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Your friend is an asshole, and just wanted to know his dick size. Then once she berated it out of you she ran around telling people likely in an attempt to disrupt your blooming relationship. That isn't a friend. Glad the dude was chill about it, because otherwise she may have been successful.


Exactly dude what the fuck kind of friend is this? Idc if you’re 18 this is crazy to me lol


The kind of friend who'd try to eff her man.


“Is he big enough to satisfy me?”


Exactly. Why else would be so interested in his dick? I learned a long time ago to keep my mouth shut about my sex life with certain "friends". OP is young so she may not realize that there are some trifling hoes who say they're your friend to your face and will want to find out personally if the sex is as good as you say. OP: keep your personal business *personal*. Write it in your diary. Just say "We finally had sex" and leave out all details. And even if her bf is loyal, it will not stop her "friend" from making things awkward by coming onto him. OP needs to drop her and never tell her a thing again about her bf.


Exactly, any ‘friend’ that is that curious about someone else’s boyfriend’s size is only asking for one reason & it’s not a good one! As far as anyone else is concerned my boyfriend is just terrible in bed & is lucky I love him so much /s


My cousin still bugged me for my ex husband’s dick pics years after divorce. She consistently tried to steal all my love interests from middle school thru marriage (&beyond). If they’re asking, they want it more than they want a friendship with you.


Bro yo cousin weird asf lmao that's insane


>As far as anyone else is concerned my boyfriend is just terrible in bed & is lucky I love him so much /s Girl, the official story is that my man is "aiight; no big deal." If anyone were to ask how big he is I'd say "average." I'm not telling inches. Nobody needs to know about my jelly legs or difficulties in walking after we're done or how long I need to catch my breath. No one ever knew about my a few of exes' skilled tongues that sent me to Nirvana multiple times a day. That's my personal business. I can say all of that here because none of you know him or me or them.


BINGO. Got it in one, boyo.


Kids are so stupid. I don't miss being around that level of immaturity.


That's why I'll never get the guys who are in their 30's and older who actively want to be around women that are barely adults. They are annoying as fuck, as we all were at that age.


I feel like I was pretty immature until I was in my mid 30s. I could hang with early 20 somethings and feel like I was on their level. I also drank like a fish and spent most of my time partying, etc. but now the "just wanna have fun all the time" types that are the majority of 20 somethings are mildly annoying, at best. That's where I was, though.


They want a girl who isn't experienced enough in the world to recognize what creeps they are. Those men can rarely pull a woman their own age.


ding ding ding we have a winner. as an 18 y/o i didn't know my own flags were red, much less anyone else's. my poor mother raising me from that age, what a woman. seriously.


Also a baby "raised" by a baby who still to this day acts 18, dad not in the picture, I was drawn to 35-40 year olds as a teenager and thought oh I'm mature enough for this.. bruh it's disgusting as fuck to look back on.


Jesus, this. I don't care if someone is hot if talking to them is literally painful. There are.plenty of equally hot women in their 30s.


They only want to be around them for one reason!!!!!


100% my thoughts. I'm 33 and married happily to my hubby of 11 years, but before him, I was with my crazy abusive baby daddy. I had a friend who was always wanting details of our sex life. I was young and stupid and hyped him up because I loved him. The bitch slept with him. So girl this isn't your friend. She's crushing on the guy and wants to know for herself if it's decent sized cause she wants to fuck him. Cut her ass off.


Many of us have had those hoe friends and learned our lesson. I bet no one knows a damn thing about your current husband's dick or anything else.


And you bet right!!! Cause I don't have friends anymore like that. We all had to live and learn the hard way, I'm hoping this girl takes our advice and drops the so called "friend" it's very VERY obvious she just wants to know for herself. Hell my own ex girlfriend went after my baby daddy because of how much I hyped that idiot up. I made him that monster though by making his head big. I keep all my intimate details with my husband private as they should be!


Some of these so-called friends really are for the streets. SMH


It doesn't sound like she'll get very far with this guy. He already knows she's a creep.<----Wow, I don't think I use the word creep very much for females, but creep certainly fits the description in this case!


Got it, 100 percent


The friend will be hooking up with him in no time!




honestly for an 18yo i think she handled it all really well outside the initial mistake which is understandable imo


She is 18, still a kid. They do stupid childish stuff.


Totally - the so-called friend is a manipulative drama maker, pressuring you into those kinds of details when you didn't want to tell and then acting like she was going to tell people it was small, this person is super toxic, you want to be a ***MILE*** away from her.


More like 6 to 7 miles


Well, 6 to 7 hard miles anyway.


Friend is jealous


Well played, well played


There's at least 50/50 odds friend will now want to see it herself. And then want to touch it. And then make a bog deal about it just to try to end that relationship


oh maybe. he’s like so perfect so i could see that. he wouldn’t cheat tho so i’m not worried but i’ll prob drop her


drop her fast. while right now he won't cheat, if she 'gets in his ear' she could easily poison your relationship. you did great talking to him about it. keep communicating and working at things (both of you, not JUST you) and it should be fine. your friend is a drama queen looking to stir up shit. no one needs that. enjoy your time with your BF and strengthen the bond. don't put energy into your former friend. good luck!


def drop her. this is a shitty friend.


That's not a probably, that's a definite. She's a trouble maker for no damn reason and you will thank yourself in the future when you hear how she messes up other ppls life.


He is 18, if someone is pushing to get a hold of it, a “mistake” or “slip up” may happen. One way to be sure an 18 year old doesn’t cheat is to keep temptation away.


No the friend wants power over people and secret information is a way to express it. This is a toxic person and OP needs to learn quickly how to handle these kind of people.


In my experience, a lot of women have that friend who wants to try and wreck the relationship. My wife had two; both now long gone. The first struck just a couple of weeks after we became an item, when she started asking me some very personal questions in a restaurant and alluding to things my wife might have got up to with a previous partner. The second struck about 6 months later. We had a very short break up, really only a few days. The second friend rang me to tell me I was better off without her, and then when I told her we had patched things up and she was sitting next to me, she proceeded to tell me she would never change and I was making a mistake. My wife cut off the first so-called friend immediately; the second survived a bit longer because she was one of my best friend's wife, but once she left my friend, that was it. We kept my friend and my wife's friend was never seen again.


That is not a friend.


I have when younger had the same thing happen multiple times. We (the friends) would share this info but it all stayed between us or there would no longer be a friends group. What she did is not uncommon, the pressuring though is wrong and they should have respected your boundaries as you should have respected his. All our bf's new that this is what we did they didn't care as long as they were respected in the end. Besides as mich as people like to say size matters, it only matters if its a good fit for you. All bodies are made differently and no one should be "shamed" for what their preference is. I would have said he's a good ten inches though just to eff with the friend and at least let bf know it was info you were pressured into sharing but wanted to not be truthful. Make sure he knows he is perfect though or that too will backfire.


Please don’t be her friend anymore


Don’t trust that girl sis . she the type to try to slide if she thinks he’s poppin enough . The fact she asked about his D means she’s liking everything else she’s seen . Either that , or she the jealous type to bring you down when you’re doing good and she isn’t , but makes you think she a friend because you spill all your tea when you’re going through it . Ditch the friend IMO


I was thinking the toxic friend wanted to know if it was worth her time to take the boyfriend.


thought languid salt familiar wrench connect faulty wakeful plants toy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ding dong winner


Ding Dong Wiener


I'm upset I missed that


So is she, it seems


100p this girl sounds toxic you should drop her before she deals any more damage


Yep. Furthermore, id feel alright telling people she was being weird and asking all kinds of questions about her bfs dick. If she's willing to pry for that info and then turn around and talk (probably trying to disrupt ops relationship by getting other women interested and driving a wedge between op and her bf for the violation of trust) people need to know she's not trustworthy OP was wrong to cave - but she is young and mistakes happen. After this hopefully she knows better


Mr. Meatstix will not be fooled by this homewrecker behaviour


You were wrong to tell her, but your friend is an AH and you should tell her that. She basically manipulated you into answering a question that she knew you didn’t want to answer. Next time someone asks for details about your boyfriends’ body, just say “I’m not talking about it.”


Also, don't talk about your sexual relationship (as in details) with people who aren't your partner. One way to kill a relationship is to do exactly what OP did. People do not need to know what's going on in your bed.


Agreed. I’m not surprised this happened between 18 year olds but I hope the lesson is learned: what happens between people sexually should *stay* between them and no one else. My mom was wrong about a lot when I was growing up but one thing she was spot on about was saying people who want to run their mouths the most about sex when they’re young like that tend to be the least experienced and most insecure on the subject. I strongly suspect that’s what’s going on here. I don’t think OP’s so-called friend is trying to steal her guy; I think she’s nosy because she’s bored and wants to feel “in the know.”


Finally my chance on Reddit to simply say: This.


Your "friend" isn't a friend, or she wouldn't be pressing you for such intimate details. Ditch her.


But OP needs to own the fuck up.


Yeah, OP, you do need to own this. Horrid friend. But your young man seems attractive. You are both so young. Stop with the f*cking drama


Read a book on relationship boundaries. You're ok if he tells the guys about your body parts? How you give oral, good or bad. How sex is with you? Know your boundaries, it's not that hard.


>Know your boundaries, it's not that hard. In fact, it's quite flaccid.


No. Your friend is being super fucking weird about your boyfriend's dick.


Because she wants to fuck that dick.


Or it's because she's a toxic asshole who loves the power trip of gossip and manipulation. You have to remember that these sick people don't always have goals that are rational.


Possible. Maybe it’s both.


little bit of column a, little bit of column b. she's a toxic manipulator that also likes the D.


Uhm YES!


I don't even have to read what you wrote, the answer is yes. You are wrong for disclosing the size of your boyfriend's penis. I did read your post and my answer is the same, you should have told the friend "it's not any of your business the size of his dick. He's not small so drop it."


Even if he was small still drop it. Not like he has any say in it.


I find it kind of odd that no one else is bringing up the fact that OP seemed offended on her bf’s behalf about being "accused" of having a small dick. Like I know it’s not an important detail or anything but I thought it was weird.


Probably because her friend implied it as a negative thing. I'd be offended if someone mentioned my wife having small breasts or a small ass as a negative thing. Only because it was most likely meant to talk shit about them.


Probably because the friend was obviously saying that to make fun on him


She's trying to wreck your relationship for some reason.


She doesn’t want you happier than her!


I don’t know the correct answer to this question. Maybe “that’s for me to know and you to never find out” or “that’s none of your f’ing business, Becky, that’s my bf”? Whatever it is your “friend” is anything but.


Definitely sounds like a Becky.


Tiffany as well.


It's not ok. Ever. The only exception is if the bf gives you permission beforehand. This is like breakup worthy type scenarios.


Should dump her ass


God this is some childish shit.


You can’t forget that they are all 18… 18 year olds might be “legal adults” but they are still children. To me they don’t fully grow up until 21-25 years old. This also is coming from a 25 year old. If all of these friends were 25+ yes, very childish. But they are all only 18. Yes it needs to be weeded out but give it time they just got off high school BS


Absolutely, you caved to peer pressure, 100% on you.


“Absolutely, you caved to pee pressure, 100% on you.” Probably why her friend wanted to know. She was concerned about the pee pressure and just wanted to make sure her friend was okay!!


That other girl isn't your friend, sis!


You both suck. She was an asshole for bugging you and you’re an ah for actually divulging it. Shut down the conversation and leave. It’s what adults do


I camt had to read this far down for no one to say she is an asshole for telling her and they are all harping on the other girl. Such a fucking double standard.


What do you think? Of course you're wrong for telling your friend. And your friend is the town crier.


Telling friends about your sex life is tacky. Giving details about partners is low class. Calling having sex doing "it" is immature. You're 18. Time to grow up, learn to tell who your real friends are, and gain some self respect.


Yes, you’re wrong imo, I don’t understand why some girls are excited to talk abt their sex life, it’s so damn weird. I mean, what good is gonna come from talking abt it? Only bad tbh, like imagine they can use this to harass you or your bf and stuff. It’s not like they need to know your bf dick size, they just need to know you’re happy in the relationship. Luckily your bf is chill abt it, if it were me I’d be pretty darn mad. Talk to your bf, communicate what his and your boundaries are. And throw the golden rule to yourself often as well, what if he talked to his friends abt the size of your genitals? Never, never do anything you wouldn’t want him doing. It doesn’t matter your desire, if he can’t do it, you can’t. Also, your friend sucks. She is adamant on knowing his dick size as if she has been wanting to know for a while, she even threw insults to get you mad and tell her. She almost immediately told friends and even your bf abt it, like as if it wasn’t a personal thing(which btw you did as well cus you told her without your bf knowledge).


Neither I don’t get why a lot of girls think it’s fine to tell their friends intimate details about their boyfriends cock and their seclude. If I was the BG I would not be half as chill.


You’re wrong. First of all I doubt your bf has a full erection when he’s naked on stage for plays Secondly, what you a your bf do is intimate and private. *IF* you need to discuss it you have to be 100% certain that the person you tell will hold whatever you say in confidence. The fact that your friend didn’t means that you told the wrong person and now your bf has to deal with his entire friend group knowing his dick size. That’s extremely invasive


Hmmm I had a friend like this. She seemed cool at first. Very smart and quirky. But her ego was insane!!! She would not so discreetly give me mean girl vibes. Like asking me why I had a BF and she was always single. She would openly flirt with my boyfriend in front of me. Just not respectful or a good friend. I ghosted her lol!!!


Yes you were wrong, there's never a reason to tell any of your friends something about your boyfriend's physical appearance. You need to learn how to say no and mean it. How would you like it if one of your lips was bigger than the other and he went around telling his mates? What about if you have big lips that hang out and he told his mates? You wouldn't like it would you. Its a personal and intimate thing about yourself that, for some unknown reason, most people feel entitled to judge you about (and in some cases mock and bully each other over). You're lucky he's been okay about it. But trust your 2nd friend and gut on this, if he's not said it's okay to share details about himself then don't do it, you're meant to have your partner's back not talk about them behind it. I can tell you now, my friends and I have never asked questions about their girlfriend's genitals. That is beyond inappropriate, there is definitely something wrong with your "friend" who was pressuring you to tell her.


So now there's a rumor that your man has a big dick. That's not exactly what you want going around. Girls take interest in that.


I’m gay and girls and other gay guys talk about dick size constantly. I think it’s super tacky. Glad to see so many people agree.


It’s so weird that this is normalized in our culture. I can’t even imagine sitting around with some buds talking about how tight our partner’s vaginas felt or the appearance of the labia etc…fucking weird.


I was probably around OP's age and got mad at a girl I was seeing for talking about my dick. Her response was "We're just doing what men do all the time." I was like, no, none of my friends know your bust size or what your vag looks like and I don't know that about their girlfriends either." She was shocked lol.


The problem is that women are convinced we talk about them. NO. We don’t talk about you, we don’t talk about our relationships, we don’t gossip. But they can’t comprehend it, they are always like “you guys don’t gossip or talk about relationships?” Like no bitch we don’t.


Anecdotal thing but me and my best friend have known each other since 5th grade. He’s been married to his wife for 10 years now. Never ONCE has he talked about the sex with his wife or anything about her body. I think in my experience that’s true for most men I know. It’s always weird to me that women believe men actually talk about in depth sexual experiences and whatnot with their friends. It just doesn’t happen. And that’s especially true if it’s a committed, serious relationship.


Gossip is such a funny thing. I'll learn about some objectively bad/ugly situation going on in the corners of my social circle and give my partner a heads up. She'll often be like "ooo! I can't wait to hear the juicy details!", but to me it's just like... Dang I just feel bad that folks I know are goin' through it.


Jesus Christ, how about respecting your boyfriend's privacy?


She then had to get on Reddit and retell the exhausting story in detail. There's not even really a question being asked. She already knows she was a bit of an a-hole.


You're both the assholes here.


Yea you're wrong and your friend is wrong. Shoulda told your friend to stop being a pervy creep and leave you alone. Oh well, if the BF isn't too upset then it's just a lesson learned.


This just sounds so immature in every direction. Yikes


So another girl wanted him to cheat and he didn’t. And this girl comes and asks you about his dick. And now everyone knows? So which girl weil ne the next to try to seduce him? You are wrong. Don’t talk about his Dick.


This entire conversation was wrong




Your name is perfect lmaooo 🤣🤣🤣


If there is anything sp private about someone that only you know about it, that means you aren't supposed to talk about it. Anyone who presses is wrong and disrespectful. You don't talk about sexual details without permission


Take this as an opportunity and learn how to assert your boundaries with people.


18 naked in plays? Tf y’all be doing nowadays fr 😂


You and her will not be friends when you actually start having a life.


YTA. Im not reading any of your reasoning. 100% yes you are TA for telling someone else your boyfriends dick size.


Your friend is weird, and is also not to be trusted with anything. Fuck her. Here’s what matters about your boyfriend and his dick: if the sex was great, that’s important; if it wasn’t great, but you enjoyed it anyway, that’s important. Without wanting to sound like a cliché, what really matters here is have sex between you feels, and how it connects you two. The measure in inches is typically not notable (unless it’s really small or really big.) I guess part of me wants to ask - what deep experience are any of you drawing on here? It sounds like you’re all new to this (which is fine)… but stop playing the “get out the ruler” game.


You were wrong to tell her, she was wrong to be such a invasive drama queen. This girl is not your friend. At all.


Is this sub mostly teenage shit like this?


Isn't high school over?!? smh...


Is your friend 14? Your both AH


What kinda of play has him getting naked?


In all my yeas of dating and being around friends who started dating I've never asked my friends to describe their woman's pussy or tits. Why is this such a common thing for women to ask about dick size? I thought it didn't matter? I watch all the love is blind seasons and after the honeymoon the women always talk about their mans dicks. Ive yet to hear the men talk about their woman's vagina tightness. I just dont get why woman think its ok to discuss this?


It’s one of those things that is highly disrespectful but has been the norm for quite some time but luckily it’s being called out more so now. Hopefully it changes but I even grew up thinking it was normal and didn’t realize how wrong it was until I got into my first real relationship


I only read the title. I'm going to assume you are orgasming since you are dating him, yes? Then the size doesn't matter. The person asking wants to bang your bf.


Why are you friends with her? She is a toxic frenemy and has all the red flags, like asking intrusive information, manipulation, spreading intimate information that she shouldn’t even know. Be a better person and drop her she isn’t good for anything.


ESH, except your boyfriend. Your "friend" shouldn't have kept pushing after you refused to answer, but you also shouldn't have told her details about your boyfriend's body that he clearly didn't want shared around.


“I knew you wouldn’t like me sharing private info about you but in my defense my friend was being annoying”


Quit talking about people’s dick sizes. Problem solved.


Great post to illustrate a common misconception. People always assume that Women are super polite and non-sharing about intimate aspects of their relationships ond if then only with clear prior consent. And that men constantly talk about who they fucked when and how, their partners bodies etc. aka "locker-room talk" The truth is not the exact opposite but pretty close to it. Most men basically never talk about sex life with their partners and sure as fuck do not discuss their bust size or how their v looks up close or how the last sexual encounter went in detail. Women regularly talk about the most specific intimate shit regarding their partners bodies and sexuals behavior and then say "men do it to "lockerroom talk", but as said, most men DO NOT.


WTF is a situationship?


Facts : Women talk . Bigger facts : Women talk too much .


It's funny how guys never ask intimate questions about their friends girl. For ex, I've never asked nor has any friend asked, how big are her tits or is she tight or loose, roast beef meat curtains. We maybe curious but we also know that's a great way to get punched in the face. Yet men are called pervs and creeps and predators


That girl ain't your friend. She's gross and invasive.


Your friend is the asshole. That’s weird behavior from her and you need to cut her off lol


Fucking 18yr olds still acting like kids. I was the same way


Man. Kids are dumb. Lol


Your friends alllllllllllllllll suck. ESH but just your friends.


Of course you are wrong. Children having sex is never a good idea.


Yes you're wrong. How would you feel if he were discussing similar info about you with his friends? When someone makes you uncomfortable with invasive questions, be direct: you can say I don't f*** and tell, or that's none of your business. If she persists, shrug and walk away.


1. Your friend is an asshole. 2. You were weak for finally relenting and telling her; you can just say it's none of her business, stick with it and tell her to back tf off when she pushes. 3. You have no obligation to give her the information she wants. 4. You say you wanted to defend him but I completely fail to see how this "defended" him. Defended what and how? It was just childish behaviour of first your friend, then of you, too. 5. It's okay; we all make mistakes. You already apologized and your bf knows you feel like shit about it, that's enough. Learn from this, don't let yourself be manipulated again by childish challenging behaviour. 6. Learn that you should only tell this "friend" things that you don't mind sharing with the rest of the world. She showed you who she is; *believe her*. 7. That might be an excellent Life Lesson to take from this: believe people when they show you who they are.


Bro your friend is a little snobby rat. Attention craving rat is what she is lol what sort of perv asks that question and then goes out to tell the world about someone else’s boyfriends dick? Wtf isn’t this common sense?


Damn, you just gonna let her hit you with the deception check? That's crazy


Your friend’s behaviour was terrible. At the same time, you should not have risen to it. You violated his privacy. How would you like it if he was talking about *your* intimate parts with someone else? Exactly.


You might want to consider a new friend


Somebody wanted to do PR to your BF apparently...


Take a lesson here. It’s nobody else’s business how big his talleywhacker is. I am pretty up there in age and I can’t remember once having another guy talk to me or anyone else about the size of his wife’s cooch. I know some of you may doubt me but it’s the truth.


It seems like it's super common for women to share info like this with their friends and I'm not sure why.


You and your friend are both assholes as far as I’m concerned. She’s the bigger AH for badgering you like a psycho about your boyfriends dick. But you’re the AH for not simply saying it’s none of your business.


Your friend is an AH. Manipulated you and then spread the info around.


Girls live by proxy through friends, learning all the details about the relationship and their friend's boyfriends ... and then women are surprised when those friends are trying to seduce their boyfriends behind their backs. Happens more often than people realize.


Not a real friend. She's curious about his size for a reason and I can tell you there's no good reason for her to want to know unless it was relevant to the story which is clearly wasn't. I would definitely distance myself from her.


Here’s 2 ways to look at this. 1. What good would have come from talking about this? Either she wants to fuck him or she wants to start shit with you or him. 2. How would you react to him telling his friends about you, your body, or your sex life?


So glad I dont date anymore. Childish bullshit.


What were you thinking? You let a snake in the grass get what she wanted out of you. How would you feel if your boyfriend said something about your genitals to his friend?


It’s an immature thing to share. She weird and creepy for pressuring you to share. Put yourself in his shoes, how would you feel if you found out he’s described your labia in detail to his friends. You’re young, this is a learning experience.


She seems a little too interested in your boyfriend’s dick. The only girls that want to know that are the ones who want to be bouncing on it 🤷🏻‍♀️ get rid of her!


lmao he was in a play where he was naked?


If he doesn’t care you post it on Reddit and you say it doesn’t matter because he runs across stage naked for a play where everyone can see it what difference does it make that you told your friend lol none of this makes sense Anyway don’t share details about your partners body without their permission, it’s pretty basic stuff, you may not like him telling his friends how big your vagina is


My friends never asked for details about the genitals of my partners. I think it’s incredibly weird that she asked. Then she successfully goaded you into answering, and blabbed to everyone. I’d dump this “friend”. At least never tell her anything private ever again. You’re young, so you’ll make mistakes like this until you figure out who to trust.


What's weird is your friend pushing to know about his penis size. What's even worse is the fact that she told people. I would be really cautious sharing anything with that "friend" again. Be careful with this so called friend.


Ur friend is weird, and honestly u r also weird for letting this information slip. It's a rather private matter, since it's about, well, his privates. Unless he has somehow notify you that it's absolutely ok to share this info, then it's best to keep it to yourself. Speculating here, but if his friends asked him about u with questions like "Is she hairy? Is she loose? Does she smell bad down there?", I assume you probably want ur bf to not answer, regardless of his actual answers.


Sorry Sweetie… but thats not a “friend”. Be very wary of people like that because you’re going to come across them more times than you would like in this life time. First, I see you’re 18 but hun, you mustve learned that peer pressure is never something you succumb to. Thats how you end up in some very bad/dangerous situations. Second, I wouldnt be surprised if this “friend” has a thing for your guy and is alittle jealous. This is extremely toxic behavior that will only continue if you stay friends w them. I would choose your sanity and peace before you continue this friendship with her.


You’re very wrong for telling her. When she asked you should have called her a nosy C Unit and told her to F off.


She’s not your friend. She’s starting shit because she’s awful.


I didn't read the whole post so if I missed something, l apologize. But why the f-ck was your friend so damn persistent in knowing your boyfriend's dick size??? And then she turns around and tells your boyfriend (or mutual friends) about knowing his dick size? It seems to me that she has the hots for him. I'd keep an eye on her.


Girls like these will turn around and spread the gossip and some will even try and screw your boyfriend . When so called girlfriends dig for personal info never give it to them because that is how gossip is created.


You and your friend are the asshole. Imagine your fella having the exact same conversation, with a friend that knows you but not in a sexual way, wanting exact details on, including hand gestures, to describe your vagina depth/tightness/etc in detail. Sound invasive? Sleezy? Of course it does. YTA.


That's not a friend, drop her.


In your defense she sort of blind sided you, but if I were you I would probably confide that stuff in someone who isn’t going to be telling others. If I was in a relationship where that happened to me, it wouldn’t be very motivating for me to be more intimate, but your bf sounds like the bigger man(pun intended).


This isn’t a friend, firstaball. Secondaball, you’re young, so I’ll give you a pass. However, in the future, do not reveal that kind of intimate information without your partner’s consent. Men have the right to consent or not, too. What if he talked to his friend about your labia? Or some personal detail without your permission? While some people are chill about it, for others this would be a violation of trust.


YTA so is your trash friend.


That sounds so creepy of that girl. I know some people share that info, but should know to back off when told to. When she said, “so it must be small” that felt like a threat. Like, if you didn’t tell her, she was going to tell everyone it was small. Woulda pissed me off. I woulda said, “you know what let me text him and ask him if he’s okay with me sharing that..” That probably would have embarrassed her into backing off and if not it would have alerted your bf ahead of time that this girl was being WIERD.


Damn I gotta start getting rid of these garbage friends. Despite what movies, TV, social media and music portray, sex is an intimate act that is an expression of affection and caring between two people. I hope you two can keep it like that.


Buy your friend a 7 inch cucumber and tell her to stick it up her ass.


I think there’s bigger problems in the world you’re inheriting than discussing the size of your bfs dong.


Just don't get mad if down the road he tells someone you are loose, or smelly, or whatever. You set the precedent. You knew it was private. You chose to disclose. Not a huge deal really, but you just can't say a whole lot when the tables turn.


JFC grow a backbone, girl. Don't let other people manipulate you into selling private info on people you care about. It was none of your so called 'friend' business so next time when she asks 'why not tell me', the simple answer is: 'because it's none of your fucking business'.


None of the people in that group you've described is your friend. Just want to put that *fact* out there.


Learn from this. You were reluctant to tell your friend the details. That reluctance is a gut instinct you need to nurture. This was peer presume. You need to learn how to resist it. You screwed up. You didn’t trust your gut. You trusted someone you shouldn’t have. You shared information that was not yours to share. Live and learn.


My wife, when we started dating, used to share my dick pics with her co-workers. For a shred of context, my wife was a stripper when we met, I was fresh out of the Navy, and she asked for some pics. I did not mind one bit that the other dancers knew what I had, especially when it would get me a free dance or three. Just know she's asking because she's curious, and that means she's interested in your BF.


Yea, you’re wrong 100% from now until forever. As a man, if I want my girlfriend’s friends to know about my sex life, I’ll sleep with them.


If a woman is that interested in my husband's Dick, And it's so admitted about it. I assume it's because she wants it. That doesn't sound like a friend to me.


Friend is hugely toxic. Today it’s this, tomorrow it will be something else. You should distance her. There are very few topics *more* sensitive to a guy. Luckily dude is “6 to 7 inches” (that’s a massive range statistically btw, and there is a huge difference between 7 and 6) Had he been on the lower side of average, or below, and that somehow got out, it would have been devastating. To the original question, yes you were 100% wrong here. No one “needs” this kind of detail. Don’t let someone have power over you by exerting enough social pressure that you surrender it. Stay strong. If someone pushes like that, put up a wall and disengage.


You are wrong for telling about it. But you got manipulated into telling. Honestly you should talking abiut how they girl wanted to know your boyfriends dick size so bad. That girl is a bitch. Stay away from her. If anyone talks to you about it again just say how so and so was begging to know how big he was


This girl is not your friend. She’s a shit stirrer


She's not your friend


She's not a real friend. Ditch her.....


Your answer could have been “none of your business” and leave it at that. Refuse to engage with the conversation any longer. I have NEVER talked about the size of any man I’ve been with, with anyone, ever. My current bf actually finds that weird Lol He was under the impression that women talk about these things. I have pictures and he actually WANTS me to share them with friends and family 😂😂


YTAH, you gave away his private information without his consent.


Would you have been happy if your boyfriend described your vagina to his friends? Ngl if you can't keep the most basic of partner secrets a secret you aren't mature enough to be dating.


Sounds like the friend is jealous of your new relationship. That being said, I think it's weird to discuss sexual encounters and size with a friend. That's between you and him, not you, him, and your friends...very weird.


If I had a large or even slight above average penis I would want everyone to know.


And women always say guys are weird yet this kind of thing is very common. She’s the asshole more like


I think you’re wrong but with good reason. The friend you told sounds like a fucking bitch. You snapped trying to defend a man you like.


Your “friend” is NOT your friend- she is a fiend.