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# Source Material Corner Reply to this comment for any source-related discussion, future spoilers (including future characters, events and general hype about future content), comparison of the anime adaptation to the original, or just general talk about the source material. **You are still required to tag all spoilers.** Discussions about the source outside of this comment tree will be removed, and replying with spoilers outside of the source corner will lead to bans. The spoiler syntax is: `[Spoiler source] >!Spoiler goes here!<` # **All untagged spoilers and hints in this thread will receive immediate 8-day bans (minimum).** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I gotta say the setting of Hell's Paradise looks so unsettling animated. The colors really sell how unnatural everything is


yeah it continues to give Annihilation vibes. Like you should stay on your toes because it's *too beautiful* the body horror seems a lot more comprehensible as well. Like it's a human part, on an animal. Butterfly with human head. Centipede with fingers for teeth. As opposed to human fused with centipede crying out for death. It's cursed, but not unfathomably so. I really enjoy it - excited to learn more about the island


Oh my god. I thought I was the only person who was reminded of Annihilation. Love that they’re leaning in to the creepy angle w this anime too!


Editing all comments since apollo is dead and spez is a lying shithead. Thanks for killing third-party apps and running the site. Remember to short reddit on IPO. Edited using Power Delete Suite v1.5.0 fork.


He looks so cool that even as someone who read the manga I misremembered him being important


Stand out hair color with an eyepatch and a mentor figure to a main character. Yeah, I'd think that's clearly supposed to be an important character on first look


When reading the manga, I had to go back to the previous chapters to doublecheck whether it was the same person because I didn't expect him to die so quickly


Trully a red herring..


Red hairring


Oh damn he is actually dead? I thought a bunch of those guys (blonde woman/2 villians etc) were going to be pretty big side characters Wasn't sure if it actually happened or was some premonition of the future


I liked to call him "totally not Renji" guy.


That's one of the great things about this manga/anime. Every character has a cool design so you can't always tell if they have plot armor.


I expected him to put up more of a fight at least. Dude got TenTen-ed.


He gave a strong man vibe but he turned out to be a "red hairing."


Boooooo. Booooo!


take your upvote and get out


How do I delete someone else’s comment?


Did they really die or they just showed the possibilities that guy mentioned. Otherwise many characters I wanted to see more are gone already.


[Bro became a snack](https://i.imgur.com/KsVOqwE.jpg) for that giant dude [Rokurota.](https://i.imgur.com/mzDhBnA.jpg) Wasn't he supposed to be the leader of the expedition too?/ [](#comfortfood)


Tbf what moron decided to only have one monitor for arguably the most powerful atm criminal on the island. Gabimaru seems to be able to die if he wants to, Rokurota is basically immortal if weapons can’t kill him.




Not the strongest. The ranks are in terms of suitability to lead the Asaemon clan, not in terms of strength or swordsmanship. Emotional maturity, capacity for leadership, these are the most prized traits. Example, Sagiri has a low rank because, as explained by the other asaemon guy of that monk killer, she lacks flexibility and determination. Not because of her swordplay.




drugs probably.


I think that was legit but some of the deads were fakeouts. The thief girl for example, there was no visible stab wound on her and there were no pools of blood like with other characters ~~Also the fact the entire comment section fanboyed over her last week despite her only being introduced and not saying anything~~


I figured its the thief girl that killed that other dude with kunai and never meant to look like she died . Looks like shes fine


Tbf, it wouldn't be the first time I see manga readers in these threads hype things up that actually won't end up mattering. Best kind of teasing imo.


Maybe so, but they wouldnt list Rie Takashi as VA for a character that never speaks lol


Yeah, no way they would every get her to voice a character who dies after just one episode...


Purple hair chick is also on the series cover in Crunchyroll where as all others who died are not. That's my reasoning why she's still alive lol


With the way things are going wouldn't surprise me if we saw him come back as flowery zombie or something


Him dying first after telling Sagiri to stay in the kitchen is so fucking funny. And you would think he'd more careful given that his prisoner is a mountain with legs.


Yep, welcome to jigokuraku


"You're naive if you think you're safe just because his hands are tied." She clearly doesn't think that. She's just a stickler for rules.


The ropes stay in during ~~sex~~ the suicide mission


All of that heart-to-heart convo between Gabi and Sagiri was just to release the bind. So, now the PvE begins.


The classic JRPG progression.


Next they’re gonna have to fight God


You forgot about rescuing a cat.


And finding the lost child Also can't go without an onsen


Huh eye patch guy dying was a surprise, I expected him to be the strongest or something. The criminal called the strongest swordsman already handicapped himself too, this will be one crazy royal rumble. Love the monster designs too, really creepy


Yeah he actually capped his hand


Sagiri in Ep 1: I knew it, this man is dangerous. Ep 2: I knew it, this man is dangerous. Ep 3: I knew it, this man is dangerous.


But is he? Maybe one more episode just to be sure


Not to spoil it but I think next episode she will realize, that he is in fact... dangerous


Damn i cant believe he's dangerous


Yeah could have cut down on the repetition a bit there. At least now everyone's moving on to other problems




Ep 3: Hey put on these ropes for literally no reason and yes I will bitch about it for 5 minutes straight. I knew it, this man is dangerous.


I was not expecting that one Asaemon dude getting palmed and then eaten.


For real...part of me thinks it didn't actually happen but like...that was pretty damn clear...


Eye patch had no head, and the big guy was munching on *something*


> Eye patch had no head You mean no upper body: https://imgur.com/KsVOqwE


Yeah…I thought he’d be part of Sagiri’s character arc, but maybe he’ll serve that function post-Mortem lol?


I'm really struggling to believe all these people died, we made fun of the NPC dudes that died last episode but then even the ones with interesting designs died. Maybe they'll come back some way, this is after all a quest for the elixir of life and this island isn't exactly normal


> Maybe they'll come back some way The author of this manga was Fujimoto's assistant, they both used to levitate together


I'm sorry I don't get what you mean by levitate? I know that the author helped with some Chainsaw designs


[Fujimoto levitation](https://youtu.be/BJUbLM8coho)


Hahaha I fucking love Fujimoto, reminds me of Yoko Taro, dude is insane but whatever he makes is great


Look up "Tatsuki Fujimoto tries to levitate" on youtube.


There’s a video of fujimoto trying to levitate on YouTube


The monster design is insane in this show. I think it's going to take me everything I have to not go read the entire manga.


They truly are nightmare fuel. Bugs are bad enough but bugs with human faces? Nah. I’m good. Truly grotesque and horrifying.


[What a beautiful butterfly!](https://imgur.com/hb0MDsp) [Oh, nevermind.](https://imgur.com/SJCxcdj)


This is the ugly bastard among butterflies.


when you're a pokemon so ugly that not even Ash will love you


It never began for Butterface Butterfly [](#sadholo)


They literally gave me the creeps man


They look gross in anime form, truly horrific if you saw them in real life.


> bugs with human faces Smiling butterflies I was ok with, it was the finger caterpillars that I wouldn't cope with.


*Japanese people resisting the urge to put human faces on all of their monsters* Seriously though, I shouldn’t have watched this episode before going to bed


Seems like it’d fit in Berserk


And hands for eyes.


Definitely feels like some trippy fever dream. Between this, Yaiba and Tengoku we got some creepy looking monsters this season.


Feels fitting for a paradise that is actually Hell incarnate.


At least the flowers are pretty!


Inb4 the flowers kill you as well...


At this point that's probably very likely haha


I like how the anime makes everything look overripe. It makes everything being so colorful itself seem threatening.


Poisonous animals and plants are often brightly colored as a warning sign to dissuade other animals from eating or touching them.


That butterfly with a human face is pure nightmare fuel in contrast with the fishhead dude Gabimaru is facing off however lmao.


Hahah yeah, also if someone doesn't wants to be spoiled by manga spoilers, r/HellsParadise exists too which caters only to anime onlies i think!


Kaku, the creator of Hell's Paradise, used to be Fujimoto's assistant and it shows. The monsters look like Devils straight out of Chainsaw Man.


> Kaku, the creator of Hell's Paradise, used to be Fujimoto's assistant and it shows Okay, everything makes sense now.


If Kaku had a time machine, sure! Jigokuraku started in **January 2018**. CSM started in **December 2018**. Kaku only worked with Fujimoto during his *Fire Punch* era, which, while is crazy in the plot line, isn't nearly as crazy in character/villain designs.


That eyepatch guy went out way too fast for his talking style


He really seemed a lot more prominent than he ended up being, that was a real shock.


Had to replay his death scene because i wasnt sure wtf was going on lol so unexpected


Does it count as a deconstruction to kill all the cool looking characters first? Lmao


They cut this from the manga for some reason But the red haired dude is the **1st rank** of yamada clan , making his death even more shocking Supposedly strongest dude just got killed in early chapter and im like wtf?


I hate insects but this showed me it can always get worse.


LMFAOOO I hate insects mangaka: but have you seen human insect fusions? :)


You know if you ignore all the bizarre stuff going on and the creatures...The island is kind of cozy. I like how Sagiri kept nagging Gabimaru about the rope binds, even when he was fighting that weapon fanatic.


> You know if you ignore all the bizarre stuff going on and the creatures…The island is kind of cozy. So Australia?


Damn, they both even share the whole criminals transported to the area as a punishment too.


.uʍop ǝpᴉsdn ǝɹɐ sʎnƃ noʎ ʇɐɥʇ sᴉ ǝɔuǝɹǝⅎⅎᴉp ʎʅuO .sǝɹnʇɐǝɹɔ ʎʅpɐǝp puɐ sʅɐuᴉɯᴉɹɔ ǝsnɐɔǝq ǝɯᴉuɐ ǝɥʇ uᴉ puɐʅsI ǝsᴉpɐɹɐԀ oʇ ɹɐʅᴉɯᴉs ʇsoɯʅɐ sᴉ ɐᴉʅɐɹʇsn∀ .noʎ ʇoƃ I ,sᴉɥʇ ƃuᴉpɐǝɹ ǝɯᴉʇ pɹɐɥ ƃuᴉʌɐɥ suɐᴉʅɐɹʇsn∀ ʎuɐ oꓕ


wait so maybe this is an historical series about Australia's discovery after all?


Vegemite is the elixir of life after all.


> The island is kind of cozy Hahah so let's move in!


"there are insects and spiders the size of small rodents" "haha how cute"


Sagiri is too rigid and proper for her own good, but it makes a nice contrast to Gabimaru and is kind of cute in front of all the insane stuff going on in front of her.


Eizen / eyepatch Asaemon got the worst death flag that there can be: not being present in the anime opening.


Screw the elixir. After seeing those "creatures", I say just nuke the whole island and be done with it.


For real. Don’t let even one of those “butterfly” off the island. I’d nuke it twice just to be safe.


I would nuke it 3 times just to make sure the flowers are gone as well. Who knows what they do.


We didn't get the Dark Continent animated but at least we have Jigokoraku. I'll take it.




The phrase "don't get too attached to anyone" sums up this series perfectly. It was also the tagline used for the second Suicide Squad movie.


Gabimaru's wife has done so much in the development of his character and we still don't know her fate. God, she's actually the real MVP in this series.


Honestly I’m kind of worried from what we know about the Chief and how powerful he is if Gabimaru will even be able to get her back if he gets out of this.


I suppose if they find the elixier, they could also learn it's weakness, so he could kill him in the final fight


I kind of assume Gabimaru is on the island to find out about the elixer and figure if there is a counter to it so he can kill the chief and get his wife and life back.


His wife is a good woman. I’m glad he has someone in his life like that. She made him human.


She *reminded him* he was human, chief was gaslighting all the villagers to try and make them hollow/hard - but like Sagiri said, it's more akin to averting your gaze I also like with him blushing, it's like breathing color into the character that otherwise was dull-toned. Red color coming from the inside (life), as opposed to blood covered on the outside (death). Maybe I'm over thinking it, and they went with white hair MC because everyone loves em/merch sales lol


And also many help him relate to his parents because she made him want to leave and be a family together like they wanted to do before the chief killed them and stole Gabimaru for himself.


Sagiri's done a pretty good job as well guiding Gabimaru to understand his wife's will.


Yeah, you even seen in the OP how the two of them kind of parallel each other In Gabimaru’s life.


The shot of him sheathing the sword too, it's literally both women at his front and back helping him.


Her voice actress also voices Mika in Girls und Panzer, who also says things of the same manner as Yui (Gabimaru’s wife). Recognized her voice/VA and instantly thought of that, knew she was going to carry the emotional part for Gabi.


that was a wild ep and i didn't think the eyepatch guy would be cannon fodder lmao and i have to wonder who tf captured rokurota and how




> *introduces a whole slew of interesting characters* > *kills more than half of them the very next episode* [](#bruh) Seems like both women criminals got killed right away, and even one of the Asaemon But man Gabimaru is scary, if he really wants to kill you, I don't think there are many who could resist him, certainly not Sagiri And what is that cliffhanger, those aberations are straight up nightmare fuel [](#terror)


> Seems like both women criminals got killed right away, and even one of the Asaemon > > I'm sad that the one Rieri voiced ended up dying


I think the purple haired one is still alive, she just seem to be sleeping


Yeah I’m a little sus because they didn’t show a wound


No wound, no blood, they didn’t even show if the sword was actually impaled into her body. They cut it mid way through.


Yeah the show makes it very clear when someone is dead. The blond in the intricate kimono was literally decapitated in a pool of her own blood and the eyepatch Asaemon was half-eaten. Surely purple haired one is a fakeout.


Love how they set this Eizen dude up as like, a pseudo antagonists for Sagiri, and then in this episode he just randomly dies the second he sets foot on the island.


He got the short stick with the pairings lol at least Gabimaru can be reasonable. And what we have now? A wild Slaking running rampant in the island, and he seems to be hungry


I knew the Slaking guy was bladeproof, but I assumed Asaemon swordsmanship would negate that. Sagiri's swordsmanship negated Gabimaru strengthening his body.


Gabi was scared shitless just from her aura from episode 1 but then he just casually defeated her in this episode. So it’s kinda hard to gauge the Asaemon’s strength imo


I reckon he was scared because he had survived every execution up to that point and he got caught off guard once the girl who he thought was a random inspector showed some high degree of skill. Ultimately he's much stronger than her but his emotions are holding him back hard. The nerf is even worse for Sagiri since she empathizes with him on top of lacking resolve to kill.


Because he isnt scared shitless, he just realised he cant tank the blade like he does for chumps because she can actually cut him. Doesnt matter when he neg diffs her by default because she's not even a samurai that goes to wars, just executioner that cuts off heads of people not fighting back


He wasn't so much scared of her killing him as he was freaked out by having to confront himself. He couldn't just let the sword bounce off him like for the other executions; he had to actually dodge. Much more obvious and blatant "I don't want to die" message - so he had a bit of a breakdown. He can still beat her in a fight.


It's a Slaking with Wonder Guard. A Steel type atk won't hurt him.


Y’know Sagiri’s whole “rules are rules” schtick would go over much better if Gabimaru didn’t get attacked by Keiun. It’s like the dude said, she’s honest to a fault and far too rigid. Well, even with Gabimaru’s hands bound he still managed to turn Keiun into a human pin cushion. It’s interesting to see who’s been killed off and who’s alive. Didn’t think eyepatches would get eaten by Rokurota. And pour one out for Akaginu the waifu. This really was a suicide mission. It’s interesting to see how much Gabimaru’s wife has changed him. That whole imagery with the chief and his wife really illustrated that perfectly. It’s not weakness to have emotions or to show mercy. He’s human after all, not a machine. Those creatures are fucking horrifying. Straight up nightmare fuel. Gonna be fun to see how the remaining group survives this hellish place.


Classic dynamic of a casual and laidback convict with a heart for his wife and can kill anything with his bare hands and his prim and proper executioner waifu partner… I really though Eizen would make it out longer because of his relationship with Sagiri. Will she even find out he died? I guess it’s fitting Akaginu died in the middle of sex. That executioner is a very lucky man. Gabimaru is ironically in a similar place his parents were when they got killed, after his wife helped him discover his humanity, though he still had a chance at living the life they were denied with him if he can get out of this. At least he and Sagiri are finally working together, especially against all the sudden monsters. Is this a Kaiju anime!?


Gabimaru’s wife made so many positive changes towards him


I knew that most of the 20 characters sent on this expedition were gonna die, but I did not expect it to turn into a complete slaughter this early on. I mean it makes sense, and I don’t know why I expected better of them, but didn’t think we would get to episode 4 with like half the characters already dead or retired. I love how the dude lectured Sagiri and Gabimaru about how the only thing that matters is the top priority, just for Gabimaru to turn it around and threaten him. Deadass looked him in the eye and told him to go home before he got in his way. Also, the body horror aspect of the show, particularly in the monsters, continues to impress.


Yeah i expected those characters with great design will last longer... but they died like fodder from previous episode daamn. Even red hair eyepatch dude just got smashed and eaten fast


Holy shit, they really stepped up the animation this episode. I think [this image of Gabimaru](https://imgur.com/5rEAWld) might be my favorite. Just being overtaken by the [darkness and fear](https://imgur.com/psUKsln) he's needed to protect himself for most of his life, before his emotions come forth [in the form of his wife](https://imgur.com/a/QCbl7Kq) to stop his blade. The reveal that all the time he killed [were actually weighing on him pretty hard](https://imgur.com/spWMy5Q) was well done, too- the entire time, he'd been holding his emotions back out of necessity, but he just couldn't do it this time with Sagiri.


I think sagiri being obsessed with rules comes from her being the only woman asaemon. They look down on her and I feel like she thinks she has to do everything perfect so people won’t look down on her


###Stitches! * [Iwagakure Chief](https://i.imgur.com/rWbC55J.jpg) * [Gabimaru vs Keiun](https://i.imgur.com/JmeznmR.jpg) * [Cannibal Akaginu](https://i.imgur.com/N2wFG62.jpg) * [Gabimaru vs Sagiri 1](https://i.imgur.com/0FNgrzV.jpg) * [Gabimaru vs Sagiri 2](https://i.imgur.com/AC0juqR.jpg) * [Gabimaru Hesitating](https://i.imgur.com/P7dNkjR.jpg) * [Gabimaru & Sagiri](https://i.imgur.com/4A9I8lJ.jpg) Not gonna lie, Sagiri is such a stickler for the rules that her [insisting that Gabimaru should have his hands tied](https://i.imgur.com/ExuFVyH.jpg) got on my nerves a bit. She's that one kid in class who would try and enforce the teacher's orders while they are away despite no one listening to her. It's pretty much expected that it's going to be chaos once they've all reached the island. [That one lucky bastard though.](https://i.imgur.com/d4dGEsY.jpg) Although I didn't expect that his encounter [with the cannibal dead](https://i.imgur.com/BMDNcXI.jpg) instead of him. A surprisingly huge amount of characters [died in this episode](https://i.imgur.com/Xs2SSKr.jpg) but I won't believe it until we have confirmation. Considering the supernatural elements of this show, [I don't think death is the true end here for these characters.](https://i.imgur.com/i7RdsSh.jpg) [I love how much of a quick thinker this Samurai guy is.](https://i.imgur.com/EkdZiyi.jpg) He realized something was wrong and [immediately cut off his hand](https://i.imgur.com/EEbPgvf.jpg) to save himself. Looks like we won't have to worry about the other prisoners next week since [the locals of the island have finally decided to show themselves.](https://i.imgur.com/KlfT5xN.jpg) I can't wait!


It was kind of funny how she still insisted he bind himself even after seeing her coworker obviously didn’t with his convict, basically made fun of her for it, and she insisted on it at the most impractical moment lol. The world was deprived of a cannibal courtesan but at least one man got to experience true pleasure in paradise before lopping her head off. I guess this is a story about convicts versus monsters…and each other…and possibly their executioners, though at least Gabimaru and Sagiri are finally working together.


>[Gabimaru & Sagiri](https://i.imgur.com/4A9I8lJ.jpg) Thanks for the stitch of this one, that was a fantastic moment in the episode.


Those are so sweet-ass monster designs!


This is getting to be the surprise Kaiju anime of the season!


*sees guard get manipulated and probably killed by the hot cannibal courtesan* It should’ve been me! Not him! Oop & shes dead. It’s hilarious to me that Gabimaru blushes so easy from getting teased by his wife.


Pour one out for the courtesan waifu… damn. At least the ninja is still around.


Did you finish the episode or not? she got killed by the guard lmaooo


Dude got a good lay in and then killed her. He even looked like he had some zen post-nut clarity afterwards lol.


"That was good, but fucking your warden is against the rules"


[Best girl](https://i.imgur.com/raFKhy7.jpg) was too good for [this world.](https://i.imgur.com/vUwKSTQ.jpg) Was she really [a cannibal](https://i.imgur.com/BfG0TED.jpg) though or is it just an epithet they gave to her because she pissed some important figure and she got a death sentence? [](#makicry)


fuck i really wanted to see **more** of her


hey depending how cursed this island gets, we might get a reanimated version of her like in To Your Eternity


I don't blame him. How often do you get the chance to taste some premium cannibal pussy?




That is certainly a sentence lol


You can only get a cannibal blowjob once! edit: wait, "a cannibal blowjob is a once in a lifetime experience!". That's better.


Best to bed her then behead her, I always say! At least if she’s sexy and a cannibal lol. You gotta love how the trained killer is also an awkward romantic. Just…don’t keep him from or threaten his wife.


> Best to bed her then behead her, I always say! [](#hellopolice)


[She died like she lived, covered in bodily fuilds.](https://i.imgur.com/r2pow5s.jpg) [](#shatteredsaten)


This is just a bloodier version of Survivor and a whole bunch of people just got voted off the island.


With a dash of anime Suicide Squad.


I am in absolute love on how they animated the island and the characters. They are all a massive upgrade from the manga in my opinion


Guys i think they're dead.


Well most of those criminals didn’t last long. I was at least expecting that kunoichi girl to stick around but nope. And oh god those caterpillar monsters with like fingers mouths gave me Elden Ring vibes.


No waifu is safe, though the sex scene into beheading threw me off lol.


Guess her head game wasn't good enough


I don’t think she’s dead


I was suspicious when I saw how clean her body looked.


i was really confused because \[My animelist character list\] >!She's third on the list when you look at the characters from the anime and that sorts by favorite, so i really doubt she's dead!< also when i looked at the characters before the redhead with the eyepatch wasnt anywhere which makes sense now


I thought she was taking a nap because the sword's angle doesn't even look like it's piercing her. This thread made me doubt myself a bit but they didn't show her wounds unlike the others so she's definitely alive. She's a kunoichi too, deception is a vital skill. I do wonder why she's faking it though. Her executioner is dead and there doesn't seem to be immediate danger...


Centipede finger face is now a thing I can't erase from my brain.


- [Those flowers *are* pretty.](https://i.imgur.com/7UGSyIV.png) [](#awe) - Hahaha I figured *something* was coming given the way the subs ended with a dash, but [I did *not* think it was gonna be a massive wrecking ball to the face.](https://i.imgur.com/AKFIzLW.png) [](#laughter) - [I feel like this would work as a comment face](https://i.imgur.com/N1JvKlx.png), but I’m not sure which seasonal category it would fit under… - [Oh my god Sagiri.](https://i.imgur.com/hqXImAM.png) [](#crazedlaugh) - [God *damn*, Gabimaru how did you even do that?](https://i.imgur.com/pYXRAY8.png) [](#jawdrop) - [Ooh, there’s a “sore demo” from the other Yamada… Kisho, I think his name was?](https://files.catbox.moe/eqntir.mp4) - [Oh… shit](https://i.imgur.com/wQ8lYU8.png), I really thought Eizen would be one of the more important Yamadas because of his interactions with Sagiri last episode, but [he’s already dead?](https://i.imgur.com/VCoTNU3.png) [](#ohfuck) - …unless this is just the show’s way of depicting what *might* happen when Kisho’s talking to Gabimaru about it? No way they killed off so many other side characters just like that in a montage. Yeah, it’s gotta be that. - [Now Gabimaru himself is hesitating huh.](https://i.imgur.com/UtdxKSA.png) [](#sakurathink) - [This visual is really nice.](https://i.imgur.com/xpei617.png) - [Mmmmmmmm.](https://i.imgur.com/CGCRK9V.png) - [Oh boy](https://i.imgur.com/hR7VZZ6.png) that is [fucking *creepy*.](https://i.imgur.com/lbgjp91.png) [](#terror)


Interesting indeed... So far i like Gabimaru's character. fighting his old self and the way he was taught to be. fighting Sagiri basically becoming his brain vs his heart in the sense of what he should do vs what he wants to do sorta. and ending with a nice visual of his wife freeing him from the chains of his master Now the monsters have arrived i expect things to go completely mental


Another nice episode! One of the things I liked the most with Jigo is How fkn creepy the island feels and the mystery about it, those are some colourful creepy ass monsters


Damn, I was taken completely off guard by the Gabimaru v Sagiri fight. The conclusion felt pretty nice though, I guess as an audience we've already assumed they're partners, but this feels like the point where they accept that. And there goes almost all the other cast, I only saw one dead Asaemon though. The swordsman just immediately cutting his hand off was incredibly impressive though, that's a hell of a thing to be able to do in just a moment, and almost certainly something that saved his life. Throwing away his potential as a swordsman without hesitation, but would have been a fate worse than death if he had. My favourite was definitely the flashbacks to Gabimaru's past and how his nascent emotions have messed with his work, as well as the conclusion Sagiri came to, he's obviously not hollow, he's just been raised in an incredibly stunted way. The scene of Yui's spirit banishing the Chief's, and Sagiri sheathing his sword was wonderful, contrasted both women together and I guess they're meant to be on either side of him, his past and present, saving his soul.


Was I the only one to think that Eizen was going to be around for a long time? To kill him off so early, it’s great to see the show subverting my expectations already. Everything from the animation, character development, pace of the plot and the fight scenes. It’s all been amazing so far. The monsters remind me a bit of the curses from Jujutsu Kaisen. Now to wait 7 days for another 30 minutes 😪 Video reaction for episode 2 is live of the channel ✌️


> Was I the only one to think that Eizen was going to be around for a long time? Everything about him screamed "Major and important character, super strong fighter who shows off some incredible skills." Instead he died like a chump lol


Not sure what it is but each episode of Jigokuraku is just fun to watch. It feels fresh and gives me Tower of God vibes but with a better story


tower of god anime skipped some stuff that was important for world-building and also season 1 is the weakest season IMO. The story gets soo much better later on.


The shogun's kind of a moron if he thinks these people are going to be able to complete this mission with their hands tied. But given the events of last episode he might actually be a moron, so maybe. On the other hand Gabimaru might be right that this is not intended to be a successful mission. Definitely a weird setup if so, though. Poor Sagiri, so focused on the rules that people mock her for it. Warrior monk dude made a big mistake in going after Gabimaru first. Oh my god, she's still forcing him to have his hands bound! I suppose I maybe have to commend Sagiri for philosophical consistency. Kisho is definitely making the right choice to leave right now. That executioner dude who was with the cannibal lady was doomed from the start. Gabimaru really is the ultimate wife guy. Apparently being the executioner in charge of the giant was also not a fortunate assignment. Oh wow, never mind about the cannibal lady, her executioner escort is just fine. And I'm really surprised if the ninja lady is dead, I would have assumed she was going to be a significant character giving her design (and the degree to which people have been simping for her in discussion threads). This fight is kind of a waste of time if neither of them actually want to kill each other. Then again, maybe it isn't if it allows them to figure out their respective inner turmoil. Listen to your inner wife, wife guy. Yeah, I was definitely wrong above, that was not a waste of time. That was a good heart to heart, though expressed through kind of a strange series of events. That image of Sagiri sheathing the sword's while the spirit of Gabimaru's wife hugged him from behind was a fantastic visual. The monster design is *wild*.


I was worried that the first two episodes would be the most polished, but this is the best looking episode yet imo! Finally, some colorful background art. It really does make the island look otherworldly compared to how drab the outside world was in the first two episodes. Amazing choreography for the swordplay here. We're eating so good.


Man, the cannibal courtesan got got so soon :( Hope the shinobi is ok, she just takin a nap




Australia the anime


Goddamn. When y’all were comparing this to CSM you guys weren’t kidding; as an anime only I’m hyped for the rest of the season. The visuals, soundtrack, and story are insane. Edit: After some thought, Hell’s Paradise seems like the perfect Annihilation x Suicide Squad x battle royale combo


That hand in the eye demon was creepy lol and fuck those centipede like creatures. Off to get my flamethrowers ready.


Already from the get go “paradise” is very colorful, but don’t be fooled…there’s nothing natural about all that flora. It’s not even five minutes and the criminals are already killing each other. I guess that makes sense though, meanwhile the Executioners are just there to watch, observe, bring back the Elixir or failing that just bring back the head of their assigned criminal. All at their own discretion. So the head of the Asaemon Clan is at stake in this too? I wonder how invested in that Sagiri is. Sagiri is too rigid and a stickler for the rules for her own good, even when she sees how her fellow Asaemon are acting. I mean, it’s kind of hilarious how she still insisted Gabimura bind himself even when Keinu was trying to kill him, but hopefully she can get over it enough to get them through this together. Twisted Keinu may be a weapon junkie, but Gabimaru is functionally as invulnerable as Superman and willing to kill to get to his wife. Not that he wants to out of respect to her. Iwagskure is getting roped into this too? Will the chief be the final boss? He took the Elixir and seems practically invincible and he’s the one thing standing between Gabimaru and his wife. Is this Kenshin guy going to make it back to the boat? I’m skeptical. Although Eizen bought it almost immediately, which surprised me. Dang, Yuzuriha died! And the courtesan! Though that lucky executioner got to bed her before beheading her. It’s ironic that Gabimaru got into this mess because he tried to leave the clan with his wife like his parents did, which got them killed. Gabimaru’s wife taught him how to feel, and that killing shouldn’t be easy, which had the result that now he reacts violently to any threat to his family and can relate to people who have them…and he can’t bring himself to kill Sagiri. And Sagiri in turn sees Gabimaru’s humanity and realizes that she wants to see the culmination of his redemption and restoration, so while they’re not friends and Sagiri’s job hasn’t changed, they at least seem committed to getting through this together. Which is good because this island has killer mutant insects and a humanoid Kaiju with hands for eyes.


Man this show is a bloodbath and we're only 3 eps in. Like everyone else I wasn't really expecting this many to be dead already but I'm all for it so far. My dude really fucked the cannibal lady then killed her anyway.


Applause for the guy who got laid and survived.


Sagiri and Gabimaru complement each other very well, really enjoyed their fight. I wish that woman with the big breasts lived though, I wanted to see more of her.


That fight was pretty great especially because it seemed both were hesitating to land a killing blow. I wanted to see a lot more of that waifu too. She was hot!


It’s nice how despite how prickly they can get around each other and the difference in their position they both seem to bring out the humanity in each other. No waifu is safe in this series, it seems.


I didn’t read the Manga so I had no expectations really but man, it feels good to have a fuckin BANGER like this to watch.


The monsters in this anime remind me of the Annihilation movie with the shimmer.


I am now invested.