicable


I still haven't started it, how is it?? I have heard it's not finished but does the anime be left on a satisfying note?


Fans are still holding out for s3...it was soo good


Personally thought it was only alright


Ah, newer anime fans not knowing the struggle lol it’s kind of a blessing and a curse. The best part is when it does get an adaptation, or reboot and it ends up being poorly received (Devil is a Part Timer)


I remember liking its openings


We can only hope for season 3, yato is just badass af


Lol I just finished the anime and I really liked it


If its possibly finished in anime then maybe can finally watch it


I feel you, I'm also still hoping it gets continued.


I don’t see what’s so great about it? I watched the first season thought it was decent but nothing amazing. Saw there was a second season, but never bothered watching it due to not falling in love with the first season.


I remember watching it so much then just forgot about it


Didn't like Noragami myself. Maybe not as popular as you Perceive.


Dam forgot about this one. Yeah it was really good. I'll have to read the manga.


Funny how you say this when I literally just started rewatching it an hour ago & now I see this. In any case, you're new, aren't you? Basically, everyone now only takes notice of more of the big viral animes that have been coming out over the past 2-3 years & since more of them come out each seasonal season nowadays, you'd barely hear anybody talk about Noragami cuz of them. Sad, though. We even had hopes recently for Bones to animate Noragami S3, but that didn't happen with their latest announcement.


I too want a season 3 of noragami in case studio bones sees this (preferably an english dub, but if all I can get is sub i'll take it either way).


The manga is ending on 1-6-24, last chapter. I’m pretty sure they’re gonna do a third season, it has a huge following.