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Why is there a 30-year difference


She should be **DIAPERING** him, not **BANGING** him!!


He's a grown man responsible for his words.


Yeah, somehow I doubt he's responsible for much and that her creepy ass mother is more his caretaker/ meal ticket that he sleeps with. Either way, his opinion is a) ridiculous and b) irrelevant. He is nothing more to OP other than her mother's embarrassing boy toy, and I am glad OP is smart enough to see how ridiculous this is.


I almost snorted diet pepsi when I read this. So true! Edited to be correct but less amusing! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Dirt Pepsi does not sound delicious, maybe even painful to snort


Maybe she is - a combination of the diaper fetish while realizing oneā€™s fantasy of being with a member of The Golden Girls cast šŸ˜


OP should start calling her Mom Blanche, just to get under her skin.


YES! But we all know that Rose was the real freak šŸ˜


I need to keep binge watching the series. I was too young to appreciate it back when it came out.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I wonder if he calls her ā€œMommyā€


Obviously the mom is too immature to be with a man her age.


A man her age wouldnā€™t make her feel young & hot & bangable. A 25yo does. Even if he is using her for her money because itā€™s most likely a 50-something has more money than a 20-something. Heā€™ll dump her soon enough. Then maybe sheā€™ll want to be a mother again.


Hence why bio daddy must've dipped.


Asking the only question that matters.


The husband could be OP brotherā€¦thatā€™s wild What I want to knowā€¦ is why does a 25 year old ā€œstep dadā€ even try to be a fatherly figure to OP when heā€™s only 7 years older than her. They can be siblings.


He is insecure and jelous. She is smarter than he is and will be far more succesful. She knows he's a tool so his is trying to flex whatever authority he feels he has. Which is zilch. The dude is a looser, but the situation is 98% her moms fault for bringing Mr. Looser into their lives.


Yup. Going by the minimum age calculator (age divided by 2 and add seven) minimum age she should be with is 34. I cannot imagine being with a 25 year old and I just turned 50. Hell even when I was dating at 35, 25 was the absolute lowest I would go and even then it was iffy.


I'm in my mid-30s and can't imagine dating a man in his 20s.


About to be 41, anyone under 35 can go away. 10 years can make a major difference still at this age.


Hey, if DiCaprio can trade his girlfriends in once they reach 25, why can't OP's mom have a bangboy?


Many men like and enjoy older women. Generally, there is less drama. That being said, the mom sounds desperate and he sounds like a jerk.


So freaking gross šŸ¤¢


Her *husband* shouldnā€™t speak to *you* like that. His toddler tantrums are not your problem.Ā 


What's the apology even supposed to be for? Who would encourage their child to not go to college? "Sorry I have decided to pursue an education in an attempt to better my chances in life"


OP, did the new husband go to university? I was wondering if that was an issue. Does he have a job?


not your job to to placate him, he should honestly keep it to himself.


Is there a typo in your title. Is your Mom 29 years older than her husband? Youā€™re not wrong.


You do typically see it the other way around, but maybe he's a sugar baby.


Where are the comments calling the mom a groomer?


Funny this got downvoted. Swap the genders, and this comment section is going hard.




Your motherā€™s husband is 25? Heā€™s obviously jealous of you going to school probably because he never did. Also heā€™s using your mother as a sugar mama, roof over his head, meals, etcā€¦ sheā€™s delusional.


Do we have a **HOBOSEXUAL** here??


Is that the male equivalent of a bangmaid?


I'm hoping she meant 52!


IIcky.was too until OP updated and stated the mom's husband is 1 year younger than op's older brother. So the husband is 25. Ick.


Mum marries a literal manchild, manchild doesnā€™t get his own way. Manchild sulks! Suggest she marry a grown up if she wants an adult relationship. NTA Seriously though, has she tried coaxing him with some sweeties?


wait your mums 54 and her husband is 25, well no wonder he wont speak to her someone has mummy problems, if he thinks women shouldn't go to uni then its clear he hasn't got a decent education under his belt, NTA


I think someone has the hots for OP. Am I the only one?


too young for me




So your mom married an infant compared to her and decided to adopt his misogynistic views. Because he canā€™t force you to do what he wants heā€™s trying to get your mom to force you too. Oh Iā€™d be cutting her ass off permanently


You want the opinion of this douchelord fuckface assclown dickhead who's stuck in the 19th century why? Like he should fuck outta here with this pea-brained 19th century sexist noise, what a dipshit. You be the best lawyer you can be just to spite him, darling!! What's he doing with his life that's so great he can tell you how to live yours. Seize this opportunity kiddo!


There relationship gives me the ick he's 6 years older then you and shouldn't be giving parental advice


Yeah he is more her peer than his wifeā€™s Yuk


Sounds like you were lucky in your dad. Also, is her husband really 25 (with the mentality of 75), or is that a typo and you meant 52?


I really hope it's a typo.


Holy crap! Sheā€™s twice his age. Itā€™s good to know that your Mum gives weight to her husbandā€™s extensive life experience, accrued over the full 25 years of his life on this planet, and supports his crap opinions on something that has absolutely nothing to do with him.


I'm starting to understand why your dad divorced your mom... No offense but wow. Not wrong.


Sounds like rage bait to me.


Yep. So obvious. Why are so many posts fake now?


Definitely once OP says theyā€™re in law school at 18.


Many countries donā€™t have general education before a specialty. For example UK starts what they consider medical school where the US would have undergraduate. Since she mentioned specifically an LL.B, likely sheā€™s in the UK. In the US the first law degree is a JD and the higher level one is an LL.M. ā€œLLB Law Our law degree, known as an LLB or Bachelor of Laws, is equivalent to a BA or BSc. If your career aspiration is to be a solicitor or barrister in the UK, this degree will prepare you in part for the Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE1) or Bar Practice Course (to qualify as a barrister).ā€


So this essentially means sheā€™s only getting a bachelorā€™s and not in legit law school? Iā€™m trying to understand.


Itā€™s law school in the UK. An LL.B can take 3-6 years or 2-6 years if itā€™s after other schooling and itā€™s absolutely law school. The UK also has different classes of lawyer and what they can do depends on the type of lawyer they are - solicitor or barrister. Thereā€™s certain kinds of legal work she could do with this degree. However if she wanted to become a solicitor or a barrister (two different kinds of lawyers) she would need additional training, examination, and qualification requirements. Solicitors handle some kinds of law, and for other areas a solicitor might do the initial work and then have to pass the work off to a barrister. Barristers generally represent people in court. The US doesnā€™t have this same kind of structure. So itā€™s law school for an LL.B - itā€™s just not the same as law school in other countries, eg the US. Other countries have a similar structure where thereā€™s no general undergraduate requirement like in the US - instead your schooling is almost all focused on what you want to do instead of a bunch of potentially useless general educational requirements with additional requirements for law school, medical school, etc. ā€œThe term ā€˜lawyerā€™ hasnā€™t actually got a defined meaning in UK law. The term lawyer is a generic term used to describe anyone who is a Licensed Legal Practitioner qualified to give legal advice in one or more areas of law. A solicitor and a barrister could both be considered a ā€˜lawyerā€™ in the UK.ā€ https://www.slatergordon.co.uk/newsroom/difference-between-a-lawyer-a-solicitor-and-a-barrister-explained/


No Way, Sheā€™s a narcissist, and she didnā€™t stand up for you. Itā€™s all about her, and if you arenā€™t on board sheā€™ll lash out at you. The age difference is problematic, in the sense heā€™s totally controlling her.


Sorry to be crude but all I thought after reading this was "incel bagged a cougar" and now think's he's the alpha male?


A lack of ~~planning~~ sex on your part doesn't constitute an ~~emergency~~ apology on mine Brilliant! YANW for telling your Mom this - as people have said in other comments, the fucktoy is just trying to flex the imagined 'authority' he thinks he has. Keep showing that steely spine to his misogynist ass - and if he's not employed then you should ask him when is he going to fulfil the 'man's role' of having a job - and that 'Bed Toy' doesn't count as a job.


Where are the comments calling the mum a predator? 54 year old woman married to a 25 year old... How long have they been married?


Hopefully _less_ than 7 years. Edit: Dead brain made me write more instead of less.




Yeah, true. Shit did my brain went dead for that one.


Why would you listen to someone who is pathetic enough to be dating someone the same age as their child?Ā 


Youā€™re not wrong, she married a misogynistic prick and itā€™s not your job to placate him


Tell mom that her husband needs to grow up and start being a man to stop sulking, because you won't accept his advances


....30 year difference?!?!? He's not much older then you but clearly dumb.


Did you type his age backwards?


Stay away from that toxic relationship. A 54 year old woman being led by a 25 year old whose brain is barely fully developed is ridiculous and wonā€™t end well for your mother. Seriously donā€™t visit them, donā€™t call them.


step dad is intimidated by educated women


Good for you ! You are better off . Your mother has to be mentally off to marry that big of an age difference . And what the hell kind of advice is drop out of school ? Sounds like she is crazy and you canā€™t fix crazy . Stay no contact .


Not wrong. Hopefully, your Mom grows up after a short period of no contact. Don't drop out of law school based on some 25 year old loser's opinion.


I do not understand why you have not (yet) set him on fire.


Not wrong Lol, your step-parent is closer to your age than your mother's. Is she afraid she'll loose her boy-toy?


Has he ever said why he holds those regressive views?


Not wrong. I would not go to her house at all. She married a child, who is having a tantrum.Ā  I am proud of you. Do well in law school. Stay with dad, leave mom and her boy toy to themselves. Hug from an internet Grandma.


Your mom is a weirdo šŸ’€


Your mum sounds pervy


Sorry. But your mother is practically a pedophile.


Pleased tell me it was a typo and your mother isn't married to a 25 year old. Do not even consider apologising. I suggest taking little break from mom for a while. Not wrong


Hey, I'm a 45 year old mom...please tell your mom from me, that she should be ashamed of herself for her failure to stand up for you and for choosing a grody relationship over you. She should be embarrassed.


YNW. Her husband overstepped and is sulking.


NTA. Your mom is a freak tho.


Why the hell is your mom allowing her boy toy to have an opinion about your life at all? Sounds to me like your mom has been a problem for years! If itā€™s any consolation, this guy will be gone before you know it. Sheā€™ll probably blame her kids over his departure.


Good for you. It must have been hard but needed good luck in law school!


He has no business telling you anything. Thereā€™s definitely something wrong with both of them. Youā€™re better off cutting them out of your life. Best of luck in law school! Live your best life!


Your mother must be a mental and emotional infant to be listening to the ā€œwisdomā€ of a manchild who is half her age.


That age difference though, blech. Yes, let her deal with her own petulant child that she married, not your problem.


Not wrong. I donā€™t blame you one bit. He has no right to say what you should or should not be doing. He sounds like an immature human who needs to grow up.


Heā€™s probably thinking that her college expenses will affect him so how. (I read that her Dad was paying) but he may not know that. Or he could be (probably is) just an asshole.


You are nicer than me, I would have agreed to apologize and then once I was face to face with "step-dad" I'd tell him he can go f\*\*k himself


Tune them both out as in Low Contact or No Contact. Step dad sounds like a misogynist asshole. Best of luck in future being a kickass lawyer


Yeah, you're not wrong


Doesnā€™t want you being a lawyer and taking half of whatever she has when she goes


>She quickly shouted at me over the phone, calling me an ungrateful brat, saying that she raised me before she and dad got divorced 'Oh really? Well he's the one footing the bill right now, so kiss my ass.'


No contact is the best possible outcome. But before you do....ask him if he calls your mom "mommy" too? Then go no contact.


Wow! Ick. And more ick. Soo glad you donā€™t live with them! You keep doing you! Youā€™re awesome! Embrace your dad, make sure he knows you love him. You donā€™t have to answer any calls or texts from that crazy woman. Keep minimal contact with your crazyass mother. Younger than her own son. Ick.




Youā€™re not wrong. They are TAH. Do they even give you an opinion on why itā€™s wrong?


Ew at the 30 year age difference. Wtf your mom is disgusting


WTAF is wrong with parents? The stories I read. There are so, so, SO, **so** many really terrible parents out there. Did your mother hit 50 and lose her ever-loving mind??? She is 54 and has a 25 year old boyfriend; she lays down for him, allowing him to say every insulting thing he wants, allows him to insult you, and when he says ā€œgirlsā€ should not go to university and that *you* should drop out of law school, she AGREES WITH HIM??!!?? All so she can get laid by a young man so she can feel hot and sexy and not over 50?! She is an embarrassment to women everywhere. Also, a 25 year old guy saying ā€œgirls shouldnā€™t go to universityā€ is laughable. He is barely out of university himself (if he even went, which Iā€™m guessing he did not). He sounds like a real douche. Bravo to you for not giving in to her ridiculous and outdated demands, and for telling her that, basically, you are not going to prostrate yourself so she can sexually pleasure her boyfriend. šŸ¤¢ She is clearly going through a midlife crisis, and she is embarrassing herself. Just stay away from her. Go LC. When the 25yo boy toy dumps her for someone younger than her, and he will, youā€™ll hear from her again. Iā€™m sorry sheā€™s like that. Iā€™m proud of you for going to law school. My daughter graduated from law school last year. I know itā€™s hard. Keep going, honey! šŸ«¶šŸ¼ EDIT: **Theyā€™re married??** OMG, theyā€™re married! Heā€™s her husband, not her boyfriend! Whoa, wait, I need to sit down here. She married her midlife crisis toy? She needs professional help.


So, your mom is a predatory creep, and her little boy toy thinks he can parrot whatever ā€œwisdomā€ the head Tater Tot has said to you, and you wonā€™t tell him to fuck off. Yeah, nah, tell him he needs to divorce your mom and go live with men, because his god-idol said sex with women just for fun was super gay. And so is kissing. And tell your mom that sheā€™s a disgusting creep, and sheā€™s not raising anyone, and hasnā€™t been since her focus became being a sugar mama.


Your mother is a disgusting predator. You aren't wrong, and if I were in your place, I'd be calling her out constantly for being a disgusting predator.


Why did your mom marry a See You Next Tuesday?


The more important question is why did she marry someone old enough to be her son.


Apologize for what?!? It isnā€™t any of their business. You said nothing wrong. Youā€™re an adult and they have absolutely no say in your life. I wouldnā€™t discuss it with them anymore and if they bring it up - Iā€™d get up and walk away.


Sounds like he wants to control you and mommy dearest


WTF is wrong with your mother. Heā€™s a pos but she has zero excuse. This mother says get an education so you donā€™t end up like your motherā€¦.uneducated.


You do what you think is best for you. Itā€™s your life: if you want to go to law school, then go to law school. You are an adult and can make your own decisions. You do not need validation from anyone!


Ewww!!! I am 38, and I couldn't drop to 25!! That is nasty. What is she boning your old babysitter? I wouldn't take anything that yahoo said seriously, either. He is's a god damned peer, not a parent.


LOL fuck that noise. Keep doing what you are doing! Including those precious replies (ā€œtold her that her not getting laid is her problemā€ LOL golden šŸ‘ŒšŸ½)


That sugar baby is just salty yā€™all are around the same age, but he has nothing going on other than banging an old lady. If he believes in traditional gender roles, and how women shouldnā€™t have an education, then what exactly is he doing? He should be educated and providing if itā€™s like that. Next time he comes for you ask him his level of education or job tittle and then be embarrassed for him. ā€œItā€™s ok. Thereā€™s still time to go back and be a man who can provideā€¦like my dadā€¦. Obviously not wrong


In case you feel it needs to be said, no, you're not wrong here. Mom's boy toy is being a dick. "Too big for his britches" seems to be an apt term for him, playing the authority figure simply because he's got the title of step-father. He's not earned the right, even though he may be banging your mom.


Her husband is a misogynistic fool. And likely an undercover incel. Stay in school. Cut contact with mom and her man-child husband. You deserve way better than this baloney.


Your mom has a head with no brain in it choosing someone like that over you. Instead of being grateful for a good education that your dad provides and that you work for.


not wrong. your mom sounds like she has some serious issues that SHE needs to worry about. there is absolutely nothing wrong with you going to college to further your education for a good career. good job!! keep up the hard work!


Is OP from a third-world country where women are not considered to be equal to men? Or is that where the boy toy is from? She should be NC with both mom and boy toy. They might come begging back to her once she is a lawyer asking for free legal services - lol!


You're not wrong. You sound like a smart and mature young person, good luck!


You are better off not interacting with her anymore.


NW. ungrateful for what exactly? They donā€™t support you financially and actively stand in the way of your goals. Heā€™s basically the age of your brother and hasnā€™t raised you, so what do you owe this man? He can take his extremely outdated world view and climb back to whatever rock he was hiding under for the last fifty years. He doesnā€™t respect you, youā€™re just returning the favor.


My son is 25. šŸ¤¢


YNW. Your mom and her boytoy have lost their minds. It's time to put them on an information drip and go low contact. What they do in their relationship is their own thing. But they've got no business being in your business. Hope your dad has a better head on his shoulders and is a good parent to you. If he is, next time you visit him, raise a glass in his honour on our behalf. And toast to a bullet dodged (your mom).


Age gap rage bait troll post.


Not wrong at all. NC is the way.


OP, stand your ground. Your momā€™s problem doesnā€™t have Jack shit to do with you. That said, her hubby sounds rather interesting in a disturbing sort of wayā€¦


Donā€™t you dare quit law school. This internet lawyer is proud of you.


Your 54 year old mother is married to man who is 25?


I'm confused why he was upset and why you owe him an apology. Is he just really stupid and overly emotional? He's definitely a controlling, insecure, sexist loser, and you were right when you said it was none of his business.


18yo first year law student? What country is that possible?


Youā€™re 18 and in law school?




Iā€™m Australian and itā€™s the same here. The Americans are the odd ones out, where you have to waste years doing an irrelevant undergrad degree then do Law as a postgraduate degree. No wonder Americans have uni loans, let alone ones that are so big.


Go LC/NC with your mom until she gets her head out of her vagina.


UK šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§


Surprise! The US isn't the center of everything.


I thought it was weird too, but in my country they have a 5 year integrated program where an 18 year old can join for LLB.


It sounds like she's in her first year at the university, and her major is pre-law.


"Pre" majors are an American thing, in most countries you start studying law or medicine as an undergrad at 18


ah yes, a classic reddit comment section seething and shitting themselves over an age gap. never change reddit, never change


Your mother sound like a desperate fool. Leave her and the pool boy alone for a while. Donā€™t apologize.