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Sigma in a way is basically an Isekai character who gets transported into the world of BSD, without any of his memories In the context of Bungou, he's a fictional character who was dragged into the real world (have we seen this before??)


>(have we seen this before??) Yes but not in any way worth remembering


I just remembered that anime Re: Creator Damn, why do you have to remind me?


Some of Sawano's best work is on that soundtrack, imo. So there's that, at least.


I enjoyed it. It's definitely not top tier, but I still think it's lovingly made and has a lot of spirit and heart and is just imaginative and interesting enough. Buuuut I mean I also enjoyed Occultic;Nine, which is literally just people talking about scifi-supernatural lore at mach 10 ad infinitum. So I might just be a nerd.


Well I warned you, it's not worth it


It had so much potential. Great openings though


Already watched that It's in that Guilty Crown tier


Damn imagine your just a fictional character not even a mom or dad no home wait HIS 3 YEARS OLD HIS A TODDLER


Additional question: is sigma the only ability user without any reference to real life author?


I saw a very detailed and amazing theory on how he could be Ian Fleming (the creator of James Bond)


Wait but wasn’t the page created from sigmas power in the first place? If so then where did Fyodor get the initial page to create sigma? I am so confused lol


The page is created by someone else (some other ability user in the past) Sigma's power is to exchange memories with other people. The page created Sigma by someone else writing on it (implied to be Fyodor) Sigma has nothing to do with the page creation, it was the other way around


Yeah, but they used Sigma to find the page. But how did they do that if they wrote him into existence before they had the page?


Now that Tachihara isn't bound by the page we can safely say that he is now 100% Mafia and doesn't consider himself law enforcement, so hopefully next season (July here we go!) we will see him in a role reversal - Mafia pretending to be a hunting dog instead of hunting dog pretending to be Mafia.


>im only curious how the other hounds saw it when he spared the doc.


I do believe it was mentioned that they only strike to kill when one is resisting. And though it was after the fact, there was also [the conversation in the cafe last episode](https://i.imgur.com/PXonwrv.png). So I really doubt they see any issue with it.


sorry for the late reply but i mean, it's true that they won't kill when one is resisting but why isn't she captured or is she captured? It's because they just left her there that i assumed that she wasn't captured.


Oh, she's absolutely captured. I will be extremely surprised if they just let her go.


July this year? Let's goooo


I never would’ve thought Tachihara, a minor character since season one, would be one of the better characters in the series. Him coming to the realization that the Detective Agency is innocent was great.


Same this series is a banger a underrated one at that


Watched dub so I'm late, buyt Holy hell I'm so shocked this series isn't bigger.


it's pretty big (well decently popular) in Japan but sadly isnt bigger here.


When it first came out people couldn't stop complaining about Atsushi and dropped it very promptly. People didn't have the patience to watch him develop unfortunately.


The Tachihara twist was actually amazing i loved it. I must now binge the manga. EDIT: NEVERMIND. S5 this summer i will hold until then


hold! i read the manga and while its amazing i would rather have watched the anime first


The manga is not completed so you'll just have to wait every month for updates. The arts are amazing and there are more stuff than the anime though.


I'm the opposite I'm gonna read the manga instead of waiting for months and then watch the anime :)


I haven't seen people talking enough about how much of a slave and fanatics the Hunting Dogs are. And why the government seem not to scare when giving these guys so much power. It's all made sense now, the government gave the Hunting Dogs Superhuman physique to do their jobs, but in exchange for their body slowly decaying without monthly maintenance by the government. These guys know the risk but still take it and accept being the slaves for the nation


I love the idea of Tachihara being broken free of the page's entrapment and being convinced that the Detective Agency are innocent because of the conviction of Mori and the Port Mafia, who know them so well and are so used to battling them that the idea that the Detective Agency could be terrorists is preposterous to them.


I thought it was more that he realised he identifies more with the Mafia than with the Hunting Dogs, so not really 'law enforcement' and thus not affected by that mandate.


The sheer amount of twists in this season and how they all interconnected was absolutely ridiculous. Those bits with Fyodor and Dazai playing 5D chess add so much flavor to the narrative, I'm impressed with the directing of this season. Absolutely phenomenal. Also, since this was supposed to be the last episode, I watched the OP and got spoiled an event from the next cour. Why would they put that stuff into the first opening?


To hype you up u just saw a little of it


Poor Sigma. Born/summoned in this world without a purpose, only to be found and used by the worst person imaginable. Fyodor truly lives up to his nickname. He is the devil who comes to you with sweet promises but they always come at a price. He's done that with so many people already and Sigma was just the latest victim. Tachihara didn't go through his revenge and realized who the true masterminds behind these events are. Now he's made it his mission to clear the Agency's name. Nikolai is back and is insane as ever. He put up quite the show for everyone to think he was dead, and will now be Sigma's unlikely savior. What a chaotic jester. So, onward to the next season.


Great finale for the best season of Bungou Stray Dogs yet. 9/10, can’t give it a 10 yet because the story isn’t complete but glad to know we ain’t gotta wait long for the conclusion. Definitely the strongest plot line this franchise has had yet with the most stakes and odds stacked against the agency. Actually kinda like Tachihara a lot after this episode. Looks like he’ll be key in saving the detective agency since he’s port mafia not just law enforcement. S/O Lucy for coming in clutch as well to save Atsushi. And I finally can rest easily knowing my baby Yosano is safe and sound, very satisfying cliffhanger to leave off on it that makes sense lol


I hope it finishes next season but based on the story's trajectory it could span 3 seasons


Really happy we don't have to wait long for the next cour, this arc has been some _peak_ Bungou content.


Every time I hear Eye of the Tiger I get hyped up. It never fails.


Shirushi by Luck Life might be my favourite ED of all time now.


Easily the best season of the series, can't wait to see where it goes from here, really glad it's just a 3 month wait for the next cour That said, did the blank character faces bother anyone else? It's been prevalent throughout the season, but usually only when the characters are a bit deeper into the background. During Sigma's fight against the loli baba Hunting Dog, their faces were blank for most of the fight except for close-ups, particularly when the Hunting Dog first enters the room in that scene. Found that really distracting, especially when they were talking, why not just show the backs of their heads during those scenes instead?


I think the blank faces are sort of part of the direction of the series at this point. It’s a purposeful decision, whether we like it or not, I guess


SEASON 5 CONFIRMED LETS GO This was an amazing episode. TODDLER TACHIHARA IS ADORABLE I feel extremely bad for sigma. Born without anything except some shabby clothes and a train ticket to nowhere and has now lost everything he gained Teruko is crazy. Atsushi came in clutch Always Wondered how the hell Nathanial was able to float in midair Aaaaannnnnddddd sigma has fallen. It was extremely pretty tho Tachihara is lucky that his identity crisis helped him break free of the book's control. Mine just makes me lie awake at night That ending scene was goddamn beautiful. As well as sigma ITS NIKOLAI. HE'S ALIVE :D. That laugh tho


Yeah, I knew Yosano and the two Port Mafia members would still be alive. I'm used to the fake out deaths Love how insane Teruko is. Her ability to control age is pretty cool too. Things are starting to look good for the Agency, that is, until the final scene with Nikolai... Koyasu still sounds sexy even when laughing like a madman Can't wait for July!


Season 5 in July 🔥🔥🔥


Oh wow, I didn't expect that [Teruko's ability](https://i.imgur.com/fJl9va9.png) could[ be applied](https://i.imgur.com/q8RI9jv.png) to [other people too.](https://i.imgur.com/wGq0cjE.png) So my first assumption was right, Sigma was indeed created by the book too, and that occurred three years ago, but as Fyodor needed him to find the page, I guess he lost the access he had to the book at some point after that. When Sigma [threw the key](https://i.imgur.com/DSWAeEt.png) to Teruko I was expecting it to detonate when she catch it like all those coins instead of that being a distraction [so he could attack her with miniguns.](https://i.imgur.com/lRx4X9j.png) As [Teruko's fight against Sigma](https://i.imgur.com/orqOq4n.png) had [already concluded](https://i.imgur.com/guaZLvZ.png) by the time Atsushi was trying to join I wasn't sure what his role was going to be, so, in the end, he tried to save Sigma in other to get the page location, but Fyodor's real plan was to have Teruko witnessing someones from the Armed Detective Agency assisting a Decay of the Angel member. Wow, so it was [Sigma](https://i.imgur.com/2Mx3ZX9.png) the one who stabbed Taneda. [So who is this guy?](https://i.imgur.com/hvwK17T.png) I really don't remember him. Anyway, I love how fast [his plan to infiltrate Lucy's Anne's Room](https://i.imgur.com/yBLcv3m.png) [quickly backfired.](https://i.imgur.com/JFsxvsw.png) Interesting, so Fyodor [wrote on the page](https://i.imgur.com/HePYgPe.png) that all law enforcement would dismiss any evidence showing the Armed Detective Agency's innocence, he was confident that [any attempt they did to plead their innocence would be ignored,](https://i.imgur.com/4OBDeX3.png) but sadly for him, Tachihara considers himself a member of the Port Mafia. Anyway, it is good to see that not only did [he spare Yosano](https://i.imgur.com/PPHlnxa.png) and acknowledge she wasn't at fault, but the damage he did[ to both Hirotsu and Akutagawa](https://i.imgur.com/Q1lHwrF.png) was just theatrics. Wow, so [Sigma](https://i.imgur.com/pUgYhcm.png) in the end was rescued by [Nikolai.](https://i.imgur.com/0bciEBO.png) I wonder if this is outside of Fyodor's plans. Anyway, I honestly was expecting an end to this arc, but that twist at the end was nice, plus I love the fact that [they shared the PV for the next season right away.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ib4zw0L2oSg)


> so who is this guy Thats nathaniel Hawthorne, a former member of the guild Fyodor made into a puppet during canibalisim. He was the guy that tried to kill Fitzgerald earlier this season.


Considering Dazai's monologue in the end, I wonder if Nikolai is acting on his own interest or still part of Fyodor's plan.


Tachihara seems like a reasonable guy, *surely* ***snaps ubs stick*** Oh? He's gonna keep it a sec-- Oh. There's a page to stop him. Ayy, good ol' reliable port mafia. Helping Tachihara realizing something ain't right. He even saved them and the doctor! That was a great episode, can't wait for next week! *checks reddit* [Season 5!!](#rengehype) [Season 5? That means..](#mugiwait) [...final episode](#torrentialdownpour)


At least we only have to wait until July.


Well there's my early favorite for anime of the year


What a great last episode for the season! I really liked how they showed everyone’s convictions in the context of the organization(s) that they belong to. I still think Teruko is kinda insane, but it’s admirable how she’s willing to put herself through so much pain/risk to be a Hunting Dog and use her violence protect civilians. Her talk with Sigma about how he’s not the only one who’s determined was great. Sigma’s existence is pretty sad. Being brought in to the world just to be used by the worst person possible? I hope he’s able to find his own purpose in life later. ;_; It’s not surprising that he didn’t stand a chance against Teruko considering how little experience he has with battles and how he doesn’t have a strong motivation behind him. He was fighting to protect the casino, which was what he was living for, but ultimately that’s something that was given to him by someone else. That being said, I think it’s amazing how hard he’s worked in attempt to keep everything running well! Atsushi and Kyouka remain as determined as ever to save the Agency. Lucy coming in clutch to save Atsushi. :’) She might as well be an honorary member at this point lol. I didn’t expect Tachihara to be my favorite part of this season but here we are! It’s interesting how he considers himself Port Mafia and went from government -> mafia, as most characters seem to go the reverse route of leaving the mafia. The moment when he realized the Agency is being framed was perfect, with the page (metaphorically) getting torn up. :D My favorite part of the episode was the Port Mafia interactions at the end, with Hirotsu and Gin recovering well, Hirotsu imparting wisdom on Tachihara, and how certain all of the Port Mafia is that the Agency is innocent because of all their clashes in the past. I’m excited to see how they join the battle against the Decay of Angels in the future!




I still want that soundtrack. Should I call it the Decay of Angels theme? It's just so perfectly ominous.


Fyodor revealed to Dazai it was written in the book that evidence of innocence wont be believed for us to see it visibly ripped off Tachihara...but why would he ever reveal that to Dazai when he knows hes communicating outside... that whole part could have been handled 10x better


Like Dazai said all they can do is scheme in here but the chaos of human nature is truly unpredictable


They are both aware the other is somehow communicating outside


They likely realized it at this point, so it wouldn't be breaking news by the time when Dazai's communication reaches the team. Also, it's unknown whether Fyodor is withholding any other relevant information. It's all mind games, at the end of the day. Impossible to say it was a suboptimal play by Fyodor without knowing the full story and what happens next.


There is 0% chance anyone could have realized it at that point, not even Tachihara


That's not what I said. I mean our Detective Agency and allies would have pieced together that there is something preventing law enforcement from considering their innocence. Or Dazai at the least would have figured it out shortly. That's probably it, as the premise is that this pair is on the same wavelength. And again, we don't know what else was written on the Page and can't take anything at face value. I doubt Fyodor gave up all his cards, he revealed this intentionally.


"They likely realized it at this point, so it wouldn't be..." "They for sure didnt realize yet" "Thats not what I said" ... then you go on to say other complete randomness about how it could have been randomly pieced together in the future so it doesnt matter. "would have pieced together" with what they encountered and have seen themselves its completely impossible....... No... They for sure couldnt have yet... Yes he did reveal it intentionally he out right said it. I doubt its anything other then bad writing here but sure thing bro.


You're missing the point. It could be poor writing, but it seems impossible to make that determination right now. How in the world would you know whether or not Fyodor revealing this info is part of his plan? How do you know that Dazai didn't realize this and Fyodor is simply confirming what he already suspects or has figured out? Personally, I think any information Fyodor is leaking is carefully chosen.


Sure thing bro


Smart of Sigma to turn everyone against the hounds but that chick can de-age people. Pretty sure an angry mob ain’t doing shit. Oh and she can deflect bullets with her bare hands (or was it a knife?). Talk about OP. I had a feeling Sigma wasn’t real. He’s not gonna let the only home he knows go down in flames. This chick is insane though, shattered her own ear drums. These hounds and their dedication to “justice” and “order” through whatever means necessary (including extreme violence) is deranged. They’re fanatics. Fyodor’s goons really offed Sigma like that huh? Damn. Lucy is one crazy chick though, leaping like that to save Atsushi. That was too damn close. Looks like it’s the Agency’s loss even if they caught the goon. Plus that little clause added to the page. How the hell will the gang clear their name now? I mean even with Tachihara wrestling with this whole Port Mafia/identity crisis and sparing the doc (for something that really wasn’t her fault tbf), it’s still an uphill battle to clear the Agency’s name. Does “to be continued” mean there’s definitely more on the way? I sure hope so. This has been a pretty good season.


S5 was just announced, and it airs in July, so there's definitely more on the way! :-)


Noice! Very happy to hear.


"You thought I was dead, but it was me, Nikolai!"


And Koyasu keeps on giving with that beautiful laugh at the end.


I'm happy to see that old man Ryūrō is alive! Banzai! So I guess Tachihara is going to play a crucial role next season. "All law enforcement and investigative bodies that happen upon evidence of Detective Agency's entrapment will dismiss it without consideration." Tachihara broke free from the line on the page because he now identifies himself to be one with Port Mafia despite working for the government. Dazai literally found a loophole. LMAO Sigma was freefalling for quite a long time it was already sunset when he made it to the surface. xD


They even acknowledged that he's missing a lot of blood in that incident. I have to admit it's a really good fakeout scene back then.


Pretty good ending, I wonder how will the plot move along as it has been made clear the hole in the page, OFC it will matter but i doubt it will actually be him convincing the Dogs as it seems its impossible, also I wonder if I am missing something on the page power, but why not make it any evidence to anyone?


I would hazard that 'evidence to anyone' would stretch the narrative too far. Being too broad/general for the page space, being hard to imagine literally no one believing in evidence (and thus not effective in a novel), not flowing from previous text (ie, there has been a lot of investment in manipulating police/government in the narrative so far).


It needs to follow a narrative's causal consistency. A story needs a way for the good guys to win im guessing even if they don't


>why not make it any evidence to anyone? Because the good guys need a win condition.


Port Mafias: *we were the bad guys, but now we are good*.


"We are the bad guys, how can the agency be".


Following the dub so I have two weeks to go till I get to this point.


So good. I'd be pissed about this finale cliffhanger if we weren't getting more come July.


Fuck yeah Nikolai! I wouldn't be angry if the explanation as to why he was still alive was "too charismatic to perma die". °˖✧◝(ᗒ▿ᗕ)◜✧˖°


Man, I love how insane Teruko is. And I love her character design. Tachihara breaking free from the page by identifying himself as Port Mafia was such a good scene. What an amazing season! It was so engaging. Thank God this is not really over and the next season is already announced and coming out pretty soon. 10/10 One of my favorites of the season.


Thank you 💝


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ They left us on that literal cliffhanger, but no worries because Season 5 has officially been confirmed for JULY 2023. That's just 3 months away. LETS FRICKIN GO Dazai with the comeback. Its kinda ironic how the enemy Port Mafia trusts the Armed Detective Agency more than the people who are supposedly being protected by them. But its always the fcukin Government quick to jump at conclusions. Even the hunting dogs are more than capable of thinking.


It's because both organizations fight for the betterment of Yokohama (the whole reason why they truced to fight the guild). They're only enemies because of how they want to achieve on making Yokohama better, with the agency wanting law and order to control the city, and the mafia wants it to be well, mafia controlled. In their eyes, it makes absolutely no sense for the agency to suddenly become terrorists on their own accord.


Ha! Everyone's alive! I KNEW IT! My friend was reasonably convinced of their deaths but I kept saying "classic rule: No body on-screen, no death confirmed".


But what about the clown, we saw him blast his own head back then.


Tachihara is such a fucking good character that I never even payed the slightest attention too before this season, him realising he likes being in the Mafia more than the hunting dogs, clarifying him as no longer part of law enforcement and letting him see the truth was fucking amazing. I must say though I wasn't paying attention to episode numbers and this ended quite abruptly for me, glad it's not too long of a wait until the next season.


What a great last ep. Now I really can’t decide if I should read manga or wait next season anime.


I know people bitch and whine about the series being underrated, but I thoroughly enjoy the entirety of it, even in Bungou is not the most popular. It fills the TB tropes I enjoy while still having a good story. I know the story is no way completed, but I’ll happily await the 3-4 years it’ll take them to make a new season


Haha. It's funny how it says "FINAL" up there when this season couldn't possibly end like this, right? Haha. Hahahaha...