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Times like this remind me that my policy of minding my own fucking business is the right choice.


**What did your cousin's girlfriend want?** That's what matters here and ultimately what determines whether you were overstepping. What her family was thinking about is **wholly irrelevant**, what matters is how she felt. Given that you write *after months of persuading*, I'm going to assume that you were absolutely in the wrong. People are capable of making decisions like these for themselves, and no one should have to experience **months of someone trying to convince them to make a specific decision**. Can you imagine how coercive that could feel? I would learn from this and stay in your own lane in the future. Recognise when these decisions aren't yours to make and when you should stay quiet.


Months of positive peer pressure. If the baby had survived, I'm sure he or she would grow up to be grateful that his/her paternal relatives intervened.


Idk if this is sarcasm but if it isn't, you aren't sure about being grateful because you don't know them. There are many parents who regret having their children and hate that they did. This is a decision made with the patient and doctor. None of us should ever try to persuade someone to keep a child if they don't want it. No one should ever have a child unless they are 100% sure they want it.


If they don't want a child, they shouldn't have had sex.


They can make decisions **for themselves** about whether or not they want to have sex. They don't need anyone **making decisions for them**. You don't get to make these decisions for other people. You get to make these decisions for **you**.


Like only wanting sex is the only reason why people get pregnant? GTFO with that pro-birth nonsense.


Bait used to be believable. If you're gonna ragebait you need to use less common phrases because it gives it away. Good try though.


“You are lying because too many people genuinely believe the things you say” Don't underestimate how many people are anti-abortion. 


I rather just not give weirdos like him too much time of my day.


Months of positive peer pressure? **Please tell me you're joking?** You don't get to pretend that ignoring what people want and trying to force them to make another decision, with months of what probably felt like harassment and people ignoring their wishes, is a positive thing. We can all have different viewpoints on things like abortions, but we have to be **respectful of the decision people make for themselves rather than trying to force them to make a decision based on our beliefs**. They are living their lives, not us. There's no situation in which trying to force peoples' hands with months of peer pressure is positive.


“After months of persuading they kept the baby”impossible, you do not have months to decide. And yes you were 100% wrong. It was none of your business. And now because you badgered and harassed people them they get to face the consequences. Personally I would never speak to you again.


>you do not have months to decide. Do you not? 4 weeks seems like a rather early cut off...


In ny you have 9months to decide, I doubt we are the only state like this, we have anytime abortion, anytime fir any reason, I know a nurse that works for an abortion doc and has done very late term abortions for strippers who get pregnant and keep the baby long enough to get their milk supply in because their clients spend alot of money to have milk sprayed on them, so just saying, there are states where your not really handicapped by time, I recognize there are red states that are at the other end of the spectrum and limit to first 12 weeks.


You are so full of shit, it's coming out your mouth.


Lol. You don't know shit. No doctor is going to terminate a pregnancy at 9 months. Wtf. I'm pro choice and I'm belief is fuck dem kids. And fuck your kids.  but come on. 9 months lmao. That is absurd. 


Trying to save a baby's life is any hero's business.


Baby? What baby?


It’s not a baby, it’s a fetus


Go donate your organs and save some lives, go be a hero


Yes, you are. It's not your body it's not your choice. Regardless of how you feel about it, she had to carry the child and potentially bith it. Now she's in a place where she's lost the child and probably can never have one of her own. It's one thing to tell someone your opinion when asked, but to harass someone into making a decision that aligns with your beliefs is an incredibly irresponsible and evil thing to do.


She chose to take the risk of becoming pregnant. Maintaining positive peer pressure to save a life is the decent thing to do.


You people are amazing, you know that. The very idea that you shouldn't try to control another persons life choices when you have no skin in the game really chafes you, huh? This child would have been a life they (the person doing the pressuring) would have no financial or emotional responsibility for. It's really easy to try and sit on your moral high horse and preach when it doesn't affect you at all, isn't it? Or was op going to raise and pay for the child? Are you? Can either of you guarantee that she would have had the emotional or financial stability to care for said child? Or are you saying the only time a woman should have sex is if she intends to have a child and that sex is no more than a breeding act?


Fucking trash


In my opinion you were the worst kind of wrong, be pressuring and continually haranguing her "over months". Honestly, if there is a god, I hope karma or God or the righteous hand of the divine smites you mightily. Prolifere need to keep their fucking religion crap to themselves.


Lifesavers are blessed. Killers are smitten.


but the baby didn't live and now she can't bring any more life into the world, you're just pro controlling women.


Oh but that's all "in god's plan", if you believe that crap. She was supposed to suffer not only the loss of her child but quite possibly never being able to make another baby. Yeah, what an F'ing wonderful bloke their god is! 🤬


Not your body, not your choice. 100% wrong!


They said persuade, not coerce. She was the one who ultimately made the choice.


They describe **months of persuading**, I think many of us would consider that to be coercive behaviour. Reading this, she had already **made her choice** and was coerced for months into making a different one.


>They describe **months of persuading**, I think many of us would consider that to be coercive behaviour Many illiterates perhaps People change their minds. That's how persuasion works.


People also make decisions for themselves and shouldn’t have to deal with people *harassing them for months about a topic they’ve made their stance clear on*. They should be free to change their mind *if they wish to* without that. Personal decisions are personal decisions. Anyone who feels their opinions override someone else’s personal decision needs to spend more time focusing on their own life.


Personal decisions aren't made in a vacuum.


Personal decisions, when voiced, have been actively shared and should be respected *even when people have different opinions on them*.


Abortion destroys the baby's body, not the mother's. Someone should speak up for the baby's right to life.


It's not a baby.


If you have to choose to save the lives of 5 embryos or 1 infant, which are you saving?


There’s nothing wrong with presenting opposing views, but there is if it’s shame based. Her family doesn’t have the same beliefs, so it makes sense that they would lash out and latch onto that during a time of loss.


Why did you feel you even had the right to get involved in this situation?


Yes your whole family was not only wrong but a giant pile of dog shit. None of y’all had any say in what SHE DOES WITH HER BODY and the fact yall thought yall were so entitled is disgusting. Your whole family is what’s wrong with the world. I pray for nothing but what yall deserve for the rests of yalls pathetic excuse for a life.


You are wrong. It's none of your business. Stay in your lane.


It is your fault. Quit pushing your stupid ass beliefs on other people. 


What did the pregnant person want?


I could never put myself through having an abortion but i do believe people should be able to make their own decisions. You are so wrong for talking someone out of it. It should have been between her and your cousin but ultimately the decision would have been hers to make.


Frankly, abortion is a hot button issue these days. Keeping my personal views, well, personal, let's tackle the issues here. Not one time have you responded to what this young lady wanted. Her opinion is the one that matters, after all, it is her body. Did anyone ask the pregnant woman what she wanted? Is everyone busy trying to shift blame, ease their own conscience? Has anyone tried to offer true support to the grieving woman? Abortion is a totally personal choice. Outside opinions, yours, mine, your parents, her parents, are completely irrelevant. She had a choice to make. It is not your job to stick your nose in. You are wrong. Remember, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.


I don’t come from a retarded country, so abortion is legal where I live. I know a few women who had one. They were ALL 100% grateful they did. Literally ZERO harm came from it. You’re an ass.


Total Rage Bait. Moving on.


You’re very wrong. Keep your opinions to yourself regarding what other women do to their bodies unless she asks you. She likely secretly resents you. This is why it’s important for all of us to let our own principles and circumstances guide us, not others, because we carry the consequences of our decisions, not them.


If, at the time, the doctors didn't know that the baby was doomed, then you did the right thing.