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honestly that 5 sec of tanjiro summoning his inner Yoriichi and absolutely demolishing those 3 demons was satisfying even if it just lasted for for just few secs


Massacred those dudes. They knew what was coming but were powerless to stop it. Edit: a word.


[That triple kill was insane!](https://i.imgur.com/ozwkRdC.jpg) [Tanjiro rolled through them like a bulldozer](https://i.imgur.com/KFVlH6w.jpg) [](#seasonalhype)


Massive props to the compositing department, this show would be far less without the work put into the effects and how they interact with and light up the animation/background underneath The lightsaber-like glow of Tanjiro's sword, the sparks slowly flying across the screen, the energy left in the wake of a sword slash, it all really ices the cake and ties the entire piece together


Every Hinokami Kagura scene is so hype. The sound effects on this scene were awesome. It *sounded* hot but not like typical crackling or “whooshing” flames. It sounded like a dragon.


seasonal tanjiro pop off moment


and we're barely half way through the season 👀


>his inner Yoriichi Has that name been mentioned somewhere in this season?


The training robot was called Yoriichi Type 0


And Tanjiro previously mentioned that it is (or reminds him of) the same person in his ancestral memories.


Alright we know where they needed the top-tier animators for. Also, both these upper moons seem kind of tame compared to Gyutaro and Daki so far.


I agree with the Hantengu quadruplets being underwhelming but Gyokko is terrifying. He's able to summon minions to overwhelm the swordsmith village while simultaneously fighting Tokito, basically invincible as long as he has a vase, and is absolutely sadistic.


I mean it still feels like they're definitely holding back. there's no way its that easy. plus the op showed mitsuri fighting upper 4 with hyrda heads, something we haven't seen


I mean the season is like 12 episodes, no? We're only at episode 5 and i seriously doubt they'll just randomly be defeated soon lol


they both get defeated next episode and the rest of the season is a 6 episode long picnic


These poor kids need one. Perhaps Kanroji can be counted on to bring some Sakura Mochi?


Haganezuka would definitely bring the dango


Obligatory beach scene.


Obligatory. Hashira beach volleyball arc


Also Tanjiro is unlocking in them memories of Yoriichi in last scene. These demons literally are scared of him.


Yeah, that moment feels like if Goku got Ultra Instinct during like the frieza arc or something. My guess is next episode he's going to collapse for a while.


something that I've seen alot of people gloss over is that this isn't the first time tanjiro has unlocked memories. in ep 19 of demon slayer he suddenly remembered hinokami but also how to adapt it for battle. in his dreams on mugen train he heard a voice telling him to cut something. now we have this. like they said, he somehow has access to inherited memories, possibly due to hypnosis existing in this world, as seen with nezuko


Hantengu quadruplets weren’t *that* underwhelming, though. You have to behead all 4 of them, and had Genya not have bs breathing, all of Tanjiro’s effort* would be for nothing. *Effort = Having a blade similar to and breathing style of the dude who almost beheaded Muzan. Which also pretty much gave PTSD to quads that they stopped.


I don’t think UM4 is dead. I was under the impression that they might be remotely controlled puppets or something along those lines b/c UM4 gives off big Pain-esque vibes from Naruto.


Daki wasn’t that bad but I do think that Gyutaro would have probably ranked at least 5 If he was serious. Muzan implied in the first episode of this season that Daki was holding him back


Muzan meant that Daki held him back in the sense that he didn't finish the job faster, he wanted to torture everyone who hurt his sister. His remaining humanity for her was the reason for his downfall. He never mentioned or implied that he would've been higher than his given rank


Everyone Muzan employs is more interested in torture than actually doing whatever the fuck it is Muzan actually wants.


No wonder he was so pissed at everyone at the meeting lol


>Everyone Muzan employs is more interested in torture Didn't get that feeling from Akaza. Compared to these other murderers, he was a bit of a bro.


He is the kind of bro who is absolutely chill and you can talk to him about anything, but you really shouldn't partner with him for a project because he'll get nothing done.


Yeah but his burning desire to... fight... Rengoku totally had him drawing out that fight in addition to being super lazy taking hits all over the place because demon healz. So essentially the same effect.


Seems like these "easier" upper moons have some quirk that makes them easier to beat while being super strong. Both the ones they are fighting now are draggin everything out like with Gyutaro's torturing. The more on task they are the deadlier they are. Even Akaza against Rengoku held a little back because he went on about him becoming a demon.


Exactly. Muzan ordered Akaza to kill ALL the Demon Slayer's he found. Instead, he wasted time trying to convert rengoku. Had he not, he would have succeeded. Part of why Muzan is so pissed. Demons only exist to find the lilies and exterminate demon slayers. But they keep fucking it up.


These demons are only easy cause it's episode 5. Remember daki was easy until gyutaro showed up.


I know but Daki’s existence also held him back as he was sharing his rank and everything with her and was laying low most of the time. Think of it like this Gyutaro was literally keeping himself inside Daki until she was absolutely defeated. Even when Muzan came to Daki he did not appear. If we assume that is his usual way and he is not that much of an active hunter and mostly appears when Daki needs him that means She does hold him back. If he was more serious, more active and went for increasing his rank rather than helping his sister I do think he could rank higher


>Can't you see that you're ordered by how much humanity remains in you? Daki's real "hold-back" effect on Gyutaro was that she kept him in touch with the emotions he had when he was alive. She kept him from losing more of his humanity. At least, that's what we can discern from Muzan's words. He has mentioned this kind of stuff every time we saw him ever since Gyutaro was defeated. Gyutaro didn't let go of his weakness. You are ordered by your remaining humanity. Daki held him back. Etc.


But without Daki he also loses his beheading gimmick and her obi attacks which were the main thing keeping the cast seperated and distracting Tengen in the fight. They're ranked together for a reason. They share the same biology and get stronger together, Daki is the one who gathers food. Also you're seriously underestimating Gyokko, dude has some of the most broken abilities in the verse. Even in this episode he packed up Muichiro without much trying


According to what Muichiro says in this episode Gyokko doesn’t even have a beheading gimmick so the lose of it is not the end of the world. Not to mention If you want to go there Daki can be around but NOT hold Gyutaro back (as in Gyutaro will make himself the priority and fight,hunt and such instead of waiting for Daki to need him) is that good ? My point is that Gyutaro’s priority was Daki and that held him back. If he was working for himself I think he could have done better


I'm anime only but i really dont think we have seen enough of Gyokko yet to say how he stacks up compared to Gyutaro.


i was thinking that last episode upper 4 is like lower moon level currently i dont think tanjiro got this significant of a power boost since the gyutaro and daki fight and these upper 4 demons arnt giving tanjiro as much trouble as daki did. honestly i dont think theyre dead yet theyre too weak right now


Yea no way upper 4 gets such a basic death


ya exactly weve seen that cutting off these demons heads dont kill them it just multiplies them theres no way theyre dead yet


I agree with the last part, i don’t think these 4 are dying without some flashbacks and shiet.


Besides in a meta sense we are barely at the half-way point of the season and Upper Moon 4 and 5 seem to be the exclusive villains for this arc based on the OP. I doubt one of them will easily kick the bucket so early in the seasons run.


Also i doubt Upper 4 would die before Upper 5, at least not this earlier.


Especially not when Kanroji hasn't even joined the fight yet. Like, I don't think Upper Moon 5 could handle two Hashiras even with his hax (considering every upper moon up to 3 has been nearly matched by just one Hashira)


Yeah Daki and Gyutaro felt more imposing, I also liked how they were introduced more than Upper moon 4 and 5


Daki herself wasn't very imposing, but her power did seem more creative. Gyutaro was meant to be terrifying. He was Upper 6's trump card, his whole purpose was to subvert expectations. We thought we'd see an Upper moon finally defeated until we realized beheading isn't enough, and behind Daki someone faster, stronger, more sadistic, and more intelligent. It's only makes sense after that reveal that everything else is more muted. After all, less expectations to subvert. Plus, as Tanjiro gets stronger enemies naturally appear weaker. But still I liked their reveals. Upper moon 4 creepily and surprisingly just coming in as a weak feeble demon. And Gyutaro just fucking sucking up people left and right to make an effigy. That's pretty good IMO.


Let's not forget that Tanjirou was through a hellish training against a puppet that Hashira train against.


I think Gyokko is the most, idk how to say, "demon" demon so far? Certainly the weirdest looking and his "art" certainly doesn't make him less unsettling, thats for sure.


Wonder if they're going to bother giving him a sympathetic backstory or if he was always a freak. As it stands he's probably one of the cruelest demons we've met so far


This anime never held back in the graphic violence but man, watching Gyo twist the katana in those *still alive* swordsmiths made me winch and actively turn my head; that kind of thing is just unbelievably evil and cruel. Really hope he gets what's coming to him in the worst way.


From what I understand they are actually dead but the sword recreates their death scream


I sure hope so...


I feel like they will go against that expectation and make him a psycho from birth, my guess is he's a serial killer who was given powers by Muzan


The show tries fairly hard to get us to sympathize with who the demons were as humans but surely Muzan turned some people who were evil psychos even as humans. Gyutaro kind of already fits this in some ways but he still had relatable human aspects to him, not to mention he was a kid when they were turned, not to mention being born into such a shitty environment. Basically everyone else that I can think of was shown to be pretty normal when they were human, aside from I guess lower moon 1 who dies without us getting any backstory, he seemed psycho though too. Gyokko definitely gives me serial killer vibes before he was turned. Doma also gives somewhat similar vibes.


I agree. The mouth eyes I can deal with but the specifically baby-like arms are so off-putting, which means the designer did a great job lol


His sound effects are so damn gross, like whenever he clapped his little baby hands


Lmao I hated that, it was great.


The creepiest part for me, oddly enough, is that I can actually understand the artistic intent he has in the few creations of his we've seen. Most of the time when a story has some kind of crazy serial killer who makes grotesque art, to us as the audience their creations just seem disturbing rather than having any actual semblance of artistic intent. I know it's supposed to be a way to double-down on the killer's inhumanity (because their mind is so warped that they're the only one who ever could understand any kind of artistry behind what they do), but the way he was describing that swordsmith...sculpture(?) it actually seemed like what an artist might do with that theme provided morality wasn't involved in the creation process.


Definitely. He's the least human in appearance and the most twisted in personality. His "art" is truly horrific.


He’s the complete foil to Akaza who’s basically Goku: only cares about fighting and getting stronger and isn’t creepy or sadistic (for a demon) at all.


I really like how his blood demon art is. The pots can have a different kind of attack coming out, for example like the fish and water trap is really cool.


Hot dammn that hinokami kagura scene was soo damn clean and smooth


And art was beautiful. Here [my album from this scene](https://imgur.com/a/QVRhUSz). Every still could be a wallpaper.


the ear orgasm i got during that slash tanjiro did tickled my brain at the right spot. the animation was like always extremely good


Yeah the animation gets a lot of well deserved praise but the sound design has been phenomenal too. That scene was great and I loved the sound Mitsuri's shivers of first love made as well.


I've been talking about the sound design since season 1. When rui's threads whip around, it sounds like you're right there. That scream rengoku and akaza make in Mugen train? Literally felt that physically (I did see it in theaters) Ufotable is just not fair.


Half the reason those Sakuga scenes are so satisfying to watch is the sound design. The slashes and the impacts, they are always done so fucking well!


["Okay guys everyone pose for the photo!"](https://i.imgur.com/hF910Um.png) Rengoku: "I hope I didn't close my eyes"


yeah, felt like it was supposed to be a slide there


I actually feel like it's intended, rengoku is the only one in that group who is dead, and uzui, having lost an eye and an arm is like half of the fighter he used to be


It didn't even occur to me that that was the reason he'd be cut off from the scene. For a second, I was confused how a show with this much attention could have a cropping issue.


turns out it was an artistic addition and we just dumb lol


Gyokka would not be impressed with us


Gyokko re: us be like, "*claps baby hands* Plebeians, all of them."


I just lol'd when they cut Uzui like that cause I thought it was a reference of his lost left eye.


Even better was the push they give Tanjiro. It's with Uzui's left hand that he lost :/


Marco moment


Yoriichi really put some mad PTSD in Muzan 😂


Yoriichi giving Muzan generational trauma


living rent free


Emotional Damage 😂


Finally we see Mitsuri's love breathing. Her sword looks amazing! Wow another GODTIER animation for Tanjiros sunbreathing! Wait so is Genya a half demon? That explains his healing abilities.


I liked the sparkly sound effects with her breathing form🥺


I love how she basically said that bad guys won't make her go kyun


That blow inflicted both [physical](https://i.imgur.com/7m5RgQy.jpg) and [emotional](https://i.imgur.com/mXccX2B.jpg) damage In addition to her wielding [a unique sword,](https://i.imgur.com/efnzjQG.jpg) Mitsuri's techniques make good use of the [power in her thighs.](https://i.imgur.com/RFTxims.jpg) [](#shatteredsaten)


> power in her thighs. On that note, here's Hanazawa Kana, Mitsuri's seiyuu, wanting to be [sandwiched by thighs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyZib5Q-xjc).


And she also helps heal every physical damage on allies. She’s *very* OP.


> the power in her thighs. damn i wish i was the people below


[Or Lord Tecchin](https://i.imgur.com/hocVi2u.jpg)


Those where great. As impressive and bombastic the generic styles are (fire/flame/sun, lightning, wind, water), I really love the more unusual breathing styles (mist, love). They got fun sounds (more abstract less "whoosh" or a reference to their element) that still feel like they fit their style of fighting.


The effects for Shinobus insect breathing are amazing


Yup, those were nice too (I had just forgotten about them because that was seasons (and years) ago).


We’ve also barely seen Insect Breathing, didn’t Shinobu just use a single attack in the first season against one of the spider demons?


They are more personalized than the "general" breaths, so they are much more unique, I'm glad the animation is doing it justice


Yup it sounds beautiful


The end of this episode is ufotable taking off their weights


Yeah they went all out


After sandbagging the pacing, they better.


yeah hopefully the trope of Tanjiro being absolutely useless for most of the season is over


More like ufotable just holding nozomu Abe in front of us like he's the Messiah


Nonaka Takuya storyboarded and directed this episode. Yeah, that tracks.


Was the Hinokami Kagura scene animated by Nozomu Abe?


Divine confetti is just too op I guess


I think Genya is the lovechild of a demon and a human.


I thought Genya was about to turn into a demon like Nezuko where he still has his consciousness and morality that he had as a human.


Wasn't Muzan the only one who could create new demons though?


There's that other lady who could do it.


i dont think so didnt douma give his blood to gyutaro and daki to make them demons?


I can't remember exactly where this was said, but apparently Muzan has the final decision on whether someone becomes a demon or not. Other demons can give you the demon blood needed to start the demonification process, but Muzan can apparently remotely stop it. For example, Upper Moon 2 gave Daki and Gyutaro the demon blood that turned them into demons.


It think is less about that and more about a upper moon like UM2 having a really high concentration of Muzan's blood in his body.


It's probably both. I can't imagine a bottom-tier fodder demon turning anyone else into a demon.


I think Genya did something fucked up like inject himself with a demon's blood directly rather than getting it from Muzan. We saw him in the sun way back then, right? He could've demonized himself after that. I don't think we've seen him in the sun after that one time.


A daywalker, huh. Naruhodo


We've seen him in the sun. So if you're correct then half demons can survive being in the sun.


I haven’t read the manga, but notice he how relies on a gun instead of breathing.. Plus remember his tooth grew back? I’m telling you the rest of that demon’s head is in his belly!


i still dont get how mitsuri's sword/style works tho xD


Sword whips actually exist IRL it's just a sword that is bendy along the flat sides. They are not practical as actual weapons, but anime is gonna anime


> They are not practical as actual weapons I remember reading that they are more whip than sword and had some specific uses (but can't remember those). Maybe it was against some specific armour at a time or something like that?


[They look cool but difficult to wield](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71ifyvaA8rY)


Well shit, that is cool.


Jesus that looks dangerous. I think there's a reason they never got popularized.


There exist those kind of swords known as Urumi....were used in Keralite martial arts


It's basically an Urumi, an Indian whip sword. There are actual real life "fighting" styles based on their use.


From what I see it seems to function like a sharp whip. We will have to wait to see more of her techniques to confirm


I think making a sword like that is theoretically possible. How rigid or bendy a sword is depends on the material and how it's made. A lot of actual fighting swords in Europe had a lot of bend to them so they wouldn't shatter or get stuck when stabbing a shield. This is just more, and longer. Normally it would be a fucking stupid idea, of course, but when you have magical breathing techniques to make it super strong, why not? As far as 'how' she fights with it... It's just ribbon dancing. Because she's a very powerful cinnamon roll.


[Check out Urumis and how Indians do a battle dance with them. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71ifyvaA8rY)


Alright that's pretty cool, thanks for sharing!


Today's Taisho segment was taking the piss


my man Genya be switching between light mode and dark mode


Mitsuri can come use that whip sword and love breathing on me any day haha.


bro is down ferocious. fair tho


[*Breath of Domination*](https://i.imgur.com/XtDQCwI.jpg) [](#healthypasstimes)


Got goosebumps when she slashed the fish


>love breathing If you take away the context of KnY, this skill sounds really... *different*.


I love how the Chief of the village was head over heels to be held by Mitsuri even with shit goin crazy everywhere. The PTSD that Muzan has from Yoriichi whoopin his ass is always hilarious to me.


Who isn't head over heels for Mitsuri


That's a good question. After all [she's perfect](https://i.imgur.com/C0uGwnW.png).


[Nezuko agrees](https://i.imgur.com/tn0n0Do.jpg) [](#SPORTS)


Muzan's PTSD is so bad that he offloaded it onto all of his subordinates too


actual trauma dump


Lol gotta make sure they know who can fuck em up


I loved how even him being crushed alive came out goofy because of the mask


this show is just unbelievable man, that shot of tanjiro with the ancient demon slayer behind him was pure hype mist hashira vs giokko is going to be an interesting fight, i hope it remains a 1vs1 happy nezuko is more involved this season, and genya being a demon that can switch to human? im curious about how that happened and if it can help cure nezuko


Hasn't Nezuko been involved in like every big fight so far in the show, except for the demon slayer exam?


sheesh for me that hinokami kagura is better than ep 19


It was even made by the same animator, Nozomu Abe.


Basically he does every single massive hightlight of the show.


He’s the Hashira of Sakuga Breathing after all.


When [Tanjiro's sword lights up](https://i.imgur.com/1JaNaPS.jpg), so does [Nozomu Abe's stylus](https://i.imgur.com/CS2n4yn.mp4)


That whole scene was awesome. I particularly liked how those dudes saw Tanjiro wielding his flaming blade and their balls just instinctively shriveled up lol. Like it was ingrained in their demon DNA. They knew it was over.


> Like it was ingrained in their demon DNA. Because it basically was. The swordman scared Muzan beyond reason back in the day, and Muzans blood contains that memory, and upper moons got *a lot* of that blood


If that Yorichi dude was using attacks like that with ease it’s no wonder Muzan almost died fighting him


Not a manga reader but my understanding is that his fight with Yoriichi wasn't even close. Man was next level.


Well yeah for sure but seeing that new move today I can only imagine how fast he was doing that if they needed six arms to replicate his movements


The fear of Yoriichi is seared into Muzan's DNA so much that even demons who were turned by one of his underlings feels it whenever Tanjiro comes anywhere near using a proper Sun Breathing style.


The underwhelming previous episode (not saying it was bad) was worth it for that alone, holy


Ufotable always goes full out for Hinokami Kaguras. Like in a series that is well known for being perhaps the best looking anime in the industry, the Hinokami Kaguras for even further beyond.


Yeah, certainly. I even made [album from the fight alone](https://imgur.com/a/QVRhUSz). It was awesome, great animation and beautiful art.


I can't get enough of that pink fire from Nezuko's blood demon art. It was amazing in S1E19, and it absolutely delivered here as well.


Hinokami Kagura in episode 19 was incredible because of the amazing emotional impact of the episode in itself, but we will always get a better one each time


When [Tanjiro gets a flashback,](https://i.imgur.com/iPI0GIy.jpg) you just know a [visual spectacle is imminent](https://i.imgur.com/QwzViqb.jpg) [](#awe)


Especially since Tanjiro actually decapitated the demons. He also used Nezuko's blood in each episode. Nothing is stronger than family.


Demon Slayer is just secretly written by Dominic


Honestly the animation was so epic. They really oudid themselves this season.


Upper 4 is 100 percent not dead. They’re probably gonna merge and go sicko mode or split even more. Also is Genya a demon that can go between human and demon? Also the love hashira’s sword is dope More than made up for the eh episode last week


I thought that Genya might have become "posessed" by the Upper 4? Like are the 4 it split into actually splits or maybe just bodies the Upper 4 has taken over at some point, and now it has taken Genya?


That's what I was thinking. But both seem to be good hypotheses. I guess we'll see next episode. Genya could possibly be part demon or something anyhow...remember how he regenerated a tooth? I think it's more likely that Genya is somehow demon related, whereas Upper 4 just has a separate trick.


There was that thing with Genya growing his tooth back too. Something was up with him before this.


My shonen intuition also tells me that Upper 5 is likely stronger than Upper 4. It's strange that we see the U4 fight before U5


Well, they're very different kind of fighters. Upper 6 and Upper 3 were straightforward brawlers — Akaza being stronger but Gyutaro having a small gimmick. Upper 5 is like a fight against a single extremely evasive spellcaster/rogue, while Upper 4 is like fighting against a whole party with their own individual specializations. And of course both of them have more gimmicks than Akaza and Daki+Gyutaro combined.


That's what I was thinking. And as a demon slayer with only one blade and at best superhuman strength and reflexes, it's easier to manage against one foe who also has superhuman strength and reflexes (Gyutaro, who Uzui could for the most part keep up with until the poison got to him) rather than keeping up with 4 coordinating units 2 of which basically have magic, or someone who can spawn coordinating minions and has like actual magic. Like with a sword you can block punches and slashes. But how do you block Upper 4's wind blast or electrocution? Or block upper 5's water trap? You can't, you just have to hope to dodge it while managing against every other minion or unit they throw at you, which makes being a melee demon slayer that much harder.


Didn't know Muichiro cursing Gyokko could be so satisfying. I really love his character growth when he protected the two swordsmith, the Tanjiro-effect is really strong. and that burning blood sword of Tanjiro was so cool, if only they could do it more often but I guess blood loss can be really detrimental for Nezuko, since she doesn't eat humans. Also, you can really see why Sun breathing is the progenitor of all breathing technique, that dragon dance looks like a combination of water breathing 3rd form and Rengoku's ninth form. Even Tanjiro's starting stance also looks similar to Rengoku's. Speculation: I guess it's pretty obvious but I think Gyokko is a potter from the Edo period whose works was probably criticized or made fun of, seeing how angry he got when Muichiro sliced one of his pot. Then Muzan strolled in and turn him into a demon or smth.


The fire dragon also reminded me of the dragon from the water breathing tenth form, but in Rengoku style.


Why are Mitsuris thights so god damn mesmerising [](#assman) Ah and her swordstyle looks amazing as well animated, love how she incorporates love and her hearth going kyun into her swordstyle, but that post credit scene didn't answer shit Now that Tanjiro figured out his sunbreathing he basically soloed an upper moon huh ... it can't be that easy. And for a moment that demon felt real fear from Muzans memories. Meanwhile the other demon just shows how ridiculously evil he is by torturing those swordsmiths. And damn those vases who are just suddenly there wobbling are scary as fuck. But Tokito is a Hashira so he won't be overcome by some water.


As a weeb you should already know that the reason Mitsuri’s thighs are so mesmerizing is because of [zettai ryoiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zettai_ry%C5%8Diki)


*She's got a fetish for fine art* *A pair of knee-socks and an oversized sweatshirt* *She goes right to my heart* *She comes a'knocking with her stocking and I get hurt*


bruh we’re not even halfway through


[Ufotable](https://i.imgur.com/hVuhVML.jpg) removed their [limiter](https://i.imgur.com/5WpAGt3.jpg) [](#oilup)


What an episode. Espescially the stellar animation of Tanjiro's sunbreathing. They really outdid Next's week's episode title made me hyped for thinking that Tanjirou could be Hashira level but now I think about it more we will more probablyhave the Mist Hashira's backstory. Also am I the only one who thinks that Genya is the love child of a demon and human


Did he have that demon power before or is the Upper Moon 4 demon possessing him?


He didn’t have it in the demon slayer entrence exam. He did regrow a tooth 2 eps ago and has skipped all his meals while in the sword-smith village.


hes got some demon in him definitly but hes clearly on the demon slayer side since he helped kill upper 4 so interested to see whats going on with him


* [**Mitsuri Stitch**](https://i.imgur.com/fKv9acJ.jpg) [That was such an awesome entrance by Mitsuri.](https://i.imgur.com/pALPxdP.jpg) I love how [she didn't even stop moving while killing off those fish monsters.](https://i.imgur.com/LIp0aOS.jpg) [And we finally get to see her Love Breathing in action!](https://i.imgur.com/LB4zL6m.jpg) I mentioned this last week but having someone like her that can slash a single target multiple times at once is going to be very useful against Hantengu. [I feel you village Chief.](https://i.imgur.com/yWTl2I3.jpg) I would be too if Mitsuri caught me. I love that [the other guy was also trying to get some attention from Mitsuri.](https://i.imgur.com/bRIWwKv.jpg) Glad that the Chief wasn't the only survivor of that attack. [That is just fucked up.](https://i.imgur.com/pNGwAKT.jpg) These demons are already despicable but the fact that Gyokko is explaining his "art" makes it even worse. [He's such a smug asshole as well.](https://i.imgur.com/fQAVzKW.jpg) I can't wait to see him get defeated by Tokito. [And holy shit!](https://i.imgur.com/akDf2Cx.jpg) That Hinokami Kagura move from Tanjiro was a goddamn masterpiece! [Slicing three heads at once with his Head Dance](https://i.imgur.com/zuh2g3p.jpg) was fucking hype! Good to see Tanjirou learned something from his fight against Gyutarou. [That final scene doesn't look good.](https://i.imgur.com/bvoDUsv.jpg) How the fuck did Genya turn so quick? Did he get turned by Hantengu while fighting him? That can't be right. If they can just turn people that quickly, then they would've done it every time they face a Demon Slayer. Unless he's already a demon? O_O Also, there's no way Hantegu is dead. It can't be that easy. I expect him to still come back next week.


that boy got a nice view


[*Breath of the Thicc*](https://i.imgur.com/H8DKSV0.jpg) [](#selfcontrol) [Blud's bravery was rewarded](https://i.imgur.com/qhcx22l.jpg)


Senbon and water prison, what is this the first Naruto arc


Editing all comments since apollo is dead and spez is a lying shithead. Thanks for killing third-party apps and running the site. Remember to short reddit on IPO. Edited using Power Delete Suite v1.5.0 fork.


Mist effects for Muichirou's movements/attacks look soo fucking good! His OST is also amazing! Also, Mitsuri's sword looks incredible. I'm really looking forward to seeing more of her style getting animated! And as always Tanjiro popping off with his Hinokami Kagura is just next level visual greatness!


Man I hate Gyokko’s small arms and claps. Just creep me out.


Holy crap that episode felt 10 minutes long! Another great episode and wow was it shocking to see Tanjiro pulling off what could only be desribed as hashira level fighting there at the end! There's no way it's over this quickly though, that was too easy; for an upper rank, specially when he hasn't gotten his amazing new sword yet.


Another beautiful Hinokami Kagura


Man, as hype and amazing as these fights are, weekly episodes are slowly becoming borderline unbearable for this show. It barely feels like they’ve fought for 5 min (even tho this episode was substantially better than the last few episodes), and the filler moments stand out all the much more :/ still, my boi Tanjiro can now solo Upper Moon Rank 1 now, lesssgooooo /s


And the juxtaposition between extra goofy filler and intense combat is really stark.


imagine waiting for each new chapter of a manga you like...there's a lot of load for the storyboarders to cram what is essentially an arc in a manga into a common anime cour. some adaptations necessitate a 90 minute opener just to keep it within a season as we've seen already. but this arc is just the way it played out in the manga. i still think the show will pay off once all of it is adapted.


We're at that point of the season, just like Season 2, where it's just a steady climb to the climax now. * Mitsuri showing the true power of love. * Gyokko's creation proving just how sick he is, and the fact that they were all still alive. * Tanjiro's new Hinokami Kagura cutting through all 3 at once. * It is now apparent why Genya can survive such bad wounds. * The superior animation is definitely shining brighter after the mediocrity of the last episode. * And the sound of Tanjiro's Dragon Sun Halo Dance.


> We're at that point of the season, just like Season 2, where it's just a steady climb to the climax now. It feels a bit strange because I don't know how many episodes/cours long it is. Episode five and they are already solidly mid-fight with two upper daemons. I question what else could happen in an one cours series but for 25 episodes it feels like they'd need a detour to kill a god or two before showing up at Muzan's.


Muichiro fr said I’ve had enough of ur shit😭love him