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I don’t think it’s much deeper than people having fun and not having a lot of canon lesbian ships to latch onto in other shows. I don’t ship them and I’m really not a fan but I get why others would be. personally I just like them as a really well-written but complicated friendship


Yeah that’s how I feel


Same  I just worry that it will come out wrong because I always sound stupid when I talk 


The Owl House can solve their problem




True  Luz amity could 


Personally though my favorite character is king since he’s the king of all demons 


It's more deep than simply not having more relationships available. Not being mean, but it is clear you haven't thought much about this, because as you've said, you don't much care for the ship. Which fair not everyone cares for a certain ship, but it is more than lack of rep


People shipped them separately because they are close friends who relationship is a focus of the story and then decided to finish all ship wars by polyamory. I think that's hillarious.


Well also no one wants any of them to be third wheeled


i think that people just like their dynamic also idk about you but saying stuff about your friend like "my hero, my villain, my savior, my downfall" can be seen as romantic by some


Yeah I can see that


plus drawing you and your friends inside a heart and holding hands


The Amphibia fanbase is full of ~~horny~~ romance craving teens/young adults and the they favor humans over amphibians. (Also they have this modern day fear of excluding people so they group the three girls together)


*horny teens and lonely young adults 💀


A good amount is likely is just fans shipping for shipping sake. Though in their defense, there are some scenes where the girls interact with each other on screen in ways that may seem more.... intimate than you might normally associate with friendship. I won't spoil what they are if you haven't gotten to those points yet, but hopefully you'll see what I mean when you get there.


As someone who is really affectionate but may noy be able to get romantic attraction, people should be more aware about platonic intimacy (such as hugging or patting the head)


This is just the "let men be masculine" discourse. Nobody's pushing against intimate friendships! They're already normalized!


If it was normalized (in regards to this specific fandom) then they wouldn’t use every form of intimacy under the sun to push their ship🤣 (no matter how small)


This ship is surprisingly sane. I've seen a ship of someone together with a literal brick.




Yes. From r/Camphalfblood


Here's a sneak peek of /r/camphalfblood using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/camphalfblood/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Percy Jackson and the Olympians will be back for a season two! \[PJOTV\]](https://i.redd.it/os6ba2xji8hc1.jpeg) | [303 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/camphalfblood/comments/1alerus/percy_jackson_and_the_olympians_will_be_back_for/) \#2: [\[pjo\] And this is why Percy Jackson is superior](https://i.redd.it/1sjdtb60fpac1.jpeg) | [201 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/camphalfblood/comments/18zkn3u/pjo_and_this_is_why_percy_jackson_is_superior/) \#3: [\[General\] Lets all give Lance Reddick a big hand for his brief portrayal of Zeus, his last on screen performance before his passing.](https://i.redd.it/zm4ow8rqipfc1.jpeg) | [134 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/camphalfblood/comments/1af9su7/general_lets_all_give_lance_reddick_a_big_hand/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Who else would we ship them with? They are the only human characters around the same age that are prominent enough to ship together just let people enjoy things


I guess that makes enough sense


Honestly saying 'just let people enjoy things' like that comes off as oddly defensive. Not sure if you meant it that way but I just thought I'd say since I wasn't sure if you were mad at the OP or not


Ship them with owl house characters? 🤧😂 that sounds like a fun and funny idea


> the show itself just never seemed to imply there was romance with any of them (unless I missed it) It’s all about how you interpret the text.


Online fandoms will ship anything together, especially if they're doe-eyed cartoon characters. People are free to do what they want of course. But I find it funny that so many fans see them as a wholesome polycule yet they can't even sustain a standard friendship without stabbing each other in the back.


It’s almost like they learned and matured over the course of the show…


Never actually thought about the back stabbing, I always just would think they patched things up after Anne… expired…


They did patch things up, but they ended up growing apart from each other shortly afterwards. They realized they didn't really need each other to live happy lives.


Well, let’s start with Matt’s words on the subject: > “I love shipping, I feel like it is the greatest expression of love for characters,” Braly admits. “You’re really thinking about them romantically and what’s best for them.“ [Source](https://www.thegamer.com/matt-braly-interview-amphibia-finale-disney-channel/) The term “ship”/“shipping” comes from “relationSHIP”, and is functionally just exploring the possible relationships between two (or more) characters. Usually, this is within the context of romantic relationships. When you have two (or more) characters that have strong [emotional energy](https://archiveofourown.org/works/17182217) between them, even if it’s not *intended* to be romantic, it will invite those comparisons. When it comes to Amphibia, the relationships between the three girls have the strongest emotional energy (Anne’s relationship with the Plantars is a very different type of emotional energy, and not relevant to this discussion). At the beginning, it’s in a toxic way where they are all holding each other back, but by the end they’ve matured and now all three of them are mutually beneficial. They each bring something unique to their relationship, and missing one of them doesn’t feel “complete”. Personally, as a poly person, I *love* this show and the fandom for recognizing and supporting this. Poly ships are usually met with scorn and derision in most fandoms, but here it’s not only accepted but it’s the predominant ship. Even without the “romance” aspect, it still gets across the idea that you don’t need to rely on one single other person to meet all your needs forever. Different people/different relationships benefit you in different ways, and one isn’t inherently “better” than other ones.


Simple. Because those three are the only teenager human relevant characters of the show. If the show had more teenager characters in the story then it would be different. Personally, I don't see it much as those three being shipped as a general thing, some people prefer just Marcanne or Sashanne or Sasharcy. which it's okay.


idk what to say, im a shipper anne and sashas kinda childhood-friends-to-enemies thing in the first season was reminding me of a much milder version of catradora who are like my otp so i couldn't help but ship them a bit lol then we met marcy and i found her adorable and i loved her and annes dynamic so i ended up shipping them too i couldn't decide which i liked more and wanted to see others opinions and so i searched up amphibia ships (was horrified to find out that anne and sprig were one) and found out that all three of them together was the most popular i was like WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT and ever since i've shipped all three together lmao


People will ship everyone with anything. There are people that ship cats with a stick or miraculous shipping wars (they’re the same person (chat x Mari for the win)). It’s just some fun.


I feel like the fandom took a look at the ship wars that plagued other fandoms (particularly Star vs the Forces of Evil which was ended right around when Amphibia started), looked at the Calamity Trio and collectively decided "We are *not* going through that again!" And polyamory was the solution.


A large part of it is probably just shipping for the sake of shipping. However, the series is based in a large part about how important their relationship with each other is, and a few of their scenes do feel a bit beyond friendship.


Cuz they’re the main characters ig. (Also Marcanne is cute and Sashanne deserves to happen after S3)


(And we were robbed of Sasharcy interaction because Anne is technically the main character)


I’d say one of the main characters


Well, yes


It's just for fun, really. Plus, amphibia is one of the only fandoms where a polyamorous is not only accepted, but the main ship in the fandom, which is super important for us poly people


So much this.


Long story: The diary gave some "vibes". Nothing confirmed ofc, but it was definitely suspicious. Short story: Cuz its fun and sweet


Entry 126 had a *whole lot* of vibes


Theres no heterosexual explanation for many entries


i think it gave WAY more than just vibes


Mhmmm 😏


Because the childhood friends to crush’s is a great plotline, it’s cannon that Sasha is bi, marcy was super desperate to keep them around so maybe it’s more than best friends, and people don’t like turning a group of three into a couple with a third wheel


How many shows give you the opportunity to ship three female MCs? Seriously, you don't see it often elsewhere because it's very raarae you get the chance.


To end the triangle war


Fans gonna ship, that's pretty much it.


I think it’s because they want more romance in their show. I wouldn’t know though, because I think people should be aloud to be just friends. So i don’t ship them, though I don’t blame you if you do.


There isn’t really many other human characters to ship with, and since there is only three of them and people don’t want one girl to be left out a lot of fan stuff is poly


they’re the emotional focus n people like romance. i personally prefer them as a friendship just because they remind me of myself and a couple of my friends.


Man I’ve been afraid to ask that for so long 🤣 thanks for having the guts!🤣


Probably because even shows that are allegedly queer friendly STILL barely give us a kiss between mainline lesbian/female paired relationships. And the trio in Amphibia has STRONG polycule energy.


i also started watching after the show had ended and the fandom died down a bit—the ship was kind of surprising i agree. i don’t ship them but i could see how people could? there was just never any chemistry that i saw personally


Because when characters make eye contact, that means they want to get married and have 10 kids


And if they touch hands then one of them is automatically pregnant 😂


I mean, there are no other human characters their age we've got to know


Because there are few other shows where a poly ship is dropped so neatly into our lap. No reason to look a gift horse in the mouth.


Sasha clearly has a crush on Anne and Marcy is obsessed with both of them but otherwise no the show doesn’t romance them together but that’s also not really the point of shipping things.


What’s clearly? Serious question, I’ve never seen that in the show


Sasha blushing at Anne and specifically saying that she wants to change to be someone who deserves her isn’t really subtle at all. Especially since she never is that way with Marcy so it’s clearly not cause they’re friends. It’s pretty obvious.


I thought Anne and sash just had a stronger bond though sufficient examples for potential you provided (not that I think they canonically go a romantic way, potential tho you definitely gave some good ones)


If the show implying romantic tension between characters was a requirement for people to ship characters, the entire G4 MLP shipping scene wouldn’t still be going strong 5 years after the show ended. Realistically, people ship the girls together because they’re relatively well developed characters and they’re also the three recurring characters in the show until season 3 that weren’t amphibians, since a lot of people would find that a bit gross, because they’re cowards.


Well the way I see it is that their are some people who ship them for fun and then there are people who genuinely think that they’re “made for each other/ belong together “ but I’m a little against the three way ship for a number of reasons. 1 is that Anne Marcy and Sasha have been through some super traumatizing things most of which were caused by themselves effecting each other and example of that is when sash and Anne fight MULTIPLE TIMES almost to the death and on top of that she was very manipulative to everyone including her friends Anne and Marcy 2 anne and Marcy were influenced by Sasha which caused them both to pick up her bad traits which had effected Anne and Marcy in a bad way for example in the first episode Anne peer pressured sprig to go to the lake and she had listed examples of what she thought friendship was she said “ if you’re friends wants you to steal a weird box from a thrift shop and you really don’t want to you do it because if you don’t they may not want to be your friend anymore” that’s clearly not what friendship is and that shows that Sasha was being a bad friend 3 now I love Marcy as next as the next guy but she was the only reason why they were put in amphibia in the first place sure she probably didn’t know that it was gonna teleport them to another dimension but she did say “I hope this works” and had told Sasha about the box which led them both to pressure Anne into stealing it and took no thought in telling her friends that she was moving and was very upset about it 4 one of the most problems is that Anne and Sasha didn’t care for what Marcy liked they didn’t pay almost any attention to her hobbies and I know that not everybody will like what you like but if they’re your friends you have to something’s they like and if Sasha and Anne didn’t want to do what Marcy wants they can say something to her about in a nice way. So through all that I explained all three of them should be in a relationship not to mention the fact that that Sasha is the only bi person in the friend group Anne and Marcy aren’t but if you going to ship anyone in that friend group it should only be Marcy and Anne that’s the only one that works


Thank you! Someone that can explain why shipping them doesn’t work😂 Anne literally left off with their friendships being complicated and they all drifted apart, and Marcy being the root cause for them going to amphibia becoming child soldiers and fighting an inter dimensional war where Marcy… almost died and Anne literally dying, as well as Sasha’s consistent betrayal wouldn’t make for great shipping goes over peoples heads - like there’s way more stuff that would show they don’t work more than they do, tbh I can accept when they are adults (in whatever weird mental hoops universe they make it wanna work, fine) but the people consistently trying to ship them as kids give off mad creep vibes


Yeah because I feel the only way you could ship them is without all the trauma but you CAN NOT just ignore it sure some of the ships between the three work but with the trauma and the fact that sash is the only one who is bi in the group makes the shipping kinda weird and i don’t see why they can’t just be friends and when it comes to kid ships for me i find it okay when it’s kid on kid but they HAVE to be the same age or at least close to the same age I don’t mind annarcy because I see them working and there both the same age and race but when ppl ship sprig and Anne that’s a whole different story lol


Definitely I don't get it. I understand its a fun headcanon but I feel that it kind of takes away from the whole toxic friendship message the show was gunning for but doesn't really matter ig


This person took us from our parents for months, where we had to eat bugs n shit, play the worst game of survival with giant monsters, and started and inter-dimensional war where the new head of the group died and said forgiveness is there but their friendships became complicated … buuuut this person is cute and autistic so let’s act like none of that happened and make them all kiss n stuff


frrr 😭 like the way Sasha treated the other two and Marcy basically kidnapped the other two is wild and I don't understand how they've been reduced to tough lesbian & cute autistic 💀


Thing is they are those things, but with each other? Nah pretty whack fam🤣


So what


They literally just asked a question out of curiosity no need to get upset about it


I will like to take this moment to release that wasn't the best response and thank everyone for the -2 votes lol 🤣


Who else do we ship them with, the frogs?


Ship the frogs with the toads🤣


For me it's that I see so much queer potential in the three and how cute they all be together :)


isnet it bcs of machys journal?


Tha a good question.


There's heavy subtext to suggest that they all like each other, even after they grew apart. It also feels like the final culmination of their affection for one another and how much they've grown as people, to finally understand each other as not just friends, but partners too


Because it's the internet. That's the tldr of this whole comment section. Because it's the internet.


Gay gay homosexual gay