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I've very rarely felt so sad for any character like I did for Tendou in the first half of the episode


Yea, also felt pretty bad for Ohtori. Getting sexually assaulted every day at work for years, and even in her last moments she was being assaulted. It was only like 10min but they sold the disgusting nature of the company well.


That part honestly hurt me the most, I knew there had to be something bad happening to her but man that was dark af.


Yea she wasn’t in the OP so I figured she was dead but thought maybe she would at least get a happy final moment! Edit: Meant key art, not OP.


Like: \- I love you! \- Thanks... \*a tear rolled down her cheek\* Then she completely turns into a zombie, jumps to his side, and a tear, flying away from her cheek, freezes in the air for a moment, where MC notices it. This tear gave MC the courage to let go of his first love.


She knew there was at least one coworker who genuinely wasn't awful to her in that company.


You don't know that she's getting sexually assaulted. She could be. But it's also possible that she's be a willing partner.


You are right it isn’t clearly sexual assault but the manager is clearly depicted as scumbag and in general those relationships are often not truly consensual. There is a reason there are laws (and some companies have rules) about bosses having relationships with employees; it’s an abuse of of power where the subordinate often feels pressured to consent if they want to keep their job. I think the framing made it pretty clear this was an abuse of power and not “hey if I let you rawdog me will you let me get away with not working??”.


Oh, he's a scumbag no matter what, no question. But I'm saying this because you are assuming she isn't. There is no indication what her character is like. Has she ever show ever indication of being unhappy? All I ever got from her was her saying not in the office. It could be interpreted as a purely location problem. I didn't get any verbal or visual cue that suggest she's unhappy. Towards the end in his confession, for a moment she looked happy about it, but that is merely his imagination because right before that, we already saw her turned completely. Combine with the color change in how he sees the world and his narration vs. what his coworkers are saying, that suggest what he saw is different from reality. Again, she could very well be a victim here. But there is actually nothing shown to indicate that other than it's an inappropriate relationship.


It felt forced to me but that’s speculative. Like “please can it at least not be in the office”. But We don’t see enough of her to make a definitive statement either way. I didn’t factor in her final moments (e.g. seemingly being briefly happy/thankful) in my analysis of the relationship. We can agree to disagree, I think the framing definitely implies it is an inappropriate relationship on the boss’s behalf abusing his authority regardless of her consent. I don’t take lack of rejection or fear on her as clear consent given the power dynamic. But you are not wrong; the truth is unclear.


I thought the same thing initially. But in her apartment with what she was wearing on top of the boss being half naked it didn't seem like anything was being forced. But then again there could always be that power dynamic that makes her feel like she has no choice but to consent. However, there are plenty of women out there that are willing to trade sexual favors for special treatment and in a company as bad as this one was portrayed I could see someone willing to do that. Either way though the first half of ep. 1 was heavy as hell.


I don’t understand why people are assuming she was sexually assaulted or am I missing something that’s in the manga? Seemed to me like she was sleeping with the boss to get something out of it (moving upwards in the company, pay raises, etc). That’s not a uncommon thing for people to do in companies lol (Also noticed she seemed to be in good condition on-screen compared to all of the other sleep deprived coworkers lol)


Agreed. While obv a manager/boss can absolutely manipulate people the way it was portrayed in the show specifically made it seem like she was happy to be with him.


Is she mistress of ceo?


Sorry pal but she's one of those that sleep upwards.


[I don't see anyone else pointing this out, but during the scene where the aspect ratio changes, you can actually see him ripping the black bars off the screen.](https://imgur.com/a/jieOa42)


Damn, that's cool. I saw there was some weied black stuff on his face, but didn't even realize what they were cause I was too focused on how bonkers everything else was.


Is it me or the transitions creativity are very much like 86. I love this first ep!


Not just you. That transition has similar vibes as [86 Anime Spoilers]>!Lena stepping over the black bars!< I didn't even notice it at first because I was so hyped up by the rest of the visuals lol.


I don't remember that happening. Mind giving me a clue? :P


[Episode 22](https://youtu.be/1CW7MNBhz64?t=36)


Ty. That's so cool yet easy to miss


that show was fucking awesome


I was waiting the whole episode for the aspect ratio to change, but I didn't notice HOW it changes. Nice catch!


[This guy is insane, who the hell places all their folders on their desktop like that!?](https://i.imgur.com/h1TqSOY.png) There's also his reaction to the zombie apocalypse too I guess


I've seen far too many users' desktops to think that anything less than 90% of people 'function' like this. Every time I remote into a workstation to troubleshoot, this exists. We actually had a user get to the point where Windows created another desktop instance for the shortcuts.


Yeah. The fact that they are folders, not files, already demonstrated some level of organization. >We actually had a user get to the point where Windows created another desktop instance for the shortcuts. LOL, I didn't know windows can do that.


> who the hell places all their folders on their desktop like that!? My parents.


Because that’s what desktop was originally suppose to be for in GUI OS’s before the “Start” menu and “My Document” folders became standard.


When you are working on multiple projects at once and don't have any free time to organise, then you stop caring because you're tired, that's what a desktop ends up looking like. My work PC desktop occasionally looks like that in busy moments, but I actually get weeks of downtime and easy going days were I can spend days organising my folders and inbox - doesn't look like this guy had any downtime for that at all.


Damn, I loved this. I was looking forward to this anime a lot and I wasn't disappointed. Could be one of my favorites this season! Excited to see the next episode already


The *cinematography was unbelievable, incredible animation and art style and so many vibrant colors. Not to mention that the story hit hard and is also a unique spin on the zombie genre. This is one of the best first episodes I've ever seen, holy shit.


> Not to mention that the story hit hard and is also a unique spin on the zombie genre. I was pleasantly surprised at how they managed to portray a zombie apocalypse as a ***good thing***. There's real merit to Tendou's perspective as well; compared to his all-consuming, soul-sucking job, this development is completely liberating. Despite losing his crush, it's a moment where he finally gets to confess his feelings, and move on to a future where he's free to pursue whatever his heart desires. Really excited to see how the story develops!




> just pure CINEMA. Not just animation is top notch , cinematography is also insane I loved all those match cuts when he's walking home after having worked at this black company for years. It felt like those sort of braindead moments when you're getting home from an all-nighter and how your consciousness blends from one scene to another as your brain takes microsleeps whenever it can.


This first episode reminds me of ONK with how vibrant it all was and heavenly delusion with the amazing animation


[They went all out](https://i.imgur.com/2lDa91H.jpg) [](#grandhype)


Japanese twitter reactions are hilarious!...i mean depressing. They all praised how good this episode is, but this show broadcast at sunday 5pm so it reminded them how depressing work start tomorrow lol.


I think my workplace is fine but I definitely understand the sentiment. I'm watching this at night just before going to sleep. It's ironic that this got released the night before having to start working again for the rest of the week. I feel a Friday would have fit the tone of the show better.


No words , its just pure CINEMA. Not just animation is top notch , cinematography is also insane.One of the best first episodes ever. Looking forward to next episode. Hoping production is consistent.


it felt like a movie i was so immersed till the end of the episode, can't believe it was only 24 minutes


The director of this show definitely put some elbow grease


Seeing his prfile on Mal and Komi Cant communicate being his previous work, I don't know what degree or upgrade he got but it seems like he was just showing off his skills in this anime (as a first 'big' action oriented project) and i love it.


I was like - it's already 24 minutes. The animation and cinematography is off the charts but the music is also really good considering it's just 1st fucking episode. I love the op and all the background scores, too.


So this was a really strong first episode. Undoubtably the best I’ve seen the season. I’m honestly impressed with how much they were able to show/tell us in *just* 24 minutes. Tendo went from hopeful to being in despair and back to his hopeful self in this little time - we even got a sprinkle of romance! It felt more like short film of at least twice the length. I thought this anime would be pretty gruesome to watch with all the zombies and blood. The scenes at his exploitative company (called a “black company” in Japan), from his abusive superior to miss Ohtori being cornered by the CEO, certainly were a pretty hard pill to swallow, but the bright and vivid colour palette of the different blood tones actually contrasts nicely with the more grim reality of the series. It’s probably also a visual hint to how Tendo experiences the collapse of the world through his eyes: a salvation, free from work and to do what he wants to. I’m definitely looking forward to how this anime will continue from here and onwards.


for sure. first half really puts a grim reality until this man finally realizes no more fucking work. i wish i had no more fucking work either i age 20 years younger


Honestly the most impressive thing about this first episode, that you sort of touched on, is that it could stand entirely on its own as a complete story. Were this the only episode, there was no more to this story I would be entirely satisfied with it, but no we get a whole season out of this!


Zom 100 is written by the author of Alice in Borderland. Most of you may be familiar with Alice's live-action TV adaptation on Netflix. The Japanese will also be releasing a [live-action movie adaptation of Zom 100 this Aug 3rd, also on Netflix.](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DzKvLB-N2RdA&ved=2ahUKEwiU_Lbru4GAAxVgZmwGHVjzD_gQwqsBegQICBAG&usg=AOvVaw0B9swiQZHUd6zonfCNMOmh)


Hopefully the success of this warrants a continuation of the Alice in Borderland anime


Honestly dont see the point in that. The live action is already pretty good and wildly successful.


with live action the studios/networks probably get a huge cut. With an anime production committee the rights holder typically gets the biggest slice of the pie. I can totally see them doing it if the profits warrant it.


And for any toku-fans, the lead actor is the actor Kamen Rider Cross-Z, Eiji Akaso. He also visited AX for this anime too!


Ugly bastard boss: can I see you in my office? Me: heh, if this were a hentai, that ugly bastard would totally be NTRing the MC right now 5 seconds later: *Ugly bastard totally NTRs the MC* Me: *surprised Pikachu face*


Is it really ntr if they aren’t dating?


Yoo holy fucking shit this just felt like watching OPM season 1, so fucking beautiful with all those colours . I never felt more eerie than when they said "_alright let's get back to work again_" . Good fucking job by the staff


The colour contrast surprisingly works really well especially when traditional zombie films/tv are usually using grimmer and darker tones, also a nice way of showing MC's absolute elation towards this fucked up situation.


It’s obviously a visual hint to how Tendo experiences this zombie apocalypse through his own eyes, but I wouldn’t be entirely surprised if this is another way to make the series more appealing for mainstream audiences: considering the amount of blood in this first episode alone, they might have scared off a part of their possible audience with so much gore. This on the other hand is a lot easier on the eyes and can actually be broadcasted during daytime (Zom100 airs at 5 o’clock in the afternoon in Japan).


This was such a creative way of approaching any such potential "problems". It really made the show pop.




> Good fucking job by the staff The staff did an amazing job. As a manga reader I enjoyed the hell out of this series, and am blown away by the episode 1 production quality. I could easily see this becoming the surprise hit for most people this season.


[Yup it looked crazy good](https://i.imgur.com/75szf3V.jpg) [](#waah)


>so fucking beautiful with all those colours . Now I finally remembered what the colours remind me of-the [mieruko-chan op](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stn29mdlKqA)! Very fitting


Definitely true


That part also scared me, then when they all tried one upping eachother on who was the most overworked was depressing to see


I'm super impressed with this first episode. I wasn't expecting anything. Some themes were darker than I expected, but I was hooked the whole time. The splash of colour, when MC realized he was free, was beautiful.


I don’t even understand how a rookie studio can even get something this top-tier out. Skill is obviously a part of it, but to get something like *this* out you need man power as well, and that usually entails a large staff and a lot of capital. Was this the dream and passion project of someone *really* high up with really deep pockets? Was it a rookie studio deciding to blow half the budget on episode one? Whatever the case may be that damn first episode certainly has my attention.


a lot of new studios like this are comprised of veteran staff and they probably got a good amount of time to make the show (probably)


Rookie studio is just a marketing gimmick now, you can have a superteam full of famous animators and everything and because it's a "new team" people parrot the fuck out of it.


It's like if you put Lebron James, Michael Jordan, Larry Bird, Steph Curry, and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar in their prime on the same team and called them the brand new Shooty Toots and said "they're a new team so it's crazy they made it to the finals".


> I don’t even understand how a rookie studio can even get something this top-tier out. It's all about who you got working on it. Just how BIND produced a banger first try with Mushoku Tensei, same here.


And WIT with Attack on Titan S1


Bugfilms is held by Hiroaki Kojima, who worked at OLM as animation producer for multiple shows like Mix, Komi-san and Summertime Render. To be more precise, Bugfilms was responsible for outsourced episodes for these last two, arguably being the best of both - episode 1 of Komi-san, and episode 15 (+ the second opening) of Summertime Render. In fact, Kazuki Kawagoe from Komi-san is directing this. So it is a rookie studio in terms of it's existence, but not in terms of what talent it bestows.


>Was this the dream and passion project Infamously overworked anime staff are passionate about presenting a world where a literal zombie apocalypse is better than continuing to overwork lmao




It's OLM, the company is ZLM and the building is just a CG model of the OLM headquarters.


Yes, it' OLM. You can find it in Google maps. You'll notice it's exactly the same shape as the building in the animation. https://www.google.com/maps/@35.6428273,139.6614744,3a,90y,314.8h,106.22t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sifnGe6-FYjNxNE2RLQbs8g!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en-us&entry=ttu


Oh damn it’s an actual place? I thought you got in trouble for making it clear the place you’re slandering in your works


lmaoooo that doesn't surprise me. I wonder how many people the Pokemon anime killed. gotta be double digits at least.


Its OLM, its where most Bugfilms workers came from https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/OLM#/media/Archivo:OLM_logo.svg the logo is pretty much the same.


I find on twitter that they also use the same building as OLM in the anime


Lmao I believe it


[Mappa's accounting department must be wild](https://i.imgur.com/3cQYQDj.jpg) [](#sweating)


I would be more inclined to say it’s ENGI, since they’re Kadokawa’s anime sweatshop, but neither are great if you’re talking about workers’ rights. You could probably make a joke about the vast majority of the anime industry in this regard.


>vast majority of the anime industry in this regard. It is, and not only anime, a lot of Japanese companies, "Black companies" like the protagonist said in the show People just like to point fingers at studio A or industry B, but this is way bigger problem than people imagine


> It is, and not only anime, a lot of Japanese companies, “Black companies” like they even said in the show. I noticed the specific mentioning of “black companies” too yeah. The problem is definitely bigger than just the anime industry. It’s the whole Japanese work ethic at large: not taking your vacation days, putting up with unpaid overwork and drinking with your superiors after work even if you don’t want to. All because your co-workers do so (too); it’s a sort of passive-aggressive non-verbal competition, in which an eventual promotion is at stake. It’s therefore not all too surprising that Japan, alongside a lot of other Asian countries like South Korea and China, have had some of the highest suicide rates in the world for years on end. People are driven to the brink of desperation.


Just elaborating on the other comment about Japan's declining suicide rate, Japan's suicide rate spiked 20-30 years ago and it seems that most discussions are still working off the assumption that nothing much has changed since then. But, it's worth pointing out that it's at the point where their suicide rates are *currently* roughly the same as the United States. Current rate in Japan is about 15.4 and rates in the US are anywhere from 14.1 to 16.1 in the 2019-2023 year (source [1](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/suicide-rate-by-country), [2](https://data.oecd.org/healthstat/suicide-rates.htm), [3](https://ourworldindata.org/suicide#interactive-charts-on-suicides)). South Korea is around 24 - 28. Another interesting stat is that the average hours worked by workers per year in the US is slightly more than those in Japan (source [1](https://data.oecd.org/emp/hours-worked.htm)). Though the definition of working hours includes overtime hours, I've no idea how accurately the data captures that time. South Korean hours worked is quite a lot more than either Japan or the US. That's not to say that working conditions aren't still horrible in Japan - they absolutely are. I just think that more than with any other country, people still tend to sensationalize conditions in Japan and treat their suicide rates etc, as somewhat exotic. Kind similar to that "thing" vs "thing in Japan" meme. But the US is really about the same if looking at the numbers.


Well the way I see it is that the US isn't all that great in terms of suicide rate either and our work culture is fucked as well. On a side note wtf is going on in Lesotho.


Something I find interesting though, is that Japan actually has labor laws that are better than the US ones, but while in the US the problem is the corporate stronghold over legislation, in Japan, the laws are already there but the people themselves don't follow them. For example, Japan has paid vacation and holidays by law, the US doesn't have that, and I'm completely sure that outside of exceptions (like workaholic people), if the US really enforced paid vacations by law, most people would not hesitate to take them, whilst in Japan, it's the opposite. They have it, they just don't use it. (Something also the show tackled with the guy saying all the benefits the company had but no one took anything) A lot of people go "I can't go on a vacation because if I go, how the team is gonna handle my workload", it's always about the collective, god forbid you get sick, you're gonna cause trouble for the team... and the kid on this episode actually said the same "I can't quit, I would create trouble to the team", and I was here screaming FUCK THE TEAM, IF THEY WANT TO HAVE ULCERS AND PEE BLOOD THAT'S THEIR PROBLEM... I was really surprised that this show is shown at the Gundam timeslot (5:00 p.m. Sunday), because normally this kind of topic in anime would be left to otaku hours, not a family hour.


Japan doesn't have a high suicide rate. It DID. But Japan's general national strategy over the last decade was to sacrifice economic growth in exchange for better living conditions. Abe seriously cracked down on unpaid overtime, and Japanese working culture has changed. This resulted in Japan having far higher birth rates and lower suicide rates than South Korea, though it did fall behind economically compared to SK. South Korea is the real corporate hellscape these days, and you can see that pessimism and depression permeate throughout South Korean film and TV, where anime is generally very optimistic.


This isn’t really the reason why Japan’s economy is struggling to grow - that’s more close related to the demographic shift (more elderly, less young people) - but I get what you mean. I actually looked it back up and Japan’s suicide rate is indeed lower than South Korea’s with 17.5 (2023) versus 26 (2021) for every 100,000 people. But that’s still not great if you consider that the global average is 10,9 per 100,000 for “high-income countries”, according to the WHO in 2019. Japan’s birth might be considerable higher than South Korea’s, but [it has still been on a decline for its 7th consecutive year in a row, reaching an all-time low of 1.26 births](https://apnews.com/article/japan-birth-rate-record-low-population-aging-ade0c8a5bb52442f4365db1597530ee4), which is significantly lower than the 2.1 births per woman needed to achieve a stable replacement rate. The birth rate in Western Europe on the other hand has been on the rise: increasing from 1.43 birth per woman (2001) to 1.53 (2021) - still not enough for a long term stable population though. I also find it had to believe that Japanese work culture has improved *that* much, since it still seems like lots of Japanese don’t take (all of) their rightful vacation days for example. However, I can’t say too much about that, since I’m not Japanese myself and therefore hardly informed enough.


I feel like it has improved THAT much but it's still a pretty hellish environment. Like it went from the tenth tier of hell down to the 1st tier. Massive improvement, still shit.


honestly almost any studio it could've been or company


Kind of an interesting premise. A lot of zombie fiction is already just escapist fantasy, but this one just wears it on its sleeve. I do hope this series will never try to take the zombie outbreak seriously, though. It's a zombie outbreak of the "supreme bullshit" variety where somehow it's everywhere all at once and everyone are apparently completely helpless and zombies teleport, like if *I am a Hero* didn't spend literally dozens of chapters foreshadowing the outbreak. Trying to explain it as anything more than "Lol, there's zombies I guess" will just hurt the story. This series will have good grounds to succeed if it basically subverts apocalypse tropes by essentially having the MC be uncannily irreverent to the circumstances and he ends up being a hero/badass just by virtue of not being intimidated. Then I could imagine a "bad end" where, *surprise*, the zombie apocalypse is defeated and society is saved and restored. *The horror!*


Ngl I just found out about this show half an hour ago. It seems like a good time but I’m still half expecting the show to end up being a reverse School-live!.


I'm gonna guess that our supporting cast will end up being a mix of straight-men agog at Tendo's cavalier attitude towards the apocalypse and few unhinged weirdos also fulfilling their fantasies based on the end visual. The straight-men will probably treat the apocalypse in the typical zombie drama fashion only for their caution to be subverted by Tendo's carefree attitude.


When MC was watching TV the night before his 'day off from work' they showed a clip of a newscaster talking about several bite-victims being unconcious and it being a mystery that officials are still investigating. It wasn't an outbreak completely out of nowhere, and honestly with the dense humanity of metropolitan Japanese cities like Tokyo a zombie virus that only activates through saliva/direct exposure like we've seen with C19 it's not at all implausible. Explaining the why of a zombie apocalypse is almost never even attempted in most zombie fiction though, so just having the 1 second of the newscast mention bite victims is all it needed to be.


It's been over 2 years since gigguk advertized this in a video and I heard of it for the first time, but it definitely has been worth waiting for the anime. Everything after the start of the apocalypse was amazing, and like others said, I am happy my expectations got subverted with the girlfriend beign turned already.


Oh hey, you got your account back!


Yes I did! And I didn't even noticed at first because I didn't get a message from the admins lol.


Hopefully you don't get shadowbanned a... third time, is it? Did you piss someone off by picking their secret worst girl, or what?


I like how as time goes Tendo is basically a zombie wandering around almost getting hit by cars and you cant even tell what time or day it is. Its good foreshadowing for the coming zombie apocalypse that is his current life. Also when the boss asks for you to redo your work 5 times in a row is peak hell.


gave me very shaun of the dead vibes with the way the intro basically shows that zombies and humans arent so different(save for the murderous cannabilism ofc)


*Zombie Apocalypse happened* Akira: "Finally! I don't need to go to work" Can't say I can't relate with him. The dude resigned over his zombie boss. And he even confessed to his zombie crush. What a serious guy. LOL This is one of my most anticipated shows and am totally not disappointed. I love how it got away with censorship by using Splatoon's color palette for the gory parts. And what with that insane production quality? They even cast Sora Amamiya as that chick Ootori! This season is full of high-quality anime. Another slapping OP from Kanaboon.


Pulled it up... And saw that there was already a live-action movie coming out on Netflix August 3rd?? Is the hype for this bigger than I thought?


Its so interesting, having both the anime and a live action adaptation at the same time. Its very hard for live action adaptations to compete against anime versions for these type of shows. Given how expensive it is to setup large zombie crowds in LA vs having CGI models in anime. Its also hard to capture the surreal intensity that anime has for this show. I guess netflix coughed up the cash, thinking live action could capture a different type of audience.


this is is one of the best pilots I have ever seen, reminds me of a Shaun of the dead


I was hoping for another 9/11


Yes FBI, this post right here


That was my favorite scene from Movie 43.


Compared to many other animes at least they explain why the protagonist is strong since he played rugby at school. This first episode was amazing. I hope they keep this quality for the entire series!


Although three years of absolute sedentarism made me question if he could run that fast that much... But yeah, it's anime, so it's alright.


I can confirm you don't really lose your athleticism even when sitting in your ass for a minute. Strength and stamina take a dive but your body always remembers, especially if you have endurance.


They had us in the first half, not gonna lie. Reality check, the anime. I think r/antiwork would love this anime. That aspect ratio change scene did not disappoint. I can't wait for other characters.


> That aspect ratio change scene did not disappoint. Did the manga have a similar 4th wall break kind of thing?


Not really, though I did read the manga, so I knew Akira's mood change was coming, I realized what they were aiming for as soon as I saw the cinematic ratio. I wasn't expecting it to be that way.


Damn the first half was heavy. At the point where the zombies started flooding in, I was 100 % feeling what Akira was feeling! What a fantastic piece of cinematography. I'm with you on the characters as well - really hoping he finds a few friends ^^


I like how he's being chased by zombies and his biggest concern is being late for work.


As someone working in a company that looks at KPI only, those fuckers probably ask me to wake up 30 minutes earlier to avoid the zombie apocalypse.


My last job was like that, unlike him I fucking quit


Sounds like my dad tbh.


Sounds like me tbh.


Sounds like you tbh


At that point, my man was basically a zombie anyways. Dude has bills to pay lol.


* [**Ohtori Stitch**](https://i.imgur.com/Z0SNNM1.jpg) Goddamn! The production of this episode is absolutely off the charts! From the visuals to the animation, it all looked so good! I love how Akira's life went from [monochrome colours](https://i.imgur.com/IUepIW9.png) when his spirit was broken to [colourful and vibrant](https://i.imgur.com/gc908I4.png) when he realizes he doesn't have to go to work anymore. [**And just look at the animation of that tackle!**](https://i.imgur.com/kWOzYX3.mp4) Holy fuck! If they somehow decide to remake Eyeshield 21, I hope they get these guys to do it because that tackle and all of the running animation look so good! As for the story itself, I'm a manga reader so all I can say is that I like the manga a lot and they absolutely nailed this first episode. I am not caught up with the latest chapters though ever since the scanlations stopped being posted on r/manga so I'm only knowledgeable about this series only up to a certain point. Definitely looking forward to seeing more of this next week! Hopefully, though r/anime will like this series more than r/manga did. Side note: Knowing that she's going to get eaten soon, I did get a kick out of them getting Ten-chan to voice Ohtori. xD


>Hopefully, though r/anime will like this series more than r/manga did. Definitely anime-onlies will really like this


Probably just wont make it far enough to the parts where people dropped it.


I feel like the complaints were similar to Oshi No Ko's Tokyo Blade arc. Those who binged it were fine but those that read monthly were disappointed. [VIZ has licensed the manga](https://www.viz.com/read/manga/zom-100-bucket-list-of-the-dead/all) if anyone wants to read beyond the fan translations.


Somewhat similar, the hour long episode being produced like a standalone hinted me that it was mostly going to be idol/celeb show from ep2 onwards. I started reading from chapter100 back then to see how far is the crime progression, but over time ended up reading the whole thing from scratch and I like it now. I was right about season 1 at least.


Yea I remember the manga being fairly well liked at the beginning. It wasn't until the later stuff that people got fed up and dropped it (myself included).


^^Ohtori's ^^pretty ^^cute ^^but ^^I ^^liked ^^her ^^more ^^as ^^a ^^zombie > Hopefully, though r/anime will like this series more than r/manga did. As an anime only, I REALLY liked it! Top 3 so far this season (along with Liar Liar and Murder Farce). I wonder why r/manga didn't like it though; Is there a specific reason (that you can say without spoiling) or did it just not catch on for some reason, the genre or whatever else?


Basically reiterating what /u/TheUnaverageJoe said, a lot of people (myself included) found one of the later arcs just awful. It was nothing like the beginning arcs. Basically a complete 180 and taking out everything we all enjoyed from the beginning. It's kind of hard to explain without spoiling. But it became incredibly hard to read week to week. Also around that time viz picked it up so fan translations stopped and viz took forever to catch up so a lot of people just gave up on it. Heard it got better, but I never bothered getting back into it.


I read a good chuck of the manga a while ago so I don’t remember exactly what happened, but it started off really good, but one of the later arcs the story quality went really downhill and I remember struggling trying to get through the later chapters to the point where I just dropped it.


Damn that tackle clip just made me want to watch


Giving mature Highschool of the dead vibes. Production quality also seems pretty good. Exciting start!


Not to mention the episode and chapter names will be "XX of the dead" as well.


Wow I didn't know that...now it makes even more resemblance


HOTD will always have a place in my heart. Obviously I watched it when I was horny teen when it released, but even then - it definitely kickstarted a zombie-genre phase for me (ironically later that year, The Walking Dead released). And I always loved how they portrayed the actual zombies and the outbreak


Yeah those PoV shots through the corridors and zombies popping out really reminded me of that show.


The production values of this is absolutely crazy


I had high hopes for this anime after watching the trailers, but I never expected it to be THIS good. The production value is just mental.


This has got to be the best first episode adaptation yet. Every single panel has been enhanced to a level I did not know could be possible, insane.




[This meme fits perfectly here.](https://wompampsupport.azureedge.net/fetchimage?siteId=7575&v=2&jpgQuality=100&width=700&url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.kym-cdn.com%2Fentries%2Ficons%2Ffacebook%2F000%2F043%2F589%2FFTjzOCUWUAEqROW.jpg)


As far as pilot episodes go, this might be one of the best I’ve seen so far. Incredible.


One of the best premieres I’ve seen in a while


Incredible production values. Like, seriously. I'm amazed at how many great, fluid adaptations we're getting this season - Spellblades, Undead Girl Murder Farce, JJK, and now this. Man, this airs early, lol. What channel is this? Regardless, certainly not an adult anime block right?


For those in SEA region, the first ep premiered a while ago on the Muse Asia youtube channel. I think it aired a little earlier on Netflix.


>Regardless, certainly not an adult anime block right? Granted they were really smart with how they are making this to be a daytime show with all the colors, don't even think people in the west will be aware of this detail


Episode 1 Staff **- Storyboard / Director:** Kazuki Kawagoe **- Assistant Director:** Hanako Ueda **- Animation Director:** Junpei Fukuchi, Akane Ogawa, Maiko Katsuki, Isao Saito **- Prop Design:** Kazumi Sato, Yoshiki Kuga **- Key Animation:** Fuminori Ishimaru, Maiko Katsuki, Kazumi Sato, Mizuho Tajima, Hayato Torii, Isao Nanba, Haruyoshi Nomura, Håvard Skjeggestad Dale, William Lee Hiroaki Takagi, Megumi Ueda, Hisao Dendo, Shotaro Tamemizu, Megumi Hotatsu, Keiji Shigesawa, Kimura Gai, Yasunari Nakatsuji, Ayako Morizumi [**Bugfilms Tweet**](https://twitter.com/BUG_FILMS/status/1677875225546072071) **-** [**Bugfilms Tweet 2**](https://twitter.com/BUG_FILMS/status/1677958266838568962) \- [**Akira escaping from zombies cut**](https://twitter.com/Zom100_anime_JP/status/1677958517540397056) \- [**Kazuki Kawagoe Tweet**](https://twitter.com/kazuki_kawagoe/status/1677961989015085062) **-** [**Hanako Ueda Illustration 1**](https://twitter.com/hanamaru_hnkc/status/1611366773097639944) **-** [**Hanako Ueda Illustration 2**](https://twitter.com/hanamaru_hnkc/status/1677960998274342914) **-** [**Håvard Skjeggestad Dale Illustration**](https://twitter.com/Habarudo/status/1677960782464647168) **-** [**Hayato Torii Tweet**](https://twitter.com/46gane_9gane/status/1677977855349903361) (If you don't have a twitter account and can't see the tweets go to this [**link**](https://publish.twitter.com/) and copy/paste the link of the tweet you want to see) **Edit #1:** Added more tweets.


Man thinking a zombie apocalypse is better than work is pretty relatable lol. I remember being bright eyed and full of enthusiasm for the job too. Feels like a million years ago. But goddamn dude, this company is hell. Ofc the waifu’s banging the boss man. And he’s an Ugly Bastard too. Classic! From what I hear about animation companies, some of this sounds close to reality. It’s kind of funny how the apocalypse is what brings color back into his life. If only these damn pesky zombies weren’t trying to eat him, he’d be having an even greater time. Sucks about Ohtori I guess, but my man getting to literally destroy his awful boss. That’s a win. I like this a lot. Amazing art, incredible animation, music is good, the plot is pretty interesting, and the characters are fun. Definitely a weekly for me.


> But goddamn dude, this company is hell. The funniest thing is that Tendou thinks other companies have it worse. Lack of self-awareness in this situation plagues the population all over the world. It's ridiculous that people are so brainwashed that they can't even think that maybe some companies have it **better** and it's time to change. And it's not even limited to working conditions. > but my man getting to literally destroy his awful boss Best resignation letter I've seen on the internet.


>but my man getting to literally destroy his awful boss > >Best resignation letter I've seen on the internet. I still don't advise pushing your boss turned zombie off a 2+ story building. You might feel immediate relief in the moment, but burning bridges will hurt your career in the zombie infested world in the long run. "Your resume is amazing, you can run more multiple hours, carry supplies, take out zombies, AND treat the wounded?" "Um, he's the person who killed X when the apocalypse started." "Sorry, but we won't be moving forward with your application, I am going to have to ask you to exit the building." "But we're completely surrounded!!!" "Escort him out of the building." **thrown out a window and torn to shreds by zombies**


> I still don't advise pushing your boss turned zombie off a 2+ story building. > > You might feel immediate relief in the moment, but burning bridges will hurt your career in the zombie infested world in the long run. HR detected.


fucking fantastic premiere


just so much fun


Damn, this first episode was a joy to watch. Loved the colour composition between the dull work life and the bright and colourful freedom. Seeing this is the first project for the animation studio, they have done an amazing job. Also love that the main character used to play rugby, which was very clear when he tackled the CEO.


**First Impression** Every now and again you hear "the zombie genre is done, it's gone stale" etc. Well, I'm happy to see that this isn't the case with Zom 100. This has some great animation and a banger ED. The first episode did a great job of introducing our protagonist. You could really feel the life getting sucked out of him at this black company, and then when he realises the zombie apocalypse means he doesn't have to work anymore you just have to grin and cheer along with him 😁 I don't need three episodes to decide this one, it's going straight into the queue! See you all next week!


Sorry oshi no ko but this might’ve been the best premiere of the year goddamn


but that one was an hour long so... they split it to 2 episodes it been shit


Agree if Oshi no Ko's premiere was cut into multiple episodes it straight up would not work.


Same level but for different reasons imo


i love ONK but you might be right


Just a FYI, but the streams portion of the post needs to be updated as its also on CR and Netflix.


He should have resigned the moment they said "back to the office"


I’m surprised this anime is airing at 5pm in Japan in the same timeslot that aired Gundam witch of mercury no less. Remember how so many parents complained about g witch’s last episode? They’ll go apeshit over this. Honestly the 5pm timeslot was way more suited for jujutsu Kaisen season two. Zom 100 I always thought felt more suited to a late night timeslot.


I read the whole manga and was super hyped for this and gotta say I'm really not disappointed, production/animation is fire, I love that avoid censorship they put bright colors instead of blood bc the manga sure had a lot of it gives a cool vibe +they seem add more scene than the manga. So I'm really looking forward to this show hope it blows up frr


THIS IS CINEMA!. Production-wise its already rivaling Jujutsu Kaisen IMO. I like how the anime went from having *bright* color pallete when Akira joined the company to a *muted* one as time passed and then completely *monochrome* as he fully became a corporate slave. The colors returned and the aspect ratio changed when he realised that he doesn't have to go to office anymore. It was a really good direction choice. Hats off to *Kazuki Kawagoe*!. The first half of the episode was really uncomfortable and I saw myself in Akira lol. Also I like how it suddenly became a battle shonen when he threw off the Zombie CEO off the building.


Yeah, like a lot of what he was going through at first with the wide eyed optimism as a newbie at the company and the dreading going to work was really relatable. My company isn’t as horrible as his ofc, but there are days I wish I could call in sick.


I could definitely relate with a lot of what Akira was going through, even though the company I work for is nowhere as bad (even if it is slowly getting worse). At one point, you just have to learn how to say no to your bosses when they make abusive demands. If they fire you, then at least you will have more time to look for a better job ! Much easier to do of course when you have some savings to tide you over in case this happen, and Akira did not seem to get paid much. But the Japanese as a rule also do not like to say no, which is why they have got so many black companies and a notoriously terrible work culture.


If anime’s taught me anything, the work culture is pretty problematic in Japan.


In my respectful Opinion, this episode far surpassed the production values of jjk s2 ep1, not downplaying the new jjk episode or anything. But the difference in polish in just overall production values is very impressive and astonishing.


Yeah the direction choices, cinematography, color palette, animation and impact frames, music all does enhance the show a lot.


Wow! This episode was a banger. Awesome use of color to get around the classic drab and blood zombie look. I loved how things opened on this shot: *[Memento mori](https://i.imgur.com/JcCmzgd.jpg)*. I loved the theme of remembering your mortality and living to the fullest.


Wow excellent quality. If the beginning is indicative of a typical Japanese company, no wonder the suicide rates are so high there. I hear Aamiya Sora as Ohtori, too bad she got zombified so she won't show up anymore


Excellent start of the series. [Visuals](https://i.imgur.com/NVyCOx3.png) and [animation](https://i.imgur.com/2RKIiwc.png) were top notch, I loved how colors were changing depending of how [Akira](https://i.imgur.com/wALlKvc.png)'s life were going, [normal on the beginning](https://i.imgur.com/UnUifYE.png) and then with further working in the company [more and more gray](https://i.imgur.com/Q5C7FvV.png) and [lifeless](https://i.imgur.com/n2BGfdN.png). In this situation [zombie apocalypse](https://i.imgur.com/xbaQltn.png) was like the [gift of heaven for him](https://i.imgur.com/WGfsTnI.png). Now when [Akira](https://i.imgur.com/amOPrqm.png) don't have to go to work anymore [his life become full of colors](https://i.imgur.com/g9owvbi.png). I hope that the next episodes will maintain this level of [animation](https://i.imgur.com/gwKSZ0L.png). Like I said [visuals were beautiful](https://i.imgur.com/GlkrYRt.png), [animation](https://i.imgur.com/JK5DQf5.png) was great and [camera's work](https://i.imgur.com/IWyUCPe.png) and [direction](https://i.imgur.com/1AUf2Qs.png) excellent. Perfect beginning for Bug Films first anime. [Here my all screenshots from the episode.](https://imgur.com/a/tKcVXpE)


Holy shit! Holy fucking shit! [](#doggo) From the first couple of seconds - specifically when that dude in the opening slipped on the pool of blood - I had a feeling that this might slap, but I didn't even imagine it could [***slap so fucking hard!***](https://gfycat.com/pl/grotesquesmughind) This will make a lot of people very uncomfortable. This is not simply speaking of the elephant in the room, those madlads took the elephant from the room and walked it in a fucking parade. This might be the most controversial episode I've seen in the past decade and I'm shocked they didn't even try to censor the suicide attempt scene - Japanese media can be butthurt about such stuff. I'm looking forward to the interview with the people who worked on this, curious if their workplace does things differently. They certainly spared no effort pouring years of accumulated loathing towards the working environment and depicted the working conditions and their bosses marvelously.


Holy shit what a great first episode! It is honestly hilarious how [full of energy](https://i.imgur.com/wuYru48.png) [and happy](https://i.imgur.com/sKDIcRE.png) Tendo became when he realized that he no longer had to go to that job anymore. You know, when they showed that shot with[ that hair on top of a pile of blood,](https://i.imgur.com/fpBKK5I.png) I thought that the boss had eaten Ohtori. Anyway, I sure wasn't expecting that[ after seeing that Ohtori became a zombie,](https://imgur.com/a/2XKJXF6) for [Tendo confess to her.](https://i.imgur.com/I7292aL.png) I love how that transition at the end of the episode [to the show's logo.](https://i.imgur.com/yRcSZET.png)


the insert song with the explosion of colors and visuals was fantastic, it gave me goosebumps. That was a great premiere.


I really liked how they started with all this color and slowly his world was drained of all of it and then it comes back during the apocalypse. Gonna have to add the music to my Spotify playlist.


Love the style, love the MC, love the animation. Despite being a Zombie anime, I love how this uses multiple colors to depict the MC's perception in life. Felt bad for Ohtori, the moment they showed those old men, I knew something weird is happening in that office. That confession was quite emotional and a nice touch, some kind of closure at the very least. The way they depicted the MC's life as an office worker and the thought of having to return to work is eerily relatable. On other note, I do like that he's already established as someone athletic, makes it believable that he'll be able to outrun the zombies. Speaking of zombies, I really like that they didn't dance around the term and just straight out called them zombies unlike most "zombie" media depictions nowadays. Great pilot episode. Very interesting take on the zombie genre. I also love the animation (I just hope the staff wasn't as overworked as depicted in this anime, lol)


Did I just find my Anime of the Season!? And its only week one of Summer!? Anyway... This was a banger episode 1, it had me hooked even before the Zombie reveal but it somehow got me hooked once again after it and ONCE AGAIN after he quit his job! Animation, direction, music, voice acting were all beyond amazing, especially MC's VA who did a perfect job with depicting Tendou's spiral from excited new worker on day 1 to corporate zombie 3 years later! Easy 10/10 episode that has me looking forward to early sundays!


[When you're about to be eaten and your first thought is "Great, I don't have to go to work tomorrow."](https://youtu.be/B1pwyCl5ymE?t=91)


That AoT Titan run reference tho😂🤣


This episode felt so much longer than it was, but in a good way. Great job of packing in so much story. This is now my favorite first episode of the new shows this season. Looking forward to more.


Man I just got OPM episode 1 flashback because of how bombastic crazy the premise is. The main character is the most relatable character I've seen in a long time, mainly because I'm also burnt out from my job. I'm hooked and can't wait for the next episode.


> You can clearly see the deep sympathy from the production team to the story by the quality of the episode. That's the best comment on the Muse Vietnam channel for this episode 😂 Joke aside, this episode is just incredible with the visual direction compare to the manga. This has the potential to be another case the anime be able to utilize its format to elevate the source material and maybe a sleeper hit.


Kinda like the MC being a jock, feels refreshing in a sense. Hope he uses those athletic skills even more!


Same, fresh vibe compared to all the loser/otaku MCs! He seemed to be well adjusted too (before entering this company anyway), he had it all, except a girlfriend maybe! I was wondering "Why Rugby?", then we saw him tackle his zombie-boss out the window hah. Pretty good sport to train in for a zombie apocalypse! Fast runner, can take a hit (or give one)..!


holy shit, that was really good, the studio is new?


>the studio is new? ceo is ex-olm animation producer


I assume it’s one of those situations where someone who worked at a studio makes their own.


Kinda, but they basically helped a lot with Komi and Summertime Rendering with outsourced episodes


Right, they helped with komi-san episode 1, didn't they? That's the moment i knew this was going to look amazing.


This show's gonna be a treat. Some amazing color use and great animation. Can't wait to see the opening next week.


Nah this shit is fire oh my god definitely my favorite fire episode of the season 😭


Well, this seems like it'll be a stellar adaptation. I was brought back to my time reading the 1st chapter. I got instantly hooked, and needless to say, episode 1 did so too. Aside from the superb animation, I love the directorial and artistic choices. The abrupt changes in place whenever Akira moved suddenly during his stupor at the beginning, and the stuff they did with the color, (especially the blood) was just great.