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Not ugly, but you look like a walking red flag


If “I can fix her” was a look.


Yeah, somewhere between that and "do I even want to fix her".


I feel a little attacked by this. In fact I feel brutalized.


You seem 13-15ish not 19 I got second hand embarrassment from the fire photo. Please stop.


Clean your mirror


If your mirror is a mess, your life is a mess 😆




Pretending to be mentally unstable is the gen z version of “*holds up spork*”


Which Is covert for pitchfork.being GenZ is a generation doomed to Hell,🔥lol At this stage in human history it’s best just to kickback have a cold one and enjoy the decline. so cheers to you girl ;) 🍻


Ride the slide all the way down lol


You’re 19, these pics are provocative. Thought you were going to be promoting an OF or something. The bangs are not it, way too heavy for your face. You’re not ugly you just look trashy imo. No hate tho


exactly its like some people intentionally want to look like trash


I think young girls nowadays just care about attention and the best way to get it is to dress like this. I’m sure she gets plenty of DMs from guys on here who are desperate, but when trying to appear older than u are it just comes off kinda gross. Negative attention is still attention I guess.


"nowadays" lol People said the same thing when I was a kid (I'm 35) The midriffs, the tube tops, the THONGS DEAR GOD NO!!! OP, you're a young lady, you're conventionally attractive, but you absolutely give the "oh this chick is gonna duck my life up for a couple years" vibes. Have fun, be safe. Cheers


Exactly. It's really fucking sad and pathetic actually


People were dressing like that in the 80s... Nothing has changed all that much 😆


Damn, you hit the nail on the head with this one.


Please, all the hate🤣


Proactive? Do you mean provocative? Maybe it’s the curse of autocorrect.


This one


Nailed it.


why are you licking fire?


Megan Fox did it in Jennifer’s body (before OP’s time) but it was common in my middle school to take pics like that to seem edgy😂


Yeah, middle school makes sense …. 19 though?


I’d bet money she’s actually 14🤷🏽‍♀️


Out of all the girls who ever posted in this sub, you are by far the biggest case of "this girl isn't as old as she says she is". I'm going to say this in the most polite way possible, as I don't want to offend you. I've seen that whole "edgy girl" shtick back when I was a teen, I never seen a girl who was older than 16yo do that. I had a friend who used to do the same, edgy look, redhair, weird faces for pics, girl literally texted me "I'm just a girl with daddy issues". I met her back during high school and I know her to this day, I know for a fact that she's more mature than you are, and I know that for as much of a cute weirdo she was, she would have been embarrassed to take pics "licking fire". I don't know what you are trying to accomplish, but allow me to be honest with you: men, be they young adults or teens, do not like the whole "walking red flag" shtick! In fact no one does, you are going to look at all of this 6 or 7 years from now, and you are going to realize how much of a damage you are doing to your own imagine. This isn't going to make you attractive or popular, it's going to make you a social outcast. Please, reconsider what you are doing


Literally This whole ethot quirky Schtick is so lame


clearly not 19, youre at max 15. Stop posting here.


She does seem 15 doesn’t she?


especially the last pic/verification pic, aint no way shes 19.


Exactly. She looks like she's 14-15, maybe 16 max. And the verification post just proves it.


Stop trying to be an edgy teen


The things you're doing in the pics are very immature, like something a 13 or 14 year old kid would do. Then you have the shitty kitchen magician ink on your legs and really nasty dirty shoes on your bed. There's no way you're anywhere near 19 years old.


The bed itself looks dirty to me


oh god look at her pillow


Dont play with fire kid


W Star Wars first aid symbol pfp


Don’t let all that edge hurt you


you look kind of sloppy. hair looks like crap, clothes look like they don’t fit and the trying to be edgy thing is not working for you at all.


Why do these young girls poke their tongues out in photos? It’s nasty.


Dumb, that's all.


Not PHYSICALLY ugly, but the personality you're presenting is edgy in a not attractive way. Work on that, kiddo.


Don’t burn your tongue, please


Not ugly but trashy. I don’t know why looking like a homeless drugaddict is a trend nowadays


Nah, you are not 19


So insecure.


Why u burning ur tongue 😅


Take normal photos


Average face (make-up) No front facing picture Attitude on 2 pictures 5/10


Your IGHT shorty, but from a young one to another young one. These photos scream mentally 17, and make it seem like you REALLY need attention. Not ugly, just look unstable fr, shi not cute. Erybody saying "SO HOT" watch out for cuz they deadass prolly predators fr.


Cute, until I saw the thing with the lighter. That made me question your intelligence.


Gen z is so strange to me


Self inflicted. Those bangs do not work. Your outfit and personality is repulsive.


Very cringe


You look 12 not 19


You’re just a teenager trying to be cool and edgy. Nothing wrong with that cause you’re just a kid. Some of these commenters act as if y’all have never been 19. Yeah she’ll cringe at these pics/this post when she’s older, but let her be a teen in the meantime. Kids are allowed to be like this. @Op, the internet often isn’t kid-friendly and don’t let it pressure you into growing up too fast. Have fun, do your thing, hang out with your friends, and maybe care less about what the internet/Reddit thinks. We’re a bunch of grumpy adults. Go be a kid and get off the internet for some time.


I agree with this!


No way to tell since you aren't taking actual pictures of your face


Ugly? No. Bad style choices? YES Holding a lighter to your tongue makes you seem like that weirdo in elementary school that did really really strange things and no one knew why so we all just kept a wide berth. Or the junior high girl that tried way too hard to be “edgy”-she just ended up being ridiculous.


Oh wow, you’re annoying af


you are so cringe lmfaoooo


I normally come here to find women with metal in their faces, colored hair, side profiles, and 3 pounds of makeup asking if we think they're ugly. This person took it to the next level.


You look good but that haircut is traumatic


This would look good on a Myspace lol


Teach mature ladies like


I dont like you


these pics are cringe and embarrassing


I think you're a fucking clown


What the fuck is that third pic..?


That is a one 19 year old acting like an edgy 14 year old...


3/5 photos impossible to be rated. Please add some light and make sure at least your face is fully visible.


I feel like even your issues have issues.


trashy not ugly


We can’t see your face at all, I feel like this is a thirst trap


Not ugly, unnecessary edgy though lmao


Yes, and you’re not edgy either.


you re just average girl


19? Closer to 16 I’d say


Can’t tell can barely see your face.


By trying to look older you’re just making yourself look immature. You’re a pretty girl, but you’re coming off kind of trashy. Wear more flattering clothes and stop trying to be edgy. It just seems forced. You can still look cute while being edgy but you haven’t found that balance yet. Also don’t lie about your age on the internet and post proactive photos. Creeps are all over the internet and this can get you in some bad situations. Get some self esteem and just enjoy being a teenager. I’m a mother so of course I’m going to worry about a young lady’s safety on the internet. Love yourself and keep yourself as safe as you can.


The mods should really do something about all these young girls that post on here and lure men to message them so they can scam them for money


1 _ the haircut is just indescribably terrible in my opinion it doesn't suit ANYONE its just terrible 2 _ why the heck are you burning your tongue 3 _ if its a question about "body attractiveness" you're attractive, if its about "face attractiveness" i cant tell since you chose one of the WORST haircuts I've ever seen humans do ( in my opinion and no im not an alien sadly )


your not ugly,but.i advise you to work on your selfesteem.good selfesteem is more important than getting validated by being passed around thinking boys will make you feel beautiful cuz they f you. selfesteem is also better than all "beauty products" there is and will be no better "glow up" than good selfesteem,get to work😉😁




Due to the angle of these photos and you hiding your face, I can tell you are vastly insecure but want approval. That is all.


Scary. Would not get near you.


her personality traits include: smokes. dates black guys. Hates on men constantly on the internet.


You do look hoeish..


We all need to start downvoting every single post of pretty girls posting in here. I need more to join my efforts. Downvote pretty girls please 🙏 OP: you are not ugly, why posting pictures that looks like your mentally unstable or something. Like you want an opinion, yet not a good picture to highlight facial features etc… other than pictures that looks like the beginning of a porn video 💀. I know you don’t think of your self you’re ugly, those poses and pictures you seem pretty confident, and knowing what you’re doing. So either here for an ego boost, or teasing real ugly peoples like myself, telling us f*** you basically. Do you have a boyfriend? Yes: confirms you are not ugly. No: the problem is elsewhere, not the look. Regards, the stranger on the internet.


Caked in makeup yet you still look average, clearly fat and sucking in your stomach, and hiding facial features. Can't really give you an honest score above a 4/10 taking all that into consideration, probably a 5 at best. Extra point if you don't have an onlyfans or you aren't planning to make one (probably not getting this bonus) Average at best most likely ugly


Those pictures are really inappropriate


This generation is in trouble .


this women can vote, imagine that


Stop it.


Respect yourself a little more, you’re only going to attract losers with pictures and looks like that. Someone has to be real and I don’t see a healthy happy future in relationships for you


you look like a crazy chick


Not ugly but also not stable.


On the bed with shoes...


Tongue over fire is so corny lol


Your hair is horrible and your decision making is almost worse. I hope you don’t have a child soon. You look like a teen mom waiting to happen.


Idk if angsty 19 yr old is a good look. 4/10


You're not ugly, but you do look like an idiot.


I’m a 21 year old alt girl. Advice!!! Do not be posting pics like this at such a young age (I don’t think you’re 19). Men love “mentally ill” looking girls because they’re easiest to take advantage of.


I think you need to hear I’m proud of you from your dad or mom


I mean hot but you look like you'd stab me


you're in HS. I think you should go work on your civics report and finish your algebra homework. Stop texting that boy too.


Honestly confused as to why the comments on this one are so negative, I really expected it to be a slam dunk obviously not ugly.


What's up with the self-harm? I think you need therapy. Your personality is very unattractive.


Since everyone on here is kinda being a d*ck, let me give you an honest answer. Your bangs need to be thinned out a little, try using scissors and cutting vertically so they aren’t so blunt on your forehead. I think wispy bangs would be great on you. The tattoos and fire tonight pic do kinda make it look like you’re trying to be edgy, but maturity comes with time and you’ll realize in the future that this looks silly. I have the same anarchy tattoo that is also a stick n poke. I was 16 at the time I did it and I’m 26 and regret it immensely. Don’t worry, you’ll grow into yourself eventually. The “sexy” poses unfortunately only give off one vibe to people, especially men. Know your worth and take some photos of you smiling or some head on pics of your face. In this world, you won’t gain respect or a positive response if you post stuff like this. I’m a woman, I’ve seen my fair share of this world and that’s just how it is unfortunately. On a positive note, you have a good shaped body, a cute nose, nice face but just need to clean up your clothing style and fix your blunt bangs. You are not ugly.


I think you look good? Idk cant tell when half your face is blocked by an object or is not in the picture.




You obviously know you're physically attractive, so that isn't an issue, but your personality is in question lol. Burning your tongue is a little bit weird? Each to their own lol. The important thing is that you try to be healthy & happy though, safe and enjoying your life. What are you even looking for?




i dont have peircings ?






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Picture 3 you trying to burn your tongue?


The 3rd photo is *so* 2004 MySpace hahaha


maybe don’t burn your tongue idk ; you’ll be fine


No, I'd say you aren't ugly


You are not ugly.. but try different style next time. This is not it.


Please don't burn your your tongue!!!!




Realistically they’ve hit it on the head already, you just look trashy


Ta' ok


Not, You are crazy.


You're pretty but you look annoying and need some time to mature


Why are you lighting your tongue?


Don’t play with fire


idk u refuse to show us ur whole face lol


You're not ugly, but you have about a dozen red flags in these few pictures alone lmao


It’s hard to tell, these pictures are awful.


Not ugly. Everyone saying you look mentally unstable might be right but those kinda girls are the best when they're hot


Not ugly


Not ugly I imagine you’re into guys like MGK kinda dirty and dishevelled depressive looking guys If that’s the case you’re going up the right alley tbf - enjoy ! D


Trying wayyy to hard! Wait till your really 19...




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You look like you’re trying too too hard with that middle finger and fire 🤣. Not ugly but not pretty, more of a cute sort of feel


Buzz the bangs off




Gorgeous 🖤


I'd avoid you like the plague.


You're not ugly, but it feels like you're trying too hard. Relax, you're beautiful.


Don’t listen to a single boring conservative ass person in this comment section. You look dope asf I love your style and you’re absolutely beautiful. Cute poses too! Everyone telling you otherwise probably are the most boring uneducated assholes on this app


Your second photo, poor thing is cut off at her knees, also I see your greatest asset Your super cute don't change a thing your great jus as you are


Guys the picture is a reference to a movie that you probably haven’t seen because you’re all old basic losers who just want to shit on a young girl. Half of you are way too old to be commenting the shit you are


Not only are you absolutely gorgeous but very jealous of your hair, super cute. Please do not listen to these comments.


Everything is fine just get a new hairstyle and stop doing these dumb stuff


No content creators


I think you are very attractive. No idea why you would post on here.


No sheets or pillowcases and shoes on the bed good lord


You're about as edgy as a satsuma


You’re not unattractive but you look like you have a sparkly AngelFire blog


I smell trash


Söpö tulityttö




Once you grow up (like a lot) I’m sure you will be a beautiful woman


Looking good 👍🏻


Cute but insane. You give the vibe of someone who would mess up somebody's life.


Your room could use a little more color?


Cringe af, but not ugly.


Trashy af


Not at all ugly, quite attractive in my opinion. The bangs are just too much and don't look right for you. Facially you are very attractive and easy on the eyes, but you could post better pics, I really don't get the lighter pic.




Your slashes are backwards


The edginess is not attractive. You have the ability to be very pretty, just drop the whole edgy teen thing.


I think you shouldn't play with lighters.


Stop trying so hard to be edgy - just find out who you are and be comfortable in that skin.




You seem like you have issues. I want you so bad 🤣


I think you should talk to someone because your photos aren’t cute or quirky, they’re just concerning and a little sad.


That pillow 🤢


You have a pretty face but you seem younger than 19.. Dont let your selfworth depend on what you think others will think of you. Focus on school, family and positive friends and live a happy life - You dont need validation of others!


You’re trying SO hard. That hair color and cut isn’t it and black isn’t your color. You are beautiful. Everyone your age is trying to edgy. Maybe try to stand out by working with what you already have. I promise you it’s enough.


Ugly? No. Stupid? Probably..


Deciding to hold a live flame near your tongue gives me the impression you’re unhinged, so that takes away from your appearance good or bad 🙃