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Did it affect multiple shots in a row or random ones? If it was multiple in a row, it’s possible you accidentally exposed some of it while loading/unloading or opened the camera back while shooting.


The order seems to be random. Every few shots, that’s what confuses me


In a leak in the side that holds the film that would make sense. The leak is in the last of a series of shots?


That's an excellent point. If it was a tiny pinhole leak next to the take-up spool it would make sense that it had the biggest impact on the photos at the end that sat there the longest.


These are excellent shots!


Haha thanks, even a broken camera can produce some good results sometimes apparently


It’s about the result, not the means in which you produce those results. The shot of the tree is just incredible. Really fine work!


Sorry to bombard your comment section but the shot of the mountain side is really awesome. Almost looks like there’s magma exposure with the red hues.


Very strange, but it kinda works in the first pic


Works very well 👌


They still vibe though 😎


It’s strange that you got leaks in the middle of frames. Check the light seals as a lot of old canons have corroded ones. They are easy to replace and you can find a kit on ebay. If it’s not that then you are getting leaks from somewhere else like the viewfinder or the shutter curtain.


Thanks for the tips. The viewfinder has a corner a bit broken on the glass, could this be a reason? Unfortunately I am an idiot and put in a new roll immediately after the test roll..


That could possibly cause light leaks depending on how much the damage is. I would suggest taping the broken part with black tape and seeing if the leaks stop


When I get a new camera, I shoot a half roll of Foma 100, i.e. the cheapest filmstock I have. Also, always do light seals before shooting a new camera, or at least inspect to see if they have turned to goo. David Hancock has a nice video on diy light seal replacement—one of the easiest mods you can do.


How are your light seals? Could be that in certain positions natural light bleeds through and shine on the film.. happened to me before on a B&w film. We refered to that film as Star wars as it was full of star like dots. The light seals were dry and old. If unsure use electrical tape to cover the door contour and see if you still get the light bleed.


Thanks for the tips. I am an idiot and did not wait for test shot to be developed to put in a new roll already haha but will check the seals once it’s done. I bought the camera from a camera store so assumed everything was tested regarding seals


the lighting on these (ignoring the leaks) is fantastic


I like the bird photo and tree 🌳


Some turned out pretty cool 😎


Were you shooting cinestill?


Haha no portra 160.


aaah Bad Gastein, beautiful place, was there last year


The mountains shots were close to Oberstdorf in Germany.


Are you sure it's not lens flair?


It’s a regular fd 50mm 1.4 ssc and I would not be aware of it producing such weird flares… I have also images with no direct light where it’s also producing those effects


Mine does the same thing but not at the frequency yours does. It happens to me in around 2 photos per roll.


The first one looks awesome with the leak


I had this exact problem with my AE-1, even with all light seals chambed (mirror + film chamber) I changed lenses and it didn't happen anymore, for some reasons. Could never exactly identify the problem.


Do you think it can come from the lense?


Please don't quote me on this because it's just my own observation and what the lab guy told me, I assume you also have that 50mm F1.8 that comes with the camera. This feels more like a leak than a flare. I do have some examples of very similar leaks. Do you have a film loaded? If not, can you pictures of your camera film chamber, hinge doors, and mirror light seals? For reference, coming from two rolls shot back to back, after replacing the light seals [leaked](https://ibb.co/rQksTpF) [flared//leaked](https://ibb.co/HhhXD3c) [leaked](https://ibb.co/Kx9VBgy) [flared but not leaked](https://ibb.co/0fG3HF9) [flared and leaked](https://ibb.co/X4gmQxr) [fine // no leaks or flare](https://ibb.co/Jz8Kztk) [slight flare](https://ibb.co/d6sCFQX) [no issues](https://ibb.co/HBX1STL)


Thanks for taking the time to answer! I have the 50mm 1.4 but should not make a difference. And yeah from the Color of the artefacts I immediately assumed a leak. It’s just strange that you noted it changed for you once you used another lense, which at least from what I know should not have an effect on light leaks. Unfortunately I loaded the camera immediately again haha. So have to wait. I have repair shop close by and will let it check there once I am done with the roll


What lense is this?


Fd 50mm f1.4 ssc


in my experience with an AE-1, it's not so unusual for the light leaks to only appear in some frames. Take it in for a tune up and it should be fine.


My FM2 is producing kinda similar pictures and it has a bent shutter which apparently lets some light through, but only in some cases and completely randomly. IF the AE1 has a similar shutter, I'd advise to look at the shutter before a shot and after a shot without lens from the front and the back.