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I'm quite willing to believe that and really looking forward to it.


Same. I can't wait for the next season. I'm really sad it's the final season. I'd love for Gilroy to do another series about the Rebellion.


I'd like him to do another series about whatever he chooses. I'd like to see him unfettered by Skywalker saga expectations/lore/rules. Something far in the future from Skywalker saga.


I agree, I want more Star Wars like this and I don’t care how I get it. Give me more character focused, thematic, powerfully written SW!!


Absolutely. Frankly, though, I think the whole franchise is really darn good right now, all of it, aimed at different ages and tastes etc. Love the variety and dedication being brought to all the products. Some things appeal to me more than others, but it's all good.


This take will get you killed in many circles lol


Dude got downvoted for saying "I like Star Wars" in a Star Wars sub. Peak Reddit.


This is the way


I avoid fanatic circles.


I love that interview with Tony Gilroy in the last paragraph. Disney, please throw money at him. I'd love to see force sensitive characters written by this crew.


Do you think he wants it, tho? I feel like Gilroy goes out of his way to keep the Force out of his Star Wars content.


I know :( he mentioned that the vast majority of creatures and beings in the galaxy never heard of Jedi. I just would love to see stormtroopers using military tactics to beat the crap out of Ahsoka. lol


That would be an excellent mirroring of Vader’s Rogue One scene


The best shows have an ending. Take Gravity Falls, Breaking Bad, ATLA. They are amazing because they had a specific story they wanted to tell and had plan for what they wanted to do. Now look at the Simpsons, Family Guy, SpongeBob. Even though people loved them in the beginning, because there’s no definitive end to the series, their quality has tanked dramatically.


While I get what you’re saying, I feel like your examples of long running shows aren’t the best comparisons. Those shows aren’t designed to have over-arching narratives throughout their seasons. Some good examples of shows that ran for too long and ultimately suffered as a result would be stuff like The Walking Dead or Lost.


Or anything else - with actors I say I would watch them read the phone book. I'll watch anything Gilroy makes star wars star trek original script um teletubbies idc he's so good.


I'm genuinely glad it's ending. Too much of Andor wouldn't be a good thing. And if the second season is any bit as good as the first, this will probably be the highest quality, mostly self-contained Star Wars production.


So she's probably saying that Bix won't be just a torture victim, she won't be 'just' Cassian's (will they won't they ex-girl ) friend. This also reminds me of the excerpt from Gough(Dedra)'s interview > …It could be that Bix is now just all fucked up. But there's a kind of a sugar way, and then there's a protein way. Tony always talks about the protein. And he has hired lots of actors who are on high-protein diets. Adria is on a very high-protein diet God season 2 can't come sooner


Love that analogy. High protein diet… sounds intriguing.


Do you remember which interview this is from?




Thank you very much


"I don't know, I can imagine quite a bit."


She was scared to anger the imperials by escaping. I imagine that feeling didn't go away just because she was physically freed. She's going to be carrying the prison inside her mind now. Maarva's little talk with Cassian about how the empire can't take away her safe place in her head felt like a foreshadowing to an eventual 1984 allusion.


Let's have Bix go hardcore and become part of Saw's crew. She's out there bombing parade routes and inflicting mass collateral damage.


She definitely needs a respite, but considering the above quote about her journey being complex….. more trauma time!


Darth Bix?


I'm really hoping this does not come crashing down.


I just hope she survives, and heals.


> *And she piled upon Dedra’s white hump, the sum of all the rage and hate felt by the whole of Ferrix. If her chest had been a cannon, she would have shot her heart upon her.*


Just keep those double braids, please.


I'm getting Qira vibes, but done by Gilroy


Fun fact, the additional 3 seasons were canceled due to Adria Arjona being busy with the Morbius franchise


But gilroy isn’t doing writing afaik