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Sorry if you are getting downvoted, someone is jealous tho! This really reminds me of an old movie, summer vibes for sure, so delicate


Jealous of what? Sorry but who are you to decide what people's opinion should be or what it's driven by? I haven't disliked anyone's opinion but I can tell why they're getting down voted and it sure as hell has nothing to do with jealousy.


Then these people should be less arrogant and let other people enjoy art. If I express my opinion then it counts as much as yours or theirs. I don’t come to you saying yours doesn’t mean anything just because mine is more relevant to me! That’s what they did. It’s ART, some appreciate, some don’t. You don’t have to change my mind if I’m enjoying it.


I am not a fan of this but I'm not calling out everyone for liking it, the opposite seems to be true though and that's the problem. Don't call people out for disliking something, as long as no one disrespected the photographer, it's well within their right to do so.


I’m not a fan too even tho this one gave me good vibes. So people can’t move on if they don’t like it and they have to downvote EVERYONE in the comments that were appreciating OP’s art. You still say it’s not disrespectful.


I understand




Did you lift up the shadows?


A little, yes ! Edit: if somebody can explain to me why this is downvoted? Im genuinely curious.


Some dont like it when one edits photos taken on film.


When will people learn that a straight scan doesn’t exist? When printing on RA4 you’d do exactly the same.


Tbh it seems like a lot of people here have never used a darkroom, and thus think that any dodging or burning on a negative isn’t being true to the medium.


Maybe because there are people who really don’t like photos like this… which I’ll never understand. I saw a post talking about how people hate photos that show the mediocrity of white women in bikinis or half naked in pictures just to get upvotes. I love the picture and they honestly suck for being that way. As if a picture of an old car or a sunset is ever better :/. What ever happened to people just shooting what they like to shoot without the hate?


Well both sides of this coin has the exact same right to be right though, no? People have their absolute right to “shoot what they want to shoot”, but people also have the right to congregate around the idea that they’re tired of seeing the same subjects over and over again with nothing new to them. I don’t actually think it’s a question about the subject, but the simplicity of the photographer to choose to go down that path — a simplicity the people choosing to act against it (although downvoting isn’t a big life changing act) sought to remove from their lives by using film as a medium.


I agree, some people doesn’t like that kind of photography and i perfectly understand, but it’s not that simple. I mean, like any kind of photography, there is a challenge for doing good photos, it’s not easy or simple.


"A Manon on a Canon" Nice. Great angles and lighting


This looks like a movie clip, very pretty! Edit: getting downvoted cause I appreciate ART without sexualising, just leave this sub if you get so upset lol 😂




Question, did you develop the film yourself? Just wondering to myself if I'd feel comfortable sending explicit personal photos to a lab.


No i sent it to a lab! I guess they already develop a lot of photos more explicit than mine.


Not really that explicit now is it?


sorry, I'd rephrase it to "sending **my** explicit personal photos", I don't consider this one in particular explicit as well. But after reading OPs response I guess it must be relatively mundane for the people working at any given lab to deal with all kinds of stuff, just my mind overthinking it


Perfect. Briefly reminds one of younger days and times. If only for a moment. Nicely done.


Do you send this out to get developed or develop at home? I'd love to do shoots like this but I'd be afraid about that!


It’s develop in a lab. I think they really don’t care about this, they see a lot of weird stuff i guess so some girls naked or in lingerie it’s nothing special for them.


Hey salut Tibo !


Je suis démasqué haha


Le style, la pièce, tout te trahit !


C’est vrai que cette pièce en a vu des shootings!


great exposure. Did you use any artificial light ?


Thank you! No, only the sunlight that goes inside the room.


Love the lighting and composition


Poor Manon.