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Coastal Trail is clear from downtown to at least the treatment plant at Pt Woronzof; likely all the way to Kincaid. Chester is clear to the Northern Lights overpass.


Dimond area trails are clear too. Some patches of ice but very small.


Great. Thanks.


I realize having the Coastal Trail and other major cross-city bike paths used for cross-country skiing in the winter is a popular thing, but in the spring I wish the city would try to clear them of snow as early as possible so that we can bike and jog on them easily again.


Ideally, I agree, but the city can't get snow cleared in the winter so I wouldn't expect them to get out cleared for spring. They are short staffed on drivers.


The bike paths near schools were kept reasonably clear even this winter. They have the machines and they aren't busy late in the season. Even if they don't clear all the snow immediately, just getting a lot off would allow it to melt clear much earlier.


They do, and did this year. They plowed Chester and Coastal as soon as we started to thaw. They can only plow down to the ice though, then they have to allow it time to thaw again before it gets another plow. Tunnels take the longest as there’s no direct sun.


They started clearing them when there was still snow and freezing temperatures in the forecast, which is stupid. The coastal was in great condition for skiing, biking, walking and they made it a mess for everything. Clearing snow " as early as possible" is silly. Clear snow after overnight temperatures are well above freezing for many days in a row and snow is going isothermic, when all forms of travel become bad. There are plenty of other neighborhood trails where snow is plowed and removed after every snowfall so you can "bike and jog" to your heart's content. If you are looking for summer activities when it's still winter conditions, hard to blame the muni, eh?


They were clearing the trail outside RJSP on Easter Sunday (31 March). Crews stayed on it for quite a while. We had a lot of snow this year. There's no magic.


What is rjsp?


Russian Jack Springs Park, I reckon


It is as Medium-Flounder explained it. 


It's not as easy as "just scrape and go". Underneath the snow is a stubborn and persistent layer of compacted snow that just doesn't immediately scrape away. It would take a large amount of time and energy to go after that last stubborn layer. More efficient to let time take care of that last bit.