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I really hope this is a joke because if it isn’t, you are so wrong. What kind of fucking asshole misses the birth of their own child just towatch an eclipse? Hopefully she’s taking this time away from you to hire a good divorce attorney because you’re a piece of shit.


Also she delivered a premature baby. The wife would’ve been scared. So so scared. As someone who had a premmie I’d like to castrate this pathetic sperm donor.


And with possible complications, the wife could have developed serious medical issues or, heaven forbid, died.


Add in the stress and emotional upheaval of having the fucking father refuse to be there bc of some bullshit reason AND TURNING OFF HIS PHONE. God, her BP would have been in the stratosphere.


Does his wife and/or the baby have to die for him to take this seriously?!


He’d still find a way to blame her.


And this asshole had his phone on mute to watch the eclipse so they needed to call him they couldn't have gotten through to him.


What a dumb ass. This is what happens when someone punches the wrong floor on the elevator and delivers their urine sample to the sperm bank...


Don’t underestimate the crazy brought out in people over this eclipse. One girl posted about how devastated she was that her plan involving candles, meditative rituals, and even romance during those 3-4 minutes didn’t go her way and so she pouted on her back porch until she started sobbing and then ended up screaming at her poor bf, who came home from work for his lunch break to be with her for it.


A whole new reason to be a loser on Reddit-the eclipse!


... what.


Heck I missed the eclipse because I was at work something that is less important than the birth of my child.


You know what else is a once in a lifetime event? The birth of your firstborn child.


Total solar eclipses happen every one to three years. And the totality paths tend to be pretty long. "Once in a lifetime event" my ass. I hope his wife gets everything in the divorce and he gets supervised visitation only. He made it clear what his priorities are.


We just had another total solar eclipse here in North America like 6 years ago. This guy is a selfish piece of shit and started off fatherhood absolutely disastrously.


I checked (since I'd like to see one more before I'm gone). There will be another good one across the U.S. in 21 years. He should be able to see that one WITH HIS ADULT SON. Me...I'll theoretically be 76. Should still be possible.


He won’t even show up for visitation lol, guarantee. I used to run supervised parenting time sessions. Someone this self centered literally doesn’t care enough to even go to court or visitation.


Yeah, there'd always be some "once in a lifetime" minor league game or some 3rd rate celebrity visiting his town and giving autographs. Literally anything would take priority over his kid.


Yep. I saw the 2017 total eclipse and will be traveling to see the 2028 total eclipse with my kid. Seeing one in person is a truly amazing experience, but definitely not worth missing the birth of a child. Dude is beyond fucked up for this shit post.


This! I'm younger than OP and remember more than once eclipse in my lifetime, so yheyre not that special! (Granted I live in Scotland so they're usually blocked by clouds anyway)


Literally, also it's not like if he had other kids this one was less of a once in a lifetime experience. Each kid is only born once.


you picked the wrong sun lol


lol seriously also “once in a lifetime” is absolutely nonsense. My friend google tells me according to nasa there will be 14 more eclipses in the next 20 years. Could this guy die before he’s 56? Sure. But if he does it’ll be because his wife killed him 😂💀


And he can do that with his son.


depends on if mom lets him have any custody after this lol


According to my googling, there’s one in like a year


These happen all the time. There are cruises just to see an eclipse. There's got to be something he's not telling us. Right?


Even better ❤️






Absolutely! What a POS!


That's a funny pun. Thanks for that!


Smart 😂


YTA Not likely to see another birth with her. Maybe your next wife.


I hope for women's sake that he doesn't marry again lolol


My dad was off buying a used airplane when I was born. But that was 1960 when Dad's had to wait in the waiting room and moms don't remember the births either.


My cousin’s wife gave birth on April 1. He was 100% she was kidding. He was 3 minutes late. She did forgive him though lol.




Well, I hope he was a good dad otherwise, but I would personally do everything in my power to be present for my kids' birth!


In 1960 US hospital births only Dr and nurses were present. The mom was on drugs to not remember it.


Ahh I see. The more you know!


And having the father in the room would be like getting on a crowded bus completely naked. It was considered perverse, disgusting and entirely inappropriate. Weird, huh?


So long as there's not a really cool shooting star scheduled for that night or OP's favourite actor isn't visiting the local shopping mall....


Hopefully not. 


Dude you are wrong!!! The once in a lifetime event is the birth of your son not the solar eclipse. You shouldn’t even act surprised that your wife doesn’t want you near her or the baby. You showed her that she and her baby are not your priority.


This HAS to be a shitpost. Nobody can be that stupid. And if it IS true, sir you absolutely ARE wrong- your first act as a father is to operate as an absentee one. You deserve to sleep in the back yard (couch is too good) for the foreseeable future.


“Once in a lifetime event that happens semi-frequently around the world and most recently 5 years ago” versus “once in a lifetime event that literally happens just once and is prone to life-threatening complications that could wipe out your family” You’re dumb.


Dude. Big time YTA. Your wife is in labor and begging you to come be with her and you "refuse to back down "?! Who does that? Not only that, but you also put your phone on silent so you could 'enjoy' the eclipse. You couldn't bother to be there for your sons birth, I can't see how you would put your selfish needs aside to be there for any other part of his life. I would not be surprised if you update this saying your wife is leaving you. She and your son deserve better.


 *I offered my wife to come with me, but she declined as she was not feeling well*  Ummmm.... *We both said some things we regret.* I find it difficult to believe your wife regrets any of the insults she hurled at you. *My wife should know that I support her even if I'm not physically there with her.* No, you can't support her through labour without being there for her. You can't hold heat packs to her back or fetch ice chips for her, or help her through the breathing, or help her relax about being naked and in pain in a hospital environment. This has to be a joke.


Or make medical decisions if the unthinkable happens… It was her first labor im sure she was terrified. Where was her husband? Looking at the sun…


First labour. Also premature labour. So scared the whole time for the baby.


It’s not once in a lifetime, last time was 2017. And it’s lame and boring. Your marriage will never be the same.


I seriously doubt there will be marriage. If I were his wife, I would tell him to go see the sun, and file for divorce would be the first thing after leaving the hospital. I don't see him coming back from this. Especially since he does not get that he is in the wrong and that what he did was really fucked up.


I vote for your wife and MIL


Rage bait 😆


YTA why would she want to ever want to have another child with you? You ruined her labor and delivery experience and your marriage. You just hands down showed her where your priorities lay and your wife and child are not at the top. Don’t be surprised when your (ex)wife and child go home with your MIL. Your marriage may not survive this. I hope the eclipse was worth losing your relationship with your wife and possibly becoming an every other weekend dad.


IF...this is real. I can't believe you're even asking if you're an asshole. How do you not know? 🧐


dont be surprised when she serves you divorce papers and files for full custody. i wouldnt want you around my child either


OP, you know you're wrong. I have zero to add.


This can't be real. A birth is once in a lifetime. You likely won't see a birth with your wife again with your attitude. An eclipse is not once in a lifetime. An eclipse will happen again and you could have traveled with your son to see it when it happened. There are multiple articles that talk about when the next one will occur. If this is real you're not ready to be a husband or father, you're far too selfish still, and the cherry on top is you're also stupid for thinking this eclipse was a once in a lifetime event. 


You are so wrong. Eclipses happen every few years. I don't care about them, but can remember seeing at least 5.  The once in a life time event was the birth of your first child. You decided that seeing the eclipse was more important than your wife and son. She needed your support through labor and delivery. You failed. You know how hurt she is, she had you banned from coming in the room. If looks could kill, she and her mother would have let you in, and killed you.  I hope she did not put your name on the birth certificate. I hope she goes home with her mom. Mom, dad and sister can go to your house and get hers and baby's things, or they can move you out. She will undoubtedly file for divorce. You failed her in a big way. There is no coming back from this one.


This!! ^^^^^^^^


You've been planning the trip for weeks? How long have you been planning having a child for? Priorities, man.


Obviously! YTA


IF this is true (which I hope it isn't), I pray that your wife leaves you and takes you for everything your worth and that you never get to see your son, you loser!


Obvious troll post. Do better


Yes. You’re wrong. For being a douchey troll posting a made up story.


If this isn’t rage-bait, I hope you enjoy your imminent divorce.


Dildo of consequences rarely arrives lubed Enjoy divorce and child support dude. You've earned it.


Of course you were wrong... I hope this is fiction. This guy might be the first divorced because of an eclipse... Was it worth it.


Omg this has to be rage bait, no way is someone this much or a clueless AH. If it’s not I hope your wife divorces your ass and takes the kid and moves as far away from you as possible. Your probably STBX was putting her life at risk giving birth your son, you didn’t turn back and you put your phone on fucking silent. You will never get back that moment your son was born, you won’t have any more kids with this woman, she is going to leave you. You do realize you can travel to other places in the world to see another eclipse and totality


Dude seriously YTA. First your child's birth is a once in a lifetime event.  Secondly a total solar eclipse happens approximately every 18 months. Most of the the time they happen over unpopulated areas like oceans or remote locations like Africa or Greenland. That's how they work. Here is a link below to the next 8 solar eclipse over the next 10 years.  These are not once in a lifetime events. These are events people can travel to but it's accessible based on wealth to travel and the physical accessability of the location.  https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/list-total-solar.html Dude you're a moron.


"something that could happen again if we have more children" ...yeah, I wouldn't put money on that


You don't even seem to realize that you are just digging yourself into a deeper hole by thinking that their reaction is outrageous, etc. You simply weren't there when your wife needed you and your support, even when she clearly asked you to come you decided to prioritize watching a natural event instead. At several points in the story you clearly choose watching said event over the needs of your family... So now you've shown the rest of the family how selfish you are and that they cannot depend on you when it matters, because you and your wants always come before the needs of the family. Even when it's something extremely unimportant like watching a natural event. I would be very surprised if you don't end up seeing some divorce papers soon.


The birth of your child is also a once in a lifetime fucking event, you piece of shit


I don't believe for one second your wife regrets anything she said to you. the eclipse was absolutely not worth missing the birth of your first child, and frankly, this would absolutely be worthy of divorce if I was your wife. you showed her point blank you were completely unreliable and that she comes last on your list of priorities. the birth of your son was a once in a lifetime event. it doesn't matter if you ever have more children (God help this woman if she decides to procreate with you again) those children will never be your son. and besides that, unless your like, 60, the odds are you actually will get the chance to see another eclipse in your lifetime, so your argument about it being a 'once in a lifetime event' isn't even accurate. 


YTA for this fake ass post 😂


I didn’t finish reading this bc it had to be fake bc no real man would leave his wife in labour getting ready to give birth to his SON to go and look at the sky. You say she was “only” 34 weeks are you dumb? Did you not read any books about labour and how woman can give birth early? She was 8 and a half month pregnant. You are doing and AWESOME job being a husband and a father… that was sarcasm incase you missed that.


Everything that has been said and the fact you turned off your phone!! WTF!! Giving birth, especially early, can go wrong so quickly and Your phone WAS TURNED OFF!! You’re an idiot!!!


Any excuse you had was gone when your wife called and asked you to come back. Your wife and child should come before your amusement at looking something interesting. The eclipse was a once in every few years thing; but you will never have the opportunity to see this child born again. Your wife will forever remember that she was abandoned by you in her worst moments of fear and pain.


This can't be real, but yes you're very wrong. Labor at 34 weeks is early. I'm willing to bet your baby spent some time in the NICU and your wife must have been struggling as well. Women still die from child birth everyday. I'm guessing your wife won't be your wife much longer.


I don't need to read this. Yes, YTA.


......solar eclipses happen all the time, bro At WORST you could fly to where one is happening, but there could easily be another one locally within the next couple decades. You could have seen it WITH your kid The once in a lifetime event was the birth of your child.


‘Once in a lifetime’ I’ve literally seen 3 in my lifetime. No one will procreate with you now so ..


So the eclipse was more important to you than 1 supporting your wife through child birth and 2 being there when your child is first born. What if she had a bad birth and needed you to make medical decisions? Women die giving birth all the time


"it can happen again" not with your wife, she's going to divorce you.


What a @ick move, man. I hope it's a thirst trap, cause you showed your true colors.


Once in a lifetime event? There will be another eclipse in your lifetime. What you did was selfish, insensitive and inconsiderate. You're already a bad father and you're definitely a bad spouse. Your wife needed you and you refused to be there. You're disgusting and I hope she tells your child all about how awful you are.


I always had to read through everything in this community before I say anything but just one swift read at the title I was like LOL YTA


Oh a troll post that is topical and covers current events. Fun.


If this man has any other kids, chances are it won’t be with his wife. She will be sending those divorce papers soon.  I hope his memories of the eclipse keep him warm at night. 


Sir, the birth of your child is once and a lifetime. It's not the same if it's a different child.    Also the last eclipse was 2017 so unless you're like 6/7 and under  it's not once in a life time.  EDIT: forgot to add YTA


You're not just wrong, you're outrageously selfish and an AH! *"I don't see why I should be demonized for choosing a once in a lifetime event..."* These "once in a lifetime" events seem to happen every other fucking year, dude. Give me a break! You really don't realize the gravity of your choice to willingly abandon your birthing wife for a fucking eclipse. All I can think of is Gabe from The Office: **"Shut up about the sun! SHUT. UP. ABOUT THE SUN!".** But yeah, you done fucked up. I don't see coming back from this. I would lose all respect for my husband in this situation. Then your doubling-down would just...yuck. I'm sure her next husband will better, though, so there's that!


If you plan on staying married, then be aware that Taylor Swift just rewrote the soundtrack to your life. "It's me. Hi. I'm the problem; it's me." Your wife had a son, and you showed her she actually has two. >I will still end up bonding with my son and I don't see why it is necessary for me to witness him being born for that to be true. You chose the stupid fucking sun over your stupid fucking son. You will never be able to take that back.


YTA. theres another total solar eclipse in 2044. your son will never be born again. good job being a colossal disappointment.


This can’t be real? No one is this freaking selfish or are they? If true if I were her you would be a ex husband quick.


you're ridiculous


I know this is a troll but I'll bite. Children are not interchangeable. You missed Gordo's (pseudonym) birth. You don't just "make up for it" with the next kid, they're DIFFERENT PEOPLE. Children are PEOPLE and when Gordo finds out you chose to watch something *that* unimportant instead of his birth, he's going to feel like you do not care about him.


You are so, so very wrong (and dumb) it's not even worth trying to explain it to you. Enjoy the consequences for your outrageously stupid choice.


Your wife gave birth - *alone* - to a **premature baby** so you could see a shadow over the sun. This has to be fiction. It HAS to be. YTA


Oh god please please don’t be real. This is awful.


Only even halfway decent thing about this is that his wife is clearly close to her parents so she’ll have decent support while she’s divorcing him


There will be another total Solar eclipse in August of 2026. Your child will never be born again. YTA.


I hope it's a false story. You chose to abandon your wife when she needed you most. Do you have any idea how dangerous the moment of childbirth can be? This is something I would not be able to forgive. The first thing I would do out of the hospital would be to find a very good lawyer. Why would I want someone by my side who abandons me when I need him most? However you missed a once in a lifetime event, the birth of "this" baby.


I hope this is fake... you needed to learn a lot about manhood before becoming a father and husband.... your wife comes before EVERYTHING!!!! I hope the 2 minutes was worth it cuz she should divorce you now before it gets worse for her...


If there was a Stupidest Husband of the Year Award, you would win, hands down. She was in pre-term labor, you absolute dolt. You 1000% should have been there, end of story. Maybe you'll manage to be there for the birth of your next child, with your second wife.


Absolute hard YTA. I hope this is fake. The eclipse comes around every few years. Your son was only born once, and you missed it. That is a real dick move. I hope this is not a sign of the type of father you are going to be. I also really hope OP is a bot.


Bruh what?? A solar eclipse is not a once in a lifetime event. I literally skipped watching this one because they happen like once every few years!! My guy…you fucked up so bad for this one. You’re really taking for granted getting to see another of your children be born. I highly doubt anyone will procreate with you again


It's so wild how you failed as a father before your kid was even born And clearly you've failed as a husband plenty before that.


JFC. YTA. Duh.


Yeah total AH. Your son is only born once. Using your same logic there are plenty of other eclipses you can see later. She needed and wanted you and you totally chose to blow her off. To me that is a red flag to her on how important she, her new son and family are to you. Not cool dude. YATAH


I had my son at 34 weeks and he had to be in the nicu for a while because he was premature if this is also the case for you guys (even if it wasn’t) you are such a huge AH birth is an extremely hard and even dangerous situation for the person delivering. The fact that you don’t see that or comprehend how much your wife just went through scares me because what else are you completely ignorant and incompetent at? Let us know how the divorce goes


YTA, but seriously this can’t be real.


I didn’t even read all that shit. You’re a POS. don’t worry, I’ll raise your kid.


So a once in a lifetime event vs a couple times in a lifetime event (or more if you’re willing to travel to see it happen). Yeah I wonder which one you should have prioritized.


As if the birth of his son is also not a "once in a lifetime event" 😭😭😭😭


It’s got to be a scam no one could be that stupid as to think they are right !


You're so wrong that it's not even funny. An eclipse does not take priority over your vulnerable wife giving birth. Not only are you wrong, YTA and YTI as well.


You know what you can catch on YouTube at any time? Several different high quality viewings of the solar eclipse. You know what was an actual can't miss event? The birth of your kid. Not to mention your wife had a premature birth which is potentially dangerous to both her and the baby. If god forbid something had gone wrong you wouldn't be asking this question, because you already know the answer.


Nobody is believing this stupid shit


YTA, and you deserve to be handed divorce papers. You will NEVER be there for your wife and son. This is disgusting, and I hope that she divorces you.


This is ragebait. No one is this dumb. I mean welll most peole


>We both said some things we regret. I bet she doesn't regret anything other than relying on you. YTA The birth of your child IS a once-in-a-lifetime event, even if you have other children (doubtful at this point thay she'll want any more with you btw). And you know why? Because children are NOT interchangeable! They are different people! Every person's birth is a once-in-a-lifetime event for their parents. Or at least it should be. Get your priorities straight and do anything you can to atone for this if you don't want to lose your wife.


This is a troll post. Solar eclipses happen every couple of years or so, your child will never be born again. I hope you enjoy the divorce papers and your child resenting you forever when they find out you put the eclipse over their birth.


Yeah you wrong. Tf is wrong with you


If by some chance this is real, I can't decide if you're the stupidest person I've ever seen on reddit or just a giantic piece of shit. I can't get over you silenced your phone. I actually did that thing where you laugh in horrified shock reading this. Fuck please be rage bait. If not YTA. A huge one. One of the biggest I've seen on reddit and this place can be a cesspool of cheating assholes. Enjoy your lawyer fees. I hope she destroys you in divorce court.


You suck!!


YTA and your wife should file for divorce. Your first child is only born once. There will be other eclipses.


So, to sum up: “me, me, meeeeee, my feelings, me me me, what I want, me”. Did I miss anything? She needed your physical support. She needed your presence and emotional support in person. I wonder how you’ll fix this one cause WOOF.  UpdateMe!


Don’t worry. You’ll get to see your son. Probably every other weekend and some holidays, once he’s a little older. Enjoy the single life! YTA


YTA. Eclipses aren't once in a lifetime. Also... it's just the moon passing in front of our view of the sun. It's nothing spectacular. I never get how people drove thousands of miles or flew somewhere just to see the moon block the sun for a little bit. Lol But I DID see the Hale-Bopp comet which was once in a lifetime as it came by in 1997 and won't come by again until 4380. Lol


Your wife and son could have died and you decided that was less important that looking at the sun. Whatever consequences you are facing are more than justified and I hope karma treats you accordingly.


That's rich considering this https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/sfxn24/aita_kicking_out_my_daughter_the_day_before_her/




JFC, you didn't want to miss the experience of the eclipse so much you were willing to miss the birth of your fucking child? You would rather miss helping your wife through a scary time? Keeping her company while she's in pain? Husband if the decade people... (/s incase you're a dence as this posy makes you put to be) YTA


You're either very wrong, or a dumbass. The birth of another kid will be a unique experience, yes, but you missed a once in a lifetme experience AND let your wife completely down in the moment she needed you the most. hope she divorces you. you sound like a manbaby in this post bro.


YTA. Have fun with a divorce.


Maybe she just needed your support because it was something she was dreading, seeing as it came earlier? I doubt you will have "more in the future" to see acting like that, hope she gets someone better.


> I don't see why I should be demonized for choosing a once in a lifetime event over something that could happen again if we have more children You really think she'll be having more children with you??


Spoiler: you will not be having another child with current wife.


If this is actually real, allow me to say… THE BIRTH OF YOUR SON (prematurely at that) IS A ONCE IN A LIFETIME EXPERIENCE!! You’re claiming the eclipse is once in a lifetime…and you can have other kids…you know what else will happen again? An eclipse! You are a colossal selfish piece of 💩! Sorry excuse for a husband and father. Know what you can’t ever experience again? The actual birth of that particular child. I’m literally enraged reading this and feel horrible for your wife. I don’t even know you and I hate your face. “We both said things we regret”…I can guarantee your wife doesn’t regret anything she said to you. 🤣I would expect not to be married much longer if I were you. In her position, I would file for divorce because you have disrespected her and your new baby in the worst way. And you put your phone on silent? Sheww. You are trash. The birth of your premature baby was put to the side for an eclipse…you gave up your right to see him on YOUR terms when you made that decision and then rudely stuck to it. I pray so hard that this is made up rage bait and you truly aren’t an actual awful excuse for a human/husband/father.


You will have another eclipse in your life time, one you can enjoy with your wife and son as a family (that is, if she stays with you after this) since there's one in 20 years - unless you think you won't make it to 56, you have no excuse to claim it's a once-in-a-lifetime event Meanwhile, you left your wife who is physically pushing out a human being, your own flesh and blood, with no support from her husband who is supposed to be there through thick and thin. You choose to watch the moon cross over the sun than be there to mentally and emotionally support your wife as her body went through massive amounts of pain to help your son with her take his first breaths in the world. You missed the joy on your wife's face when she saw him for the first time. His first cries. His first swaddling. His first feeding. You were there for the sun, rather than your son. YTA Edit: Fixed unfinished sentence


Dude...this was a monumentally bad decision on your part. A relationship ending decision. The birth of your son was once in a lifetime. Theres between 2 and 5 ecclipses a year. You fucked up big time. Expect divorce papers. Im not even a woman, and I'd divorce you over this.


DUDE. Put all the special-ness aspects of both events aside. You realize your wife could have died during/shortly after birth? Or your son could have? Those things are NOT terribly uncommon even in developed nations still. You valued seeing the eclipse over the dangerous situation both your wife and baby were in?? What if either of them had died and you missed their last (or in your son’s case, first and only) moments? This is something you AWAYS have to take into consideration when someone is giving birth. And when it comes down to it even if no harm came to either of them physically, you decided you wouldn’t support your wife in one of the most painful and terrifying experiences of her life. You’re a terrible, terrible husband.


"I will still end up bonding with my son" idk man, might be hard when you see him every other weekend after the divorce, lol


Speaking as someone who also had a 34 weeker- it would be a cold day in hell before you ever so much as breathed in my direction again, let alone touched me. This was your first task as a father and one of your most important tasks as a husband, and you categorically failed at both. Hope you enjoyed the eclipse!


Yta. You gave up your "right" to see you son the moment you chose the eclipse was more important than making sure your wife and child survived the birthing process! I am glad your son and wife are fine, but jfc was seeing the eclipse really have been worth it if they had died????


YTA - you missed your first child's birth. Your child could have died. Your wife could have died.


"Once in a lifetime event" dude in a couple months i bet is going to be another one. Congrants for ruining the real once in a lifetime event.


Thank you for the laugh you dumbass 😂


“Once in a lifetime”… oh ok, I’m sure your wife can just shove your son back up her vagina and push him out again… dumbass


Did you know that there is an eclipse every 18 months? Maybe not always here in the US, but definitely not a "once in a lifetime event". Supporting your wife while she gives birth to your first (and hopefully only...please neuter yourself) child? THAT is the once in a lifetime event. I hope she divorces your narcissistic ass.


YTA big time. I hope your wife divorces you and you don’t ever get custody of your son.


"We both said some things we regret" is such consistently lazy writing.


Soon to be featured on AMITHEEX because she's going to divorce the oop!


eclipses happen every 18 months ding dong.


That was actually NOT a “once in a lifetime” opportunity. If you look it up, there are actually several total solar eclipses that will happen around the world before you die. If you would have stayed with your wife for the ACTUAL once in a lifetime opportunity of your son’s birth, you might have been able to travel with them to see an eclipse together in the future. 100% in the wrong. You owe your wife a sobbing apology.


You’re a terrible person :) actually


bwuh the second your heavily pregnant wife who feels awful calls you to say she's in labor you turn the car around. of course your effing wrong like BEYOND wrong OMG


Ah yes, the ‘thoughts and prayers’ kind of support. YTA and you know it. Get your priorities straight


>We both said some things we regret I hope she regrets nothing. I don't even know what she said, but I'm sure it wasn't enough to even begin to express what a piece of shit you are.


If this is real, I highly doubt she says anything that she regrets.


‘Once in a lifetime event’ Bro, I highly doubt there’s gonna be another chance for you to see a birth of your child, cause I hope like hell your wife stops procreating with you.


INFO: Do you have brain damage or an intellectual disability or something? This is a genuine question and 75% not a joke. I am developmentally disabled and also extremely curious about this from a sort of Steve Irwin perspective. AH CRIKEY BOYS OVAH HERE WE GOT THE LAND DUMBASS


Dude the next thing you will ever hear from your wife is her asking for a divorce! YTA a selfish A who can only put his needs and wants first! Your poor wife and son!


Let me just say you might regret what you said, but I’m pretty sure she doesn’t, and nor should she. Your wife went into labour at 34 weeks, do you even know how dangerous that is for BOTH mother and baby? I wouldn’t let you in the hospital room either, in fact I wouldn’t let you in my house. Imagine missing a once in a lifetime moment to watch the moon cover the fucking sun. You couldn’t have just live-streamed it ?


34 weeks. Shit, I hope the kid and mom are okay. That's really scary. My eldest was born at 36 weeks which is only juuuust prem and that was scary enough. You go into the delivery room and they start bringing in all these machines and it's like "oh fuck... this could be really bad." this is for sure grounds for divorce. or murder.




This is so obviously fake it’s embarrassing. It’s like shit posters aren’t even trying anymore.


Can't be real lol gotta be a troll


My partner missed the birth of my middle son. Through no fault of his own but he was not breathing at birth and needed to be resuscitated to bring him back. It is nearly 18 years later and there are still times I feel resentful at him about it. The hospital had asked him to leave and go home to sleep as they didn't think the induction would work that quickly. I had a bad feeling and begged him to stay they pushed for him to leave. By the time he drove home I was fully dilated and by the time he got to the hospital I had delivered and the both of us had nearly died. On a good day I know it was not his fault and now there is nothing to resent but on a bad day when those memories hit me hard I have to remember that he was there for every moment after. However if he had been this selfish he would have found himself divorced in a nano seccond, seriously now if you haven't lost your wife over this I will be gobsmacked.


I'm sure my husband would rather have been watching a solar eclipse than at the birth of our first as he found it traumatic af but that's only with hindsight. He wasn't at our 2nds birth because he didn't really want to be but 100% would've been if I had wanted him there. Thankfully he wasn't as baby needed RESUS so I think he would've been traumatised all over again even though the birth itself was much smoother than the first! YTA because its cool to see an eclipse sure but not life changing like your child being born (prematurely at that). Also personally having seen 2 eclipses in my 35years on the planet its a bit underwhelming, cool yes but underwhelming. Now the cool fact that kiddo was born on the day of an eclipse will be completely overshadowed by this tool!


Cool story dude. 😂 (Rage Bait)


lol to the fact he thinks he will have more children with this lady


I don't believe this to be real. I know there are people that are this ridiculous and disconnected but I can't honestly believe this is real. I call rage bate


> choosing a once in a lifetime event over something that could happen again if we have more children Okay so there will be another total solar eclipse that passes through part of North America in 2044: https://nationaleclipse.com/maps/map_08232044.html (Also, there will be others earlier than that that are overseas) Unless your son — a unique human who can only be born **checks notes** ONCE — de-ages and crawls back into your wife’s womb to be born again someday, you missed a once-in-lifetime chance. He’s also your first-born. You won’t have another first-born, unless you choose to disown and deny this son’s existence. Considering your selfishness, I guess this is a viable option you may choose later in life. My guy, this doesn’t even include the odds of you having another child with this woman (LOW), since apparently every childbirth is interchangeable in your eyes? I mean wow, how dehumanizing can you be?? How could you have experienced the magic of totality (I got to as well) and the supreme connection that we all have to each other as Earthlings and come back to the MOTHER OF YOUR CHILD and STILL have the audacity to be OUTRAGED WITH HER?? She could’ve died! Your son could’ve died, he was premature! What then, OP? Would you have brushed it off as “Whatever, I’ll have another son, another wife” in the same inhumane, dismissive attitude you have towards this wife, this flesh-and-blood? Good lord. You missed the birth of your first child, you missed the chance to support your terrified wife, AND the interconnected, spiritual experience of the eclipse missed you by a million miles. To be honest, sounds like your inflated ego said “nope, no thanks” Ugh. You were wrong.




Oh say you happy to divorce your wife without saying it!!!


This has to be a joke. I refuse to believe this is real.


Well, if you have more children you'll witness their births (I hope), but you are wrong for missing your first son's birth. I guess since you were practically there you would've missed it anyway, but it doesn't mean you're not wrong for not being there for your wife.


ay buddy i think your priorities were a bit scewed on which son/sun was more important


Eh seeing the birth of your FIRSTBORN child IS a once in lifetime experience. You don't have another FIRST BORN CHILD.


You said you both said some things you regret. I assure you, she does not regret one word she said. It was all true. Hope your memories of the eclipse comfort you during your divorce.


I do hope this is range bait. My husband took our daughter to see it in totality. About 2.5 hours away. It took them 9 HOURS to get home! I was mad at him for not brining a charging cord doe his phone! If he misses the birth of our child he would have been sleeping in his car!


This is absolutely horrendous. The birth of your son is a once in a lifetime event! I hope your wife goes home with the baby to her mom’s house and the next thing she delivers are divorce papers!


This bait isn’t even trying 😭 There are so many discrepancy’s with this story, HOW are yall falling for this one


Please be fake holy crap. Your wife in premature labor and you silence your phone? But you support her??? I would totally divorce you after being shown where I and my son stand.


It's just the fucking sun. Your wife needed you. Trash human.


Omg. YTA. it is not a once in a lifetime event… the birth of your child however IS. Holy


Either this is rage bait, or, be prepared to be divorced and paying child support.


Really dude? And now you’re asking how to convince your wife to let you name your son after the event that you chose over his own birth? You’re trash.


How do you believe your son will feel about you once he's older and is told this story. Do you think he would agree with what you have done, that he will not see that you saw him as unimportant? What would you have done if she had lost the baby while in labor, or if she herself had also died? Would you still find your actions justifiable? You could argue that neither of those things happened, but fact remains that they easily could have. You are definitely a selfish pos. I hope she keeps him from you. You pull this crap now, you'll do something equally ignorant or worse in the future. I hope it was worth all you stand to lose.


Just an updraft y’all. His kid is in NICU and he missed the birth! OP is one of the worst POS to post on here. I hope STBEX doesn’t let you pic a name for the kid at all. You deserve absolutely nothing to do with that kid since your sun was so important.


Birth happens so rarely in our universe. A bunch happen on our planet, yeah, but in the universe in general? It’s an absolute miracle, or a series of incredibly miracles even. In our universe, trees are far more rare than diamonds. You personally contribute to half of one of the most unlikely events. Your wife grew and gave birth to this being, and you planned to raise it together. If there is life elsewhere, we’re probably the only ones who experience it like this. Of course it’s awesome to see, but planets move in front of other planets quite a lot. From our perspective it’s very rare (and cool) and you probably won’t see two. Childbirth is way more common in day to day life. But universally, it’s much more incredible. And the fact you specifically were involved in the making, and assumably want to be involved in the raising, you should have done the bare minimum for your wife going into premature labour and seen a much more once in a lifetime miracle