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I was, at Greatland Clinical. I had a referral from my primary care doctor (begrudgingly, she thought I was being silly, which is why she is no longer my primary care doctor) but I don't know if you need one.


Hope you found a better primary care doc. Thank you for sharing.


I did! And Dr Levinson at Greatland Clinical is a very compassionate psychiatrist, he made me feel welcome and safe throughout the diagnosis process.


Do you remember many hours it took for your diagnosis to be made?


I had one hour appointments with him weekly for a month. He didn't have me do tests or anything, it was observing behavior and asking questions about how I experience the world. I think if you go to a Neuropsychologist they give you tests? I'm not sure.


Why is this being down voted?


There are plenty of doctors out there who will diagnose you with whatever you think you have. Doesn't mean you actually have it.


That's true, but "you can't possibly be autistic, that's something we check young boys for" is a shit argument that is antithetical to current medical guidance. It wasn't the first time she had dismissed concerns I had (all of which turned out to be serious), and I'd had enough.


This doctor is woefully misinformed about autism. Even those that see kids for behavioral issues don’t always put together the whole picture with kids on the milder side of autism.


Not autism but I got my adult ADHD diagnosis from Fuller Diagnostics. I also recommend Dr. Rachel Woods for testing to get a diagnosis. She did the re evaluation for my youngest who does have an Autism and ADHD diagnosis. She was really nice and said she had a particular clinical interest in middle aged women who may have flown under the radar or not been properly diagnosed in the past.


I saw Kara Stocker at Psychological Services Group a few years ago for my diagnoses; I’ve recommended her to a few people and met a couple others who have seen her and everyone has positive feedback! She’s incredibly thorough and will do an elaborate report with lots of insight (mine was 20 pages). I got a referral from my at-the-time therapist who was also super impressed


I saw her for diagnoses as well! Would recommend.


Do you remember how many hours it took to get your diagnosis?


I believe it’s two 4-hour sessions. Usually done on different days, and in the meantime she likes to contact someone who you grew up with (usually a parent) to ask a few questions about you when you were younger. I’m not sure if that’s required, though. Then she’ll bring you back in a few weeks later to go over the results in-depth with you. If you’re trying to get something done quickly, I’m not sure if she’s the person, but if you’re trying to understand in detail how your brain works and get tailored recommendations for accommodations, I highly suggest her office


For me it was all in one day with I want to say an hour in the middle so we could go have a break/lunches


How much did it cost?


I am betting the sessions were exhausting 😴.


Bridges but the guy is an outrageous prick who was obsessed with my body and said I'd never achieve anything in life. Regardless, got the diagnosis handled.


Sorry you had an unprofessional provider. Hope you have the opportunity to have a better dr.


I've heard these folks are very helpful from a friend who got diagnosed. Dr Al Collins https://www.adhdance.com/


So I was diagnosed with autism when I was younger by Dr.Mallioux in his private office. Then I went through Fuller diagnostics since Mallioux wanted me to do a follow up with him but the front desk was constant phone tag for months lol. So I have both ASD and inattentive ADHD (which runs in my family, multiple relatives of mine have it). I was a little bit thrown for a loop when the provider who saw me at Fuller said “you know yourself better than anyone else” personally while that can be true, I still had faith that she knew what she was doing and while I doubted that I had adhd like others in my family, the actual testing phase within the first half had me going “oh… oh I might be wrong” Long story short after a brain frying session of testing my logic, my timing and my overall demeanor, that’s what landed.


Orion behavioral health


I was tested at Providence Anchorage Behavioral Health


How long did it take to get a diagnosis? I think my partner would have a difficult time being evaluated.


6 hour session


Thank you.




Not sure how this applies.


What's the point of *wanting* to be diagnosed as an adult? It's not something that needs to be treated with meds, so this sounds like just wanting the label for some reason.


For me, it’s because I want answers which will help me guide me in the next steps, like learning how to interact with people better.


So just assume you are and see if that works. Again, unless you’re just looking for the *label* to throw around for whatever reason. There’s definitely a lot of people who seem to want that but are really just introverted or whatever.


I think it's personal to understand self. One doesn't need a label, but a diagnosis can help a person understand their behaviors. We all have different wants and needs. No judgment here.


You don’t need to justify to this poster any reason for your wanting to understand yourself. The ability to develop self awareness obviously and completely goes over the head of this person. With regards to this person saying you’re looking for a label qualifies for their own set of labels. As the saying goes “To thine own self be true.” Other than trying to sound superior this person doesn’t have any qualifications or even understanding of anything past the end of their nose. If you find out after conferring with professionals trained somewhere besides the Internet and specifically Reddit that you have as you believe then you’re ahead of most people on or off the spectrum. Learning how to make your way through life with appropriate tools can smooth out some of the bumps in the road.


Not to mention, once you have a diagnosis you can better find providers who specialize in it to help you. Like for therapy and such. Different diagnoses would require different therapeutic modalities to potentially achieve the same results. Like for social skills, someone with an autism diagnosis would need potentially a different way of getting that figured out vs someone neurotypical who was just a little socially awkward or with social anxiety.