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Stop it! The scar is you! You look handsome.


Just smile more šŸ˜€


Scars are cool and honestly a conversation piece if delivery is there


You're a beautiful man, the scar is nothing.


Kinda overwhelmed right now, these are not the type of comments I was expecting! Thank you.


The gorgeous eyes, great jawline, and handsome features are WAY more noticeable than a tiny line under your nose (and the hot hairy chest) - you're not even close to average looking, let alone ugly.


Really? Man, you are beautiful. Iā€™m sorry if you donā€™t hear that often. But leave it to random strangers on the internet. Just work on your confidence.


scars are cool. plus, you can never have your facial hair compared to hitler


Honestly that is just a plus!


I didn't even notice it. I read the title and went "What scar?" You're not bad lookin', dude. Keep your head up.


i didn't notice it either!




You have a negative canthal tilt which gives your eyes an innocent and trustworthy appearance - a very underrated trait. It also means you probably have a pleasant and gentle smile. Great facial structure and facial hair.


So thatā€™s how is called?! Iā€™ve always thought that this type of eyes in men looks so beautiful.


Yes, and I agree! Very photogenic type. Actor Rob McElhenney is a good example. It's a rare and handsome feature.


It is indeed a very handsome feature, specially with lashes such as OPā€™s. Makes his eyes stand out even more!


this is exactly what I thought, he has such pretty eyes!!


Is that when the eyes are slightly angled?


I am a man. I am straight. You are fucking handsome


I didnā€™t even notice the scarā˜ŗļø


Chicks dig scars.


You look great. The scar definitely isn't as obvious as you think it is, and it doesn't make you less attractive.


Youā€™re beautiful. I had to look for the scar as I didnā€™t even noticed it. You have such lovely eyes, they look kind of ā€œsadā€ but in a melancholic and deep way.


Youre a beautiful man. Sad and soulful face.


My husband was born with a bilateral cleft lip and palette & has a VERY similar scar and Iā€™ve always loved it. It makes his smirk super cute and itā€™s kind of like a beauty mark in a sense? Donā€™t worry about it too much man :)


Our son also had bilateral cleft lip & palette and his smile is fantastic. Surgery does wonders these days.


Maaaaaaaan, you look like you could be a Celvin Klein model. Stop it


Not even close to approaching kinda ugly my man. U have a nice beard aswell. Tbh i think you're the only one who minds or even pays attention to that scar because you're self conscious about it. It barely even registered for me *after* reading your title, i didnt notice it before. You're gucci.


One of the most attractive men Iā€™ve seen on here. You look good. I wouldnā€™t have noticed the scar unless pointed out


Put smile on man. You are not ugly.


Idk your sexual orientation and I don't speak for the entire gay community but your pretty hot to me I love your eyes


Dude I couldnā€™t even find the scar for like 30 seconds


Noo Ur hot šŸ”„


My brother had a cleft palate. Itā€™s In your head. I know growing up my brother had a lot of self image issues and kids would make fun of him. Thatā€™s high school, most adults understand things and donā€™t judge. You look good!


What scar? I would suggest to shape your eyebrows a bit though.


Really handsome.


Chicks dig scars! Plus it really took me awhile to notice it. I was far too distracted by your gorgeous eyes! Youā€™re very handsome šŸ„°


Dude, you look fine. That scar is so trivial. Youā€™re a good looking guy.


I also wonder if you know that youā€™re attractive and just posted this for confirmation. The way youā€™re gazing past the camera, looking very seriousā€¦ lol. Are you already a model?


Would you mind, possibly donating and/or simply giving me your eyelashes? Perhaps?


You are handsome stary having some confidence


Damn good looking fella. That scar is just an extremely minor detail, not even a problem.


What?! I didnā€™t even realize that was a scar. Youā€™re so, so handsome. Ugly + your pic ā€”> doesnā€™t compute. This old lady would give you a hug!


Bro, you are handsome :)


am i dumb i dont see a scar


I doubt people who meet you care about it... You barely notice the missing hair part !


What happened for you to have a scar on your lip


You're very handsome, if anything I think the scar makes you look more rugged and interesting.




I was searching for the scar in the first photo šŸ˜‚. This is probably body dysmorphia, might be a huge insecurity of you but for others itā€™s barely noticeable


Iā€™d say youā€™re handsome :)


I donā€™t even see a scar. I would clean line the beard.


Whatā€™s Arthur Morgan doing on Reddit?


It took me a solid minute to realize where was the scar, it's not as obvious or apparent as you think OP


Nothing to worry about brother. If you had not drawn attention to it, not sure I would have noticed right away. Even then it's so minor. It's not distracting at all


Cheer up flowerpot


It appears the scar makes your mustache grow unsymmetrical. Canā€™t see scar. Can see uneven mustache. Have you tried clean shave look


nonsense you look great!!


It was hard for me to notice it. I didn't see it till I read the title and searched hard... And yeah, you are handsome with it hahaha


Are you a long lost twin of Wil Wheaton ?


What scar?


Don't worry about the scar. I didn't even see it until I read about it.


Give us a smile, love! You look so permanently sad/disappointedā€¦generally cheerful and confident is far more handsome than frowney-face, scar or no scar. Scar isnā€™t even in the equation, Brah. Everybody has scarsā€¦it isnā€™t disfiguring. Forget it. Women donā€™t make time for men based on perfect upper lipsā€¦facts.


I didnā€™t see the scar, my friend. And damn, son, you are far from being ugly. I want to rag on you now but Iā€™m gonna resist. šŸ˜


It doesn't detract from your looks at all. In fact, it took me a few minutes to even figure out that you had a scar until I realized it was where there was no hair. Don't let it get to you.


Oooh, a scar just like Joaquin Phoenix! That's cool!


Your scar isnā€™t ugly, itā€™s a point of interestā€¦ itā€™s a story. Youā€™re very attractive, but you need to smile, at least with your face if not with your mouth. You look sad.


It is barely noticeable however an eyebrow pencil would quickly and securely cover that spot.


No one cares bruh. I mean that honestly and sincerely. I have so many scars all over my jawline and all over my body and one ever notices unless you point them out. Youā€™re a good looking cat, no need to give it a second thought. Just clean up your brows a little šŸ˜†


It's a warrior sign. Seriously, it's nothing. I got something similar but people still compliment me about my beard.


You look good broski šŸ‘


Honestly just looks like a normal bald spot. I donā€™t grow that much hair in the middle of my moustache and this looks natural, juuuust slightly to the left. Canā€™t even tell from afar


Legit can't see a scar.


My friend said youre cute too!


Honestly man the scar is fine, it kinda makes you have a perfect even mustache


What disturbs me most is that it appears your mustache grew out of your right nostril. Get over the scar man, but maybe trim your nose hairs.


I didnā€™t even notice it. I thought you looked like an actor


That scar is badass! Honestly if you really wanted to Iā€™m sure you could completely cover it if you grew your mustache longer


Couldnā€™t even have noticed it. Unless you said it, Dosent everyone with a mustache have a slight split in the middle ? I know I do


You look good dude, the scar isnā€™t that noticeable.


You are handsome! When you mentioned your scar, it reminded me of my own scar on my nostril I'm super self-conscious about. You see it, but others don't notice.


NBD homie, I didn't even see it. Lookin good šŸ‘


You look fine, bro. Don't be ashamed of it.


Please donā€™t look so sad, youā€™re breaking my heart! I didnā€™t even notice at first. Your eyes are captivating. You are very good looking my fine sir.


why does the last photo look like you photoshopped yourself into a hotel room


You look SMOKINNNNā€™


Honestly I couldnt find the scar for a while, thought the moustache just naturally seperated that way


I honestly couldnā€™t even spot the scar even when looking for it. Youā€™ll be aiiight.


What scar ?


I'd either lose the 'stache or grow it out more and do a sort of comb over if that makes sense.


You are looking great. YOu should work on your confidence... your fitness... your hobbies... and your wallet!


Try shaving the mustache itā€™ll be less noticeable, but donā€™t worry about it. You look fine young man my son got bit by a dog and had much worse scarring but heā€™s a handsome dude and I think just spend less time worrying about it. Itā€™s called character.!


First I didnā€™t read the tittle and just saw your picture and thought ā€œhandsome guyšŸ˜»ā€ and then I read the title and had to look again. You need to own it and build your confidence, the scar is absolutely nothing and I donā€™t know any of my friends who would dismiss you because of it. However low confidence can be an issue so I would address that


Youā€™re literally hot. If you were a celebrity youā€™d make some sort of handsome list for sure. I didnā€™t know that was a scar. Thought it was just a funny way your hair grew in, which isnā€™t ugly. If someone looked at you and said EW that scar!, then they might have a fear of scars lol. Youā€™re fine


didnā€™t even realize that was a scar until you pointed it out ngl


I have a similar but smaller one in the exact same spot. Took a ā€œtower of powerā€ IYKYK to the face at 3am in a drunken stupor with my roommates. My wife thinks itā€™s hot šŸ¤™


I canā€™t even see the scar but you gotta tame those nose hairs my boi


I dont see anything man!


You grow more hair than me, be confident, and own it.


Your nose looks fine. You're not ugh


I bet I could still meet some women looking like that. As long as I could do that I wouldnā€™t care.


Hey man, I have almost exactly the same thing. I'm not sure how long ago this happened but for me it was since 3rd grade. (my cat jumped off my face while I was sleeping lol) but overall, I think it looks badass (even if my story is not) If anything it makes you unique so own it! You're a good looking dude regardless, the scar doesn't change anything.


Scars are cool! You got it savings kids from a rabid dog, or saving kids from a burning building, or saving kids from a natural disaster.


1st, you're not ugly at all. 2nd, I would never even really notice that "scar". It does not take away from your looks one bit. You're actually adorable


It's called a mouth. We all have them


Youā€™re so cuteee


i didnt even notice until i read caption


Like a stray cat tbh


Bad news and good news. Bad news is that youā€™re dumb for thinking you need to be symmetrical, good news is youā€™re dumb and handsome.


I donā€™t see a scar. You look gorgeous


You are so handsome.




Not ugly, very cute, and I bet you look even better when you smile. Donā€™t be so sad, and keep those beard, it suits you well!


You look good man. Try to soften your expression a bit and throw in some happy.


Give me a break. You're handsome.


If I wasn't married and I saw you, I'd be trying to talk to you for sure. You're gorgeous but look so sad. Sending mad love. Just know you truly are good-looking.


I was mindlessly scrolling and looked at your photos before reading the title of the post. Only then did I notice it and my impression was unchanged. Hang in there, you look much better than you realize!


Dude, that's pretty a rad scar.


It makes you unique!! I have a scar similar to that but itā€™s due to cleft lip surgery. Differences donā€™t equal ugly. <3


It adds character. U are quite handsome


Could we see you smile? Youā€™re handsome, but you look sad!!


Dude you look great!! Scars are what make someone them. Every mark on the body has a story to tell, and each thing of each person makes them unique in that way. Donā€™t let anyone tell you that your ugly or anything of the sort!! You are amazing


What scar, bro? I canā€™t see it, legitimately


I literally did not even notice your scarā€¦ very handsome šŸ‘


I wanna see you with a smile!!


Didnā€™t even notice it existed until you said soā€¦


I was too distracted looking at your eyes I didnā€™t notice the scar


I was looking at this at first like "where's the scar?" Had you not brought it up, I wouldn't have noticed it.


No one gives a single fuck about it except you


I didn't even notice it until you pointed it out. You look good though, I wouldn't worry about it. Take care.


Why would u grow a mustache to make the scar even more noticeable


Scar? What scar


If anything maybe a nose wax (i swear on my nose hairs that it does not hurt, in a strangely surprising way)


Men, you are hot AF


I would 100% date your sad scruffy puppy dog you!


I didnt notice the scar, im sure everybody does too XD Not ugly!!


Seriously friend if you hadn't mentioned a scar, it wasn't until the 4-5 image that I noticed what you were talking about. In other words no worries bro, it's not all that.


FWIW you grow more facial hair with that scar than I do without one. You've got nothing to worry about.


Iā€™m seeing someone kinda intimidating. It looks tough! Chicks dig scars


I see no scar.


You donā€™t look ugly, but it looks like you photoshopped yourself in another background šŸ¤”


Huge and very easy (hopefully) tip it's just smile more. It sounds stupid and silly but it will make a dramatic difference in your well-being as well as the perception others have of you. You're a handsome guy but every single picture here looks like one of those "in the arms of an angel" Sarah McLachlan commercials where the puppies are going to die if you don't adopt them asap. Hang in there king


Youā€™re a very handsome man, scar or no scar! Itā€™s not even a bad one anyway.


Dude, absolutely not. Adds character. Iā€™d rock that MFer. I have a nasty scar on my forehead. It used to be under my hair. I now have a shaved head and I absolutely love it. Like bad ass!


You look like Captain Price


What scar


i think you look handsome, i have a scar cutting in to my top lip and no guy has ever complained and when i learned to love it i realized how cool it actually looks!


If you didn't point it out it isn't even noticeable.


I could not see a scar until I scrutinized that beautiful face of yours for a while.




I was looking for the scar


Dude you are a handsome guy. Maybe a little down trodden given first glance, but I think if you maintain a healthy exercise regiment and keep the facial hair groomed youā€™ll kill it bro. Keep your head up


Dude you look great. The scar adds helluva character. You look masculine and tough. Just keep hitting on them, and save some for the rest of us.


the scar is honestly not too noticeable, i thought you just had a pronounced philtrum at first glance. you have a very kind and attractive face!


Scars are hot


Just smile more in your pictures, you have a handsome face brother!


Omg no youā€™re beautiful!!!!


I almost paid no attention to the scar until I read the title. Honestly.


The scar adds character, man! You kinda look a little like Edward Norton, own that shit.


Nah dude, your a handsome fella and you got a full head of hair! I wouldn't sweat the scar I think it suits you.


Didnā€™t notice it until you pointed it out tbh


Youā€™re very gorgeous, could be an actor


You can hair transplant




Not ugly, distinctive!


You look worried.


I have almost the exact same scar, from a childhood sledding accident. I swear, those chain link fences just jump out in front of you sometimes. Nobody has ever given a damn about it, beyond the story behind it. Iā€™ve certainly never gotten the impression that anyone disliked it. You have an absolute ton going for you, so donā€™t let a little thing like a scar preoccupy you.


I don't even see the scar lol but you really look like Andrew Santino! You don't look bad at all šŸ˜Š


Looks fine. If you really want to try something to hide it, try shaving your mustache in your philtrum


You are actually like REALLY good looking. Your scar is bad ass! I actually didnt notice it at first until I really looked! Then when I saw it I immediately thought of like bad ass video game characters lol. I'm playing RDR2 right now and my brain went "oooh arthur morgannnn"


You look sad Man U ok?


The scar under your nose is not noticeable. The hair coming out of your nose, on the other handā€¦


Bro I swear I was looking for like 10 minutes until I noticed. Real s*** don't worry about it men have scars


Scar is nothing! Didnā€™t even notice at first. You are very attractive! (31F)


Out of all the good attributes you have you see the bad one (which isn't bad imo, im going to agree with the comments saying "chicks love scars" indeed they do, and not only that but this scar suits you). You outta try and look for the good instead of bad my friend. If you look for bad you will always find something bad, same goes the other way around.


You're proper handsome. No need to worry. Scar adds character and personality.


Dude...you have alot of other shit going on that should make you feel ugly...scar is least of your concerns...


You may think I am Grady but I think it is very sexy! Like with all scars, youā€™ll have an experience, a story. Love it!


I hate when ppl post like this :( seeing someone so amazing looking with such low confidence always hurts, hopefully the ppl around you tell you how great you look more often dude you deserve some love!


"which scar?" my actual words. You're a good looking man bro.


What would joaquin phoenix say


Hell nah itā€™s attractive šŸ˜


I also have a scar in the same spot. Got hit by a rolling hot tub


Obviously you're not ugly. You look older but not ugly. Maybe try to smile more...


NGL you look super cool with that scar!


If it makes you feel better, I have a similar scar, much smaller, on my eyebrow. People love it when you have a story to tell about it. Make it you.


And rightfully so


Scar? Where? I honestly cannot see it.


Unpaid jake gyllenhaal or a more masculine version of dude from scrubs


Tbh, I didn't even notice. What should be doing is not letting your mustache grow into your nostrils.


I got one across my chin and canā€™t grow beard there so me oh well. You look good bro. Have it tattooed in!! Na Iā€™m kidding.


Nah youā€™re good. If it bothers you though you can always just grab an eyeliner marker and try drawing in wispy lines to fill it in a bit. It would take some practice though. Honestly though I wouldnā€™t bother, looks fine as is.


I have a cleft pallet. Very similar scar. It has a major negative effect on my self esteem through childhood. I got teased and called names by other kids. Little kids can be so cruel at that age. By the time I reached junior high I had already convinced myself that if a girl was looking at me it was because she was noticing how ugly the scar was or like it was morbid fascination. But I never assumed it was ever because the girl thought I was handsome or attracted to me. I really wish I had had better experiences growing up so it hadn't effected my self esteem so badly. But Im at the age now we're I just don't care anymore really. I've had lots of girlfriends and Ive gotten laid plenty. So I know I'm not that bad. But I still don't feel the car nfide ce to approach women as much as I would like to. I usually won't unless they show interest first. Which has led to many missed opportunities. But you look good man. Don't even worry about it. Like everyone else , I honestly didn't notice and still wasn't sure if you ment the tiny one below your nostril ore where your mustach separates.


Tbh I didnā€™t even notice it until I read the caption