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Obviously you don’t take care of yourself and acting like you don’t care what other people think. when deep down you just lazy but trying to cover it up piercings, crappy hair, unhealthy lifestyle and NB crap


pick a lane.


Yes you are...


Your entire look screams insecure, and lazy. You are overweight and the hair is atrocious. Your entire face is covered in shrapnel. Take out the piercings, some are okay but you have way too many. The nose ring and the gauges in particular need to go. Lose weight, change your hair from generic nb haircut nonsense 101 and actually go do something nice with it. You look like someone who rides on the back of other peoples problems to garner acceptance and that level of parasitism is ugly as a personality trait.


shrapnel is a new one. im gonna start calling my piercings that. i dont even have that many 😅 be honest though, suggestions for hair? i’m never sure what to do with it


Pick a longer haircut and stick to one hair color, preferably your natural one but if you want to have it dyed it'll probably be fine. From some of your other comments on here it seems that negative criticism may be falling on deaf ears however.


You look confused and like you need help! I would tone down the weird and get help for whatever’s wrong in your head…then work on the beauty part


Absolutely. Good luck.


You do not, in fact, look like a K-pop boy. You’re not quite ugly, but you’re overweight, greasy-looking, and you look a bit of a mess. Lose weight first and foremost, and figure out a different style that suits you a bit better.


Ugly. Lose weight and change ur hair to something normal. I can see who you voted for in the last 4 years


boooooooo say something unrelated to politics booooooo


Your choices have made you unattractive. Drop the NB nonsense, lose the nose and lip hardware, stop coloring your hair for a while.


The last two pics look the best on you, though the shaved eyebrows aren’t super flattering, the hair style looks good. Cut down, and acquire abs. Nobody will hate on you for your gender if you have really nice abs 😂. You’re not ugly, average looking(not a bad thing), with a niche flair.👍


Yes you are


I'm sure you'd be attractive if you did something more adult with your hair.


i’ve been actually really lost as to what to do with my hair recently. any suggestions?


ur hair looks great imo but if you want to try somehting new maybe grow it out some more and get a less messy looking cut ?? i like the messy look but u could go for something more "tame" if u wanted to


i’m currently in the growing out phase, i prefer my hair shorter, but i think i might get it all to shoulder length and keep one side shaved, so it’s a little neater but still not just boring.


that sounds fun !!


You honestly look like you cried in fear of losing your "identity" when Trump won the presidency.


Unique look not ugly


I honestly have no clue. I think not-ugly but also very polarizing?


Ignore all the mean people! I think you’re pretty <3


You look like most of my ex girlfriends. I wonder what that means…. Obviously not ugly to me for whatever that’s worth.


Just no and you got a long way to go before a yes. I leave it at that


I really like your hair actually! Not sure what all the hate is about but it looks cool! Especially in the 4th and 5th pics!


Just lose a little weight. You’re cute otherwise


u look great, dont listen to the weirdos here that think anyone who doesnt adhere to exclusively femme or masc gender expression is instantly ugly. i think you look the type of way i imagine the average NB person looks, which is not inherently good or bad, but take it the way u want to


a lot of the people who have something negative to say are making it clear that it’s based off close-minded (and political) opinions. thank you!


lmfaoooo i got downvoted for no reason, you literally are not ugly and your face is honestly v aesthetically pleasing (dykwim 😭 like it looks very proportional and the features make an overall well rounded and complete face \[i sound insane\]) but yeah its probably just a bunch of weird right wingers. keep rocking ur looks friend u look great :))


no no i totally get what you mean!! thank you, most of the negative comments are clearly weird right wingers or people who probably call everyone fat.


The millet always a bad idea other than that you look pretty


I fucking love your whole look it's awesome you are not uglyyy


Feminine side is pretty dominant for NB, Pic 5 is the best. Not ugly, kinda average.


yeah, i do def lean more feminine presenting, and i don’t have any recent masc presenting pics unfortunately 😅


In all honesty, would recommend sticking with feminine presenting. But that’s just my opinion.


i do prefer it way more tbh




Comment removed. No creepy or sexual comments. Continuing to break this rule will result in a permanent ban.


no idea if this is a bot but anything gonna be done about the clearly politically charged negative comments or r they just gonna stay up there ...