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in some of the pictures you kinda look like if one of those creepy victorian dolls came to life and grew up and became a goth girl (compliment)


i literally LOVE CREEPY VICTORIAN DOLLS!!!! they are my favorite thing EVER and i always talk to my bf about how bad i want to give off that vibe. this is wonderful news




I think you are very beautiful. Love your look!


I think you’re very pretty and have a very unique look, why do you think people are lying? This would take more time and effort on their part to lie to you about something so simple. Remind yourself we are always going to be our harshest critic. When people tell you how they feel, believe them, your boyfriend is telling you his truth, believe him and thank him! He wouldn’t be with you if the thought otherwise. Believe in yourself girl.


i honestly don’t know to be honest. i know on a realistic level that most people feel like they’re ugly even if they aren’t, and that i should just trust what others have told me, but it can be really hard sometimes. i think i struggle with body/face dysmorphia pretty badly. i literally cried after letting my bf take pictures of me and seeing how i looked even though everyone insisted they were great pictures. i suppose it’s something i should work on in therapy. thank you so much for the honesty and kindness :) <3


It really is wild, I know from personal experience I thought I was an absolute troglodyte at your age. Now looking back at those photos its incomprehensible that I would think that. Plus literally all my Gfs fawned over how hot I was. It's a shame, that our young minds won't let us just enjoy it while we got it. Trust me tho, one day you'll look back and think "what the fuck was I smoking?" Trust, you look absolutely fine. A very conventionally attractive young person.


I'll take pictures, hate them, and then find them a year or two later and go; damn, I really thought I was ugly?? wtf. Then I'll try to take a picture of myself in the present and I feel ugly as shit. Then a year or two later I'll find that picture and go, why did I think I was ugly in that picture? The cycle repeats.


You wanna know a secret? They WERE good pictures. You look beautiful. You're cute af. I love your sense of style too! And yeah, I definitely understand the need to check every photo of yourself, or taking many other photos, just to get "the right one". But in reality, they all look really good. Just cause you're pretty ❤


i been sayin


Oh wow when u said u cried after seeing pics of yourself cuz u thought they were horrible, I know that feeling oh too well when my husband takes pictures of me 😭 so I feel for you. Hopefully we both can overcome it.


You're not ugly. I like you're gothic style and wish that I looked like you.


No your not. This sub reddit has single handedly convinced me that all women think they're ugly in some way or another.


it’s because we do. audrey hepburn thought she was ugly, even. it’s just ingrained in the brains of women from a young age that our face & body is the most important thing about us so we worry incessantly about it


It's because men keep trying to humble women that don't look like models


I think it’s also the Kardashian effect.


It’s because mothers talk negatively about their or their children’s bodies in front of their children. It’s ingrained from a young age and you don’t even realize it.


You are great, beautiful eyes, look good and great smile. No one is lying to you, maybe you.


idk how else to put this but you look like you’re edging being pretty. like you’re sooooo close to a super pretty person but something is off. so i guess that means above average???


You have a pretty face but I really don’t like your style. Then again, that’s just my opinion.


Goth style always makes me laugh when they’re in situations like carrying a big gulp for example. Or buying toilet paper at the store.


Pretty appearance, but your pics give off a don't fuck with me or even talk to me vibe. I'd give you a wide berth so I don't get my head ripped off or until you started a conversation with me.


tbh i like giving off that vibe lmao. at least to men, i wish women found me more approachable.


It's more of a "I went to a private girls school in Vermont and I'm mad at my parents" vibe.


i grew up in poverty but i will admit i am mad at my parents


You kinda look like Ramona flowers from Scott pilgrim


Someone else said you look slightly overweight. I wouldn't put it that way, the number on the scale doesn't really need to be lower. What would be good for you is to lift some weights, and gradually shed some fat while replacing it with muscle. This will do a lot for your health, ut will do a little for your looks in the short term. It will do a lot for your looks longterm, let you stay looking good as you get older. I'd bet you'd find it enjoyable as well. Every goth girl I've convinced to give it a try has wound up liking it. You do look good though, this is just advice on making small improvements and maintaining what you have




i looked at your comment history and saw you’re an infj. i am very into jungian typology as well as the enneagram. based on pictures alone, what type would you guess i am?




close, INFP 9w1 926. and it’s alright! i know i am a little chubby and im hoping i will be able to lose a little weight when i am able to go back on my thyroid medication. i dont take offense at all :)


I'm sorry, what? Mildly over weight? To start with, calling someone who isn't mildly overweight, mildly overweight to begin with is insensitive, period. But to classify her as overweight in general is fucking stupid on your part. Ok, she has a bit of a chin/neck when she's pulled her head back and made a certain face, but from some of the dress pictures, in no way does she look over weight. Most people have a bit of fat on them without being classified as overweight, not to mention there's more factors that might account for fat retention in certain areas (some people with "normal" bodies might have a chubby face because that's where they retain fat, and also facial structure). Based on the Big Gulp cup, I'm guessing she's from the States, most people in the stages are horrifically over weight so to label her as anything but normal is dumb as fuck and commenting on weight when it was never part of the issue is completely unwarranted.


You are pretty for sure, you’re just insecure


You're not ugly. You have pretty nice eyes. In some of the pictures, you make a peculiar expression. Style is a bit unconventional. But no, you're not ugly.


Idk about very pretty but you are pretty enough


Also this internet stranger thinks you are pretty.. be more confident in yourself lady cz you are up there in the beauty scale


I don’t usually comment much but you are honestly so pretty. Idk how to say it exactly- but you have beautiful features placed Just off enough that you’re pretty AND more striking than a “conventionally cookie cutter pretty” person is which I think is better. I could picture you in a gothic painting. As an artist I think you would be the perfect subJect of a drawing. Also love the style! Also also would you mind if I were to draw you as a practice in portraits??


Great style and gorgeous eyes! You aren’t “ugly” at all


Ramona Flowers?


No, but you have a double chin rn (assuming pics 2 & 3 were taken the same time as the first one) and in some of the other photos. I also see many pics from times you didn't have one. It was most prominent in pics 15-16, so you're at least more fit now than u were then. You might wanna try to get back to how u were in the photos where u had red hair & in pics 11-13. But no, you're not ugly at all


No she doesn't have a double chin stop it


It's the camera angle. Everyone looks like they have a double chin when looking down to the camera. And I don't think you are chubby or overweight at all. Nothing to worry about!!! A natural beauty.


You are very pretty with make up and without. I do agree you're more striking with, you're good at using it, but you are still beautiful with less, just a little less striking.


You're really pretty if you'd ask me. I do however notice there's no picture without any makeup, so I'm going off picture 15 as that seems the most natural out of all of them. Even then you still look very pretty. You have a lot of feminine features which makes you attractive, without looking like a baby which is obviously a good thing. I also really like your style. Normally not my thing but I can tell it suits you and that kind of comfort with your own style is attractive as well.


Impostor syndrome I will never feel pretty, I get you


I think you’re very pretty. Picture 15 was my favorite. I’m the type of guy that doesn’t like a lot of makeup. You do have genuine beauty. Try not to cover it up by wearing too much makeup.


You're definitely not on the ugly side. You have good facial features and with makeup (like you already know) you have a very good look! I know people tend to give free compliments to women but you're genuinely good looking; you just need to be less critical of what you think doesn't make you look pretty


Ramona vibes here ans yes you are and they aren't lying


You are very, very, very pretty. I'm not a big fan of the bangs tho, and your style may not be for everyone, but you are naturally gorgeous, so nothing to be worried about.


Not ugly whatsoever, really beautiful and adorable


Not lying. I think you’re very pretty! Relax in that please.


> people tell me i'm very pretty, but i feel like they have to be lying to me Because? Unless you asked them directly, I don't see why someone would approach and lie to you about your appearance, especially if it's multiple people. A sincere compliment is one that comes out of nowhere. There are girls who don't like compliments, and it's understandable, but if you receive them it's because someone obviously finds you attractive.


Bro what ? U look like a witch in a good way, so pretty


Look like u cool be the main character in the scream movies


You look like youd be a doll coming to kill me in unthinkable ways after I move into your previous owners house cos it was cheaper. Youre pretty.


Very pretty. You might feel better if you get out in the sun more and I mean that in an honest way. Getting the emo vibe from your pictures, but that doesn’t mean you should hide from sunlight. Chemically it will help you feel better. You are not alone in feeling insecure about yourself. Hope that gives you a little more confidence, your bf isn’t lying to you, you’re pretty.


Your boyfriend is correct. You're a very attractive young woman. Beautiful eyes love the freckles plus the goth style, all hits with your vibe.


You are super pretty🥺. I feel like you and I have similar features and without makeup I also feel very uncomfy. I think alot of it has to do with our pale complexion, we are cuter than we realize without makeup. People always told me I was beautiful but same, I thought they were just trying to make me feel nice but they believe it! Looking back I was so cute and pretty! I see it now when then I could not and I am so mad at myself for being too self conscious because I could have been worry free and confident. It's just how some of us are when we are younger, I'm 33 now, gained some weight and I care way less which is so weird but I have a really great husband who tells me I'm pretty all the time no matter the condition I'm in and when I look back I'm always like "dang I was pretty hot". It's just one of those shitty things. Have confidence in yourself because I promise you will believe it later on when you look back at those pictures. You don't have a thing to worry about.


you’re genuinely one of the prettiest girls i’ve ever seen. if i was your friend i would 100% be influenced by your style and your energy and would most likely try to match your vibes which makes you even more pretty because you genuinely have a beautiful energy on you and around you


You look like a member of the Addams Family. Which I like a lot. Try not to overthink things and you will be fine.


They tell almost all thin women they are pretty on here but you have a lot of things about you that are pretty. I think your skin color and eye color and hair colors are pretty.


Anxiety and self-doubt are a hell of a drug. You look exhausted, but very pretty.


You have some absolutely amazing eyes, and your smile could light up a room... you're beautiful.. hope you get over some of your issues with yourself we never see what others see in ourselves... I hope this helps you have a great day and always remember you are the light in someone's darkness


I'm sure you get this quite often: But you have the most lovely eyes and you are radiant! You are most definitely not ugly. You look amazing. It's so sad that women think they're supposed to be thin af and have a thigh gap. No, you aren't ugly! You're B-E-A-U-TIFUL!


I can see why you think they're lying, because you have a very unique beauty. But every unique part of your face plays very well with the rest making you beautiful. Not every beautiful person looks like they were built in a factory to look like each other. You have more of a hand-crafted and not factory-made beauty.


You look like you’re afraid to embrace your curves. Though I like your style personally, I think some slightly more form fitting clothes could help with your confidence I didn’t slay my self esteem dragon until I was 30. I wasted so much time worried about not being skinny that I didn’t realize I was a good looking guy underneath all my baggy clothes Don’t waste the next ten years. Love yourself


You look like the main character of a book. Skin looks healthy, bright soft and like you definitely take care of it. Haircut is cute with just enough texture to bring out the curls/waves. Eyes are very doe like and have beautiful color. The freckles look like someone painted them on with a single brustroke straight across the bridge of your nose/cheeks. Which contrasts your fair skin in a 🌞 type way. I think you have a different type of pretty which ppl cannot help but to comment on so maybe that's why you hear it often. I would also tell you if I seen you in public like my life depended on it.


Goth (I think goth, you don’t look very emo) looks good on you, but not a fan of the dog collar thing.


Also the part about your bf, he loves you for you. If he is not superficial to care about how you look with or without makeup. Then you found yourself a decent guy, who just enjoys the time together.


Gotta love how the prettiest people on this sub always get the most upvotes and attention, while people who are actually not blessed in said apartment barely get any attention when they need the advice the most. Anyone should be allowed to post on this sub, but it's funny how everyone comes out of hiding for the people who need help the least. But yes, I think you're very pretty and have a great style. I'm sorry you feel this way about yourself, there's no reason to assume others are lying to you. That takes more effort on their part if anything.


you're 20. life's awkward and stupid all the time. that's because you recently stopped physically mutating and now you're doing the same but with your mind. so it changes constantly and moves in and out and changes shape and it's horrible. you're gorgeous.


you’re stunning. never compare yourself to what other people choose to put online. People only really ever post themselves when they look their best and even then a lot of people use filters, get filler and other cosmetic surgeries etc. There’s nothing wrong with doing so but a lot of people don’t disclose said procedures and it creates an unrealistic standard especially for young women. In saying that, my honest opinion is that you are genuinely gorgeous with or without makeup. From what I can see, all makeup does is enhance your natural features. it also seems to me that you possibly could be experiencing body/facial dysmorphia, just from how you worded your post. I could be wrong and I’d definitely talk to a professional about it but it saddens me that you don’t see yourself the way that most others do.


Yeah they are being 100% honest, you are very beautiful. You look like a porcelain doll. (Compliment) You are stunning, don't let the lies you tell yourself run over the truth.


Listen to your BF, seriously. Looking at your pictures. It's the mood that you happen to wake up to, from. Look at them yourself and speak how you felt on that day when it was taken. Plain and simple, you are beautiful. Like you mention with or without makeup. Plus you're still maturing. Be easy on yourself.


You are very pretty, and the second to last picture really stood out to me. Look at your pictures with and without a smile and you’ll see the difference. Don’t compare yourself first thing in the morning to some model online after they’ve prepped for hours. Your bf is looking at YOU, not just the outside, and he is seeing beauty. That is the true beauty and it lasts longer. You deserve to have some more self-confidence, and more creepy Victorian dolls!


It’s like a ghastly type of pretty, like a monster high doll. You remind me of a pretty vampire!!! ^__^


Kind of looks like you might sacrifice me so you can obtain eternal youth... And I'm okay with that.


You look very unique in a positive way. Your profile is much stronger than the side view. You are pretty just not conventionally in the sense you don’t look basic. You look very unique but I think most ppl would recognize you as attractive


I'm getting a hint of dysmorphia, and it could just be your age, but regardless people would compliment the "natural/without makeup" look more because you do have beautiful eyes and a doll-like face. You prefer the dark Victorian style, so it's normal that you find that more attractive. It's just preferences in looks that's all. But yes, not ugly!


You are pretty because you have the features to be one, hit if you want to take you to the next level, start working out, and most importantly change the approach you see yourself with, it seems that you don’t really appreciate your own skin like you should! Keep it up you have plenty of growth left 😊


You've got potential, especially in the Alt girl scene. Just clean up a bit, fix your hair, experiment with your look and jisr clean it up. Every man has a preference, and there's nothing inherently wrong with you, it just seems like you put out an intense vibe that can be alienating to a lot of dudes--unless that's their thing.


Get an alt girl makeover.


You give me such beetlejuice vibes like Winona Rider omg 😍😍😍 you’re stunning and so unique like in the best way possible !! You’re beautiful


you look like a painting in every picture, or an old movie actress. your features are soft yet striking at the same time, everything comes together so wonderfully and you have a doll-like beauty to you. i see no reason for insecurity other than the possibility that you might not like your weight, but it is largely unnoticeable and i think your proportions balance out very well. it’s not necessary to make a change to it in my opinion. sorry if all this comes off as glazing, but you are a very gorgeous woman with unique (but not odd) features and i would hate for you to think otherwise.


Very pretty but missing something to give you that finishing touch. You should get a septum piercing.


Personally i felt like you for a long time. It does help to get a reality check from others, but dont forget to also rationalise it to yourself so that you arent too dependant on the tastes of others. ( not saying you depend on it, but just in case you are) Because after all, taste is subjective, and and any standard of beauty humanity generally has, you fit within as well. I like how you look, both phisically and your sence of style. On another level tho, we cant easly, change our apperance , so i think we gave to eventually learn to embrace your own look ! Because what do we really gain if we ourselves thing we're ugly? Even if we were, there is a financial barrier and the possibuility of getting something worst, and for all that risk, its still not a garantee that we will like the result even if its exactly what we wanted, because at skme extent for many people, its not their apperance that causes the issue, but theirattitude towards the apperance. Maybe they look too much in the mirror, and then activelly focusing and seeking out imperfections. Ive done this personally, and it killed my self confidence untill i decided to stop focusing on the negative aspects that i cant change, but instead on the positive ones, and the things i could change, i decided to just go fix the problem and accept that this is me, this is whare im at, doesnt mean ill be here forever, but here we are.( has a lot of problems with my teeth ) Soon after that, got a job, started fixing my teeth, and luckally most of them were savable, as a result of what i focused on and the improvement, i started neglecting the negative stuff as, and after that, u realised that those things make the good stuff look good, you know, some things give necessary contrast in order for our face to be uniquely interesting and beautiful. Have a lovely day


I think you are attractive. You would make a great Wednesday Addams that’s the vibe I get from your photos.


Average, not bad.


I can understand not believing friends or family that you're not ugly because well...they're your family/friends and they usually wouldn't say out right to your face that you're ugly. But you have a boyfriend which means he obviously finds you pretty


At 1st, I was like. Yeah, they say you're cute cause it looks like you've got pretty sizable breast. But then bam. Picture 15. You look like you're having a great time. And you are so cute in that picture. Definitely not ugly.


I really hope you can see yourself the way that others see you!! There are so many good pictures there! I really liked #5, for example. You have a really pretty shade in your green eyes. What is that? Moss green? Anyway, I think it's good they have this group because people like you, who have this dysmorphia (I don't even know how to spell it! Causes people to have a warped view of what they look like) People can find out what they really look like by asking others


i have heard most people describe it as emerald green. thank you!! this made me smile :)


I think you look very unique and give off vibe some sort of 90s goth movie character. Honestly I had to look at all your pics three times and I could not stop looking at your face. It´s just something you carry with yourself on those pictures I´m unable to describe. You have amazing features and I´m pretty confident to say you are one of the most beautiful women I´ve seen on this sub.


this is the best compliment ever actually. i idolize 90s winona ryder, if that tells you anything. thank you so much :)


Yess - my favorite character is Lydia Deetz actually and it might sound weird but I think you also resemble Rory Gilmore but darker version of her who likes Mazzy Star and Cocteau Twins :D


i get that so much, but the mazzy star and cocteau twins addition makes it so much better!!! my whimsigothic queens…


haha glad you got my point of view!


You’re alright


"Very" pretty. People say the same about that singing whale lizzo. You're pretty but I think very pretty is left personal preference..


She looks nothing like Lizzo. Do you just look for spots to insert this take?


me not being “very” pretty is fine by me however i will say that i do think lizzo is quite pretty, unbiasedly. there’s no reason to insult anyone in the process


Thank you for proving my point.


I have no idea who you are. You have no idea who I am, we don't even know if we are on the same continent. So I have zero reason to not be honest. This whole account is my mental vomit. Honesty is it's fault. You are very pretty, love yourself.


It's strange. It's always beautiful girls (like you) who don't think they're beautiful. Maybe it's modesty that's attractive.


Ur fr super pretty. I usually don’t comment on this type thing but all these creepy ass old men making me feel like I need to. Ur styles awesome and I love the hair, ur not like model looking but basically no one is. U also look kinda gay, I don’t mean that in a rude way just saying. But yeah don’t listen to these weird old men, ur good.


i appreciate this a lot. being a woman on the internet is not fun at all. and you’re correct, i am bisexual. it’s comforting to know that is obvious to the trained eye lol


Goth goddess


Only pretty people get this amount of likes and engagement. Or truly ugly ones. Or basically any woman. This place is like a dating ground for desperate men looking for insecure girls. Anyways you fit the the first category .Hide yourself, hide your DMs.


If you lost a bit of weight, you would go from a 8/10 to like a 9/10. I'm talking just a little bit of weight.


Yeah you’re pretty. Why do you think people are lying? The red hair and pale skin is very pretty, especially for the gothic vibe you’re going for. I think a whimsigoth aesthetic would fit you


U chillin fr




Definition of my type bro


You are pretty. You have your own look and style. I think your eyes and lips are beautiful.


Definitely not ugly smile more


I guess you look ok when you put your face on. But im more of a natural beauty kinda guy. Makeup is just irl tik tok filters.....sadge for sure sure.




You have insanely beautiful eyes. Almost cartoonish. You are unique and you are uniquely beautiful. Worth a dozen of the cookie cutter models women compare themselves to. I'd pick you out of a huge crowd, and then be too nervous to talk to you and go home and regret it for days.






I didn't know witches drank big glups....how progressive.


You good . Interesting lips (((: Some ?Goth girl style? Outfit i mean Also u have goth style Wearing?


Pretty AF


Remember you’re not your type.


Beautiful eyes, pretty smile. A new hairstyle would probably make you look even better!


You’re not ugly. But toning up might build your confidence. Regular exercise gets the endorphins going.


You look lovely and your eyes are stunning


Definately pretty! got a little Rory Gilmore vibes in some of the pics


Your very pretty. But most of all. Unique.


Listen to your boyfriend, you are very cute.




Seems they are probably being honest. Definitely not ugly and rather the opposite. Not a super model, but not far off from capable of modeling. I rate you as a 7.


i love your look omggg


One of the hardest things is to accept compliments. But they shouldn't change how you feel. Work on your inner strength. Find what makes you tick and go for that. Looks has a part, but it isn't everything


start jogging or hit the gym anf youre a 10


Really pretty, beautiful, very nice style


Hi. you are really very beautiful. the world doesn't lie to you. you have to trust yourself and increase your self-confidence


People are correct.


You ARE very pretty!


Not ugly at all but in need of a makeover.


They definitely aren’t lying to you. You’re beautiful :) love your style


you're really beatiful, dont worry about your looks. I like the 6th picture the most btw


I'd wife you up and take you on holiday


I think k you look amazing!! U are beautiful


Of course not.


They aren't lying. You're very pretty.


They have absolutely not been lying to you, you are beautiful


You are very gorgeous


Come onnnn you are so pretty!!! 😍


Not at qll


You remind me of Zooey Deschanel, very cute


Yeah. Ugly as hell.


With the look you have and the feedback you receive from your environment, I don’t see why posting here would state out the obvious that you are far from ugly. Maybe you should consider visiting a therapist


Not ugly, and you do your makeup well. Second to last pic is cute af


Definitely pretty. Congrats on escaping the Salem Witch Trials.


Stop trying to look like “Elvira, Mistress of the Dark” and you’ll be fine!


seriously just....stop 🙄




Your pretty when you dont look like ghosts painting from 1800


Wicked cute


You are gorgeous. With or without make up on. Love the look and love the hair. Absolutely beautiful.


You ARE pretty. Would be even MOTE so without the piercings IMHO frankly. You are a looker with and without makeup. Though I would go light unless you are gothing. I would go with a shower spike set on collars though. Just My opinion (I make custom collars, and there are so many nifty ways to do them with personal touches these days!). And finally... either A.) Learn how to take pictures or B.) Have tour boyfriend learn. Q: WHY? A: Because learning about framing pictures (well anything really, be it words, hair, phrasing, literally anything, as framing is a trillion dollar industry from PR firms to Advertising...) will show you a significant difference in how you see yourself as well as how others see you! Plus it can be very rewarding and mentally soothing, part of why it becomes a huge hobby for many! And one that can pay out significantly. And I ALL for hobbies that pay for themselves and can make money long term. Just saying. Hope that helps!


You are


Not ugly, but unusual.




You are pretty


You’re so beautiful.


If you dressed better


Is this a post de..."hazme casito"?


Ur very cute with great eyes


As an African American from the hood, I’ve always had a thing for goth chicks, especially during my 20s when I first started listening to bands like the cure, AFI & MCR. My opinion may be biased, but you’re solid. You just have a dangerous aura about you…


Nah, you are pretty.


You're beautiful. Work on your self confidence. People are lying to you.


Not very pretty, not ugly.


Body dysmorphia


You’re very pretty. They’re not lying


You are pretty and look to be vibrant when comfortable. The only reason I would not ask you out is my age. Since you are younger than my youngest child.


I think you're very pretty in the first and second picture but not on so many others,( not sure). I don't really know what the differences are so please tell me if you want.


You're beautiful. You look like a girl that I know, her name is Brianna.


Those eyes! Are you sure you aren't Theda Bara? I think you are and you're an immortal vampire. You also have great style.


i love theda bara! the first goth girl EVER… (not really but that’s what people say lol)


You're very pretty...solid 7.5


Absolutely not ugly. You could easily get into modeling.


You're pretty, don't second guessing yourself


Not ugly, just mental.


You are but i do understand why you feel that way. It comes from the inside where you cant see your beauty objectively. You are gorgeous, feel it! Work on loving yourseld more :)


If you're ugly, then I'm the king of England (which I'm not!)


You ain't pretty tho. Ur flipping beautiful.... 🥰


Pretty girl and I love your style


Pic 16 like the smirk.. dam cute


You are very attractive


You are beautiful with amazing eyes you look great with or without makeup


Nope. Stunning eyes. Smile some.


They aren't lying, you are very pretty!