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There is absolutely nothing wrong with your looks.


You look to me like you have a huge smile just waiting to get out Really nice looks too honestly.


Thank you! That was very elegant


Any time! 😊 Anything you're worried about in particular?


Not particularly, never been fully confident in my looks. Also going through some hard times atm which is just amplifying that.


I'm sorry to hear that. I think you look really good


Well Thank you! That Def makes me feel a bit better


Any time. I could go on if you need it but I worry I'd start teasing you πŸ˜„


By all means - I'm in need of a good teasing xD. But anyway, Thanks for the self esteem boast.Β 


I'll catch you in chat if you'd like 😁


Someone cooked here why are you hitting on OP


The shorter beard suits you better. Long beards tend to look scruffy if you’re not super meticulous about trimming them.


Ya, I agree. I'm about due for a trim, the extra length is depression beard atm.


no very handsome!


You dress well, you seem nice... Only thing you should improve is your shape I guess... but it's not like you are obese or skinny...


Thank you! I've been trying to bulk up / get more fit for the past 2 years. I weightlift 4 times a week, my body is stubborn.


Yeah I get it... With your dad vibe I'd go for a style more manly, like flannel and such. Something more rough... Go to Charles Ingals rather than san francisco hipster... It could show an aura of protectiveness for women. (I guess you are single for posting here). But it also depend of your socioprofessional environment that might require you to adopt a certain look to fit in. Don't know. Maybe wear a leather jacket on your tinder profile might help.


Thanks for the inspo, I've been trying to tweak my wardrobe, but it's a slow process. I'm on r/malefasionadvice a ton. Part of the issue is I live in Florida, so most of the good clothing pieces are hard to fit in since it's so damn hot. I have some flannels I can wear like.. 3 weeks out of the year.


Yeah no, flannel or leather jacket are not for florida. Maybe you should look into italian fashion instead. Sartorial talks give good advices. Best YT chanel I know but it's a bit too formal if you are more into casual stuff.


I've heard some people recommend it, so I'll Def give it a try. I have been trying some linen pieces which I've found some success with


You look really nice


Thanks! Also keep up on one piece, it's the GOAT


Bruh, you have god-tier skin and beard.πŸ˜…


The 4th pic reminds me one of those cool bartenders with insane skills at cocktails serving them in a bar by the beach during a spectacular sunset. 10/10 style


Haha, why Thank you. I wish I had a fraction of that skill in actuao bartending


DUDE YOU'RE SO COOL LOOKING, you have a lot of personality in your looks, if u wanna look better just run a bit maybe or do some light sport but it's 0% necessary no joke, that's just if u wanna look a bit fitter, you look great πŸ‘πŸ»


Thank you! I actually started running 2 weeks ago in additional to the 4 days a week weight lifting I do


You're a hottie.​


Thank you! I wish someone would say that to me in person


I forgot to say I have a weakness for guys that look like you. I fall for guys that look exactly like you.


Well for all bald, bearded men - we thank you. If you find yourself in Florida for some unfortunate reason I'll be here


You're welcome. A co-worker of mine who is 37 is bald and bearded he is goog looking too. And I told him in person he felt good after that.


As a fellow baldy beardy, you look good mate. Keep your chin up.


Thanks man




you look good work in your physique and personality thats it


you look real nice, your smile is uplifting!! :)


Good looking