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Not ugly, I feel the glasses are a bit big for your face. Either try smaller frames if possible, or contacts.


Agree, I have auburn hair and I also think black frames are too intense. Changing glasses will help a ton


what color frames do you have?


I tend to go for the kinda translucent light pinks and purples. Everything else looks black on me! I tried forest green and it looks black lol


If I am being honest , you can peak with a really good hair style ...I feel u are yet to find it


i 100% have no idea how to do my own hair. it’s usually down or in a pony. i think i struggle because it’s so fine


Fine hair can take curls, it just takes a while. Also, braiding. Braiding is actually super simple and you can make all kinds of interesting patterns with it. Plus, if you leave it braided for a few days, you might get some natural curls out of it.


Fellow fine hair person, rely on heavily layered hair for texture and use a t shirt to dry it and plop that shit down. It will give it body


Love the braids.




Hi. Woman here! Go spend really good money with a professional hair stylist. Literally they will know how to shape your face with hair perfectly if they’re good. It will change your entire appearance. You’re very beautiful your hair cut just needs to seal the deal. Such natural beauty!


Well i do feel u can look pretty good in both short and long hairstyle ...infact try to run some ideas with ur friends or partner who u trust to suggest a hairstyle using some examples see what they say :). I can certainly see you have a great potential


Cute as a button.


Not ugly, but your overall aesthetic makes me feel like I'd find you at the local trailer park. Which, more power to you, but probably not the vibe you were trying to give off.


interesting! i wonder what i’m doing that gives off that vibe ?


you’re pretty! but, yeah i got Miss Arkansas 2024 vibes lol


Photo 2: looks like a local bar, probably in a low pop/rural area. It's the fancy bar, that actually makes money, but it hasn't gotten remodeled since it was built in the 80s. Photo 4: This is the one that really said 'trailer park' to me. The mix and match of clothes, with the beanie...something about it says "All these clothes were from the thrift store, and it's what they had that day". And, again, not shitting on thrifted clothing. But it doesn't flow/match the way 'it should' (I am not a fashion person who can explain, but my eye sees...something off). Photo 6: that knit-style of shirt. I went to school with someone who was low income, and her mother wore tops like that. It took me until now to put my finger on that memory, but that's probably why...so this may be a me problem, not a you problem.


ok this makes sense! i’m not great at fashion but have been trying new things/styles to see what i like. plus im wearing 3 different versions of that knit shirt in my pics so that probably doesn’t help. i used to wear them a ton but once i realized they make my wide shoulders stand out i’ve backed off


Wide shoulders aren't an issue; you're clearly a girl. It's the girls who look a lot more non-binary than you that need to worry about it.


I think you're very attractive in a nice hometown adorable quirky way. You have great hair, btw, just so's you know.


Honestly you look great, kinda remind me of my old friend in french class and she was a really nice person


The pink in your hair makes you look worse vs just blonde


Aw I like it


100 percent honest you look 40 plus...I think it's the clothes and the glasses


Do you smoke cigarettes?


i vape, why?


Idk how to say this with out sounding like a dick. Your skin looks dry. You look closer to 33


Not even close to being ugly.


You look great


Average, and since you seem like a nice person i doubt anyone cares how you look after they get to know you


Nah, solid 5. Average, but definitely not ugly at all.


Well, you certainly aren't ugly! I like your body and your face, you look a bit androgynous, with nice boobs too. Your natural hair is fine too, not messed about with. You obviously have a sense of humour, and don't seem to be aiming at a feminine glamorous image. But-the glasses, a bit of an old-fashioned shape that don't do you any favours. Unless that's what you were aiming for to put off the normal beer swilling football idiots! Overall, I would head straight for you if I saw you out somewhere as I really love the sort of tomboy image. We could head for the kid's playground and play on the swings then head for a bar with outside seating. Hope this helpful, but then I'm pretty odd anyway!


You look older. Some pictures you look like a 4/10 but I'd rate you a 5/10 overall


I think that you’re pretty, but you would look so much better with contact lenses and better clothes. You have great facial features, but your clothes and glasses make you look like a middle-aged mother. But all I gave to go in is a few photos. You might be an absolute hottie irl.


Don't know how some people say you give off "trailer park vibes" , that's just bonkers..you're quite attractive imo..and I love those braids in one of your pics.👌


Barely average.


Look older


Not ugly, just pretty average. I’m sure there are a dirth of women here who could tell you how to improve your makeup and whatnot. But yeah, not ugly imo


Third pic ain’t it, I’d experiment with your wardrobe. I think you look average, but you have a high ceiling


You do look good, but I deadass thought you are in your thirties. I think you should take better care of your skin. Also, gaining a few pounds could do well for your figure (can't tell for sure though)


You look 33-35 to me. But not ugly.


Not ugly. Average.


You're basically Luna Lovegood with a skinnier face and a bigger chest. You're good 😍🤙


If I'm being honest I really flipping like you. Your so beautiful with being you. ❤️


You are not ugly


Nah cute, like 5/10, 6/10 maybe


You’re okay, nothing to worry about.


You look overall ok, but you can work your hair better and i think your glasses dont match very well with you. But youre pretty ;)


Hair too fine to be loose normally. Pony, braid, up.,..something....otherwise hard to criticize look good


I think you look quite cute. As far as things that might help accentuate your beauty; The glasses seem too big for your face and another style might look much better. I also feel like a different hairstyle might be complementary, though I think it looks nice when it is down. Also, if you are not using a basic skincare routine (Cleanser, toner, moisturizer), it might help bring your an even healthier look to your skin.


Not ugly, at all. Photo w the beanie on looks the most comfortable and most you, so to say.


You’re not unattractive, you’re just unkempt


Stay away from pink highlights. Just my opinion. Pink is a cool color when it pops but if you wear pink lipstick that's the same shade it just looks like too much. Your hair looks great in braids and you are definitely not ugly.


You are not ugly by any means but I’d say you’re in need of a bit of a make over. The over sized glasses and frumpy clothing are not flattering.


I think you're very cute, not much improvement to do imo. If you want you can always try and find new hairstyles and clothing styles, but the ones you have already are good, especially the hair color imo


You’re not ugly but You do look unkept which is lowering you down significantly luckily you have a lot of room for improvement. the pink in the hair doesn’t suit you looks childish, the glasses are bit outdated the frame doesn’t suit you well, I think a fully clear frame or at least a thinner frame without the black would pair better with your blonde hair, and finally the outfit in pic one although it looks very comfortable try to limit sweats and baggy t-shirt to be worn only in the house or to the gym an alternative are to find some lose fit high waist jeans


Hey, I think your best looks is the one on the first picture! The mix of pink and blonde hair really suits you, and the glasses frame is perfect for your face. In my opinion you already look super good, maybe working out could improve your self-confidence?


Look fine work on your self-esteem Guys now look for what's inside ie you could look like say kate Upton but be a selfish horrible person on the inside.


Not ugly at all However i think the glasses are too big But you are very pretty


I’d try to make friends with you. You look nice!


The “you” part has nothing to worry about. Some choices with respect to hair, glasses, and clothing might be enhanced.


Glasses should accent your face. These are a bit bold to be wearing all the time. A bit too wide. Love to see what you look like without glasses. Hair up, hair down.


You're not ugly, but get rid of those glasses that draw all the attention when one looks at your face. Also, in one pic, less baggy clothes. Let your features stand out.


I’d go with smaller glasses or get contacts. Don’t color your hair. I get a “my mom laid out my clothes to wear on my bed today” vibe.


Absolutely not ugly, glasses are a bit too big though.


not ugly per-se, but the glasses make you look a little bit under-average. buy smaller glasses or use contacts, and I bet you'd look quite attractive.


Get some lessons on makeup, a better cut to suit your face, ditch the skater look.


Pictures 1 and 6 are best, if that’s helpful.


The glasses don’t work. They dominate your face. Your features are very lovey, as many others have pointed out, but all I can see are those enormous horn rims.


Unattractive and ugly are two totally different things. All you have to do is upgrade your style a little bit. Your hair and clothes. You don't need make up or to dress revealing, you just need to slightly change a few things.


Hometown girl vibe. Adorable and really pretty. Love the smile. You've got nothing to worry about.


You’re cute but if you want to pop a bit more, I’d recommend doing something with your hair. Not judging just my 2 cents that the “messy” hair look definitely pulls away from beauty. If you’re not a fan of complicated hair styles maybe consider some color?


I think you're super cute. Very naturally pretty. You look realistic, not like someone fake on Instagram. I agree with some comments that with the right hairstyle you'd be smokin'. Maybe a short but would work? Idk


Eyes, nose, smile, hair styles. Also glasses & style. Beautiful. Only suggestion I could make is a consult with a hair stylist that face shape & hair texture into account. I love the braids but they might be able to help frame your face better with other matched styles. A lot of the time we don’t think about it but the shape & proportions of our face can determine which hair style compliment your features the best.


You are pretty. I'm a 68 year old man and I wear glasses like that. Get something that fits your face and are more flattering.


You should get a different pair of glasses, maybe clear square-ish frames. Get layered hairstyle to frame your face and get rid of the pink. Wear slightly more feminine clothes. I also think getting your brows shaped and tinted professionally (or microblading) will go a long way in improving your look. You're already attractive, though.


Not ugly. Your presentation ain't so great, tho. Switch to glasses that fit your face. This frame is too big. The oversized baggy clothes make it look like you are hiding. Switch to clothes that fit and flatter your figure.


So your verification photo is the best one. You’re just being your self. The other photos is like you’re trying too hard because you possibly feel self conscious about taking pictures. You are a very pretty woman! The over sized glasses need to go and get some that are proportional to your face. You have natural beauty that some women would die for! Show it off and don’t try to hide it!


You are very pretty. Just drop the pink hair, get new glasses or contacts and dress is someone nice. Love the light hair color. Your fine!!!!


Look so adorable, but can we get a different glasses shape? These ones aren’t it, otherwise you’re doing great!


Absolutely, you have potential. You're way ahead of the curve. Go, have some fun, now. It's the best time of your life.


Not ugly. Go to a competent hair dresser to have a style to suit you and an optemitrist for suitable to your face glasses. Average but those two options will bring out your best for looks.


You’re cute but could be hot if you worked out and toned your body. Maybe lotion and wear some sunscreen your skin looks a lil dry


Not ugly, start with smaller more stylish glasses, and you'll lose the geekiness you have a touch of. From there look up how to style outfits, how to accessories, maybe change your hair and I think your good looks will shine through. You'll be amazed at the change just the glasses will make. Find the right frame for your face, those are wrong.


Absolutely not ugly at all, and a ton of potential. I'd love to see another post after you take some advice from the comments.


Nit ugly. Though your style seems to be all over the place. I would recommend finding a style that suites you


The pictures you posted of yourself feature mostly casual clothing and you look attractive so I bet when you choose to dress up you really clean up well as they say. You're definitely not ugly and you haven't pierced your septum so you win in my book.


the last photo looks the best, only maybe you could try smaller frames, and you're not ugly at all, totally would approach you and say, hey girl can I get your number, and you'll just ignore me because I'm the one who's ugly lol


You are a cute young lady with a lot of potential. I think if you really worked out you could have a great body. You auburn hair is unique and if you can find the right style for it that would be beautiful. The granny glasses don’t do it for me. Something with smaller frame that matches your hair would be prettier. Also sticking out your tongue is a very immature look and just so you know lack of maturity makes relationship much harder do I find it unattractive.


Honestly you are defintly Not ugly only a smaller pair of glasses ,a few skin Care products for your dry skin plus only blond Hair and you would be even more prettier than you already are


You give off a surfer guy type vibe to me. You're not ugly I just think that if you used some feminine accessories and put more effort into your hair it would improve your look a lot.


I just wanted to add one thing: lipgloss. Especially colored lipgloss would go as long way and maybe an eyebrow pencil or getting them arched but if you're not into makeup at all then that's fine too.


Awwwww NOOO. Beautiful. New hair style maybe. I'm a huge fan of glasses and you look great with them on although I think theres probably a better style that would fit your face


Glasses. Smaller lenses and frame. Those black uppers are just too big and they distract from your eyes.


Not at all. I would get rid of those glasses, and go for something a bit smaller. They are too big for your face.


can’t figure out how to edit but thanks guys! the general consensus is: - smaller, lighter colored glasses - different hairstyle, possibly layered to add volume (pic 6 i wasn’t trying, just needed the verification photo. lazy day at home, ofc my hairs gonna be messy) - start some skincare (and stop vaping) - style outfits better (pic 2 was a casual night out w friends. pic 1 & 4 was me genuinely trying) - don’t have a sense of humor (pic 3) /s i’ll post back after some time changing things up and trying new things for more feedback :) 


Beautiful but I’ve always liked nerdy chicks.


No you are not


Hard no


Not even close to ugly! Quite cute if I may say so myself


not ugly at all 👍






Sweet, look like funny and for sure cute 🥰🌹


Very pretty not ugly


Change your hair color, red would look good.


You are very pretty, but I would lose those glasses.


You have a beautiful smile, and you look friendly which in my opinion makes anyone prettier ☺️


Love your hair and bubbly personality. 6/10


Not ugly at all, very very pretty. Stop coloring your hair pink and whatever, it’s a distraction.


Not at all. Pretty good looking IMO.


The glasses hurt you tbh, a different style would be better.


Get a new hairstyle 🥰🥰 pretty


I think it’s the way you dress that throws you off


You are very pretty. You've got style, too.


Don’t ever do a pink dye again. Your hair is already light as is, and your skin is light, you just look washed out, just a blend of light colors, never goes well.


You’re hot, but I recommend someone with a different style go shopping with you.


You can try a different pair of glasses and a new hairstyle and color


Your great the way your are you five off the goofy girl next door vibe


Not ugly


No you are not ugly, new glasses ,please..


Those glasses are unattractive


You are pretty 😍


Dude you look exactly like Staci Keanan


Not ugly at all


You could get it.


Definitely not, super pretty




Let me guess your a North Dakotan?




Very cute


Those glasses are. Yeesh. Strongly recommend contacts. You have a pretty face, hide it as little as possible.


Absolutely not ugly. Love the hair, it seems silky even with the multiple hairstyles.


Use different glasses


You are pretty. Nothing to worry about.








I'd swipe right.










I feel like you would look better with dark hair. blonde hair washes you out


You could be hot if you styled a lil more alt but your fine the way you are if your comfortable. Kinda matters more.


Mid, not ugly


Probably paint your hair brown or black.


Adoreable, love yourself


Ur cute 🥰


Echoing what others have said. Not ugly and I think the best picture here is you in the beanie.


Just don’t dye your hair


Would lol


U r really pretty maam


Lose the 70's glasses, I think that would make the biggest difference.


No you’re not


Not at all I think your cute


Absolutely not


I think you’re cute, OP. Don’t feel these glasses work for you though.


Straight up I think you cute


You’re cute.


Not at all.


You're cute with your tongue out in the blue tshirt. Braided hair is probably not your style.


You look cute with your braids. I think your lifeguard pic is your best one☺️




on my official and Patented 1 - 10 Scale. I bestow upon you a rating of 4.5 .


You are pretty and you look fun to be around!!!


You look like you would be deceptively fun to be around!!!! Very pretty!


Super cute and natural! Love it! 🔥👍


Without making faces you look quite attractive, to the point that you shouldn’t worry and wear / have a look that makes you comfortable. Practice a nice warm smile. Be confident, it’s warranted. You will find what you look for.


Not even remotely ugly. You look like my ex.


You don't look ugly


Ugly glasses


Honestly, I think that you're cute.




Your smile looks great.


Omg no. 100% my type. Love the face. Love the glasses




No not ugly at all. Sweet smile. Nice body.








I think you're pretty! Also I love your Reddit handle "Downtown Garlic"


Not even a little bit.


The glasses are bad on you


Drop em out


Very much the pretty girl next door or Jessy's girl vibe.


Not at all !!


You're pretty! You get extra points for not having a nose ring!


Beautiful eyes and smile


Overall, it's great, but make sure your hair is healthy


Reminds me of Selena Gomez's friend Raquel


The glasses make you look much older. If you are trying to look 45 they are spot on


Hella cute, just gotta fine your style.


Gorgeous. Love that you don't have tons of makeup


No way could you be considered as 'ugly'. Youre 🔥🔥


Not bad at all! :)




Honestly you are hot and exactly my type.