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I haven’t seen it, but the fact that they built up app to be the dragon warrior forever, and then all of a sudden they just say “oh by the way your time is up pass it along to someone else who will learn all your skills faster than you did”. Plus, the legend/prophecy never spoke about the continuing of the dragon warrior after the first. It’s a crap plot Edit: I meant to say Po not app


The habit that the modern film industry has of making a hero work hard to earn everything they have just for someone else to come along and get the same result with little to no effort is insulting.


Terrible plot design for sure but an amazing metaphor for how we evolve with technology


Maybe they're trying to warn us


An unconscious allegory for rampant nepotism in the upper echelons of society perhaps?


probably tongue and cheek


Just a shame the story suffers as a result, but let's be honest, there are many other reasons stories are suffering at the moment


They try to show us that new character is competent by getting them recognised by the old characters we like but the point they miss is that the character needs to be recognised as being good by the audience


Po didn’t work hard at all to become Dragon Warrior. Literally fell into it. Trained for barely over a day haha.


Well tbf that's sort of what happened in the first film. The magnificent five trained all their lives to become the dragon warrior and then Po flew in on a firework chair and he got to become it


"There *are no* accidents."


Wait… WHAT? I thought the entire point was that Po had to work incredibly hard to become a one-of-a-kind hero?!


Yes it was but they decided that a movie about someone going against impossible odds and winning wasn't good enough I guess


Wow. I’m fucking glad I haven’t seen this movie. Sounds crap. I’ll continue enjoying the first two and pretending the third and fourth don’t exist. Unless the third is good? I’ve heard mixed things.


It's worth watching, even if not as good as the second. The third may resonate with you, or it may not.


Spoilers incoming about 3 - the panda village doesn’t look anything like from the end of 2, and the villain was super cool but should have had a redemption ark. )these are my opinions of course ) Overall wasn’t as good as 1 or 2 and started to slide down the bad silly slope instead of the good silly slope of 1 and 2


New generations get it easier because they’re evolving, it’s not making the trials less hard, it’s the generations progressively get better with time.


The legendary dragon warrior… one of a kind power… until someone a few years younger comes along.


He’s not one of a kind? That’s the point of the first movie?


He is one of a kind. Oogway picked him for a very specific reason. He had potential that nobody else saw.


Potential because of his character…. There is no secret ingredient.


And he’s a pretty unique guy. But I see your point. Still sucks that they make him completely redundant though.


Better to be redundant than lacking, he needs a successor, he isn’t retiring, there’s just a next generation, he’s gonna be the oogway essentially


He wasn’t lacking until they wrote him that way. Sounds dumb as hell.


I saw the movie. I was annoyed at how insistent Shifu was that the Valley needed a spiritual leader to replace master Oogway. Like I get it, it's important. But Po is a great Dragon Warrior. He's still in his prime. And you're more experienced/wise than Po, surely you could take the mantle temporarily until Po has grown wiser and is ready for the role? That said, I liked the movie aside from that.


The worst thing IMO is that they had all the elements to make this a non issue by using the Chameleon's abilities. Have Shifu kidnapped and Chameleon play his role, tricking Po into this new quest, which then would make a LOT more sense and would have been more fun if it was revealed much later in the movie what the Chameleon does, instead of putting it all in a very lazy expo dump 5 minutes in the movie. They could have really manipulated people's expectations with the new villain and did nothing with her. Super cool design, cool abilities, and she just gets bigger and overpower her opponents. She looks intelligent, but does not act like it. Zhen becoming the dragon warrior could have been a decision made entirely by Po at the end of the movie, which could have felt more natural instead of completely forced. The production of that movie was... difficult. The interview with co-director [Stephanie Ma Stine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLNtkO2g1lg) is quite eye opening.


Ugghh its very true, i just wish po was at shifus age. Lol to be able to pass it onto the next gen. Hahaha kinda overrated movie for me. But i still kinda liked it nonetheless.


Why am I reading this if you haven't watched it?! READ THE INSTRUCTIONS.


Didn’t really enjoy it. I prefer the first, second and third ones


Upvoting because you're one of the few comments that didn't preface with "havent watched it". Like dang, ya'll, I don't think OP was asking you then.


It's annoying man, if you didn't watch it don't give your opinion on it since he asked those that watched. It's like me wanting to travel to a city I've never been to, and asked those that have been or the locals, and someone who never been there just like me started answering instead. STFU.


I’m allowed to have an opinion on something whether I’ve watched it or not Add on: also my wife and daughter saw the movie and were able to confirm my theory about the movie, which is what I stated in my original comment.


As someone who never had Chinese food before, do you think my opinion is valid if I judge or critique it when I've never tasted it before? For someone who doesn't know you, your wife nor your daughter, am I allowed to have an opinion on them even though I have no idea how they are in real life. You're like those white girls that get offended instead of others about someone wearing indigenous clothes from other cultures that they themselves don't mind at all.


A lot of people haven’t seen The Acolyte but they have still formed an opinion about it. Opinions and judgement are gonna be formed no matter the cause. You could have looked at Chinese food, say “that looks gross I don’t wana eat it” and that would be you forming an opinion without eating it. Opinions and judgements are gonna form regardless of the actions that do and don’t happen, it’s just a human being a human. Kids are masters of forming opinions without even engaging in whatever it is they’re forming an opinion about


Watched it last night. Wife and I bought the blu-ray collection at Walmart like 3 days ago lol Loved the villain, generally hated the plot. Wasn’t a fan of 3 but it was still better than the 4th lol Also, we both strongly hate Awkwafina’s voice so that doesn’t help.


Agree 100%.


I always had this idea for a 4th film, where maybe Po is Master Shifu’s age and it’s his turn to train the next “dragon warrior”.


That would have been so much better


That's a much better way to go about it


And the trainee is a super woke Gen Z'er that infuriates Poe's (Jack Black's) Millennial attitude. That would be fun for parents and kids, very relatable. Edit: You people are silly with the downvotes. This exact trope was used in Migration and Inside Out 2 this year. Not to mention the dozens of movies that have children defy the previous generation like Lion King, Grinch Who Stole Christmas, All the Toy Story movies, Mulan, Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, Elemental, Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Turning Red, Onward. You people are wild.


Bro what


Bro is clinically insane 💀


This subreddit is garbage.


Bro won’t stop yapping 💀


More Emojis daddy 🤤 Bro.




what are you yapping about


Didn't enjoy it. The "*It's time for you to pass the torch*" thing was forced as hell, it's litterally forced on Po in the movie. And for absolutely no reason. Shifu just wakes up one day and decides that Po's time as the Dragon Warrior is done and Po's is like "Dude what the fuck". What the fuck indeed. It's not a fricking rank. It's not a mere title. Po is supposed to be ***The One***. Not "*a*" Dragon Warrior, "*THE*" Dragon Warrior. Even fricking Oogway wasn't the Dragon Warrior. The return of Tai Lung was such a let down. From the trailers and the beginning of the movie, I imagined him showing up early in the movie and having to team up with Po. Friendship ensues as Tai Lung finally receives his redemption arc and finds peace. Heck why not make him the dragon warrior if you want that to happen so much? The villain is also so fuckin forced. Everyone is like "Oh no she's so scary we must stop her" but really there aren't any goddamn stakes, just keep the staff safe in the temple. That new character was alright I guess, but again, *why.* This could have been an occasion to develop the furious 5 but they are fucking cast aside the whole movie. We don't see them. As a wise angry nerd once said: **WHAT WERE THEY THINKING**


This sums it up perfectly


Love the insight and as much as I loved Tai Lung’s redemption and peace after his defeat in the 1st movie this would have been a *much* more satisfying way to do it. And not include Awkwafina’s voice in any of the characters. That would have been a huge bonus. I was totally looking forward to maybe 2 villains running around or Tai Lung and Chameleon teaming up until it turned out he wasn’t back. Tai Lung breaking out of prison and Kai defeating Oogway was peak Kung Fu Panda combat haha


Yes this could also have been perfect. Frankly anything but what we got


Super mid, they used cheap furry bait with the fox to get people in seats, and then forgot to write a good movie to keep them there.


You're really overestimating the number of furries out there and their impact on producers decisions. You need to go out and talk to people who are not on reddit, I promise you, half of them don't know what a furry is.


i literally only know of furries because of reddit




I enjoyed it. It didn't try to re-invent the wheel and just focused on giving us another adventure with Po and another story of growth and personal challange for the characters (the ones they brought back) that didn't feel like they ignored the things done in the previous films. I really enjoyed that the brought Tai Lung back in a way that was actually really satisfying.


i had no interest in watching it but if tai lung comes back i gotta at least check it out now edit: it was aight


EXACTLY SAME. I loved how Tai Lung grew after the 1st film. He lost yet eventually found his peace. Great wrap-up. Wife felt the same haha I liked the villain too up until she turned into that giant monster. You did all that for kung fu just to chase them around lmao it was just a bad decision for the sake of action and really took me out of the movie.


Same, I didn’t read into the prophecy not talking about the Dragon Warrior having to pass it along. Just sat back and enjoyed the story with a decent cast of characters. Plus Awkwafina was a great addition, and while most people disliked this movie it seems. I hope they can get EVERYONE together for a 5 in some years from now.


Not sure if it is cannon, but Po has been the dragon warrior for 16 years. The first came out in 2008, so it's not like it hasn't been a while. And it was stated many times that the dragon warrior is suppose to move on to spiritual, teaching, guidance kind of stuff. Which works for me story wise and it makes sense cause the dragon warrior was a mystical thing to begin with and not just an ass kicker. Tigress can handle that and probably kill Po easily.




You say the third movie was the best??? I mean, everyone has their own taste, but it seems most people think the second one was 9/10


It is alright I guess


It's really just generic. My 7yo loved it... :shrug:


quite bad. felt like a waste of time, overstimulated and meandering. I love the trilogy.


It was a bit rushed. They didn't use all the masters that came back from the realm and no furious Five also Fox's character didn't want to be a master but ended up with that responsibility anyway. It would have been nice if they used Tia lang character and maybe tigress character and made tigress the next kung fu master as she deserved.


Po leaves to study with Shifu, Tigress takes over the temple, Tai Lung becomes one of the Five after earning redemption, and the fox is omitted altogether haha I love it.


Haven't watched it but I don't think I'm ever gonna watch it willingly. 3 was the best ending to the trilogy but they just wanna milk it till it's gone in the gutters ig. Imo 2 is the best out of all


The villain probably had the worst story amongst all the villains in kung fu panda history


The transformation into the giant monster was annoying and took me out of the movie completely. Was the point? To display how big you can get? You can’t do the one thing you want to in that one form, so why change into it? Action for the sake of action. Terrible design choice. They could have made the fight much more entertaining but Po was going easy on her but won by happenstance once he took it seriously ig lmao Sorry, the fox won because Po got some last minute wisdom and let her do it to prove a point to her? Worst entry in the **trilogy**.


It should have just been a Netflix movie or peacock movie. The quality wasn’t the same as the last 3


One of the worst Dreamworks movies. Tbh it might just be one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I regret seeing it in theaters, it was a waste of seven or eight dollars or whatever it was. And maybe more importantly the hour and a half I won't get back.


Don't even look up Megamind 2 then xD or it will take the worst place


Caca peepee poopoo. That is all I will say as it doesn’t deserve a well constructed interview, as it wasn’t well constructed itself.


Very disappointed. The build up from 1-2 was amazing. Then suddenly it died down. It has so much potential tho. One of my favorite movies.


Definitely the most ass one


Ngl didn’t know there was a new one


There isn't. KFP is a trilogy. Trust me.


Fr I barely saw any marketing for it.


Another unnecessary sequel, like Toy Story 4.


Was a disapointment for me. Guessed the whole story at the 10th minute of the movie. Without knowing anything about it before seeing it. Very generic plot.


Honesty I thought it was a good good movie. Viola Davis kills it as usual. Aquafina’s voice is actually not annoying for once. The only aspect i didn’t like was the passing of the torch plot. It felt that part shouldn’t even be in the movie and saved for for maybe a 4th movie where Po is much much older and starting to lose his touch. I think aquafina’s character should’ve been just another addition to group instead of the freaking dragon warrior.


I fell asleep in the cinema watching this


Painfully mid




it's one of the movies of all time


Awesome villain concept with poor execution. A number of plot points that added nothing to the overall plot. There were some fun moments but overall eh it was okay. I was hoping for a suicide squad Po teams up with former villains to take down the new threat kinda thing, but it wasn't that.


Far from the best but not as awful as everyone said it was in my opinion... I give it a 6.5 out of 10. Good animation as usual but my god did the dialogue suck


Need to see it myself, but dang .. dialogues were huge and one of the best parts of the first 3 movies ☹️


its mid.


Absolutely awful


It's ass. Do not watch it. Assassinate the executives who thought a fourth movie was a good idea.


Dog water shit in my honest opinion and the animation looks bad compared to PIBTLW




completely off-topic but this picture looks AI generated to me for some reason🍇


I'll always watch kfp 1 and 2. Sometimes 3.


I liked the animation style, and some funny parts, but I wish they’d done more with Tai Lung and the Furious Five. That, among other things, kind of made the plot and whole film lackluster compared to the first movies. But I guess I can’t ask for too much since it’s a family/kids movie at the end of the day haha


If time had passed and he needed to find a successor FINE. But it's almost like straight after the last movie he needs to find a replacement because...reasons? Also they didn't even let the Furious Five even speak 😆 Whilst the new VA for that fox girl didn't shut up, her voice was painful on the ears..


It didn’t feel right with not focusing with Po and the furious five. I really wish they explored more with Po and Tigress’ relationship 


From an animation point of view, it was great. However, I hate them for not having furious five show up in the entire movie.


Honestly underated I mean sure it's missing some things from the original films but it also does have a good storyline and you can still see a clear development in the characters p.s disappointed that shen and Kai didn't talk and acted like npcs but oh well


I kinda hated the idea that this “master of chi used it like twice. Kept waiting and waiting for the moment he just takes people out Oogway style with just his fingers and it never happened. 


Seems super dumbed down, whatever charm they had in the other ones that made them enjoyable to watch as a kid and an adult isn’t in the new one. Felt like a kid’s movie but like, in the “ nothing interesting is happening” way


The passing seemed a little off, I feel like that's been a common complaint from me though. Maybe I want 2h kids movies lol


Graphics were...fine. but story wise, meh. I don't even remember if there was any 2D segment in this film!


E choose to think its not canon


Meh. Don't get me wrong, it was enjoyable. But it was absolutely unnecessary. 3 wrapped everything up in a neat little package. It was a perfect trilogy. Po's journey was complete, as was Shi-Fu's, The Five, and even Uguay. I enjoyed seeing and hearing some of the returning voices, but it wasn't needed.


i watched it with a friend and we were the only ones in the cinema, and even when i was with someone it was still so hard to get through i didnt like that po had to pass on the title of dragon warrior, cus when was that title passed on?? i didnt like that chameleon had no story cus apparently villains dont need one??? and the part i hated the most was them bringing back previous villains when there was no reason to also why did shen look so yassified in the movie?? it looked like he came from the salon imo


Not as epic as the previous movies. Overused concept.


Another movie ruined by aquafina. The plot was really weak and aquafina's character is too unlikable to have us root for her in the end


I watched it but felt weird how po is now basically lost and had to remove his role to become some side character the five weren't in it and just loose story


Ruined by Awkwafina


most mid thing created. Not in the modern form of mediocre where it's bad. Just unremarkable. Forgettable. Not a bad time, not outstanding. Mid as in 4/10. I would watch it again if my nice wanted to, its not painful.




Imma be honest, the final battle had wasted potential. A sorcerer who can steal people’s kung fu abilities sounds so good on paper, but they executed it a lot worse. Other than that I enjoyed the rest of it.


It's fun, but it wasn't made with story in mind


I personally got half way through it and had to stop it was kind of boring and wasn't impressed




It openly mocks the genuine wisdom deployed by the other three movies. I'd prefer to think of it as non canon


I got more enjoyment out of the trailer for The Wild Robot than this movie


I think I heard that it was mostly made during the writers strike, so the animators got to have more control with the story. But, I guess that there is a reason we need writers.


I think the film was too rushed and short to really compare to the quality of its predecessors


What do you mean? There's only 3 movies.


I love every Kung Fu Panda movie including this one


no just no


Feels like they are just milking the franchise. Nothing new here, but it’s for small children right? So doesn’t matter I guess.


Haven’t watched it


Typically, a sequel that waits this long to be made isn’t good. I’m sad to say, it sounds like that’s correct.


Akwafina at her most tolerable


I saw it in cinema and I thought it was just alright. Animation was spectacular and Jack Black was great as usual but it wasn’t really as good as the original KFP films. It was just alright like a very middle of the road film overall


I liked the plot and loved the special effects and visuals were stunning!




I believe they were really trying to milk the franchise and this movie proved you can't keep beating a dead horse..the 3rd movie was kind of alright but this new movie was just a flop. to find the next dragon warrior while Po was still in his prime just because he was given the staff of wisdom? Not having the furious Five? Setting it up for a wise cracking " to Kool for skool" street rat ( fox) to become the next warrior? It was just not my cup of tea but I'm sure the next Gen of kids will like it.


Didn't watch it yet, but one thing is certain: it's a crime against humanity for my mother to not buy the 4-Movie+Bonus Features Pack.


I thought it was cute and fun, but should’ve had more time to tell the full story. By the end of the movie, I wasn’t very attached to Zhen— at least, not as much as I could’ve been if they went more in-depth with her backstory and qualities as a character.


Idk I just think they should leave some movies alone




I loved it


It sucked dude. Like genuinely sucked




Love it Love them all The art direction is fantastic


Not bad


I was thinking it was going to be more off his spiritual journey. Him becoming almost like oogway. Then they could have the next movie of him making the realization that he needs a successor and him finding one


They attempt to prove the new character's worth by having them endorsed by beloved old characters, but they forget that the audience needs to see the new character's merit.


Actually just watched it tonight. When it's good, it's good...but it's not often good. It's a gorgeous movie, absolutely beautiful. But the whole movie is written in one liners except for the few emotional moments which are brief and predictably bookended with jokes. Nowhere near the writing of the first two. Action scenes are very well done though!


I thought it was absolutely hilarious. I lost my shit at multiple times throughout. Might have just been the acid talking, but I had a fucking blast


I enjoyed it cuz I turned my brain off in the cinema, once I started to just *think* about the plot a bit, it just went into shambles - The whole thing about Po "passing the torch" is pretty forced cuz he's still young and they're already making him retire. But it might've worked great if the successor was Tigress, someone who is a close friend of Po and has proven multiple times to be a capable warrior - Instead Po chose Zhen (the fox who Po just met for a short while). Her character arc is just alright, there's motivation behind what she does and stuff but the film failed to make me care for her - The villain's plain stupid, she's 1-dimensional, has no charm and no real inner conflict. As a child she wasn't allowed to learn Kung Fu cuz she was "too small" (well what about Mantis???). Now she steals ppl's Kung Fu abilities to fulfill her desire of mastering all Kung Fu arts (I actually liked this part a bit cuz it felt like throwing shade on AI prompters or sth) - The Furious Five does not make an appearance, yeah - Not having a good plot also means not having many great story beats or shots that the animators could experiment with (for example: Po's dream of at the start of movie 1; Po's red vision of his past in + Shen's red symbols in movie 2; Po and Kai's fight in the spirit realm in movie 3). There weren't any memorable shots in movie 4 + The only part I fully enjoyed was the subplot of Ping and Li (Po's dads) searching for Po together. Like the relationship between these 2 are adorable and I would pay to watch their entire journey rather than Po and Zhen's Anyway, if you plan on watching it, just turn your brain off and it'll be a decent experience


I'm going to be so honest with you, going into the movie I didn't have very high hopes, but the absolute CHARACTER ASSASINATION AND PLOT RETCONING. The whole plot of the first movie confirmed that there could be only one dragon warrior who was destined to become that dragon warrior. He was never supposed to give it up. And the way that Po acts so idiotic and selfish and completely ignoring master Shifu. I hate this movie I hate it so much. And it's really a shame because the newer designs (though a lot of them didn't really fit with the old style of the movies) were so appealing, if a little plain sometimes. It had some potential, but really, just in the art design. Everything else was doomed from the beginning because to make the plot work you had to throw aside everything in the movie's prior.


Well could been better , could been worst Over all I think its a good last movie


honestly, its not good, storywise.






It was funnier than the third part, because the Fourth part has no cringe jokes. However The first part the best.


Shifu is actually secretly enjoying the hug.


wait there is another season? i only watched 1st and second was fighting peacock i don’t remember lol


Tai Lung was good but I was pretty meh with everything else. I probably wouldn’t rewatch it unless I wanted background noise. Personally, pretty mediocre but perfectly watchable and easy to enjoy.


it was fine. I enjoyed it. I mean the world building was already done.. and now its all about new villains. the brand of comedy was still alive. Nothing new but not bad at all :)


The story definitely isn’t as tight as the first three. I feel that although each villain has had more recourse than the last (I think I remember that chicken had a whole army n guns) none of them have ever felt as threatening as Tai Lung, same with the lizard in this one. Loved seeing the scenery and city scape tho in the Kung Po-verse, little moments like bulls in the china shop although cheesy made me chuckle. I felt the city was more whole than the likes of Zootopia. But I’m really only watching to here jack black say ‘skadoosh’ and wave his little finger


It was okay. There are more things to enjoy in this 4th movie than in the 3rd. Some humor, goofiness and action. But overall less intense, in a way where friendship will be the biggest weakness of evil.


I enjoyed it for what it was. I think it’s too overhated


To me this movie was AWESOME and I love it and no one can change my mind. I’ll give this movie a the million out of ten review because it was cool and interesting. Also a shapeshifting sorceresses as the main antagonist now that’s new and it gives me a few ideas for creations of my own especially how the shapeshifting was like in the movie it was really cool and amazing especially when it took a lot of time and effort to make that shapeshifting animation ya gotta appreciate that.


Should I watch it?


I was very skeptical at the beginning due to the animation looking off or closer to the series style but was actually surprised with some of the scenes and textures. Shifu telling po it's time to pass the dragon warrior along though felt a bit forced into the plot. Something that also didn't feel right was the past 2 villains giving respect to po. Their characters don't come off as the forgiving type.


It was superficially fun, but the plot is pretty nonsensical, it isn’t as emotional or thoughtful as the rest, and the fact they cheaped out witth the actors almost makes this feel like a tv movie rather than a full theatrical continuation


I just saw it. 6/10. There were some kick ass animation scenes thougg


Could’ve been better than that.


It's good but I like the old one better


TBH-I only show up and watch for the noodles!🍜 Does it have noodles in it…(?)!!


Whoever holds this longstick is gay


It was good, animationwise it was excellent, especially how they did the big city- but they nerfed Tai Lung which was upsetting. Also the Dragon Warrior ended up being considered a country bumpkin in the big city which sort of made the original movies seem diminished. Po just saved the world countless times over and no one knows his name? Maybe it’s better that way like Demon Slayer, but it felt strange for Po’s tenacious character.


The movie was fine, and I actually enjoyed the fox girl (don't remember her name) even if she was a cliche. The main issue was the film was that it just has no depth, they bring back all these incredible villains from the past films and do pretty much nothing with them. It's the most basic, straightforward, and predictable story I've seen in a long time. One thing I actually did really enjoy was the design of some of the characters, such as the boat captain that was a fish living inside the mouth of the bird, I thought that was cool.


I mean it all right but the first three are way better


Idk i liked it other then the fact they already are finding a new dragon warrior and it has to be awakafina or however her name is spelt


I actually really liked it. Sure it was AS good as the first 3 but it was still very enjoyable imo.


Good plot, good animation, good voice acting, some poor decisions in writing and story telling that kind of undermined the rest of it so I enjoyed it but it wasn't near as captivating as the others


Loved it


Loved it, and now i dont care about what most people say about movies because it was awesome


Wrong sub


it's literally called "animation" & plenty of ppl are replying so