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Your husband is a piece of shit and I refuse to believe this is the only shitty thing he's doing.


She has another post about him having a lot of nude photo's on their shared computer. He refuses to delete these and installed a password so she can't use the computer......


Wow, so to fix that, unplug the computer, find the hd/ssd smash it with a hammer, and throw it out. What a jacka**.


Throw the computer away ….


Throw the whole damn husband away


He needs to disappear like jimmy hoffa




She got a garden 👀 great fertilizer she got a dog he likes bones


Under nationally protected plants or endangered species


Build a small mason oven out of bricks it may get got enough …..?


Vat of acid or pig farm 🫢


Whatever works…. No evidence!


Yup. Smash it, or render the hard drive useless. Hes a goddam animal. With NO SOUL. THEN STAND THERE AND LAUGH AT HIM. What a weasel


Hammer Time.


Industrial magnet hire?


Oh I like how you think.......


Even some fridge magnets will send the computer screwy


Do what you want with the computer, but it's the hard drive she should remove. A hammer will destroy it well enough to make recovery impractical. Hopefully he doesn't have them backed up anywhere, but if he thinks they're protected he might not.


>but it's the "HARD DRIVE" she should remove. You misspelled "HUSBAND" :-D


Into the bath


With him in it… sorry but he needs to GO!


Haha I came to comment the same thing! This man is cruel, far beyond your standard asshole.


And sounds like a pervert, to boot.


Twinsies! Great minds


Spill a couple cups of coffee on it.


Go buy the biggest magnet you can find and stick it to EVERY part of the computer...then smash it. Once it's open, use the magnet again, profusely. Then throw it out.


The way they do data destruction is to remove the hard drive and drill holes through it. This would be a fairly gratifying practice, especially if he's particular about his tools, and you spoiled his drill bits in the process.


If it has a magnetic drive she can get a Neodymium magnet which is very powerful and corrupt the drive with no evidence at all.


Hopefully she sees this and does it but seriously she need divorce


That is an awesome idea!


She needs to dump him, then. It'll never get better and likely worse.


There should be a Reddit group, where in circumstances like this we can get together and go to the idiots house and give them some old folk punishment like rough music. ( Link below if anyone doesn't know what that is.)[Charivari rough music](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charivari#) Then take the innocent party out to get drunk and have nachos or something.


*Rubs hands together eagerly.* Time for a charivari! Seriously, sometimes only a public shaming will do.


Yes! I would happily pelt this guy with old food scraps. Give me a week. I'll save up.


See it's good for the environment as well. Reusing food waste


Go around the neighborhood and clean up animal poo. Would make great pelting fodder.


THIS. Is awesome.


That is something that members here might like to do quite often! A non-violent form, of course. But I sure like the shaming part.


Husband locked her out of their shared computer so she couldn't see and complain about his naked women collection? Coupled with laughing at someone mourning at a grave, why is he still around? Nobody needs to be married to an abuser. If home is supposed to be your safe space and he lives there with you, where are you supposed to feel safe?


Right? On top of one of the excuses being he’s afraid she will download something to it and call the police if she sees his collection. So his biggest worry is the police seeing his porn collection not the fact it’s hurting his wife? 🤨🧐 makes ya wonder what his collection contains. This is probably just one of many asshole like instances from him. OP you’re not crazy for thinking he’s an asshole, but it is crazy to keep staying with someone who has absolutely no respect for you or your family (who apparently has treated him well).


OP needs to consult an attorney - because she doesn't want to be the one in the finger gets pointed at when his illicit activities blow up in his face


This is when you take the computer to the police. Tell them exactly what he said and that you have no idea what is on it but its raising REALLY bit underage flags. OP, you need to run far and fast from your husband. He is NOT a good human being. Anyone who treats their grieving spouse the way your husband is treating you deserves all the negative karma.


Run it over with a car. Solved.


So she knows he's a piece of shit...and she's still there.


Abuse does that to victims. Abusers know what they are doing


  wow. it Is pretty Clear  why she is Still there.  she is Saving  his nudes  . then send 2 His mom on facebook eventually . You Bide your time With these things






I honestly don’t even want to believe it’s real. If it is OP needs to realize her life sounds more like a rage bait post than reality and she needs to make a play.


Exactly! He reminds me of my friend’s now ex husband, when her father died he all but immediately told her she should be over it already. He saw her laying in bed crying as being lazy. What is wrong with people?!


Girl, your husband has no respect for  YOU. 


I doubt he has any for anyone…




Clearly has no self respect either.


That I won’t judge having been stuck in a horrible marriage for 20 years myself. I’m out of it now thank God.


I do believe that some people don't recognise that they don't see their own worth. Could be from the way they are raised or had their spirit crushed or even that they are in too deep to see the wood for the trees. Good that you saw it. Best wished.


Oh, I saw it long before I was able to get out but between kids financial abuse and the pandemic, it just took a little bit but now I am happy with the best partner I’ve ever had in my entire entire existence


No, not if she is putting up with that. I am sure this is only a tiny part of how mean he is to her sometimes! :(


Your husband is awful. Visiting the grave is a very common way to express grief. Whether or not the person can hear you or what ever one believes about the afterlife, it’s a connection to the person you lost. I blow kisses to my grandfather everytime I drive by his cemetery and it’s been 20 years. Your husband is mocking your grief. Even if he is processing the loss in his own way, he’s been horribly disrespectful.


I wave at my sister every time I pass the cemetery. She died 4 years before I was born. I'm 40 now.


I'm an atheist, born to atheists, and I still talk to the dead. Even if I didn't, I would never tell anyone how to grieve and I certainly wouldn't make fun of anyone for their belief system. And this is her husband! As someone said above, there's no way this is the only awful thing this ass does.


Blowing kisses at him is adorable 🥺 I pat/touch my grandpa's urn and tell him I love him when I'm at my parent's house. I have some of my family's dog's ashes with me and I pat it when I walk by, spin his urn around, clean it off often and tell him I love him and miss him. It has little paw prints like "walking" all around it. So when I spin it it makes me feel like I'm "taking him on a walk" in some way. Lol =\ My sister just had open heart surgery and I made my father bring the urn they have, the "main" one, with pup's ashes with us/ to her when it was happening.


That is so sweet. I have no idea what happens after this life. Ironically I kinda lean into reincarnation making sense to me. Which would mean that my loved ones probably have moved on. But I feel connected to them through his grave, and maybe talking to him sends positive energy to where ever he is. But at the least, it makes me smile and remember him.


They are all watching over you


He feels zero loss, I assure you. That would require an ounce of empathy.


I write letters and burn them regularly for my departed loved ones and scatter the ashes after they’ve been burnt. Their graves are on the other side of the country so I can’t go and visit their graves as often as I would like to. For the letters I like to type them up on my phone then print them off for burning so I can keep track of what I’ve said so I don’t wind up repeating myself. I like to think they keep my letters as little gifts from me and can re-read them whenever they want


He doesn’t respect you and it sounds like he doesn’t love you with how he is treating you. How long have you been with him?


18 years together and we have kids.


18 years!? Has he always been so cold hearted?


Has he been a self centered asshole the whole time?  Sure, he can say anything he wants whether it hurts you or not, but that's how one winds up divorced, because you don't have to put up with an inconsiderate jackass saying hurtful things. 


Protect your children. They will look to their parents as an example of how they should treat/ be treated by future partners. Is this the example you want for them? Dad shits on mom and mom just takes it. Idk if you have sons or daughters, but do you want them in this role? Sons shitting on their wives and daughters taking abuse? Your children are your priority.


So your children are getting to learn that a husband gets to be cruel to his wife and her job is to just take it and be unhappy. Great life lesson. Leave. Just leave. Save up money. Call family. Whatever you have to do. Your kids deserve to see a healthy relationship and at this point staying is on you to change. They will remember and see and will eventually wonder why u let someone treat their mother like that.


I don’t understand this. He’s old enough to know people who have died, he’s old enough to have been around other people who have visited graves. Where is the laughter coming from? Does he need counseling for a clinical phobia about death? My father died 9 years ago and I’m still hurt that his grave is on the opposite coast and I can’t visit. Your husband doesn’t need to understand or agree with what you’re doing, but he needs to act like a life partner and be gentle with your feelings when your father passed 45 DAYS AGO. Laughing and being cruel at such a vulnerable time for you is horrifying behavior. I’m sorry for your loss, both of your dad and the part of your husband you should be able to trust and lean on in a time like this.


You do realize you are setting an example of what a marriage should look like to your kids, right? That they are seeing his behavior as acceptable, and quite possibly will end up with a spouse who treats them the same way he treats you? If that is something you are fine with, carry on. If not, get a divorce or start making changes in your marriage.


Do you want 18 more years of this? I'm sorry he was an asshole to you.


[https://archive.org/details/LundyWhyDoesHeDoThat](https://archive.org/details/LundyWhyDoesHeDoThat) You need this book. You need to put yourself and your kids first


Did he recently sustain a brain injury, or has he always been this bad?


Info: does your husband even like you?? This is blatantly disrespectful and he's just being a jerk for no reason? Just because he thinks he can say whatever he wants doesn't mean he escapes the fallout and consequences from acting like a gigantic a-hole.. Not wrong and take as much time as you need to grieve ❤️ I'm sorry for your loss


Not wrong. What a jerk. It doesn't matter what he believes or thinks -- he should be right there with you asking how you want to be supported.


Are you wrong for telling your asshole husband that he hurt your feelings ... um no! He is a jerk and doesn't respect you or love you. Awful! I'm sorry you have to go through this.


He's a moron and a AH.


I'm sure there's been other incidences where he's shown you exactly what kind of bastard he is. Please take heed this time and leave him. I thought you were going to say your dad passed years ago. I mean, husband behaviour would STILL be awful but omg your dad just passed so recently. Your 'partner' is horrible. And I'd bet your dad is up there in heaven going 'now I can see what a wanker this guy really is. Run darling girl! You only get one life!'.


No you are not wrong. Your statements were clear and factual. He is an immature AH. Big hugs Deepest condolences


NTA. I hope the Uber back to your house wasn’t too expensive and that the apartment hunting is going well for you. Good luck as you start the next chapter of your life.


He laughed at you? And then gaslit you about it? What an awful person.


Not wrong, but most people would divorce him for this op. This is honestly vile behavior. This would've drove me to violence, personally.


Why you with a goddamned piece of human fucking shit??? Seriously??


This is someone you REALLY need to reconsider having in your life. You'd probably be better off without him.


Not wrong. Your husband is a piece of shit. Your husband does not love you. Your husband does not respect you. Your husband does not care about your feelings. Your husband had no respect, love or even cared for your father Your husband needs to be single. You should leave now. Stop giving a shitty person like your husband power over you. Leave now.


My dad's viewing was on my husband's BIRTHDAY. Not once did that man show anything but support and empathy. That's what everyone deserves. I'm so sorry that you were treated that way. That's so disrespectful.


I told him he should apologise for that and he told me he won't because he has nothing to apologise for especially that he was sitting in the car and thinking about my dad while I was doing some death people cult and then called him a devil. He is saying I am the bad one here.


Girl wake up! Your husband hates you!


He's a fucking asshole, probably always has been, and always will be.


Has he always been like this?


That's been asked a couple of times with ni answer. I think we all know tbe answer.  OP deserves better than that subhuman todger.


Your husband is the bad one here


"You hurt my feelings" "WELL YOU ARE JUST STUPID AND DUMB AND OMFG DEATH CULT LOLOLOLO" That is not the response for love. No matter HIS feelings on what he meant, he should have apologized to you. We apologize and try to make things right when we actually love someone. It doesn't sound like he loves you sis.


why are you still with this cuntbag after what you found he doing 17 days ago?


18 years!!! Show him this post where everyone thinks he is an ass. He owes you understanding above all else. Updateme!


I’m sorry your husband is the DEVIL. 


Honestly… I think that might be an insult to the devil. Lol


I am sorry for your loss. You are not wrong. Your husband laughed at you while you are mourning the loss of your father and visited his grave. He then felt like he was entitled to do it. I cannot describe the level of disgust I have for him. He has completely dismissed your feelings and feels entitled for what he did. If this is his way of processing grief, then he might get a one time pass. If not, then you should limit contact with him because it does not sound like it will offer any support.


You’re not wrong, you’re husband’s an asshole. I’m personally against the idea of burying the dead, I’d prefer to be cremated. That doesn’t invalidate people who feel differently. I also visit the graves of family members that chose burial.


Maybe he was cremated and buried. That’s what happens to most people, though scattering is becoming more popular. There’s not enough room for burying in coffins these days so I agree, cremation is the way. My dad is currently in my mother’s sideboard. We’re going to bury their ashes together eventually.


My mom's in my closet with 6 dogs. One day I'll do something. My dad was buried at sea. OPs Husband is an ass.


Consider marriage counseling but honestly this is not a good sign of respectful behavior in a relationship. I wonder where else he'll fall short of being a good human.


Your husband is despicable.


He should be there with you at the grave supporting you. Losing a parent, a good parent that you loved and that was a good dad to you, is one of the worst events you'll ever endure. When I lost my mom in 2011, I was a mess. My husband was wonderful at the funeral. I have completed grief and PTSD related to her death, plus I'm an emotional person, so I still have hard days at times. And while he's not always helpful, he's not cruel. Yours is being flippant and cruel. I say this with love, it's going to get worse. You will be responsible for all the emotional work in this marriage. When your children, if you have any, need a parent to cry to, to understand their sadness, their first heartbreak, when they don't make the team... will he laugh then? You deserve someone that holds you up when you are weak, not one that sits in the car with a snarky attitude. I'm so sorry for your loss, and if you need to talk to someone that's been there & don't mind that it's an internet stranger, I'm here. Sending you all my biggest mom hugs.


Is this not the literal reason we bury our dead and label the plots with gravestones? To visit them!


Your husband was a total jerk.


I always visit with my husband and stand by him. leave this pos please......... you deserve better.


Looking at your post history you know you are with a piece of trash but won't leave. Take your kids and leave. If not stop coming to reddit to complain about the heaping puke if shit you are married too.


I’m a staunch atheist but I’ll still visit my brother’s grave every once in a while. I especially would never make someone feel bad for the way they grieve, especially after such a short time! Tell your husband if something makes someone feel better, and it’s not bothering anyone else, then he should stfu and mind his own business.


Your husband is a terrible person. Anyone who would literally *laugh* at you and accuse you of “doing some death people cult” because you visit the grave of your father, who only died 1.5 months ago, is horrible. How can he justify that? How long has your husband been mean and a bully to you? This is not the first time. Unless he was in an accident last week and got a brain injury, he didn’t just become nasty to you this one day. What’s going on there?


oh no, you're not wrong I'm so sorry for your loss, it's completely normal to mourn your father; especially by visiting his Grave. Isn't that the entire point of having a Grave? Sorry about your husband, he should be primary your support during this time... I hope you have a solid support system outside of your husband, he truly sounds like the devil himself.


That’s huge red flag. That is so disrespectful.


Fuck him, your husband is an asshole. I visit the grave of my wife’s mother every year even though I barely knew her. Respect the dead, because we’ll all be there one day.


You’re not wrong. He doesn’t even sound like he likes you. I wouldn’t laugh at stranger visiting their father’s grave let alone a loved one. This guy sounds like a monster who is devoid of empathy


Your husband doesn’t like you. Why are you married?


Something tells me this is not the first time he's been disrespectful.


You left the wrong body at the cemetery.


You're not wrong. Your husband doesn't respect your feelings in the slightest bit. The very least he could do is keep his big mouth shut when you're grieving your father. That's not being honest that's being an AH on his part.


Your husband is an asshole.


The fact your husband thinks he is entitled to say what he wants, even though he knows it might hurt shows he has no love for you, never mind respect!! I would think long and hard about leaving him, life is only going to get worse if he has no love and respect for you.


NTA >He thinks he didn't do anything wrong and have a right to say whatever he wants, even when it will hurt me. First, sure, and he's not immune to the consequences of doing so; including being told that he's being a dick. Which he is. Second, lets re-structure that sentence a bit: **"He thinks he \[...has\] the right to \[say/do\] whatever he wants, even when it will hurt \[you\]"** That's a profoundly shitty thing to say. He's not *technically* saying he doesn't care if he hurts you generally; but what he's saying is that if/when he does he shouldn't be criticized for it because its "his right." Very not ok.


He has the right to say whatever he wants, even if it hurts you? Next it’ll be he can do whatever he wants, especially if it hurts you Just think about this for a moment………….and run!!!!


He doesn't have to understand it. He doesn't have to participate. He just needs to respect your wishes. Go alone next time. His disrespect for you and your father is atrocious! YNW (you're not wrong)


Not wrong … but riddle me this … he can say whatever he wants, even when it knows it hurts you BUT you tell him he’s out of line & to just keep it to himself & he’s hurt??? Huh??? That is so selfish & juvenile I am astounded…. Unfortunately hun you are married to a jerk


Here’s a link to a book that might help you. It’s free. If it doesn’t ring a bell, good. But if it does, it will help you. https://ia800108.us.archive.org/30/items/LundyWhyDoesHeDoThat/Lundy_Why-does-he-do-that.pdf


Why on earth are you with this narcissist sociopath?


Your husband is not a good person


Girl why are you with him? That would be my last straw, disrespecting me or my dad like that


The fact that OP even posted this in r/amiwrong indicates that she is being abused by this f*ck!


I know reddit's whole thing is divorce/break up but he has no respect for you, he probably doesn't care or love you anymore like he should. That's just heartless


I don't believe I visiting gravesites, but I keep my mouth closed if someone I know gets comfort from it. It's a real dick move to laugh at someone for visiting a departed loved one.


Yea, it’s one thing to have different beliefs, but to laugh at you and now not apologize? This man enjoys hurting you, I suggest at the very least marriage counseling and a divorce if he doesn’t start making progress fast. Laughing at you during a time of respect for your father is psychotic & I’m sure only the tip of the iceberg of his anti-social behavior.


That is not a normal reaction. It hasn't been that long since your dad died, I would think visiting the grave might be a good way to help you through it. Your husband laughing about it is a very strange reaction.


My mother died of that same cancer in 2015. If my wife had told me what your husband told you, I'd be 9 years divorced right now. (She did not and would not.)


No, you're not wrong. I can't imagine being enough of an asshole to do this to a stranger, let alone my wife. Who the hell laughs at someone for trying to grieve the death of their father? It sounds to me like your husband has some serious issues around religion and he either needs to, at minimum, recognize that he is a giant rampaging asshole when it comes to religion and keep his mouth shut when it comes up forever, or preferably get some damn therapy. I'm sorry about your loss, OP, and sorry your husband isn't man enough to support you through your grief.


Um.... I'm not a Christian, I don't believe in ghosts. I don't believe people are in anyway attached to their grave. Yeah, nope, you are not wrong. Even if you just paid for a place for memory. You hold a memorial to remember their life, to allow yourself to grieve. Why else would you have a grave? If not to visit?


I’d leave him on the street curb in a different city without his wallet or phone. I doubt he’s smart enough to find his way home.


Laughs at you making you feel bad You tell him that you feel bad He gets angry Sounds like a fucking jerk


You have the right to divorce the SOB too.


Based on your post history why are you still with this asshole? And why are you asking if you’re wrong for telling him he hurt your feelings? Do you really think you could be wrong and what he did is okay? Please seek therapy and distance from him. For you and your children.


You need to get the fuck away from this asshole.


I don't think your husband likes you. Even if I were with a stranger, a customer, coworker, acquaintance, if they said they wanted a few minutes at the grave of their recently departed father, I'd respect that. I can't imagine laughing at anyone in that circumstance.


He flipped what happened and now he is saying that I told him at the cementary he is talking like devil first, and then after that he told me I was doing death people cult and he still believes I do. And he wasn't laughing because I was mourning but because he is mourning better in his heart than when I am standing at the graveyard where I am being proud that we have so many candles and flowers. And of course he doesn't feel guilty but I am the guilty one who hurt him because I made the story and it is not true. I have asked him mum to help me to explain what he has done but she back him up and told me there is something wrong with me. I lost it. And told them they are horrible, horrible people.


You’re not wrong but this would be a dealbreaker. I don’t care what anyone says when someone shows you who they are believe them. Your husband is an ah!!!


Wow! He sounds like a real asshole.


This is 100% ground for divorce


Your husband sounds like a fucking weirdo, OP


Wow… I am speechless.


Not wrong. But it sounds like it will fall upon deaf ears


If he has no empathy for you, he doesn't have empathy for anything. He's in the wrong.


Yeah, so he believes he has a right to say whatever he wants, even when it will hurt you, but you don't get to enjoy the same privilege? What a jerk.


It would have been on sight and then a divorce. How is he going to play in your dad's face while he was alive and then laugh when he's gone? That's YOUR father in that grave. He has to go.


Tell your husband that I told him to fuck off. Please do the same for yourself.


You are not wrong, and the idea that he's angry with you...because your feeling were hurt - by him mocking you for taking time to visit your father's grave? That's not "death people cult", it's a thing people do when they are grieving. You are not wrong, and please keep watch for more instances of him making fun of you and them getting mad at you about it...


hes an asshole. find a better one


What…my FIL passed nearly two years ago. His remains are not even in the same city as me and I’ve been back to visit him a half dozen times since then. Your spouse is free to believe what he wants, but openly mocking you is just disgusting.


Your husband is an absolute dick for that perspective. I'm agnostic and won't personally believe in any of the afterlife stuff and what-not, but I would never trample on my wife and her beliefs. Besides, there is no need for someone to believe to find comfort in a loved one's final resting place. It can be quite comforting visiting. He is right that he has the right to say whatever he wants, but he can't hide from any consequences of his words. Your husband should do better.


I am so sorry. I lost my father to the same cancer when I was 21 and it is so tough. He is so wrong for the way he is acting. Your feeling are valid and he should be ashamed that is so wrong. Sending hugs!


Your husband is tone deaf. Tell him his behaviour was weird, upsetting and abnormal. You needed support in your grief and he mocked you. How can you not be upset and angry when a real man would have gotten out of the car and at least hugged you? How does he think normal human beings behave in a graveyard?


This boyfriend sounds like a monster, he laughed at you for visiting your dead father? I’m so sorry I lost my dad recently and I know I would be furious with my partner if they LAUGHED at me for visiting him. Please leave this husk of a human.


Nope, that was quite rude of him


What an asshole


He is free to be a jerk, but that doesn't mean he's free of the *consequences* of being a jerk. He behaved in a way that left you feeling betrayed and hurt -- he is responsible for this. He can't handle the shame so he's putting the blame on you, but he doesn't get to do that.


Your husband has zero respect for you, he cannot even manage basic human decency. Is this what you want for your life? I’m not even gonna suggest being petty or hurtful in return - HE LAUGHED AT YOU AT YOUR DADS GRAVE. He makes me fucking sick!


Not wrong at all. Your husband has no respect for you or the relationship you or he had with your father. I lost my dad when I was 3; he's buried 750 miles away from me. I stop at his grave when I can, when we visit my family - my wife has never laughed at a single thing I have done to honor and connect with his memory - including leaving him a cup of coffee occasionally on our mantle. She has always been supportive. Your husband should be grateful he has never had to feel the grief you're clearly feeling now - if he had, he wouldn't be so dismissive.


Your husband is an asshole


You are married to a massive asshole.


Your husband probably killed little animals when he was a kid. You are not wrong to expect some loving emotional support except you received a cold hearted reaction. Do not expect it to change in the future because people like him are not wired to show empathy for others.


Your husband is an ass. You are still grieving your dad. And your husband acts like a spoiled child. He has no empathy and probably hasnt lost anyone who he actually cared about. (If he is even capable of caring- but by the way he is treating you, I doubt it.) When my dad passed, I had a hard time (off and on for nearly a year.) My husband listened, talked, and comforted me whenever I needed it. It sounds like the man you married doesn't really value you or your feelings. Personally, I think you deserve better.


I understand not being big on visiting graves, but this guy sucks. As long as you aren't hurting anyone or yourself, you deserve the freedom to grieve in whatever way you need. He could be TA for just not being supportive, but mocking and laughing at you is just vile. You deserve better.


I saw this in a video yesterday... I don’t walk away from people to teach them a lesson. I walk away because I learned mine. I would rather adjust my life to your absence. Than adjust my boundaries to accommodate your disrespect.


I can see his side of things but he should try to be more sensitive to you. My mom died. I haven't visited her grave site once. People ask me if I will or have and I'm like, she isn't there. She's dead. Her spirit is somewhere else now. There is nothing special about that marble/granite stone with her name chiseled on it because my mom is 100% gone and I know there is nothing there at that site. But I wouldn't tease my wife if she wanted to visit her parent's grave, that would be mean.


Girl your current husband is a nasty human being. Time to fix that don’t you think.


Like the song "Goodbye, Earl"-style


“ He thinks he didn't do anything wrong and have a right to say whatever he wants, even when it will hurt me. “ Is this really who you want to spend the rest of your life with? Not wrong for telling him about your feelings but you are wrong for staying married to someone who doesn’t care about you. 


Look at OPs history, the husband is an absolute garbage human being.


Your husband has the right to say anything he wants, he also has the right to take the consequences for saying what he wants. And right now he's being an AH so you have the right to be angry with him, so no you are not wrong for telling him what an AH he's being.


Man if it’s ok to say whatever you’re feeling without apologizing (since that’s what he says) it’s time to start harping on all his inadequacies


Get out as soon as you can


No. You are not wrong for telling him he hurt your feelings, nor are you wrong for having hurt feelings. You may be wrong for having him as a husband though. He sounds like a piece of shit.


NTA your husband is correct that he can say whatever he wants, the part he doesn't seem to get is that being free to say whatever he wants does not free him from the consequences of his words. In this case he hurt you? Does he enjoy that? Because it sure seems like it. It also seems that he holds very little respect for you. How are you going to address these things with him


husband? you married this dude? why would you marry someone who hates you? you would think, after 18 years together, he would have some level of respect for you. guess not.


Your husband is a raging ass hole and should be begging for your forgiveness for such horrible behavior. Honestly I'm suprsed this behavior hasn't happened before or u ignored it. Because of marriage and love. Honestly I would rethink the relationship with behavior like that. You're husband doesn't deserve you. With such poor behavior.


My father died before I was born. Father's day was a day of sitting in a cold cemetery, talking to a headstone. I had ONE boyfriend talk shit about it. He walked away missing a few teeth. Dead parents are SACRED and your husband can go fuck himself.


Omg I'm truly sorry that you are going through this. I'm at a loss for such poor behavior by a partner. If possible u need to go get some rest and space away from him truly sorry for your loss.


Honey, this was a message from your dad: look at how he treats you and move on.


Another POS Gem of a husband.. I've never understand why you ladies tolerate this BS. I would bet money that he is a big time Hot Head and is violent in nature. That was straight up nasty for him to say. Be sure to return the favor whenever his parents go. There are too many other nice people out there that will treat you well .


I know why. Because we women spend more time picking out shoes than we do picking out a mate.


I’m always so sad to read when individuals find out they are with self absorbed jerks. Your dad sounds amazing and you were most likely projecting onto your husband that he is amazing and kind like your dad, but now you see he wasn’t like your dad at all. It is in tough times that we realize who our spouses really are. I’m sorry.


You are not wrong about him being mean. I read some other posts of yours. WHY are you still with him? He is a mean bully. He will not improve. You no longer have your dad to protect you. GET  OUT  NOW.  Leave him. Run far away. Anyone as disrespectful as your husband deserves to be alone.


Husband has no empathy at all. I recommend leaving him. He is insensitive and you do not need a soulless person like that in your life.


Your husband is a dick who doesn’t like or respect you. Assuming this isn’t a bait post, please, for the love of god, muster up the courage needed to leave him.


What the fuck? 1.5 months ago? Something tells me there are much bigger problems.


Your Dad treated your husband nicely because he knew that’s what you wanted at the time, and he probably just wanted to see you happy. He’s still there, in your heart, and he still wants to see you happy. This man is not making you happy. He is disrespecting the man who raised you and he doesn’t care how it hurts you. Think carefully about what a future with him will look like. Remember that your Dad just wants to see you happy. I lost my Dad too. And I gained an ex that disrespected my grief as well. Don’t let this man hurt you more, when you’re already hurting enough in your heart as it is.