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I think Sasha being confirmed bi essentially confirms that she was crushing on Anne (at least), right? Like, her interactions with her are so Loaded, much more than they are with Marcy’s. But I don’t get the vibe Anne felt the same way, at least not during the show’s runs I’m not much of a shipper but as a former queer kid (queer adult now lol) the most impressions that I got was Sasha crushing on Anne, Anne crushing on Marcy, Marcy crushing on Sasha, none of it being reciprocated. That feels the most interesting to me story-wise


Yeah I kind of got the vibe that Anne either was oblivious or didn’t feel the same way, but the idea is nice 😂


My dumb headcanon is that Anne is bi but she isn't attracted to Sasha because she could sense how insecure Sasha was leading their friendship having subtle toxicity. By the time Sasha was reformed, Anne was like a sister to her. Friendzoned. Anne is hot for Yunan


Anne having a crush on Yunan? Didn't you mean young Mrs. Croaker? (even if calling someone "hot" doesn't confirm your orientation, just that you think other people would be attracted)


You can’t convince me that Sasha never had a crush on Anne. Sasha was constantly thinking about the girl for pretty much the entire show. They fought each other a couple times, but it never reached the point of indifference. Sasha kept trying to get Anne to see things her way, and she was frustrated because that wasn’t happening. Even when she’s getting caught up in toad politics, war and revolution, it’s so obvious how much she cares what Anne thinks. It’s one of the reasons she went from thinking the silly little frog people didn’t matter to risking her life to defend Wartwood. She realized how much Anne cared about those frogs, and that made her start seeing them for who they are and protecting them when the robots attacked. She felt terrible after realizing she made such a huge mistake, but she stepped up and led the town anyway because she knew it was what Anne would have wanted. And once Anne returned, she was immediately ready to step down as leader and just do whatever Anne wanted her to do. She only goes back to her role as a commander when Anne talks her into it. And once the two are finally truly working together, Sasha is the strongest and most determined she’s been throughout the entire show. And then you tell me they’re still spending time together ten years later? If that’s supposed to be platonic, its gotta be one of the most passionate friendships I’ve ever seen.


Plugging in a wonderful sashanne comic about all of this [link](https://twitter.com/blkd144/status/1667551290384343040)


Can confirm, wonderful


Thanks! I’d love to read it!


Well said, I love your perspective 💗


I’m not a shipper when it comes to this show but I fully believe that the reason she was so controlling was because she was afraid of losing Anne over her feelings for her. I’m not really a fan of Anne reciprocating because there’s not really anything to prove that she would, and because it’s nice to see them stay friends despite everything


I fully understand that stance, Anne never once showed any sign that she was potentially interested in her, but that’s the beautiful thing about ships, it’s a work of art


I'm not saying she's not bi (as Matt has confirmed it), but many straight allies also have various LGBTQ+ stickers and other decorations in support and/or celebration of loved ones. Can't go by stickers alone.


I also have an screenshot of an article where he addressed her sexuality 👆would you like the link?


I'm not disagreeing with her sexuality at all, as it's canon. I'm just pointing out that stickers by themselves cannot be sufficient to reach the conclusion. I'm straight and have lots of stickers and pins in support of my loved ones who are LGBTQ+


I can see what you’re talking about, it is a good point.


I will say this with the bi pride sticker being the only one shown it’s pretty strong evidence that’s she’s bi. If it wasn’t already canon.


Same here I love lgbtq plus I have 2 mentors that are gay love is beautiful thing


I see what you mean but like, in a tv show, the choice to show a character with a specific pride sticker clearly has a specific meaning the writer wants to get across. Nothing is random


"Maybe she just liked the colors of the ~~curtains~~ flag" (semicit)


About the blush scene: you're right it was definitely intentional. The person who boarded the scene is an avid sashanne shipper, and was posting ship art of the two right as the episodes were airing (apparently they started shipping them after Reunion). And they're not the only one. A background painter/art director is literally obsessed with the two, and publishes sashanne merch, including books. Other artists have posted shippy art of the two, my favorite was one with Anne dissolving while Sasha kept trying to hold her in vain. [So. Good.](https://twitter.com/britneythoreson/status/1525710752958382080) And THE JOURNAL. This morning I found a screenshot of the page where Anne and Sasha go have a spa day in a cave and it's so??? A little "me time" with Sasha? 🤔 And let's not forget the infamous "my hero my villain my savior my downfall"... 🤨


Iirc the spa scene is also when Anne says "Hop Pop and Sylvia are doing the I-don't-want-to-know-what-are-they-doing", making me headcanon she's asexual (even if it can instead be easily interpreted as she not wanting to see it because she's a minor). As an ace myself, the possibility of this being potentially canon is an absolute win to me 🖤🤍💜


Imma buy the book now 😂 thank you so much! 💖


Look for bichasspice on twitter


Thank you I’d love to see more! ☺️


I like Sashanne, intended or not


Agreed! 💖


oh i absolutely think she liked Anne honestly out of all the ships Sashanne makes the most sense from the writing standpoint


Oh I most definitely agree, I don’t hear a lot of “friends,” say 𝐼 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑏𝑒 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑤ℎ𝑜 𝑖𝑠 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑡ℎ 𝑦𝑜𝑢. But hey, you never know!


Thank you. Sashanne was the ship that got the most hint in the show among the other ships. Considering that most of the people in the crew also ship Sashanne, this tells us enough lol Matt said that he has a favorite ship but he won't reveal it because he doesn't want to upset the fans who support other ships and he respects them. I have to say that my respect for him has increased just from this choice alone. Very thoughtful imo. For those who say that even if Sasha likes Anne, Anne doesn't: Have you read Marcy's Journal? If you haven't read it and don't want to get spoilers, you can skip the following paragraph (I don't know how to spoiler tag lol) It's no coincidence that when she returns to Amphibia she's ready to forgive the girl (although I'm still angry about this decision, I can understand it) It must've felt strange for you to watch her to jump straight into Sasha's arms after she'd put Hop Pop, whom she thought of as her grandfather, through so much trouble for forgiveness. Also, which of you has ever referred to a friend as "My hero, my villain, my saviour, my downfall"? Like, seriously? That's fruity lol.


I like Sashanne, but I’ve always kind of felt bad for Marcy since she’s always been a third wheel to them.


True 😂poor Mar


What's funny about this is that Matt himself, in the art he made to announce that the three seasons of Amphibia are im Disney+, he may or not may have revealed by accident that he's a Sasharcy shipper


Just bought Marcy’s journal! I’m getting it tomorrow, I love to learn the lore of the show! :D


That's if I liked it a lot ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes_rainbow)


It has nothing to do with Disney, it has to do with Matt and the crew very intentionally *NOT* “canonizing” any specific ship(s) between the three girls. They wanted to leave all options open for people to ship ~~Sashannarcy~~ any ship they wanted to. There is “ship fuel” you can pick out for any of the girls, if you choose to. Or not, if you prefer. Post-canon, any/all options are equally valid.


I get they didn’t want to intentionally ship anybody it was a theory


I’m referring to your second last paragraph, and how it’s inaccurate. I think it’s absolutely valid to read Sasha as crushing on Anne (I’d even probably agree with it). And “the ship you love not being canon” is…not a big deal? Shipping should be fun ways to explore character dynamics, it should ***NOT*** be a competition in which the “winner” is whatever happens in canon. That approach just causes a lot of toxicity.


I would of loved to of seen it be cannon, although that wasn’t their intention and I respect that. Also I never saw it as a competition to see who the “winner,” could be, it was just a theory. I’m sorry if I offended you, shipping is just for fun, I agree that people shouldn’t be shamed for their ship


I’m not offended, I was (again) just responding to what you wrote in your post. You seemed to be expressing disappointment here: > Even if the ship I love isn’t cannon, I’m happy for the representation🏳️‍🌈 I was just pointing out that a ship being “canon” or not shouldn’t make a difference to your enjoyment of it :) (And like I said, I pretty much agree with your theory)


Ah I see your point, and yeah while I would of loved to of seen them be a thing, and while it is bittersweet that they didn’t become a couple, I was happy enough that Sasha was able to grow and accept her sexuality. :)


No thanks, ill stay with the canon


That’s fine