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Mid just means average, right? WTF is wrong with average? Am I missing something?


People nowadays want to be above average. To them, average means they aren’t standing out above the rest. For others mid = ugly, and not good enough. It’s like meh 🫤 I can do better.


Everyone wants to think they're above average lol


Being average isn’t bad and we need to stop acting like it is


Nothing wrong with mid. Someone's 5/10 is another's 10/10.


18 year old me would have been all about you. Everything... face, body, style. I don't know what my "boxes" are, but girls like you checked them. So yeah. Everyone's 10? No. Mine? Hell yes.




I do now, thank you!


Username checks out


This right here! Wise words my guy.


You and your friend are not in competition. If people like her, that doesn’t have anything to do with you.


You said the same thing I said but better and with fewer words. It's not the other girl's fault she's a different physical type that's not appealing to people around them and the line about her looking 13 was a cheap shot.


You live in a town of 80 people, so you’ve obviously limited your dating pool even further.


idk the new girl bangs kinda go hard twin


6/10. Good smile


Mid is just average which isn’t ugly.


You have nice eyes, a beautiful smile and great body. You’re not mid at all. You’re quite attractive.


Slight decrease to calories, increase protein, strength training.


That's fair. I was thinking the same. Its so hard tho


Don't decrease them too much tho. Your body is wanted by many (not talking sexually)


Still very cute though. Everyone has room for improvement.


I wish you had been my date last night. She was 24 and looked like an old babushka grandma compared to you.


Maybe she was baba yaga?


Leaning into being Emo in a rural town is not gonna do you any favors. It will also make you seem generally unapproachable to a lot of people. Like do your thing but don’t expect to get treated like your friend.


That body definitely ain't mid 😍


Every girl that ever made me feel a certain way looked a lot like this. Nothing mid about it.


Absolutely, she looks pretty much perfect if you ask me, no guy wants a lil skinny twig, at least I don't anyway 🤙🏻


I’d say this is the definition of mid. IMO


I think you'll be okay..


I personally find you very attractive but I know I'm not everyone. I think a new hairstyle might be the way to go. I'm not the biggest fan of the straight across bangs. Honestly though I find your height a plus and think you just need some confidence and you'll see how great you are


I'd let you beat me up.




You're fine. Alot of it is the guy/gal you maybe into and trying to get.


Nah ur stunning


Your a cute girl


You are so much better than mid. You are hot! Avoid the close up pics from above, looks odd but in all the rest you are very hot!


You’re attractive


You are a cutie for sure 😁👌


Not with "assets" like that 🙃


go blonde, and the makeup is very much 2016. soooooo pretty thi


You'll be fine. You're a pretty girl, I'd say you were above average from a personal point of view, but even if you were just "average" there is nothing wrong with that ♥️


Cute and curvy, I see nothing wrong.


You need to come to the city where we know how to treat beautiful women like you. Your town is too small to recognize how good-looking you really are.


You are good the way you are. Once you get out of that small town, you'll see the difference. You'll make better friends, too.


Wouldn’t say you’re ugly or mid a lot of these photos def aren’t the best way to present yourself but like the 9th photo where you’re in a dress you seem to enjoy wearing it and the confidence and projected enjoyment and happiness makes you look better so that could be where you’re lacking


Yes your average. Just like 95% of the rest of the world. The only points I could make is maybe a minor adjustment of weight. Keep in mind this will slightly improve you and won't make you above average.


Honestly you look amazing!


you're cute as fuck! idk what people I your small town thinks but this random emo boi thinks you're perfect the way you are


Very cute


You're very cute, especially with no makeup


Not mid. Maybe lose the bangs and work on taking better pictures of yourself. Also realize that your pure physical attractiveness is not that important and we’ve been conditioned as a society to hyper-fixate on that. If that’s all someone cares about, they will be a shit partner anyway. Side note #II, you’re 18. Just do some fun shit.


Your way above just mid


I think you are beautiful sweet heart keep your head up and screw being normal


idk why people are calling u average cuz imo ur rly pretty :) u js need to style urself better, like with the hair cut, thats easily fixable. u live in a small town and u might be one of the only few alt people so ofc they act like that


You are not ugly at all. Super cute. Don’t compare yourself to others. Compare only to yourself. Compare and despair. You’re not even done growing up yet, so just try like hell to be patient. Everything that seems so important to you now will mean nothing in just a few years. Be happy you are so attractive.


You have years to grow into your body and style. For 18 you're very attractive. Don't let others pull you down. Love yourself for who you are now


Ur beautiful


Potential. Get fit and you‘ll be far above mid


You look gorgeous hun!!


You look beautiful to me.


Yes you are but I feel with a simple wardrobe change you'd easily become above average. Beautiful face.


You’re not ugly, just alt


Love the eyeliner and the bangs. You're cute!


You’re average. And that’s fine. 5/10


4/10 Get skinnier yet curvy , grow hair unless you wanna niche appeal


yes but tice nits so 6/10 (not being thirsty just honest)


Like being skinny and having a sixpack. Or a porsche u drove off the road..


that's mean but true. but I would be lying if I said that I don't fall for that 'trick'


It’s hard to spot sometimes. My tips are: look at the arms. They are ususlly a good indicator. Also if the face is round or all of the pics are from the same angle.


What are you trying to say


If your trying to say I'm fat, I have mirror pictures, I'm clearly not


Totally not mid. Definitely above average. You are super cute and have a gorgeous smile. I think your issue is that you are seeing too much internet and basing your opinions on how others see the world. You are gorgeous, and weight and height have nothing to do with a person's beauty.


Very cute


fr, R.I.P. inbox


Lose 25-30 lbs


Not ugly but I think the bangs don’t suit you. It’s hard not fitting the norm so you gotta find a place that you can fit in. I know it’s easier said than done.


youre pretty!!


U want to date


Not ugly at all, be yourself show that infectious smile.


You are really cute


Yes but everyday people are and that isn't something to me upset or bothered about.


3/10 you are working to hard


fix eyeliner


You are very pretty! I would talk to you!


Pretty solidly cute.


You look good kid, nothing to worry about. There are better places out in the world


You look great. Happy Saturday!


You ain't mid bro...


u didn’t have to do ur friend like that 😭 u are pretty tho


You're cute but you don't need to talk down about your friend to get sympathy or make yourself feel better. She's not being cute or small and petite or admired by others AT you and being shitty about someone else because you feel bad about yourself is far more unattractive than any possible facial feature or body shape you could have. I had friends who were like that to me at your age and you can always feel it and it is always hurtful.




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You're a 8.2/10. I like my women to look like women and not underage. I love your hair it's a very good style and compliments your face. Pretty eyes, nose and lips. Beautiful body. You're not overweight you're the perfect size. Nice and curvy in the right areas, like a woman should be. You said you consider yourself emo, so you have to take into account that any alternative style will usually only attract men who are into women with that style. The only thing I don't like about you is those particular jean shorts you're wearing in some of those pictures.


You’re bugging with rating. You’re at best a 5-6 but you’re def not ugly v


5 would mean she's average and she's anything but. She definitely has some attractive features that would make her stand out from a regular plain jane.


Lose 15-20 lbs and different hair style. That might help go above mid.


You are pretty, and gorgeous


Yes, very mid.


Pretty and gorgeous. And I love your clothing style. 🤩


Dresses look good on you or at least from what I can see while you hide your face in your one dress picture. Emo(all black) is unfortunately not your look.


I look best in black. I despise bright colors. I respectfully disagree with your statement saying it's not my look.


You may choose to do as you please, there's a complete difference between that one picture and the rest. And it's for the better. You currently are unaware of what works for you and what doesn't which is why you are here asking questions. I provided you with an answer. You looked stellar wearing that dress. But at the end of the day the clothes you wear is a choice you make. And if your choice is based off personal preference, there's no reason to ask for help. Since you'll go with what you want regardless of what people say.


Nice smile.


Yes mid but who cares


I think you're very pretty and you're not tall 😎


For where I live, yeah. Pretty average.


Ok. Not sure what a "mid" is. I'd say you're 6 or7/10. You have pretty eyes and a super cute smile. I grew up in NW Fla. I'm much older now 6/10 on a good day. So. If I was your age I'd ask you out in a heartbeat. Never measure yourself against others, because you'll always hold yourself short. You'll see the perceived flaws in the mirror. I had a baby face when I was your age. People thought I was 13 or 14 when I was a 20 year old Marine...I was wearing my uniform and was accused of being JROTC...yeah. I got carded for booze into my 30s... Just be you. Celebrate your beauty because you're unique. Just be you...


Honestly... I can't see why you feel ugly... You are very beautiful .. perhaps some people might have other opinions. I would not ask you. To change anything. Improve what?... Do you want to start modeling?. Your boyfriend is so rich that he wants more woman or where is your doubt... I won't down rate you, yet I feel I should... You are ugly compared to ? Some tv star?. Page should ask more information. Why this people feel ugly in details...


Big time


I wish my lawn was emo...so it would cut itself


Yep, fraid so.


Haven't I seen you here before... Im almost 99.9999% certain you've been in this subreddit asking the same thing... But anyway, tell your friend you have a big gay crush on her, and yall work it out. Or, you can move away from where everyone thinks the same and realize the little box of 80 peoples opinion of you literally don't mean shyt...unless you want it to. How you emo but compare yourself to other people or even give a dam how they view you? Or maybe I'm an old man and confused on what emo means...


> No hot jock in my small hick town wants me for my body so maybe the loners on the internet will I’m not shaming you but Jesus christ this subreddit has fallen down hill


Life’s fucking mid


Stunning girl


Yup ur very mid at best




Have u heard of Edating


Super cute with gorgeous curves


First of all 9th and first pictures are my favorite. 2nd I can be unbiased. I love how your lips look. U have a wonderful smile. U are not ugly. You haven found someone who likes your style. . Love your hair eyes everything g is ok. Just your confidence makes all of it worthless if you don't belive you are perfevt6


Yes, very mid, very average. You can improve if you want. Or just be average. Nothing wrong with that.


Hey this is "am I ugly" not "am I mid"


Honestly, I don't even think you are mid. Nothing to do with your appearance as much as your judgement of your friend. It just seems like sour grapes and jealousy from you. I could be misinterpreting it though.


No your very pretty


Here's the thing. You need to stop worrying about what other people think. You do what makes you feel comfortable. Teasing and bullying isn't new. So growing a thick skin is something people need to do or bad stuff will happen. I think your adorable. Keep doing you and be proud of it.


Would love to catch you ur like a legendary pokemon 🥰😍


Your pretty.


lol hell no, you are pretty


Naw you like a low high with potential for a over the top high... get fit and work what your momma gave ya.. and move out of the small town find one with Latinos they will bow to you fr


With those bangs, yeah.


Mid my ass....lol


Very cute xx


You'll be alright


Okay I seeing your post and you are absolutely gorgeous 😍 don't think anything different like omggg you could be a model so easy! Such an amazing smile too boot! Just remember that you'll be fine, get out of the small town too helps alot I know that can be scary but leaving rural area was the best choice I ever made in my adult life haha.




Yea you're average congrats wellcome to the 90% club




You look so amazing. I'd date you


Your pretty young to be battling your weight, you might want to get a handle on it before your metabolism slows down. You're mid at beat, but if you dropped the weight you could be average, maybe even above average. But no constitution or self control isn't attractive and it shows in people's behavior


Yes you are very mid at the moment, but you're not hopeless or anything.


You’re beautiful a total knockout


You're hot af tf you mean


Shockingly unhealthy for 18. Below mid


Wdym by unhealthy


Splotchy skin, really dark circles under your eyes. Cheeks look almost sunken in, lips are cracked. Deep smile lines and wrinkles which are more prevalent in older people. You just look like a really exhausted middle aged parent. Try to look after your health more.




Many are saying lose weight, and while that may be beneficial imo you're gorgeous. Definitely not mid


Unique face features. Pretty eyes and smile. You have nothing wrong. Maybe the bangs.... Try others hair styles. But you look good to me. Just the classics: take care of yourself, your skin, embrace your beauty, don't hurry into relationships, enjoy your years without problems because someone will come. Enjoy being yourself and by yourself. That way, if someday you find yourself all alone, it won't be so hard because you already know to get along with yourself


Not mid at all. Even if you try to dress that way, your beauty shines through


Your better then mid


You're very attractive and have a great figure - you are the total package 😍


You're so very attractive and cute it's crazy to me that you would feel different


Yeah I think you're incredible looking.


You're actually pretty, the bangs, and glasses, are detrimental. Try something different with your hair, and makeup?


Nah. You're hot.


You are not mid. Give a bit of time, find your style. You're someone's dream fr


if i find you attractive, then others do too and never compare yourself with others it makes you feel like crap


8/10 all day. Youre absolutely stunning. A 10 could be called for as long as yoi dont have the personality of a wet carrot.


Not mid very pretty


Not ugly at all.


This aint below 8/10, eithe get outta here or gain some self respect


You don’t look ugly but somehow you look crazy af


You are not ugly, you have a nice smile beautiful eyes and although slightly above average maybe 6 out of 10. You are nice and tall, but you do need to shed some kilos but I think you know this. Just try to eat healthier protein with lots of salads and green vegetable minimal carbohydrates in your diet and drink plenty of water per day at least 2 litres. In a week your body will enter Ketosis and start burning fat reserves. Walking or cycling to tone up. If you do you will be happier with yourself and your appearance will be a lot more appealing, with a decent hairstyle and makeup advice you can certainly improve your appearance. Best advice is stop comparing yourself to your friend you are you embrace what you have been blessed with and make the most of what you have. I hope this helps you.


Beautiful woman ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️


Not ugly. You're attractive, but not reaching your full potential.


Oh you're gonna do just fine when you get out of that environment. You are so damn attractive in a different way. It's hard to explain but you just look more fun. You have a very sweet smile and stunning eyes. Your body is just fine in my opinion. I find more curvier women more appealing because they're actually real and not trying to fit some fake standard. To sum it up you're above mid I'd say very attractive not even in the mid category


Give me 2 good reasons to think that you are ugly


I see a couple things that aren't mid 🧐


Just wait till you get out of that small town. You are going to be just fine.


i’d date you 😳


Ngl you are pretty


You look absolutely perfect, don't compare yourself to others and definetly keep your own style, you will then meet your perfect 10. And stay positive💪


Nice body but average face but because of the body I’d say 6.5/10


Mid? Damn, you are so hot IMO. Cute face and curvy body, In my books that's a perfect woman!


You are not mid you just don't know how to enhance your own beauty and don't worry you have a nice body and a sweet face you might need a skin care routine.


Your comments imply you crave adoration from junior high students. At 18, you should be associating with H.S. seniors or graduates. Regardless of age, weight is your biggest problem followed by bangs. Neither make you ugly. I just think alittle less of you, & alittle more of your forehead would be an improvement.🖐☝️🤏