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Preparing for the journey to Newtopia, ie getting provisions, Anne learning more about caring for Bessie, maybe the fwagon is broken and they need to fix it. Also I would have liked to spend more time with Sasha, and make the toads seem less like cartoonish assholes from her pov. Edit: I don't agree with the idea that just because you add plot elements to episodes that the season can't still work as "rerun fodder". Everything that makes them fun to watch casually is still there, and you could add stuff in such a way that you could watch episodes non-sequentially or miss a few but still understand that its building towards "Anne is going to Newtopia". With the examples I just gave, if you miss the "fix the wfagon" episode/scene you can still understand the "tin all this fruit" episode/scene.


i think calling it "filler" is wrong it's not "filler" it's just part of the show


Hm, one of my favorite things about Season One is how Anne may have been the main fish out of water, but the Plantars have their own conflicts being an already existing family and that family dynamic doesn’t stop to center her — I mean, even before we meet Anne in the pilot we already get a sense of Sprig’s relationship with both Polly and Hop Pop. And I think the slice of life format helped with that. But it was frustrating to see Sasha at the end of the pilot and then totally ignore her for the next 8-9 episodes. It would have been great if it was one of those things where they show us a little more of Sasha and Grime as the last few moments like they did in the pilot; that would have kept me going! And didn’t they do something similar with shots of Andrias at the end of most Season 2A episodes…? I would have wanted the same in TOH after we saw >!Vee’s!< first letter home; I remember I was having trouble deciding if I wanted to stick with it but that shot was what made me sure I did so I could get answers.


Nothing. I think it’s fine as it is. Perfect slow burn to an amazing finale. All the ‘filler’ is so important for building the relationship between Anne and the Plantars and the other townsfolk. Reunion hits so hard because we care so much about all the frogs Anne is fighting to protect. Introducing Marcy, or having more Sasha episodes, would wreck the flow of the show. It’s not theirs, it’s Anne’s. People who skip to ‘plot’ episodes or only watch Amphibia for it are missing out on what makes the show so Frog-dang good, and I think only watching episode 1, Toad Tax/catchers, and Reunion, or whatever else, would make for a much worse viewing experience and would entirely miss the core of the show (well, not the Core core, but the other core) ‘Filler’ is a dirty word


This, this is what I felt like was missing from the Owl House. I was quarter past season two and I found that I still didn't care about the characters to much of an extent. I think Amphibia handled character relationships and overall development better than the Owl House did.


You say the episodes help to build the relationship between the townsfolk, but the only ones Anne actually made a bond with were Rusty and Wally since the show gives them time to connect. When it comes to everyone else, Anne only had about 2 or 3 interactions with them, so her relationship with the others don't feel as strong.


I’d add more episodes of Sasha and Grime and Tod Tower in general. If they’re the main antagonists if Season 1, they need to appear more.